How to care for climbing roses in the country. climbing roses

Planting and caring for climbing roses in open ground must pass through certain rules. Even the ugliest corner of the garden can be improved or made more romantic thanks to these flowers.

The climbing type of rose is considered light-loving plant. If there is a deficiency sunlight, then the development and growth of fresh stems slows down. As a result, flowering begins very late. But on the other hand, direct sunlight at noon can also be harmful: it leaves burns. The rose should be planted so that during the hottest hours of the day it is on the semi-shade side. The best option would be if the sun's rays heat the bush only in the first half of the day. In the morning, dew from the leaves quickly evaporates, so that fungal and viral diseases are not harmful to the plant.

Climbing roses are considered very finicky. They do not survive drafts well, so places near the corners of buildings are not at all suitable as a landing site. It is not recommended to plant shrubs in areas where roses have already grown. Wetlands are also not suitable. It is best to make beds with slopes so that water does not stagnate in the soil. The root system can be up to 2 m in length, so if the soil moisture level is constantly above normal, then it is best to choose a planting site on a hill.

Climbing roses can be planted near the walls of a house or other buildings. In this case, they are used as decoration. At the same time, you need to make sure that the roots do not become thin. To do this, you need to leave a distance of at least 0.6 m between the wall and the bush. In any case, planting is carried out near any supports. For example, it could be a fence, mesh, arch, walls, cones and pillars specially installed for roses, etc.

As for landing time, in places where climatic conditions moderate, bushes are best planted in open ground in late September or early October. The first roots will appear within the first 2 weeks, so by the beginning of a strong cold snap root system will already be strong enough. If you monitor roses in the spring, you will notice active growth of both the root system and the above-ground part, so that the bush will become more lush and strong.

But in the northern regions it is recommended to plant plants in spring period, because if you plant them in the fall, they simply will not have time to adapt to new conditions, so they will not be able to survive the winter. Those plants that are planted in the spring are a little behind in development: about a couple of weeks, so they need a lot of attention. Before planting in the ground, the seedlings need to be pruned to 3 buds.

Disembarkation rules

Beautiful climbing roses can only be obtained if you choose the right seedlings. They must be healthy. Their ability to survive and quality are visible in appearance, so you definitely need to check the trunk. It is whitish-green in color, but in no case brown or gray. Newly purchased seedlings cannot be immediately planted in open ground. Here are the basic rules of preparation:

  1. 1 The plant needs to be soaked in plain water for 24 hours.
  2. 2 Cut healthy roots to 15 cm. If there are weak or fragmented roots, it is better to cut them off immediately. In the end, all that remains is small bunch.
  3. 3 Strong branches need to be cut to 15 cm, and if there are weak ones, simply remove them.
  4. 4 Treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal.
  5. 5 Treat the roots with Kornevin or Heteroauxin.

Thanks to such processing and preparation, the roots will begin to grow faster and the bushes will develop. In addition, during flowering there will be more buds.

Climbing roses should be planted in loamy, fertile soil. It is very important that it is well drained. Only clay and sand are not at all suitable for growing roses. The soil will be optimal for chemical composition, if you add a little lime to it. The fertility of the soil increases if, while digging it, you add substances such as humus, humus, fertilizers with phosphorus, and special soil bacteria. You need to prepare your garden plot in advance. At the end of summer, dig it up several times, and then loosen it additionally in the spring.

You definitely need to know how to plant a branched rose. The roots of a young plant should not lack space, so the holes should be free. They should be approximately 0.6 m deep. Approximately 1 m should be left between plants so that the roots develop freely and the bushes do not interfere with each other.

When planting a rose in a hole in the garden, the following rules must be observed:

  1. 1 First add 5 kg of nutrient mixtures to each pit. It is allowed to use peat compost.
  2. 2 The void between the roots needs to be filled.
  3. 3 The root collar must be covered to a depth of approximately 11 cm. By the way, this is one of the methods of insulating the plant from frost.
  4. 4 The planted bush needs to be watered with a bucket of water, and the liquid should be warm.
  5. 5 If there is any space left, it should be sprinkled and compacted.

