How to remove snow on the site. How to properly remove snow from the territory in different ways How to effectively clean snow

Have you ever woken up to find your driveway covered in snow? Although this seems quite common, there is a certain approach to this task.


Part 1

Preparing to shovel snow

    Be aware of any health hazards. If you are out of shape, have spinal problems or heart disease, it can be really dangerous for you. After the snowfall, hospitals are overwhelmed with heart attack victims and back patients. Hire a local teenager or borrow a snow blower from a neighbor instead of doing it yourself.

    Dress appropriately. You should be dressed warmly, but not in such a way that you start to sweat profusely after a few minutes of work. Wear several layers of clothing that are easy to remove and will not restrict your movement.

    Wear appropriate shoes. You need warm boots that stay firmly on your feet and have good grip. Proper soles will help you maintain balance and reduce the risk of injury.

    Use an ergonomic snow shovel. Ergonomic blowers have a curve in the handle that helps you keep your back straight, reducing the risk of back injury while you shovel snow.

    Use a scoop with a surface where nothing sticks. This will make clearing the snow less tiring and it will slide off easily.

    Stretching. Warm muscles will be more productive and less likely to injure them. Pay special attention to stretching your limbs (arms and legs) and back.

    Sprinkle sand or salt on slippery soil. Some areas may be uneven and may cause slips or falls and injury. Before shoveling snow, sprinkle salt and sand in any dangerous places, on which you will have to stand while shoveling snow. This will improve your contact with the ground and reduce the risk of injury.

    Get up correctly. Place your feet shoulder-width apart to maintain balance and bend at the knees, not at the waist or back. Keep the shovel close to your body instead of extending your arms all the way out. Tighten your abdominal muscles and then push yourself up to your feet, as if you were doing a squat.

    Find right place where you will shovel the snow. You don't want to twist your body while kicking up snow because this can hurt your back. Make sure there is a place directly in front of you where you can dump your shovel load. If you need to push the snow a little further, move your legs instead of turning your body.

    Remove areas with deep snow in several approaches. Never try to remove deep snow in one go. It's better to clean an area of ​​2.5-5 centimeters at a time, resting in between. This will reduce the weight of the load and the risk of injury.

    Take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water. Snow removal is very difficult physical labor, and you must take care of yourself to avoid harmful consequences. In the cold you don't feel so thirsty, but dehydration can make itself felt very quickly, in such conditions large volumes physical activity. Take your time.

It seems that the answer to the question “what to do with snow” is obvious - remove it! But it's not that simple. Snow is an excellent helper for gardeners and gardeners; you can’t just get rid of it without putting it to good use. We will give you 10 tips that will help you use the fallen snow effectively.

Tip one: stock up on the necessary equipment in advance, such as scrapers and shovels for cleaning and throwing snow. To move large snowdrifts, you will need at least a spacious wheelbarrow, we hope you have one too.

Tip two: if you really have to remove snow from paths, parking lots and yard so that it is convenient to walk, then on the contrary, it will be delayed in the garden and garden. If not uncommon in your region strong winds, then the snow can simply blow away, but this is excellent thermal insulation material! Even small fences in the garden, fences, specially built barriers made of spruce branches, wickerwork, and small movable screens made from scrap materials do a good job of retaining snow.

Tip three: if softly falling snow is a blessing for plants, then a compressed block falling from the roof is a disaster. Therefore, snow retainers on the roof are especially important if you have shrubs and other perennials growing near your house.

Tip four: Hilling the trunks with snow brings great benefits to trees. It is important that the snow cover covers not only the tree trunk circle, but also the root neck of the tree. To do this, it is advisable to throw all the snow that you have raked from the paths under the trees, and the snow cone can be extended a little to the south - here it will melt much faster under the sun’s rays.

Tip five: you can cover shrubs and other perennials with snow. For them, you need more snow, the main thing is not to overdo it and not break the branches, pour it under the trunks, carefully.

Tip six: wet snow or simply too much cover is dangerous for thin branches, spreading spruces, pines, thujas, and shrubs. Therefore, in case of snow sticking or a large accumulation on the branches, it should be shaken off very carefully so as not to damage the tree.

