Beautiful perennial shrubs for the garden. Garden shrubs (38 photos) - types, care and compatibility with trees

Representing any suburban area, you immediately draw a picture in your head where most of the territory is given vegetable beds. At the same time, there are also fruit trees, located more often in the corners, as well as ornamental plants. Our article will be devoted to another culture that can be decorative, flowering, and fruitful - we are talking about.


Garden shrubs are called a large group that combines different kinds plants growing in gardens. They, unlike trees, do not have one main trunk, since there are several of them and they are located side by side.

These perennials are divided into groups:

  1. At the same time, one species often combines the features of several categories. For example, a flowering shrub can also bear fruit (dogwood or barberry). Deciduous can also be flowering (hawthorn, barberry).
  2. Garden shrubs are distinguished by the timing of the appearance of flowers, as well as the ripening of fruits.
  3. In addition, they may be:
  • sun-loving - they include a lot fruit bushes, including currants;
  • shade-tolerant- elderberry, weigela, action and others;
  • shade-loving - honeysuckle, holly mahonia, euonymus, etc.

The features described above affect the role assigned - to be decorative, to benefit in the form of fruits, or to combine these functions.

Tip: Ornamental plants are usually used in landscape design, fruit plants are used to harvest.

Ornamental shrubs for the garden

If you are guided by the aesthetic design of the territory, then you should give preference to a variety of representatives of this species. Every garden, regardless of style or size, will benefit from the use of ornamental evergreen or deciduous shrubs.

Their original coloring or flowering will help with:

  • making a hedge with your own hands, when they will not only protect the site from wind and dust, but will also be able to distract with their appearance from the bustle of the city, as well as cheer you up;
  • dividing the territory into zones;
  • entrance decoration;
  • decorating some elements.

When choosing plants for hedges, keep in mind that:

  • most varieties have a long flowering period;
  • some - the unusual shape of the leaves or their bright color;
  • caring for them does not cause difficulties, since they practically do not get sick and they are rarely attacked by pests.
  1. Hydrangea bushes will complement bright green lawns.
  2. The rose bush remains popular with gardeners, especially park roses, which are hardy and undemanding, although they bloom only once a season.
  3. Use shrubs to decorate the site, filling the air with their aroma during the flowering period - mock orange, wolf, forsythia.
  4. Lush inflorescences of lilac and viburnum will look decorative.
  5. Plant bushes of tree-like rhododendrons and peonies in the gardens, which are becoming popular again.

In the summer, spireas and cinquefoils, kolquitsia and budleys begin to bloom. Closer to autumn, heather blooms its flowers, although it has medium-sized inflorescences, but they cast mother-of-pearl, causing admiration.

decorative leafy

Such plants decorate the garden from the onset of warm spring days until late autumn.

Bright representatives are various types of barberry, in which their leaves are:

  • bright yellow;
  • bright green;
  • purple;
  • purple;
  • sometimes spotted.

Aralia bushes look original and exotic, a prickly bush strikingly similar to tropical palm. The fieldfare will also look beautiful, its young leaves have an unusual pink tint, which gradually turns into a rich one. green color. Closer to autumn, they begin to turn yellow and acquire a pleasant golden color.

Tip: If you don't like a dark, unattractive solid color wall or a tall monolithic fence, decorate these structures with Elegantissima ornamental white turf bushes, whose bordered leaves will not leave anyone indifferent.

Trees and shrubs in the area

Now it's time to talk about how garden trees and shrubs can get along with each other in the same area. Each has its own unique features and its own individual character, so not all of them are allowed to be planted side by side.

Below we consider the compatibility of trees and shrubs in the garden:

  1. The walnut manages to heal the atmosphere around it, but it has a bad effect on the crops growing nearby.
  2. Hazel also oppresses its neighbors.
  3. You should not plant roses, lilacs, viburnum, fir, jasmine next to apple and pear trees, horse chestnut and barberry, as they will suffer.
  4. The apple tree does well with raspberries or other apple trees, as well as cherries, cherries and plums.
  5. Plum normally coexists with black currant, but cherry does not tolerate it.
  6. Try to keep raspberries away from red currants.
  7. In general, a lot of plants feel bad with birch, as it takes a lot of moisture.
  8. Next to the maple and spruce on the site you can plant unpretentious and shade tolerant plants, for example, cereals and flowers (ferns, small periwinkle, astilbes, hosts, anemones). Remember that coniferous trees make the soil acidic, so begonias, rhododendrons, calla lilies, heather and hydrangea can also be nearby.
  9. Keep in mind that roses are selfish, so the instructions require you to plant them separately from everyone else.
  10. Gypsophila and lavender coexist well next to cereals.

The compatibility of garden trees and shrubs is an important parameter that makes it possible to correctly place selected plants on the site. Otherwise, the result will be disastrous.


It is not uncommon to meet different types of fruit bushes in any country house, these are raspberries, gooseberries, and currants. The latter, by the way, looks beautiful during the ripening of berries, and if varieties with different fruit colors are planted nearby, then the effect is enhanced.

Also, a berry bush is suitable for decorating the garden - golden currant, which got its name because of the color of its flowers. It has an advantage over the traditional blackcurrant - it is rarely attacked by various pests. Berries have a dessert flavor and make delicious juices and jams.

From varietal raspberries or gooseberries, you can make excellent hedges that can also bear fruit to the delight of the owners. Alas, in our gardens it is very rare to find hawthorn, shadberry, quince and chokeberry, although the shrubs have a very beautiful appearance during flowering.

Tip: keep in mind that fruit bushes require more careful care than ornamental ones, but the price of such efforts is tasty fruits.


This article talked about the shrubs that gardeners plant in their summer cottages. You learned about their groups, as well as on what grounds they are classified, which makes it possible to correctly place them on the territory.

Knowledge and compatibility between various shrubs and trees will be important, otherwise both of them may simply die. The video in this article will help you find more information on this topic.

It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage without various flowering shrubs. After all, they are able not only to decorate the garden, but also to bear fruit, which can later be used as decorative elements or even remedies.

