Clematis drove out the color with something to feed. Feeding clematis from spring to autumn: how and what to feed

AND proper feeding clematis - three components of success in growing these plants. Each of them is very important in itself, but feeding should be discussed separately.

When to start fertilizing?

If the land was well fertilized before planting, then additional feeding begins only after two or even three years. But when the soil is poor, it is necessary to add manure humus or well-rotted compost mixed with wood ash to the base of the bushes in the first spring or autumn - 1-2 handfuls per bucket. This is especially true for young specimens, whose root system is not yet sufficiently developed.

What and how to feed?

To feed clematis, experts recommend alternating mineral fertilizers with organic matter diluted to a liquid state. The only thing you need to remember is timely and sufficient watering. Clematis love water very much and do not tolerate high concentrations of nutrients in the soil. Therefore, fertilizers are used in small portions, and the plants should be watered abundantly before applying them.

All fertilizing must be coordinated with the periods of clematis development. In the spring, at the end of May, when young shoots are intensively growing and developing, they need to be given more nitrogen. Diluted mullein or bird droppings are suitable in concentrations of 1:10 or 1:15, respectively. In the absence of organic matter, you can use urea - about 20 grams per square meter planting areas. Fertilizers must first be dissolved in water.

After the shoots grow, clematis should also be given foliar nutrition - spraying with a weak solution of urea in a concentration of no more than 3 grams per liter of water.

During budding, nitrogen is also required by clematis, but phosphorus and potassium come to the fore. A complex mineral fertilizer such as “Kemira Lux”, “Riga mixture” or “Nitroammofoska” is suitable here, which should be supplemented with a solution of fermented mullein or an infusion of weeded weeds. The use of traditional flower mixtures is also possible. But when choosing them, you need to pay attention to the fact that there are no components containing chlorine, which is completely contraindicated for clematis.

The next stage of feeding occurs when the plants have already faded. Unless, of course, for some reason it is necessary to shorten the flowering period. In August, phosphorus-potassium mixtures are used, for example “Kemira autumn”. The supply of nitrogen to the roots of clematis at this time should already be limited so as not to cause excessive growth of green mass, which is undesirable on the threshold of autumn.

In addition, it is very useful to spray all types of clematis with weak solutions of potassium permanganate and boric acid– 2 grams per bucket. This should be done throughout the summer, once a month.

By September, feeding stops completely. All that remains is to fill the soil with wood ash, which is planted under the bushes in the middle of the month. For each plant, use about 2 glasses of well-sifted.

In total, at least 4 feedings must be done during the season, not counting intermediate sprayings. And clematis will delight lush flowering, healthy appearance and good growth.

- This beautiful flowers, which belong to the ranunculaceae family. People also call them “lozinka”, “grandfather’s curls” or “clematis”. They are used in the form of vines for landscaping arbors and arches, and also as a beautiful ornamental plant. In addition to being a beautiful vine, clematis have a fairly long flowering period. They decorate the garden with their bright colors for four months, until the very first frost. In order for clematis to develop well, they need appropriate care:

  • abundant and regular watering;
  • timely pruning;
  • correct feeding.

Without meeting these basic requirements, growing beautiful flowers impossible. If, in principle, there is nothing complicated with watering and pruning, then applying fertilizer has its own rules.

Top dressing

Blooming liana is beautiful appearance. It can reach up to four meters or more in height. It has succulent stems, green leaves and large flowers. All this, as well as a long flowering period, requires additional strength, which means that clematis needs to be fed regularly.

And you need to start before landing. Before planting clematis in open ground, the soil must be fertilized, then the flowers will become stronger and grow faster. If the planting was done correctly and the soil was pre-fed, then fertilizer can be applied only in the second year of the plant’s life. But if the soil is insufficiently nutritious, you can start feeding clematis already in the first autumn of its life. At this time, it is best to use organic matter in the form of humus or compost, which is mixed with wood ash. The root circle is fertilized with this composition.

