Olga Kabo's husband, Nikolai Ragulyaev, what does he do? Olga Kabo's husband tyrannizes her daughter

Olga Kabo is a Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist of Russia. Olga Kabo is known for her roles in the theater and for her participation in films. The most striking and memorable films with Cabo’s participation are “The Comedy of Lysistrata”, “The Musketeers Twenty Years Later”, “Queen Margot” and many others.

Olga was born in Moscow, but since her parents Igor Yakovlevich and Aida Nikolaevna were often on business trips related to their engineering activities, the girl lived with her grandmother in the Urals until she was five years old. But Olya was assigned to school in Moscow. Moreover, the parents chose not a regular school for their daughter, but one with intensive study in English from first grade, which was very rare at that time.

Cabo s early years I was drawn to creative activities, so, in addition to the school curriculum, I also studied music, dance, went to the rhythmic gymnastics section and even to the young cosmonauts club. At the age of 12, the girl began studying at the Young Muscovite Theater at the Palace of Pioneers on the Lenin Hills, first appeared on stage in a play, and it was then that she realized that she had found herself future profession. She played in the theater until she graduated from school, which, by the way, she changed in the last grades to a specialized school with a theatrical and literary focus at the Boris Shchukin Theater School.

Olga Kabo's first university was VGIK - the dream of any person who wants to act in films. She learned the intricacies of the acting profession from and. But this education was really only the first. Subsequently, the actress received two more: she graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University and the Higher Directing Courses at the workshop and Vladimir Fokin.

Avid theatergoers could see Olga Kabo at the Theater of Modern Opera, where the actress appeared in productions of the famous composer “Juno and Avos” and “Liturgy of the Catechumens.” IN last years Olga performs at the Mossovet Theater. The star role of the actress also became Margarita in the play “The Master and Margarita” based on the novel of the same name. The performances are held at the Moscow Independent Theater, and the actors also tour Russia with this production.


Olga Kabo made her film debut as a schoolgirl. She appeared as a maid in the exciting series about the life of the great Russian ballerina, which she played. Then a few were enough famous paintings, such as “A million in the marriage basket”, “Where is the nophelet?” and "", but in which Cabo was not in the foreground.

But 1988 brought fame to the actress. Two films at once were very warmly received by the audience - the historical film “The Adventures of Quentin Durward, Archer of the Royal Guard,” in which Olga created the image of Isabella de Croix, and the romantic musical comedy “Seaside Boulevard,” where Cabo had the role of the girl Elena, who accidentally ended up in love square.

After these successful works, many interesting proposals came. The actress plays in the biographical drama "", the erotic film "The Comedy of Lysistrata", where the actress appeared in the frame completely naked and not even hidden from the camera and the audience by decorations or sharp shadows, as well as in the science fiction film "Evil Spirits".

The beginning of the nineties was marked for Olga by film adaptations of the novels by the French writer “The Musketeers Twenty Years Later” and “Queen Margot”. At the same time, she appeared in the children's film "Ballerina", starred for the first time in the American film "The Ice Runner", and also played the role of Ellie's mother in the fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz."

One cannot ignore the actress’s work in the action film “Crusader,” which was nominated for the Nika film award. The fact is that in this film, Cabo decided to perform all the dangerous stunts herself, for which she took a special training course and officially became a member of the Stuntmen Association.

In 2007, Cabo herself became a participant in the television show. She was invited to perform in the first season of the Ice Age entertainment project, where the actress, together with a professional figure skater, went on the ice and demonstrated her figure skating skills. The actress showed a good level, but left the show due to an offensive injury.

In the same year, the actress tried another branch of creativity - vocals. She performed a song by composer and poet Elena Surzhikova called “I won’t lie!” This composition was shown on air "Song of the Year" and then for a long time got into rotation on popular radio stations. Now fans are waiting to see if the actress, who has model parameters and catwalk height (180 cm), wants to try own strength and in a fashion show.

In the 21st century, the actress began to act even more often. Of the numerous works of the last 16 years, it is worth highlighting the rather free production of the legendary operetta “ Bat", where Cabo transformed into Baroness Rosalind Eisenstein, a kind of vamp woman. No less impressive is the role of Olga in the melodrama “To You, the Real One,” where her partner was. The actress also continued her journey in the world of fairy tales: the actress appeared in the magical story “Thumbelina,” and in March 2016, the children’s film “The Secret of the Snow Queen” was shown on domestic screens.

Personal life

The actress had two marriages in her life, and today two children are growing up. Before getting married for the first time, Olga Kabo dated her chosen one, Eduard Vasylishin, who became a businessman, for more than 4 years. Moreover, at the time of the wedding, the actress was already 29 years old. In this marriage, she had a daughter, Tatyana, who had already managed to understand her mother’s profession and act in the fairy tale “Thumbelina,” although the girl sees herself only as a ballerina.

But the union of Olga and Edward lasted only seven years, after which the couple separated. Kabo was alone for some time, only 5 years later she met a new lover. It turned out to be Nikolai Razgulyaev, like his first husband, who is engaged in business. It is curious that the second husband himself organized a “accidental” meeting with Olga, whom he liked. Three years later they have .

The boy is a late child. This fact does not bother the actress, who claims that late childbirth only makes a woman look better. But immediately after the birth of the child, journalists put forward the theory that Victor was born with Down syndrome. Olga Kabo began to be compared with, who also gave birth late and is raising a “sunny” child. Both Olga’s age and the fact that Evelina and Olga soon introduced the children played a major role in the spread of rumors.