Tip seven: crust, unlike fluffy snow, is very dangerous for low-growing plants, including your lawn. Under such an ice crust, formed due to temperature changes, plants simply stop receiving oxygen, so it is advisable to break the crust, for example, with a rake. Or just walk through the beds, scattering and lifting the ice crust with your feet.

Tip eight: if you didn’t shake off the snow in time, it began to melt, then freeze, or as a result of rain when sub-zero temperature An ice crust may form on the branches. Unlike a layer of snow, it should not be knocked down! This is too dangerous, the ice sticks to the branches stronger than snow, so you will have to wait for a thaw. In the meantime, you can help the trees cope with the load by using homemade supports for spreading branches.

Tip nine: do not create real snow piles on perennial plantings by throwing snow off the paths and removing it from the yard. Under the trunks, for protection - yes, to cover it completely, with a slide - no. This will deprive the plant of oxygen and may simply break thin branches or trunks.

Tip ten: think about where the water will go when the snow starts to melt. It is best to completely remove snowdrifts from the base of the building, barn, and places where flood waters can collect. Remember that the snow will melt fastest in sunny, southern areas; this is where early flowers and greenery will be the first to appear from the ground.


Waking up in the morning, you saw that all the approaches to the house were covered with a dense layer of snow. This is a common thing for our latitudes, but we need to get down to business and clear the path. There are several ways to help cope with this task without harming your health.

Sequence of actions when clearing an area of ​​snow drifts

Preparatory stage. Clearing the area of ​​snow requires serious physical activity. Therefore, people who have it should be careful. According to statistics in hospitals with heart attacks, complications of diseases spinal column, and after the next snowfall a huge number of citizens find themselves with fractures. In this case, a snowplow or a hired worker will help you.

Cloth. Dress warmly, but in such a way that the clothes do not restrict movement and are not too hot for physical labor. After five minutes of work, you will begin to sweat profusely. Wear clothing in several layers so that it can be easily removed.

As soon as you feel that your body has warmed up, remove the outer layer of clothing. And so on. Your body should be hot and dry. Otherwise, you are guaranteed to get a cold from hypothermia, which you won’t even notice. A draft that penetrates under clothes on a damp body, and you have pneumonia;

Be sure to wear mittens or gloves. Both options are suitable for working with a shovel;
Put a hat on your head. Even if it is a thin woolen thing, your head should not freeze;
Wrap yourself in a scarf. You need him to close his mouth so you don't inhale. icy air, which will hit the hot body.


Wear shoes that fit comfortably on your feet and do not rub or slip off.

These should be warm boots. They do not hinder movement and do not interfere with work. Stable grooved soles will protect you from possible injuries.

Tools. Nowadays, shovels with curved handles are on sale. They allow you to keep your body straight, relieve stress from the spine, and greatly facilitate a person’s work. The main characteristics of such a device are as follows:

Long comfortable handle;
There is a choice between plastic and light metal options;
There are two modifications of cutworms: digging and raking. With the help of a scoop, it is easier to move away a layer of snow rather than lift it;
The shortened plane of the scoop greatly facilitates work and reduces the risk of damage to the spinal column.

Use a shovel with a flat surface that is made of smooth material. Snow will stick to it less and, accordingly, decreases exercise stress. In order to reduce the friction force, the following methods can be used:

Apply silicone ski wax to the scoop;
Lubricate the surface of the scoop blade with regular animal or vegetable fat.

Charger. You can’t start working until your muscles warm up a little. Do the usual exercises that everyone does in the morning. Special attention Pay attention to warming up your arms and legs, bending and squatting.

Salt and sand. Sprinkle salt or sand on slippery areas of the ground. You could simply slip on an icy hillock and get seriously injured. This method will allow you to stay on your feet and not fall.

Snow removal technique

As a rule, snow removal begins in the morning. But it’s better to do this immediately after the next snowfall. Fresh snow weighs much less than old snow, covered with crust and melted. In addition, wet snow can melt and freeze again. And instead of a “white fluffy blanket” in the yard, you will get an impromptu bumpy skating rink, which will be much more difficult to remove.

