Do-it-yourself installation of a mansard roof. The device of a roofing pie under a metal tile and what threatens with a violation of laying technology? Attic roof pie

A house with a mansard roof is the most common solution for private construction. construction mansard roof at home - relatively simple and inexpensive way increase the living area of ​​the building. Mansard roof (or attic) - view pitched roof, the under-roof space of which is characterized by a large volume and is used as a usable area. The slopes of a classic mansard roof consist of two parts: the lower ones are steep and the upper ones are more gentle.

Types of mansard roofs

  • Attic under gable roof. It's about about the usual gable roof, the attic of which is equipped under living room. The advantage is ease of installation and minimum cost. No complex calculations required. Minus - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe resulting room is small with a sloping vault.
  • Attic under a gable sloping roof. Classic variant. Such an attic has four slopes. The two lower ones are at a steep angle, the two upper ones are more gentle. Structurally more difficult option. Plus - a large usable area.
  • Attic with a remote console. Design feature attic - a frame extended beyond the main room. Required complex calculations in design and construction. Plus. We get a completely normal living room in which you can install vertical window structures.
  • The attic is multi-level. Peculiarity - complex structure truss system. The stress of the roof falls on different points. In most cases, such an attic looks like a continuation of the walls of the house itself.

Mansard roof requirements

Mansard roof will serve for a long time, without serious repair work if the following rules are observed during installation:

  • 2.2 m - minimum height attic space.
  • Reinforced insulation to the degree of thermal insulation roof slopes compare with the walls of the house.
  • Efficient ventilation of the roof layers will ensure a normal level of humidity.
  • For finish coat it is better to choose materials with a low specific gravity, so as not to weigh down an already difficult structure.
  • The construction of the attic must be included in the building project in order to calculate the increased load on bearing walls building.

Warm roof

The mansard roof must be warm. Recall that pitched roofs can be warm or cold. The difference between them is the composition roofing cake. Warm roof involves the insulation of roof slopes, as well as equipment for hydro and vapor barriers.

For roof insulation, you can use any type of insulation: expanded clay, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, foam concrete, foam glass, cellulose and basalt fiber insulation. Basalt mats are the most popular.

The insulation is placed in the space between rafter legs. To enhance the effect, you can put in two layers. In this case, the second layer is spread so as to close the joints between the mats of the first. Requires reinforced waterproofing layer. The lack of cotton wool - when moisture gets in, they can not only lose their heat-saving qualities, but also increase the load on the truss system.

Do not allow the heater to get wet. To prevent condensation of vapors from interior spaces on the inner layers of the roof, a vapor barrier membrane is placed on top of the mats. To protect the insulation from condensate, the formation of which is possible on some types of roofing materials, for example, steel, waterproofing is laid between the roofing and the insulation.

As a waterproofing, a film or membrane is used. The use of the latter is preferable. The material has excellent diffusion properties. It is impervious to water, but perfectly passes steam. Thanks to this, water evaporating, pass through the layers of the roof, without settling anywhere. In addition, membranes are more practical in terms of space saving. Unlike films, they do not need to leave a gap between layers. It fits directly on the insulation.

First of all, the valley is processed. From top to bottom, the membrane is laid along the entire length. The joints are glued with a special tape, preferably of the same brand as the waterproofing. Rolls of waterproofing membrane are rolled out horizontally from the eaves towards the ridge. Individual canvases are laid with an overlap of 15 cm. Joints are made on the rafters. The material should be well stretched, without sagging.

Styrofoam boards can be used to insulate roof slopes. Compared with mineral wool they are not saturated with moisture in the event of a leak in the waterproofing system.

Foam boards are laid between the rafter legs on the crate. The width of the rafter pitch can reach 2 m. It is laid without a gap. Minimum Thickness layer - 100 mm. The maximum is not strictly defined. The thickness of the insulation layer is calculated for each specific case, taking into account the climatic features of the area where the house is located.

Plates are attached with glue or dowels. If gaps have formed between them and the rafters, they are filled with sealant or mounting foam. You can't leave it open. Cold bridges form in them, which leads to the formation of condensate. The result is the appearance of mold and rotting of the rafters. A vapor barrier is laid on top of the foam boards and sewn up with clapboard, wood board or drywall. Depends on functional purpose roof space.

