Roofing made of fused materials technology. Fused roofing: installation technology, choice of material

The built-up roof is attached to the base by melting its lower bitumen layer using a torch or blowtorch or cold method using a solvent. This group of roofing materials is popular due to its fast and simple installation technology and reasonable price. How is a built-up roof installed?

Types of deposited materials

The variety of fused rolled materials is not limited to roofing felt, which is roofing cardboard with bitumen impregnation and protective coating. More modern options This material is impregnated with bitumen with polymer additives or polymer, and the following can be used as a base:

  • fiberglass (example - Stekloizol),
  • fiberglass (example - Linocrom, Ecoflex),
  • asbestos fabric,
  • cardboard (Bikroelast),
  • polymer materials(example - Uniflex EPP).

Sprinkles may be coarse-grained(Uniflex TKP, EKP, HKP, Stekloizol) and fine-grained (Uniflex EPP, HPP, TPP) from sand, shale, asbogal (Stekloizol, Bikrost), and can also be used instead protective film(Ecoflex P, Stekloizol P) or foil coating(Uniflex K).

Preparing the base

Before starting installation work roofing material it is necessary to prepare the base. It should be smooth and even, it should not contain:

  • cracks, cracks
  • potholes,
  • irregularities with sharp edges,
  • pours of concrete,
  • protruding reinforcement,
  • dust,
  • oil stains, cement laitance.

Cracks and potholes large sizes sealed with cement mortar, small ones - filled bitumen mastic. Oil stains are burned off with a torch. Protruding fragments of reinforcement are cut down and cleaned. Dust is removed using brushes, an industrial vacuum cleaner, compressor or washed off with water.

The evenness of the base is checked with a 2 m long rack. Small (up to 5-10 mm) smooth unevenness is acceptable, of which there should not be more than two for every 4 sq.m.

Before installation, check the moisture content of the roof. To do this, use a surface moisture meter or a simple plastic film, which is placed on the roof and checked whether condensation has formed under it. If no condensation appears within 4-24 hours, you can proceed with installation. If the roof is too wet, it is dried with heat guns; you can also treat the surface with acetone and dry construction hairdryer, put in expansion joints heating cable.

The junctions with vertical surfaces are prepared by making sides at an angle of 45 degrees and a height of 10 cm. Asphalt concrete is used for the sides. cement mortar, rigid mineral wool slabs.

Before laying roofing materials, the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, and then primed with a bitumen primer.

Installation of built-up roofing on a flat roof

According to SNiPs, deposited materials are laid in several layers. If the technology is followed, this allows you to create a reliable roof with excellent waterproofing properties. For the first layer, use roofing felt, Stekloizol K, Uniflex EPV.

They begin to lay the roofing material when the primer has hardened. In this case, installation begins from the bottom of the roof. First, the roll is completely rolled out to make sure it is correct location, then the edge is fixed with a torch and the roll is rolled back.

When laying the roof, the burner is positioned so that it heats the roll and the primer-coated base. Also, during the fusing process, the part of the roll that creates an overlap on the previous row is also heated.

After laying the first row, check the quality of gluing. If the material lags behind, it is lifted with a spatula, heated with a torch and glued again by rolling it with a roller. The entire tape is rolled with a roller during installation, and you need to move in a “herringbone” pattern from the middle to the edges.

The overlap of one row on another along the longitudinal side is made equal to 8 cm, at the ends of the roll - 15 cm. It is the overlaps that are responsible for the tightness roofing.

If the deposited material is laid in several layers, the seams should not coincide. The layers are laid parallel. The material with the topping is laid over the temperature-shrinkage seams of the screed, placing it with the topping down. If there are water intake funnels on the roof, an additional layer in the form of squares of 0.7 * 0.7 m is laid around them.

Particular attention is paid to the arrangement of connections to vertical structures, for example, parapets. To do this, first place a 25 cm bottom layer of roofing carpet on the parapet (with horizontal surface) and attached mechanically (not by fusing). After that they lead onto the parapet finishing layer by 5 cm. Next, a tape of material with a protective coating is fused onto the parapet itself and onto the horizontal surface next to it.

Cold way

With this method, instead of a burner, a solvent is used to melt the lower bitumen layer of the material. Apply it using a sprayer, after which you need to wait 10-15 minutes. Then the rolled material is rolled with a roller, gluing it to the base.