Don't clear the front parking lot first. A passing snowplow will negate your efforts because it will pile up a new mass of snow. It’s better to start with the platform and path in front of the house;
Remember that an overfilled snow shovel can hold up to 10 kg of snow.

Plan. To avoid doing the same thing twice, develop a snow removal plan for the area. If the area in front of the house is rectangular, start cleaning it from the center. Clear the perimeter of snow and move to the middle. Move gradually from the center to the perimeter, and start again. Now you can remove all the snow from the area
Cleaning the car. Before you start cleaning the area, clear the snow from your car with a special brush. This will help you avoid doing the same job twice.
Cleaning the snow correctly. If the snow falls wet and heavy, try not to lift it with a shovel. Move it gradually into piles. Otherwise, you risk serious spinal injury.
Holding the shovel correctly. Place your hands on the shovel, as far away from each other as possible. This position will help to correctly distribute balance and effort when working.
Clearing snow drifts. If you are digging through snow to reach soil or objects, proceed in the same way as when digging soil.

When shoveling snow, position the shovel at an angle and push in front of you.

Move the scoop handle up and down the body according to the force applied.

. To properly distribute the load on your back, keep your body straight. Even if you squat or push, try not to lose the natural curvature of the spinal column.

7. Let's rise. Get into a stable position. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and focus on the line of your knees. At the same time, the load is removed from the spine. Do not move the shovel far from the body, it should be close. To throw snow, use a not too wide range of motion. It's better to make several smaller throws, but do not injure the bones with one serious effort. When straightening your body, tense and then rise. Try to use the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

8. Finding the right place for a pile of snow. Choose a place for a pile of snow so that it is located in the direction of travel. It is advisable to work with a shovel in front of you, and not throw snow to the side. If this is not possible, try not to turn your whole body behind the shovel, but to move your legs while making the turn.

Choose a location for the snow pile that is close to where you are working. This is necessary in order not to carry snow far;
When starting to clear snow, dump the first shovels further away so that you throw the last shovels at a close distance;

Do not throw snow from a shovel behind your back. If you need to throw snow back, pick it up on a shovel, turn around and throw it in front of you.

9. deep snow. Do not try to lift snow with a shovel in one layer. It is better to remove each layer gradually. This will reduce the stress on your core and avoid injury.

10. Rest. Do not try to clean the entire area at once in one go. Rest often and drink plenty of water. In the cold, the body does not send signals to the brain about dehydration. Therefore, you yourself should know this. Make the breaks between work so that you have time to rest and get back to work with renewed vigor. next stage works

11. Pain. If discomfort, dizziness or pain occurs, you should stop immediately. This may be a warning sign of a heart attack or injury to the spinal column during work.

12. Postman. Don't forget to clear the area around your mailbox. Think about the person who brings you mail.

13. Salt and sand. Use salt only as a last resort. When dissolved, salt negatively affects the roots of plants in your flower bed, and when the snow melts, the salt dissolves in the water and damages your shoes. Additionally, salt sprinkled on the ground before a snowfall will increase the snowdrifts on your driveway. Dry snow, falling on the salty ground, sticks to the soaked salty slurry, and is swept away from untreated areas.

14. Cup of hot tea. A cup of hot tea, cocoa or chocolate will help relax your muscles and soothe them after heavy physical activity.

Don’t leave elderly neighbors in the lurch or those who cannot clear snow drifts in front of the house on their own;
Don't throw away the snow you cleaned public sidewalks and the roadway;
Call a member of your household or a neighbor for help. The more assistants, the faster the work goes;
You don't have to take a shovel to remove a thin layer of powdered snow. A broom can also cope with this problem;
There is a way to clear snow without the help of a shovel or snow blower. Buy a piece of tarp that fits the area you need to clean frequently. Sew ropes to one edge of the fabric so that you can easily grab them. Before a storm warning, place a tarp on the ground.

