Whom the author calls a harmoniously developed personality. Man's lifestyle

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Topic: Harmonic development as a concept and its essence.

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Venskevich Sergei. L.


1. Aspects of the development of a harmoniously developed personality in education and pedagogy

2 . The influence of mental education, the accumulation of cultural and religious values, in the relationship of a harmonious personality

3. The Role and Influence of Physical Culture on the Basis of Harmonious Development

4. Output

Harmony(Greek harmonia - communication, harmony, proportionality) the proportionality of parts and the whole, the merging of various components of an object into a single organic whole. In Harmony, internal order and measure of being are externally revealed. Radical transformations in all spheres of society's life demanded an urgent need for a deep rethinking of the existing system of upbringing and education of the younger generation. Continuing education should become an integral part of every person's lifestyle. Comprehensive development of the personality, the maximum realization of the abilities of each - its main goal. The implementation of this lofty goal is supposed to be at school as an initial stage in the formation of a personality, the formation of a scientific worldview, ideological maturity, and political culture.

Under the influence of socio-economic and political transformations in our country in the last decades of the twentieth century, the system of school education has undergone major changes, not for the better. And, simply put, almost gave way to learning. Naturally, education, including aesthetic education, has completely passed into the hands of parents, and this is at best. Many children were brought up under the influence of the society in which they spent their time free from school, and this is not only, and not so much parents. As it is now customary to say, "they were brought up by the street." Naturally, under such conditions, there can be no talk of any “sensory knowledge”. And as a result, our society has a whole generation of young people who do not know how to build their lives harmoniously, deprived of aesthetic taste, with a distorted concept of "beautiful - ugly", deprived of the opportunity to enjoy art. Psychologists have been sounding the alarm for a long time, young people do not know how to relax. The rhythm of modern life requires intense emotional effort, and the ability to admire the beauty of the surrounding world, to “see” the beautiful is the best cure for stress. The purpose of this study is to prove that it is the school that is called upon to educate an aesthetically developed, internally beautiful person. And modern domestic pedagogy has all the prerequisites to do this. “The essence of aesthetic education is to affirm goodness as beautiful,” this is the task of any teacher, no matter what subject he teaches. Accordingly, the object of this study will be the process of aesthetic education at school, and the subject is the influence of aesthetic education and training on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. We can safely say that one of the important conditions for the successful socialization of an individual is his aesthetic education, possession of aesthetic culture in any manifestation of life: in work, art, everyday life, human behavior. In this context, the task of aesthetic education has something in common with practical social pedagogy, the purpose of which is to harmonize the relationship between the individual and the social environment. Another argument in favor of school aesthetic education is the author's observations and the study of psychological and pedagogical experience regarding the social development of the individual. The research was carried out by the method of observation, study of the products of activity and theoretical analysis. In Soviet educational and scientific literature, aesthetic education was considered from the standpoint of dialectical and historical materialism. There was too much ideology in textbooks on aesthetics and aesthetic education, but from the point of view of pedagogy, the system of aesthetic education in the Soviet school had a clear structure and scientific justification, and methods and approaches have not lost their relevance to this day. The disadvantages of the system of the Soviet period were: the denial of foreign experience, in capitalist countries alien to the Marxist-Leninist ideology, as well as the subordination of aesthetic education and its results to communist ideals. At the same time, in the literature of the 60s of the last century, there are very interesting and relevant finds for today in the field of the development of aesthetic taste in children. To date, the amount of information devoted to aesthetic education at school is clearly not enough, and the problem is quite acute. The life of a child in modern society will be truly full and emotionally rich if he is brought up “according to the laws of beauty”, and where, if not at school, can he learn these laws.

It is at school that such qualities of a citizen as social responsibility, self-discipline, respect for the law should be laid, self-government skills should be developed. The modern school is faced with the task of revising the content, improving the methodology and organization of educational work, and implementing an integrated approach to the matter of education.

The Austrian psychiatrist Z. Freud (1856-1939) argued that the personal development of a person depends to a decisive extent on libido, i.e. from psychosexual desires. If these drives are not satisfied, it gives rise to neuroses and other mental deviations and affects the spiritual development and behavior of the individual. Appropriate conclusions were drawn from this in pedagogy. One of these conclusions was that if everything in the development of a person as a person is pre-programmed and stable, then, therefore, already in childhood it is possible to identify and measure the intelligence of children, their abilities and capabilities and use these measurements in the learning process and education.

