Calla red indoor care after purchase. What to do if the tubers sprouted ahead of time? Callas in pots: home care - why they die

Elegant, beautiful and majestic calla flower is perfect for decoration wedding bouquets , as there is a belief that these flowers bring happiness and joy to the family. In addition, the home calla flower is perfectly used to decorate rooms in the house as part of various flower arrangements. They become a symbol of grandeur and beauty in bedrooms, living rooms and in combination with various accessories and colors convey true charm with their luxurious simplicity.

Characteristic features of the flower:

Due to the unique shape of the flower, indoor plant calla, considered one of the most interesting and wonderful flowers, having a wide variety of shades: purple, pink, yellow, green orange, etc. They are also given other names, for example, mini callas, aronnica, simply tubular or pork. South Africa is the birthplace of the calla. It is grown mainly from the rhizome or from the bulb.

Features of the appearance of calla flowers

Regardless of the specific choice, callas look quite characteristic. Flowers arranged on petioles of sufficient length. In turn, the basal leaves are connected to a dense thick rhizome. The inflorescences themselves are on a leafless stem, have cobs and bedspreads. The cover sheet, also known as the coverlet, is a larger colored funnel-shaped leaf that wraps around the so-called yellow "candle" covered with small flowers. The size of the plate of a bright green leaf is approximately 6-14 cm long and 5-11 cm wide. Arrowheads also have white or silver inclusions.

home flower calla. Care

The meaning of calla feng shui

Before planting a homemade calla flower in our apartment, we set ourselves interest Ask: What does it mean anyway? These flowers represent our femininity, youth and charm of our soul. Many believe that the callas growing in the house protect from negativity, bring only peace and happiness. They are like cupid, they attract two lonely halves and connect their hearts forever. Home feng shui calla flower smooths out disagreements in the family.

In addition, it also affects human health. Firstly, few people know that this is an excellent antidote for snake bites. Secondly, flowers perfectly increase not only immunity, but also charge with vivacity and at the same time calmness.

Calla care at home

Multicolored calla flowers with stunning beautiful leaves always wonderfully harmonize in the garden. A big plus of the plant is that its low-growing varieties are successfully grown in open ground, as well as in special containers. This is a classic greenhouse culture, so cutting inflorescences can be done even in winter. Most lovers of snow-white callas plant them as a houseplant. Plasticity is its main advantage. Features of the content of these flowers, the time of their planting and the dormant period - these are the main criteria by which they determine in which month they can bloom.

We care for callas with warmth and care

Wild callas grow in areas where the climate is mild and warm. In our local latitude, the period of their flowering falls on the summer - July-August. At first, when flower stalks are formed in a plant, it needs a fairly long lighting(not less than 12 hours). Further, calla already needs less light, but here it is also necessary to observe the time frame (no less than 8 hours, but no more than 10 hours).

When caring for a calla flower at home, owners need to know that exotic plant needs a pronounced state rest. Provide it best in winter time year, while watering and feeding should not be much and often, as we say in other seasons. These procedures are done so that the leaves remain green, saturated and provided with plenty of water.

In other months of the year, the homemade calla flower requires an appropriate organic and mineral top dressing. The desire to achieve stronger flower stalks and properly developed inflorescences will help knowledge of the individual details of cultivation. stick simple rules caring for a calla flower at home: when feeding callas, first apply organic fertilizer and then only mineral. Flowers consume organic matter primarily in a rotten form.

Features of growing potted calla

Growing potted calla is easy and simple

Calla finicky flower. He loves only shady and semi-shady habitats. Capacity for cultivation, it is best to choose in the form of a spacious pot with a height of more than 60 cm and a width within a radius of 15-20 cm. Make the base from simple garden soil, where you do not add a large number of clay, sand, rotted manure, vermiculite and peat. Add minerals to this mass and mix gently. It must be remembered that during the growth of flowers require a further supply of organic mineral fertilizers.