Ventilation system

For a mansard roof, the issue of ventilation is no less important than insulation. If the movement of air is difficult, then the room will have high humidity, and the layers of the roofing cake will quickly fail.

The ventilation of the mansard roof is carried out due to the natural movement of air. In a properly designed roof, air flows from the bottom up - from the eaves to the ridge. The easiest way to ensure ventilation of the attic is the correct alternation of roofing layers, leaving ventilation gaps. If you look at the roof from the room, the layers are placed in the following order:

  1. room ceiling;
  2. clearance 5 cm;
  3. vapor barrier stuffed from the inside of the rafter legs;
  4. insulation laid between the rafter legs;
  5. crate and counter-batten - a key layer for the free passage of air flows. It is here that the main gap for ventilation is formed;
  6. waterproofing;
  7. roofing.

Arrangement of the ventilation system mansard roof may differ in the layout of the waterproofing layer and the film that is used as this layer. Based on this, two- and single-layer ventilation are distinguished.

Single layer system

Distinctive features:

  • waterproofing is laid directly on the insulation;
  • membrane fabric with a permeability of 800-1000 g per 1 sq / m per day is used as a waterproofing.

The advantage of the membrane lies in the ability to pass water vapor coming from below, but not to pass water, which condenses on the roofing and drips onto the film.

Two layer system

The peculiarity of this system is that air flows along both surfaces of the waterproofing film: from above and below. The film is laid in such a way that a gap is formed after the insulation layer and before the roofing material. For the operation of the system, ventilation slots are left along the cornice strip and the ridge or installed in the cornice ventilation grates.

Additional ventilation

If natural ventilation system does not cope with air purification in the attic room, it can be helped by mounting additional funds.

1. Ridge aerator. Roof element which is installed instead of the ridge along the entire length. The aerator is supplied with lattices which protects it from hit of garbage.

2. Cornice products. Can be done in two ways. The first is to leave ventilation gaps when filing the cornices. The second is to insert perforated spotlights, plastic or metal, into the filing of the cornices.

3. In cases where the installation of products is already carried out on finished roof ventilation grilles can be used. Holes are cut in the cornices, in which gratings are fixed with self-tapping screws.

4. Roof aerator. It can be mounted already on a completely finished roof. It is a plastic tube with an umbrella at the top. For mansard roofs, it is recommended to use a reinforced version of the roof aerator. It is equipped with a fan that creates a reduced pressure, due to which moisture and steam are effectively removed from the living quarters and the roofing cake.

IN Lately in private construction, attic floors are very common. And this can be simply explained, the presence of an attic floor is, first of all, a fairly large savings in funds at the construction stage, and secondly, such a solution gives the owner of the house, albeit an inferior usable area, but quite suitable, for example, for a bedroom.

At the same time, the installation of a mansard roof is a little more complex and requires extra attention task. The mansard roof must be made in full accordance with the technology. Particular attention must be paid to the device of the roofing cake, and in particular the vapor barrier membrane, it is she who will make the mansard roof dry.

Mansard roofs can have different kind. In private construction, several types of roofs can be used. attic type. The main options are the options gable roofs, but there are other constructive solutions.

We must not forget that a warm attic roof in itself is enough expensive pleasure, but the arrangement of the attic floor is an order of magnitude cheaper than the arrangement of a full-fledged floor with a gable roof.

Features of the mansard roof.

Any mansard roof has a number distinctive features. Below we will try to give a few key points that distinguish the attic roof from other types.

  1. The main feature of a mansard roof is its functionality. We must not forget that the mansard roof is both a roof and a wall. attic space or attic floor.
  2. The height of the attic roof is usually more than 2.5 meters in the high point..
  3. The surface area of ​​a mansard roof is always larger than that of a conventional gable roof.
  4. The truss system of the mansard roof should be designed in such a way that the structural solutions of the struts and rafter legs take up minimal usable space.