It is necessary to roll each row with a roller at least three times, then there will be no bubbles or irregularities. With this method, difficult areas are also protected with an additional layer of roofing material.

Installation on a pitched roof

Fused roofing can be made on pitched roofs with an inclination angle of no more than 50 degrees. First, make a base of waterproof plywood or OSB boards which are coated with primer. Then the rolled material is fused onto the base, and it is better to place the strips vertically. When installing pitched roof It is allowed to lay layers perpendicular to each other.

Fused roof repair

Repairs to roofs made from fused materials can be cosmetic or major.

Cosmetic repairs are performed if the damage covers no more than 40% of the roof area. In such cases, the coating is cleaned of contaminants and fused on top required size a patch made of the same material.

Major repairs are carried out when damage covers more than half the roof area. Depending on the nature of the damage, repairs may include:

  • removal of roofing material partially or completely,
  • reapplying primer
  • repair of the base, creation of a new concrete screed,
  • laying steam and thermal insulation,
  • installation of one layer of rolled material over the entire roof area and two layers near the parapets,
  • fire application protective coating.

Estimate for the installation of a built-up roof

The estimate for installation or repair of a built-up roof includes the cost of all materials, the cost of work on preparing the foundation, and, if necessary, dismantling old roof, device new roof, arrangement of connections, device of vapor barrier, waterproofing, insulation. The more detailed the estimate, the better. An example estimate is given below.

Fused materials allow you to quickly create a roofing carpet; installation of such materials is not particularly difficult and can be done with your own hands.

It is important to follow technology and safety precautions when working with the burner.

Membranes, soft bitumen.

Nowadays, roofing materials are produced that are capable of creating a complete sealed carpet on the roof, ensuring water resistance even on a horizontal surface, which is why this type of roofing covering is used on flat roofs.

The soft tiles are made from fiberglass, which is impregnated with asphalt mass. This fiberglass does not rot. The tiles are covered with a layer of multi-colored stone or mineral chips; underneath there is a special bitumen layer covered with plastic film. In progress roofing works remove the plastic film, and the tiles, heated by solar heat, are glued to the base of the roof. Thus, a continuous roofing covering is obtained.

In another option, soft tiles are impregnated with bitumen and nailed to the base of the roof..

In both cases soft tiles must be attached to wood upholstery roofs.

A soft roof, unlike a steel roof, must be laid in several layers:

  • if there is a slope of 15% - in 2 layers;
  • if there is a slope of 5-15% - in 3 layers;
  • if there is a slope of 0-5% - in 4 layers.

When using rolled materials, the maximum roof slope should not exceed 25%.

Preparing the foundations

Roll materials are laid on assembled reinforced concrete panels, slabs of asphalt concrete or concrete, for solid wood coverings. If the reinforced concrete base is uneven, it is necessary to make a screed from cement-sand mortar or asphalt concrete with a thickness of 10-15 mm (if laid on concrete) and 15-25 mm (if laid on rigid insulation boards) and 25-30 mm (when laid on non-rigid insulation boards).

All building structures that protrude above the roof - chimneys, walls, etc. - necessary plaster to a height of about 25 cm. Then antiseptic wooden slats are attached at the top of the plastered surface in order to further secure the rolled carpet.

The roof screed is primed with roofing mastics, which contributes to better adhesion of the rolled carpet and the base.

Before priming, all substrates are cleaned of dirt and dried.

Preparing rolled materials

Inspect the surface of the rolled materials for unevenness, grease stains, and cracks. After that keep it turned inside out for 1 day.

Preparing the mastic for use

Mastic can be used in different roles: as a separate construction material for roof repairs that create a silent coating; as an adhesive for attaching rolled materials to the base. Bitumen mastics can be used both molten and cold.

We cover the roof with roll materials

If the roof has a slope of up to 15%, then the canvases soft roof glued along the cornice. If the slope is more than 15%, the sheets are rolled out in the direction of the drain to prevent the carpet from slipping. All strips must be laid in the same direction.

To lay roll materials 2 workers required: “stacker” and “brusher”. First, the brushman applies mastic to both sides of the roll, then the stacker adjusts the canvas to the primed base, trying the canvas to a specific section of the slope and turning it to left side by 50-70 cm.

If during operation the panel deviates slightly to the side, you can try to move it without tearing it off. If this does not help, cut off the stuck part of the canvas and glue it as needed with an overlap of about 10 cm.

