When and how to cut off the lower leaves of tomatoes in a greenhouse - pruning scheme. Do I need to pick off the leaves from the tomato Do I need to pick the leaves from the tomato now

“Oh, why are your tomatoes so bald?”. From time to time you have to answer such questions either on the forum or in the comments ... Let's talk about whether a short hairstyle suits tomatoes, up to a bald head, and how to pluck them correctly.
Which leaves should be removed and when?

A tomato leaf is the same full-fledged organ of a plant as a root or stem; it is responsible for nutrition and respiration. Therefore, at first glance, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bremoving leaves seems somewhat blasphemous - why cripple a plant? The answer to the question is not at all so unambiguous - it often happens that you really don’t need to cut off the leaves. A healthy, green and well-lit leaf is a friend and helper.

But everything has its time, its age. Old tomato leaves often turn yellow with age, become covered with various spots, weaken, and such leaves serve as the initial cozy "house" for various fungal sores. Therefore, old, yellowing and spotted leaves should be removed first.

Following them, it is worth lightening the bushes from time to time - cut out the leaves that face the north side, or are located in the depths of the bush, or in the shade of other bushes. Such a shaded leaf will still not give us much benefit in terms of photosynthesis, and by removing excess leaves we will improve the overall ventilation of the planting, especially if we are talking about the greenhouse.

Another type of leaf that needs to be removed is growth from the brush. It happens that after a flower brush, the growth of the shoot does not end, but continues - the stem, leaves, and again flowers grow. Many are even happy with this turn, but in fact, if all the tomatoes are tied in the brush, then it is better to remove this “addition” so that the brush develops fully. At the same time, if the main brush turned out to be empty, then you can leave a couple of tomatoes to continue.

How much and when to cut?

It is usually recommended to remove 2-3 bottom sheets 2 times a week, but this is too general a "rule". It is necessary to look at the growth rate of the plant as a whole, sometimes you have to remove 5-6 leaves at a time, and this has never done any particular harm to the tomatoes.

The main rule that should be observed is that if all the berries have not yet tied up in the brush, then most of the leaves should be intact above the brush. And vice versa - if all the tomatoes have already started in the brush, then BELOW this brush you can safely remove all the leaves.

Towards the end of July-beginning of August in middle lane in the greenhouse, they usually begin to pinch the tops of the tomatoes already. That is, it is assumed that all further brushes still do not have time to form a crop. So, after such a pinching, when, in principle, we do not need to increase the vegetative mass, you can remove all the leaves, except for the top 3-4. This is a good prevention of diseases, although it looks a bit wild.

Always leave 1-2 sheets above the topmost brush so as not to disturb the sap flow.

Important. The leaves of tomatoes break off easily if done correctly - pressing the petiole at the base up along the stem. If you pull the leaf down, then often a long strip of skin from the stem stretches behind the torn off leaf. Do not break leaves in cool, cloudy weather, as well as in the afternoon. Do this procedure in the morning on a sunny day so that the wound dries up in a day.

In order for tomatoes to grow rapidly and give a good harvest, it is necessary to periodically cut off some leaves on the bushes. We will talk about how to do this correctly in today's article.

Benefits of removal

First of all, the removal of leaves is necessary for indeterminate varieties and hybrids. The procedure is performed at the moment when the fruits on the lower hands are fully ripe. After that, the leaves under them practically stop working and have a positive effect on fruiting in general. In addition, they continue to consume some of the nutrients, which, accordingly, are lacking in the developing fruits.

In determinant plants, only lower leaves that fully or partially touch the ground. They can serve as a kind of "bridge" for the penetration of pathogens of late blight and other fungal diseases onto plants.

With dense plantings, you can remove leaves growing on the north side and constantly in the shade of other plants. Their benefits are minimal. The procedure is especially relevant when growing tomatoes in closed greenhouses.

Throughout the season, you should periodically cut off the leaves on which appeared characteristics dangerous diseases.

When and how to remove

It is best to prune the leaves in sunny weather in the morning. The resulting cuts in the sun will heal faster and will not become a place for the development of various infections.

When tearing off, press the petiole up (parallel to the stem), in this case the wound will be minimal. If you pull in a downward direction, then a long strip of skin can also come off along with the sheet.

You can also cut the leaves with sharp scissors or a knife that has undergone a disinfection procedure. But no matter what method you use, the cut points should be disinfected immediately. For these purposes, a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, alcohol, ash is suitable.

At one time, many leaves should not be cut off, since for tomato bushes this is a strong stress that can significantly slow down the development of these plants. On average, summer residents are advised to cut off 2-3 leaves 2 times a week.

The general rule is this: until the fruits are tied, all the leaves above the flower brush should be left intact. When the fruits are formed, the leaves under them can be gradually removed.