In order for the shoots of a growing flower not to shrink, along the edge big pot dig a hole and fertilize any organic matter that is in the house. It can be fruit peel, tea leaves, seed shells, etc. Then, everything is sprinkled with a substrate and watered with water of medium room temperature or dissolved mineral fertilizer. You can easily do without a transplant. Then from time to time replace the topsoil with a more nutritious fertilizer.

Due to the fact that the calla houseplant loves moisture, it should always be kept in wet conditions and avoid drying out. To speed up the processing of organics into humus, use earthworms. They enrich the soil with oxygen by loosening.

When the first flower stalks appear, it will be appropriate to apply nitrogen-potassium fertilizer, for example, urea. During the dissolution period, it is advisable to add calcium in the form of egg shells. This is necessary so that when cutting calla lilies, it stays fresh longer.

Protection during the period of illness of a home calla flower is carried out in the same way as for other plants in pots. Sometimes it is damaged due to powdery mildew.

callas multiply thanks to tubers. Before planting in a container, the prepared substrate is spilled with boiling water, allowed to cool and a tablespoon of the complex is added. mineral fertilizer which are acidic.

Types and photo selection of home calla flowers

Callas are a charming creation of mother nature, which today have many of the most different varieties. A thematic selection of photographs will allow you to fully admire the sublime and aristocratic views of this popular exotic plant:

Of the most floriferous ornamental plants callas should be isolated elliott. The size of the Elliott bedspread reaches about 15 cm. The outer part is painted in a green-yellow hue, the inner one has yellow coloration. White blotches are present on heart-shaped leaves. The Danish species needs constant watering and prefers more light.

The most common variety is this. It has fleshy rather dense leaves, up to 45 cm long. The flowering stem itself can grow up to 1 meter. The white inflorescence expanded from above has a funnel shape and yellowish cobs.

An interesting species, distinguished by its small size, is. It is small because it grows only up to 50 cm. Pretty flowers are painted in red or bright pink colors. It is rightfully considered the original species, from which a wide variety of variegated shades can be successfully derived, for example, lilac, dark purple, etc.

It should be noted tender and fragrant. The luxurious purple hue and the smell of the sea breeze make it special. Depending on the growing environment, this type of calla grows from 60 to 120 cm. Amethyst is worthy of being considered a royal flower, as the boudoirs of court ladies and queens decorated with its flowers.

Find mutual language with sophisticated calla flowers, it's really not difficult. Enough more care and proper care, then both in the garden and at home they will sparklingly delight you for many years. With all our hearts we wish to find friendship with them, let each of you live these little flower fairies.

Calla is herbaceous perennial, which belongs to the aroid family. There are other names: calla and aronnik. This plant is native to the African continent. In such a climate, calla lilies can grow up to two and a half meters in height. The plant has rather large, heart-shaped, arrow-shaped leaves. Calla blooms with small flowers, neatly wrapped in a large "veil", which creates something like a funnel. This makes the flower attractive to many gardeners.

Homemade calla lilies in a pot, which everyone can care for, usually do not smell. But those plants that grow in the garden exude a pleasant and delicate aroma in warm weather, reminiscent of pineapple combined with vanilla. So, callas in pots: how to care?

Is it easy to grow callas?

Many people think that growing these plants at home is very difficult, as they require careful care. However, this is not at all the case. According to experts, potted callas, whose photos prove their beauty, are unpretentious, and no special tricks are needed to grow them. The main thing is to create optimal conditions, which will be as close as possible to natural for this plant. In fact, growing callas is not so difficult. To make the plant feel comfortable, you just need to follow a few rules.


So, calla in a pot, home care for which does not require special efforts, very demanding on light. Besides, this thermophilic plant. These two facts should be taken into account when choosing a place. This is one of the basic rules for success. Callas grow well in places where there is diffused sunlight or partial shade. There is one more feature. Callas in the evening need a small portion of direct sunlight. For the formation of flower stalks, these plants need daylight hours lasting more than 12 hours. This is one of important conditions. After flowering should be at least 8 hours and not more than 10.

Watering and humidity

Calla is This should not be forgotten. This is especially important when growing Ethiopian calla lilies. After all given plant grows almost in a swamp, where the humidity is very high not only in the air, but also in the soil.