Video about the construction of the attic roof

Coating material selection

The selection of the finishing coating of the roof in cases with a mansard design has a number of subtleties and nuances. The main selection factor is the lightness of the material. Perfect for a mansard roof is a light metal tile, piece glued tile, such light coatings as ondulin or profiled a metal sheet. Heavy materials such as slate and clay tiles are rarely used in the construction of a mansard roof.

Features of the calculation of the attic roof.

When calculating this type of roof, pay Special attention several elements of the roof.

  • First of all, the calculation of the structural part of the roof. The design includes the calculation of the angle of inclination, the pitch of the truss system, the thickness of the lumber, its length and the total amount.
  • Second part constructive solution roofing - this is the calculation of the final coating and lathing
  • All of the above decisions are based on the determination of the usable space of the attic room. The attic room must be more than 1.5 meters high at the highest point. The design of the truss system and the roof as a whole depends on the height of the attic floor.
  • The useful space of the roof is the entire area where the height from floor to ceiling exceeds 90 centimeters. Those places in the room where this condition is not met are called the dead zone. From the area of ​​the blind zone and from its appearance depends on the structure of the stiffeners and additional ligaments of the roof rafters.
  • Calculating the area of ​​the finish coat only at first glance looks quite complicated, in fact, the calculation of the final finish is the most simple part Total preparatory phase. To calculate the finish coating from the entire roof, several simple ones are distinguished geometric shapes. This applies to roofing. complex type with several slopes at different angles. By calculating the area of ​​each figure, taking into account all the technological overlaps, you can easily get the sum of all areas - this will be the amount of the finish coating.

The device of the roofing pie in the attic roof

Roofing pie and his correct device- this is the main problem in the installation of the entire mansard roof.

First signs wrong device roofing cake is the formation of condensate and the formation of icicles on the slopes of the roof. As soon as the first icicles appeared on the roof, this is a sure sign of an exit. warm air out. It is not at all necessary that it will immediately begin to drip from the ceiling, but everything is worried, but it should be.

Proper roofing cake

Each layer of the roofing pie is responsible for its own functionality. And each layer must be properly executed, in accordance with all norms and building codes.

It is conditionally possible to divide the roofing pie into two types. Roofing pie without insulation. This design can only be applied in summer attic floor. And a large roofing pie with a thermal circuit - this option is great for building a full-fledged warm floor.

Pie without insulation. The main task of such a pie is to protect the attic from moisture and condensation. The device of such a pie looks quite simple. The first layer is the laying of a vapor barrier membrane on the truss system, a counter-lattice is mounted on top of the membrane, then a crate and a finish coat.

The main problems in the device of the pie without insulation.

The first thing to do is to properly mount the vapor barrier, the second is the obligatory air gap between the crate and the membrane (this is what the counter-lattice is for).

Warm roofing cake. More often than not, the attic space is residential, so it is very important to mount the right warm roofing pie. It must be understood that the roof is exposed not only to cold, but also to heat. Sun rays can heat the roof up to 70 degrees, from such a temperature it is impossible to stay in the room. Therefore, the mansard roof must not only keep heat inside the building, it must not let hot air inside.

In the rafter system of the roofing cake, the thickness of the insulation must be taken into account, this is very important for ease of installation and the further proper functioning of the roofing cake.

Roofing cake layers:

  1. The first layer is a vapor barrier, it is from it that the installation of the cake should begin. The vapor barrier is rolled onto the rafters and attached to them. A clear fixation of the vapor barrier is necessary, often it is done using a construction stapler. The vapor barrier is rolled out overlapping each other from 10 to 15 centimeters. The overlaps are sealed with a special sealed tape.
  2. The second layer is insulation. Insulation must be selected based on climatic conditions, environmental friendliness and soundproof qualities. We must not forget that the roof of the house is essentially the ceiling of your room, and the sound of rain will be heard more than ever in the attic room. Now the market for heaters is very big choice. Materials based on various cotton wool are in great demand, these are both glass wool and stone wool, and other materials. Enough budget option is insulation with expanded polystyrene, but its sound-absorbing properties leave much to be desired.
  3. The third layer is a moisture-proof membrane, it is also rolled out on the truss system, but already from the side of the street. It is the membrane that will prevent the penetration of external precipitation into the roofing pie. Some membranes can be used both indoors and outdoors. The installation of such a film takes place in the same way as a vapor barrier, the joints are sealed, and the film is rolled out with an overlap of 10-15 centimeters.
  4. The next stage is the installation of a counter-lattice, although manufacturers of materials with a wavy pattern (ondulin, slate, metal tiles) claim that passive ventilation of the roof is sufficient - this is not always the case. The counter grille, even the smallest one, creates a good ventilation gap, which helps to quickly remove moisture from inner surface finishing roofing.
  5. Crate. The crate itself in the mansard roof can be either solid or thinned. It all depends on the material that is used as the finish coat. For piece tiles, a solid plank crate is used, or sheet material instead of a crate. For sheet material use thinned crate.