The subject of the study of pedagogy, and the main goal (ideal) of modern education is the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. But some authors, as if forgetting about this, emphasize that education in modern conditions should be of a different nature. Such a clarification is devoid of any scientific meaning. In fact, if both the subject of pedagogy and the goal of education are their direct focus on the personal development of a person, then education simply cannot but be personality-oriented. Another thing is that education should be characterized by high efficiency and pedagogical effectiveness. Indeed, there are questions here. Naturally, for their successful solution it is necessary to know what a person is as a subject of education; how it develops and what factors influencing this development should be taken into account in the process of its formation. These questions are essential both for the development of pedagogical theory and for the practical educational work of the teacher. The problems associated with the harmonious development of a person as a person are covered in philosophy, ethics, psychology and other sciences. Pedagogy, on the other hand, has its own, broader aspect of research, especially when it comes to the practical side of education. A lot of deep theoretical and methodological ideas on these issues are contained in the works of Y.A. Komensky, G. Pestalozzi, A. Diesterweg, K. D. A.S. Makarenko, as well as many modern teachers. Essential for pedagogy is, first of all, understanding the very concept of personality and other scientific terms related to it.

Harmonious development includes not only the social properties and qualities of a person. In this sense, this concept characterizes the social essence of a person and denotes the totality of his social properties and qualities that he develops during his lifetime. To characterize a person and his essence, the concept of individuality is important. Individuality as a concept denotes that special and outstanding thing that distinguishes one person from another, one form of development from another, which gives each person a peculiar beauty and originality and determines the specific style of his activity and behavior. In the process of life of a person and personality, their development takes place. Development should be understood as the process of interrelated quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in connection with the maturation of a person, in improving his nervous system and psyche, as well as cognitive and creative activity, in enriching his worldview, morality, social views and beliefs.

In connection with the changed conditions of our society, with changes in the economy, attitudes towards work, with the development of the market, this topic is relevant. Since already from school, teenagers imagine their profession, but being able to help choose this profession, help him find the right path in his life, is a very responsible task for the class teacher, school, and parents. The rapid development of productive forces in the context of scientific and technological progress, the intensification and automation of production, the need for a radical increase in labor productivity, the penetration of technology into all spheres of life, the rapid change in the technology of all industries, the increasing role of the combination and interchangeability of professions, a sharp increase in the share of intellectual labor, a change in its nature and content, etc. - all this requires more effective and high-quality training of a new type of worker, comprehensively educated, well-mannered and harmoniously developed. Under these conditions, career guidance, as the management of the formation of the personality of a new person, grows into an urgent national economic task, acquires an increasingly systemic, complex character, it embodies the interaction of objective conditions of a socio-economic nature and subjective personality traits, the purposeful impact of society on the professional self-determination of young people.

The key problem of the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality is mental education. It is only thanks to intellectual activity that man has created all the riches of material and spiritual culture and ensures continuous progress in the field of science, technology and socio-economic relations. Usually, mental education is associated with the mastery of scientific knowledge, with the development of creative abilities and inclinations. Equally important in this regard is the development of the individual's thinking, ingenuity, memory, and the ability to independently obtain and replenish one's knowledge. Expanding the intellectual outlook, mastering the latest achievements of science and technology and other universal values ​​is especially important at the present time, when the processes of globalization, market competition and the integration of interstate relations are becoming increasingly important in the world.

The role of moral development in shaping the personality is very great. Life in modern society requires a high culture of behavior and communication between people, the ability to maintain benevolent relations and thereby create a comfortable environment for oneself, assert one's dignity and personal self-worth. At the same time, our technogenic and ecologically unstable age is fraught with various dangers, and each person, both at work and in everyday life, needs to be highly demanding of himself, be able to use freedom, strictly observe labor discipline, be responsible for his actions, strengthen the stability of social relations in society.

In the development and formation of a harmonious personality, physical education, strengthening of its strength and health, development of motor functions, physical training and sanitary and hygienic culture are of great importance. Without good health and proper physical hardening, a person loses the necessary efficiency, is unable to show strong-willed efforts and perseverance in overcoming the difficulties encountered, which, of course, can interfere with his harmonious development. In addition, modern production often cultivates hypodynamia (low mobility) and monotonous movements, which can sometimes lead to physical disfigurement of the individual.

The purpose of the system of physical culture: all-round assistance in the formation of a person with the harmonious development of physical and spiritual forces (abilities) on the basis of the comprehensive development of his personal abilities in the process of physical activity (and its types) as the basis for the formation of a person’s physical culture, which is a prerequisite (condition) for his continuous physical culture improvement at all stages of ontogenesis, which is necessary for a full-fledged individual life and the progress of society as a whole.

