How to install a kirsa hood over a gas stove. How to properly install a hood over a gas stove: video, tips

A range hood is an integral attribute of any kitchen, even the smallest one. Without it, it’s difficult to talk about comfort - the rich aromas of 3-5 dishes will simultaneously mix into an unpleasant amber and fill the air space. How to deal with this negative phenomenon?

Helps eliminate a negative mixture of aromas exhaust equipment. We will tell you how to hang a hood over gas stove and what tools will be needed for this. Taking into account our tips, you can competently arrange your kitchen space.

Hoods are necessary in kitchens with both electric and gas stoves. Moreover, their settings in the second case are slightly different. After all, when using a gas stove, cooking occurs under the influence of open fire. This feature must be taken into account before installation.

When cooking on a gas stove, not only the aromas of cooking fill the air, but the smell of burning gas can be clearly felt in the kitchen. It is he who brings confusion to the question of choosing the correct optimal distance for a future hood.

Therefore, before purchasing exhaust equipment for arranging a kitchen, you should do so so that you do not have to change the equipment almost immediately after installation.

Above the gas stove, be sure to install one of the most suitable models hoods to get rid of soot, burning and other impurities in the air

Such advisers forget that open fire can easily be thrown onto the body of the exhaust equipment and then trouble will not be avoided. The situation can become especially dangerous when the grease filters have already become dirty - they can ignite in a matter of seconds.

To prevent this from happening, you need to remember to hang the hood above the gas stove. The permissible range is within 75-85 cm. Moreover, as advised experienced craftsmen, in some cases, an error of 5 cm is possible if the hood does not fit otherwise.

For a gas stove, the distance to the hood must be greater than for an electric one. But, in no case less!

In addition to the distance from the stove to the hood, there are other important installation rules, including:

  • correct installation of equipment;
  • safe connection to the electrical network;
  • correct connection to the ventilation system.

To exhaust equipment long years worked properly, helping to get rid of the symbiosis of various aromas in a timely manner, it must be installed, strictly adhering to the basic installation rules. You can install it yourself or invite a specialist from a company with a good reputation.

Another important rule, affecting the quality of installation and the future microclimate in the room - compliance with the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. First of all, you should carefully read the tips on the installation height of the purchased hood model given by the company that manufactured it.

The installation height of the hood will largely depend on the type of equipment and its power

You can often find that the recommendations for one and the second device are significantly different. Manufacturers of hoods can specify the installation height of their equipment at 40-50 cm from the stove. In this case, you need to focus only on the distance specified in the instructions for the stove.

If the accompanying documentation for the gas stove is lost, then the hood above it can be hung at a distance of no less than 75 cm.

Step-by-step installation of a hood over a gas stove

It is quite possible to handle the installation and connection of the hood on your own. For this, a simple set of tools will be useful: a drill or screwdriver, a hacksaw, a screwdriver, a pencil, a level, and a tape measure. You will also need general idea on the installation of exhaust equipment in domestic conditions.

Preparation for installation work

The installation of the hood begins after the equipment itself has already been purchased. First of all, you need to read the instructions for the hood and the gas stove, turning special attention to the height of the upcoming installation.

You cannot raise the exhaust equipment too high, relying on its enormous power; it will not be able to remove exhaust air from the room in a timely manner

There are inclined, corner and island hoods and. The location where the markings are to be made depends on which model will be installed in a particular kitchen. In any case, it is advisable to begin its installation only after installing and connecting the gas stove.

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The microclimate and health of the inhabitants depend on high-quality ventilation in the premises. It is especially important to monitor the level of ventilation in a place such as the kitchen. Lack of access fresh air may lead to intoxication of the body.

At the same time, an incorrectly installed exhaust system will not give any effect and there will be no increase in oxygen. You need to figure out: how to properly install a hood over a gas stove? If you take into account all the points, this can be successfully done even without the help of professionals.

Types of hoods

It is not always easy to choose a hood for a gas stove. There is a kitchen hood different types, and they differ mainly in the installation method. There are the following types of equipment:

  • hanging;
  • built-in;
  • wall;
  • corner;
  • island.