The main problem of the attic roof is its insulation and protection from moisture. Otherwise, the construction steps are the same as in a conventional gable roof.

  1. The first step is the miscalculation of materials, the calculation of the load
  2. The second fastening of the bearing bars
  3. Assembling the rafter system template
  4. Assembly of roof trusses according to the template, in accordance with the quantity of the project
  5. Installation of rafters
  6. Roofing pie device
  7. Finishing device
  8. Roof interior trim

Interior decoration of mansard roof

The mansard roof inside can be decorated with almost any material. This lining, and drywall, and plastic decorative panels. But ideal for a mansard roof from the point of view of practicality, removable material, such as lining, in cases of improper roofing, such material will make it possible to carry out repair work on the roofing pie.

Today in the section "Drawings and Diagrams" Evgeny Zvyagintsev, our friend from Novosibirsk, presents his version of the attic. His drawing of a roofing cake is due to the use of soft tiles - one of the most used roofing materials today.

Below is a drawing of a roofing cake (projection from the gable):

So, consider the presented drawing. Roofing cake from top (from the street) down (to the room).

The first layer is roofing shingles. As is known, flexible tile- This roofing material, on the glass cloth base of which a layer is applied bituminous mastic sprinkled with mineral crumbs. The material is easy to install and has the best performance among roofing materials in terms of roof hydroprotection. However, he also has disadvantages. Soft tile is a combustible material. This imposes certain restrictions on its use. It is also necessary to additionally isolate the roof slope when installing the chimney, for example. In this case, the chimney is equipped with a spark arrester.

You can read more about the installation of the chimney in the "Heating" section - there are drawings of penetration with steel and brick chimney soft roof.

Next in layers - lining material and plywood. Soft tiles - plastic and quite soft material. Therefore, it needs a solid base for roof mounting. Such a base is plywood, which takes on snow and wind load. At the same time, plywood is reliably protected from precipitation and ultraviolet radiation by bituminous tiles.

Plywood for the base under the roofing soft tiles should choose moisture resistant. This will avoid warping of the roof plane.

Plywood is mounted on the crate - this is the next layer of the roofing pie. For the crate, a board 100x25 mm or 75x25 mm is used. A board of greater width, such as, for example, for sheathing under a metal tile, is not used here - this does not make sense with a solid plywood base.

Under the bars of the ventilation gap there is a wind protection. It also performs the functions of waterproofing in case of possible leaks in case of damage to the roof. What is good about a bituminous tile roof is that even with a strong side wind and rain, not a drop of moisture gets under the roofing material. Therefore, we put a windproof membrane with a hydroprotection function (just in case).

Next come the rafters. Sheets of roofing insulation are laid between the rafters. In the standard version of a residential building, the height of the rafter leg is 150-200 mm. It is of this thickness that the insulation is used (usually several layers of 50 mm each).

If this is not enough, then the next layer is provided - a crate of 50x50 mm bars for attaching an additional layer of insulation. Thus, it is possible to insulate the attic up to 250 mm of high-performance insulation.

Now consider the same drawing in projections A-A(from ridge to overhangs):

Here you can clearly see how the bottom layer is covered with additional insulation of the upper layers, which are laid between the rafters. This allows you to unambiguously remove possible cold bridges, which in this design are the wooden parts of the truss system. Thermal insulation properties we have already considered different types of wood using the example of thermal conductivity tables on our website.