It is the need to be a comprehensively prepared and educated person. These tasks of the system of physical culture are consistent with the essential side of the process of cultural development of man and society, associated with the production (development, creation), distribution (providing) and preservation of material and spiritual values. At the same time, the tasks are largely related to the implementation of its ideological, scientific and methodological, program-normative and organizational foundations, as well as the conditions for its functioning. The second task is directly related to pedagogical realities, reflecting the main essential features of the organizational forms (components) of physical culture, as well as the continuity of a person's physical culture improvement throughout his individual life path.

At the same time, education is primarily understood as the process and result of the creative development of a person (child), the active development of cultural values ​​directly by him, both in pedagogically organized and in amateur forms, and precisely the process of mastering the subject of physical culture as the main means and method of forming physical culture. a person who combines somatopsychic and sociocultural components during rational classes (and, consequently, the formation and satisfaction of both spiritual and material needs), can serve as the basis of physical education, including when teaching schoolchildren motor actions. In the learning process, it is important not only to master the knowledge, skills and abilities required by educational standards (both as a teacher-trainer and students), but also "to create opportunities for a person to achieve the heights of his development (using the methods of acmeological design, affirmation, semantic diversification and reflective organization of self-consciousness). In this regard, in the process of teaching motor actions, it is important to more fully adopt the developed theories: the stage-by-stage formation of actions and concepts, the formation of an indicative basis for motor actions, and a number of others that are in textbooks and textbooks, with rare exceptions, are still insufficiently reflected, although they are closely related to personality-oriented, developing education.At the same time, the leading role in this process should be played by the sociocultural component, which shows the decisive role of consciousness, thinking in the formation of motor actions and harmonious development.

The comprehensive development of a harmonious personality includes two more components. The first of these concerns inclinations, creative inclinations and abilities. Every healthy person has them, and the duty of the school is to identify and develop them, to form in students individual beauty, personal originality, and a creative approach to doing any business. The second component relates to productive labor and its great role in the formation of personality. Only it allows to overcome the one-sidedness of a person's personal development, create the prerequisites for his full-fledged physical formation, and stimulate mental, moral and aesthetic perfection.

Thus, the components of the comprehensive development of the individual are: mental education, technical (polytechnic) education, physical education, moral education, aesthetic education, which must be combined with the development of creative abilities and inclinations of students and involving the latter in feasible labor activity. But all-round development must be harmonious, (coordinated) in nature. This means that a full-fledged upbringing should be based on the simultaneous and interconnected development of all the above aspects of the personality. If one or another side, for example, physical or moral development, is carried out at certain costs, this will inevitably have a negative impact on the formation of the personality as a whole.

Recently, the concept of comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality is sometimes interpreted as a versatile development, since, they say, comprehensive development is not carried out in full. It is unlikely that such a substitution of established concepts is justified. The fact is that the need for the all-round development of the individual acts as the educational ideal of a society with a highly developed technical basis, as its pedagogical tendency. The measure and depth of this development depend on the specific socio-economic conditions in which it is carried out. It is important, however, that upbringing contributes to the mental, technical, moral, aesthetic, and physical formation of the personality, which meets the objective needs of society and the interests of the individual himself. The concept of diversified development has no such expressive terminological meaning and can be interpreted in any way, which science should usually avoid. Education is not only a science, but also an art. If education as a science gives us answers to questions - what? then the questions - how? how? the method of education gives us the answers, that is, the art of educating mentally developed and harmoniously educated people in society.


Pedagogy is not only a science that gives us the knowledge that we would like to learn from one or another source that owns such information. Pedagogy is the main subject of personality education and its harmonious development in various informational and political spheres. The very development of a harmoniously developed intellect consists not only in pedagogical education, but also in other functions adjacent to it. Pedagogical education is a complex of various materials from other topics (psychology, philosophy, physical culture and many other topics). Pedagogy is the promotion of human culture, a harmonious understanding of the world, mental and moral education from nobody to someone. A person himself must determine in what worldview he will have to live.


1. Textbook of harmony, M., 1969; Tyulin Y. and Privano N.

2. Theoretical Foundations of Harmony, 2nd ed., M., 1965;

3. Balsevich V.K. Physical culture for everyone and for everyone. - M.: FiS, 1988. - 208 p.

4. Visit N.N. Physical perfection as a characteristic of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality (Physical culture and modern problems of human physical perfection): Sat. scientific tr. M., 1985, p. 35-41.