In addition to organic matter, it is possible and necessary to add mineral fertilizers to the soil. However, you need to be careful with them. Their high concentration harms the plant. Therefore, they should be applied strictly, adhering to the required proportions.

In order to achieve abundant flowering, fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers should be alternated. You also need to take into account that when the soil is fertilized, it should first be watered abundantly. Clematis need moist and nutritious soil.

The time when fertilizers are applied must coincide with certain periods growth and development of vines. A total of four feedings are carried out per season.

And so, starting from the second year of clematis life, in early spring A sufficient amount of organic matter must be added to the soil. At this time, young shoots are actively forming and flower stalks are being laid. Therefore, the vine needs nitrogen. Manure or bird droppings can be used as fertilizer. Organic matter is diluted with water in a ratio of one to ten and applied at the root. Organic matter can be replaced with urea, which is diluted in water. The amount of dry matter is calculated based on the fact that twenty grams of urea are needed per square meter of soil.

In mid-April, root feeding is carried out and green weaving stems are sprayed. To do this, use a solution of three grams of urea and a liter of water. The spraying procedure is carried out exclusively in the evening or in cloudy weather.

In May, it is good to feed clematis with lime milk, which prevents soil acidification. This is a solution of slaked lime (150 grams per 10 liters of water).

When the first buds begin to form, the vine simply needs additional nutrients. During this period, the plant simply needs phosphorus and potassium. It is best to use complex mineral fertilizers that do not contain chlorine. Also, during the budding period, the soil is additionally nourished with a tincture of cow dung.

In summer, at the end of August, clematis needs potassium and phosphorus. It is best to use potassium sulfate, which is diluted in water and fed to the vine. Ten liters of water require thirty grams of the substance.

In the warm season, clematis love to be sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and boric acid. The liana is sprayed once a month in the evening.

In autumn, the soil is not fertilized. Per season active growth and growing season, clematis has received a sufficient amount of nutrients and now it needs to prepare for winter season. At the end of September, the soil around the clematis bushes is covered with wood ash.

By fully implementing the above recommendations, clematis will develop well and will delight gardeners with abundant and long-lasting flowering.

But to decorative liana was protected, she needed preventive measures. One of them is treating clematis with a solution copper sulfate, which is used to water the flowers once a week or with a solution of foundationazole (twenty grams of the substance are diluted in ten liters of water). Also, to prevent the appearance of fungal diseases, the soil is treated with fungicides every two weeks.

Preventive measures allow you to avoid many troubles when growing clematis in the garden and country house.

Lozinka, clematis, grandfather's curls - all these are popular names for decorative clematis. climbing plant very popular among gardeners and is used for landscaping verandas, arches and gazebos.

By mid-summer, green vines are covered with large and showy flowers, and the decorative period for most varieties lasts until the first frost. All these characteristics attracted me when I was looking for suitable plant to decorate your porch.

Like anyone else ornamental plant, the splendor of flowering in clematis depends on the degree of illumination that is comfortable for it, the sufficiency of watering and timely applied fertilizers.

In order for the planted vines to grow better and please my eyes with large and abundant inflorescences, even before planting I was concerned with the question of what fertilizers they would like.

Clematis vines can grow up to 4 meters in one season. In order to provide the plant with sufficient strength for such active growth and accompanying abundant flowering, it is necessary, even during planting, to ensure that there is a sufficient volume of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Of course, clematis will not bloom in the first year - all the plant’s forces will be directed to rooting and growth. But even now the vine needs sufficient nutrition; a deficiency of important microelements will lead to a delay in the development of sprouts. To avoid this, it is necessary to feed the soil before planting clematis in the planting hole.

For this landing pit filled with humus or compost mixed with wood ash. This food will be enough for the sprout to last the whole year. This composition will contain enough organic and mineral elements for the rooting of the vine, its adaptation, growth and proper preparation for wintering.

Fertilizers for adult clematis

The application of both organic and mineral fertilizers for clematis must be strictly verified and follow a clear schedule. They are alternated, observing certain proportions, correlating feeding with periods of vine growth.