You definitely need to remember about the support that supports the flower when it curls. At the same time, the support itself should not interfere with the development of the root system. As a portable option, trellises, tripods and trellises are perfect. By the way, you can build them yourself using wooden blocks 3 m high. The arches also look beautiful. You will need to plant a bush on both sides. By the end of 2 years, the support will be completely entwined with a plant with beautiful inflorescences.

Some gardeners prefer to cover climbing roses when the cuttings are first placed in the ground. Typically used for this plastic containers from water. You need to cut out the bottom of them and just bury them in the ground. You are allowed to sprinkle a little sand on top. Growing roses using this method is considered very popular. This a good option insulation before wintering. In addition, it is a kind of greenhouse. The plant should be opened only in the spring, when it is clear that the bush has begun to grow and develop.

Necessary care

How to care for a climbing rose is an important question. Be sure to find out all the points in advance. This applies to the frequency of watering, the fertilizers used and the time of fertilization. You also need to know about pruning bushes and insulating them before wintering. Another important nuance- protection from diseases and pests.

If a climbing rose is chosen for the garden, care involves following the following rules:

  1. 1 Watering and fertilizing. These shrubs do not like excess water. But they can easily tolerate drought. It is recommended to water the plants once a week, using a small volume of liquid. She shouldn't be cold. If the bush is too waterlogged, this will lead to the development of fungal and viral diseases, and appearance the bush will be bad. Proper cultivation also involves the application of fertilizers. Commonly used manure and other organic fertilizers, which need to be alternated with mineral compounds. For young shrubs, the fertilizers that were applied to the hole during planting will be sufficient, so at first there is no need to be overzealous with fertilizing. But on next year After planting, it is necessary to add humus, humus, black soil and phosphorus fertilizers.
  2. 2 Trimming. Caring for climbing roses necessarily involves timely pruning of shoots. All types of climbing roses can be divided into 2 types, for which pruning is carried out differently. If shrubs bloom in June and July, then the shoots need to be shortened after planting. There should be shoots of 30 cm each. Cultivation involves cutting off new stems, if necessary, during their active growth. This is required to form beautiful bush. In the second case, bushes with a small number of basal shoots, which appear only on fairly old branches, must be pruned in the first year, shortening them to 30 cm. The next year after planting, all old shoots must be cut off completely.
  3. 3 Garter. Roses require careful care. They definitely need a garter. After cutting off the old branches, new ones will begin to appear. They need to be directed to give the bush beautiful view. To have more buds in the future, individual branches need to be tied up. In this case, you need to make sure that they are not directed upwards, as this will cause the buds to appear only at the tops.

Growing involves gartering, in which the following rules must be followed:

  1. 1 The shoots are allowed to be arranged in the shape of a fan, and the side branches are not tied up. They will not interfere, as they grow freely to the sides and upwards.
  2. 2 The main shoots must be placed horizontally, tied to a support. After a while, many side branches will appear on them, which will grow upward. This produces many beautiful flowers.
  3. 3 In order for the branches to entwine pillars and arches, it is recommended to twist them in a spiral around the support.

Thanks to following these rules, the bush will entwine the support, which will look very beautiful.

Additional factors

  • Insulation

Growing a climbing rose requires mandatory insulation before wintering. Before covering the bushes, they need to be properly prepared. To do this, you need to remove dry leaves, cut off old branches and weak shoots. As a result, only 10-12 strong shoots remain. All actions should be carried out only in dry weather.

There are different methods for covering roses. Their choice depends on the region where roses grow. If the climate is milder, then the branches do not need to be removed from the support. They can be covered with spruce branches and then wrapped with additional film.