Many gardeners think about where to place this or that shrub, as well as how to properly combine the group of shrubs that they want to plant on the site. All these nuances must be thought out in advance so that the plants delight the eye with their flowering for the whole season.

How to choose a flowering shrub for the garden

The main criteria by which it is necessary to select a shrub for landing on the site:

  • decorative properties. You should think in advance about how this or that shrub will look on the site, and how it will be combined with other plants. Among the variety of plant species, it is easy to choose a shrub to your liking, taking into account a variety of distinctive characteristics: the shape of leaves and flowers, a variety of shades and even aroma. You can choose a composition of several shrubs, the flowering of which will be replaced one after another.
  • The height and shape of the stems of shrubs also play a big role. For example, for small area a composition of tall and not wide shrubs that compactly fit into the space allotted to them may come up.
  • Features of care. Before purchasing a particular shrub, it is important to take into account its climatic preferences and pay attention to the care that will need to be carried out for the plant. For example, if a shade-loving shrub is planted in a sunny area, then it is unlikely that it will please with its flowering and rapid growth.

The most beautiful winter-hardy shrubs for garden:

  • Lilac is a very common and beloved shrub that reaches a height of up to three meters. However, lilac can be cut and give the crown the desired shape. Lilac blooms in early summer.
  • - a tall shrub that can reach two meters in height, but some varieties can be called undersized. The plant is quite spreading, since flowering occurs on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shrub. The flowers pull the branches down and are usually white in color. The flowering period is in spring and summer.
  • fell in love with gardeners for its large inflorescences. However, it is important to remember that this shrub must be cut twice a year: in spring and autumn. Hydrangea blooms in summer.
  • Buddleia is rarely seen with personal plot, however, it deserves attention, as the shrub blooms for a rather long period - from summer to mid-autumn. The plant can reach three meters in height, so it can be cut to the desired shape.

Two more important criteria by which it is worth choosing a shrub for planting for a long-term period are shade tolerance and belonging to perennials. Such shrubs can cover unsightly places in the garden, as well as decorate the area around the buildings.

The most popular types:

  • Deytion has a compact size and begins to bloom in early spring. The pink and white flowers are pleasing to the eye, and the branches can be trimmed to the desired shape.
  • refers to tall plants, because its height can reach 18 meters. Small flowers of lilac color have a very pleasant aroma. Flowering takes place throughout the summer period.
  • is a low-growing shrub, barely reaching a meter in height. Flowers of a bright pink hue begin to appear from mid-spring and may linger until the first frost.

These shrubs are also considered winter-hardy, but it is still recommended to insulate them with spruce branches. If the main purpose of planting is decoration, then fast-growing shrubs will come to the rescue

The most common types of fast-growing shrubs:

  • Dogwood, in addition to its decorative function, will produce fruits that can be eaten. The shrub can grow up to five meters in height, and sprawling requires timely pruning and shaping.
  • The turn is also a fast-growing and fruit-bearing shrub. It reaches three meters in height. Blackthorn flowers have a very pleasant almond aroma, and the fruits can be consumed after the first frost.
  • continues the chain of fruit bushes. The height of the barberry can be adjusted by the correct selection of the variety. The plant forms a thick impenetrable wall, which must be formed in a timely manner.

In order to combine a pleasant view of the site and benefits for the body, several fruit bushes should be planted in the garden. As a rule, these shrubs are most often planted by amateur gardeners.

The most popular fruit shrubs that gardeners are very fond of growing include the following:

  • Honeysuckle is a tall shrub, growing up to 2.5 meters in length. The plant can be given the desired shape. However, the shrub grows very slowly, so it is pruned 5-7 years after planting. Honeysuckle fruits are very useful for the body.
  • another representative of tall shrubs. It blooms in the summer, and the spherical inflorescences look good on the site. The fruits of viburnum remain on the bush until the first snowfalls.
  • and - all the familiar fruit bushes. They differ in self-pollination, so it makes no sense to plant different varieties of these plants in one place. Shrubs grow very quickly and require annual thinning.
  • - one of the most unpretentious fruit shrubs that does not require special care. The only weak point is low frost resistance and dislike for abundant watering.

How to care for shrubs

There are general rules for caring for shrubs that should be followed:

  1. The most successful period for planting and transplanting shrubs is autumn. The main rule is to meet deadlines. This is important, as the plant must have time to adapt and take root before the onset of frost.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to soil preparation. It involves the complete removal and digging of the soil.
  3. Recesses for planting should be done with a margin so that you can straighten the roots of the plant, avoiding creases.
  4. At the bottom of the recess, you can put top dressing from, or peat mixed with fertilizer.
  5. If the shrub is sprawling and will require garters, then you can prudently install a support in the center of the planting.
  6. It is important not to exceed the allowable distance between planted shrubs.
  7. In conclusion, it is necessary to water the shrub abundantly, you can also draw soil around it.

Particular importance should be attached to the preparation of shrubs for wintering. It includes the following steps:

  • pruning
  • Soil cleaning and top dressing
  • Pest protection

Pruning includes getting rid of dry and diseased branches, as well as shaping the plant. This procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • Remove dry and broken branches.
  • Then you can start removing weak shoots.
  • Cut branches that have rushed up and grow at right angles.
  • Slices are treated with garden pitch.
  • Cut branches are burned.

To clean the soil, it is enough to dispose of the cut branches, because the fallen leaves will become a good fertilizer. An exception is the presence of diseased plants on the site. In this case, all fallen leaves and untreated plants must be disposed of. For top dressing it is good to use, which are brought under the bushes.

You can start the feeding process at the end of the summer period.

In order to protect the shrub from pests and frost, you can use the following methods:

  • Bandage the trunk of the bush with kraft paper patches, and put spruce branches on top.
  • Use a protective net around the stem of the plant.

Proper preparation of plants for wintering is a guarantee of easier waiting out of this difficult period, which guarantees that all shrubs will survive and will delight with their beauty next year.

