Tarkett glue for linoleum seams. Linoleum installation and maintenance

Today, linoleum is considered one of the most common floor coverings. This is largely facilitated by the ease of installation and long term services.

Quite often there are discussions: is it necessary to glue linoleum? Experts answer: "It is necessary." This the only way lay the flooring evenly.

Benefits of using glue

Adhesives for linoleum allow you to firmly fix the material. Hence:

  • During the entire service life, the seams will never disperse.
  • With this method of laying, swelling does not appear that can leave the legs of chairs.
  • If you decide to move the furniture, you will be insured against the occurrence of a wave, which is possible with freely laid linoleum.
  • The floor covering will last much longer.

Thus, the glue will save you from many problems in the future.

Varieties of glue for linoleum

Today on the market building materials present various adhesives for linoleum. But all of them can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • dispersed (in other words, acrylic);
  • reactionary.

Dispersed adhesives

They are water based. They are non-toxic and odorless. In case of contact with the skin, they can be easily washed off with ordinary soapy water. The main types include:

  1. Acrylic. Suitable for laying linoleum in rooms with high or medium traffic.
  2. Bustilat. Most often used for the basis of which is felt.
  3. Humilax is used when you need to fix

In addition to these compounds, mastics are often used - dispersed or bituminous. Their use is justified for laying linoleum with a fabric base.

All these adhesives for linoleum are recommended to be applied to the floor with a spatula. There is one nuance. When using dispersed compositions, linoleum is laid immediately. If we are talking about the means based on bitumen, then laying floor covering it is desirable to produce after a while (15-20 minutes).

Reactive adhesives

The reaction adhesive is a mixture of epoxy and polyurethane. Its peculiarity is that when it is connected to the floor covering, a chemical reaction begins to occur, as a result of which gluing is ensured. Such adhesives for linoleum are resistant to moisture and tolerate heavy loads well. However, they have a pungent odor and are flammable.

Often, laying with such an adhesive is called. Depending on the type, age of the material, several types are distinguished.

Adhesive for linoleum Tarkett

Today it is in great demand. It has commercial and semi-commercial options, but is also used for residential applications. For laying this type, it is best to use the Tarkett adhesive of the same name. It has many advantages:

  1. hardens quickly;
  2. frost-resistant;
  3. not afraid of moisture;
  4. non-toxic.

As you can see, choosing the right adhesive for linoleum is not difficult. You just need to take into account the features of the flooring.

Among modern floor coverings, linoleum is in demand due to its affordable price, rich assortment and quality characteristics. Even in rooms with high traffic and conditions of high humidity, it will last a long time and reliably, if fixing technologies are followed when laying the coating, including with the help of adhesives.

Rules for laying linoleum

After the purchase, the thought always creeps in whether it is necessary to glue linoleum to the floor and how to do without additional installation costs. Savings on this stage can lead to consequences that are much more expensive to eliminate than the cost of adhesive, and compliance with the rules can lead to a feeling of satisfaction that the flooring is not inferior to more expensive options coatings.

Experts recommend doing without additional fixation only in rooms up to 10 sq.m in size, subject to the use of a solid canvas. In other cases bonding technology is required, especially in commercial Tarkett placement.

Practice shows that even in small rooms the service life of the coating glued to the base is 40-50% higher than that of a loosely laid under the plinth. Fixed linoleum will avoid during the period of use:

  • Nondescript pits from spaced chairs or shifted furniture.
  • Wave-like irregularities of the coating from moving on it.
  • The appearance of cracks at the joints and along the perimeter of the laying from the gradual drying of the material.
  • Risk of slight damage to the loose surface by sharp objects.

Gluing linoleum will significantly increase the service life and provide simple and pleasant maintenance of the coating. It is necessary to correctly determine what the linoleum is glued to, and how the problems of the joints of the strips are solved.

Do joints need to be glued?

The consumer wants to see a monolithic floor covering, which is achieved by purchasing wide canvases up to 4 meters or by fitting and laying narrower strips up to 1.5 meters end-to-end.

Careful gluing to the base allows you to hide the lines of alignment of the strips, making them almost invisible. Practice shows that without processing joints, pollution gradually accumulates, affecting the state of the seam, its deformation and general form. To prevent premature clogging and moisture from entering the crevices, additional processing is needed, despite the apparent tight connection.

For joining very dense material or performing artistic applications, a device for gluing linoleum is used.

Hot welding technology is available to professionals. To perform the work, a special gun for gluing linoleum has been developed. Industrial premises large area require the invitation of the master and the availability of equipment.