Olga Kabo did not comment on rumors about her son’s illness, did not make statements and did not join relevant organizations. Subsequently, the rumors died down, and the press concluded that the theory of the disease arose due to stereotypes, rather than hard facts.

At four and a half years old, Victor was already giving interviews to journalists. The boy learns English with a tutor, plays mobile games, rides horses and builds freely complex sentences– the journalists did not notice any developmental abnormalities or mental problems in the child, although, of course, only specialized doctors can speak with confidence about the child’s health.

Talking about the versatility of Olga Kabo’s interests, who was an actress, a singer, a stuntman, a figure skater, a TV presenter, and a historian, one cannot fail to mention one more circumstance.

In the late 90s, Kabo, together with the actor, was selected to prepare for a flight to the Mir station, but due to her first pregnancy she was forced to abandon this idea.

Today the actress is trying her hand as an Internet star. Olga Kabo maintains an account in “ Instagram", which has 150 thousand subscribers. The page is not marked by the service as verified, but the actress’s contact information is posted in the account header. Olga Kabo posts photos from events, trips and filming, and also shares joint photos with her son with subscribers.

Olga Kabo now

In 2016, Olga Kabo starred in the short film “Potapov’s Problem”, and in 2017 she did not appear on screen in new projects at all. But the actress did not take a professional break.

In 2017, the actress appeared in the theatrical play “I was looking for you...”, dedicated to. The production is conceived as a dialogue between Tsvetaeva’s daughter and her mother; the title of the play includes a line from Ariadne’s poem to her mother. Kabo's stage partner will be. Olga Kabo will read fragments of Ariadne's letters and diaries, and Nina Shatskaya will perform ballads based on Tsvetaeva's poems and become the voice of the poetess in the performance.

As Nina Shatskaya admits, main reason Such a production on a personal and family theme became the constant and annoying reproaches addressed to the great poetess for allegedly killing her daughter. According to Tsvetaeva’s contemporaries, after the revolution she lived in terrible conditions and was forced to beg for food. The poetess gave her own children to the orphanage, but to save them, and not to get rid of them - after all, the orphanage was warm, they fed and looked after them.

Today Olga Kabo is working on two projects at once, the premieres of which are planned in 2018. Not much is known about the upcoming films, and the roles that the actress will play have not yet been announced.

Olga Kabo will appear in the drama “Crane in the Sky,” dedicated to the difficult biography of test pilot Asya Solntseva, whose will and determination led the girl to a dizzying biography. The events of the film take place from 1961 to 1983. Against the backdrop of the pilot's storyline, viewers will also see the embodiment of the Soviet dream of the aircraft of the future: engineers are busy constructing the world's first supersonic passenger airliner.

Olga Kabo’s second film of 2018 will be the film “Love and Sax.”


  • 1988 – “Primorsky Boulevard”
  • 1988 – “The Adventures of Quentin Dorward, Archer of the Royal Guard”
  • 1989 – “Comedy about Lysistrata”
  • 1989 – “Cyrano de Bergerac”
  • 1992 – “The Musketeers Twenty Years Later”
  • 1995 – “Crusader”
  • 1996 – “Queen Margot”
  • 2004 – “To you, the real one”
  • 2005 – “The Bat”
  • 2007 – “Nostalgia for the Future”
  • 2008 – “I want a child”
  • 2010 – “Grey gelding”
  • 2010 – “House by the Big River”
  • 2016 – “The Secret of the Snow Queen”

Olga Kabo appeared on the country's screens for the first time and immediately made people talk about herself as a talented actress. She is an enthusiastic person, but unlike people like herself, the young woman completes everything that was planned for her. She especially enjoys performing stunts, being one of the actresses included in the stunt guild.

Olga Kabo is still incredibly in demand. She acts in films and participates in various television projects. At the same time, Olga Kabo does not forget about her family, paying attention to everyone. Meetings with admirers of her creative work also became part of the artist’s life. She reads poetry to fans, assuring that she will continue to create for a very long time.

Height, weight, age. How old is Olga Kabo

The woman has an excellent figure, although she has passed the 40-year-old mark. She does stunts. There is an opinion that actors and actresses who are over 40 years old cannot be stuntmen. The woman refutes these speculations by performing all the tricks herself. Many people living in Russia want to know all the information about the actress, including their height, weight, age. Everyone knows how old Olga Kabo is, although the artist herself jokingly states that she recently turned a little over 30 years old.

Its parameters are close to ideal. The woman weighs 57 kg and is 178 cm tall. She drives healthy image life, satisfied fasting days 2 times during the week. But Olga Kabo admits that sometimes she can afford to eat chocolate.

Biography and personal life of Olga Kabo

The actress was born shortly after the New Year celebrations in 1968 in the capital Soviet Union(Moscow). For the first years after birth, the girl was raised in the Ural outback by her grandmother. An English special school and a specialized institution with a theatrical and literary focus became the schools of life that developed Olya’s talent. In addition, she studied at a music school, was fond of ballroom dancing, and did rhythmic gymnastics. As a teenager, she was interested in astronautics, dreaming of flying to the stars.

Filmography: films starring Olga Kabo

But then I became interested in dramatic art, and this outweighed everything. After graduating from school, she studied at the Shchukin School. The actress’s filmography began during her student period. She played in the film “Anna Pavlova”, declaring herself as a talented artist. After that, she played in such films as “Juno and Avos”, “Crusaders”, “Lady Hamilton”, “The Musketeers, 20 Years Later” and many others. The biography and personal life of Olga Kabo is of interest to many of her fans. She does not hide that she is happy now.

The actress took part in many television projects, revealing her talent from a side unexpected for viewers. She is a member of the stuntmen's association and became the President of the film festival taking place in the Russian Federation. Fairy-tale films by both Russian and foreign directors are presented here.