Calla flowers in pots can have bedspreads of different tones. This makes them popular among flower growers. Plants with colored bedspreads are not so demanding on moisture. However, do not forget about regular watering. The amount of water depends on the period. For example, during flowering, watering should be more abundant, and during dormancy - moderate. Overdrying the soil in a pot is not recommended.

The room should have high humidity. Of course, this is very difficult to achieve. To make the plant feel comfortable, you can spray it more often.

Room temperature

Growing calla lilies in a pot is an easy process. Of course, if you follow certain rules. Do not forget that callas usually grow in southern latitudes, where temperatures are constantly high. These plants are very difficult to tolerate when this figure drops to 8 ° C. Therefore, keeping callas on the balcony is only in warm weather. IN winter period the plant should be moved to a room where heating appliances. The most favorable temperature for calla growth is from 20 to 25 ° C.

The pot must be chosen correctly

Not the last role in cultivation is played by the capacity in which callas will grow. For Ethiopian it is best to use a pot or a container is enough large sizes. If the container is small in volume, then the calla simply will not bloom. Even with the application of fertilizers, the plant will develop only the green part and new leaves will appear. But the calla will not bloom in a pot. Home care for this plant consists not only in timely watering, but also in correct selection temperature conditions, containers for planting and soil. It is worth noting that he prefers to grow up in splendid isolation.

For one plant, it is worth choosing a pot with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters. As for the material from which the container is made, it is better to give preference to porous ones. This will allow the plant to breathe, and excess moisture will leave faster.

You don't have to be an inventor to grow red callas in a pot. In terms of free space, these plants are not particularly capricious. Quite for them suitable container three liters.

Soil composition

How is calla grown in a pot? Home care for this plant must be carried out throughout the year. Do not plant callas in normal soil. They grow best in a mixture that consists of sand, rotted manure, peat and garden soil. It is worth noting that the acidity of the soil should not exceed 6.


Planting a calla in a pot is another crucial moment. Do not transplant a weak plant or damaged sprouts. In order for the calla to quickly get used to its new place, you should not use ordinary land, and the soil, which in composition is as close as possible to natural.

Before transplanting a plant, it is necessary to wash the roots. This must be done with extreme caution. Otherwise, you can infect the flower with a new disease or introduce bacteria into the wounds. As a result, in a new place, calla lilies will suffer from a new ailment.

After that, a little soil should be poured into the pot and the plant should be placed. This transfer is not over yet. The roots should be carefully sprinkled with soil, and then watered. Calla is a plant that requires a lot of water. Therefore, transplanted sprouts should be watered abundantly. Of course, you should not be too zealous in this regard.


Let's figure out how to plant a calla in a pot and grow it from a bulb. First of all, the use of such material is the most simple method cultivation similar plants. Callas are very easy to propagate by roots and bulbs. The main thing is to create optimal conditions for their growth.

For those who don't know, this is where the growth of a new plant begins. It's not really a root. But in its calla, it is very reminiscent of it. To be more precise, it is a thick and rather large process of the main root, from which young shoots subsequently appear.

As soon as the calla bulb accumulates a sufficient amount of moisture and useful components, it begins to produce new sprouts. The bulb will supply the plant with all the necessary substances.

Planting a calla in a pot is a simple process. So that the bulb does not start to deteriorate in the pot, it is recommended to make holes for drainage. After that, a hole is made in the container with a depth of at least 10 centimeters. You can plant a bulb in the resulting hole. You need to place it so that the sprouted tips look up and are placed strictly horizontally. After that, the roots can be sprinkled with earth and watered with calla.

How to feed?

So, how to properly grow calla in a pot? Home care for this plant consists not only in timely watering, but also in high-quality feeding.

If the climate in your country is mild and the temperature never drops below zero, then you have the opportunity to have blooming callas in your garden throughout the year. Of course, this requires a lot of effort and time. It is necessary to feed the plant once a year. However, this is not enough for the calla to bloom. all year round. To achieve the desired, it is worth fertilizing more often. You should do this regularly, about twice a month. Fertilizer can be added to the compost in the ground, or you can mix the liquid solution with water intended for irrigation. Care for callas in pots is within the power of even a beginner. By resorting to various tricks, you can grow charming flowers that will delight not only the eyes, but also the soul.