If the winter in the region is too cold, then the branches should be removed from the support. First you need to collect them in a large bunch and tie them. When the temperature drops to 5°C, this bundle must be carefully tilted towards the ground and secured with stakes and wire. The base of the bush should be covered with a mixture of soil and peat, and the shoots should be covered with spruce branches. Cover everything on top with agrofibre or film.

In spring, it is important to remove the entire structure in time. Otherwise without fresh air and with high humidity, the roses will simply suffocate and rot. After opening the bush, the shoots need to be tied back to the support. The first fertilizing should be introduced only after young leaves appear.

  • Preventing diseases.

If you care for the bushes incorrectly, it can develop powdery mildew, black spot or bacterial cancer. These are the most common diseases of climbing roses. It is imperative to follow all the rules for caring for the plant. In addition, all dry branches and leaves must be burned, otherwise the disease will spread from them to new shoots and flowers. In addition, you need to use chemicals and folk remedies.


If for garden plot Climbing roses have been chosen; planting and care will be quite difficult. To grow a strong bush that will delight you with abundant and long flowering, you must follow a number of rules. Roses are considered rather capricious plants, but on the other hand, they will delight you with beautiful inflorescences and a delicate aroma.

Luxurious perennials can turn even the most abandoned garden into cozy corner nature. You will learn from this article how to properly plant and care for such beautiful plants.

Lushly blooming plants always require a special approach and meticulous care. Only the correct planting technique, timely pruning and protection from pests with periodic feeding will help you grow a truly beautiful and healthy climbing rose with large velvet buds. A plant with proper care will delight you with abundant flowering throughout the warm season.

How and where to plant climbing roses

Wetlands and places in the shade cannot tolerate any roses, namely bush and climbing ones, they prefer sunny areas. The plant develops much worse if annual roses or uprooted perennials already grew in its place last year. It is better if there is a barn or other room nearby for winter storage bushes

Choose a place with at least a minimal slope, because stagnant water ruins everything flowering plants. Close groundwater also contributes to the formation of a swampy soil structure. Therefore, when determining a place for roses, do not forget that their bush species have roots reaching 2 m in depth. If there is even a minimal risk of excessive soil moisture, it is better to give preference to higher elevations.

Bushy roses are often planted next to buildings to decorate them with beautiful plant and make it more aesthetically pleasing attractive appearance facade. But such places are not very favorable and the flower is in danger of depleting its root system. To prevent this from happening, it is better to plant the bush 50-60 centimeters from the foundation, but tilt the growing branches towards the wall, forming an arch. Over time, the bush will crawl along the plane and give the effect you need. The shrub grows profusely, so it needs free space nearby from other green neighbors. It is better to plant at a distance of at least 50 cm in radius from the seedling. For example, you want to plant roses and clematis alternately, in which case a checkerboard order with a distance of 1 m between the bushes will do.

All climbing bushes require support. Its function does not necessarily have to be performed by a wall.

Perfect for:

  • mesh boxes;
  • arches;
  • pergolas;
  • fences;
  • pillars;
  • cones and other structures erected specifically to support the bush.

Mostly such structures are made of wood, but other durable elements are also suitable.

In what month is it time to plant

For the temperate climate of the middle zone, planting bushy climbing roses in open ground occurs in mid-autumn - late September, early October. In just a couple of weeks, the first healthy roots will form, which are already able to adapt to the soil until the first frost, and the plant will survive. In spring, the root and above-ground systems of the bush are already actively developing. By the time of flowering, the rose is at the peak of its strength and is not inferior in splendor to its more mature counterparts.

If you plant roses not in the fall, but in the spring, development will be significantly delayed - at least for half a month. Such a plant will be very fragile and will need more careful care.

Before planting, you need to shorten the seedling by several buds or buy a rooted plant in a special container from the nursery. In this case, planting occurs in open ground in late spring.