Family and children of Olga Kabo

Olga Kabo’s family and children live in the capital. Her father was Igor Yakovlevich Kabo, who was born in 1945. On her father’s birthday, the artist always comes with congratulations and brings two gifts, since Army Day is celebrated at the same time (February 23). The actress’s mother and her 5-year-old daughter walked along the streets of Moscow, telling her stories about the old city. Her parents were engineers, and due to their employment, her daughter was raised by her grandmother. The artist’s grandfather was repressed in the 30s. All relatives who were on the territory of Ukraine were shot by the occupiers.

Now the actress is happily married. She has a beloved husband and two children who try to surround mommy and wife with attention and care.

Olga Kabo’s son – Viktor Razgulyaev

Olga Kabo’s son, Viktor Razgulyaev, was born in 2009. He was a very calm child, so his mother went to work in the theater soon after giving birth. The boy was taken care of by his grandmother, the mother of the actress. But when the child, at 6 months of age, was unable to sit up on his own, this caused concern among his parents. After some time, it turned out that Olga Kabo gave birth to a son with Down syndrome. After the treatment, the boy was able to sit down and then walk. Olga declares that she loves her son for who he is. She supported Evelina Bledans when she gave birth to a child with a similar diagnosis. The woman strives to spend more time with her son, who, despite the diagnosis, is developing normally and graduated from the first grade of a regular Moscow school. He doesn’t yet know what he will become, but he doesn’t want to connect his life with acting.

Olga Kabo’s daughter – Tatyana Vasylishina

Olga Kabo’s daughter, Tatyana Vasilishina, is the complete opposite of her mother. She has Blue eyes. As a child, the girl showed herself to be a talented artist and dancer. At the age of 8, she performed on the stage of the theater where her mother worked, with an independent act. Soon the girl entered a ballet school, deciding to become a ballerina.

At the age of 9, Tanya played one of the main roles in the film based on fairy tale story"Thumbelina." The girl received prestigious awards in the field of cinematography.

Now Tanya is studying at a ballet school and takes part in many ballet performances, which Olga attends, proud of her daughter.

Olga Kabo's ex-husband - Eduard Vasylishin

The young people met at one of the social events. Edward was an aspiring businessman. He literally showered his beloved with gifts. Soon he proposed to her for marriage. Olga was happy. Soon a daughter appeared, who was named Tatyana. The young wife obeyed the will of her husband, left her creative activity and began to take care of her husband and small child. But after some time, the woman realized that her husband was suppressing her personal self-esteem. She talked to her husband, but it didn't help. They got divorced.

Now ex-husband Olga Kabo - Eduard Vasylyshyn does not communicate not only with ex-wife, but even with my own daughter. But he allocates a certain amount every month, which Olga collects in her account. She says it will secure her daughter's future.

Olga Kabo's husband - Nikolai Razgulyaev

The future spouses met on the set when Olga was participating in the filming of one of her films, and Nikolai came to see a friend who worked here. Soon they began dating. Olga introduced her relatives to the young man, who accepted him. Soon an offer was made, and Olga Kabo married him.

Olga Kabo’s husband, Nikolai Razgulyaev, tries to protect his wife from various adversities. He takes Tatyana to school and plays with his son. He often arranges various pleasant surprises for his wife. The woman says that she has been waiting to meet her husband all her life. She expresses the hope that she will be happy with him until the end of her days.

Instagram and Wikipedia Olga Kabo

On Olga Kabo’s Instagram and Wikipedia pages you can fully get acquainted with the creative and personal biography of the popular actress. Here subscribers, and their number has exceeded the 50 thousand mark, can view photographs of both a personal nature and those telling about her creative path. Here are excerpts from some films, including “Crusader,” which the popular artist considers significant for herself. Among other things, here you can learn about Olga Kabo’s loved ones, as well as read her comments on events that have happened in the world. In particular, the actress comments a lot on the current situation in Ukraine, as she considers it her source, where her roots came from.

They met at a time when everyone’s lives were settled and settled. Olga Kabo had many theater and film roles behind her, a broken first marriage and her beloved daughter Tatyana. Nikolai Razgulyaev was quite successful in business, helped his three children and was content with rare communication with women. Everything changed the moment they met by chance on the street.

Random glance

It was a sunny October day. Olga Kabo, walking along Petrovka, accidentally met the gaze of a man walking towards her. She was completely immersed in herself and smiled at some of her thoughts.

The man remembered this look, and when he reached the end of the street, he realized that the woman who smiled so sweetly at him was Olga Kabo, an actress. At that moment he could not even imagine that he would remember this look for a long time.

Nikolai Razgulyaev had been living alone for seven years; he was quite happy with rare meetings with women; he had no intention of changing anything. But for some reason he constantly remembered that casual soft look, kind eyes, fleeting smile. And I realized that I wanted to meet this woman.

Nikolai is a rather specific person, so he made a decision and began to act. To begin with, he re-read a lot of information about Olga Kabo on the Internet. Olga separated from her first husband nine years ago and raised her daughter alone. All that remained was to find mutual acquaintances and organize a “casual” acquaintance.

A mutual friend, of course, was found and even agreed to facilitate the meeting. She persuaded Olga to go to a restaurant for coffee after the performance. Of course, Nikolai also happened to be in the same restaurant at the same time. Then everything developed completely naturally: mutual slight sympathy, exchange of phone numbers.

A day later he flew off on a business trip, but on January 28, her birthday, the actress received a gift and a gorgeous bouquet from a new acquaintance. She was not only pleasantly surprised, but also confident that a man had appeared in her life who liked her.