However, when applying fertilizer, you should be careful. After all, the plant can be overfed. In this case, the calla may die. Signs of excessive fertilizer application are burnt leaf edges. This indicates that the plant has received a lot of nitrogen.

In addition, there is another rule, without which the cultivation of calla lilies in a pot is not possible. So what smaller plant receives solar heat and light, the more fertilizer needs to be applied to the soil. This has a positive effect on the flowering of callas. Therefore, it is very important to correctly place the pot with the plant and calculate required amount fertilizers.


Calla is elegant and very beautiful flower. Caring for this plant is not that difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules and carefully care for callas. This is the only way to achieve abundant flowering that will please any gardener. It is worth noting that callas can be grown not only in pots, but also in the garden. These plants will perfectly decorate the site and the house. Plus, they look amazing in bouquets.

Calla is a short plant with heart-shaped green leaves (6-12 cm long and up to 11 cm wide) on a stem. Tall peduncles grow on it, turning at the top into a single-petal flower in the form of a funnel with an ear in the middle. Flowers are snow-white and colored. Colored callas grow about 50 cm. White ones reach a meter or more in height. Calla for home care began to be cultivated not so long ago. This flower is native to South Africa. Some species grow in the central part African continent(Ethiopian calla). In our latitudes, there are wild-growing species that have taken root well in marshy areas.

Common types and photo selection of home calla flowers

Thanks to breeding work, today many different varieties have been bred, among which several of the most popular can be distinguished.

  • calla elliotta- decorative culture that blooms profusely. The cover of the flower reaches 15 cm. The color is contrasting: the outer part is greenish-yellow, and the inner part is yellow. Heart-shaped leaves have white spots. This variety likes well-lit window sills and regular watering.
  • Ethiopian calla- is considered the most common type. The leaves are fleshy, dense and grow up to 45 cm in length. The stem with a flower can reach 1 meter. funnel-shaped inflorescence, white color with a yellowish cob, which is expanded at the top.
  • Calla remanna- Differs in small dimensions. Plant height does not exceed 50 cm. Flowers are bright pink or red. This species became the starting point for breeding more variegated shades (lilac, dark purple and others).
  • calla amethyst- characterized by a violet hue and an exquisite smell, similar to the sea breeze. It reaches a height of 60 to 120 cm. It all depends on the conditions under which the flower is grown. It was customary to decorate the boudoirs of queens and court ladies with the flowers of "Amethyst".

Features of caring for room calla

Following the structural features of this culture and its origin, caring for it has its own differences from caring for other indoor flowers.

Watering and lighting

Calla is very susceptible to watering, if watering is not regular, then calla will stop growing

Proper watering is one of the main stages of growing calla lilies. These flowers very favorably perceive regular watering and moist soil. Dry soil will stop their growth. Particularly demanding for watering is white calla, accustomed to growing in swampy areas. When it is actively growing, it should be watered a lot. This should be done when the top soil dries out by 1 cm. The remaining water must be drained after 15 minutes.

Colored callas should not be watered so abundantly. It is necessary to avoid stagnation of water in the pan, this can lead to rotting of the roots. Watering is carried out with water at room temperature as the soil dries out by 2-3 cm.

The plant feels comfortable at 70-80% humidity, so it needs to be sprayed twice a day. rub the leaves damp cloth and put wet expanded clay or moss on the pallet.

When the plant fades, the regularity of watering is reduced (for all species). Colored callas after a month or two should stop watering altogether. It is impossible to immediately transfer the culture to the resting phase by stopping watering or cutting the leaves. The tubers need to be fully ripe. The rest period usually falls from October-November to the end of February. But this time may shift depending on the conditions of the flower.

Calle also needs good lighting all year round. It is better that it was indirect sunlight. In winter, there is a lack of it. With a lack of light, the culture may not bloom, letting only the stems grow. White callas need to be covered even during the rest period. Colored species may lose their characteristic hue when there is a lack of lighting.

