How to choose infrared heating panels - types, principle of operation, features. Infrared heating panels Electric heating panel

Heating has always been a serious and responsible matter, and today it has acquired another of the most important angles - efficiency, when heating, for example, a private residential building of 250-300 m2, the issue of operating costs takes on a specific shape and makes you approach the choice of heating devices very carefully.

Features of ceramic batteries

the most important hallmark ceramic heating appliances is a symbiosis of a convector and an infrared heater. A heating element is located between the front and back panels. The front panel, which is a flat smooth surface, is made of glass-ceramic. The heat transfer of this material is very high, and the radiator device gives the ceramic panel the function of an infrared emitter. The rear panel, facing the glass-ceramic front panel, is covered with a heat-accumulating layer, and also reflects heat into the room, but like a convector.

The principle of operation of ceramic radiators is air convection in its natural form in conjunction with infrared radiation. The radiator connected to the mains heats up, the panel plates give off heat calories and infrared rays into the air of the room. The heated air rises, the colder air descends, thus an exchange takes place, saturating the room with warmth.

About Specifications

The main and distinguishing feature of ceramic batteries is their thermal power. When calculating the need for heat, they take a standard value of 100 W of thermal energy per 1 m2 of the room area when installing conventional radiators, but if we are talking about ceramic radiators, then the standard figure is 50 W / m2, that is, the savings is 50%.

Ceramic battery device

The power consumption of ceramics is 0.375 kW / h at a heating temperature of + 80 ° C (for comparison: an oil heater takes 1.5-2 kW / h). At the same time, the size of the ceramic panel is 0.6 m x 0.6 m x 0.12 m. One panel will freely heat an area of ​​10 m2 in the absence of other heat sources.

Ceramic radiators are standard in white or black, but it is possible to design the front part in the form of a picture. Trouble-free operation is guaranteed for 5 years. Such heaters do not dry the air, they do not require a battery humidifier, as for other types of radiators.

Installation of a ceramic radiator

About the advantages of ceramic heaters

None of the types of heaters has such a number of advantages:

  • efficiency (twice as profitable as oil);
  • the thermal effect is felt quickly (plate temperature +80°C);
  • compactness;
  • the ability to place not only on the wall, but also on the ceiling;
  • stylish appearance;
  • do not dry the air;
  • absolute safety (allowed for children's institutions);
  • work silently;
  • do not emit any odors;
  • equipped with thermostats;
  • network congestion is not perceived;
  • suitable for residential, office or other premises;
  • with a guarantee of 5 years, the service life is up to 30 years;
  • made from environmentally friendly materials.

Ceramic batteries can completely replace heating system a residential building or to add comfort to living in any apartment that is not heated enough, without the need to lay a piping system, fill it with a coolant, purchase a boiler and issue permits.

Ceramic batteries can completely replace the heating system of the whole house

If there are heaters in the living room that absorb oxygen and dry the air, you can use the novelty and hang a ceramic air humidifier on the battery. This is a great way to do without another electrical appliance and increase the percentage of humidity. It works like this: a ceramic vessel is filled with water and attached to a radiator; water evaporates and saturates the air with moisture.

You can choose a ceramic humidifier for a battery in any shape that is closest in style and color; such a device will not only not spoil the interior, on the contrary, it will add charm. The quality of water for this purpose does not matter, the container is not dangerous either for children or for animals.

Ceramic batteries have a different design for every taste.

The best models of ceramic batteries

The best in this sector can be considered the Hybrid panels from the manufacturer GIBROTEK LLC (Ukraine) - a stylish look, a power of 0.37 kW / h, a temperature of +80 degrees. Service life - 30 years with a 5-year warranty. The price is quite reasonable, individual development design in the form of a picture, the cost is 50% more expensive.

You can buy a ceramic battery TEPLOKERAMIK (Ukraine), it will also be a good choice. Such panels are marked with PEPC and are sold with a capacity of 0.27 kW / h to 0.5 kW / h, with a heating area of ​​4 m2 to 10 m2. Cost at the same characteristics identical to the "Hybrid" panels, but inferior in design.

