Which zodiac sign is the smartest? Who according to the horoscope is distinguished by great intelligence

Many people who are interested in astrology are interested in learning about the most smart sign zodiac Astrologers claim that there is not one such sign, but three. From this article you will learn about which zodiac signs are considered the most intelligent and why.

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Every zodiac sign has its own patron. This is a planet that influences the fate and character of a person.

Some are born under the auspices of the planet of love, others are protected by the planet of luck, and others are helped by the planet of power.

But today we will be interested in planets associated with the mind:

  • Mercury. Its sphere of influence is human thinking and intelligence, erudition and logic.
  • Uranus. It includes flashes of insight and genius.

Let's move on to considering the signs of the zodiac.

  1. Twins. This sign is ruled by Mercury. From birth, Geminis surprise first mom and dad, and then everyone around them with their curiosity and intelligence. They are very smart and value education, they know how to isolate the main thing from huge flows of information. Therefore, they often achieve success in learning languages, science and journalism.
  2. Virgo is also ruled by Mercury. Her trump cards are an analytical mind, developed intelligence and attention to detail. Moderate criticism and practicality will not allow her to be misled. Virgos often find themselves in research work. They also make excellent doctors and other medical professionals.
  3. Aquarius is under the protection of the planet Uranus. From birth, Aquarians are endowed with an inquisitive mind and seem unusual to others; they love to do everything in their own way, inventing new ways of performing the most ordinary actions. Many Aquarians are well versed in the latest technology and electronics; they adore everything ultra-modern. It seems that these are the people of the future. Aquarians like to conduct experiments - scientific, psychological, and social.

These are the three smartest signs of the zodiac.

Surprisingly or not, the symbols of all three signs are human. Each of them represents a person, not an animal.

But don’t think that the rest of the zodiac is stupid and uneducated. It's not like that at all. However, representatives of other signs received other things not related to the mind as their main talents. For example, a subtle sense of beauty or perseverance in achieving goals.

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Each zodiac sign has both positive and negative qualities. Working with big amount people, astrologer and psychologist Sergei Lang conducts statistics with which you can understand the behavior pattern of many people and identify strong and weak sides each zodiac sign. We offer you the top 5 smartest zodiac signs.

5th place Aries

Aries is very smart, he also has great intuition, which helps him in difficult situations. Aries make good leaders and businessmen. They know how to make money and know how to use it correctly. Dmitry Nagiyev, for example, has more than once been among the leaders of the Forbes rating. Two years ago, the artist earned more than three million dollars in film and television. But Aries are stubborn and listen only to themselves, which often leads them to mistakes. It is stubbornness that prevents them from being in first place in this ranking.

4th place Fish

Pisces knows what it needs to be happy. She knows how to appreciate what she has, so she tries to preserve it. Pisces learn from their mistakes and by the age of 30, representatives of this sign are quite smart. Pisces rarely takes risks and, thanks to this, there are rarely losses in life. Pisces make excellent workers who advance through career ladder. For example, Nastasya Samburskaya made a dizzying career, going from a modest actress in a humorous sitcom to the star of the production center of Viktor Drobysh.

3rd place Leo

Leos have excellent logic with which they achieve good results. Leo is difficult to mislead and can easily impose their opinion on anyone. These people are very cunning and can do things for their own benefit. complex circuits. After breaking up with Ilya Bachurin, actress Ravshana Kurkova swore off showing off her personal life. Fans are still wondering whether the ring on the star’s ring finger means her recent marriage, or whether it’s part of her cunning plan.

2nd place Virgo

Virgos learn everything very easily; they often have excellent student syndrome. It is important for them to be the first everywhere and in everything. It is very easy to cooperate with Virgos; they are very efficient and responsible people. Virgos often take on responsible work and perform it perfectly. It’s not for nothing that Marina Alexandrova gets exceptionally difficult historical roles. The directors are confident that the actress will not let them down.

The stars not only endow us with certain character traits, but also predict the likely degree of intellectual development. Some zodiac signs are highly intelligent, while others are more stupid.

