How to keep fallen leaves fresh. How to preserve autumn leaves? How to preserve prepared plants

The leaves are often dried to decorate crafts or to preserve herbs in cooking. There are many ways to dry leaves, so take the time to understand them and find the one that works best for your purposes. Fortunately, most resources are easy to obtain without leaving your home.


Drying leaves for crafts

    Air dry the leaves unless they need to be flat. Place the leaves in a shallow container or tie them in a bunch. Leave them in the sun for a few days and check to see if they dry out. sunlight will dry out the leaves, but the edges may curl. These leaves cannot be used for crafts, but they are perfect for dried flower arrangements.

    • Not Leave the leaves in direct sunlight if you want to retain the full green richness of the natural leaf. Direct sunlight will lead to loss of color and a decrease in the brightness of living colors.
    • Air currents from a window or from a hair dryer will dry the leaves faster.
  1. Smooth out the leaves and dry them in a slow but simple manner. Place one large or several small leaves between two paper towels, making sure the leaves do not overlap each other. Open a large book, like an encyclopedia, and place paper towels with leaves between the pages. Close the book and place it flat somewhere out of sight. Place other books or a heavy object on top. Check the leaves once a week to see if they are dry and change the paper towels if they are damp.

    Use a flower press instead of quick drying. You can purchase a large flower press and place the leaves in it, or you can make one yourself from plywood and cardboard. This will cost more and require more materials than the book method, but by circulating air you can increase the drying speed and the process will only take a few days.

    • Place the leaves between two paper towels. Place paper towels between two sheets of blotting paper or several additional sheets of paper towels. Place all these layers into the flower press, close it and tighten. Check every few days to change wet towels until the leaves dry out.
  2. Dry a large, thick sheet in microwave oven. Place a thick sheet between two layers of paper towels on a plate in the microwave. Place a plate and a small cup of water inside and turn on for 30 seconds. If the sheet is not yet dry, turn it on again for 10 seconds and so on, checking the sheet between turns.

    • Attention: The leaf can easily catch fire in the microwave, so only use this method for large, thick leaves. A cup of water helps prevent fires because some of the microwave's energy is used to heat the water.
  3. Iron fresh leaves to preserve color. This method is best for fresh leaves, which have not yet changed color or begun to dry, although you should blot them with a towel if they are wet. Place one sheet between two layers of wax paper, and place a towel on top of the wax paper. Heat the iron and move it over the towel, applying pressure for 2-5 minutes or until the side is dry. Flip the wax paper layers over, cover with a towel again, and iron again.

    You can preserve the texture of large evergreen leaves using water and glycerin. The leaves will turn brown, but their structure and elasticity will remain for a long time. This method works especially well for wide evergreen leaves, such as magnolia leaves. Mix one part glycerin and two parts water in a shallow bowl, and lower the leaves into the bowl until they are completely covered with liquid. The leaves will be ready to use in about 4 days, or leave them in the solution for a few weeks to preserve them forever.

    • This method works by replacing water in the leaves with glycerol, which, unlike water, does not evaporate.
    • If leaves float, cover them paper plate or another object that you don’t mind getting wet, so that with its weight it holds the leaves below the surface of the liquid.
    • If the liquid level is below the leaf level, add more water and glycerin.
  4. Pour one liter of water into the pan. You can use a smaller pot if there are not many leaves. If this is the case, reduce the other ingredients below proportionally, or simply use half of them all.

    Wear gloves. The mixture you will prepare may be harmful to your skin, so wear latex or rubber gloves before mixing with other ingredients. After finishing work, do not forget to wash all tools with detergent under running water; do this without taking off your gloves.

    Add some baking soda or soda ash. These chemical substances can be found in grocery stores or pharmacies. Whichever one you use, 2 tablespoons (or 30 grams) will be enough. Either of these chemicals will slowly reduce the leaf to pulp until only the stem and veins remain.

Only the autumn season is rich in the bright colors of the leaves that have not yet flown, and if you and your child collect these wonderful gifts of autumn on a walk and prepare them correctly, you will be able to engage in creativity in the winter.

But before you start preparing natural materials, please note that they should not be collected near roads where the foliage has managed to absorb a lot of exhaust. The implication is that a natural material is an environmentally friendly material.

How to dry leaves and prepare natural materials

There are several ways:

  1. Cold drying
  2. Hot drying
  3. Powder drying

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Cold drying

This is an old traditional method that we all used as children. Leaves and flowers need to be placed under a press. A thick book or a stack of magazines can be used as a press. In order for the plants to dry correctly, you need to place 2 sheets of paper between the pages of the book and only place a leaf or flower between them. Sheets of paper must be changed every day. After a week, the natural material is ready for use.