Fertilizing in spring

In the second year after planting, starting in spring, you can begin applying organic fertilizers for clematis. During the awakening period of the plant, young shoots are actively formed, and flower stalks are also laid. The more organic fertilizers there are in the spring, the more actively the vine will grow and the more magnificent the inflorescences will be.

For the first feeding, which is done before the start of sap flow, one of the following compositions is used:

  • manure solution (1:10 with water);
  • solution of bird droppings (1:10 with water);
  • urea solution (at the rate of 20 g/m2).

These solutions are used to spill the area where clematis is planted at the rate of 10 liters per 1 m2. 2 weeks after organic feeding, the soil must be fertilized with wood ash, scattering it on damp soil (0.5 cups per 1 shoot).

This affordable fertilizer, which is available on every site after spring cleaning and pruning, contains a whole complex of useful mineral elements important for the development of clematis and its abundant flowering.

On this spring feeding clematis are not completed: in mid-late April, when the plant awakens, it is necessary to re-apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers. After this, it will be useful to spray the stems in the evening with a urea solution: nitrogen penetrates not only through root system, but also through pores on the shoots.

Additional enrichment of clematis with nitrogen at this stage will allow it to actively grow, fulfilling its decorative function.

Alternation of organic and mineral supplements ends in May. Now it is necessary to slightly reduce the acidity of the soil, which appears after repeated use of nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

For this, lime milk is used (150 grams of slaked lime dissolved in 10 liters of water). This volume is quite enough to slightly balance the pH to values ​​that are comfortable for the plant.

Summer feeding

The formation of buds in early summer signals that it is time to change tactics. Now clematis needs additional feeding rich in phosphorus and potassium.

So that the plant is fully provided important elements, it is best to use chlorine-free mineral complexes created specifically for decorative flowers and bushes.

If you are not a fan of “chemicals,” in June you can help clematis replenish the deficiency of elements by using a tincture of cow manure. The rotted mass is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 and infused for 24 hours in a container under a lid.

Then the solution is generously poured onto the soil around the stems, but it is important not to direct the stream or watering can divider directly under the root, so as not to burn it.

In the summer, in June-July, clematis will really enjoy healing and nourishing sprays with solutions of boric acid and potassium permanganate.

A weak solution of potassium permanganate will help eliminate pathogenic microflora and fungi that can harm the plant, and boron, penetrating through the pores in the stems, will strengthen local immunity.

From the beginning of August, nitrogen must be completely removed from fertilizing. Now it is necessary to stop the growth of the plant and help it prepare for winter. For this purpose, mineral complexes containing potassium and phosphorus are used, for example, potassium sulfate. 30 grams of powder are diluted in 10 liters. water and spill the prepared solution onto the soil around the clematis.

In summer, at the end of August, clematis needs potassium and phosphorus. It is best to use potassium sulfate, which is diluted in water and fed to the vine. Ten liters of water require thirty grams of the substance.

You can learn more about the fertilizing that clematis needs in spring and summer for normal growth and abundant flowering in the video:

When organizing fertilizing for clematis, consider the following important recommendations:

  1. Before applying any fertilizing, the soil around the clematis must be watered generously, so that the fertilizer gets to the roots faster and does not spread on the ground.
  2. When performing foliar feeding and preventive spraying, treat the plant and leaves on both sides.
  3. Spray the plants in the evening - this will keep the moisture on the foliage and stems longer and bring more benefits to the clematis.
  4. In order for clematis to bloom more abundantly and longer, after the first inflorescences appear, feeding stops.
  5. Clematis roots love moisture and do not tolerate overheating. To create for a plant comfortable conditions, plant low-growing flowers or lawn near the stems, which will protect the soil from sun rays, and ensure timely watering.
  6. Despite its moisture-loving nature, clematis will do poorly during prolonged rains. To prevent root rotting, during periods of heavy rainfall, generously sprinkle the soil around the vines with ash.