By mid-August, the tops of tomato bushes are pinched, as new brushes will no longer have time to form a full-fledged crop. During this period, all leaves can be sequentially removed, except for a few upper ones located above the last inflorescence.

So the new summer season has begun, and with it the hard struggle for the harvest of crops. How correctly we pick tomatoes depends on their growth, development and, of course, the harvest.

Growing tomatoes in open field requires compliance with many agrotechnical rules, as this crop needs increased attention. Significantly increase the yield will help timely pruning excess foliage and shoots on a tomato bush. To reduce the risk of harm to the plant when thinning, it is important to know how to prune offshoots correctly.

In the process of growth, tomato seedlings reach enormous sizes, expanding to the sides and growing powerful foliage. Even if, when planting seedlings in open ground, keep a distance of 30-40 cm, after 1.5 months they grow in breadth, covering each other from the sun. In the fight for sunlight plants are forced to increase the height and number of leaves, the growth of which takes nutritious juice. In order to save the crop, you should know how to properly cut tomatoes.

Mandatory pruning is subject to the lower leaves that are in contact with the foliage or stem of a neighboring plant. This is necessary to improve ventilation and prevent the spread of diseases. After fruits form on the first brush from the bottom, remove all the lower leaves under it. Avoid contact of foliage with the ground. This provokes infection with fungal diseases.

When tomato ovaries also form on the next branch below, cut off all the foliage up to it. open sunbeams fruits ripen much faster and are distinguished by an exquisite aroma and sweet taste. Be sure to cut off diseased lower leaves and dispose of them away from the garden. Even on cut foliage, the fungus continues to develop and disperse spores.

In order for the juice to go not into shoots, but into fruits, it is necessary to remove the stepsons that grow between the leaf and the trunk. These shoots make the bush more branched, pulling on the nutrients that are so necessary for the fruits to grow beautifully. In no case should stepchildren be pulled out. This can damage the bush and become infected with the disease. Side shoots must be beautifully cut special tool, leaving a stump 0.5 cm long.

To increase the yield, pruning of the upper part of the plant, the so-called growth buds, is carried out. It is recommended to let the plant form 5-7 fruit clusters, then count 3 leaves above the topmost cluster with ovaries and remove the top bud. Thus, you will not only prevent the growth of tomato in the open field above the trellis or greenhouse ceiling, but also concentrate the plant juice on the fruits, and not on the leaves and stems.

Mulching tomato bushes and pruning leaves (video)

Basic pruning rules

Each pruning of leaves and shoots is a violation of the integrity of the tomato bush and carries the risk of disease or decay. In order not to lose the crop, it is important to be guided by the following pruning rules.

  1. No need to cut off the plant with your hands, pinching off the excess part. This method is very traumatic for the plant, moreover, it is the cause of the transfer of infection. Use a special garden tool.
  2. Pruning should be done on a dry, sunny day in the morning so that the cut site dries quickly and does not start to rot. It is recommended to cut off all side shoots, but you can leave 1-2 of the strongest in order to form a beautiful bush.
  3. Regularly remove newly grown stepchildren, extra or damaged leaves from tomatoes carefully checking the plant every 4-6 days.
  4. Disinfect scissors with alcohol to prevent disease transmission. After pruning diseased leaves and fruits, change gloves and disinfect the tool.
  5. In a formed plant, cut off the lower leaves in such a way that the trunk is bare in the lower part at a distance of 25-30 cm from the ground.

Whether it is necessary to pick off the leaves of tomatoes, and how much, each gardener decides for himself.

The main thing is to dispose of cut foliage, tops and fruits away from the garden after completion of work.

This will prevent the spread of the infection to not yet damaged tomatoes.

Pruning to form bushes

To influence the growth, development and fruiting period of a plant, it is important to know how to properly cut growing shoots:
  1. 1 stem. To form a tomato in 1 stem, it is necessary to regularly prune all growing stepchildren. After 5-6 brushes are formed, you need to leave 4 leaves above the topmost one, and cut off the growth bud. By stopping the further growth of the plant in this way, you can get a good harvest from the bush. All nutrients will go to the ripening of the fruit, and not to growth.
  2. 2 stalks. To form a tomato bush in 2 stalks, you should allow the lowest stepson to grow, and cut off all the rest. When 1-2 brushes are formed on the stepson, the growth point on it is cut off. 4-5 inflorescences are left on the main stem and the upper bud is also removed. To form a bush in this way, it is necessary to plant seedlings in advance at a distance of at least 0.5 m from each other.
  3. 3 stalks. The very first stepson is left on the main trunk, then another 1 strongest is left, and the rest are cut off. As the plants grow, they remove all growing shoots, except for the selected two. After 4-5 fruit clusters have formed on the main trunk of the bush, 3-4 leaves are counted above the topmost one and the growth point is cut off. On the first side shoot, 3 are formed, and on the second, 2 brushes with tomatoes.