Don't know what dry ten is? Read in the article what is

About the nuances and installation of a heating battery, take a look

Ceramic radiators should be bought in specialized stores

Radiators made of thermoglass, exclusively in the ceiling version, are offered in Russia under the PION brand. The cost of such devices is half the price of the previous options.

Slightly different in design, there are ceramic radiators bsdt model R500 / 95a, made in China. They are less economical than Ukrainian models, power consumption is 500 W / h, the cost is approximately the same level.

You can choose the right model and buy a ceramic heater in the online store, saving not only money, but also time.


It must be admitted that the latest models of efficient and economical ceramic radiators are indeed superior to all previous generations of heating devices.. Compact, suitable for mounting both on walls and ceilings, quickly heating the air, equipped with thermostats, ceramic radiators can serve as autonomous heating residential building and an additional source of heat in case of insufficient heating of the apartment.

Decorated in the form of a picture, such devices will decorate and complement the interior of the home, and energy savings finally outweigh the scales in the direction of choosing these high-quality heating devices.

This video talks in detail about ceramic radiators.

The desire for energy conservation is an urgent need of mankind. There are fewer and fewer resources left on our planet, their cost is constantly growing, and the by-products of human activity are poisoning the environment. Energy saving is one of the ways to solve the problem. Choosing energy-saving heating for your home, you save resources, make a personal contribution to the preservation of the environment and create a comfortable microclimate in the house. There are several popular technologies that enable this comprehensive program to be implemented. We offer an overview of energy-saving heating systems for a private house.

Types of energy sources

Traditionally, several sources of energy are used for heating:

Solid fuel - a tribute to tradition

For heating use firewood, coal, peat briquettes, pellets. Solid fuel boilers and stoves can hardly be called economical or environmentally friendly, but the use of new technologies can significantly reduce fuel consumption and, as a result, the amount of combustion products emitted into the atmosphere.

AT last years the number of sales of gas-generating furnaces and boilers is increasing. Their advantages are the complete combustion of fuel, the use of pyrolysis gas as a heat source. Installing such a boiler saves energy. Acquire such solid fuel boilers We recommend from trusted retailers.

The principle of operation of a pyrolysis (gas generating) boiler is based on the use of pyrolysis gas, which is used as a fuel. The wood in such a boiler does not burn, but smolders, due to which a portion of the fuel burns out much longer than usual and gives more heat.

Liquid fuel - expensive, but popular

These are liquefied gas, diesel fuel, waste oil, etc. The heating of the dwelling is always spent a large number of liquid fuel, and so far no ways have been devised to significantly reduce consumption. This heating equipment requires careful maintenance, regular cleaning of soot and soot.

Most types of liquid fuels have another drawback - high cost. And yet, despite the obvious shortcomings, in second place in popularity after gas.

Liquid fuel boilers are convenient in cases where there is no gas pipeline near the house and you need to equip a completely independent heating system

Gas - available and cheap

In traditional gas boilers, fuel consumption is high, but condensing models have solved this problem. Their installation allows you to get maximum heat from minimum consumption gas. The efficiency of condensing boilers can reach over 100%. Many models of well-known brands can be transferred to work on liquefied gas. To do this, you just need to change the nozzle. Another energy-saving option is infrared gas heating.

Condensing boilers are a new word in the production of gas heating equipment. They are fuel efficient high efficiency, ideal for arranging heating and hot water supply in private homes

More about gas boilers.

Electricity is a convenient and safe source of heat

The only drawback of using electricity for heating is the high cost. However, this issue is being resolved: electric heating systems are constantly being developed, consuming a relatively small amount of energy and providing efficient heating. Such systems include film heaters, infrared radiators.

Underfloor heating is most often used as an additional or alternative heating system for a home. The advantage of this type of heating is that the air is heated at the level of human growth, i.e. the principle is implemented - "warm feet, cold head"

Heat pumps – economical and environmentally friendly installations

The systems work on the principle of converting the thermal energy of the earth or air. In private houses, the first heat pumps they began to be installed back in the 80s of the twentieth century, but at that time only very wealthy people could afford them.

Every year, the cost of installations is getting lower, and in many countries they have become very popular. For example, in Sweden, heat pumps heat about 70% of all buildings. Some countries are even developing building codes that require developers to install geothermal and air systems for heating.