Processing of seedlings

If you neglect to treat plants before planting in open ground, their development will be inhibited and inferior. This applies only to those roses that you propagate yourself by cuttings, and do not buy ready-made in nurseries. Cuttings germinated at home are more susceptible to various kinds of manipulations with replanting.

Preparation takes place according to the following scheme:

  1. Soak the seedlings for a day in water. You can not only the roots, but the whole plant.
  2. Trim the shoots from the roots.
  3. Treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal.
  4. Lubricate the roots with a healthy mixture, which can be purchased at a specialty store.

Pruning consists of shortening 3-6 formed shoots, but at least 15 cm should be left on the bush. Weak shoots are completely removed. The root system is cleaned in a similar way: the crushed or long ones are removed, and those that are kept in a bunch remain.

After this treatment, the bush will actively develop and produce gorgeous buds during the flowering period.

You can make a mixture for treating roots yourself: clay, 1/10 mullein, 2 Phosphorobacterin tablets per 10 liters of solution.

Soil preparation

Loose, loamy and waterproof soil is the most suitable for plants of this type. Soil containing a fertile layer will be much more to the taste of a capricious rose than sand and clay. If the soil is not crumbly enough, add a little lime. This cocktail will be just perfect for a climbing beauty.

Fertilizers are selected individually, depending on the variety.

You need to care for ordinary bushy roses and climbing roses differently. If in the first case hilling is sufficient, then in the second case complete thermal insulation is required.

I decided to replenish my rose garden and purchased several bushes of climbing roses, but I just don’t know how to grow them. Tell me, where is the best place to plant climbing roses and how to properly care for them in order to grow beautiful lush bushes?

Climbing roses are indispensable when creating vertical gardening. Arches and gazebos decorated with this variety of roses look gorgeous.

But in order for a climbing rose to decorate the area with its appearance, you need to know the peculiarities of its planting and properly care for it. After all, mistakes made in care will not only spoil the appearance of the shrub, but can also lead to its death. So, if a rose seedling has already been purchased, first of all, the question arises of where to plant it and how to further care for the climbing rose.

Conditions for planting climbing roses: time and place of planting

So that young bushes have time to settle down in a new place and get stronger before the onset of the first frosts, the most optimal time It will be late spring for planting.

When choosing a place for a climbing rose, you must follow two rules:

  • this variety does not like drafts;
  • This rose loves the sun, but is afraid of direct sunlight.

You cannot plant the plant on the corner of the house, where drafts are a fairly common occurrence.

The place for planting the rose should be in the shade for at least two to three hours a day, otherwise the plant will get burned and the petals will burn out. And in a too shady part of the plot the bush will grow slowly and bloom poorly.

If several bushes are planted, a space of 1 m should be made between them; the distance between the rows should be increased to 2 meters. Also, do not plant very close to the wall; you need to retreat to a distance of up to 50 cm.

Preparing the soil before planting roses

Experienced gardeners advise preparing the soil several weeks before planting roses. To do this, dig up the chosen place on the site, fertilize the soil with peat, lime and humus. Dig landing hole 50cm deep and 50cm wide.

Before planting a seedling, it is necessary to trim its roots and shoots with pruners, leaving a maximum of 30 cm, and treat the cut areas with garden varnish.

Mix the soil from the hole with manure (preferably mullein) and cover the young rose bush with it.

Basics of caring for climbing roses

Caring for a climbing rose includes the following:

  1. Watering. It is enough to water the rose once a week; the bush tolerates dry summers very well, but is sensitive to excess moisture.
  2. Top dressing. Roses are fertilized with manure, organic and mineral fertilizers.
  3. Timely treatment of diseases. If the leaves are covered with white spots (powdery mildew), the bush should be treated twice (with a break). Bordeaux mixture. When appearing on the shoots brown spots(bark cancer) they urgently need to be cut out, capturing part of the healthy shoot, and burned.
  4. Trimming. With the arrival of spring, cut out dry and weak branches on the bush, and in the summer, cut off flowers that have bloomed.
  5. Shelter for the winter. They start doing it only when the temperature drops to 5 degrees below zero. To do this, tie the branches, remove the shoots from the support and place them on the leaves, and cover them with film on top.