If after drying the plants have become too fragile and you are afraid of breaking them, you can dip them in a solution of water and PVA glue and then dry them. The solution is prepared simply: 4 parts water to 1 part glue.

You can dry plants without a press by simply laying them out on paper. Then the leaves will curl and become deformed. These leaves are suitable for voluminous crafts.

Hot drying

How to dry leaves and flowers using a hot method? Using an iron is good for drying leaves and not very voluminous flowers. We place a leaf between sheets of paper and iron it until the moisture evaporates from it. As a result, we will get flat materials.

For voluminous flowers, such as roses, the oven is suitable. The temperature should not be high. In addition, you will have to constantly monitor the process.

Powder drying

In this case, powders mean bulk materials. Dry sand or salt are best suited. In a cardboard box, fill the bottom with sand, place the plant and carefully sprinkle sand on top. In the picture semolina is used as a bulk material.

If you have a voluminous flower, it is important that there are no empty, unfilled spaces between the petals.

To remove the plant from the sand, we make holes in the bottom of the box and wait until the sand spills out.

Drying in this way will take 2-3 weeks, but the plant will retain its shape and color.

To ensure that voluminous flowers retain their shape even after drying, they can be sprayed with hairspray.

Only fresh flowers and green leaves are suitable for this method. As a result, the shape of the plants is preserved and they remain resilient. But the color of the plants, unfortunately, is lost. But it doesn’t matter, because the plants can be painted later.

Making a three-part solution hot water and one part glycerin. Cool the resulting solution and place the plant in it for a period of several days to several weeks. It all depends on the size and volume of the plant.

A little more beauty:

It should be noted that these are not all the ways to preserve leaves and flowers.

How to preserve prepared plants

Empty ones are perfect for storage. carton boxes, which should be placed in a dry, dark place. In a dry place so that they do not begin to rot, in a dark place so that they are not exposed to sun rays and did not dry out.

If the plants still dry out and become too fragile, they can be sprayed with water from a spray bottle and left for several hours.

Such methods of preparing natural materials not only keep children busy, but also develop patience and accuracy. And of course, nothing can replace the atmosphere for a child home warmth and comfort, like a family evening spent doing something creative together.

Now you know how to dry leaves and prepare flowers. It's time to move on to autumn crafts made from natural materials.

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Autumn leaves are the culmination of the season. Colorful leaves can be even more attractive than flowers. However, in order to decorate your home with fall foliage, you will first have to compress or preserve them. Luckily, it's extremely easy and there are 4 main ways to preserve and preserve the colors of fall leaves.

Selecting Leaves to Preserve

Whichever method you choose, your leaves will show their best qualities if you are guided the following recommendations when choosing them:

1. Choose leaves that are relatively flat and not curling.
2. Look for leaves that don't have spots or bumps.
3. Don't be afraid to use leaves in different stages of color change.
4. Leaves with low moisture content are best dried under pressure. More elastic leaves, like magnolia or rhododendron, are good candidates for glycerin or silica gel.
Selecting Leaves to Preserve exciting activity for children. And since they are closer to the ground, they often best review for selection.

Weight pressing is the easiest method for preserving autumn leaves.

Pressing fall leaves under weight is the easiest way to preserve them, but these leaves will not last as long as preserved leaves. To dry leaves using a press:

1. Select leaves that are relatively flat and thin, with low moisture content.
2. Place leaves between sheets of newspaper or wax paper.
Then pick up a few of your heaviest books and begin step two...

We weigh down the leaves

To prevent the leaves from curling, you need to apply significant weight.

1. Place the paper with leaves inside a thick book. You can also add some books or a rock on top for added weight.
2. Keep the book in a dry place and check after about a week. Make sure the leaves are dry and not rotten. You will probably need to weigh the leaves inside the book for another 1-2 weeks before they are completely dry and ready to use.

Tip: If you have thicker leaves, soak them in a diluted fabric softening solution before drying. Or try covering the surface with a thin layer of Vaseline.

Design ideas:
. Scatter the pressed leaves on shelves or tablecloths.
. Make an ikebana display by filling a basket with your pressed leaves.
. Pressed leaves can be used for table decoration. Make a composition of leaves on a table or tablecloth and cover the top with a transparent cloth or cellophane.

Preserving leaves in wax paper is a great activity for kids

Perhaps this is one of the few activities when children will be happy to pick up an iron.