At home, a special glue is convenient for gluing linoleum joints, which will allow you to hide the seam, solder the canvases firmly with a colorless composition and protect them from wear. High-quality sealing of the joint is completely invisible to the eye, it can only be determined by a careful study of the coating.

The choice of adhesive for the base

It is not so easy to choose glue for linoleum, a special composition for laying must correspond to the class of the material, its technical characteristics. There is a significant difference in what glue to glue linoleum to wooden floor, and how to glue linoleum to a concrete floor.

The main selection criteria are as follows:

  1. Features of the working surface for moisture resistance. Concrete floor, cement screed or wood flooring corresponds to the water-dispersion composition of the adhesive. For non-absorbent substrates such as ceramic or marble, a reaction adhesive or cold welding is recommended. Contact adhesive for linoleum allows you to work with any base. A special composition is applied when laying on the canvas and the base. Compliance with the technology guarantees the preservation of properties after drying.
  2. Dimensions of the area of ​​the room. Types of glue for linoleum depend on the continuous or local application of the composition to the base. In small rooms, dispersion solutions without solvents are poured with full coverage surfaces. Production areas or large office and retail halls are treated with glue by applying a checkerboard pattern with a two-component glue. Unavoidable seams in large rooms are sealed by hot or cold welding.

Which adhesive to use for continuous fastening to the base depends on the brand of material:

Household coating of many types is carried out using acrylic adhesive for linoleum. Environmental Safety, lack of smell and elasticity are its advantages. Do not apply at low temperatures. Ideal glue for homogeneous linoleum in rooms with moderate traffic. The floor is pre-leveled, regardless of the base. It is necessary to decide whether linoleum can be glued to linoleum after a thorough examination of the surface.

If the base is warped, with foci of accumulation of pathogenic bacteria, decide how to remove old linoleum glued to the floor, carefully, without spreading harmful dust.

If the surface is smooth and not cracked, the second layer of the coating can be fixed using the Forbo universal adhesive line.

Glue consumption is calculated by the manufacturer and reflected on the product packaging. In practice, 300-400 gr. adhesive is sufficient for 1 sq. m of flooring.

It is better to glue linoleum with pile on bustilat, which dries quickly and is non-toxic. About whether it is possible to glue linoleum on PVA, say the facts of the application: after drying, elasticity is lost and cracks appear over time, affecting the coating. The service life will be greatly reduced.

For a wooden base floor or covered with plywood, chipboard, a universal latex adhesive for linoleum is perfect. Depending on the additives in the composition, it is applied to the material of any density. The basis includes natural or artificial rubber with high strength.

A variety of dispersion adhesive Gumilaks solves the problem of how to glue linoleum to fiberboard or how to glue linoleum from natural components. Electronics rooms require anti-static flooring and conductive linoleum adhesive.

The choice of adhesive for joints

How to glue linoleum to keep the visible solidity of the surface? The connection lines of the panels are treated with a special reaction adhesive. The peculiarity of the composition is that in contact with the material, it dissolves the edges of the base, forming a chemical compound in the process of diffusion.

The processing of joints requires caution due to the toxicity of the substance, flammability and explosiveness. A respiratory mask and gloves are required for work.

The three main grades of reactive adhesive reflect the degree of density of the composition and have different goals Applications:

  • Type A - liquid consistency. Forms a transparent scar, ideal for the solid base of new linoleum.
  • Type C - the consistency of thick sour cream. Used for sealing wide gaps up to 4 mm. They often appear on the coating after the material has dried. A wide seam is formed connecting adjacent panels.
  • Type T is a professional adhesive for PVC. Adhesive for linoleum with a polyester backing.

Working with reactive glue requires attention and care. A random drop will leave a stain from an instant chemical reaction. It is recommended to always hold a napkin over the tube, and if the glue does get on the surface, do not wipe the trace, but wait for it to harden and cut off the seal with a knife.

Popular brands of glue

A modern range of adhesives allows you to choose optimal composition taking into account the type of material, the nature of the work and the price scale. The construction market is rich in a variety of mixtures, manufacturers recommend selected components or a universal adhesive for each stage of work and type of surface.

For foundation

Syntex, Forbo, Tomzit, Bostik, Crass are recognized as popular brands. Water-dispersion types with adhesive properties firmly fix household and commercial linoleum with a solid and felt soundproofing base.

Glue Homakoll (Homakol) of domestic production is not inferior to imported counterparts. Designed for flexible roll materials and a base that absorbs water.

Homakoll Acrylic Adhesive is ideal for residential foam flooring.