A short novel

After officially meeting Olga, Nikolai realized that he was interested in being with this woman. She skillfully maintained a conversation on any topic and had an amazing talent not only to listen, but also to hear her interlocutor. And she was interested in it.

Their relationship developed so rapidly that within a month Nikolai Razgulyaev proposed to Olga. This was a conscious and well-thought-out step. The man simply felt happy next to the woman.

And in Rome, he admitted that to be completely happy, he only needed Olga as his wife next to him. He did not prepare for this on purpose, he simply behaved as his feelings told him. Wedding rings They already bought it together.

Secret wedding

Olga Kabo managed to stay in the status of a bride for only two weeks. Nikolai was sure: if the decision had already been made, all that remained was to act. He first enlisted the support of his daughter Olga, then officially asked for the bride’s hand in marriage from her parents.

On March 19, 2009, they got married, inviting only their closest people to their celebration. The registry office employees complied with Olga’s desire not to make the fact of the marriage public.

On November 20, 2009, Olga and Nikolai got married in a church. Their wedding rings are engraved. If you put their two rings together, you can read the inscription: “Together forever.” They are sure that their marriage is truly made in heaven.

Imperfect family life

This is not to say that everything was perfect in their lives. There were disagreements and periods of misunderstanding, but Nikolai and Olga knew for sure: having created a family, they must always be able to find compromises in everything.

They learned to live together as one family. Not everything was always easy, because in mature age Each person has his own habits, his own characteristics, his own comfort zone. They needed to get used to each other's differences.

Olga was only afraid that Nikolai might not find common language with her daughter. She herself had always been a gentle and very kind parent, but Nikolai, a former military man, was distinguished by straightforwardness and clarity in matters of upbringing. They went through a difficult path together, but as a result, the matured Tatyana said that she herself would agree to a husband like Nikolai.

Olga admits that she lives like in a fairy tale. She has absolutely everything for complete and cloudless happiness: her beloved man, interesting job and the best children in the world.
In July 2012, Olga and Nikolai had a son, Victor. The actress was 44 years old at that time.

Happiness settled in their home forever. Olga no longer needs to be strong and independent. She gladly gave the palm to her husband, only on the grounds that he was a man. Nikolai admits that he still can’t get enough of his wife. But she gladly does everything to make her eyes always shine.

Olga Kabo is far from the only star who has found happiness after 40 years. and boldly start life from scratch.

— Victor recently turned one year old. I woke up early in the morning, looked at him and thought: what a big, strong man he is - a real man! Probably, in the 21st century, all children grow up so quickly, I don’t know... But it seems to me that Vintik, as we call him at home for his restless character, is an indigo child. (Laughs.) He is unusually inquisitive, he can already turn on the computer himself and crack educational toys like nuts. And very cheerful: even strangers greets you with a happy smile. For this he received from our friends affectionate nickname- Ulybalkin. Indeed, Vitek is always in a great mood, and in this way he is like me. I note with pride that he has my character. He and I are optimists—I, for example, never dwell on failures, but simply move forward.

— Are your children similar to each other?

- They are different, if only because they are a girl and a boy. Tanyusha grew up as a princess, until a certain age she was interested in dresses and bright decorations, and Vitya cannot calmly walk past cars, he loves technology. The daughter could not stand being alone, tears immediately began, but the son, on the contrary, is independent, plays alone for a long time and “talks” to himself.

Until the age of three, Tanya did not sleep at all, confused day with night, and I had to circle the house with her until dawn. In the morning, when she fell asleep, I, exhausted, went to classes at Moscow State University, where I studied at the Faculty of History, mastering the profession of an art critic.

When my daughter was two years old, I returned to the acting profession, and since then, taking care of her fell on the shoulders of my wonderful parents, the people closest to me. So Tanechka was in good hands.

With Vityushka everything is different. We never part with him, he is with me both in the theater behind the scenes and in the cinema on the set. In the sixth month of pregnancy, I produced the play “The Servant of Two Masters” based on Goldoni’s play at the Film Actor’s Theater. My heroine Beatrice appeared on stage in a man’s guise, rushed around the stage like crazy, fenced - it never occurred to anyone that the girl was about to give birth. (Laughs.) Fortunately, the artists prepared fantastic costumes that hid the rounded tummy. So my boy, while still in the womb, took the course of a young fighter. (Laughs.) And now, when I play this performance, I feel as if Vityushka is under my heart. In general, I remember my pregnancy with pleasure. I even miss that time, because I understand: the only short period in a woman’s life when the child is entirely hers, alas, is already in the past...

After his birth, I stayed at home for only a short time: at the beginning of the theater season, I returned to the stage of my native Theater. Mossovet. I missed my roles and partners. And she took Vityusha with her. While the first act was playing, he slept in the dressing room. During the intermission I fed him and went back to the stage.

- What about the cinema? Are you not filming yet?

— I also returned to the cinema. Vityusha and I spent the summer in Minsk, where I starred in a film with the working title “Widows.” This is my first film role after the birth of a child, it became an incentive to quickly get into shape - I gained 20 kg during pregnancy. So the transformation from nursing mother to artist was painless. Now I will begin rehearsals for the play “Dangerous Liaisons” in my theater. Mossovet.

— Olga, to be honest, was it scary to give birth to a second child at such a mature age? After all, you were over 40. You didn’t do any calculations: he’ll just go to school, and I’ll be...

