Lemon verbena properties. Lemon verbena: medicinal properties and uses

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Lemon verbena

Lemon verbena: medicinal properties and application

Good day to you, dear readers. medical blog" ". The topic of today's article is Lemon verbena, its use in folk medicine.

Lemon Verbena|Lemon Lippia|Aloysia triphylla|Lippia citriodora|Verbenaceae

Lemon verbena is grown in warm climates. North Africa and Southern Europe. The plant is a subshrub, reaching a height of up to 1.5 meters, the original place is South Africa.

The elongated leaves are arranged in whorls of three or four. Small flowers have 4 petals, bluish on the inside and white on the outside. The fruit of the plant is a drupe.

“Lemon lipia is often sold under the name “verbena”, like (Verbena oifficinalis). In fact, these are completely different in morphological and biological properties plants, but belonging to the same family - verbena. They also differ in their medicinal properties and content of active substances.”

Lemon Verbena: Parts Used and Active Ingredients

● Lemon verbena leaves are collected twice a year: in July and October, dried, spread in a thin layer. The dried leaves release a pleasant lemon scent when squeezed with your hands.

Medicinal infusions prepared from lemon verbena leaves are very pleasant to the taste. In folk medicine, the essential oil of the plant is also used in combination with other plants that have sedative properties.

Lemon verbena: medicinal properties and indications for use

● Lemon verbena, due to its active substance content, has a mild sedative effect, although some authors deny this.

● In the pharmacy chain you can easily purchase dried leaves of lemon verbena (lemon lipia), which are used in folk medicine as a stimulant for insufficient digestion and.

Lemon verbena: precautions

● There has been no information about the toxic effects of plant preparations on the human body or other side effects during use.

Lemon verbena: a traditional medicine recipe

● Digestive disorders:

— Drink two cups of infusion of plant leaves after lunch and dinner (one standard package per cup of boiling water, leave for five minutes).

If symptoms persist, you should contact your doctor.

You will find other information about Lippia lemon

Be healthy, and may the Lord God help you in this!!!

Botanical description.

Lemon verbena- Lippia citriodora N. Bet. Kth. - perennial shrub family Verbenaceae.

The root is taproot, woody, highly branched, penetrating into the soil to a depth of 2 m. The above-ground part consists of numerous branches forming a dense crown of the bush, 1.5-2 m high. The stem is faceted, rough. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate, pointed. The flowers are small, whitish, slightly purple inside, collected in panicles at the ends of the branches. Verbena flowers and leaves have a strong lemon scent. Flowering time is from July to October. The fruit is a dry, bilocular, two-seeded drupe.

Origin and distribution. Homeland of the plant - country South America. Cultivated in Mediterranean countries and in the south North America. In the USSR, small industrial plantations of lemon verbena are located in the Transcaucasus, Crimea, and in the south of the Krasnodar Territory.

Application. Essential oil is obtained from leaves, flowers and young non-lignified shoots, the content of which averages 0.3-0.65%. The composition of the essential oil includes citral (up to 30%), geraniol, limonene, verbena. Lemon verbena oil is widely used in perfumery and cosmetics production and Food Industry for preparing fruit essences.

Biological features. Lemon verbena is a heat-loving crop. The frost resistance of the plant is relatively good in dry climates, when the above-ground part is preserved even when the air temperature drops to -16°C. Frost resistance is significantly reduced with abundant moisture in winter. Under these conditions, the aerial part dies at -7-8°C. Hilling up plants for the winter allows you to get abundant young growth in the spring. The plant is light-loving, moisture-loving, demanding on soil fertility.

Verbena is cultivated in soils rich in nutrients, medium density, well permeable to moisture, with low burial groundwater. The best soils are chernozem or light loams with a high humus content. Since by its nature verbena is a subtropical plant, its cultivation is possible only under short-term conditions. mild winter, warm, fairly humid summer. The site must be protected from cold winds. Excessive dampness in winter, especially on dense soils, causes rotting of the roots.

Soil preparation. The lifespan of lemon verbena plantations depends on external conditions and on strict adherence to a set of agrotechnical measures. Its operation can continue for 20 years. The main preparation of the soil consists of double peeling, plantation plowing at 45-50 cm. If planting is carried out in the fall, within summer period The area is cultivated 2-3 times. 12-15 days before planting, the field is plowed to 18-20 cm with simultaneous harrowing.