A few ideas to decorate the site beautifully:

  • It is believed that border shrubs go well with conifers. From them you can create very successful group compositions.
  • A good combination can be achieved by combining yellow and red shades of foliage.
  • Weigela can be planted, making out an alpine hill, or next to trees.
  • For the design of arbors and hedges, curly shrub plants(for example, a vineyard or a liana).
  • Wintergreen is suitable to cover the ground with a low green carpet.
  • well suited for decorating borders and composing group compositions.
  • To build a hedge, you can use fast-growing shrubs (for example, or barberry).
  • Or will help to emphasize any place on the site, they look good even in single plantings.
  • The highlight of the garden can be a curly cut shrub.
  • Often landscape designers resort to highlighting compositions from shrubs.
  • With the help of well-composed compositions of shrubs, you can select different zones in the garden: beat a small decorative pond, beautifully arrange a gazebo and paths, build a fence, cover up unpleasant places on the site.
  • You can make different types of compositions from shrubs that will have the same crown shape (for example, round), or specially place shrubs that radically differ in the shape and width of the leaves.
  • The correct combination is to compose a composition, taking into account the tiered shrubs. As a rule, they are arranged from highest to lowest, without mixing in any order.

A huge number of various shrubs give full vent to fantasy. Among them, you can choose your favorite plants and create unique compositions that will decorate the garden, attracting everyone's attention. However, it is important to remember that every shrub needs proper and timely care, because it is he who is the key to healthy, beautiful and strong plants.

More information can be found in the video:

Planting ornamental shrubs is a great way to make your yard unique. They fit perfectly into any landscape style. The widest range both decorative and decorative deciduous crops will allow you to make the necessary choice and create an original composition.

Options for the use of ornamental shrubs in summer cottages are diverse.

The entire diverse community of ornamental shrubs for the garden can be divided into three large groups:

  • beautifully flowering;
  • decorative leafy;
  • coniferous.

Within each group, there is a division that takes into account the size of plants, the ability to retain or lose leaves on the eve of winter, the duration of flowering, frost resistance, and attitude to growing conditions.

Features of growing ornamental shrubs in the garden

Ornamental shrubs are the best option for those who want to ennoble their summer cottage.

This category of plants is so diverse that it is impossible to immediately give uniform recommendations for all species. It is possible to take into account only some trends and note that when landing different types ornamental shrubs, you need to group them according to the same requirements for soil, lighting, irrigation regime. With solitary planting, it is much easier to create suitable conditions for the plant. If a composition is created from several types, they should be arranged so that each can show maximum decorative effect.

Flowering shrubs to give: list

This is the largest group of ornamental plants. There are many species of them that can successfully grow and bloom in middle lane due to good frost resistance. In the southern regions, where this problem is not acute, the choice of flowering shrubs is even greater. Let's talk more specifically about each type.

Mock orange (jasmine)

This deciduous shrub can often be found in gardens. Its height ranges from 1 to 3 meters. Bell-shaped white flowers with elegant yellow stamens are collected in brushes from 5 to 9 pieces each. The size of the flowers depends on the variety. For some, their diameter does not exceed 2 cm. And for the Akademik Komarov variety, they are simply huge - up to 10 cm in diameter.

Jasmine bloom lasts about 3 weeks and begins in early June, but there are also champions. The Schrenk's mock orange blooms the longest, and the variety Snow Avalanche of the Vekhova selection is the most abundant.

This is the decoration of any garden.

Terry varieties of jasmine also bloom very beautifully:

  • Ballet of moths;
  • Virginal;
  • Ermine mantle - this variety can bloom up to 49 days;
  • Moonlight;
  • Blizzard.

Some of them give re-flowering in late summer - early autumn.

The aroma of mock orange is familiar to everyone - it is very bright and rich. But there are varieties in which the flowers smell like strawberries or pineapple or have no fragrance at all.


It is an upright deciduous shrub with beautiful flowers. The color of the tubular-bell-shaped flowers is varied: white, yellowish, pink, purple or dark red.

A very popular plant among flower growers because of the decorative crown.

The three most frost-resistant species:

  • Weigela early blooms when the lilac blossoms.
  • Weigela Middendorf blooms from mid-May, flowers do not fall for a month, may please with repeated flowering in September;
  • Weigela blooming blooms at the end of May, flowering lasts 20 days.

Only their young bushes need a solid shelter. In adults, in frosty winters, the tips of unripe shoots freeze slightly. Hybrid varieties of Dutch and Polish origin, which are now a lot on sale, do not differ in high frost resistance, so they may not wake up after winter.

Japanese quince

Many people know the Japanese quince under the name henomeles. This is a deciduous shrub that blooms in late May early June. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks. All this time, sprawling bushes with arcuate branches are decorated with bright flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. In autumn, hard fruits, similar to small green apples, ripen. The main color of the flowers is red-orange, but varieties and hybrids with pink, red, white, and sometimes double flowers have been created. Outside of flowering, the bush is also very beautiful due to its glossy green leaves. The height of the plant in the middle lane does not exceed one and a half meters. Japanese quince cuts very well, making it an excellent material for low hedges.

An exotic plant that captivates with its beauty and aroma.

Only young plants are suitable for planting. A long tap root is an obstacle to transplanting adult specimens. This shrub is unpretentious and drought-resistant, but with good care flowering is more abundant.


This is a deciduous shrub, represented by many species and varieties. Its height depends on the species and variety and ranges from 60 cm to 2 m.

Enough beautiful shrub, able to picturesquely decorate any garden.

According to the flowering time, spireas are divided into two groups:

  • early flowering (May - June) - Vangutta, nipponskaya, oak-leaved, they bloom on last year's shoots, so they do not need cardinal pruning;
  • late blooming (July - August) - birch-leaved, Billard, Japanese, Bumalda, Douglas, loose-leaved, they bloom on the shoots of the current year and need spring pruning.