  • Type: Rosaceae
  • Flowering period: June, July
  • Height: 5-15m
  • Color: white, cream, yellow, pink, orange, red, burgundy
  • perennial
  • Winters
  • Sun-loving
  • Moisture-loving

Summer residents adore rose bushes for their lush color and delicate aroma. Small bushes on the porch, flower beds along the path, area near the gazebo or pool - delicate rose buds can decorate any part of the land. But nothing compares to climbing roses - luxurious perennials that can turn even an abandoned shack into a romantic corner. A magic carpet of fragrant flowers is ideal for vertical gardening, but it will be truly beautiful under one condition: if correct landing and caring for a climbing rose. It is these procedures that we will talk about today.

Lush flowering plants require special attention, and long lashes with large velvet flowers are no exception. Only technically verified planting, careful feeding, timely pruning, protecting shrubs from pests and winter insulation guarantee a full result - abundant flowering throughout the warm season.

Choosing a growing location

Roses love the sun very much and hate wetlands, so the place where they are planted should be well ventilated and illuminated sun rays. Also, plants develop worse if roses have already been planted in the planned location. It’s not bad if there is a room nearby suitable for winter storage of shrubs.

Lush shrubs are perfect for decorating old buildings, cabins, and utility rooms: flowering shoots successfully cover parts of the roof and walls

To prevent water from stagnating in the ground, the selected location must have at least minimum slope. Waterlogging can occur due to closely lying groundwater. It should be borne in mind that the roots often reach two meters in length, and if there is a risk of high humidity, it is necessary to plant flowers at a higher elevation.

Sometimes rose bushes are planted near the walls of a building for the purpose of decorating them, which threatens to deplete the roots. To prevent this trouble, maintain a distance of 55-60 cm from the wall, as well as at least 50 cm from other plants. The peculiarity of climbing varieties is the presence of support, the role of which is usually played by walls, arches, pergolas, nets, fences, specially created cones or pillars.

You can build a reliable support for a climbing rose with your own hands from several bars or boards, which are connected in the form of a lattice or cone

You can make a garden arch for roses with your own hands:

Optimal landing time

IN middle lane temperate climate best period planting - from the last ten days of September to the beginning of October. After one or two weeks, the plants produce the first roots, which have time to adapt before the onset of serious frosts. With the onset of spring, both the above-ground and root parts begin to actively develop, and by the time of flowering the bush gains full strength, not inferior in splendor to old plants.

When setting the time for planting climbing roses, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the variety: for example, “Super Dorothy” blooms quite late, despite early date landings

If planting is done in the spring, the development of flowers will be delayed by about 15 days, and such a climbing rose will require more careful care. Before planting in the ground, the seedling must be shortened by 2-3 buds. Beginner gardeners do it simpler: they buy their own rooted plants in containers at the nursery, and place them in the ground in late spring.

Initial processing of seedlings

You should seriously treat the seedlings before planting, otherwise their development will be defective. Preparation includes several manipulations:

  • soaking seedlings in water for 1 day (only roots or the whole plant);
  • pruning shoots and roots;
  • dusting the cut areas with previously crushed charcoal;
  • treating the roots with a useful mixture.

Pruning climbing roses should be understood as shortening several (3-5) strong shoots to a height of 15 cm; weaker shoots should be removed completely. The same is done with the root system: fragmented or long shoots are removed, leaving a small bunch. Thanks to this, the development of the plant will occur more actively, and during the flowering period the rose will produce numerous lush buds.

Proper preparation of seedlings is a sure guarantee that the plant will gain maximum strength and at the right time will be covered with lush color

Pruned and impregnated with fertilizers, seedlings receive a kind of immunity, thanks to which they quickly develop and bloom in lush colors.