Above the stove and the features of the room will directly influence the choice of model for the kitchen. The hanging system is usually placed under the shelves, and the built-in system is “hidden” inside cabinets or shelves located directly above the stove.

Wall-mounted systems are attached directly to the wall at a certain level above the slab. When gas stove located in the corner of the room, it is necessary to install a corner exhaust system. Such a hood is specially manufactured in such a shape that it fully copes with its functions in a given place in the room.

Island exhaust systems are usually attached directly to the ceiling. They are used in places where the slabs are located in the center of the room and it is simply impossible to secure the hood in any other way. This arrangement is most often found in professional kitchens, such as canteens or restaurants, or in large kitchens in residential apartments with a non-standard layout.

Power determination

In order for the ventilation of a kitchen with a gas stove to fully perform its functions, it is important to be able to correctly calculate the power of the future exhaust system. Otherwise, even if correct installation there will be no hood, there will be no fresh air in the kitchen.

In order not to make a mistake in the chosen power, it is worth considering how many people there are in the family, how often they cook and what dishes they prefer. For those who rarely cook a lot, often only for themselves, and in a family of 1-2 people, a power of 200-300 m³/h will be sufficient.

For a medium-sized kitchen and a family of 3 people, in which they periodically like to cook unusual dishes that require long work gas stove, you need a system with a capacity of 300-400 m³/h.

If a large family lives in the apartment, or exhaust system planned to be installed in large kitchen private home, you will need equipment with a capacity of up to 600 m³/h. If you follow these simple instructions, the ventilation system will fully remove stale air from the kitchen, and working with food will only bring pleasure.

How to position the equipment

To keep the kitchen always fresh, it is important to know at what height to hang the hood above the gas stove. It is important to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations, which are described in detail in the instructions. Not the last factor in determining the location of the hood is convenience during subsequent use.

Different standards for the location of hoods for electric and gas stoves:

  • minimum height from electric stove to the exhaust system – 65 cm;
  • The minimum height between the hood and the surface of the gas stove is 75 cm.

First of all, the difference in standards is made for the sake of human safety. Sufficient distance provides protection against spontaneous combustion. Often the exhaust system housing contains plastic elements that can catch fire due to being too close to the fire and high temperatures.

A small distance between the hood and the oven can create great inconvenience when cooking. For example, there are large saucepans. If the exhaust system is located too low, the owner will not have free access such utensils, which can also lead to injuries and burns.

At the same time, the installation height of the hood above the stove should not be too high. A large distance between the stove and the hood will mean that contaminated air cannot be fully removed from the room, but will be spread throughout the kitchen.

The installation height of the hood above the gas stove is considered normal if it is in the range of 70-90 cm. When deciding at what height to hang the hood, it is important to take into account the height of the cook. When the exhaust system is positioned too low, you may hit your head on it.

Additional terms

It is important to consider not only the distance from the stove to the hood, but also working area systems. Under no circumstances should it be less area slabs If the oven width is 60 cm, then the hood can be 60 or more centimeters. In cases where the placement of the exhaust system must be higher than normal, the dimensions of the hood must be larger.

There are inclined air intakes. Most often, they do not absorb polluted air so effectively. This should be taken into account when installing an exhaust system. In such cases, it is permissible to neglect the minimum height of the hood. The bottom edge can be fixed at a height of 55 cm.

After you have managed to select a suitable exhaust system, you should figure out how to install the hood in the kitchen correctly.

Equipment installation process

The requirements for ventilation of a kitchen with a gas stove are clearly stated in regulatory documents. If you follow them, your home will always be fresh and safe.

Installation must consist of several stages.

  1. Drawing up a drawing of the proposed location of the hood and power supply.
  2. Installation.
  3. Checking filters.

To avoid mistakes, the installation of a hood over a gas stove should be carried out in accordance with a pre-drawn drawing. It is also necessary to draw up a diagram in cases where the installation of equipment is planned in an already used room. This will help to correctly take into account all communications and calculate the position of the hood.