Optimal temperature

For blooming calla comfortable temperature 20-24 degrees

For both white and colored callas, high temperature combined with low humidity is detrimental - they are often affected by pests. Sudden temperature changes entail the cessation of flowering.

During the growing season, white varieties should be kept at + 18-20 degrees. When flowering ends, gradually reduce the temperature to 10-12 degrees. The rest period must be at least 2 months. Colored callas feel comfortable at + 20-24 degrees. Slight temperature fluctuations day and night have a good effect on the formation of tubers and leaves. After flowering, for ripening, the tubers are kept for 1 month without watering at + 25-27 degrees. When they ripen, they are laid without leaves for a dry wintering at + 3-5 degrees, sprinkled with sawdust.

Soil composition and top dressing

During the flowering period, the flower must be fed with urea.

Acidified soils are suitable for callas. Optimal following substrate:

  • sod land (2 parts);
  • leaf ground (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

In order for the flower to develop correctly, it must be fed in a timely manner. Sometimes in the summer callas are planted in open ground where they get their normal nourishment. But with a constant content in the pot, complex fertilizers are required. You need to make them in turn once every 10-14 days.

So that the plant does not grow strenuously leaves (which is reflected in flowering), during the growing season one should not overdo it with fertilizers with nitrogen. When flower stalks appear, you need to feed the plant with urea, make an infusion during flowering eggshell. You can not spray the cover of the flower with top dressing, it may lose its decorative appearance.

Domestic calla transplant

After a calla transplant, you need to gradually increase the temperature

When the dormant period ends, the calla is transplanted into fresh soil. With regular pinching of fresh shoots and replacing the top layer of earth in a flowerpot, calla lilies can not be transplanted for 2 years.

White flowers should be planted in pots that are suitable for the size of tubers (at least 15 cm in diameter), but not very deep. A drainage layer of 5 cm, a substrate, is placed in it. You can purchase a universal substrate for flowering indoor crops.

It is not necessary to place the calla rhizome deep, but too shallow too. To calculate the correct depth, the diameter of the rhizome must be multiplied by three. When the plant is transplanted, the temperature should be raised little by little. When it begins to grow actively (after 2-3 weeks), you can begin active watering and top dressing.

The appearance of new bulbs and reproduction of calla lilies

In calla, the rhizome has the appearance of bulbs. They divide, there are more of them, they grow and occupy an ever larger area. Excess need to be regularly dug up and replanted or thrown away. The bulb is transplanted into well-drained soil. You need to choose a sunny place for planting.

After planting the bulbs, the soil must be watered abundantly.

The bulb should be planted horizontally. The hole should be approximately 10 cm deep. Water the soil abundantly so that the tuber begins to grow well. Separate the bulbs with your hands. Each must have at least one kidney.

Growing seeds for seedlings

Usually breeders are engaged in such reproduction of calla lilies. But if you grow it at home, the seeds are pre-soaked for 6 hours in a natural plant biostimulator - potassium humate. Then they are laid out on a pallet with a damp towel. Cover with the same towel on top and put in a warm place for a week. Make sure the seeds do not dry out. The towel should be damp, not wet. When the seeds germinate, they need to be sown in trays with soil, and left in a warm place until shoots appear. Discard unsprouted seeds. Then you can transplant the seedlings into a pot.

Completion of the vegetation cycle

The culture continues to grow as long as it is in moist soil. growing season ends in September-October. Leaves begin to die off. With the onset of yellowness, watering should be reduced. After 2-3 weeks, it should be completely stopped. The leaves should dry on their own, allowing the trace elements remaining in them to get into the tubers.

If the calla grows in a pot, you don't have to dig it up. Move the plant to a cool place (balcony, veranda). It is important that the rest period lasts at least 3 months. Otherwise, the calla runs the risk of not blooming.