One of the options mineral mixture for processing: a little clay, 1/10 part of mullein, phosphorobacterin (2-3 tablets per 10 liters of solution). You can use heteroauxin - just 1 tablet is enough.

Features of soil preparation

The ideal soil for rose bushes is loose loamy, permeable soil containing a fertile layer. Sand and heavy clay are completely unsuitable for growing flowers, so each of these types of soil must be diluted with the opposite. A little lime will make the soil crumbly and more suitable in chemical composition.

If the soil on the site is too acidic, liming is performed:

Heavy, fragrant, brightly colored buds are the first sign that the soil for the plant has been chosen correctly: it allows water and air to pass through well

To increase fertility, humus, humus, phosphorus fertilizers, and special soil bacteria (phosphorobacterin) are added to the soil. At the end of summer, everything is dug up several times, and in the spring they do another shoveling.

Pit design: more freedom

The volume of the planting pit should be sufficient so that the young roots of the plant do not experience a shortage of free space. The optimal depth is 60-65 cm. The holes must be located at a distance of at least 1 m from one another, only in this case the root system will be able to develop freely. When planting a rose, the root collar is immersed in the soil by about 10-12 cm - thus protecting it from frost in winter period(with additional insulation).

When arranging a planting hole, it is necessary to take into account not only its size, but also its location relative to the support: nothing should interfere with the development of the roots of the plant

The roots are placed freely, carefully filling the voids between them. About 5 kg of peat compost or a similar nutrient mixture must be added to each hole. Fill the hole with soil to the level of the ground surface, and then trample it down a little. Further care for climbing roses implies timely feeding of fertilizer. The first is carried out immediately after landing. A mixture of phosphobacterin and heteroauxin is excellent for irrigation, or humates are an option.

To saturate the soil with microelements useful for the plant, it is mulched with humus, compost or humus, which can be easily prepared at the dacha with your own hands

If you want to create a rose garden on your site, then use not only climbing types of roses:

Garter and bush formation

By directing the young shoots, you can give the rose bush exactly the shape that was originally planned. For education more buds and abundant flowering gartering of individual lashes is required. Typically, climbing species are used for vertical decoration, but this does not mean that all branches should be directed upward: with this arrangement, the bush will become poorer, and buds will appear only at the very top.

The solution is simple: several main branches need to be positioned horizontally, and to do this they need to be tied up. Each main lash will produce several side shoots growing upward, and most importantly - a whole cloud of lush flowers. This principle is good for decorating walls, high mesh fences, and pergolas.

Proper gartering of roses ensures the development of shoots in the desired direction: along a fence or arch, on top of a plane, around supports of various configurations

An excellent solution for a walking path is a suite of arches designed to be decorated with climbing roses and clematis, which have already been planted and will soon begin to grow.

Another popular way of arranging shoots is “fan”, when the side shoots freely extend upward and to the sides without interfering with each other. For braiding a pillar or arch, a “spiral” is more suitable, when the lashes twist around the support. Regardless of the location of the shoots, there is no need to neglect caring for them. climbing roses, and this applies not only to regular pruning, watering and fertilizing, but also to preparation for frost.

Weak shoots and old lashes are cut off, leaving only 11-12 strong shoots. They are carefully collected into a large bundle, tied, tilted towards the ground and secured in this position with pegs. Finally, cover with spruce paws. The base of the bush should be sprinkled with a mixture of soil and peat, and covered with agrofibre or dense film on top.

Single rose bushes are covered separately, and those growing nearby can be insulated using a large piece of agrofibre, covering several bushes at once

The second method resembles the first, but the lashes remain tied to the support. It is used in regions with milder climates. The shoots are covered with the same spruce branches, and the top is hermetically wrapped with film. High-quality covering material and properly performed insulation guarantee the safety of the rose bush until the spring thaw.

In addition to pruning and covering, roses also need other procedures before wintering:

Only by fulfilling these requirements can you hope for good flowering.