It is important to mark the intended location of the hood with a pencil on the wall. We must not forget that the exhaust device requires a source of electricity. For these purposes, a separate outlet is provided that will supply this equipment. If there is no grounding, the point should be equipped with a separate RCD, which will ensure independent shutdown in case of current leakage. This is necessary for user safety.

It is important to pay close attention to the preparation of the food point. There should be no twisted electrical wires, simply insulated with electrical tape. Everything must be done in accordance with the standards.

Before starting the process, it is important to repeat the rules for installing the hood and check the equipment of the device. Everything should be prepared in advance necessary tools so as not to be distracted later.

First, the air duct is assembled. Holes are made in the wall for dowels for subsequent fastening of the hood clamps. Using a level, be sure to check whether the hood will be positioned horizontally.

The hood is hung on screws that are screwed in without an external box. In the case of a flow-through system, the exhaust pipe is connected to the ventilation duct. Without putting on the box, the device is turned on.

If the test run showed that the device is working properly and all modes switch well, turn off the device and put on the box. It turns out that it’s not at all difficult to figure out how to hang a hood. Before starting work, it is important to carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions and only then begin work.

Correct installation ventilation system in the kitchen will create a pleasant and healthy atmosphere. Everyone who works there will feel fresh and well.

For any modern kitchen there is a place for a ventilation device. The distance from the stove to the hood determines the effective operation of this structure.

Types of exhaust hoods and their purpose

The hood protects the kitchen space and furniture from contamination by tiny particles of fat and impregnation with a mixture of various odors. No one will feel good about the curtains or soft upholstery chairs unpleasant aroma, which can also penetrate into other living rooms.

All devices according to the principle of operation are divided into:

  • circulating (with built-in filter);
  • hoods with an air duct (connected to the ventilation system).

In circulation models, the air is purified using a carbon filter and returned to the kitchen. Such hoods are effective only in small rooms, where it is not possible to install an air duct, and the distance between the stove and the hood should be small.

The second type is characterized by more quality work, since the air is completely removed from the room. Installed in large rooms.

Types of exhaust devices:

Where should the hood be located?

When purchasing a hood, it is always included in the kit there are instructions on the application, which indicates where and at what distance from the stove the device should be located. Exhaust design It can be built into a wall cabinet, or it can be located under it, the main thing is that its size matches the size of the hob, and it hangs exactly above the stove. Also, even before purchasing a hood, you need to consult with specialists about its power. For example, not suitable for a large kitchen space small device, and in a small kitchen there is no need to install a very powerful unit.

How to determine the optimal distance from the hob to the hood?

The distance from the stove to the hood is determined established standard. If there is an electric stove in the kitchen, then the exhaust hatch should be located no lower than 65-75 cm from it, and if the hood is above a gas stove, the distance between them is 75-85 cm. In the case when the device has an inclined surface, the installation parameters change slightly :

  • the distance from the gas stove to the hood is reduced to 55-65 cm;
  • the height above the electric hob is reduced to 35-45 cm.

You also need to take into account the height of the person who will be most likely to be near the stove, and the overall interior of the kitchen.

Why is it necessary to comply with the standards for installing an exhaust hatch?

This optimal parameters installation of hoods, facilitating its efficient work. It is not recommended to reduce or increase them. If the device is located high, its air absorption capacity may not be enough, then odors along with fat droplets will quickly spread everywhere. Setting the hood low can interfere with the cooking process. This will not only make it inconvenient to approach a gas/electric stove and place high pots, but there is a risk of the structure heating up, igniting it and damaging the paintwork.

Thus, the question of what distance should be from the stove to the hood can be answered unambiguously: 75-85 cm in the case of a gas stove, and 65-75 cm above an electric stove.

Factors influencing the location of the exhaust structure

When purchasing and subsequent installation of a hood, the following factors should be taken into account:

  1. Hob type. Do you need to calculate the distance between the hood and the gas stove or electric stove?
  2. Declared power of the device.
  3. Kitchen design/interior.
  4. Compliance with the ventilation hatch installation standards specified in the technical passport.