Calla diseases and care during this period

The picture shows anthracnose in callas

Most plant diseases are caused by bacteria or fungi, including:

  • Gray rot can spread to all parts of the plant. Arises gray coating caused by fungus. A flower can become infected in different ways: through soil, water, wind. With excessive humidity in the air and soil, the risk of fungal infection increases. A diseased plant is treated with Vitarox, Rovral and other fungicides. Before this, you need to ventilate the room.
  • Calla anthracnose is characterized by the presence of brown spots on the leaves. The leaves eventually dry out and crack. They need to be removed, and the plant should be treated with a fungicide.
  • Root rot manifests itself in the form of calla wilt. If the plant is dug up, then dry rot can be seen on the tubers. This disease occurs due to waterlogging of the soil. It is necessary to suspend watering the flower, or replace the soil with a less moist one. Fungicide treatment is also needed.
  • Bacterial rot occurs due to infection of the culture by bacteria. There are no means of dealing with it, so it is advisable to dispose of the flower.

Note to flower growers

Calla leaves often dry due to improper watering

Why doesn't calla bloom? This question cannot always be answered with certainty. There may be several factors that can cause this problem. The presence of many bulbs that have not been transplanted for a long time, frequent transplants, changing flowerpot locations, improper care. All this weakens the mother plant, and the calla does not bloom.

There are many reasons for yellowing and drying of calla leaves:

  • freezing of tubers;
  • lack or, conversely, excess watering;
  • deficiency of important trace elements;
  • insufficiently humid air in the room.

Calla has faded what to do?

If the leaves are still green after flowering, then you need to continue watering and wait for them to dry. You need to water less and less each time. After the leaves die, you can send the plant to rest.

Why calla calla is called the "flower of death"

There are many legends associated with this flower. It looks like a veil that wraps around a yellow cob, similar to a candle. This is probably why calla is called the flower of death. Indeed, in some European countries death is associated with white. There, at funerals, you can often see callas.

Now, few people remember this superstition. The myth of why callas are the flowers of death has not been confirmed, although some continue to be deterred from buying this flower.

Caring for callas at home is quite affordable and not very laborious. By following the simple rules of cultivation, you can achieve regular flowering, healthy greenery, and as a result, additional decoration of any interior. And in the end, we recommend watching the video on this flower, we wish you a pleasant viewing.

But on sale it is not she who is more common, but "colored" calla elliott And Remann , which form tubers and reach a height of 40-50 cm. About them and will be discussed In this article.

How to store calla tubers before planting

Until the beginning of March, calla tubers are stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Wrap them in paper and place them in a plastic bag, poke a few holes in the bag for ventilation. Please check carefully before buying planting material. should be dense, smooth, without visible damage, have live kidneys.

Planting calla tubers

In late February - early March, before planting in the ground, calla tubers are planted for germination. If the tubers are a little wilted, before planting, hold them for 2-3 days in a damp cloth until they become elastic again and the buds are clearly visible on the surface of the tubers.

Carefully inspect the tubers. If you notice damage or signs on them, which often appears during improper storage, clean the tuber with a sharp knife to a healthy tissue.

Lubricate the wound surface with brilliant green and let it dry.

To prevent fungal infections, before planting, treat calla tubers with any fungicide designed to treat tubers and bulbs. drugs are well suited for this purpose. Fundazol And Vitaros with systemic action. They not only destroy fungi on the surface of the tuber, but are also absorbed by the plant, providing it with long-term protection. Dry the tubers a little before planting.

Fill a small pot about 2/3 full with potting soil. The mixture should be slightly acidic. The composition of the soil for planting calla lilies: peat, humus or compost, leaf or garden soil, washed sand (2:1:1:0.5). Compact the soil in the pot and place the tuber on top.

Cover the tuber with the prepared soil mixture. The planting depth of the calla tuber is 1.5-2 cm from the top of the tuber to the soil surface.

Water carefully, being careful not to erode the soil. Put the pot in a bright place. Calla thrives well at daytime temperatures around +15...+20 °C. It does not matter if at night the temperature of the calla content drops to +13 ... +15 ° С, the difference between night and day temperatures is useful for the plant.