Spiraea flowers are medium-sized, collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. In most varieties and species, flowering is plentiful and long. Many species have white flowers, but there are also varieties with pink and purple flowers.

Spireas are unpretentious shrubs, but grow better in lighted areas with loose, fertile and humus-rich soil.


Hydrangea is often referred to as the Queen of the Garden. And there is a reason. In terms of the size of the inflorescences, only viburnum Buldenezh can argue with it. Most hydrangeas bloom in the second half of summer.

Hydrangea is a popular culture for landscaping parks, gardens and home gardens.

The most common types of shrubs.

  • In large-leaved hydrangea, flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, which have a diameter of up to 20 cm. The height of this species ranges from 60 cm to 2 m. The color of the flowers is varied: white, pink, blue. The vast majority of varieties bloom on last year's shoots. Large-leaved hydrangea is not hardy. To wait for flowering next year, it must be very carefully covered.
  • Hydrangea paniculata. It is quite frost-resistant shrub, it can reach a height of up to 5 meters. The inflorescence is most often pyramidal, up to 30 cm long, the color is white, which in some varieties becomes pink over time.
  • There is a liana-like species - petiolate hydrangea. If there is a support, it can climb to a height of up to 25 m. If it is not there, it turns into a ground cover plant. The flowers of the petiole hydrangea are white and do not last long.
  • Tree hydrangea is slightly less resistant to winter cold, grows up to 3 meters, has fluffy spherical inflorescences, usually white. It blooms on the current year's shoots and requires a thorough spring pruning.

All hydrangeas are acidophiles. They love acidic soil and watering with acidified water.

Caucasian pear

The plant is widespread in the Caucasus.

At home - in the Caucasus, in Armenia and Azerbaijan, this is a majestic tree up to 26 m tall. In the conditions of the middle zone, the crown does not rise higher than four and a half meters. It - unpretentious plant, can safely do without watering. At home, it is very decorative, especially at the time of flowering of white-colored flowers of 5 petals. They are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The Caucasian pear is also good at the time of fruiting, abundantly covered with small, round, strongly rusty fruits. But all this beauty can be seen only in warm regions. In the middle lane, the tree does not bloom and does not bear fruit, and in severe winters it can freeze slightly.


We are more accustomed to seeing fruit honeysuckle. Its berries can be enjoyed in early summer. But in the family of honeysuckle varieties with edible berries, there are literally a few. Other - ornamental shrubs or creepers.

Shrub species are winter-hardy. They can grow up to 4 meters, they are decorative both at the time of flowering and during the ripening of berries. Shrubs such as Tatar honeysuckle, Maak, Maksimovich are quite suitable for hedges. They can also grow as a small tree.

Unpretentious, frost-resistant culture.

Lianoid forms will perfectly braid a gazebo or pergola. A feature of honeysuckle is the unusual shape of flowers. Their coloration is varied, sometimes combined. They often have a pleasant aroma. Among the vines, honeysuckle honeysuckle, Brown and Gekrot are the most famous. There are creeping and dwarf forms of honeysuckle. Their use is rockeries, alpine slides, mixborders.

Most honeysuckles love moist fertile soil. The attitude towards lighting in different species is ambiguous. Many are quite reconciled with penumbra, and some are even shade-tolerant.

Three-lobed almond (Louisania)

It's an amazing sight when Louisiana is in full bloom. Delicate pink double flowers completely cover a small tree and look like a pink cloud exuding a wonderful aroma.

Almonds are an ornamental shrub that can be easily grown by a beginner gardener.

If the plant is grafted, it will grow in the form of a tree, in ordinary culture it is a shrub. Its height is small - up to 3 meters. The most notable is the bloom. Terry flowers, their diameter is up to 3.5 cm. The main range is pink. Too bad it doesn't last long. Immediately after it, young leaves begin to bloom. It is at this time that luiseania can be pruned so that flowering next year is plentiful.

Louisiana will calmly endure frosts down to -30 degrees, but it suffers greatly from winter thaws. In this plant, the genetic period of deep dormancy lasts only a month. Therefore, a thaw, which is long, will cause the flower buds to swell, and if frost follows, it will destroy them.


This is one of the most beautiful and early flowering ornamental shrubs. He comes from the East. The genus of rhododendrons unites almost 600 species, among which there are deciduous, evergreen and intermediate species. Rhododendron is complex in culture. It grows best in areas with cool, humid summers and not too cold winters. In a continental climate, the plant feels uncomfortable. The flower grower will have to work hard to tame this capricious sissy. Most rhododendrons are not frost-hardy; they can survive a harsh winter only under solid shelter. Although there are varieties, for example, Helsinki University or Elite, that do without it, they are not afraid of frosts down to -35 degrees. More resistant deciduous species.

Received special love and distribution for large flowers of different colors.

The corolla of rhododendron flowers is slightly irregular in shape, in most species it is collected in a corymbose inflorescence, but there are species with single or paired flowers. Color palette - almost all colors and shades. In some species, the flowers are fragrant.

The height of the bush in different varieties can vary from 40 cm to 2 m. At the same time, their width can be twice the height.

Flowering occurs at the end of May and beginning of June. Some varieties delight with repeated autumn flowering. Most of them bloom late - in the fifth or even seventh year of life. Plants grow very slowly. Rhododendrons are acidophiles, they develop well only on acidic soils and when watered with acidified water.

tree peony

These imperial flowers, as they are called in their homeland in China, can become an adornment of any garden. Openwork feathery leaves are decorative throughout the season. Huge flowers, reaching a diameter of 20 cm, are simply mesmerizing. Even if they are not terry, the bush looks very beautiful. And if there are a lot of petals, and besides, they are two-color, you just can’t take your eyes off him.

The tree peony is popular among many flower connoisseurs.

The height of the plant varies from 1 to 2 meters, depending on the variety. And tree-like peonies have a huge number of them - a flower in culture for more than 2000 years. Not all varieties of tree peonies are frost-resistant; they will have to be covered for the winter.