Fertilizer. The lemon verbena culture is very responsive to the application of fertilizers, especially organic ones. For plantation plowing, 40-50 tons per 1 ha of well-rotted manure or compost are applied together with 5-6 quintals of phosphorus and 3-5 quintals of potassium fertilizers. When growing planting material organic fertilizer (60 tons per 1 ha) is applied for plowing two weeks before sowing seeds or planting cuttings for rooting. Fertilizing of plants on an industrial plantation begins from the 2-3rd year of plant life in early spring. mineral fertilizer at a dose of N 90 120 P 90 120 K 90 120 . Once every three years, 10-15 tons per 1 hectare are applied between rows. organic fertilizer and smell it.

Preparation of planting material. To prepare planting material (seedlings) it is used as seed,

as well as vegetative propagation. Planting material is grown for two years.

The area allocated for sowing seeds is plowed to a depth of 25-30 cm 2 months before sowing, and deeply cultivated or plowed to a depth of 12-15 cm two weeks before sowing, with simultaneous harrowing. Sowing is carried out in prepared spherical ridges up to 1.5 m wide, to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The row spacing is 20-25 cm. The rows are mulched with dry peat, rotted manure or sawdust and watered abundantly. Best term sowing March - April. When the plants reach 6-8 cm in height, they are thinned out in rows, leaving one from the other at a distance of 6-8 cm. In the fall, the seedlings are transplanted into shrublets with a feeding area of ​​30x60 cm, having previously trimmed the stem to 4-5 nodes and shortened the tap root by 1/8.

Vegetative propagation carried out in early spring (March) or autumn (November) during the dormant period of the plant. Cuttings are cut from annual mature shoots 14-16 cm long and planted in prepared ridges (the ridges are prepared in the same way as for seed propagation) to a depth of 7-8 cm with a feeding area of ​​10x25 cm. After planting, the ridges are mulched with humus or peat and watered. In the fall, the cuttings are transplanted into a growing nursery with a feeding area of ​​30x60 cm, having also previously trimmed the stem and root.

Care during the preparation of planting material consists of weeding, loosening, watering and fertilizing with slurry (1 part slurry to 6-8 parts water). The yield of seedlings reaches 80-90%.

Planting plantations. In humid subtropical areas, seedlings permanent place planted in autumn (November) or early spring (March), and in dry subtropics - only in spring. Supply area 1 X 1 m or 1 X 1.5 m.

Care. Care measures include timely loosening of rows, weeding, and fertilizing. In coppice crop conditions, plants are hilled up for the winter. In areas of humid subtropics, where the above-ground part of the plant does not die, the bushes are pruned once every 5-6 years.

Cleaning. In the regions of Transcaucasia, the crop is harvested twice, in the rest - once. The maximum essential oil accumulates during the budding period. They begin harvesting in the third year of the plant’s life, cutting off young leafy shoots and sending them immediately for processing. The yield of green mass is 6-8 tons per 1 ha.

Lemon verbena- a perennial shrub that is widely used in folk medicine. Verbena is common in almost all components, and South America is considered its homeland. The shrub was brought to Europe in the 18th century by the Spaniards. Fragrant plant Europeans were so captivated that they almost immediately began to use it in the perfume industry. Verbena was very popular in the 20th century, it was used as an ornamental plant, and the shrub was planted in all European gardens. The decorativeness and aroma of verbena receded into the background when valuable essential oil began to be obtained from this plant at an industrial level. Today, large-scale verbena plantations are concentrated in Madagascar, the south of France, as well as in North Africa and the USA.

The plant is evergreen shrub with a large crown (see photo). It blooms in small inflorescences of light purple color. The word "verbena" is of Latin origin and means "vine". Verbena received this name due to its characteristic appearance: at the bottom it is lush, but closer to the top you can see twig-like stems that look more like wire than part of the plant. The shrub is also called “lemon Louise” and “bee bush.” The plant received its first name in honor of the Spanish Princess Louise.

People have long considered lemon verbena a magical plant. People believed that the evergreen shrub could protect against the evil eye and damage, as well as curses. Verbena was considered a plant that fulfills all desires. Traditional medicine used the leaves of the plant for many diseases (at one time, verbena was even considered a real panacea).