When swelling appears, they are pierced or cut, then pressed firmly until the mastic is squeezed out of the hole.

Laying of canvases is done in layers, and if the mastic is cold - at intervals of 12 hours. Outside, the bitumen roofing carpet is covered with a layer of mastic 3-5 mm with the addition of fine hot gravel 3-6 mm in size to the mastic.

Structural elements of a soft roof can be covered in different sequences:

  • before pasting the slopes;
  • simultaneously with stingrays;
  • after laying the base covering.

For roll coating panels should be connected either into a fork or overlapping.

Covering overhangs with soft roofing

After installing the eaves blocks along the eaves of the building, a transitional wooden beam, covered with roofing steel on top. Along the way, tray brackets are attached to the cornice, onto which the gutters are hung using rivets.

Grooves and valleys are covered with at least 4 layers of roll coating, of which 3 main layers are glued one on one at once. Adjacent panels overlap each other by 8-10 cm. The top layers are glued mixed with the pitched panels.

Covering the roof ridge with a soft roof

With a roof slope of 15%, The ridge is covered with panels that are laid across the direction of water flow. When the roof slope is more than 15%- parallel to the drain.

  • Bottom layer The roll covering consists of 2 sheets 40 cm wide glued end to end.
  • 2nd layer- internal ridge panel 40 cm wide.
  • 3rd layer also consists of 2 panels glued end to end.
  • 4th layer– 2nd ridge panel 50 cm wide.
  • 5th layer– 2 outer panels placed end-to-end.
  • And the last layer– ridge panel 60 cm wide.

And it will protect against the effects of precipitation for a long time. Installation of a built-up roof: preparation of the base, the level of tightness and thermal insulation of the roof, the technology of gluing the roofing material are controlled building codes and rules (SNiP). By observing the prescribed standards, you can achieve high-quality coverage.


In the manufacture of this type of roofing, roll materials made on durable synthetic base and impregnated with bitumen. The performance properties of the coating used determined the advantages of fused soft roofs:

  • reliable waterproofing;
  • elasticity and flexibility, allowing the canvas to be glued to a complex roof;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation and temperature fluctuations;
  • durability with proper installation;
  • possibility of repair;
  • low weight of the coating;
  • ease of installation.

Material selection

Roofing made from fused materials differs depending on the type of base. In addition to this, they all have varying degrees of strength, which determines their durability and price:

  1. Cardboard is an obsolete material with the lowest rot resistance.
  2. Fiberglass is a biologically stable, but insufficiently elastic fabric that requires careful handling.
  3. Fiberglass - flexible material made of glass threads that does not break when bent.
  4. Polyester is the most durable and expensive base, resistant to abrasion, mechanical and atmospheric influences.

The binding component of the coating largely determines its properties:

  • bitumen - has an insufficient level of flexibility at negative temperatures, needs protection from ultraviolet radiation, and is an inexpensive substance. It is used when laying the lower layers of the roof;
  • modified (polymerized) bitumen – polymers are added to the base to improve the properties of the material: the aging rate is reduced, elasticity in cold weather increases, adhesion is enhanced. The SBS (artificial rubber) modifier provides optimal resistance to temperature changes, APP plastic increases the melting point, increases strength and is cheaper than SBS;
  • polymer – makes the roofing sheet highly elastic, capable of repeating the topography of the roof. The material is designed for use in any conditions.

To protect the outer layer of the roll covering from mechanical damage and the influence of ultraviolet radiation, a special coating is used. It is made from slate, basalt or ceramic chips and varies in fraction size:

  • dusty;
  • fine-grained;
  • scaly;
  • coarse-grained.

The bottom layer of the bitumen-polymer coating is protected by foil or polymer film; this material prevents sticking in the roll and acts as an indicator during fusing.

Tools for work:

  1. Gas-burner.
  2. Propane tank.
  3. Construction knife.
  4. Putty knife.
  5. Roulette.
  6. Roller for rolling.
  7. Brush for applying primer.
  8. Protective overalls, gloves, shoes.

Preparing the base

Before fusing the coating for flat roofs prepare the base. It includes garbage collection, installation of ventilation shafts and funnels internal drainage. Possible iron defects concrete slabs sealed with mortar, further work carried out after it dries. The prepared surface is covered with a layer of primer.