Tree peonies bloom from May to early July. Flowering of each variety lasts up to 3 weeks. This culture is more capricious than herbaceous peonies but the result is worth any effort.

rose hips

Decorative wild roses are the closest relatives of inimitable roses, but they differ favorably from them in their unpretentiousness and frost resistance. The decorative wild rose has arched hanging branches, which are covered with strong and very sharp thorns. The height of the bushes is different, ranging from 1 to 3 m. Flowers can be simple and have 5 petals. There are also those who can have up to 180 of them. Terry species are distinguished by larger flowers. Decorative wild roses breed well, have a rich color range - white, all shades of pink and raspberry. The only drawback in many species is the short flowering period. For most of them, it takes place from May to July.

Rosehip has a huge amount medicinal properties and great decorative value.

The wrinkled wild rose is decorated with flowers from June to the very end of autumn. From mid-summer, orange or red fruits are a great addition. The color of the flowers is white, pink, lilac-violet. When crossing the wrinkled wild rose with the polyanthus rose, large-flowered forms with good frost resistance were obtained.

Like any other plant, decorative wild roses need watering and fertilizing, the formation of a bush.

felt cherry

In felt cherry, decorativeness and practical use are successfully combined. This distant relative of the common cherry has sour fruits and not so tasty, but the harvest is pleasing. In bloom, the felt cherry is amazingly beautiful. All shoots are literally covered with medium-sized white-pink flowers. True, flowering, starting at the very beginning of May, and sometimes in April, does not last very long, and if another variety is not planted nearby, there will be no berries at all - this plant, for the most part, is cross-pollinated.

It will decorate the garden with its amazing flowers and pleasant aroma, and in the summer it will pamper you with delicious berries.

Such an unusual name was given to a low tree for the pubescence that covers the leaves, shoots and fruits. The height of felt cherries does not exceed 3 m, so it is very convenient to pick berries. They do not crumble and add decoration to the tree. Felt cherry is short-lived, even with good pruning, it does not live for more than 20 years. In order to save the plants, it will be necessary to carry out treatments from the monilial burn, with which they are severely affected.

Altai wolf

Branches sprinkled with flowers look quite interesting.

This relic plant is found in the wild in Altai and in the Belgorod region. The height of a deciduous shrub is from one to one and a half meters. In May, it blooms with white nail-like flowers. Blacks ripen in July poisonous berries. In nature, it is an endangered species and is listed in the Red Book. The plant has been in cultivation for over 200 years. The shrub grows well, unpretentious and frost-resistant.


Cultivated grapes are difficult to attribute to ornamental shrubs, except perhaps during the ripening of berries. In many countries, home gardens are decorated with girlish or wild grapes. It also has another name - virgin ivy: small blue berries can form without pollination. But they are not the decoration of the plant. The most important thing in girlish grapes is decorative foliage. In summer, the beautiful palmate leaves are green. With the onset of frost, they turn crimson and flame up to the very fall of the leaves, bringing bright colors to the dull autumn landscape.

Spectacular and unpretentious decoration of the garden.

By using girlish grapes you can decorate any unsightly structure or fence. One has only to give him support, and he will very quickly fill the space allotted to him. The dense carpet of leaves has bactericidal properties and inhibits the growth of certain pathogens. There are 12 species in the wild grape family. They differ in the shape of the leaves and their size, color in autumn, but they are all very decorative. The height that grapes can master reaches 15-20 m. The plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant, does not need to be removed from the support for the winter.

Decorative deciduous shrubs for the garden: list

In these ornamental shrubs for the garden, flowering is not the main thing. Their main beauty is in the leaves. They may be unusually colored or have a beautiful original shape.


This plant belongs to the rose family. The height of the deciduous shrub varies from 1.5 to 3 m. The plants are well leafy and look voluminous. Bushes are decorative throughout the season. They are very decorated with flowers of white or pale pink color, collected in a corymbose inflorescence. They appear in June and last for 3 weeks. In early autumn, fruits ripen that look like small red bubbles, which is what gave the name to the plant.

The vesicle is an ornamental shrub with a dense crown.

The leaves of the vesicle are large, corrugated, the edges end with teeth. In green-leaved forms, they turn yellow in autumn. Red-leaved forms have brighter pink flowers and red leaves of various shades. In the shade, the bright color of the leaves is not so pronounced.

The vesicle is unpretentious, calmly tolerates air pollution, it makes an excellent hedge. He puts up with poor soil, but planted in fertile soil, will be more lush.

Red Japanese Maple

All of them are very decorative. Maple flowers are yellow-green and red, give life to lionfish seeds, with which the trees reproduce. The crown of Japanese maples is branched, the leaves are graceful, the branches are winding. In autumn, they turn bright, burgundy, cherry, orange or yellow.

Japanese red maple is a very beautiful, decorative showy tree.

Japanese maples are represented by three types:

  • hand-shaped; it has an original strongly cut leaf shape that retains a crimson color throughout the growing season, the palm-shaped Japanese maple grows slowly;
  • fan; it has strongly dissected, fan-like leaves, the height of the tree is small;
  • Japanese.

Based on these basic varieties, hybrid forms have been created that are highly decorative.

The Japanese maple loves moist, humus-rich soil that is slightly acidic. Stagnation of moisture is fatal for him. The tree feels best when receiving Sun rays morning and evening. At midday, it should be in shading.

Japanese maples do not differ in frost resistance and suffer from both spring frosts and from winter frosts. For the winter, the tree needs shelter.

Fieldfare rowanberry

Ease of planting and care provided the plant with the love of gardeners and landscape designers.

This plant is doubly ornamental:

  • strongly dissected, corrugated, similar to mountain ash, but with a sharp top, the leaves are beautiful at any time of the year; in spring they are pinkish-orange, in summer they are light green, and in autumn they are yellowish-red;
  • from June to August, the plant flaunts large cone-shaped panicles of yellowish fragrant flowers with long stamens.