Late motherhood is a great opportunity to always be young and healthy. (Laughs.) It is important, with all the busyness of a “young” mother, not to forget about herself, about her well-being - this is what my children need first of all. Pah-pah, it’s a sin for me to complain about my health. I spent the first five years of my life in the Urals, in the village of Neivo-Shaitansky Sverdlovsk region, from my mother's mother - Masha's grandmother. Every day - fresh cow's milk, trips to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, fruits and vegetables from our own garden, and all summer - barefoot, in the fresh air. Can you imagine what strong immunity the child received?

Of course, pregnancy and childbirth are extremely stressful for female body. Our beloved children suck all the juice out of us. (Smiles.) But how good are we, women, when we are pregnant! In general, I really liked myself then - beautiful, feminine, soft, peaceful, big-breasted. (Sighs.) The wrinkles immediately disappeared somewhere, it’s nice to look at. During my entire pregnancy I never applied foundation to my face, my skin was so smooth... And what an emotional outburst it was! I gained such confidence in myself and a complete feeling of happiness. I found myself constantly smiling for no reason.

— And yet you carefully hid the pregnancy from the public. Were you afraid of the evil eye?

“I confessed to my close friends that I was pregnant in January at a bachelorette party on the occasion of my birthday. I solemnly told about all my small and big victories, the events that happened to me in the past year: about receiving the European Trebbia Award for creative achievements, about the fact that I entered the Higher Directing Courses, and, finally, about what I’m waiting for child. I was sure that my best friends would understand that this was strictly confidential information. But still, one of them shared a secret with the press. And this started in the morning! I have never felt such intense media attention. Journalists literally followed me, paparazzi lay in wait at every step. The phone did not stop ringing, everyone was interested in one question: is this true?

I refused to comment, because in the short term everything is still so shaky. But the “sensitive” press continued to persistently seek an answer, and this drove me to hysterics. Something terrible was happening to me, an endless feeling of being chased and that they wanted to drive me into a corner... I stopped appearing in public. But at some point, fears and uncertainty disappeared, I was convinced that the child was developing correctly and there was nothing to be afraid of. And then I gladly shared my joy with everyone; there was no point in hiding the pregnancy: my belly was growing by leaps and bounds.

— How did your loved ones take the news?

— Kolya, of course, was the first to know that we would have a new addition to the family. His reaction was quite strange: he silently went to his room. After some time, he returned with cleared eyes and hugged me... This was a few days before the New Year. And on December 31, according to tradition, we went to my parents for lunch and presented them with this news as a New Year’s surprise. Naturally, mom and dad were happy, just like us. All that remained was to tell my Tanya. Her reaction was the most emotional. With tears in her eyes, she asked: “Why?!” No need, everything is fine with us, after all, you have me!”

But, fortunately, exactly nine months were enough for my daughter to come to terms with the idea that she would have a brother. I tried to pay more attention to her, realizing that with the birth of the baby there would be no such opportunity. She and I went on vacation together, and this brought us even closer. It was then that I felt that Tanechka was my like-minded person, support and support. And how she looked after me! “Mom, I don’t allow you to swim alone; I'll bring you some juice; Mommy, lie down, you need to rest.” So, with my pregnancy, my daughter matured and turned into a little woman.

Victor was born a little earlier than expected, Tanya was on vacation with her dad at that time and did not have time to arrive in time for discharge. She was very upset... But we constantly communicated online: I sent her photos and videos of my brother, and Tanya wrote me sweet notes and sent me collages of photographs with touching captions: “Our beloved mommy” or “My beloved brother.” Vityusha immediately became like a dear person to her.

She spends time with him with great pleasure - plays, takes endless photographs. He takes his brother to his room, closes the door and asks them not to bother him. When they come out an hour later, they both look very happy. As soon as Vitka wakes up, Tanya runs with me in a race to his crib with the words: “I will be the first to take him in my arms!” Before going to bed, she kisses him, smells him... (Laughs.) My son doesn’t speak yet, but I clearly hear in his humming the sounds of “Ta” - Tanya and “pa” - dad! But for some reason he doesn’t say “ma”. (Smiles.)

Now I'm always eager to go home. Previously, before the birth of my son, I happily flew to film festivals and went to social events, but when Vityusha was born, all this faded into the background. The main red carpet for me is the one that goes from the gate of our house to the nursery.

If I return home when the baby is already asleep, I like to sit by the crib and listen to his peaceful breathing. And in these moments, any creative problems, inconsistencies, quarrels cease to exist. So our Cog helps us find harmony in our souls.

- Usually, adult mothers overprotect their babies, bundle them up, and overfeed them. And how are you?

— We constantly live in the country. To the horror of our nanny, in winter, at 25 degrees below zero, I put the child in a stroller outside, and he instantly fell asleep. And to this day Vityushka sleeps like a hero and eats like Pantagruel. Fresh air does him good. I'm trying to toughen him up, and not just physically. For example, from two months he sleeps alone in his nursery. He’s a man, which means he should be independent from the cradle; it’s not at all the case for a boy to fall asleep in his parents’ bed.

— Olya, you talk about children and motherhood in general with such enthusiasm that I can’t help but ask: have you ever wanted to give birth just for yourself? Maybe my daughter asked for a sister or brother?

— In life, of course, things happen differently, but I never thought of giving birth “for myself,” for me it’s a manifestation of selfishness. Ideally, a child should be born from a loved one - this is a decision between two people, and not a woman’s whim... As for my daughter, she never felt lonely, she always had a loving mother and grandmother and grandfather next to her, who doted on her . She was the center of our home universe, so the question of a brother or sister somehow did not arise. But you see how it turned out - all rules have exceptions. (Laughs.)

— So, when you were a little girl, you didn’t dream of a family and five children?

- Well, what are you talking about! I started acting in films at the age of 15 and grew up as a very busy person. I didn't think about boys at all.