Roof insulation

The first stage of installing a roofing carpet will be laying vapor barrier film. It will protect the thermal insulation layer from the effects of moisture rising from inside the building. Spreading is carried out by approaching the side parts of the roof to a height exceeding the roofing carpet. The edges of the material must be sealed with self-adhesive tape. The technology for laying sheets requires that they overlap one another by at least 10 cm; the joints are taped with construction tape.

Insulation is laid on top of the membrane; rigid slabs of polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene or basalt wool. The materials have their pros and cons:

  • mineral wool – does not burn, but loses its properties due to absorbed moisture;
  • polystyrene foam - has low thermal conductivity, is moisture resistant, does not rot. The material is susceptible to rodents and has low strength;
  • expanded polystyrene - demonstrates a high degree of thermal insulation, it is moisture resistant, biologically neutral. The polymer actively supports combustion and releases toxic substances.

To prevent freezing, the slabs are glued together with heated bitumen. This is one of the requirements for thermal insulation strength from SNiP. The density of the slabs affects the tightness of the roof and the degree of protection from the cold, so they are placed as close to each other as possible.

Note! One of the insulation options is to add a layer of expanded clay. If necessary, insulation boards are laid in two layers, the seams between them should not coincide.

The next step is to perform sand- cement screed 2–3 cm high. The coating is separated by heat-shrinkable seams 5 mm wide, this is necessary for the plastic expansion of concrete when heated. These expansion joints divide the roof area into squares with a side of 6 m. At the points of contact with the walls, a side up to 10 cm high is installed, set at an angle of 45 degrees. After at least 5–6 hours, it is necessary to coat the screed with a primer of bitumen and kerosene, combined in equal parts. The screed and primer coating must dry thoroughly before installing the overlay roof.

How to do

When the slope of flat roofs is up to 5º, the number of layers of overlaid material is 4–5; if the roof is made at an angle of up to 15º, then 3 layers of roll coating are sufficient. The lower section of the roofing carpet is made of inexpensive material without outer covering crumble. This will not only reduce the cost of the roof, but also contribute to more reliable bonding of the fused panels. It is better to carry out the work of installing the rolled covering with a partner, because you will have to unwind and warm up the material, as well as roll it with a roller to fix it.

Before laying the roof, additional waterproofing of expansion joints is carried out with strips of roofing material 15 cm wide, the places of the intake funnels are insulated with squares with a side of 70 cm. Installation should begin from the lowest point of the roof. The roll is unrolled to control its surface, then the edge is secured by melting it with a torch. The fixed roll is rolled back to its original position.

The burner flame evenly heats the bottom layer of the canvas and the bitumen on the roof surface. The roll is unwound and placed on a molten layer, which partially protrudes from the sides when the web is pressed down. Rolling out the coating is done with a special hook. A roller is used for firm fixation and to get rid of air bubbles. It is rolled along the canvas from the center to the edges, trying to carefully fix them. After gluing the first strip, an inspection is carried out; parts that are poorly fused are lifted with a spatula and heated again. The tightness of the roof will ensure the placement of strips with a side overlap of up to 10 cm, and an end overlap of 15 cm. The direction of the overlap must coincide with the slope of the roof to ensure moisture drainage from the surface. When laying several layers, the next row is not laid crosswise, but with offset seams.

To waterproof parapets, a sheet of measured length is cut and fixed with nails on the edge of the parapet. The material is then melted with a torch and glued. The vertical connection is made of two layers. The first one is started at 25 cm, nailed and melted. The second layer is made of canvas with sprinkling; it exceeds the lining by 5 cm and is fixed along the upper edge with a special strip, then heated and glued over the entire surface.

Note! A built-up roof, laid in compliance with the rules and regulations, will last reliable protection from precipitation for at least 30 years.


This video shows the process of installing a built-up roof on a house.

Most often, fused roofing is used to cover flat roofs and surfaces with slight slopes. To create it, a rolled material is used based on a canvas impregnated with polymer bitumen components. The built-up roof is installed as on residential buildings, and in warehouses, hangars, industrial facilities and other structures.