5. Lubysheva L.I. The concept of the formation of human physical culture. - M.: GTSOLIFK, 1992. - 120 p.

6. Novikov A.D. Physical education. - M.: FiS, 1949. - 134 p.

7. Fundamentals of pedagogy: textbook. allowance / A.I. Zhuk [and others]; under total ed. A.I. Beetle. - Minsk, 2003.

8. Gershunsky, B.S. The concept of personality self-realization in the system of substantiation of values ​​and goals of education / B.S. Gershunsky // Pedagogy. - 2003. - No. 10. - S. 3 - 7.

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In modern conditions, a creative person becomes in demand by society at all stages of its development. The number of changes in life that occur in a short period of time urgently require qualities from a person that allow him to creatively and productively approach any changes. In order to survive in a situation of constant changes, in order to adequately respond to them, a person must activate his creative potential.

An invariable fact in our changing society is that the musical development of children in the system of additional education is the center, the core of the creation and education of the personality of the future, it has served and will serve to ensure that all the efforts of teachers are directed to the development and education of the personality.

Among the researchers of the phenomenon of creativity, there are two points of view: some believe that it is impossible to teach creativity, others argue that creativity can be learned. Professor VG Maksimov adheres to the view that it is impossible to teach creativity, but this does not mean at all that it is not necessary to promote its formation and development. He argues that without certain inclinations of a teacher, it is impossible to expect a creative approach to the profession from him. Such qualities as love for children and one's work, high moral and aesthetic culture, the art of mastering the word, special sensitivity and attention to the world of children's feelings should be present. These qualities form the core of the personality of a master teacher, which makes a person a personality and a professional.
Modern pedagogy is based on the thesis that the inclinations of creativity are inherent in any person, any normal child. The task of teachers is to reveal these abilities, to develop them. However, "waking up" the child's abilities does not mean opening some kind of valve and giving scope to human nature. Abilities are formed gradually in the process of vigorous activity in the classroom of musical education. In its provision, the importance of a targeted system of pedagogical influences, flexible enough, subtly taking into account the characteristics of children, is of great importance. The creative inclinations of the student are manifested in his initiative, activity and independence.

Creativity implies a persistent cognitive interest in music. It is necessary to develop this quality within the framework of classes, using a system of special tasks, and special attention should be paid to the student's ability to express his point of view, find explanations for the musical works he listens to and thus form a personal attitude to the content of music. Such a process is purely individual, like creativity itself.

The creative process in the broad sense of the word is the creation of new socially significant material and spiritual values.

How to teach a child to think creatively? Let's heed the advice of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. "Do not bring down an avalanche of knowledge on a child, do not try to tell everything that you know about the subject of study in the classroom, inquisitiveness and curiosity can be buried under an avalanche of knowledge. life played in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Leave something unsaid so that the child wants to return to what he has learned again and again. " "... Mental efforts should never be directed only to fixing in memory, to memorization. Comprehension stops, mental work also stops, stupefying cramming begins."

At present, creativity and creative activity determine the value of a person, therefore the formation of a creative personality today acquires not only theoretical, but also practical meaning. In this regard, the role of musical education increases as a condition for the formation of a creative, harmoniously developed personality.

A special role in the formation of the creative personality of the child is assigned to the family. Children and parents are in constant search, the modern family has a huge intellectual potential, and the teacher's task is to attract and skillfully use it when organizing children's free time, filling leisure time with useful things. Whatever side of the development of the child we would not take, the family always plays a decisive role. This is visiting theaters of concerts, collective viewing of musical TV shows, celebrating "Birthdays" and other family holidays where music would be played. This will develop interest in music, its better understanding and perception. Many children experience information insaturation. They want to know a lot, everything is interesting, they want to actively participate in everything. It means they want to prove themselves. This position creates the ability to work. And for this, the teacher and parents should create conditions, state the results, and stimulate participation.

The main thing in the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality is the creation of conditions for the self-development of a person.

1. Interest in yourself.

The child must learn to ask himself questions and answer them. He must learn to love himself in the good sense of the word: who am I? What am I? What I want? What can I do? What can I do for this? What is needed to achieve this? Educational measures can and should arouse interest in posing these questions to oneself, without experiencing guilt and fear, fear and uncertainty.

2. Self-recognition of oneself as a person.

The task of the teacher is to help the child in the formation of adequate self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence, and own success. He, like an adult, needs to feel his importance and necessity. This will lead any child to emotional balance and the desire for self-realization.

3. Self-management.

Manage yourself consciously, and not mindlessly obey orders. Self-management is also the ability to independently, without outside help, solve your problems. This contributes to the education of will, character.