1. Select thin leaves with low moisture content that have not yet begun to curl.
2. Make a “sandwich”: Place the leaves between two sheets of wax paper.
3. Cover your ironing area with a piece of old cloth so that you do not stain it with wax.
4. Place your sandwich on top of the old cloth.
5. Cover your sandwich with another piece of old cloth.
6. Heat the iron to maximum BUT do not use the steam setting.
7. Slowly move the iron back and forth over the fabric. Don't press too hard at first or you may move the leaves. Once the paper begins to seal, use the full weight of the iron and hold it for 4-5 seconds on each spot.
8. Lift the rag to check if the wax paper has melted and sealed. The leaves will be much more visible as the wax grows.
9. Allow the sandwich to cool, then cut out individual leaves. Leave a slight edge around the leaves to ensure the wax paper stays sealed.
These leaves can last for several months.

Design ideas:
. Waxed leaves are great for children to play with and can be used to make collages for hanging.
. Pin individual moldings to curtains or glue to lampshades for an autumnal feel.

Drying leaves in the microwave

Microwaves - excellent quick way save anything. You can use only the microwave, or speed up the process using silica gel, which will be discussed below.
1. Select leaves that still have freshness and moisture. DO NOT use dry fallen leaves.
2. Make a sandwich by placing individual sprigs or flat sprigs with leaves between two paper towels.
3. Place the sandwich on a tray and place in the oven.
4. Microwave for 30 seconds and then check the leaves. The thicker or more moisture-rich the leaves, the longer this will take you.
5. If the leaves are not yet dry, continue drying them at 30 second intervals and checking until the leaves are dry.

Warning: Leaves can catch fire, just like anything else that has been left in the microwave for long time. So keep watching. DO NOT wait for the leaves to crumble or curl. They can retain heat and continue to dry for a few seconds outside the microwave if you don't want to dry them out.

Using silica gel to preserve autumn leaves

Silica gel is a white salt-like powder that you can find in small packets in shoes. Silica gel perfectly absorbs moisture and significantly speeds up the drying process. You can buy a package of silica gel at any craft store, or you can collect and save small packages you see around.

1. Select leaves that are still moist and flexible. Silica gel allows you to dry thicker leaves too.
2. Spread about 2-3 cm of silica gel on the bottom of a microwave-safe dish.
3. Place the leaves on top of the silica gel layer, leaving space between them and up to the edges of the dish.
4. Completely cover the leaves with another layer of silica gel.
5. Place the uncovered dish in the microwave and turn it on medium power for about 2 minutes. It is very difficult to determine a specific drying time, as it depends on the size of the dish, the number of leaves, the amount of silica gel and the power of your oven. It is better to periodically check the condition of the leaves at short intervals.
In my experience, 3-4 sheets on an 8 x 8 dish with 3-4 cups of silica gel takes about 2 minutes on medium power.
6. Let cool and remove the leaves.

Tip: Leaves will last longer if they are coated with an additional layer of acrylic resin.

Ideas for Use: These leaves are the same as press dried leaves and can be strung or arranged for fall arrangements.

Using Glycerin to Preserve Leaves

Preserving the leaves with glycerin is the best way to maintain their elasticity, and they can remain in this state for several years. You can save individual leaves or even entire small branches this way.

The most difficult part of the process is purchasing glycerin. Glycerin is very hard to find these days. Sometimes it is found in stores on the shelves next to hand lotion. You'll have to search. You can also ask pharmacies.

To save individual leaves

1. On a flat tray, make a solution of one part glycerin and two parts water.
2. Place your leaves in the solution.
3. Cover your leaves with another dish so that they are completely submerged in the solution, as shown next.

Leaves in glycerin solution

Placing a smaller dish on top of the leaves will help them submerge well in the solution. This also means that you can use less solution.

Start checking in 2-3 days. The leaves should become soft and pliable. If the leaves still feel dry to the touch, leave them in the solution for another 2-3 days.

When they are saturated, remove them from the solution and wipe away any stains.

Preservation of small twigs in glycerin solution:

1. Cut off small branches with leaves and immediately immerse the stems in a container of warm water. Let them sit there for about 2 hours, away from direct sunlight.
2. Make a solution of 1 part glycerin with 2 parts water and bring it to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer it over low heat for 5-10 minutes.
3. Allow the solution to cool completely.
4. Remove the branches from the container with water, and break their ends with a hammer so that a larger surface can absorb the solution.
5. Place the branches in a solution with glycerin. Keep away from direct sunlight and other heat sources until small drops of dew appear on the leaves. This means that the leaves have absorbed everything they can.
6. Remove the twigs and dry the leaves.
7. Hang the branches with their leaves down to dry.

Design ideas: Glycerin leaves can be used in all kinds of creativity. They are especially suitable for wreaths and garlands, as well as table decorations, napkin rings and large dishes.

Preservation of pressed and preserved leaves

No method will allow you to use the leaves forever. Even leaves sealed in wax paper will dry out and crumble over time. If you want to extend the life of your masterpieces for a slightly longer period, use a variety of floral preservatives.