Fused roofing: features and characteristics

A few decades ago, only roofing material was used to create a fused roofing - a material based on cardboard impregnated with bitumen. It performed its functions properly until the bitumen layer lost its properties. After this, the coating had to be changed. Since then, roofing materials production technologies have become more advanced, resulting in the emergence of new types roll roofing with multilayer structure:

  1. Bottom layer. This is a polyethylene film, which, in addition to protective function acts as an indicator that allows you to determine optimal temperature heating during installation.
  2. Working layer. The working surface is made of bitumen or bitumen-polymer compositions, as well as simply bitumen.
  3. The basis. The reinforcing fabric acts as the basis of the roll. Now cardboard is no longer used; it has been replaced by polyester, fiberglass or fiberglass.
  4. Second working layer. To cover the base, the same polymer compounds or bitumen are used.
  5. External powder. Basalt chips are usually used.

This structure provides high strength, durability and good waterproofing characteristics roofing covering. But they only appear if the technology for installing a fused roof is followed.

The multilayer structure of the fused roof ensures its high strength and durability, subject to installation technology

Fused roofing has a number of advantages that provide it with well-deserved popularity:

  • light weight - the material is easy to load, transport and deliver to the roof;
  • availability on inside a layer of mastic, which greatly simplifies installation;
  • reliability - such coating does not require special care during its service life;
  • high strength;
  • good hydro- and sound-proofing characteristics;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • environmental friendliness - during operation such a roof does not emit harmful substances;
  • affordable price.

Materials for built-up roofing

When creating a roll roofing, we use different materials for base, topping and binding components. In order to understand what a particular roofing covering is made of, you need to look at its markings:

The basis of the built-up roof

Unlike paper base, which was used before, modern materials do not rot and do not allow mold to develop. There are several options for creating a base that differ in strength and price:


Bitumen impregnation is used as a binder, which can be of several types:

  1. Oxidized bitumen. This is the most cheap material, which does not have very high characteristics, so such roll coverings used only to create the bottom layer of the roof. They are not suitable for regions with frequent temperature changes and require additional protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Polymerized bitumen. It can be used at air temperatures down to -25 o C. Isotactic and atactic polypropylene can increase the tensile strength and density of the material, but the melting point also increases. The addition of APP is cheaper than PPI, but in terms of its characteristics it is only slightly inferior. Styrobutadiene styrene is used for roof coverings complex shape and located in harsh weather conditions. Such materials have high plasticity; they are often called rubber bitumen.


To strengthen the top layer, special toppings are used. They help resist solar radiation, precipitation, increase the rigidity of the coating and its service life.

The topping can be of different fractions:

  • dusty - used for the bottom layer roofing pie, does not allow the web in the roll to stick together;
  • fine-grained;
  • middle fraction;
  • coarse-grained;
  • scaly.

Instead of mineral powder, foil or polymer film can be used.

In order to make the top layer more durable and resistant to the external environment, it is sprinkled with mineral chips

To create a built-up roof, the material is laid in 2–5 layers, the width of the roll is usually from 400 to 1050 cm, and the length is from 7 to 20 meters.

Tool for built-up roofing

Installation of a built-up roof, although not particularly complicated, requires a certain set of tools to complete it:

Video: tools needed to create a fused roof

The roofing pie of a welded structure is a coating that reliably protects the roof from negative impact external factors throughout the entire period of its use. Roll materials are used for roofs with a slope from 1 to 12 degrees.

The composition of the roofing cake for rolled materials is no different from what is made for piece soft coverings:

  • vapor barrier - this layer consists of a film or built-up material and is attached with overlapping strips and sealing the seams;
  • thermal insulation - slab insulation is usually used, which are glued together using hot bitumen;

    The insulation can be glued with bitumen mastic or fastened with disc-shaped dowel-nails

  • cement-sand screed - performed on top of a layer of thermal insulation, its thickness is usually 5 mm. If the covering area is large, then the screed is made in squares of 6x6 m and separated by expansion joints;
  • waterproofing - laid in several layers with an overlap of 150 mm with high-quality sealing of the seams.

    The base for a built-up roof can be a profiled sheet, a concrete slab or a wooden floor

When creating a roofing pie, not a single layer can be excluded. For example, if there is no vapor barrier, then thermal insulation material will begin to get wet, which will lead to a deterioration in its quality. The absence of a cement screed will increase the load on the thermal insulation, and it will also quickly lose its characteristics.

Features of installation of a built-up roof

If you decide to install a built-up roof yourself, you won’t be able to do the job well on your own. In order to do everything quickly and in compliance with technology, it is best to work with three people. In extreme cases, you can get by with just one assistant.