There are many legends associated with verbena. The Druids revered this evergreen shrub and called it a cure for all diseases. They prepared miraculous drinks from the leaves of the plant, the recipes of which were hidden from other people. The collection of verbena turned into a real sacrament: it was prepared on a moonless night exclusively in iron bowls, touched with hands harvested plant not recommended. The ancient Greeks and Romans also believed in the magical origins of the plant. They dedicated vervain to Mars and Venus. A wreath made of bush stems was a symbol of marriage and protected against conspiracies. Christians called the plant “grass of the cross” because, according to legend, it was watered with the blood of Jesus Christ. In Italy, verbena was considered a witchcraft herb, and the goddess Diana, the ruler of witches, was named its patron.

Collection and storage

Lemon verbena is collected in several stages. The leaves are collected for the first time in June, and the second time during the flowering period of the bush. The aerial part of verbena is used for medicinal purposes. The plant is dried in special dryers.

Store dried raw materials in a cool place in paper bags.

Verbena essential oil is obtained from flowering shoots by steam distillation. Store it in a cool place in a tightly closed container.

Beneficial features

Beneficial features lemon verbena is due to the presence of essential oil in its composition, which is produced by modern industry as a separate preparation. The high cost of this product is explained by the low yield of verbena. The essential oil is a yellow-green liquid with a fresh, sweet aroma. In aromatherapy it is used to treat and normalize digestive processes. Verbena essential oil acts on nervous system as a tonic. It is indicated to inhale for hysteria, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness.

The medicinal properties of lemon verbena are widely used in homeopathy. The plant contains aldehydes, glycosides, terpene ketones, essential oils, alcohols, and polyphenols. Verbena is used as decoctions and infusions. Such drugs are natural remedy to normalize food processes in the intestines.

The valuable properties of the plant also lie in its calming effect. The plant contains verbenamine, which has an astringent and healing effect. Verbenamine is one of the most valuable components of the essential oil of this shrub.

In cosmetology, verbena is used as a real beauty elixir. Plant extract is added to creams to relieve redness and cure rashes. Verbena copes well with skin problems, boils, boils. Its essential oil is recommended for treatment problem skin. Before applying to the skin, a few drops of essential oil are diluted in a carrier oil, since it is a concentrated product and pure form may cause burns. Regular use of products based on lemon verbena extracts refreshes and evens out the skin of the face, and also has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Verbena oil perfectly eliminates wrinkles and sagging skin. It can often be found in anti-cellulite mixtures. It not only improves skin elasticity, but also deodorizes and eliminates sweating.

Highly purified essential oil can be taken orally to short time get beautiful tan. Verbena oil protects the skin from age spots caused by solar activity, as well as from burns. In addition, it is a known aphrodosiac. The aroma of the oil relieves fatigue, smoothes out the effects of stress, and normalizes emotional condition. Verbena is sometimes called “food for the mind” because its smell improves blood circulation in the brain and is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. The tonic properties of the oil are important for creative people, students, and scientists.

Verbena has high antiviral activity, so the plant is recommended for use during flu epidemics and colds.

Use in cooking

In cooking, lemon verbena is used as a natural flavoring. Tea with verbena is very popular in Spain. The drink has a pleasant taste and aroma. Residents of Spain love to drink chilled tea with verbena and mint. Such the drink perfectly quenches thirst and is very refreshing during the hot season. In North Africa, verbena is often found in herbal teas.

The plant retains almost all its beneficial properties when dried, which makes it possible to harvest the leaves for long time. Verbena can be added to various mousses, soufflés, creams, jellies, and puddings. Dried leaves of the plant are often used to prepare desserts. Marinades and sauces will sound new if you add some leaves of this shrub to them.

Thanks to its rich aroma, lemon verbena can be an excellent seasoning for many dishes. Its smell is much fresher and richer compared to other herbs. The plant goes well with strawberries, some types of cheeses, fish products, poultry meat. Cooks call the combination of verbena with seafood or meat an interesting culinary solution. For example, pork ham goes well with a sauce seasoned with garlic and verbena.

The plant has the fame of “punch grass”. It is used to flavor alcoholic and soft drinks.

Lemon verbena benefits and treatment

The benefits of the plant are known to folk and official medicine many countries. Preparations based on verbena are used for low blood pressure, anemia, headaches, hepatitis, liver and spleen diseases. Externally, decoctions of the plant are used for sore throats, stomatitis, and rashes. Rinse with verbena decoction sore throat or oral cavity several times a day until complete recovery.