After snowfall, grab the handles and roll the fabric to throw the snow to one side.

Do not step on the tarp because it is very slippery in cold weather;

Clean up the chipped edges of the scoop using a knife. This section of the shovel needs to be smooth and thin;
If you don't have time today to remove snow from your parking lot or driveway, do it as soon as possible. With each passing hour, the fallen mass of snow becomes denser, and then it is difficult to remove it;
Do not smoke or drink coffee while cleaning. This can lead to a heart attack.

And most importantly, protect yourself from injuries!

January 25, 2014, 12:50

Winter is not only joy and evening walks along the street, but it is also an endless struggle with precipitation that periodically falls on the surface of the earth. In this case, snow brings not only positive emotions, but also creates unnecessary problems with its removal.

Removing snow is sometimes not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It all depends on the amount of precipitation, as well as methods of cleaning it. IN modern world There are simply a huge number of tools that can help in one way or another with removing snow from the territory, while spending a minimum of time.

In order to guess with a tool, you need to study each of them and come to an informed conclusion.

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of tools for snow removal, so not everyone is able to accurately determine what is needed. But all of them are somehow divided into several categories, which greatly simplifies the time spent on choosing.

Manual method of removing snow using a shovel or scraper

The shovel is not only the most common tool, but the most reliable. After all, a shovel has absolutely no complex parts which could fail.

Working with a shovel is very productive. If when using heavy equipment certain resources may run out, then when working with a shovel everything depends only on the physical capabilities of the person. The same goes for the scraper.

A distinctive feature of a scraper from a shovel is their size. The scraper is much wider than the shovel, which allows you to get rid of snow deposits much faster. But there is one drawback here - when working with a scraper, difficulties often arise with the passage of the tool. If a person has weaknesses physical indicators, then working with this tool will be very difficult.


The most the best option snow removal over large areas is the use of specialized snow removal equipment. All work is carried out using heavy or semi-heavy equipment, which allows you to get rid of a large scale of snow deposits in a relatively short period of time.

To snow removal equipment can be attributed:

  • tractor with special accessories;
  • snow blower;
  • snow removal rotor and much more.

If you need to clear the area of ​​snow as quickly as possible, then the equipment will the best option. But even here there are drawbacks in the form of a constant need for fuel or management personnel. Also the majority Vehicle It has very decent dimensions, and therefore is unable to fit on the site. In general, the equipment is able to cope with the task at hand with a solid “A”.

Video: comparison of snow removal with a shovel and a gasoline snow blower

Worth knowing! If you need to clear a small area of ​​snow, then there is no need to purchase heavy equipment. You can get by with less expensive snow removal tools.


This is perhaps the most expensive way to clear an area of ​​snow, both in terms of time and financial costs. This cleaning method allows you to get rid of snow practically passive method. You just need to spread the reagent over the area and wait for the snow to melt.

Important! The chemical method can be used to remove snow only in places where it will not cause harm to humans and animals. In most cases, toxic salts are used, which, when in contact with the skin and mucous membranes of a person, can cause harm to his body.

Snow removal with chemical means occurs by mixing or applying reagents on top of the snow, which, under the influence environment The snow melts, leaving only water or steam with impurities of reagents.

other methods

There are also more radical ways clearing snow deposits. Their use implies the use physical laws in the right direction. For example, one common method is simple snow blowing. Through the action of air masses on snowdrifts, snowflakes are blown up long distance while leaving a completely clean surface.

Another common method is melting snow. With the help of special melting plants, snow turns into water in a matter of seconds. The resulting water can be very easily directed to its intended purpose or simply poured out.

That's not all alternative ways snow removal. You can add new ones to them using your own logic and ingenuity. The main criterion is rationality, which is sometimes very difficult to achieve.

After the most common methods of snow clearing have become known, we can proceed to their immediate description. After all, in this matter you need not only to choose the right tool, but also to know how to use it.

How to remove snow in the yard using a shovel and scraper

It would seem that it could be easier than working as usual snow shovel? But even here there are pitfalls that can have a significant impact on the workflow.