As can be seen in the second drawing, the ventilation gap bars are stuffed vertically on the roof - this ensures air flow from the bottom up (from the overhangs to the ridge) along the roof.

Roofing cake fills truss frame. It is necessary to protect the house from rains, showers, keep warm, do not miss the noise. This is due to the fact that the roofing cake is multi-layered, it has forming elements, they need to be laid correctly and alternately, and at the same time, the fastening technology must be observed, then the roof will be multifunctional.

Each layer of a roofing cake under a metal tile with an insulated roof is designed to perform a function, the cake should be mounted in a strict sequence. At the same time, the main rule is that its mass should not be more than load bearing capacity rafters. Therefore, it is worth calculating all the loads on the building envelope, the required thickness of the insulation and the strength of the rafters using ours.

Typically, a roofing cake includes: (from inside to outside):

  • filing from the side of the roof space;
  • vapor barrier, for example, polypropylene film;
  • insulation, for example, mineral wool, placed between the rafter system;
  • waterproofing, for example, a membrane that is laid along the upper edge of the rafters;
  • counter-lattice from wooden slats;
  • crate made of wood;
  • covering material, that is, a metal tile.

The roof can be insulated in different ways, it can be cold or insulated.

That is, the roofing cake consists of certain layers, with each layer performing its own function:

1. The topmost layer of the pie is a metal tile. It provides protection from precipitation, temperature changes, determines the appearance of the roof.

2. Vibration isolation elements. They stop the vibration, they do not hear the noise from the downpour, knocking on the metal roof.

3. The frame of the lathing is made of wood. It is required to attach the outer covering - metal tiles and make a gap under the roof so that ventilation exists between the materials.

4. Counter-lattice, consisting of wooden slats. Provides necessary air circulation between a metal tile, an obreshetka and insulating materials.

5. Waterproofing. It does not allow moisture to penetrate to the frame of the truss system and into the insulation.

6. Thermal insulation material. It performs the function of isolation from noise and does not allow heat to escape from the room.

7. Roof rafters. A roofing cake and insulation are attached to them. With the help of the rafter system, free space is obtained in the attic.

8. Vapor barrier. She brings out the vapors that form inside the house.

9. Layer inner lining roofs. It is intended for fastening of finishing material.


Metal roof rafters are identical to other rafters to which sheet or heavy coverings are attached. But these rafters differ in that the metal tile does not load them very much, therefore, for the construction of rafters, it is not necessary to take a beam of large section.

The distance between the rafter legs is usually 600-900 mm. When choosing the pitch of the rafter bars, it is worth considering the width and thickness of the material used for insulation. It must be tightly laid between the frame, so that there are no gaps.

The rafter system is made of bars with a section of 50x150 mm. If the boards have this width, then you can choose a heater with a thickness of 150 mm. If you want to build a roof in the cold regions of the country, then you should select bars with a width of about 200 mm. Then you can pick up a heater also 200 mm thick.

Vapor barrier.

Vapor barrier is required to protect the insulation from moisture, as well as to maintain a certain microclimate in the rooms. Usually, the steam generated in the room rises. If there is no vapor barrier layer in the installed roof, then the steam will be absorbed into the insulation.

In frosts, the steam will begin to stop from outside thermal insulation. There it will first become frost, and then a crust of ice on the material. And in the spring, when it becomes warm, the insulation covered with a crust of ice will become unusable. The ice will melt and water will flow onto the insulation. Previously, glassine was used as a vapor barrier. Now they are mounting films made of polyethylene or polypropylene:

1. Polyethylene film is not very strong, because of this it is reinforced with mesh.

2. A polypropylene film is a woven fabric, it is laminated on both sides with a thin layer of the same material. One side is rough.

Thermal insulation.

The most widely used heaters are mineral wool or polystyrene. They are pretty inexpensive. Mineral wool, foam blocks are laid between the rafters. They are mounted end to end. If this results in cracks and gaps, then they are blown out with mounting foam.

If you do not have time to install insulation, then you can insulate the roof with polyurethane foam.