4. Respect for someone else's opinion.

Through educational activities to form a culture of communication, develop communication skills. Learn to form and express your opinion, not being afraid to be alone in your opinion, learn to defend it, admit your wrongness and the fallacy of your judgments. Everyone has the right to make a mistake. Cultivate a tolerant attitude towards different people, things and views. Help children overcome communication difficulties.

5. Emotional stability.

Develop positive emotions and manage negative emotions. Learn to call one and get rid of others.


The ability to forgive;

Do not harbor resentment;

Do not grow in yourself the desire to take revenge, to punish.

An important skill is the ability to manage your fear. Learn to create situations around yourself that contribute to the emergence of certain emotions.

6. Motivation of actions and deeds.

The child's attitude to learning and to any kind of activity depends on the motivation for this activity. The incentive for the manifestation of positive motivation are individual motives:


Far-reaching prospects;

Faith in one's own strengths;

Positive emotions.

Music is an integral part of aesthetic education. Its possibilities lie in the specifics of music, which reflects reality in sound images and embodies the creativity of the composer, listener, performer, and, having exceptional emotional richness, has a strong impact on a person, deeply penetrates into the subtle spiritual layers of his personality. In the process of active, creative development of musical art, the creative potential of the child is revealed. In psychology, two forms of children's creativity are distinguished - reproducing creativity and inventive creativity. It should be noted that such a division is conditional, because in creative art is not only composition, but also performance and perception. Therefore, it is important to understand creativity as an integral part of any musical activity of students in the classroom.

For developmentcreativitystudents in the process of musical education and formationharmoniously developed personality,it is necessary to maintain a persistent, cognitive interest in music.

The fundamental reform of education and upbringing is an important direction of state policy. Raising the level of education and upbringing is the main task of teachers, since mental development and personality development affect the level of culture, worldview and human intelligence. From the first steps along the path of independence, great importance is attached to the revival and further development of spirituality, the improvement of the system of national education, the strengthening of its national foundation, raising them to the level of world standards in harmony with the requirements of the time, since a truly educated person can highly appreciate the virtues rights, preserve national values, raise national self-awareness, fight selflessly in order to live in a free society, so that our state takes a worthy, authoritative place in the world community.

The main goal and driving force of the transformations being implemented is a person, his harmonious development and well-being, the creation of conditions and effective mechanisms for realizing the interests of the individual, changing obsolete stereotypes of thinking and social behavior. An important condition for development is the formation of a perfect system of personnel training based on the rich intellectual heritage of the people and universal values, the achievements of modern culture, economics, science, technology and technology. We set ourselves the goal of creating the necessary opportunities and conditions for our children to grow up not only physically and spiritually healthy, but also comprehensively and harmoniously developed people with the most modern intellectual knowledge that fully meets the requirements of the 21st century.

Education should be not only comprehensive, but also harmonious (from the Greek harmonia - consistency, harmony). This means that all aspects of the personality must be formed simultaneously and in close relationship with each other. Since personal qualities are formed in vivo, it is quite clear that in some people they can be expressed more clearly, in others - weaker. The question arises: by what criteria can one judge the extent of a person's personal development? Psychologist S. L. Rubinshtein wrote that a person is characterized by such a level of mental development that allows her to consciously control her own behavior and activities. That is why the ability to think over one's actions and be responsible for them, the ability to autonomous activity is an essential feature of personality.

The famous philosopher V.P. Tugarinov considered 1) rationality, 2) responsibility, 3) freedom, 4) personal dignity, 5) individuality among the most important characteristics of a person. Man is directly a natural being. As a natural being, he is endowed with natural forces, inclinations and abilities that cannot but influence the social development of a person, his formation as a person. How, however, does this influence manifest itself? Let's point out a few provisions.

First. For the formation of man as a social being, his natural ability to develop is of paramount importance. Experiments carried out on the simultaneous upbringing of human and monkey cubs showed that the monkey develops only according to the “biological program” and is not able to learn speech, upright walking skills, labor, norms and rules of behavior. Its development is limited by biological possibilities, and it cannot go beyond these possibilities.

The child, along with biological maturation, is able to master many things that are not biologically “programmed” in him: straight gait, speech, work skills, rules of behavior, that is, everything that ultimately makes him a person. . Second. The biological effect in the formation of a person is also in the fact that people have a certain natural predisposition to this or that activity. For example, many people by nature have a keen ear for music, good voice abilities, the ability for poetic creativity, phenomenal memory, mathematical inclinations, special physical properties, expressed in growth, muscle strength, etc. Third. Of no less importance is the fact that biologically a person has very great opportunities for development, that he uses his potential in this regard only by 10-12%.