Provide clematis with sufficient nutrition, and then it will thank you by creating an amazing green hedge with its vines, decorated with lush inflorescences.

When applying fertilizing, remember about moderation, since a surplus of certain elements can harm the plant.

It is distributed on almost all continents. Clematis blooms from late spring to late summer, and some species bloom until the onset of frost.

Clematis is ideal for decoration personal plot. Alas, not everyone knows how to properly feed and what exactly to fertilize this flower.

In this article you can find answers to your questions.

How to feed clematis

Clematis requires a lot of nutrients because it blooms a lot and for a long time, and also renews almost the entire above-ground part of the plant every year. But it is important to remember that the concentration of mineral fertilizers should not be high - apply them in small portions.

Some experienced gardeners They say: if you have fertilized the soil well, then you should start feeding clematis only in the third year after planting.

Mineral and organic fertilizers must be alternated. Before fertilizing, clematis must be watered well.

Clematis is fed depending on the phase of plant development, but no more than 4 times per season.

In September, during preparation, add bone meal (200 g/m2) to the soil. The fact is that it contains phosphorus, which is very necessary for clematis.

Without it, the leaves will begin to turn brown, roots and shoots will develop poorly.

You can also add up to 24 kg of humus under each clematis bush immediately before planting.

Nitrogen is necessary for the plant during its growth period. Due to a lack of nitrogen, clematis shoots may shrink, the leaves may turn yellow and acquire a reddish tint, and the flowers will be small and poorly colored. For this type of fertilizing, organic fertilizers are used: slurry (1:10), bird droppings (1:15).

Organic fertilizers should be alternated with mineral ones: ammonium nitrate, nitroammophoska or urea (15 g/10 l).

Potassium will help your plant bloom beautifully. Blackened peduncles and pedicels, lightened color of flowers indicate a lack of potassium. Use potassium nitrate in spring, potassium sulfate in August. Dilute 20 - 30 g in 10 liters.

During the flowering period, feeding is stopped. By feeding the plant during this period, you risk shortening the flowering period.

Fertilizing in spring

Fertilizing in spring is done no more than twice a month.

After the shoots grow, the time comes for the first feeding. Clematis during this period is best suited for foliar spraying with a weak solution of synthetic urea (up to 3 g per liter of water).

It is best to spray in the evening or in cloudy weather. The moisture will remain longer and the fertilizer will be better absorbed.

In spring, clematis are watered with lime milk to prevent soil acidification. Use 200 g of lime diluted in a liter of water per 1 sq.m.

To prevent the disease, you can dilute 50 g of copper sulfate and pour the solution on the bush at the base.

Water clematis in the spring no more than once a week, but try to ensure that the water reaches the roots of the plant (clematis roots reach 1 m in length). When watering, experienced gardeners use humus.

Fertilizers for clematis

Before planting clematis, the soil can be fertilized with the organomineral preparation “Omu universal”, which will not only nourish the plant, but also retain moisture inside the soil.

Mix the fertilizer itself with the soil and then cover the clematis roots with it.

When transplanting clematis, you can use the drug “Zircon”, which will help the plant get used to its new environment. Just use this drug strictly according to the instructions.

To prevent diseases, spray the soil under the bush with foundationazole in early spring or late autumn(20 g per 10 l).

During active development and clematis growth, treat the soil under the bush with a fungicide. Use 3–4 liters per bush. This will protect the plant directly from the fungus. Carry out the procedure 2 – 3 times every 14 days.

As foliar feeding You can use the following drugs: “Master”, “Avkarin”, “Floral solution”. Your plant will receive the necessary nutrients within 5 hours after spraying.

So, if we systematize everything said above, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • You can feed clematis no more than 4 times per season;
  • if you used special soil fertilizers when planting the plant, then you do not need to feed clematis this year;
  • For different phases There are different fertilizers available for plant development. You can either purchase them in a store or make them yourself;
  • To prevent various diseases, you can purchase special medications in the store.

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