Previously, glassine or roofing felt was used as waterproofing. Now, in order for the roof to last for a long time, special membranes are used. Although this material is not cheap, it is reliable and durable. The membrane material consists of 2 layers: the first is reinforcing, the second is moisture repellent.

Control grate and ventilation gap.

The counter-lattice is created from wooden slats. They are attached to a layer of waterproofing, which is placed on top of the log rafters. Then the mounted bars of the counter-lattice provide a gap between the waterproofing layer and the roof covering.


The crate is the basis for attaching the metal tile. It is made of wooden blocks, they are mounted perpendicular to the legs of the rafters. Reiki, boards or bars of the crate are attached end-to-end or through a small gap equal to the step of the wave of the metal tile. A crate made of wood is created by attaching it with nails, screws, staples.

But in this case, you should not forget that the whole tree should be treated with antifungal compounds, otherwise it will rot.

Vibration isolation.

You should definitely make vibration isolation if you plan to cover the roof with metal tiles, since quite a lot of noise appears during rain, showers.

Sound-absorbing materials are used to protect metal roofs from noise.

To reduce noise and vibration, you can:

1. Tightly attach all layers of the roofing cake, thus increasing its rigidity. This is easy to do if, when attaching, screw in a lot of self-tapping screws by 1 m.

3. Make the crate and the counter-crate in the same plane. Since if the slats are attached unevenly, then after the installation of the metal tile, the final coating will be deformed, and this may cause noise.

4. You can also reduce noise if a seal is placed between the counter-batten and the rafters, which isolates sounds.

For the manufacture of metal tiles take thin sheets of aluminum, steel, copper. If you are planning to buy a metal tile in Kyiv, we recommend that you follow the link where you will find your option for buying a roof at a great price.

Such material can serve as a roof for several decades, it is reliable and durable. True, such properties depend on the density of laying metal tiles when creating a roof. To put the material tightly, sealing elements are used.

Video lesson of metal tile installation.

Metal tile - roofing material from sheets of steel, copper or other metal.

The material has a wave-like structure of various configurations.

Such material is covered with a protective coating.

In order to cover the roof with metal tiles, it is necessary to provide proper roof space.

When building a roof important indicator its functional purpose is roofing cake.

It's called roofing cake. set of layers, of which the roof is laid. Depending on the purpose of the room(warehouse, industrial, residential) number of layers and how they are laid may change.

How is a metal tile made? The roof pie under the metal tile is laid in the following order:

  • (roof frame, usually made from wooden beams, serves as the basis for imposing layers of roofing cake);
  • (prevents moisture ingress to roofing cake);
  • (provides heat preservation in room);
  • (serves to ensure the dryness of the room, prevents moisture from entering the room (waterproofing films, membranes));
  • counter-lattice;
  • crate ( wooden frame , which is superimposed and transfers the roofing load to the rafters. The crate has a step smaller than that of the rafters, and the bars are superimposed perpendicular to the rafter boards);
  • (outer coating roofing, which provides protection of the roof from atmospheric influences, wind, ingress of dust, moisture into the room: metal tiles, ondulin, corrugated board).

In addition, they are equipped between the layers of the roofing cake.

Each layer individually has its own styling features.

Lathing step for metal tile and counter lathing

The crate is a solid or lattice roof deck, which provides basis for laying roofing layers.

How to calculate the step?

To calculate the amount of consumable material per crate, you need to know the step crates and. The step size is affected by the wavelength of the coating. The step of the crate is the distance from between the boards of the structure.

Laying with a lattice, determine the step, guided by the dimensions of the roofing.

It should be borne in mind that the distance from the edge of the roof (the first board) to the second board should be less than the pitch along the entire perimeter of the roof. Sometimes two boards are attached in a row from below in increments of 1-2 cm, and then lay out the boards with the calculation of the step for of this type tiles.

In this case, the metal roofing pie consists of the following layers:

  • rafter system;
  • thermal insulation;
  • crate;
  • counterlattice;

An important indicator of durability, warmth, quality of roofing under metal tiles is correct layering, providing air gaps in the roof and the choice of material used.

You should not save on materials, since it is their quality that is one of the conditions for ensuring high-quality roofing and warmth and dryness in the room as a whole.