The title “the dumbest sign of the zodiac” does not mean that a person is necessarily stupid, just different situations he may show a slow reaction, think too long, or his thoughts are more primitive than those of other representatives of the zodiac.

Which one is the dumbest and most stupid?

Astrologers believe that intellectual activity is most difficult for Capricorns and Taurus, as well as Pisces and Cancer.

But this must also be considered from the point of view of belonging to the male or female half of humanity.

The Capricorn man prefers to solve issues not with his mind, but with force. Instead of influencing a person with words, he gets into a fight because he is better at it. At the same time, Capricorn is not averse to thinking, but his thoughts are primitive and relate more to simple everyday problems than to spiritual matters.

According to astrologers, Taurus are slow-witted, they solve the tasks assigned to them very slowly and do not always do it successfully. A Taurus man will be more successful in the role of a performer, a worker, than a scientist or businessman. It is especially difficult when they have to solve something new.

Among the female stupid signs, Pisces especially stands out. They are immensely confident that they are right, but their mind does not go beyond solving everyday and primitive problems. They do not strive for spiritual development, they do not like intellectual conversations, simply because it is difficult for them to understand what they are talking about. But they don’t mind talking about how to cook soup or attract a man.

Cancers have a unique mind. They have a large amount of theoretical knowledge, but it is difficult to apply it in practice.

Capricorn women too often show stupidity due to their stubbornness and a tendency to sort things out.

The wisest and most intelligent

Among the signs, of course, there are the smartest ones. They usually belong to the elements of Air and Fire. Air is associated with spirituality, development, intellectual ability and creativity. Fire is the power of energy, creativity, development.

Wisdom is associated with life experience and the ability to overcome difficult situations with honor and minimal losses.

He is undoubtedly is a smart and intellectually developed sign among men. Few people know so much, combining knowledge with practical experience, as Aquarius does. His mind is agile and innovative. Aquarius is an explorer, he is looking for new paths. However, not all signs can understand him, because Aquarius is always ahead of progress and he may seem strange to other people, because it is quite difficult to keep up with his intelligence.

The ability to know everything determines that Aquarius simply becomes bored, because he can answer almost all the questions of the universe. Nevertheless, he cannot be called completely wise, because his emotionality and breadth of interests do not insure him from mistakes. This sign openly says what he thinks about people, and this sometimes brings him certain problems.

Gemini is considered a smart sign. But their mind is closer to cunning, although they have plenty of life wisdom. Geminis are inquisitive and inquisitive, and as children they love experiments, sometimes very dangerous ones.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury. A man under this sign often chooses intellectual professions, for example, teaching. He has well-developed analytics and attention to detail, which makes him a careful and reliable worker. Research work is suitable for them. They also find themselves in medicine.

Among men, the smartest sign is Aquarius, but at the same time the most contradictory and incomprehensible to other people.

They are also among the top smartest and most practical. They have excellent situational control and are good at social contacts. Sagittarians can be harsh and capable of telling the truth to their face, but at the same time they justify their thoughts well. Their mind is agile, curious and aimed at gaining new knowledge and practical experience.

Libras have high intelligence among women. These are creative and developed people who love to learn. They have a lot of theoretical knowledge, but Libras cannot always apply it in practice. This sign makes good writers, musicians, lawyers and teachers.

However Libras need to restrain their emotionality, which can sometimes interfere with the use of their minds. The sign itself is very patient, showing wisdom from childhood. The Libra woman critically assesses the situation, sees the pitfalls and consequences of actions. She has the ability to evaluate other people, so they make good psychologists. But the picture can be spoiled by the indecisiveness of this sign regarding their actions and application of knowledge.

The Gemini woman also has intelligence. Her natural curiosity and ability to remember allow her to act effectively and solve current problems.

Aquarius women are smart unless they are overwhelmed by an overly valuable idea or addiction, otherwise they simply stop developing.

Among women, Libra and Sagittarius lead.