Growing strong tomato bushes is easy, harder to achieve good harvest. Follow the above rules for pruning bushes, and then they will grow beautifully and delight you with juicy and sweet tomatoes.

Pasynkovanie tomatoes (video)

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Three main questions worry gardeners, especially beginners, all summer long. How, why and when to cut off the leaves of tomatoes in the greenhouse. And what are the leaves anyway? Yes, for some beginners, greenhouse tomato care is a dark forest. And sometimes such a dark forest stands in greenhouses. For example, my neighbor literally crawls into hers on all fours, although she has a large six-meter polycarbonate greenhouse.

It is a pity for some to cut off something superfluous from the bush, or they are afraid that they will suddenly do something wrong. So the poor things stand in the dark thicket and the bushes turn out to be weak, and the crop suffers, and how many sores appear. After all, the most common fungal diseases of tomatoes just like it to be humid, not ventilated, and there was where to breed. They choose, of course, the convenient lower leaves of the tomato. And then you worry about why the leaves began to turn yellow, blacken, turn brown.

Why and when to pick leaves from tomatoes in a greenhouse

As you know, the leaves of any plant are very important function photosynthesis. Sheet very an important part plants, if for the sake of the experiment you peel off all the leaves on the bush, the plant will die. But gradually, with the growth of the bush, the very first lower leaves grow old, usually they lie or touch the ground, become yellow or spotted.

These leaves provoke stagnation of air in the greenhouse and the development of diseases. In fact, they have fulfilled their function and are no longer needed by the plant.

You can’t immediately thoughtlessly rush into the garden and cut off everything you see with armfuls. The plant is alive and it always experiences stress during any manipulations with its crown. Therefore, it is impossible to remove many leaves at a time.

When to start pruning? Here look at the tomato brushes, if above the leaves in the brush all the tomatoes have grown to more or less standard sizes, remove the leaves safely. Do not leave anything below such a brush.

Usually experienced gardeners they prune twice a week, just in time to start fruiting in the next, upstream brushes.

How to properly remove leaves from a tomato in a greenhouse

Breaking, deleting, cropping, everyone does it differently. It is better to choose the method that will least harm the plant and is more convenient for you.

You can not abruptly cut off the leaves by pulling them down, you get a very large wound on the tomato, in which bacteria can quickly start.

Some break out the leaves and stepchildren, slightly turning them clockwise, you can do this. When I go to the greenhouse, I arm myself with scissors and a jar of hydrogen peroxide. It is much faster and more convenient to cut with scissors, and it is easier to process them with peroxide so as not to spread the disease from bush to bush. With this method, the wound turns out to be quite small and dries quickly.

Such pruning should be done on a dry day, so that there is no fog or rain, and preferably before lunch, so that by the evening all the bushes have time to recover. Then pruning does not bring any discomfort to the plants.

What leaves to remove from a tomato in a greenhouse

They begin to remove from the lowest leaves, which usually begin to turn yellow by the time the fruits of the first brush are set. It is not always possible to gradually remove the leaves, if there are more yellowed leaves, then it is better to remove them all at once.

Leaves that are in the shade, in the middle of the bush are also cut out, there is little sense from them, but they thicken the bush well.

As the fruits are set, we cut off the leaves higher and higher, just make sure that there are leaves above the brush, where the tomatoes have not yet set, so that the sap flow is not disturbed.

In early August, I already pinch all the tops on the tomatoes in order to stop growth and give the plant the opportunity to grow the set fruits before the cold weather. At this time, all the brushes are already with tomatoes and you can leave a few top leaves, the rest are gradually removed, then the plant will stop giving strength to the green mass and the fruits will grow faster.

Removing leaves from tomatoes in a greenhouse video

    In tomato bushes, after the appearance of the first brush with fruits, you can cut off the lower leaves, but no more than two or three at a time. be sure to cut off the stepchildren that form in the axils of the plant. with the appearance of yellowed, twisted leaves and with the appearance of leaves with brown spots, they must be removed. This is how the first signs of phytophthora appear. If the tomatoes are standard with a compact, not high bush, then they are usually not stepchildren and the leaves are not cut off. It is not worth cutting off a lot of leaves from plants at a time, they are involved in the photosynthesis of the plant. If you leave completely bare bushes with tomatoes, then they will stop growing, everything needs a measure.

    As if to see all this in pictures, it is clear in words. can someone drop

    Yellowed and blackened. It is not necessary to remove the remaining leaves from tomatoes. I don't cut leaves. Only if I see that the sheet is completely empty, I will tear it off, since it no longer makes sense.

    It can be said for sure that cutting off the leaves of tomatoes benefits the bush, accelerates the growth of fruits and increases their size. Moreover, if late blight spots appear on the leaves, they will need to be removed immediately. Also, the removal of excess leaves will help the bush to direct all its forces into the fruits, the removal of the lower leaves will act as a prevention of diseases caused by decay.