Finally, the fourth. It is impossible not to take into account that the biological can manifest itself in the development of personality in the most unexpected way. There is, however, another factor that influences the personal development of a person. It is, of course, about education. In modern conditions, it is already difficult to imagine a person's introduction to life without a long and specially organized training and education.

It is upbringing that acts as the most important means by which the social program for the development of the individual, his inclinations and abilities is implemented. Thus, along with the environment and biological inclinations, upbringing acts as an essential factor in the development and formation of personality. However, recognizing the role of these three factors - the environment, biological inclinations (heredity) and upbringing - in human development, it is essential to correctly understand the relationship in which these factors are located among themselves.

If, for example, we compare the formative influence of the environment and upbringing on the personality, it turns out that the environment influences its development to a certain extent spontaneously and passively. In this regard, it acts as an opportunity, as a potential prerequisite for the development of personality. Moreover, external environmental influences in modern conditions are not in themselves able to provide a solution to those most difficult tasks that are associated with the formation of personality and its preparation for life.

In order for a person to master science, methods of professional activity and form the necessary moral and aesthetic qualities in himself, special and long-term education is required. The same applies to the creative inclinations of a person. In order for these inclinations to manifest themselves, not only appropriate social conditions and a certain level of development of society are needed, but also appropriate education, special training in one or another sphere of social activity.

Emphasizing this position, the outstanding Russian physiologist and psychologist I. M. Sechenov wrote: “In the immeasurable majority of cases, the nature of the psychological content of 999/1000 is given by education in the broad sense of the word, and only 1/1000 depends on individuality.” All this allows us to draw the most important conclusion: education plays a decisive role in the development and formation of personality. Only with the help of upbringing is the social program of human development realized, and his personal qualities are formed.

The importance of this concept lies in the fact that the education of a harmoniously developed personality by society, the instillation of social norms, rules, values, customs and traditions is an important factor in the development of a harmonious society as a whole. A harmoniously developed personality (in the broad sense of the term) is one of the cornerstones of a person's worldview. It can serve as a kind of basis, over which other moral principles of a person are built over time, which determine his relationship with the people around him, and that is why the right choice in this case is extremely important.

In psychology, the interpretation of the concept of "personality" is ambiguous. So, E. V. Ilyenkov believed that in order to understand what a person is, it is necessary to study the organization of "the totality of human relations", their "socio-historical, and not natural character." The outstanding Russian educator and thinker K. D. Ushinsky spoke about the relationship between society and the individual, about the independence of the latter: with its independence. Aristotle very aptly said that a person who does not need the company of people is not a person, he is either an animal or a god. To this, however, it should be added that a person who cannot stand his independence in society is equal to zero, standing on the left side of the numbers, and a person who does not recognize anything in society except his own thought, wants to be a unit alone, in order to so that all others remain zero, on the right side of the one. The point of education in this regard is precisely to educate such a person who would enter as an independent unit into the figure of society ... Society is a combination of independent individuals, in which, according to the principle of division of labor, the strength of society is increased by the strength of each and the strength of each by the strength of society " .

The upbringing of modern youth should be focused on the formation in their minds of the desire for self-improvement, for a certain life goal. In choosing a life path, the worldview plays a leading role. Under the worldview understand the system of views of man on society, nature and himself. Worldview is formed in the process of practical activity and cognition. It goes without saying that with the so-called pedantic knowledge, that is, based on mechanical, non-critical assimilation, a person does not develop a scientific worldview, and knowledge remains a dead weight. When a person tries to understand life, to comprehend it, then practical experience and theoretical knowledge serve as building blocks in the construction of a scientific worldview.

Worldview is a generalized system of views, beliefs and ideals in which a person expresses his attitude to his natural and social environment. The worldview of a person, being a generalization of knowledge, experience and emotional assessments, determines “the ideological orientation of her entire life and activity. It is known that an individual first sensually cognizes the world, then, on the basis of the acquired knowledge, an individual worldview (consciousness of the world) is formed, on the basis of which the consciousness of oneself is formed. All acquired knowledge about the world is combined and a whole worldview is formed.

The expansion of the scientific worldview of students affects the development of the personality, which gives positive pedagogical results, and the assimilation of universal human values ​​by future specialists in the process of forming their scientific worldview serves as the basis for the formation of spirituality.

So, the formation of a harmoniously developed, independently thinking free personality is the main goal of education in a modern democratic society. Whatever the moral norms, rules and attitudes of the state and society do not influence the individual, that is, the social unit - the individual, the truth lies only within itself. Only the choice of the personality itself depends on the choice of its path, its harmony with the outside world, its creative role and usefulness to society.