Heat pumps are installed by residents of the USA, Japan, Sweden and others European countries. Some craftsmen collect them with their own hands. This is a great way to get energy to heat your home and save environment

Solar systems - a promising source of energy

Solar thermal systems convert radiant solar energy for heating and hot water. Today, there are several types of systems that use solar panels, collectors. They differ in cost, complexity of production, ease of use.

Every year there are more and more new developments, opportunities solar systems are expanding and prices are falling. While they are unprofitable to install for large buildings industrial use, but they are quite suitable for heating and hot water supply of a private house.

Solar thermal systems require only initial costs - for purchase and installation. Once installed and configured, they work autonomously. Solar energy is used for heating

Thermal panels - energy-saving heating

Among energy-saving heating systems, thermal panels are becoming especially popular. Their advantages are economical consumption of electricity, functionality, ease of use. The heating element consumes 50 watts of electricity for heating per 1 m², while traditional electric heating systems consume at least 100 watts per 1 m².

A special heat-accumulating coating is applied to the back side of the energy-saving panel, thanks to which the surface heats up to 90 degrees and actively releases heat. The space is heated by convection. The panels are absolutely reliable and safe. They can be installed in children's, game rooms, schools, hospitals, private homes, offices. They are adapted to voltage fluctuations in the mains, are not afraid of water and dust.

An additional "bonus" is a stylish appearance. Devices fit into any design. Installation is not difficult, all the necessary fasteners are supplied with the panels. Already from the first minutes of turning on the device, you can feel the warmth. In addition to air, the walls warm up. The only negative is that the use of panels is unprofitable in the off-season, when you only need to slightly heat the room.

Monolithic quartz modules

This heating method has no analogues. It was invented by S. Sargsyan. The principle of operation of thermal electric heaters is based on the ability quartz sand it is good to accumulate and give off heat. The appliances continue to heat the air in the room even after a power outage. Systems with monolithic quartz electric heating modules are reliable, easy to use, do not require special care and maintenance.

The heating element in the module is completely protected from any external influences. Thanks to this, the heating system can be mounted in rooms of any purpose. The term of operation is not limited. Temperature control is carried out automatically. Devices are fireproof, environmentally friendly.

Cost savings when using electric heating modules is about 50%. This became possible because the devices do not work 24 hours a day, but only 3-12. The time during which the module consumes electricity depends on the degree of thermal insulation of the room where it is installed. The higher the heat loss, the greater the energy consumption. Heating of this type is used in private houses, offices, shops, hotels.

Monolithic quartz electric heating modules do not emit noise during operation, do not burn air, do not raise dust. The heating element is monolithic in the design and is not afraid of any external influences

PLEN is a worthy alternative

Film radiant electric heaters are one of the most interesting developments in the field of energy-saving heating technologies. economical, efficient and quite capable of replacing traditional views heating. The heaters are placed in a special heat-resistant film. PLEN is attached to the ceiling.

The film radiant electric heater is an integral structure consisting of power cables, heaters, a foil shield and a high-strength film

The principle of operation of such a system

Infrared radiation heats the floor and objects in the rooms, which in turn give off heat to the air. Thus, the floor and furniture also play the role of additional heaters. Due to this, the heating system consumes less electricity and gives maximum results.

Automation is responsible for maintaining the desired temperature - temperature sensors and a thermostat. The systems are electrically and fireproof, do not dry out the air in the premises, and operate silently. Since heating occurs predominantly by radiation and to a lesser extent by convection, PLENs do not contribute to the spread of dust. The systems are very hygienic.

Another important advantage is the absence of emission of toxic combustion products. Systems do not need special care harmless to human health, do not poison the environment. With ceiling infrared heating, the warmest zone is at the level of the legs and torso of a person, which makes it possible to achieve the most comfortable temperature regime. The life of the system can be 50 years.

The infrared heater performs approximately 10% of the space heating work. 90% falls on the floor and large furniture. They accumulate and give off heat, thus becoming part of the heating system.

What makes PLAN so profitable?