    In no case should you remove all the leaves immediately after planting the bushes, you need to wait until the bush gets used to the soil, because planting in a new place is stressful. It is also better to cut off several leaves for a week, and not massively, as this can lead to diseases and a general weakening of the tomato bush.

  • Stripping leaves from a tomato

    Some leaves of a tomato must be removed already when planting in the ground for permanent place. You don’t need to remove a lot right away, since the bush will already hurt after transplantation. Usually, the leaves of tomatoes are removed gradually, but a week after planting in the ground, you can remove all the leaves before the first flowering or before the first ovary. This is done in order for the bush to use its energy for the development of fruits, and not for the growth of leaves, since the nutrients that could go to the growth of tomatoes will be spent on the growth of the lower leaves.

    When the first (lower) bunch of tomatoes begins to ripen, you can also remove the leaves that are higher than the bunch, just don’t overdo it, otherwise I somehow unnecessarily removed it, so that the lower bunch turned out to be uncovered with leaves, and the weather turned out to be very hot and sunny, so the fruits in the sun burned (turned white).

    And as you remove the lower bunch, so boldly cut off the leaves further.

    The leaves of tomatoes are also cut off when signs of phytophthora are noticed on them. They do this so that the disease does not go further and other nearby bushes do not become infected.

  • The lower leaves need to be trimmed only in high varieties of tomatoes, this measure prevents the development of fungal and bacterial infections in the bushes. If the bushes have grown too large, it makes sense to thin them out slightly so that the leaves do not take all the juices onto themselves.

    In addition, you should definitely get rid of yellow, dry and black leaves. They interfere with fruit development.

    At the beginning of the growing season, stepchildren are removed - that is, not just leaves, but shoots. Moreover, it is better to pinch the stepchildren so that a small stalk remains - otherwise it will grow in its place new escape soon. Also, in some varieties, the top is pinched, the top is cut off - all this is done so that the plant does not grow, but stimulates fruiting. That is, to form not a violent crown, but more ovaries.

    And in the middle or end of summer, damaged leaves are usually removed. In our non-hot regions, it has been cold nights since August, and the plants begin to hurt - the lower leaves are usually damaged - they darken, dry up. There is no benefit to plants from diseased leaves, and they already need to be cut off.

    Remove the lower leaves that touch the soil. There is a risk of plant infection with phytophthora. And they remove excess leaves along the stem so that the nutritional forces of the plant go into fruits, and not into greens

    My friend told me that after this procedure, they collected tomatoes in bags.

    He trimmed several leaves with scissors. I looked at the plant, if it is too branchy, there are a lot of leaves and you can’t get close to tie it up, he calmly cut 5-6 leaves from one stem below the tassel. The leaf was trimmed at the very stem. Didn't touch the top. The stems were bald at the bottom and a cap of leaves at the top. That is, sheared those leaves that interfered. So he explained. Plants received more sun and everyone had enough water

    Stepchildren are also removed. They are also removed to obtain a larger crop and to avoid diseases.

    Stepsons are lateral shoots, a photo of the stepson is below. They are removed when the first tomato tassel begins to bloom and there are already 2-3 leaves on the stepson.

    Unlike leaves, stepchildren must be broken out. But if the lateral shoot has grown strongly, then it is better to cut it so as not to damage the stem. And then you need to put a small stump-stem, and not cut off at the very edge

    Pruning leaves from tomatoes to increase yields. But it needs to be clarified that there are different varieties tomato. If you have stunted tomatoes, then you do not need to stepson them. They do not develop a large rosette, and there are no stepchildren in such tomatoes. At most, you can cut off (it is better to cut with secateurs) the lower leaves to protect the tomato bush from diseases.

    If you planted tall tomatoes, then stepchildren also need to be wisely. Some summer residents remove all side branches, doing irreparable damage to the plant. Side branches do not need to be removed. With a secateurs, carefully cut off the young shoots (stepsons) in the axil of the branches, as well as the top of the tomato bush. At the same time, leave three or four well-developed side branches.

    You can view video how to pinch tomatoes:

    At the end of July and beginning of August, important condition is: remove no more than two or three leaves from the bush per week. Ask why ?, then so that the juice is gradually directed to other channels, where the tomatoes hang ..) In order for the tomatoes to pour as much as possible .. The main thing is smoothness in this process, two or three leaves a week, otherwise they will crack ..

    I know about the growth point, that is, they cut off the top so that the bush gives lateral branches, and does not go in length ... and even with late blight, blackened leaves must be cut off

    For better ripening of tomatoes at the beginning of the appearance of fruits, it is desirable to remove the lower yellowed leaves from them. This should be done in such a way as to remove all the leaves by the end of ripening. It is better to do this in the morning on a sunny day, so that the places of cuts dry out.