The height of the bush is up to 3 meters. It grows very well, withstands shearing and can be an excellent hedge. Plants are able to grow both in the sun and in partial shade. Fieldfare is not picky about soils, but does not tolerate drought well. In central Russia, the plant is quite frost-resistant.


This plant is common in nature, but mainly in places with a warm climate. Based on wild species, many highly ornamental varieties and hybrids. A feature of the plant is the presence of hard spines. The leaves can have a variety of colors, sometimes consisting of several colors. There are species with yellow, purple or red leaves.

Barberry shrubs with colorful foliage look great in the garden.

The most elegant shrub at the time of flowering, when it is covered with tassels of yellow flowers, in some varieties they are with red veins. Barberry berries are also beautiful, but in ornamental varieties they are usually unsuitable for food.


Almost all of the 50 species of deren grow in the Northern Hemisphere. Usually these are shrubs, and only sometimes trees. They can be either deciduous or evergreen.

Deren is preferable to other types of ornamental shrubs.

Derain is decorative any time of the year:

  • in spring and summer - unusually colored foliage and rather large white flowers;
  • in autumn, the color of the leaves becomes pink or burgundy, and white or blue fruits appear in place of the flowers;
  • in winter, the brightly colored branches contrast with the snow.

Most often in culture you can find white derain. This shrub grows up to 3 meters, has brightly colored branches and green leaves with white spots. Medium-sized white flowers are collected in a corymbose inflorescence. It blooms magnificently in the first summer months, repeats flowering in autumn. At this time, flowers and white fruits with a bluish tinge can be seen on the bushes at the same time.

Deren is unpretentious, able to grow even in the shade, perfectly resists heat and frost.


The most interesting thing about this plant is the original multi-colored fruits hanging on long legs. Depending on the species, it is a tree or a shrub that reaches a height of 2 to 10 m. An interesting form is a dwarf euonymus, which practically does not have a trunk. Creeping plants consist of arched branches, with evergreen long leaves. Fortune's euonymus, as it is called, has green leaves with yellow or white spots.

Euonymus is widely used by gardeners to create a variety of flower arrangements.

Euonymus blooms inconspicuously. Leaves are highly decorative, dark green in summer, in autumn they are painted in all shades of red, orange, purple and yellow. Not uncommon - a multi-colored sheet.

The euonymus is poisonous, so all work with it must be carried out only with gloves.

Hornbeam hearty

A distinctive feature is light, translucent leaves, shaped like a heart.

This deciduous tree grows up to 15 m high. It has beautiful foliage and unusual nuts. The silvery bark is deeply cracked. The hornbeam has a very dense spreading crown. Male flowers are long catkins, and female flowers look like hop cones, they reach a length of up to 25 cm. Natural habitat - Southeast Asia. It often freezes in the middle lane, after which it grows as a bush. The tree is unpretentious, tolerates shading well, and propagates easily.

Elm leafy

As soon as this type of elm, popular in landscape design, is not called!

It has other names - elm, birch bark. This tree can reach a height of 30 m, and a diameter of 1.5 m. Its leaves are dense, petiolate. Flowering is observed before the leaves bloom. The flowers are collected in bunches, have a rusty-red perianth. The fruit is a winged fruit. Grows fast when young. Can live up to 300 years. In nature, it grows in places with a temperate climate. It tolerates drought well, loves the sun. In the middle lane it can freeze slightly.

Decorative forms of fruit trees

In spring it will delight with flowers, and in autumn with fruits.

At the time of flowering, all fruit trees are decorative. But there are also specially bred varieties that are not intended for fruiting, but for decorating garden plots.

  • The most decorative apple tree is the Nedzwiecki apple tree. This low tree can be an excellent tapeworm. At the time of flowering, it is strewn with red-purple flowers; after leaf fall, small bright red apples are clearly visible. The apple tree is unpretentious and well sheared. There are other varieties of ornamental apple trees with unusually colored foliage.
  • Among pears, the willow-leaved pear stands out with a special decorative effect. Leaves are long and narrow shape and completely uncharacteristic of this type of tree. Small flowers exude an amazing aroma. There is also a weeping form of the tree.
  • The most attractive and decorative cherry is felt.
  • There are also decorative plums, for example, the Nigra variety, which has black and red leaves. Its dark red fruits are edible. Nessie is also very good, her foliage has a bronze-violet color with a pink border. Chinese plum is also beautiful, having double flowers-roses.

Care ornamental trees does not differ from that of ordinary fruit crops. They are beautiful on their own and can be a great backdrop for other flowering plants.

Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs for summer cottages

Among the plants on the list, you can find many decorative flowering frost-resistant shrubs that successfully endure harsh winters.

It tolerates severe frosts very well!

To them you can add:

  • Potentilla shrub, it is sometimes called Kuril tea. Bushes with small foliage from 1 to 1.5 m high. Flowering is very long, almost throughout the summer. Potentilla with yellow flowers is the most common, but there are varieties with red, pink or white flowers. Potentillas are frost-resistant, drought-resistant, love rich soil and a sunny location.
  • Snowberry. The most beautiful thing about this plant is the fruits that adorn it throughout the winter. These are small balls of white or pink color. The first form withstands frosts best. The plants are undemanding to the soil, they like to grow in the sun, they practically do not get sick.

Coniferous and evergreen ornamental shrubs

Among the evergreens, there are not many that can withstand a harsh winter.

You can choose any plant you like!

The most persistent of them:

  • Fortune's euonymus;
  • boxwood;
  • some types of rhododendron;
  • holly;
  • cotoneaster horizontal;
  • honeysuckle shiny;
  • mahonia holly.

The range of conifers is much wider.

  • Various types of junipers.
  • Cypress trees.
  • Fir.
  • Yew berry.
  • Eastern biota.

Almost all conifers are lovers of acidic soils. Among their wide variety, you can pick up those that love the sun, and those who feel good in the shade. Most conifers grow slowly, do not tolerate drought and stagnant water. Some are able to burn badly in the bright spring sun and need protection from it.