Adhesive for commercial linoleum must have

  • strong fixation;
  • strength gain during hardening;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • high adhesive properties.

All this distinguishes the popular Tarkett brand.

For joints

Glue for welding linoleum is designed for instant fixing of elements. On the construction market, you can find Evroplast docking glue, well-known manufacturer moisture resistant compounds used in sub-zero temperatures. Types of mounting or universal adhesive are selected taking into account the type of linoleum and the conditions for laying the coating.

Ekon glue is suitable for joints of any kind of material. The economical consumption is 50 ml per 25 m of suture line.

You can buy cold welding for linoleum in the online store at affordable prices from manufacturers. good choice will be Rico. detailed instructions for use in the video below:

A careful study of the instructions on the package will determine right choice glue and calculation of the required amount. Instructions for use will help to avoid mistakes in the work of gluing linoleum and welding joints.

Happy repair!

It's no secret that the use of linoleum adhesive today is one of the most popular methods for fixing floor coverings. Well, the recognized leader is Tarkett linoleum glue, which we will talk about later.

Glue for linoleum at work

To date, there are several types of this glue:

  • For natural coverage.
  • homogeneous
  • For commercial or semi-commercial uses.
  • Compositions with antistatic properties

Important! This adhesive can also be used during carpet flooring.

In addition, as practice shows, if special additives are added to the adhesive that provide frost resistance, then its quality and practicality increase several times.

There are the following additives:

  • Based on water - dispersion.
  • Based on polyurethane and epoxy. As practice shows, the mutual connection of these elements ensures their excellent adhesion.
  • In addition, quite often builders use linoleum laying with bustilate or ordinary PVA glue. Using them, you can glue the flooring on a heat and sound insulating base.

Why Tarkett?

It's no secret that when choosing glue, you need to take it into account distinctive features. Therefore, we will consider what advantages Tarkett linoleum glue has. These include:

  • Reliable fixation of structured floor coverings of high quality.
  • No toxins.
  • Instant piercing action.
  • Very high moisture resistance.
  • Instant curing.
  • Fairly low price.

Choosing glue

As practice shows, adhesive for commercial Tarkett linoleum. Homakol 248 is best suited. For household use, it is best to choose Homakol 228 glue, which is a universal remedy that is best suited for multi-layer floor coverings. In addition, you can stop your choice on German-made Tromst glue, which can be successfully used for various types of linoleums.

The only thing to consider is that the gluing process, by its principle, is not so complicated. Problems can arise during the fastening of seams. Therefore, if you are new to this matter, it is best to seek help from specialists.

How much does this pleasure cost?

In order to protect ourselves not only from unscrupulous enterprises, but also from their low-quality products, we will consider several companies that have proven themselves only on the positive side.

Building systems

Apartment renovation

Probably the most reliable and inexpensive method of attaching flexible floor coverings is to use linoleum adhesive. In addition, at the moment, the construction market is represented the widest selection various foreign and Russian species glue.

However, just because of the modern world there are no problems with a variety of adhesives that can be suitable for different needs, a large assortment of different adhesives, many buyers are simply confused. In this article, we will try to figure out which adhesive for linoleum is better to choose.

Types of glue for linoleum

The properties of glue for linoleum are determined not only by the manufacturer's marking, but also depend on the floor material. So, the adhesive composition is divided into:

Adhesive for commercial products;

Adhesive for semi-commercial material;

Glue for linoleum, which has a natural base;

Adhesive for material with antistatic characteristics;

Adhesive for homogeneous coating (material made in one layer).

It must also be said that a number of manufacturers make mixtures that are well suited for both laying linoleum and for.

If special components are added to the glue, which provide frost resistance, then the composition can become quite practical and will retain its characteristics even under adverse conditions.

In addition to the type of flooring, the evenness of the floor and its type, as well as chemical composition the material itself, it is necessary to take into account the type of adhesive composition, the use of which is regulated by its own instructions. The composition of the adhesive composition is distinguished:

Dispersion (base contains water);

Possessing polyurethane and epoxy components, which, when interacting with each other, allow obtaining adhesive properties.

PVA and Bustilat are considered universal and successful compositions for laying linoleum. These mixtures can quite firmly fix having a heat and sound insulating base.

A material that does not have a base or has a fabric in its composition is laid using a coumarone-rubber mixture. The entire laying process with such an adhesive must be carried out by specialists, since this mixture is very explosive.

Also for laying PVC flooring or alkyd linoleum, perfect bituminous mastic. In addition, at the moment, manufacturers are selling acrylic formulations suitable for a limited number of floor coverings.