Compliance with these conditions for installation and operation of ventilation equipment will allow you to use the device as efficiently as possible and protect the kitchen from unpleasant odors and grease.

Rules for installing ventilation equipment

Optimal performance of the device depends on the following factors and installation rules:

  • the device must comply. Then all the hot, contaminated air flow will be completely absorbed by the hood and discharged outside, or cleaned through a filter and fed back into the kitchen. Standard sizes the device ranges from 60 to 90 cm.
  • Competently installed hood above the stove. The distance from the device to the stove should not contradict the standards fire safety and depends on the type of plate. The required distance from the stove to the hood is always indicated in the technical data sheet of the device.
  • Connecting the device to the network.
  • Installation of air exhaust pipes, if required by the design of the exhaust hood.

It is better to entrust the installation of ventilation equipment to professionals. But for those who are confident in their abilities, it will not be difficult to hang the device with their own hands.

Installing a hood with a circulation type of operation is not difficult. First you need to measure its height and mark it with control points. Then you should drill holes in the wall for the fasteners. Next, the device is mounted to the wall or to wall cabinets using self-tapping screws and special hooks included in the kit.

Hoods of another type of air purification are installed in the same way as circulation hoods. Only here you need to attach the air duct pipe to the umbrella body. The pipe can be plastic or foil.

Upon completion of installation of the equipment, it is necessary to carry out a control check of its operation (mainly for the second type of model). If the hood does not function or is too noisy, you should once again check all the connections between the device and the ventilation pipes and their integrity.

Air duct installation

The air duct must not be big amount bends, as this will significantly complicate the removal of contaminated air. It is desirable that the pipes are short, straight and contain a small number of elbows. Changing the direction of the air duct is carried out in a place with a large bend radius. The diameter of the outlet pipe must correspond to the hole in the design of the exhaust device. It is not recommended to deliberately narrow the holes and install additional ones between them connecting elements. This impedes the free flow of air, and accordingly, a large load is created on the working motor of the hood. Excessive noise may occur.

Most often, these structures are made of thick foil and then masked with PVC boxes/plasterboard so as not to disturb the interior of the room.

Where should the outlet for the hood be located?

The electrical outlet for connecting the exhaust hatch is usually installed at a height of 2-2.5 m above the floor level. Thus, it should be located 10-20 cm above the wall cabinets. It is also shifted to the left or right of the air duct by 15-20 cm.


The article above discussed the types ventilation devices, at what distance from the stove to hang the hood, methods of air purification.

With proper installation of the exhaust device, the device will provide fresh air in the room and the cleanliness of surrounding interior items. When choosing and purchasing an umbrella, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of its power to the cubic capacity of the kitchen, appearance, as well as methods of air purification: complete exhaust through an air duct or circulation of purified flows.

Installation highlights specific model the appliance and the distance from the stove to the hood are described in the instructions. Generally accepted standards for determining the installation height of the device: from 75 to 85 cm for gas stoves; from 65 to 75 cm for installation above electric stoves.

Before we tell you how to install a hood in the kitchen with your own hands, let us mention that an indispensable condition effective removal kitchen child is the correct connection of the hood to ventilation duct. We will not consider closed operation in recirculation mode without removing air outside the room. In our opinion, this is ineffective, and it also requires periodic replacement of the filter cassette filled with activated carbon.

  • Direct installation of the hood in the kitchen, open or in furniture, depending on the design.
  • Connecting the device to power supply.
  • Pipe installation.
  • Connecting the pipe to the ventilation duct, while natural ventilation in the room must be maintained.

According to form they are divided into:

  • Separately located, they can have the traditional shape of a fireplace hood, or an inclined panel, which is more convenient from an ergonomic point of view.
  • Built-in, they are inserted inside a wall kitchen cabinet.

The design of the devices is quite simple: a housing, a fan, a backlight, a control panel and a mesh with a mechanical grease filter that prevents contamination of the electric motor and fan blades. By the way, it is recommended to periodically rinse the filter with warm water and detergent.

Please note that installation, like any kitchen appliances, should be carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions included with the appliance.