Hedge of ornamental shrubs

Hedge- a great way to protect the site from prying eyes, noise and dust. It is durable, and, unlike the fence, does not require repair. It is enough just to take care of the plants and cut them in time to give the desired shape.

A hedge is a great alternative to a regular fence.

Unpretentious shrubs and trees are suitable for hedges, which grow quickly, reproduce easily, withstand frequent shearing, and branch well.

The fence may be high. It requires tall bushes: vesicles, hawthorn, white derain, tall spirea, lilac, shadberry, chokeberry, common barberry. It is from the latter that you can create an absolutely impenetrable green hedge. It will be the same if you plant rosehip bushes in a row.

A low hedge, the so-called curb, can be created from cinquefoil, decorative barberries, Japanese quince, brilliant cotoneaster, holly mahonia, boxwood.

Great combination of plants!

A very high hedge will be obtained with a dense planting of trees: hornbeam, arborvitae, yew, linden, larch, spruce.

The hedge can also be mixed; plants with the same growth force and similar requirements for growth are selected for it.

For low borders, you can use a low and dense variety. boxwood(Buxus sempervirens Suffruticosa) is a slow growing evergreen shrub with very beautiful glossy dark green leaves.

Boxwood is perfect not only for decorating an oriental-style balcony, but also for front trimmed borders. Several varieties of boxwood have been bred, which differ not only in the shape of the leaf, but also in the variegated color of the leaves.

Boxwood is shade-tolerant and drought-resistant, prefers fertile loose soils without stagnant water. For the winter, it is advisable to cover boxwood with agrospan to protect the leaves from winter and early spring sunburn.

For border plantings, it is quite possible to use some varieties. Fortune's euonymus(Euonymus fortunei) - slow-growing, very low, creeping shrub up to half a meter high with long shoots up to 3 meters, easily rooted in the internodes. These shoots are quite capable of clinging to a support, if any. Fortune's euonymus has green small leathery leaves 2-5 centimeters long.

This species, as well as its hybrid forms, such as Fortune's variegated spindle tree (Euonymus fortunei Variegatus) with white-green leaves and pink veins, which can also be used as a ground cover. And ripening fruits will not only add decorativeness to the bushes, but also serve as food for birds.

Fortune's euonymus prefers a half-body, is quite drought-resistant, tolerates pruning well.

Karagan(Caragana) has long been used as an ornamental plant. Perhaps most of us know it as an acacia growing in forest belts and parks, but in fact it is a caragana. For example, types such as prickly caragana(Caragana pygmaea) and caragana orange(Caragana aurantiaca) are able to create even impenetrable thickets if they are not cut.

Orange Karagana is a loose shrub up to 1 meter tall with numerous protruding shoots.

It grows well in urban conditions, tolerates drought well, and is completely undemanding to soil fertility. It needs to be trimmed constantly to get a solid green border. Karagana prickly differs from orange only in yellow flowers.

Very beautiful in a hedge snowberry(Symphoricarpos). Snowberry is a deciduous shrub up to 1-1.5 meters tall, especially beautiful in autumn, during long-term fruiting, when the branches bend under the weight of numerous white berries, indeed resembling small snowdrifts. And, perhaps, it is called so because the berries on the bush hold for a long time, right up to the snow.

The snowberry grows very quickly, is completely unpretentious in care, prefers open sunny places, calcareous soils. It grows well in urban conditions with insufficient watering. It tolerates shearing and bush formation. Sometimes in severe snowless winters it can freeze slightly, but it recovers very quickly.

For a low hedge, you can use semi-evergreen honeysuckle glossy, or brilliant(Lonicera nitida) with many lodging shoots, abundantly dotted with shiny green oblong leaves.

Brilliant honeysuckle grows well on both sandy and clay soils, if you take measures to improve fertility, make the land water and breathable. It grows well in open, sunny places, and in partial shade. The brilliant honeysuckle is thermophilic, therefore in our climate it loses leaves for the winter and can freeze slightly, therefore it requires shelter for the winter.

and honeysuckle(Lonicera pileata), which differs from the first in fragrant pale yellow flowers. It bears fruit, the fruits are medium-sized, with a cherry, purple. Honeysuckle cap-shaped can grow both in the sun and in partial shade; besides, it is more hardy than glossy honeysuckle, but in cold winters it still loses leaves.

Almond low, or steppe almond(Amygdalis nana = Amygdalis tenella = Prunus tenella) - low, up to 1-1.5 meters tall, branched deciduous shrub, especially beautiful in early spring, when it blooms with very bright, attention-grabbing, pink flowers that bloom along with the leaves. Almond is unpretentious, so it can be successfully used to create permanent garden compositions, flower beds.

Almond low prefers sunny places, tolerates drought, can grow on poor sandy soils. On clay soils, almonds will have to be drained, as they do not tolerate stagnant water in the soil at all.

Suitable for low curbs Cotoneaster Dummer(Cotoneaster dammeri), cotoneaster pressed(Cotoneaster adpressus), cotoneaster horizontal(Cotoneaster horizontalis). Dummer's cotoneaster is a ground cover evergreen shrub with long, easily rooted shoots and small, up to 4 centimeters, oval leaves. In autumn, ripening red fruits add decorativeness to the cotoneaster.

Cotoneaster appressed refers to deciduous ground cover plants. It has small, up to 1.5 centimeters, rounded leaves. Red fruits also ripen in September.

Cotoneasters are undemanding to soil fertility, can grow both in an open sunny place and in partial shade, do not tolerate strong waterlogging, but are very responsive to watering in dry times. For the winter, these types of cotoneaster need to be covered, as they freeze slightly.

Very decorative cinquefoil. Good for low hedges Potentilla Dahurian(Potentella davutica) and cinquefoil shrub(Potentella fruticosa).

Potentilla Dahurian is a low deciduous shrub up to 1 meter tall, blooms all summer with white flowers. Potentilla shrub - neat shrubs of a rounded shape, but slightly higher than the Daurian Potentilla, blooms with yellow flowers, there are varietal forms with white, pink and red flowers. Potentillas are unpretentious in care, they grow well in an open sunny area with minimal watering and top dressing. They tolerate a haircut well, do not require shelter for the winter.