We have a friendly family in which there was a wonderful tradition of writing letters to each other. From all the film expeditions, I reported in writing about everything that happened to me: I talked about the people nearby, about my partners, about filming... We still have these letters. I recently re-read them with great interest, as if I had returned to the past. It is a pity that the epistolary genre has not taken root in the 21st century. My daughter and I communicate via text messages - “ok”, “safe”, “please”. Briefly, but often.

— Teenage girls react sharply to new love mother, not wanting to share her with a stranger. How did Nikolai manage to find a common language with Tatyana?

— Being just a child, Tanya really wanted me to get married again - she dreamed of a full-fledged family. Despite the fact that with her father she always had great relationship. It’s strange that my daughter never tried to pair us up. Tanya's dad and I separated when she was two and a half years old, and for her it was a given that her parents did not live together. And when Nikolai appeared in my life, Tanya was ten years old - not the easiest age for a girl. At first Tanyusha was terribly happy about this change in our lives, but quickly realized that I no longer belonged to her completely. One way or another, I needed to devote time to my “young” husband too... Therefore, at first we all got used to life together.

— Before your wedding, Tanya saw Kolya only a couple of times. Were you afraid that the relationship might not work out? Or would you not take it into account?

— I introduced my daughter to Kolya as soon as I felt that we had serious relationship. We went to restaurants together and went on snowmobile rides. The meetings were fun: Kolya was fooling around, he and Tanya were hooligans together, laughed a lot... In short, they liked each other. But later, when we were already living together, Nikolai decided to seriously take up raising his stepdaughter. This is where the problems started.

Tanya was shocked: mom and dad were raising her, grandparents too, and here, essentially, a stranger was lecturing. The husband's army background had an impact, especially in matters of cleanliness and regime. For example, like any teenager, Tanya’s room never had perfect order. And Kolya demanded that everything be in order. Well, I found a scythe on a stone! Sparks just flew - everyone defended their space.

I tried to remain neutral, which was not easy. Taking someone's side meant betraying another - also a loved one. Therefore, I chose for myself the position of an outside observer and waited for them to agree. I hoped for my husband’s wisdom and Tanya’s love for me...

- Maybe so it would be less problems Should Tanya have continued to live with her grandparents?

“I got married, found my own home, and I wanted my daughter to be nearby. I had no idea that Tanya would stay with her parents, although it was not easy for my grandparents to part with their beloved granddaughter, because we all lived together for about 10 years. And I am grateful to them for their understanding. I have never had to regret my decision. Gradually, the “military” actions of my family gave way to peace, and Vintik generally united us all.

— They wrote that you assigned your daughter to study somewhere abroad...

— It was several years ago. She suddenly announced that she didn’t want to dance anymore - this was due to adolescence... I was incredibly sorry for the time I wasted (Tanya has been dancing since she was five years old), but we didn’t force her, and on family council it was decided that Tanya was going to study in England. My friend’s daughter was studying at that time in the UK at an art school, where students study dance, pantomime, dramatic art, vocals, and painting. And then, from this palette of hobbies, each child can choose the direction that he likes best.

Tanyusha passed the creative competition with flying colors, impressing the teachers with her artistry and flexibility so much that she was accepted after the first round and was forgiven for her absolute ignorance of the English language. So at the age of 11 I left the poor girl, absolutely home child, in a foreign country, without a language and without experience of living in a team. The conditions there were the most spartan. The discipline is ironclad, and life is difficult, for example, students live seven or eight people in a room. According to school rules, girls were forbidden to wear warm shoes and outerwear- only shoes and school uniform, even in bad weather. And British winters are notoriously chilly. Visits with parents - once a month on weekends, prohibited use mobile phones, only a computer, and only at certain hours. All this influenced the fact that six months later Tanyusha asked to go home. Moreover, far from her homeland, she suddenly felt a longing for Russian ballet.

The English technique of classical dance differs sharply from ours, and Tanya realized that if she stayed abroad, she would never be able to become a ballerina - and this was her childhood dream. I am grateful to the rector of the Moscow State Academy of Arts, Marina Konstantinovna Leonova, who allowed Tatyana to return to the academy after such a long break, and even to the same class from which her daughter left. Now Tatyana is a second-year student and has no plans to leave the academy.

— Olga, you said that when Tanya was growing up, you had to work a lot. How did you manage not to lose contact with your daughter?

“When Tanya was especially sad without me, she asked her grandmother to “turn on mom.” And watched my films on DVD. Moreover, in parental home There has always been a cult of my personality. (Laughs.) Tanya knew from a young age that her mother was the best in the world. At home they called me “holiday mom,” because all the burdens of raising my daughter lay with the parents, and my responsibilities included going to the theater, circus, exhibitions and concerts.

— In an interview, you said that your first marriage broke up precisely because your husband did not want to recognize you as a serious actress, but dreamed of making you sit at home and seeing you in your only role as a wife and mother. In the new union, are you not required to make similar sacrifices?

— Kolya and I met as adults. Each of us had a sufficient supply of knowledge and life experience to understand that it is impossible to change a person. Therefore, the main thing in our relations is trust and mutual understanding. We try to accept each other as we are. I guess I became different. Previously, I had to financially support my family and work a lot, now I have the opportunity to be selective, refuse uninteresting projects and devote more time to household members. Now, more than ever, I feel like a woman, a mother, and only then an actress.