Try to place electrical wires and sockets hidden

How to connect the hood to the power supply

The wire for powering the device is not always equipped with a plug; on some models there are simply bare ends intended for connection through a terminal block. This option is acceptable, however, in our opinion, it is more convenient to connect it to a power outlet, and the plug can always be purchased and installed separately. If repairs are necessary, it is easier to remove the plug than to unscrew the terminal block.

If you do not want the wires to dangle in plain sight, the socket or “tail” for the terminal block should be hidden. Inside the case (10-20 cm above the working surface) there is free space intended, among other things, for these purposes. For a hood built into furniture, it is better to place the power outlet above the body of the device; there may not be space behind it.

The power of the fan motor is small; a standard conductive copper cross-section of 1.5 mm2 is sufficient, although it is recommended to wire sockets in the kitchen with a cross-section of 3x2.5 mm. Grounding (yellow-green core in the wire) is required, but not all apartments have it.

How to install a hood in the kitchen

We won’t go into the question of how to install it in the kitchen with your own hands (meaning hanging the device on the wall or installing it in a cabinet). As a rule, the device is attached to the wall using two to four hangers or dowels. It’s better to watch the video instructions, it’s clearer:

Hood installation process step by step

Pay attention to ergonomics: an inclined design is more convenient than a fireplace or built-in one.

Installing an island-type device is technically more difficult; it will have to be suspended from the ceiling structures. The built-in model is inserted into the cabinet and attached to the side walls. Since the engine vibrates during operation, it would not be superfluous to lay an elastic material between the body and the cabinet, which will serve as a sound insulator. A strip of natural cork or dense foamed polyethylene 3-4 mm thick is suitable.

Built-in model: you will have to cut holes in the cabinet shelves to allow the air duct to pass through, and remove part of the bottom wall

Layout diagram fastening elements and holes are contained in the instructions. First, measure seven times, and only then cut, drill or saw.

Installation height above the stove

When installing in a kitchen, setting it in height relative to the stove is important both from an ergonomic point of view and from the point of view safe operation. Thus, the minimum distance from the electric stove to the suction surface of the device should be at least 65 cm. From the gas stove, which produces more heat, the device should be located no closer than 75 cm. It can be placed higher, the level depends on the height of the family chef. It is recommended to first “try on” the fireplace hood and place it in such a way that the cook bending over the stove does not touch the body with his head.

How to choose an air duct for a kitchen hood

There are various air ducts for kitchen hoods on sale:

  • Aluminum corrugated pipe round section. Cheap and easy to install option. The pipe bends well, no transition elements are needed, you only need clamps to fix the corrugation on the hood sockets and the entrance to the ventilation. If you don't have a clamp at hand, you can secure the soft pipe with wire. The disadvantage of corrugation is dubious aesthetics. When working powerful fan in maximum mode, the pipe may begin to vibrate and, to avoid rattling, it should be secured to the wall or cabinets.
  • Hard plastic pipes more expensive, including due to the need to purchase transition elements: corners, turns, connections. Appearance plastic does not cause any complaints, and the design provides better sound insulation. Rigid pipes can have either a round or rectangular cross-section. The latter have a smaller height and are used in cases where the air duct needs to be hidden or there is not enough space for its installation.

Advantage of flat rectangular pipes- minimum height. The structure that we see in the photo will be hidden in suspended ceiling, almost without taking away the height of the room

When choosing the cross-section of the air duct, you should focus on the cross-section of the outlet (socket) from your model. If the cross-section is narrowed, the removal of contaminated air will be difficult.

Video: proper installation of air ducts

Please note that the technician securely attaches the pipes to building structures and carries out additional measures to soundproof pipes.

Connecting the air duct to the ventilation duct

Proper connection of the air duct to the ventilation duct is the key to the absence unpleasant odors in the kitchen. But this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The difficulty is that by connecting forced exhaust to the ventilation duct, do not disrupt the operation of natural ventilation. There are two ways to solve the problem.