The buyer bears the greatest expenses at the time of purchasing the film heater. The design is easy to install, and if desired, you can install it yourself. This saves on employees. The system does not need maintenance. Its design is simple, therefore durable and reliable. It pays off in about 2 years and can serve for decades.

Its biggest plus is significant savings on electricity. The heater quickly warms up the room and then simply maintains the set temperature. temperature regime. If necessary, it can be easily removed and mounted in another room, which is very convenient and beneficial in case of moving.

Infrared radiation has a positive effect on human health, activates the body's defenses. By installing PLEN, the owner of the house, in addition to heating, additionally receives a real physiotherapy room

PLEN editing training film

The video shows all the stages of installing a film heater:

The importance of reducing heat loss

The purpose of the review of energy-saving heating systems for a private house is to help readers choose the most profitable way to heat their home. New systems appear every year, and information about them can save a lot of money for many people. But even the most advanced energy-saving heating technologies will be useless if you do not take care of the insulation of the house in a timely manner.

Good double-glazed windows and insulated doors will help reduce heat loss by 10-20%, a high-quality heat insulator - up to 50%, and an exhaust air heat recuperator - up to 30%. By insulating your house and installing an energy-saving heating system, you will achieve maximum results and pay for heat at a minimum.

In recent years, experts have noted a sharp increase in demand for heaters in the market for electric heaters. infrared type. This is due to the fact that due to its high consumer qualities and unique technical specifications, today there are no devices equal to them in terms of heating efficiency and economy.

For permanent installation on any horizontal surfaces electric infrared heating panels are best suited. They are absolutely safe to use and have a number of advantages over traditional ones. electric convectors and fan heaters.

The infrared thermal panel is so simple that one can only wonder why the distribution of these inexpensive, but such effective devices is happening just now.

The design of the IR device consists of a dielectric base, on top of which a thread of carbon black is laid. Due to the high resistance of the latter, passing through the carbon fiber electricity contributes to its warming up. The heater is covered by a special decorative coating, which acts as an emitter of infrared waves. The design of the panel provides for temperature control with built-in or remote sensors.

The principle of operation of thermal panels was borrowed from the Sun. Like our luminary, they carry out heat transfer not by convection, but by radiation, directly heating the surfaces of objects. In this case, thermal energy passes through the air with virtually no loss (if dissipation is not taken into account). The emitting ability of infrared heaters is most effective in the microwave range, at a wavelength of 3 microns. Such rays are able to penetrate under the skin of a person, heating tissues and blood vessels, which contributes to the rapid spread of heat throughout the body.

Benefits of installing infrared equipment

About virtues electrical systems heating has been said a lot, so consider the advantages of infrared thermal panels over traditional convectors and fan heaters:

  • high mechanical strength- even after being hit and dropped, the device will work as if nothing had happened.
  • low power consumption. Two factors contribute to this. The first is the absence of losses for air heating. The second - radiation allows you to reduce the temperature in the room by 3-4 ºС, which makes it possible to save up to 25% of electricity.
  • ease of installation - just install the heater and plug it into a regular outlet, because the power of household wall panels rarely exceeds 1.2 kW.
  • infrared thermal panels do not dry the air and do not contribute to its mixing, so there are no heated air currents that raise dust.
  • devices are absolutely silent.
  • voltage fluctuations in the mains do not affect the operation of the heating.

Of course, even such significant advantages will not force you to abandon the water heating system, however, in some cases, they can become the decisive factor when choosing equipment.

Classification of IR panels

Due to the huge number of models of infrared heaters, it is impossible to classify them according to all parameters within the framework of one article. However, we select a series design features, which will allow you to define several types of devices.

Depending on the design and method of installation, thermal panels can be divided into built-in and mounted:

By type of installation, infrared panels can be divided into the following groups:

infrared panels can be classified according to wavelength. Since short-wave radiation accompanies heating above 300 ºС, such heaters are used in industrial premises, most often placing them under the ceiling. In everyday life, devices with long-wave radiation are installed. They provide "soft" heat and are absolutely harmless to others, although they are not as effective as short-wave emitters.