Adhesive for linoleum Tarkett

When choosing an adhesive for Tarkett linoleum, you must first consider the type of flooring to be laid. Glue for linoleum can be very different in composition and physical characteristics, therefore, for a good fixing of the product, it is necessary to match these materials. Below we list the benefits of Tarkett Flooring Adhesive:

Strong fixation of high-quality material;

Quick set of strength;

High moisture and frost resistance;

High adhesive properties.

All of the above properties allow Tarkett's adhesive to effectively solve the problem of gluing flexible floor coverings.

Methods for gluing linoleum

Laying linoleum on the adhesive is not a difficult process. It is important to control correct position sheet, and besides that, evenly roll out the roll and force out the air that has fallen under the coating.

A more laborious case may arise when laying the flooring in a fairly big room when it is necessary to fasten the seams of linoleum sheets.

When buying glue for linoleum, you need to be aware of the existence modern materials for strong seams.

for hot welding seams of the product use a special nozzle for building hair dryer, which allows you to form a groove for laying a special welding cord. The main thing here is to choose the cord you need colors suitable for flooring. Under the influence of high temperatures, the cord melts and firmly connects the individual sheets of the product.

For cold welding you can use glue for linoleum. This method is usually used for products with a soft texture (semi-commercial and domestic linoleum). In this case, the seams can be connected as a new linoleum, and come off sheets of the old flooring.

Choosing glue for linoleum

For soft-type household linoleum, it is better to use homakoll 228 glue. This adhesive is versatile and is great for multi-layer floor coverings.

For the successful fixing of semi-commercial or commercial type linoleum, homakoll 248 glue is ideal, which, among other things, is non-toxic and fireproof.

Thomsit glue produced in Germany is quite popular among professionals; it also differs in composition and its properties for various coatings.

So, when choosing glue for linoleum, the main thing is to pay attention to the type of flooring being laid and to some design features. Good luck with your repair!

The general popularity of linoleum flooring is due to many of its remarkable qualities, in particular, ease of installation. It can also be installed in "uncomfortable" rooms, in which unfavorable operating conditions: a high level of permeability, humidity, and more.

When choosing any finish coat developers pay attention to the most reliable and affordable way of fixing. Many are interested in whether it is necessary to glue linoleum to the floor, especially since quite often the coating is laid in a single sheet with the edges fixed with skirting boards.

Laying linoleum on glue makes it possible to obtain a monolithic coating, the strength of which provides rigid adhesion to every point of the base. In this case, you can completely exclude

  • the divergence of the seams, which are almost imperceptible;
  • swellings, which are often associated with loosely laid finishing material, for example, in place of the legs of a chair.

In addition, the durability of such a floor increases by about 50%, and appearance continues to be just as attractive.

Thus, glue for linoleum, the price of which, by the way, is much lower than that of the finishing material, provides reliable laying and fixation of the finished floor.

Types of glue and their technical characteristics

The construction market offers various options of this flooring, which differ in their main technical specifications. That's why use random styling, even with best reviews and strength indicators, strongly not recommended. Each of them has its own GOST. The composition must correspond to the type of material being laid, for example, glue for natural linoleum, commercial, on felt base etc.

But how from huge variety mixtures offered to the consumer, choose best glue for linoleum, how to glue, depending on:

  • base material. Manufacturers offer glue for linoleum on a concrete floor, on a wooden floor, universal;
  • adhesive consumption, which, in particular, depends on the characteristics of the operation of the premises. They determine how to glue linoleum. For rooms in which displacement of the canvases is possible, as a result of which “wrinkles” can form, then gluing is performed over the entire base. For other cases, you can limit yourself to the "point" application of the composition;
  • the type and condition of the coating material, in particular, whether it is new or used. Working with each of them has its own nuances;
  • temperature regime in the room where the floor is finished, since it depends on it how much glue for linoleum dries.

There are three types of adhesive compositions used for these purposes:

  • dispersive;
  • reactionary;
  • universal.

Experts recommend referring to the choice of universal compositions with certain share caution, as their qualities are quite often exaggerated. A competent choice of adhesive composition should be based either on the type of finishing material, or focused on the same manufacturer. For example, the Tarkett company manufactures a special adhesive for Tarkett linoleum for its coatings.

Dispersion adhesive for linoleum

This class includes adhesive mixtures, representing various compositions from

  • acrylic;
  • water dispersion;
  • carboxymethyl cellulose with various special additives: chalk, latex or others.
  • almost no smell
  • non-toxic,
  • elastic;
  • suitable for flooring from coatings on a different basis: fabric, felt, polyurethane foam.