For dry areas with depleted soil for hedges, you can use this steppe plant, How gorse dyeing(Genista tinctoria) - a dense shrub up to 1 meter tall with thin shoots directed upwards. The shoots are covered with narrow pale green leaves. Blooms with bright yellow flowers. The shrub is very unpretentious, although it can freeze slightly in snowless winters, but it quickly recovers.

Rose(Rose) - in no way inferior in beauty to rhododendon, rather, equal among equals, - a worthy representative of ornamental garden shrubs. For low borders, it is quite possible to use ground cover, miniature, patio, polyanthus and even some undersized varieties of floribunda roses. Neatly trimmed, or growing freely - roses never leave indifferent.

However, in order for roses to always be in excellent condition, you need to work hard: roses are quite whimsical. The soil they need is nutritious, moderately moist. Roses need both thinning and sanitary pruning. For the winter, all roses need to be covered.

For some reason to currant(ribes) and gooseberries(Grossularia) we are accustomed to treat only as fruit bushes. However, it is worth looking at them from the other side. Any currant is decorative during the growing season: both in spring, during flowering, and in summer, during fruiting, and even without fruits.

All currants and gooseberries are very similar, but it is quite suitable for a short hedge. alpine currant(Ribes alpinum) - a compact and rather dense deciduous shrub up to 1.5 meters tall, a dioecious plant, female specimens are suitable for fruiting. True, the berries of the alpine currant are tasteless. Alpine currant is quite unpretentious, grows well in sunny areas, undemanding to soils, but when fertilizing, the shrub is much thicker, tolerates pruning well, does not need shelter.

Japanese chaenomeles hedge is very decorative. Chaenomeles japanese(Chaenomeles japonica), or japonica- dense deciduous shrub up to 1 meter tall. Chaenomeles is very beautiful during flowering, when it is covered with marvelous red flowers. When tied, small rounded fruits with a pleasant lemon taste and smell are formed, from which jams and jams are cooked.

However, the Japanese genomeles needs protection from the northern winds. It is photophilous, grows better on fertile, well-drained soils. In winter, shoots can freeze slightly, but in spring they quickly recover. With strong thickening, thinning is required.

From this list, it is quite possible to choose plants that are ideal for your site, according to the requirements for maintenance conditions, fertility, acidity and soil moisture.

It is absolutely not necessary to go against nature and plant mahonia or rhododendron on poor dry soils, or on wet wetlands - almonds, gorse or boxwood. Only plants that are ideally suited to your conditions will grow quickly, become a real highlight of the garden, and most importantly, they will not require much care.

References: Konovalova T.Yu., Shevyreva N.A. Ornamental shrubs, 2004
Image source Leonora Enking (5), John Hickey, Ron Gay, Deborah Cowder,, Janette Dollamore, Tracey Stout, Jodi, Stefano, peganum, Josef Lex (mission accomplished!), Matt Lavin, Mountain Partnership at FAO, per.aasen, Cheryl Moorehead, Andreas Balzer, Dietmut Teijgeman-Hansen, flemertown, dangle earrings, Maja Dumat (2), Daniela Ionesco, Diddlecome Dawcock, Paul Simpson, Eirien, Yasuki Fujinuma, Ron Wolf, Nobuhiro Suhara (2), Steve Garvie, Jens Schmidt, David Trevan, Ben Rushbrooke, Jan Sølve Borlaug, Marcel, stanze, jacqueline (Jackie) ramsey, /, Wulf Forrester-Barker, Nacho, Mark Watts, gartenknorze, Helge Vindenes. Ruschi. Carl Lewis, Martha B. Moss, L "herbier en photos, Stephanie, jlcummins - Washington State, matt hirt, Andrew Caird, photopoésie, Betsy, tesselaarusa (2), -eney- (3), Marc Kummel, Sirpa Tähkämö, Dan Davis, Kirill Ignatyev, FarOutFlora, Rainer Fritz

Our grandmothers, growing strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving High Quality berries and reduce crop losses. Some might say it's troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we suggest that you get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very versatile. Despite the fact that “babies” have always been considered more fashionable, it is worth taking a closer look at the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate a modern interior. After all, colors, sizes, patterns, degree of pricklyness, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will talk about the five most fashionable succulents that surprisingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as far back as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will look at the most interesting varieties mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in the open field.

People began to grow crocuses 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses - one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom in late March and early April.

Shchi from early young cabbage in beef broth is hearty, fragrant and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup with this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is placed in the pan at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike autumn cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Real cabbage soup is tastier than freshly cooked.

Blueberries - a rare promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. The taste of blueberries resembles a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of varieties of tomatoes, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. He sometimes confuses even experienced gardeners! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties “for yourself”. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have much time and energy to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of room nettle, and then forgotten by everyone, coleuses today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, coleus require constant supervision. But if you take care of them, bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon backbone baked in Provence herbs is a "supplier" of delicious pieces of fish pulp for light salad with fresh wild garlic leaves. Mushrooms are lightly fried in olive oil, and then poured with apple cider vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary pickled ones, and they are better suited for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill coexist perfectly in one salad, emphasizing the flavor of each other. Garlic sharpness of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of salmon and pieces of mushrooms.

A coniferous tree or shrub on the site is always great, and many conifers are even better. Emerald needles of various shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, secreted by plants, not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adult conifers are considered to be very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral attribute of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. Financial and academic year here begins on April 1, when the magnificent sakura blossoms. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But sakura also grows well in cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how people's tastes and preferences for certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and traded lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then the methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Make your family happy and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your children will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative and deciduous favorites among tuberous crops. And the caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of the interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, the rumors about the unusual capriciousness of the Caladium never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties when growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it will suit every side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don’t want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can make this ahead of time to keep it hot), add gravy and dinner is ready! A real lifesaver.