Scope of application

Thanks to numerous advantages, infrared heating panels have a very wide range of applications. The high efficiency and cost-effectiveness of heaters contribute to their use for heating production areas, and ease of installation and comfort allow them to take a leading position in the field of electric heating of private households.

In an apartment, IR heating is most often used sporadically, during the off-season, when centralized system heating is not switched on yet, or already switched off. AT country house or in the country in the absence of other alternatives (there is no gas, and the cost of firewood or coal is prohibitive), heating with electric energy is sometimes the only way out.

You can install an electric boiler and water system heating. But what about during a long absence of the owners? Constantly heating the house is unprofitable, and pouring antifreeze into the heating system is unreasonably expensive. Installing infrared panels removes most of these difficult issues, providing heat literally in the first minutes after switching on.

With other heating schemes for panels, there is also an occupation. We are talking about those cases when it is required to increase the temperature in a certain area of ​​the room. Zone heating will reduce the overall temperature, so by setting the main heating to a more economical mode, you can save money.

Manufacturers and prices

Infrared panels are produced by many companies around the world. Such production has been established in Russia. Among foreign manufacturers, one can single out the Czech FENIX TRADING, the Italian AIR COMFORT, the Swedish FRICO and ENERGOTECH. Their wall panels are leading in the group of devices with surface heating not exceeding 100 ºС.

It is impossible to ignore the infrared panels STEP (a group of companies "LUCH" from Tyumen) and PION (LLC Fiting Atelier). Their equipment, as well as the products of the domestic company TCT, does not lag behind the leaders in all respects. At the same time, the price of products of Russian manufacturers is 30-40% lower than the cost of foreign analogues.

PIROX (Norway) and the already named FENIX specialists are the best at creating powerful ceiling equipment. The products of the Russian TST and ENERGOSTANDART are placed in the same row. Most often, heaters with a power of 2 kW or more are installed in industrial premises, but they will be quite appropriate in country cottage, with a ceiling height of 3.5 meters.

Models of heaters from STIEBEL ELTRON (Germany) and POLARIS (England) are traditionally of high quality (as well as exorbitant cost), however, in this case, the high price is quite justified - the products of these brands most often appear in the premium segment of the market.

The cost of infrared panels directly depends on the material of manufacture and brand. So, for glass models with a power of 500 W, the price starts from 10,000 rubles for an imported product and from 6,000 rubles for a domestic device. At the same time, metal heaters with the same characteristics can be bought for 5,000 and 2,500 rubles, respectively. Each additional 100 watts adds about 10% to the total. Finishing products with stone or wood, as well as styling for fireplaces, etc. can increase the initial cost by an order of magnitude. In this case, you will have to pay extra not so much for the material, but for unique design and brand.

Majority traditional systems heating for private houses and heaters use thermal energy for heating air, which also heats objects. However, infrared heating panels differ from them in that they are able to convert electrical energy into thermal. The heat generated by these panels resembles the heat coming from natural sources such as the sun's rays, a fire or a fireplace, and this contributes to a more comfortable atmosphere.

Today we will talk about the features and benefits infrared heating using special boards. In addition, you will read the reviews of those who have installed similar heating systems at home.

The principle of operation of infrared heating stoves

As you know, the area of ​​heated surfaces significantly exceeds the dimensions of conventional heating devices. infrared cookers capable of heating a room four times faster than conventional appliances due to the fact that the surfaces absorb infrared rays well.

The rays from the plates are best directed at furniture, which, after being absorbed, could act as a source of heat. And to prevent heat seeping into the street, do not direct the rays of the heat source to such surfaces:

  • walls;
  • ceilings;
  • doors;
  • window.

Among other things, infrared heaters, unlike conventional ones, do not absorb oxygen. They are great suitable for heating the following rooms:

  • apartments;
  • private houses;
  • retail space;
  • office space;
  • industrial premises with high ceilings;
  • storage facilities;
  • open areas, etc.

Advantages of infrared heating stoves

Infrared heating stoves have the following main advantages compared to traditional heating systems:

  • rooms can be heated up to 50 degrees;
  • ability to support optimal level temperature and humidity;
  • lack of convection air currents that raise dust.