However, they are not sufficiently water and frost resistant and after defrosting they practically stop working.

The presence of water in these compositions imposes some restrictions on their use. In order for the glue to set, the water must be able to “leave” somewhere, in other words, with the help of such compounds, surfaces that can absorb moisture can be finished. When using a water-dispersion adhesive for sticking linoleum on a concrete, wooden or similar floor, you can not lay an additional "substrate".

Often when installing hydro and sound insulation floors their quality is improved by first laying a layer of polyethylene film. If you do not know the intricacies of how to glue linoleum on the floor and stick it on a polyethylene substrate, fix reliable material will not work. The fact is that partially remaining moisture will not give adhesive composition applied to the film, dry in bulk, but only along the edges of the joints and the perimeter.

The most popular types of dispersion adhesive

  • Bustilat - great option for fastening the warmed covering having a felt basis.

  • Acrylate - used when laying both hetero- and homogeneous coatings in rooms, even with high level patency.
  • Gumilaks - it is possible to use for fixing of natural material.
  • Conductive is often adjacent to an antistatic coating. It is ideal for finishing rooms where it is installed a large number of electrical engineering.

The consumption of glue for linoleum per 1 m 2 ranges from 0.2 to 0.6 kg per sq.m. Which one depends on the base. These are average indicators, for example, for Bustila glue T it can be 800 g per sq.m. To calculate the consumption per 1m 2 use online calculator, although glue manufacturers usually indicate data directly on the package.

Adhesive compositions of this type are most often used for continuous gluing of the material, and on a carefully leveled base.

natural linoleum glue on a moisture-absorbing base, like plywood and others, using water-dispersion compositions. For example, it can be Forbo 418 Euroflex Lino Plus linoleum adhesive, which is characterized by “moisture retention power”. In other words, the composition, without even having time to dry, develops a high adhesive force.

reaction glue

This is an adhesive composition on polyurethane or epoxy based. It has the highest level of adhesion, creates an intermediate layer between the coating and the base, which is different

  • increased hardness,
  • water resistance,
  • durability,
  • resistance to mechanical stress.

These compositions are much more expensive than dispersion ones, and this is not their only drawback. We note among them:

  • pungent smell,
  • explosion and fire hazard,
  • toxicity.

It is also known as linoleum joint adhesive. When laying the coating, a violent reaction occurs, during which the coating “melts”, so we can call such an adhesive - cold welding. Their consumption averages 0.3-0.4 kg per square meter. m.

Adhesive for linoleum joints is available in three grades that differ in their consistency:

  • A-type this is the most liquid version a reaction mixture used to bond webs of new material, commercial or domestic, to a solid base. The seam with such gluing is thin. It is transparent and almost invisible. Consumption is approximately 5-6 ml / 25 p.m. m. When performing installation work be sure to use personal protective equipment: gloves, as well as a respiratory mask.

Adhesive for linoleum seams of this type applied according to the following algorithm:

  1. the gap is cleaned and dried.
  2. it is glued along the length with masking tape.
  3. The adhesive tape is carefully cut along the junction line.
  4. Glue is squeezed into the open space.
  5. The adhesive tape can be removed after about a quarter of an hour. The joint will fully cure within 60 minutes.

On a note

The seams should be as short as possible - at most 0.50–0.70 m.

  • C - type has a thicker consistency, which allows you to work with old or loosely laid material. After the restoration of the parted joints on the old coating, a new wide seam is formed, the width of which can reach 3-4 mm. That is, when laying in this way, the edges, as it were, are connected by a single strip of new material. Thus, such a connection is used to obtain a wide thick seam.

  • T-type is used for gluing panels PVC coating with polyester backing. This adhesive for linoleum seams is mainly used by professionals.

Work with reaction compounds is carried out very carefully so that the glue does not get on the finished floor. You can, for example, keep a rag under the tube. If this trouble, however, could not be avoided, you need to wait for the drop to completely harden and carefully cut it off with a knife. Although it is impossible to completely correct the situation, the stain, unfortunately, will remain.

Hot welding

This is another option for bonding fabrics, which is used by professionals when laying commercial flooring or solving various artistic tasks, for example, making applications. Glue for welding linoleum in this case has the form of a polymer that melts well at high temperature provided by the welding gun. Having melted, it fills the groove at the junction of pieces of finishing material. After cooling, a homogeneous coating is formed with the same technical characteristics both along the joint and on the rest of the area.