The first person uses a gas torch to heat the bottom layer on the rolled material. After this, the second person rolls the material over the roof surface, and the third person immediately behind him levels the coating using a rolling roller. Only by following this sequence of actions can you create a high-quality coating that will protect the roof from the negative effects of external factors over a long period of time.

Features and sequence of installation of the deposited material:

  1. The base for laying the deposited material must be dried and pre-coated with a primer.
  2. Before heating the material, it must be unwound and tried on. To cut to size, use a construction knife.
  3. Using a gas burner, heat the edge of the roll and fix it in the desired place, then roll the roll.

    When laying roofing material, both the roll and the base must be heated at the same time.

  4. Gradually roll out the roll, warm up its inner side and apply it to the roof surface. The burner flame must be directed at both the surface of the roof and the bottom of the roll in order to simultaneously melt both surfaces.
  5. Smooth the surface well and roll it with a roller.
  6. Check the quality of work and correct errors if necessary.

    After laying the heated surface, roll it with a roller, then the coating will stick to the base evenly and without bubbles

In order not to spoil the quality and appearance built-up roof, you cannot walk on it immediately after installation; you must give it time to cool.

To perform the work better, you need to take a soft roller and roll out the strip from the middle to the edges. The strips are laid with an overlap to ensure the tightness of the coating. The overlap on the sides should be 8–10 cm, and at the ends of the strips - 12–15 cm. On rolled materials with coarse-grained topping, the edges are deliberately underfilled to a width of 7–10 cm. To ensure a high-quality connection of the ends on the bottom strip, the topping must be removed independently.

Errors when installing a built-up roof

If you do not have the skills to perform similar work, then it is better to turn to professionals. If you have the desire and a certain skill, all the work can be done with your own hands, you just need to strictly follow the developed technologies.

The most common mistakes made when self-installation built-up roof:

  • wrong choice of material. The roofing covering must be selected taking into account the operating conditions and weather conditions in the region where the building is located;
  • laying absolutely flat roof. It is recommended that the slope be at least 1 degree - this will prevent water from accumulating on the roof and it will not seep into the coating;
  • the presence of holes and depressions. The coating should not only have minimum slope, it should also be smooth;
  • base moisture is more than 4%. Under such conditions, the material will not be able to adhere well;
  • fusing onto a surface not treated with a primer. These compositions prime the surface with high quality and provide better adhesion of the material;
  • non-compliance with overlap. It should be both at the sides and at the ends, and the transverse overlaps of adjacent strips should be offset by at least 0.5 m;

    When laying a built-up roof, the transverse overlaps of adjacent strips must be offset relative to each other by at least half a meter

  • laying one layer of fused roofing. The overlay roof must have at least two layers, with the first one using ordinary material, and the second one using a coating with a protective coating;
  • insufficient heating. It must be carried out until the indicator pattern located on the inside of the strip begins to deform;
  • incorrect design of connections. Vertical overlaps on pipes, chimneys or walls should be made at least 15–20 cm high;

    At the junctions it is necessary to arrange vertical overlaps, which can then be covered with an additional layer of material

  • incorrect design of the drainage system, which does not allow water to quickly drain from the surface.

If you do not make the mistakes described, you will be able to create a high-quality fused roof on your own that will last at least 10–15 years.

Video: installation of a fused roof

Features of operation of a built-up roof

The operation of a built-up roof involves carrying out scheduled and unscheduled inspections so that the condition of the coating can be assessed.

  1. During the spring inspection, the presence and size of swellings, the tightness of the coating in its horizontal sections and at junctions are assessed.
  2. In the summer, the presence of cracks, bubbles and cavities is determined. It is necessary to constantly remove emerging plants so that their roots do not destroy the covering material.
  3. Periodically it is necessary to clean the surface from leaves, dirt and debris, as water will stagnate in these places. To carry out the work, use a broom or wooden shovel so as not to damage the coating material. Check periodically drainage system so that it can ensure normal drainage of water.
  4. IN winter time The roof must be cleared of snow and ice. Fused roofing is mainly used on roofs with a slight slope, from which snow cannot naturally fall off. When performing such work, wooden or plastic shovels are also used, everything is done carefully so as not to damage the roof being built up.
  5. After strong wind, rain or hail, it is advisable to carry out unscheduled inspections. This will allow you to identify damage immediately after it appears, so that you can correct everything in time. During the inspection, you should pay attention to the condition of the coating, since over time this layer is destroyed.