In order to remove snow with a shovel with your own hands, first of all, you need buy a quality tool. Determining its quality is very simple - you need to check the integrity of the shovel, as well as the quality of the material used in production. If the quality inspires confidence, then you can purchase it.

Advice! Before starting work, be sure to do a warm-up. This is necessary to avoid injury during work in the form of sprains or other injuries.

Snow is removed quite easily with a shovel. All that is necessary is to gradually remove the masses of snow that will be encountered along the way. The main thing is not to take too much, then the work will be completed much faster than planned.

The purpose of a scraper is somewhat similar to a shovel. The only difference is that the scraper does not come off the ground and literally pries up the snow masses from below. When snow has accumulated in the scraper cavity, it can be transported to the designated location without any problems.

How to remove snow from your property using snow removal equipment

If you have any snow removal equipment available, this greatly simplifies the snow removal process. After all, the main work is done by technology, a person only directs it to the required place.

The process of clearing snow using equipment primarily depends on the type of equipment itself. For example, there is tractor type MTZ with front bulldozer, which is designed for clearing snow. In this case, everything is simple - you just need to prepare the transport for work and clear the snow masses, delivering them to the far corner of the territory, or even load it into auxiliary transport.

Most often it is used as snow removal equipment for household needs. snow rotor. A rotor is a device that is attached to small-sized equipment like a mole or to a mini tractor, the main element of which is screw.

Video: clearing snow with a snow rotor

To clear snow on the site with such a device, you must follow some recommendations.

  • The snow drain on the device must be directed in the opposite direction from the direction. Thus, the bulk of the snow will be directed in the right direction.
  • If height snow cover is more than 1 meter, then it is necessary with remove the top layers with a shovel. In this case, the likelihood of equipment failure will be minimized.
  • Best to use rotors on gasoline engines . They are independent of the distance to the power source, which allows them to be used even in the most remote areas of the territory.

In general, when using such transport, you must first of all pay attention to its capabilities and not exceed them. In this case, the work will be done efficiently, and the equipment will not fail.

Removing snow in the yard with chemicals

The most common method chemical control with snow is use . This method has many advantages, including:

  • availability;
  • quick solution to problems with ice and snow cover for a long period of time;
  • action occurs immediately after distribution.

Principle of operation similar mixtures of sand and industrial salt very simple: since the heat capacity of sand is much higher than snow, under the influence sun rays it heats up, after which the resulting thermal energy acts on snow by melting it. This is very effective way, since snow remains on the territory until the end of winter.

There is also purely chemical reagents, which work on the principle of absorbing moisture and subsequent freezing. But their use is not only dangerous for others, but also very expensive to use.

How to remove snow from the roof

When snow accumulates on your roof, it causes a lot of problems. For example, a passerby can easily be injured by the fall of large masses of snow. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of snow on the roof as quickly and efficiently as possible.

What and how is it better to remove snow from the roof of a private house?

For similar purposes Only one tool will do - a shovel. In rare cases, you can use a regular scraper.

If the roof has horizontal arrangement, then the snow can be cleaned in the same way as on the ground. Before starting work you only need secure yourself with a rope or cable.

Video: how to quickly remove snow without falling off the roof

But if snow removal work is planned to be carried out on sloped roof, then here you need to follow a number of tips and requirements.

  • Before starting work it is necessary warm up thoroughly. This is necessary in order to avoid injuries or sprains, as well as to increase the overall tone of the body.
  • Since the work is carried out at height, it is necessary to take care of your own safety. To do this you just need secure to the roof ridge with a cable. The cable should not restrict movement.
  • Using a shovel, you need to throw down masses of snow. In this case it is necessary stand firmly on the roof surface so as not to fall down.
  • If there is a lot of snow, you can use a scraper.

In most cases, you need to navigate the site, taking into account all the key points (roof slope, distance to the building, etc.).

Video: clearing the roof of snow

If you follow all the tips, removing snow on your property or from your roof will become not only easy, but also a virtually cost-effective process. You just need to choose the right method and tool for clearing snow. If you do everything correctly, you will save not only time, but also money.

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