Calla roots grow in all directions. So that they do not come to the surface of the soil, as soon as the sprouts reach a height of 5-7 cm, add more soil to the pot with a layer of 2-3 cm. Keep the soil moderately moist. Tubers do not tolerate excessive watering and stagnant water, so drain the water from the pan immediately after watering. Feed once every 2 weeks with a solution of a complete mineral fertilizer for seedlings. Good result brings top dressing with liquid gummed fertilizer.

When the soil in the garden warms up to + 15 ° C and the threat of frost has passed, calla lilies can be planted in open ground. Calla does not like direct sunlight, so choose a place for her that is illuminated by the sun until noon. Prepare a 30x30 cm hole for planting, add half a bucket of humus to it and mix well.

Carefully remove the plant from the pot. Despite the fact that calla roots are powerful, they are very fragile and cannot be restored if damaged. Place an earth ball in the hole.

Gently cover the area around the roots with soil. When planting, it can be deepened again by 1.5-2 cm, so that when leaving it does not accidentally damage the surface roots.

Water, wait until the water is completely absorbed into the soil. After watering, mulch the plantings with peat to prevent the formation of a soil crust.

Callas: care during the season

Learn more about how to grow plants, . Also, please pay attention to the information block to the left of the text. The links in it lead to related articles.

Calla is a perennial herbaceous plant, which has a characteristic appearance. The home flower is distinguished by a variety of colors of bracts, unpretentiousness in care and ease of cultivation in room conditions. This made the calla very popular and loved by flower growers. The people call calla calla And aronnik.

Calla is a small plant with large sheet plates, outwardly similar to arrowheads, the stems of the plant are smooth and bare. Calla peduncles are tall single-petaled. They consist of a large veil rolled up into a tube - a funnel, inside which the cob is located. Flowers may be white And colored.

Colored callas can reach a height of 50 centimeters, white ones grow up to one meter or more. Calla not so long ago took root in room conditions. Under natural conditions, calla is found in South Africa, in more northern regions it grows well in reservoirs and swampy areas.

This type includes similar plants: Sandexia, Calla, Aronnik. Currently, breeders have bred a large number hybrid varieties, which are distinguished by a rich color scheme, among which there are even black callas.

The unusual shape of the flower and dense waxy leaves were appreciated by florists who use plants to compose the most beautiful bouquets and compositions. Very often, plants are used to decorate wedding bouquets, since the appearance of the flower resembles a long Wedding Dress bride.

Plants are often used to decorate the interior of a house. yellow flowers different shades, red, purple and burgundy.

Calla lilies in pots look good in combination with orchids, spathiphyllum, geraniums, begonias, cyclamen, jasmine gardenia, Benjamin's ficus, dracaena, various palm trees and zamiokulkas.

Breeders offer big choice varieties that are easy to grow at home. Photo different types are presented below.

As a rule, the following species are grown at room conditions:

It should be remembered that calla is poisonous plant, therefore, when kept at home, it should be placed further from children and pets, and when leaving and transplanting, it is advisable to protect your hands with gloves.

Caring for callas in pots at home does not present any particular difficulties, but in order for plants to develop and bloom, they need to create special conditions that are close to natural. Callas are unpretentious and hardy, bloom enough for a long time- three to six weeks. Caring for a flower at room conditions consists in timely watering, feeding, maintaining optimal humidity and temperature.


Plants do not require bright lighting, so direct Sun rays can be detrimental to the plant. Pots in room conditions are recommended to be placed in partial shade, away from direct sunlight. In winter, you need to provide additional lighting, otherwise the callas will stop blooming.

Colored callas with a lack of lighting can lose their attractive color.

Plants require 12 hours of light per day during flowering and about 8 hours after flowering to maintain color.


Calla lilies are native to hot climates, so calla lilies need high temperature and high air humidity. Optimum temperature for development and flowering is 15 - 25 degrees.

As a result of a sharp temperature drop, they stop blooming.

In hot weather, the plant can be additionally sprayed and humidified in the room.

Brings out pots of callas open air it is possible only in warm weather, in winter the plant must be kept in a well-heated room

Watering and humidification

Proper watering- this is one of the main stages in favor of potted crops. Callas need regular watering and moist soil. Colored callas, unlike white ones, are not so capricious and easily tolerate a short drought. The amount of moisture needed by plants depends on the period of growth.