A harmonious personality means a balance between the external and internal world of a person. Such people live in harmony with themselves. They are open to everything new and look for the good in everything. So what are these people? That is what we will talk about in this article.

What is harmony?

Let's start from the very beginning, namely, what is harmony? This is the balance that is present between the feelings, thoughts and actions of a person. A certain consistency of his desires, actions and words.

There are two types of harmony:

  • internal;
  • external.

It means a deep understanding of yourself. A person does not have any internal contradictions, because he fully accepted himself, his shortcomings and virtues.

A person who is in external harmony does not experience any problems with the outside world. He develops good relationships with people, and he is also successful in other areas of life. For example, in:

  • family;
  • hobby;
  • self-development;
  • professions;
  • creativity.

In all this, the consistency of values, beliefs, actions and feelings reigns. He has a productive and peaceful life.

Description of concepts

From harmony came other concepts:

  • harmonious personality;
  • harmonious development.

It would seem that this is the same thing, but in fact the concepts are not synonymous. A person who has found balance and harmony may not always be a harmoniously developed personality.

This concept has its own meaning in every century and culture, so it is difficult to say exactly what it is. Generally speaking, this concept means the aesthetic, intellectual, physical and moral development of a person. Of course, not all people who have found harmony can be equally developed in all this. The goal of educating a harmoniously developed personality is to create all the necessary conditions for its comprehensive and harmonious development.

What should be a harmonious personality?

Consider the main qualities of such a person:

  1. A person always enjoys what he does, even if it is not quite what he would like.
  2. He is completely devoted to work and always does it qualitatively. He does not want to have time to do a little bit everywhere, it is important for him to be the best in every business and get the maximum result.
  3. A person understands what is under his control, and what he does not influence in any way.
  4. He always knows that much depends on the influence of the outside world. For this reason, he always strives to improve his life. He knows that the outside world influences his inner world.
  5. Such a person will never go over their heads. People are much more important to him than achieving goals.
  6. Engaged in self-development. He is always trying to make himself even better.
  7. Such a person is not afraid of loneliness, because he is comfortable being alone with himself. He also gives this opportunity to other people.
  8. Very responsive, will never leave a person in trouble. It will help him cope with anger, fear or anxiety.
  9. Looks positively at every situation. For example, he perceives loneliness not as something negative, but as an openness to new experiences and acquaintances.
  10. He does not worry about trifles, because life is very short, so you need to appreciate every moment of it.

Formation conditions

The formation of a harmonious personality is the best path that suits those who want to find harmony and reach their full potential. However, it is difficult to say exactly what conditions are necessary for this, because there are many of them and they are selected individually.

To become a harmoniously developed personality, you need to enrich your knowledge and feelings, as well as pay attention to the formation of will. To do this, you do not need to focus on just one ability of a person, because this should cover the entire inner world of the individual.

First of all, a person must have self-control. Otherwise, he will not be able to correlate his personal desires and needs with social requirements.

You can develop this ability in a person through awards and praise from adults who are significant to him. Comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality is impossible without the ability to obey external requirements, as well as the ability to stop in time, not to succumb to one's momentary impulses.

There are marshmallow tests that have been conducted to better understand self-control. Thanks to their results, scientists have drawn certain conclusions that can help a person become more successful.

The essence of the tests was that the children were given a choice. The child was left alone in the room, and a marshmallow or candy was placed in front of him. He was told that for a certain amount of time he could not eat any of this, and if he did, then he would get a double portion of sweets.

The experts closely monitored the behavior of the child. They analyzed his ability to hold on and the ability to control his desires. At the end of the experiment, it turned out that those children who were able to hold out and wait for the end of time became much more successful in adulthood than those who did not follow the rules.

Still formation is impossible without an enriched environment. There must be diversity in everything, thanks to which a person begins to actively feel and think.

It is equally important to be meaningful and independent. If a person is able to solve the challenges of fate on his own, then this brings him closer to development. He becomes stronger in spirit and involved in communication with the outside world. The person understands that she is responsible for herself and for her life.

How to find harmony?

As for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, this also requires some effort. There is no unanimous answer to this question either, as in the previous case. But there are some important principles without which it is impossible to find harmony.

Be yourself

Quite often you can meet people who do not like to show their real emotions and feelings to others, including themselves. They lock themselves into their far-fetched rules and regulations. As a result, it turns out that the person himself does not know what he wants, and therefore cannot get what he wants, because he does not understand what needs to be done for this.

You don’t need to follow the stereotypes that society imposes on us, you need to be yourself in order to learn to understand your real desires.