Of course, it is impossible to say definitively that only these signs are the stupidest or the smartest. Everything depends not only on the stars, but also on genetics, social factors and the desire of the person himself to develop.

IMHO... I’m judging only from my environment, I don’t want to offend anyone. The smartest ones are Pisces, they all studied well and work in leadership positions. My mother is a Pisces, she opened a real estate company 20 years ago, there are a lot of envious and dirty tricks among her competitors, but she miraculously bypasses all this and comes out a winner, an amazing sense of humor, a lot of friends. My sister is a Pisces cousin, she teaches at the university, my boss Valery Ivanovich is a Pisces, everyone at work respects him. Karina Stepanina, also a Pisces, graduated from school with honors. Capricorns are the stupidest, they are also loners and kind of evil. I am a Virgo myself, they call me the queen))) - I can’t stand cheap clothes, perfumes and jewelry, and everything else, I love only the best and expensive.

Each person is unique and individual in their own way. Someone sings and dances well, and someone is well versed in technology and electronics. All these qualities directly depend on the Zodiac constellation under which a particular person was born. Today we will try to determine which of the entire zodiac constellation is the smartest zodiac sign.

Many factors influence a person’s character, his capabilities and destiny. And not least is the date of birth of a person, which determines his entire life.

Planets solar system, patronizing the types of the Zodiac, have a certain influence on various areas.

Each zodiac sign has its own patron planet. And the description of this planet helps to identify the smartest, most talented, sexiest, most beautiful type. In this article we will talk about which is the smartest zodiac sign.

Each zodiac sign has certain abilities and characteristics. Many types of the zodiac circle are directly opposite personalities, which is quite logical. Some types are characterized by unearthly beauty, others by a sharp mind, and still others by luck in everything. One thing is obvious - a lot depends on the date of birth.

All signs of the Zodiac are influenced by the planets and constellations under which they were born.

It is believed that among all the planets, Uranus and Mercury are the ones that endow the Zodiac type with intelligence and intelligence.

Mercury is responsible for the intellect, governing the mind, thinking and education of a person.

Signs born under the auspices of this planet are distinguished by erudition, logic, excellent memory and intelligence. So the smartest sign of the Zodiac is under the protection of these planets.


Geminis are the children of Mercury. Almost from the first years of life, Geminis surprise everyone around them with their incredible intelligence.

Among Gemini women and men, almost everyone is considered very talented and savvy.

They can long time get carried away by something interesting, achieving in it excellent results. Geminis are characterized by practicality in the area they have chosen for themselves. What sets them apart is their intelligence and sharp mind, although this is not always good, since finding worthy friends, a life partner and suitable company can be extremely difficult. Geminis do not like to communicate with uneducated people.


The planet Uranus rules Aquarius. Aquarians, like Geminis, are, if not the smartest, then, one might say, one of the smartest types of the Zodiac.

Among Aquarius there are a lot of inventors and artists who are world famous.

If you're wondering, what sign drives progress? The answer is clear - Aquarius. They do not look for standard ways, solving any problems in an original and unusual way. Once they become interested in something, they will work on it until they achieve certain results.

What astrologers say about other zodiac signs


Aries are dexterous and quick-witted people who know how to create the impression they need among others.

Among them there are also geniuses, but quite rarely. As for the average Aries, he is excellent at using any, even seemingly unnecessary, knowledge in practice, benefiting from it.


At the first contact, Taurus does not always seem savvy and quick-witted, more often creating the impression of being slow-witted and stupid, but this is wrong.

In close communication this sign The Zodiac may turn out to be a real erudite, and his habit of thinking and weighing everything will become a virtue. One of the negative traits of Taurus men and women is the inability to use their knowledge in practice.


Cancer is an erudite and intellectual person who often hides it.

With close contact, Cancer can open up and actually surprise the interlocutor with his thoughts. In addition, it is very useful to turn to such people for advice, since wisdom and life experience will allow Cancer to give optimal advice.

a lion

Leo is an intellectual on display. It often turns out that a given zodiac sign knows much less than it wants to show to others.