Infrared type of heating can be installed in different ways, it can be either primary or secondary paired with another type. To choose the most suitable type of heating for your home, you need to take into account the heating system you already have, the materials from which the house is built, and much more.

According to customer reviews, main characteristics, by which they choose these heating devices, are as follows:

  • the presence of a thermostat that allows you to maintain a certain mode and save electricity;
  • achieving a minimum difference between the air temperature on the ceiling and on the floor during heating;
  • lack of pipes, radiators and boilers;
  • the ability to place the panel both on the ceiling and on the wall, the effect will be the same;
  • the possibility of laying tiles or drywall on top of the panels and even wallpapering on top;
  • the service life of infrared devices reaches 50 years;
  • high level of fire safety;
  • environmental friendliness of the device.

Classification of infrared panels

Infrared panels are two main types:

  • mounted. Such panels most often have a colored metal case, which is heated by an infrared emitter. The device is connected through a socket and can be placed both separately and attached to the wall;
  • built-in. The basis of such a panel consists of drywall, it contains two layers of emitter and insulation. At the top is an IR emitter in the form of a carbon conductive thread, and on top of it protective covering from a polymer. The panel is connected to a network of 220 V.

There are also designer Wall panels which are available in different sizes and color solutions. In addition, you can purchase a panel in the form of a plinth, which is attached around the perimeter of the premises instead of the usual one.

If you finish the walls with drywall, wall view heating can be used as the main. When you have another type of heating in your home, such as a solid or liquid fuel source, infrared panels can serve as a backup heating source.

However, along with the positive characteristics, this The system also has its drawbacks., which are often mentioned in customer reviews:

  • heat from the rays is felt quickly, however, the action infrared heater too pinpoint. It will be very hot in one place and cold in another;
  • if the heat affects the human body unevenly, he will suffer from headaches and complain of constant fatigue;
  • infrared stoves do not heat the air, but objects, sometimes because of this, the smell of plastic may appear if they are directed to appliances;
  • the power of the device is at the level of about 1200 W, but at the same time it can heat a room up to 8 square meters;
  • Infrared rays can adversely affect vision.

Features of the use of film infrared heating

main feature film-type infrared heating is that it does not need to transport heat from its source, which sometimes provokes its loss. Also film can be placed anywhere: even on the floor, even on the wall or even on the ceiling. Moreover, if the film is placed on the ceiling, it will occupy about two-thirds of its area, and this will allow heating the room more evenly. If desired, the film can be equipped with decor.

However, never install an infrared heating source under stretch ceiling PVC or fabric.

Above the film should first be placed drywall frame, a decorative trim must not contain metal.

Such a system has the following advantages:

  • the only communication necessary is electricity;
  • no need to purchase boilers and the availability of additional premises for the installation of the system;
  • the system does not freeze;
  • the ability to quickly reinstall everything in another place;
  • no need for regular after-sales service systems, ease of use;
  • no noise and combustion products;
  • the system does not suffer from voltage drops;
  • service life (up to 20 years).

However, film infrared heating also has a significant drawback: it is quite energy intensive and will require significant electricity costs.

Other types of infrared heating

Sources of infrared heating ceiling type quite economical and can be installed in rooms with a ceiling height of three meters. In addition, they work without noise, can warm up a certain area of ​​the room, are environmentally friendly and convenient in terms of installation and subsequent operation.

For suspended ceilings some manufacturers of infrared heating have provided special heaters cassette type that are mounted in the ceiling.

However, along with a high consumption of electricity, ceiling-mounted infrared heaters have another drawback, this time of an aesthetic nature: they are far from always easily combined in terms of style with the overall interior design.

A wall mounted infrared panels are a good alternative traditional radiators. They are thin and can be different sizes and easy to install by hand.

Where is the best place to put an infrared heater

Inhabitants country houses used to take heating seriously. To live a long cold winter in comfort, you can combine several heating systems. For example, in normal mode, use conventional radiators, and during frosts, connect energy-saving infrared ceramic heaters. We will talk about them today

Electric heaters are not very popular among Russians, mainly because of the high cost of operation. No matter how much the device itself costs, you will have to pay much more for electricity. But in recent times heating devices have appeared on the market that do not “hit the pocket” of the user so noticeably. It's about about infrared ceramic panels.