Video: soft roof problems

Service life of a fused roof

The service life of a built-up roof is significantly influenced by both the quality of the materials used and the technology of their installation, which must not be violated.

  1. If glassine, roofing felt or bicrost are used, the service life of the fused roof is about 10 years.
  2. The use of linochrome, bicroelast or bipole can increase it to 10–15 years.
  3. When materials such as uniflex and ecoflex are used, the roof lasts 15–25 years.
  4. The use of uniflex together with a vapor barrier increases the service life to 25–30 years.

Fused roof repair

Although the built-up roof has high performance characteristics, over time, situations arise when such coverage needs to be repaired.

During inspections, damage may be identified that requires repair:

  • cracks and tears in the top layer;
  • the presence of vegetation and signs of rotting of the middle layer;
  • peeling of material.

It is advisable to carry out repairs when the area of ​​damage does not exceed 40% of the entire roof, otherwise it is necessary to completely replace the roof.

Local damage

Small cuts and cracks can be repaired by applying patches.


Bubbles form during a temperature change when air enters the insulating layer and a bulge forms. Bubbles may also appear because the material was laid on a damp base.

To eliminate them, perform the following operations:


The roof covering usually cracks due to the action sun rays, as a result of which the protective coating on it disappears. To carry out repairs, the surface is first cleaned of dirt, dried and a layer of mastic is applied. When it hardens, apply a second layer and immediately lay down the coarse-grained topping. You can also install a patch with a coarse-grained coating; it should cover the damaged area by 10–15 cm. If the damage area is large, then the entire coating will have to be replaced.

Separation of the waterproofing layer from the base

The tearing of the canvas most often occurs if, during installation, the base was not well cleaned of dirt and dust, and also if a primer was not used during installation. The peeled area is cleaned of dirt and dust, dried and re-glued using bitumen mastic.

Delamination of the coating mainly occurs in those places where the fused roofing is adjacent to vertical elements or a wall.

Anyone can install a built-up roof with their own hands. home handyman. To provide good sealing in difficult places, you can not lubricate the surface with bitumen, but pour it. This solution will be more effective than even three layers of rolled materials. The reliability and durability of a built-up roof will depend on compliance with its installation technology, so if you are unsure of your abilities, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

The technology for laying a fused roof is quite simple - you can install a reliable coating with my own hands. It is necessary to properly prepare the base, use quality equipment and follow the order of work.

Roofing requirements

Roofing made using fused rolled materials allows you to provide:

  • protection of building structures and premises from the effects of wind and precipitation;
  • heat preservation during the cold season;
  • protecting premises from overheating on hot days.

The roof of the roof must have the following qualities:

  • tightness of the finishing coating;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • strength and durability.

To create a reliable soft roof, materials are used that differ in the type of base, binder and type of protective coating. When choosing a built-up roofing membrane, it is recommended to give preference to polymer-bitumen roll material on a durable polymer or fiberglass base. It should be taken into account that there are no state standards for the manufacture of these products; manufacturers are guided by their own specifications.

Types of bases for laying a fused roof

Installation of a built-up roof is carried out on a flat surface. The basis can be:

  • carriers reinforced concrete slabs(the seams are sealed with cement-sand mortar M 150) without leveling screed;
  • mineral wool thermal insulation boards without leveling screed;
  • monolithic thermal insulation made of lightweight concrete, materials based on bitumen or cement binder with filler (vermiculite, perlite), reinforced with road mesh;
  • leveling monolithic screed made using asphalt concrete, cement-sand mortar M 150;
  • prefabricated dry screed from cement particle boards, flat sheets of asbestos cement, glass magnesium or other materials with a sheet thickness of 8 mm and more and laid in two layers.

Parapet walls and structures made of bricks, foam blocks and others piece materials it is required to plaster to the height at which the edge of the roofing will be raised - from 250 mm or more. As plaster mixture Cement-sand mortar M 150 is used.

Base surface requirements

From the surface on which the fused roofing is to be installed, it is necessary to remove:

  • potholes and sinks;
  • concrete sagging;
  • irregularities with sharp edges;
  • cracks;
  • protruding fragments of reinforcement;
  • oil and cement laitance stains;
  • dust.