Lemon verbena is in great demand in folk medicine, healing many diseases.


Lemon verbena treatment method

Atherosclerosis, thrombosis

Pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water over one and a half tablespoons of lemon verbena leaves and set aside to steep for about sixty minutes. Take two teaspoons of the infusion every hour.


At the pharmacy you need to purchase a package of lemon verbena leaves. The leaves of the plant should be brewed with two hundred milliliters of boiling water (one glass will require the entire package) and let stand for about five minutes. Drink twice a day after you eat (for lunch and dinner). The infusion must be drunk until the disease disappears completely.

Diseases of the liver, spleen

You should prepare the following infusion: pour five glasses of boiling water over about sixty grams of lemon verbena leaves and set aside to infuse for about sixty minutes. During the day you need to drink the entire infusion.

For increased anxiety

You need to pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water over a collection of herbs from verbena (two parts), St. John's wort (three parts), lemon balm and ground valerian root (one part each), let stand for about sixty minutes, and then strain. It is recommended to take the infusion before meals, two tablespoons three times within twenty-four hours.

Stomatitis, sore throat

Treatment with lemon verbena is as follows. Steam two teaspoons of ground leaves of the plant with two hundred milliliters of boiling water, let it brew for about sixty minutes, and then strain. You need to take the infusion sixty-five milliliters no more than four times a day, thirty minutes before meals.

If you doubt the effectiveness of lemon verbena treatment, it is better to consult a doctor for advice..

Lemon verbena harm and contraindications

The plant can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. Verbena essential oil is phototoxic, meaning it should not be used before sunbathing. It is contraindicated to use the oil during pregnancy, because... verbena increases uterine tone. Like any other essential oil, it should not be used if allergic reactions occur. If you feel discomfort during aromatherapy, it is better to cancel the procedures.

Growing: planting and care

Lemon verbena is grown by cuttings or from seeds. The seed method is the easiest and does not require much cost or effort. Before planting seedlings in the ground, the seeds must germinate in wooden boxes filled with mineral substrate (peat, sand and turf soil).

To do this, you will first need to put the seeds on a damp cloth for about a couple of hours (this will allow the seeds to germinate quickly), and then plant them directly in boxes, cover with film and put them in a warm room where temperature regime will not exceed twenty degrees. The boxes should be ventilated daily and the seeds should be watered as needed.

After twenty days, sprouts will appear. Then the boxes are transferred to a cool room with good lighting and remove the film. Sprouts are best planted in open ground when it is already warm enough outside. Sprouted seeds must be replanted together with the soil in which they grew, at a distance of no more than three centimeters from each other.

Lemon verbena does not require special watering conditions. It will be enough to water once every seven days. At the end of July, the interval between waterings should be increased to thirteen days.

As for care, the plant is fertilized only once - during the flowering period of verbena. Also, as necessary, you need to loosen the ground (especially in very hot times), remove weeds, and pick off dried leaves.

Harvesting occurs after the verbena has faded and is covered with pods of dry seeds.

Perennial plant of the verbena family, up to 80 cm high. The stem is tetrahedral, erect. The leaves are oblong, located on short petioles. The flowers are pale purple, divided into 5 petals, numerous, collected in a panicle. Blooms medicinal verbena from May to October.
Medicinal raw materials In verbena, the entire above-ground part of the plant with flowers is used. The grass is collected during the flowering period. Dry in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60 °C.

Where does verbena grow?

Verbena officinalis grows throughout Russia: in clearings, along roadsides and in fields along crops.
There are many other types of verbena that came from North and South America. They are used as ornamental plants and do not have the benefits of medicinal verbena.

According to the literature, the entire verbena plant is considered poisonous. This is not emphasized among the people.

Collection of verbena plants.

Verbena leaves are collected during flowering.

Medicinal properties of the verbena plant.

In the Middle Ages, verbena served as a real panacea: it was used to treat epilepsy, fever, sore throat, scrofula, skin diseases, leprosy, bruises; it also protected against any infection, which made it a truly precious remedy during epidemics, so frequent in those days. In the last century, much less interest has been shown in the numerous medicinal properties of verbena, although laboratory tests and clinical studies have shown that, thanks to one of the glycosides - verbenamine - it is an astringent, healing, dispersive, absorbable and to a certain extent antifever, antipyretic agent. It has diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, soothing properties.
Verbena preparations are prescribed orally for acute bronchitis, tracheitis, rheumatism, toothache and headache, pneumonia, hypotension, and are used externally for difficult-to-heal wounds, inflammation of the skin, oral mucosa, rashes, boils, to remove unpleasant odor from mouth.