If possible, it is best to withdraw ventilation pipe kitchen hood out through the wall, making a hole in it

If there is an additional ventilation duct

It is ideal if the room has two ventilation ducts, which is common in pre-war houses. Then one of them will work as natural ventilation, and an exhaust hood is connected to the second. In a private house, it is better not to touch the vertical ventilation duct and punch an additional hole in external wall, into which the horizontal air duct from the device will be routed. Outside, we recommend installing a check valve that prevents cold air from entering the pipe and a grill that covers the hole from precipitation.

If there is no additional ventilation duct in the kitchen, you cannot do this! Such installation of a hood significantly deprives the room of natural ventilation.

In the absence of an additional ventilation duct

How to install a kitchen hood with a ventilation outlet in a typical apartment where there is only one ventilation duct and it is not possible to make a hole in the outer wall? You cannot connect only a hood to the ventilation duct in the wall without leaving a hole for natural ventilation. If you are using a gas stove, this can be downright dangerous.

Connecting an air duct while maintaining natural ventilation

Not the best, but an acceptable simple solution is to connect the air duct to the duct through a special adapter with two holes. One is for exhaust, the other is open for natural ventilation. The disadvantage of this method is that when the fan operates, excess pressure is generated in the duct and part of the polluted air will be thrown back into the room.

To connect to the ventilation duct in the wall, choose a cover plate with two holes, as in the photo. Please note that the inlet for the air duct has a small elbow, which already in the duct directs the air flow upward, minimizing its backflow into the room.

More complex, but effective method- place a tee in front of the vertical ventilation duct. Connect one of its outputs to a ventilation duct in the wall, connect an air duct to the second, and install a check valve on the third, which goes into the room.

It is important that the valve is installed in a horizontal position. When it is not working, the valve is fully open and natural ventilation is carried out in full. We turn on the fan - the check valve closes, completely eliminating the backflow of kitchen waste back into the room.

The video clearly shows how to install a hood in the kitchen with your own hands, completely preserving natural ventilation in room. Tee with check valve at the entrance to the ventilation duct it looks somewhat cumbersome, but the device provides best mode ventilation

We told you how to install a hood in the kitchen yourself. This is feasible for home handyman a task that requires precision. For those who do not have the skills to use tools or do not have free time, we recommend entrusting this task to specialists.

The question of how to install a hood in the kitchen worries many today. When renovating their kitchen, people in most cases think about creating a more efficient ventilation system, because this is not just convenient, but even necessary.

A person who prepares food regularly spends about five hours a day in the kitchen and breathes harmful fumes, including smoke and fumes.

In addition, during cooking, tiny particles and fats are released from food into the air, which also adversely affects human health.

The only way out in this situation is to purchase and install a hood, since neither traditional systems ventilation, nor simple airing will not provide the required effect. How to properly install a hood in the kitchen will be discussed in this article.

Selecting a hood

One of the most important systems In a person’s home, ventilation is what ensures the comfort of his life. In a sufficiently ventilated room, the air is clean and fresh, which makes it simply pleasant to be here, while stuffiness can cause negative reactions in the body, including general weakness and dizziness.

Kitchen hoods are one of the main ventilation units, since cooking is associated with elevated air temperatures and harmful emissions, including very unpleasant odors.

The main task of the hood is to clean the air in the room. And the cleaning process itself can occur in different ways. The mounting of the kitchen hood directly depends on this. So, there are two types of operation of modern hoods.

Types of hoods

  1. The simplest hood device works on the principle of air recirculation. In this case, the air is not removed outside the room, but passes through special filters and returned back. Sometimes such hoods are also called filter hoods or hanging hoods (see also the article about a hanging hood for the kitchen).

Advice! If the ventilation shaft is clean and “pulls” well, then you can remove the valve from the hood and allow it to work with the engine turned off. This is possible in houses with controlled ventilation.

Connecting the hood to ventilation

Since installing a hood in the kitchen is not difficult, you can handle this procedure yourself. But it's better to take an assistant.

  1. We attach the hood to the wall and mark its future position with a pencil. If you are planning to change kitchen furniture, then you should consider installing the hood in a wall cabinet.
  2. We drill the walls with a hammer drill for the dowel. You shouldn’t mess around here, since the structure must be “tightly” fixed.