But I still had to make a sacrifice. By nature I am a night owl, and Kolya is a lark. Before Vityusha was born, it often happened that when I came home after the performance, my husband was already asleep, and early in the morning, when he left for the office, I was still asleep... Sometimes it was even difficult to plan a joint dinner or breakfast. But now everything has changed: I get up at five in the morning, take my daughter to school - we live far from Moscow, and Tanya has to wake up at the crack of dawn. By this time, Vityusha opens his eyes and the head of the family, Nikolai, wakes up. Late in the evening, when everyone goes to their rooms, my time begins - I read, learn roles, think, dream... Only one thing is required from my husband - respect, take care and love me, tolerate my detachment and electricity before premieres, support creative quests and with It’s a pleasure to come with flowers to my performances.

— Is it important for you to get up so early? You can hire a live-in nanny and let her prepare breakfast in the morning.

- Yes, of course! To have a good day, you must start it with your family, without strangers. I try to protect our personal space whenever possible.

— How is your relationship with Nikolai changing?

- They became deeper. We're not just lovers now, loving people, husband and wife - we are parents, and this is more serious and responsible.

Kolya is a wonderful father, kind and caring. There is some kind of masculine confidence in him, to which the child reacts. As soon as dad takes Vintik in his arms, he instantly calms down. And how fun it is to swim with dad - you can scream and splash. With dad he is allowed everything. (Laughs.) I can calmly give the child to Kolya and go about my business. He will do everything right, because Nikolai is an experienced father, he has three adult children.

- You've been together for five years. Are the first family crises over?

- So, is it time? Don’t these same crises begin after 10 years of marriage? No? But then you don’t have to think about them! The main pill for all kinds of crises and depression is Small child. You look at him and your soul feels so good, you want to smile and live happily.

At all, family life- an endless process of learning about each other. Every day we discover something new in our loved one, we learn to put up with our shortcomings, we try to come to an agreement, and not let the conflict lead the relationship to a dead end. Oddly enough, in our union I am less emotional. All my emotions spill out on stage and on the set, but in life I am a balanced person. Kolya, on the contrary, reacts violently to everything that happens. So sometimes I have to count to 10, or even 15! (Laughs.)

With such a brutal appearance, Kolya is sentimental and sensitive person. I prepared a surprise for his 50th birthday. I agreed with his sons and friends to record Colin’s favorite song “Victory Day” with changed words, and I filmed the process and edited the video. When Nikolai saw him, he was moved to tears.

— The birth of his youngest heir probably caused him a storm of emotions?

“When Kolya was taken out of the operating room with the bundle containing our newborn son, who was only 10 minutes old, his hands shook and there were tears in his eyes... Later, my husband admitted that he had never been so happy. It seems to me that our son has finally made us related.

— They say that spouses, even the most loving ones, need their own separate territory. Do you have it?

— We have a beautiful and spacious house, built according to Kolya’s design. So, this is the triumph of the male ego! I jokingly call it the house-museum of Nikolai Razgulyaev. My husband built it long before we met; then he could not imagine that life was preparing such a “surprise” for him - marriage. And, of course, he could not even think that another owner would appear in his house - our Vintik! Now his toys, bottles, and walkers are everywhere. So not only is my space gone, but Kolya will soon lose his.

Seriously speaking, spouses certainly need a break from each other. I understand the feelings of my husband, who is for long years bachelor life unaccustomed to being cared for. And I bring down such a barrage of love and courtship on him that at some point I myself feel that there is too much of me. (Smiles.) At such moments, Kolya leaves for the village in which he was born and where he spent his childhood. He loves to spend time there alone - he walks barefoot on the grass, bathes in the river, heats the bathhouse, goes to the spring for water... He says that after such therapy he returns home a different person, as if born again, full of strength and energy.

— What struck you about Nikolai that literally a couple of months after you met you agreed to become his wife?

— After the divorce, for many years I could not imagine that I would ever tie the knot again. I got used to my independence and even enjoyed the fact that I could handle everything myself. When Nikolai and I met, for some reason he immediately believed that we were made for each other. He is so persistent in courtship that after a short time his mood was transmitted to me. We got married and got married six months after the wedding.

— Olga, to be honest, did you often cry from loneliness?

“I never considered myself lonely, I had a daughter growing up, and I had to take care of her. Recently, one of my unmarried friends, my age, the mother of two adult daughters, shared: “You know, when I was raising girls, I didn’t think about my personal life at all. It seemed to me that the most important thing was to belong completely to the children. And now they have grown up - their own lives, hobbies, worries. Both are studying in another country, and I feel terribly lonely... They don’t need me.” It's sad, isn't it? Thank God, I insured myself against such a situation. Tanya is 15 years old, she still needs me and my advice. But I understand that a little more, and she will begin her own life - nothing can be done about it. Tanya has grown up, but Vityushka has appeared! Kolya and I have someone to take care of in our old age.

Everything in life is so fleeting: recently he couldn’t even hold his head up, but now he’s running around, you can’t catch up, and tomorrow he’ll come and say: “Parents, I’m getting married!” Therefore, we must appreciate the time we are together, love each other and not be lazy to say kind words.

We live in such difficult time! Almost all of my friends—beautiful, smart, talented women who have achieved a lot in life—are single. I'm not saying they are single, no, but they are free from the ties of marriage. And not at all because they don’t want to get married, it just seems to me that it’s difficult for men to approach such women.

Tanya was about four years old when she declared: “Mom, I don’t like men!” "For what?" - I ask. “You yourself said that a man should carry a woman in his arms. Why wear it if I have one right on my leg?” It’s the feeling that most modern women have these same legs that scares men. They are apparently afraid to take responsibility for us, strong and independent. Having a resigned and weak companion next to you is much easier! Alas…

- So, family life is more comfortable for you? So, is it necessary to have a husband?