The air in the room where the potted plants are located should be very humid. It is very difficult to maintain a humidity of 80-90% indoors, however, you can spray callas twice a day. In addition, it is required to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Top dressing and fertilizer

As plants grow, they quickly absorb nutrients from the soil, so they need to be fed in a timely manner. It should also be remembered that the less callas receive light and heat, the more they need additional food mineral fertilizers.

For top dressing, complex fertilizers should be used, which must be applied to the soil once every ten days. The most commonly used urea or eggshell infusion.

Fertilization is carried out during flowering. This must be done very carefully, as the plant is very easy to overfeed, which will lead to their death. Signs of excess fertilizer are the appearance of yellowness and drying of the edge of the leaves. Excess nitrogen fertilizer inhibits flowering. In the event of a lack of nitrogen in the soil, the leaves of plants lose their luster, become lethargic and drooping. The plant may stop growing.

Diseases and pests

The most dangerous pests for a flower are spider mite and aphids.

After acquiring a calla, you should determine if it is at rest. It usually starts in October and lasts all winter until March, which is two to six months.

The dormant period involves a certain temperature regime, watering, top dressing, which help the plant recover and gain strength after a long flowering. In cold weather, white callas grow very slowly. Their flowering period occurs in winter and spring, and the rest period falls on summer time. Colored callas completely stop growing, shed their leaves and hibernate.

Experienced flower growers do not recommend replanting flowers with a damaged or weakened root system. To plant quickly adapted to new conditions, you should use soil close to natural.

Before planting a flower in fresh soil, it is necessary gently wash the roots. This will help you see any damage. For disinfection, the roots of the plant must be immersed in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Growths and dry rot should be carefully cleaned with a knife and disinfected with green paint.

For transplanting, you can use a ready-made soil mixture or prepare it yourself at the rate of: one part of sand, peat and leaf humus and two parts of soddy land.

After transplant callas required large quantity water.

Not the last role is played by the capacity in which the calla will grow. Ethiopian calla prefers large pots with a diameter of more than 20 cm. In a container small size it won't bloom. The material from which the pot is made must be porous. This will provide oxygen to the roots and allow excess moisture to leave faster.

Large pots are not required for colored callas. These plants are undemanding to space. For their cultivation, a container of three liters is quite suitable.

calla breeding

At home, calla lilies are propagated by dividing the rhizome or seeds. Propagation by seeds is the most time-consuming and time-consuming process, so it is used only by breeders or experienced flower growers.

The division of the rhizome is the simplest and convenient way flower breeding. Roots are usually divided in autumn. You should take dense and healthy rhizomes. Separation is carried out with a sharp knife or spatula.

Each part should contain a sufficient number of roots and a small earthen ball. Each separated rhizome is planted in a small but spacious pot. Landing should be carried out in moist soil to a depth of no more than 5 centimeters.

The division of the rhizome into autumn time will allow the plant to spend the winter in a dormant state. At first, callas do not need to be watered. After 7 - 10 days, you should check that the soil is wet. Watering should be increased gradually and periodically spray the plant. Pots with new plants should not be placed on windowsills with bright direct sunlight.

Reproduction of plants by seeds is quite laborious, time-consuming and does not guarantee a positive result. Before planting, calla seeds should be pre-prepared by soaking them for several hours in a growth biostimulator solution, as the plants have very poor germination and a short shelf life.

Then you should prepare a small container in which a damp cloth with seeds laid out on it is placed. Top the seeds should be covered with another damp cloth. The container is placed in a warm place for 7 - 10 days for germination. When the seeds germinate, they are sown in a container with earth and kept in a warm place until shoots appear. After that, young plants can be planted in the ground.

Possible problems and difficulties

A lot of legends and beliefs are associated with calla. In some countries, it is called the "flower of death." This is due to the fact that the white cover of the flower resembles a shroud that covers a yellow cob that resembles a candle. Until now, in many European countries, white callas can be seen at funerals.

At present, few people remember these giving, but there are people whom they stop from acquiring and maintaining this beautiful plant at home.