Infrared heaters as such today will not surprise anyone. They are economical and efficient, but they have a significant drawback. Devices of this kind cool down immediately after switching off. But what if we combine an infrared emitter with a material that can store heat?

Construction of the ceramic panel

It was on this path that the creators of ceramic heating panels went. Clay has been serving humanity for many thousands of years, and our ancestors cooked food in ceramic dishes for a reason. This material, firstly, withstands long heating without emitting toxic fumes, and secondly, it cools slowly.

So, what is a "clay" heater? In general terms, this is a flat metal panel with an electrical cable laid on it, which, in fact, serves as a source of infrared energy. On top of it, a ceramic plate is mounted that accumulates heat.

Additionally, the devices are equipped with a fan. Its task is to forcibly supply cold air to the heating element and distribute heated air throughout the room. Thus, convection heating is added to radiant heating. The advantage of this solution is an increase in the heating effect, the minus is additional noise, which can cause inconvenience, especially at night.

The operating temperature of the front side of the ceramic panel is 75-80ºC, which minimizes the risk of burns from accidental contact.

But back to the main technology. Infrared panels do not heat the air around them (like conventional radiators), but the objects surrounding them. This consumes much less electricity than needed, for example, oil heater. This means that the operation of "infrared" is relatively inexpensive. And given that even after turning off the ceramic panel continues to give off heat, the savings are quite tangible.

Let's give specific numbers. The power of the ceramic panel ranges from 300 to 990 W depending on the size. Compact models consume electricity not much more than a regular office computer. And if we compare the costs of an infrared device with convectors and fan heaters, the savings reach 30% or more. If it is a model with a thermostat, even more impressive performance can be achieved.

However, the cost of heating must include the cost of the device itself. The price range is surprisingly wide. As of December 2018, an infrared heating panel costs an average of 2,800 to 17,000 rubles. On the market, you can also find models for 30,000 rubles, equipped with the latest technology, but they are not in high demand.

Printed ceramic panel

Also pay attention to the design. heating devices. All ceramic "infrared" look like a panel. On the front side a print with a pattern or texture of some material can be applied, but for the user its absolute smoothness is much more important. The fact is that all convective heaters, together with the air, drive dust around the room. On a perfectly flat surface, it does not linger, which means that caring for the heater will not be laborious.

According to the type of installation, all ceramic heaters are divided into two types - floor and wall. In the first case, the device is fixed using the supplied brackets, in the second case, it is mounted on legs or wheels.

If the heater is to be used as a floor heater, it must be equipped with an option to switch it off in the event of a tip over.

Additional options

Ceramic panel with thermostat

Like most modern appliances, ceramic heaters have many improvements. The first and most important is the thermostat, which allows you to change the heating temperature in manual or automatic mode.

Another one important function- protection against voltage surges. It will protect the device from sudden power surges that occur both in apartments and in country houses.

The fan control function can reduce power consumption. In the cold, you can run the fan to the maximum, and when it gets warmer, slow it down or stop it altogether. By the way, in some models there is a blowing mode without heating, thanks to which heater turns into a device that gives coolness.

A dust filter is usually placed on the fan ducts. It is designed for long term operation without replacement. It only needs to be occasionally removed, washed and returned to its place.

The most modern heaters are equipped with lamps that purify and ionize the air. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of such devices is not indisputable, but many find them useful.

Power calculation

Before you buy heaters for your home, you need to decide on their number. This can be done using a simplified formula. If infrared ceramic panels serve as additional heat sources, you need about 25 W per 1 m². If the main ones - then 50 W per 1 m².

But these are very approximate figures. Accurate calculations they do it based on the height of the ceilings, the thickness of the walls, the tightness of the windows, etc. It is necessary to take into account all the factors affecting heat loss, and it is advisable to invite specialists for this. Their services will have to be paid, but in the end these costs will justify themselves.

It is also important not to make a mistake with the place. Heaters are usually installed under windows so that cold air is not drawn in from there. You should avoid mounting in corners and niches, as poor air circulation reduces the efficiency of the device.

The predicted service life of a ceramic infrared heater is 30 years