Useful properties of verbena officinalis.

When crushed and cooked in wine, verbena helps against snake bites. In a plaster it cures pain. To treat headaches, according to Russian healers, it is necessary to plant verbena in the spring in virgin soil, to which the patient’s hair is mixed, and water it with water after washing the hair. When the verbena grows, it should be burned and the powder taken orally on the tip of a knife as needed.
To heal wounds, it is necessary to apply freshly crushed verbena leaves to them.
Verbena root cures scrofula, ulcers and abrasions, and applied to the neck in the form of a plaster heals scrofula, mumps and abscesses. They say that if children carry verbena root on themselves, they will study well.
Verbena seeds mixed with annual peony seeds heal epilepsy. Verbena juice is very useful for men suffering from impotence; it is also useful for them to carry this root on themselves. Drinking verbena juice with honey and warm water improves breathing. For rabies (phobia of water), you should drink verbena stems boiled in wine.

Folk uses of the verbena officinalis plant.

An infusion of the plant, prepared by distillation, is useful for anemia of the optic nerve; further distillation produces a liquid used for tuberculosis and thrombosis.
Verbena was sacred grass among the Gauls, Persians, Ancient Greece and Rome, they gave it loud names - “Tears of Isis”, “Blood of Mercury” or “Grass of Hercules”.
In Latin, the name of the plant meant "sacred branch" and came to be used to name all the branches with which priests were crowned during sacrifices, regardless of whether they were laurel, myrtle, verbena or olive branches.

Description of the lemon verbena plant.

Lemon verbena has a completely different appearance. This small bush, reaching from 1 to 1.5 m in height, the long and thin branches of which bear oblong, narrow and sharp leaves that emit a pleasant lemon aroma. From July to September lemon verbena will give birth to weak spikelets with small white flowers at the top and pink flowers at the top inside. Native to Chile, this species requires a hot climate and can only be cultivated in non-greenhouse conditions in the south of France. Its leaves are collected twice: the first time in June, before flowering - these leaves have an ash-green color and have an exquisite aroma, this is the most popular collection; the second collection is collected in October, its leaves are dark green and richer essential oil, but are endowed with a less subtle odor.

Useful and medicinal properties of the lemon verbena plant.

Lemon verbena is very widely used in perfumery, but also in the form of tinctures due to its beneficial effect on the stomach. It effectively combats heaviness in the stomach and cramps caused by poor digestion. Moreover, its refined and refreshing taste allows it to serve as the basis for the preparation of very valuable liqueurs. At the same time, lemon verbena should not be abused even in the form of tinctures, since with prolonged use it can irritate the intestinal mucosa.

The use of verbena officinalis in folk medicine.

Verbena is primarily used by people for diseases of the liver, spleen, as well as for “blood diseases”, expressed in the appearance of boils, pimples, rashes, and, in addition, for scrofula and venereal ulcers. In these cases, drink a steam of 60.0 g per 1 liter per day. boiling water

Verbena tea.

12.0-15.0 g per 180.0-200.0 g of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon every hour for arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, vein swelling.

External use of napara with verbena for skin diseases.

In the form of lotions for skin diseases, use a steam of the following mixture: verbena - 10.0 g, womashka - 5.0 g, rose petals - 10.0 g, oak bark - 10.0 g, sage leaves - 5 .0 g and horsetail herb - 10.0 g - As a means of reducing the inflammatory reaction and promoting wound healing.

In ancient times it was attributed to her magical properties, supposedly protecting against the evil eye, damage and curses. It was believed that it cures all diseases. Nowadays verbena is rarely used, since there are more effective means for the treatment of the liver, spleen, anemia, general weakness, although one should not forget that tea from verbena leaves helps well with atherosclerosis and especially with swelling of veins, blockage of veins, thrombosis.

Infusion of verbena plant for thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

Pour 2-3 teaspoons of verbena herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon every hour. The same infusion helps with blocked veins.

Verbena contraindications.

A contraindication to verbena is hypertension. It is not recommended if there is a low platelet count in the blood.

Storing verbena plants.

Verbena leaves are stored in boxes lined with paper.