Not afraid of change

Everyone plans everything in advance, without this it is impossible to achieve their goals. Only harmonious people are distinguished by the fact that they give themselves the right to make mistakes, therefore they do not make any catastrophe out of it if something goes wrong. The world may not always meet our desires, but we can always benefit from it, even if our plans are violated.

Forget the bad

There is no need to hold on to the past, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. There is a lesson to be learned from all this. It cannot be changed, but it can affect our present. Therefore, you need to get rid of annoying thoughts and experiences so that your future is better.

Notice the uniqueness of the world around you

The upbringing of a harmonious personality implies the ability to see something beautiful in everything. Everything in life repeats itself, so at times it may seem that the world is gray and ordinary, such a lifeless organism. Such thinking does not allow a person to find harmony and happiness.

It should be understood that even in the most standard and ordinary for us there is something new that has not happened before. This difference needs to be seen. A person can live happily and in harmony only when he is open to the world and involved in its study.

Laugh more often

You should always go through life with a smile. Laughter has been scientifically proven to reduce stress hormones. A person becomes open to the world when he rejoices and enjoys.

According to research in 2014, it became known that laughter therapy has a beneficial effect on overall health. It can reduce anxiety and help with insomnia.

There is an excellent technique that helps to become a comprehensively harmonious personality. It consists of three practices that everyone needs to learn to adhere to:

  1. Self-control is the ability to deal with your passions and the ability to control them.
  2. The ability to analyze your actions and draw conclusions. Thanks to this, you can understand your desires, and give awareness and responsibility to your actions.
  3. Ability to analyze own thoughts.

In life, one should always strive for the ideal, and a harmoniously developed personality is that very perfection. A person who accepts himself and lives in harmony, who can control his desires and achieve more, can consider himself the very ideal that was invented in ancient times, and then passed from era to era.

The philosophers of that time are the founders of the humanistic model, which is followed today in many countries. A harmonious personality, its development, strength, inner freedom and the desire to learn and learn about the world around us - this is what is needed for a happy and fulfilling life. This is what you need to strive for if you want to live a quality and happy life.

It is necessary to develop comprehensively in order to proudly call yourself a harmoniously developed person who can be an example to follow and not only.

There was a time when I thought that physical qualities were much more important than spiritual development. Then it must have been the best decision. Yes, I read articles and books, watched films, some guys tried to show by their own example that physical development is much better than spiritual.
But spiritual development, nevertheless, in its structure does not differ in any way from physical development and plays an important and significant role in the formation of a person and, in turn, is a complex multi-stage process that is somewhat reminiscent of a layer cake.
Apparently, I did not understand the very meaning of the concept of harmonious development of a person, and after a while, quite spontaneously, the thought flashed through my head, what is actually the harmonious development of a person?
For a couple of days I was in thought, and now, despite everyday affairs, I nevertheless decided to express my opinion on a question that worries me.
What does the harmonious development of a person include? To begin with, let's define what is the fundamental principle of harmonious development? The foundation on which the harmonious development of the personality is based is the process of human development not only in the intellectual and physical plane, but also in the individual self-knowledge of the world and the improvement of oneself as a person. In order to be a harmoniously developed personality, it is necessary to get rid of all the negativity, everything superfluous, negative and bad that surrounds in life.
A life filled with bright colors and positive emotions is an attempt to sublimate, so to speak, a method of effectively dealing with one’s own egoism, competent and skillful work on mistakes and a successful step-by-step way to become more persistent, collected, allowing you to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, discover hidden talents in yourself to discover the creative streak in you. Only by conquering yourself daily can you understand what you ultimately need to find true harmony. To cultivate harmony in oneself, it is desirable to get rid of programmed stereotypes, patterns of behavior that are firmly entrenched in memory. Only by ridding the mind of everything unnecessary, negative, bad that is present in life, one can understand the whole essence of being and determine the whole significance of this life. For the knowledge of world harmony, a forced and inevitable factor is the rebirth of a person as a person. And only by radically changing oneself can one fully know the secret meaning of being and become truly free and happy. And happiness, in turn, is the true state of the soul.
When we generally pronounce the phrase personal development, then first of all we mean the solution of all vital matters, tasks and issues that a person has to face throughout his earthly existence, because from time immemorial it has been customary that as long as a person is alive, there have been problems, there are and will. And those who set foot on the path of self-knowledge and self-improvement, it seems to me, experience the same thing.
Only those who have managed to find strength in themselves and reveal their inner potential are able to cope with the obstacles encountered on their life path, be able to achieve success in life and can fully call themselves a harmoniously developed personality.