Sharp corners of structures, ends of reinforcement, concrete overhangs are cut down and cleaned. Oil stains should be burned off. The laitance film is removed by wet or dry jet-abrasive cleaning. Dust is removed using:

  • brushes;
  • industrial vacuum cleaner;
  • blowing off with a compressor;
  • rinsing with water.

Large potholes, cracks and sinkholes are sealed using cement-sand mortar M 150. Small cracks and potholes can be filled with heated bitumen mastic.

The weld coating requires a smooth and even base. Checking the evenness is carried out with a two-meter rod. The presence of smoothly increasing irregularities with a height of no more than 5 mm along the slope and 10 mm across is acceptable. The number of such irregularities should not exceed two per 4 m2 total area grounds.

When arranging a screed under a built-up coating, it is necessary to provide temperature-shrinkable joints 5 mm wide, which should not be located above the joints of load-bearing concrete slabs and the joints of monolithic thermal insulation.

Preparation for installation

The roofing carpet is laid on dry base. To determine humidity, a device is usually used - a surface moisture meter. If you are installing a fused roof with your own hands, you can carry out a simple test: a square of polyethylene film (1×1m) is laid on the surface of the base. If condensation does not appear within 4-24 hours, you can begin installing the coating.

The following methods will help reduce the moisture content of the base:

  • the wet surface is wiped with a rag soaked in acetone and dried with a stream of hot air from a hair dryer;
  • the surface is blown with heat guns or compressed air from the compressor;
  • The heating cable is laid in the expansion joints.

In places where the base adjoins vertical structures, it is necessary to create fillets - sides with an inclination angle of 45° and a height of 100 mm. For this, asphalt concrete, cement-sand mortar or a rigid mineral wool slab are used.

Immediately before laying the surfaced material, the base is cleaned of all types of contaminants, as they reduce adhesion. The surface is carefully primed. For this, a ready-made bitumen primer is used, or a primer is prepared independently from bitumen (BN 70/30, BN 90/10, BNK 90/30) with the addition of a rapidly evaporating solvent (gasoline, nephras) in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 by weight. The primer is applied using a roller, brush or brush.

Equipment and tools

Equipment for built-up roofing includes:

  • roofing gas burner, connected to a gas cylinder through a reducer;
  • putty knife;
  • roofing knife;
  • stitching roller;
  • brushes for cleaning the base and applying primer;
  • overalls (work overalls, thick-soled shoes, protective gloves).

You can begin laying the coating after the base coated with primer has completely dried - the primer should not stick. Installation begins from the bottom of the roof. In the first step, the roll must be completely rolled out to ensure that it is positioned correctly. Then, using a torch, the initial edge of the roll is fixed and the material is rolled back.

The welded roof is securely attached to the base by melting the lower bitumen layer of the rolled material and heating the primer. The burner for a built-up roof should be positioned so that the flame heats the bottom of the roll and the base of the roof. This heating allows you to create a kind of influx from the protruding bitumen - it promotes adhesion of the membrane to the base as the roll is rolled out.

After installing the first tape, you need to check the quality of the seam. When the material is peeled off, the edge is lifted with a spatula, heated with a burner and rolled with a roller. It is not recommended to walk on freshly laid finishing coating so as not to leave dark marks on the mineral coating.

When rolling out the roll, the heated part must be immediately rolled with a soft-coated roller, Special attention, paying attention to the edges of the tape. The roller should move in a herringbone pattern - from the axis to the edges of the tape diagonally. The tightness of the roofing carpet is ensured by high-quality overlaps. Adjacent panels are laid with a side overlap of 8 cm and an end overlap of 15 cm. The joints are made taking into account the direction of the roof slope so that moisture does not leak under them.

It is recommended to close the temperature-shrinkable seams of the screed roll material with coarse-grained topping, and the ribbons are laid with the topping down. Around the water intake funnels it is necessary to lay an additional layer of waterproofing - squares measuring 70x70 cm.

To arrange the junction with the parapet, the bottom layer of the carpet is brought up to a height of 250 mm and secured mechanically. Then the finishing layer of carpet (5 cm) is placed on the parapet. On top finished design, using tools for built-up roofing, a tape of coating with a protective coating is installed, which ensures the tightness of the junction. First of all, stick it on top part to the vertical plane, then the lower one to the horizontal.

Fused roofing can be installed over old soft roofing. Before installation, defects in the roofing carpet should be eliminated - bubbles should be removed, irregularities should be melted, and the surface should be dried.