All knowledge may be narrowly focused and very superficial, but this does not mean that it is stupid. It’s just not right for the “king of beasts” to show his ignorance of anything.


Virgo is a true student who loves to gain new knowledge and develop.

Among women and men of this type Zodiac signs include those who study all their lives and do not know how to use the acquired knowledge in practice, and those who learn everything with extraordinary speed.


Libras are smart and modest. Due to some modesty, Libras may be underestimated by society.

However, this zodiac sign is not particularly worried about this, knowing perfectly well its capabilities and potentials. Creative personalities are often found among them.


Scorpio is a sign that loves to test all its knowledge in practice.

They often do not have a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but the fact that they strive for practice makes them smart and with developed intuition. It’s not for nothing that practice is considered the best teacher.


Sagittarius is a rather smart sign, since both men and women of this type can safely be called well-read and smart.

They have excellent memory and intuition, which very often helps them in life. Surprisingly, many brilliant ideas for Sagittarius come not from acquired knowledge or experience, but from nowhere, which also makes them lucky in life.


Capricorn is considered a very intelligent type of the zodiac.

He loves to study and gain new knowledge, which he then happily uses in practice. In addition, Capricorns are reasonable and consistent, and this makes them not just smart, but also logical. Very few people will be able to question the mind and intelligence of Capricorns.


Pisces love to exaggerate everything in life. When discussing the intellectual abilities of this type of zodiac circle, it is necessary to note their richly developed imagination, which often helps them in life.

As for intellectual success, it is often random and very unpredictable. However, this does not make this sign stupid at all.

The smartest sign of the Zodiac - let's summarize

Having studied the horoscope, we can say with confidence that there are definitely no stupid people in the zodiac circle. Each representative has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, often intellectual abilities depend not only on which planet protects a person, but also on what year he was born, what period of day/night, and so on.

If you asked yourself the question, which is the smartest zodiac sign in the zodiac circle among men and women, then it is impossible to answer it unequivocally.

All people are different. Although, according to scientists, the most intelligent and talented individuals are still found among Gemini and Aquarius.

They say that when men see smart and confident women, their breath stops. They rarely consider them as a life partner, but the fact that such women have achieved some success in their professional and life fields evokes respect among the stronger sex.

Psychologists say that such women, in fact, have a male consciousness, but for them this is quite comfortable and does not interfere with their lives.

So, representatives of which zodiac sign are the most intelligent and purposeful?


Aries is distinguished by innate insight. At a young age, they try to gain “yard” trust and gain a monopoly in relations with their peers. It is quite easy and simple for women born under this sign to take leadership and she likes it, but the fact that this hits the male pride of Aries is somehow not interesting. Such women are very resilient and have high life potential. They tend to take on difficult tasks, even if these tasks are truly masculine.

The only flaw in the character of such women is naivety, although they are quite aggressive towards others, although in the face of injustice and anger they can literally get angry for a few seconds, because they instantly correct the situation, they do not intend to endure for long. Aries women are sure that if they are not like this, they will easily break under the blows of public opinion, and they cannot afford this.


Scorpio – femininity and masculine traits. The Scorpio woman, from birth to the end of her life, understands that her lot is a woman’s lot, although not the same as that of other women. They believe that human life is simpler, despite the fact that there are different kinds female cunning and deceit.

For Scorpio Women, everything is quite simple; they have high intuition, which allows them to turn this into an advantage, because seeing “through a person” is what they need. Know that for such a woman it is easier to recognize a scammer. Scorpio women have a rather vindictive character and the main thing is that they will never suffer losses, remember this.


Capricorn – special attentiveness from a young age. They are not childishly calm and serious. Pranks are not for them; the social circle of Capricorn women is quite narrow; a mere mortal cannot get into it. Such women find great mutual language with representatives of the opposite sex. Competition at the professional level can only be created at an advanced age.

They always have excellent control over their emotions, and you will never see them as instigators of conflict. Nature has endowed them with special stubbornness and therefore they can infuriate any representative of the opposite sex, and it does not matter which sign of the Zodiac he is.