— And at least two more children and three dachshunds! (Laughs.) This is what my return home from work looks like. The dogs rush forward and almost simultaneously jump up to the height of my height, which is 177 cm, to kiss me on the cheek. This is so funny! Sometimes they miss, and then instead of a gentle kiss I get a black eye - their noses are so strong. Next comes the daughter with the words: “Let’s drink tea together now!”, followed by Kolya with Vityusha in her arms. My son pulls his arms towards me and gently presses me. And then everyone starts talking at once, talking - a real madhouse, a merry house!

- Without all this, could you be happy?

- Now there is no. If I had been quicker, I would have given birth to more children. Happiness lies only in them, and I am proud to say that I have two of them... Plus Kolya’s three are a real large family. It's so cool!

Olga Kabo

Family: husband - Nikolai Razgulyaev, businessman; daughter - Tatyana (15 years old), son - Victor (1 year old)

Education: graduated from the acting department of VGIK; in 2002 - Faculty of History, Moscow State University

Career: since 1992 he has been working at the Modern Opera Theater under the direction of Alexei Rybnikov; in 1994-2002 - in CATRA; since 2002 - actress of the Theater. Mossovet. She starred in the films “A Million in the Marriage Basket”, “Two Arrows”, “Cyrano de Bergerac”, “Crusader”, “20 Years Later”, “Sarmatian”, “Crazy”, “I Want a Child”, “For You, the Real One” and etc.

They met at a time when everyone’s lives were settled and settled. Olga Kabo had many theater and film roles behind her, a broken first marriage and her beloved daughter Tatyana. Nikolai Razgulyaev was quite successful in business, helped his three children and was content with rare communication with women. Everything changed the moment they met by chance on the street.

*Random glance.

Olga Kabo.

It was a sunny October day. Olga Kabo, walking along Petrovka, accidentally met the gaze of a man walking towards her. She was completely immersed in herself and smiled at some of her thoughts.

The man remembered this look, and when he reached the end of the street, he realized that the woman who smiled so sweetly at him was Olga Kabo, an actress. At that moment he could not even imagine that he would remember this look for a long time.

Nikolay Razgulyaev.

Nikolai Razgulyaev had been living alone for seven years; he was quite happy with rare meetings with women; he had no intention of changing anything. But for some reason he constantly remembered that casual soft look, kind eyes, fleeting smile. And I realized that I wanted to meet this woman.

Nikolai is a rather specific person, so he made a decision and began to act. To begin with, he re-read a lot of information about Olga Kabo on the Internet. Olga separated from her first husband nine years ago and raised her daughter alone. All that remained was to find mutual acquaintances and organize a “casual” acquaintance.

A mutual friend, of course, was found and even agreed to facilitate the meeting. She persuaded Olga to go to a restaurant for coffee after the performance. Of course, Nikolai also happened to be in the same restaurant at the same time. Then everything developed completely naturally: mutual slight sympathy, exchange of phone numbers.

A day later he flew off on a business trip, but on January 28, her birthday, the actress received a gift and a gorgeous bouquet from a new acquaintance. She was not only pleasantly surprised, but also confident that a man had appeared in her life who liked her.

*Fleet novel.

Olga Kabo.

After officially meeting Olga, Nikolai realized that he was interested in being with this woman. She skillfully maintained a conversation on any topic and had an amazing talent not only to listen, but also to hear her interlocutor. And she was interested in it.

Their relationship developed so rapidly that within a month Nikolai Razgulyaev proposed to Olga. This was a conscious and well-thought-out step. The man simply felt happy next to the woman.

Olga Kabo and Nikolai Razgulyaev.

And in Rome, he admitted that to be completely happy, he only needed Olga as his wife next to him. He did not prepare for this on purpose, he simply behaved as his feelings told him. They already bought wedding rings together.

*Secret wedding.

Olga Kabo and Nikolai Razgulyaev with their daughter Tatyana.

Olga Kabo managed to stay in the status of a bride for only two weeks. Nikolai was sure: if the decision had already been made, all that remained was to act. He first enlisted the support of his daughter Olga, then officially asked for the bride’s hand in marriage from her parents.

On March 19, 2009, they got married, inviting only their closest people to their celebration. The registry office employees complied with Olga’s desire not to make the fact of the marriage public.

Olga Kabo and Nikolai Razgulyaev decided to get married.

On November 20, 2009, Olga and Nikolai got married in a church. Their wedding rings are engraved. If you put their two rings together, you can read the inscription: “Together forever.” They are sure that their marriage is truly made in heaven.

*Unideal family life.

A happy family.

This is not to say that everything was perfect in their lives. There were disagreements and periods of misunderstanding, but Nikolai and Olga knew for sure: having created a family, they must always be able to find compromises in everything.

They learned to live together as one family. Not everything was always easy, because in adulthood each person has his own habits, his own characteristics, his own comfort zone. They needed to get used to each other's differences.

Olga Kabo with her husband Nikolai Razgulyaev and daughter Tatyana before the opening ceremony of the 35th MIFF.

Olga was only afraid that Nikolai might not find a common language with her daughter. She herself had always been a gentle and very kind parent, but Nikolai, a former military man, was distinguished by straightforwardness and clarity in matters of upbringing. They went through a difficult path together, but as a result, the matured Tatyana said that she herself would agree to a husband like Nikolai.
Olga Kabo and Nikolai Razgulyaev with their son Victor.

Happiness settled in their home forever. Olga no longer needs to be strong and independent. She gladly gave the palm to her husband, only on the grounds that he was a man. Nikolai admits that he still can’t get enough of his wife. But she gladly does everything to make her eyes always shine.