And of course, next year there will be different leaves, and every year your skill and creativity will only develop.

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Dried leaves are sometimes an indispensable component of crafts or a memory in the form of a herbarium. A variety of are made from them, and they can also be used in the interior. Some of them can be used to flavor tea. There are several ways to dry leaves.

Dry leaves for crafts

1. If you need voluminous leaves, for example, for a bouquet, they need to be laid out in the sun one at a time or combined into bunches. In this case, the edges of the leaves may curl slightly. If you want to achieve a rich color, you should avoid direct sunlight. To speed up the process you can use warm air from a hairdryer.
2. Leaves, previously covered with paper towels, are placed between the sheets of the book. Wet leaves should first be removed from moisture by blotting with a towel. It is important that there must be a distance of at least three mm between the leaves, otherwise the weight will be insufficient. The book of dried plants should be checked every week.
3. There is a special device - a flower press. Leaves placed in it, thanks to the free passage of air, dry quickly. You can either buy it or make it yourself. The leaves are separated with paper towels and placed under a press. As the towels get wet, they need to be changed.
4. Large leaves Dries well in the microwave. To do this, place a cup of water in it and the sheet itself, wrapped in paper towels, on a plate. You need to dry for 10 seconds, checking the condition of the plant each time.
5. The brightness of fresh leaves can be preserved by drying them with an iron. Each sheet is wrapped in wax paper and covered with a towel on top. Iron each side for about two minutes.
6. A solution of water and glycerin will help maintain the texture of the leaves, but will give them a brown color. The leaf is placed in this solution for several days. After keeping it for a couple of weeks, the leaf will remain forever.

Tea leaves

1. Fresh herbs must be thoroughly washed and dried on a towel.
2. Microwave drying is suitable for instant results. The leaves are placed between paper towels and dried for 30 seconds. This method will not work with juicy greens.
3. Plants with hard leaves are best dried. Hanging small bunches in a dark room. All the moisture will have time to evaporate from them. Before drying, it is better to place small greens in a paper bag with a prepared hole.
4. Fleshy leaves need to be dried quickly, as they tend to mold. To do this, paper towels and leaves are placed sequentially in the microwave in several layers. Plants should not touch each other.
5. Dried leaves store well in airtight containers. They can be crushed first. They are perfect as a seasoning or addition to tea.

Leaf skeleton

1. You need to choose leaves with pronounced veins.
2. Pour water into the pan. For safety, you must use gloves, and at the end, rinse all tools with running water.
3. Table salt added to the water will gradually soften the leaf, leaving the stem with veins. It can be replaced with soda ash. You will need 30 grams.
4. Leaves are placed in the prepared solution.
5. You can simmer the leaves over low heat or first bring to a boil and then reduce the temperature.
6. Leaves should be simmered over low heat until they completely disintegrate. As the water evaporates, it needs to be added.
7. The finished leaves are carefully placed in a container with cold water. They should not touch each other.
8. The pulp is carefully removed from the leaf with a stiff brush. If necessary, it can be washed with running water.
9. All dishes must be washed well with soapy water.
10. The resulting leaf skeleton can be dried using any in an accessible way(spread on paper towels, between the pages of books or under a press).

Dried leaves can easily be used. And the use simple ways will turn a boring activity into an exciting pastime.

Beautiful leaves are the highlight of this season. Some autumn foliage looks more beautiful than summer flowers, because it is filled with vibrant, genuine colors. But to preserve this beauty, you will have to make efforts.

You can choose foliage with your children, brothers, sisters, and then create a beautiful family bouquet. When looking for materials for crafts, follow these recommendations:

  • choose flat, non-curled specimens without streaks or bumps;
  • collect leaves different colors, don’t get hung up on one tone, otherwise your autumn bouquet will be boring;
  • Dry wet leaves under pressure, otherwise they will not be preserved;
  • leaves that accumulate less moisture can be preserved using glycerin or silica gel.

How to preserve autumn leaves for a long time

There are several ways to preserve seasonal beauty.


Compressing foliage is the easiest way, but the result will not last as long as we would like. After it, the foliage often loses its shape, and then quickly dries out if it is not constantly under pressure. However, it is one of the most common ways to save autumn beauty. How to dry leaves under a press:

  1. Select dry flat leaves.
  2. Place them between newspapers or waterproof wax paper - a layer of wax will seal the cracks and make the leaves smooth.
  3. Take a couple of heavy books and put paper in the middle. The heavy weight will prevent the herbarium from curling.
  4. Place more heavy books or any other weight on top.
  5. Leave the book in a cool, dry place. After a week, check the leaves - they should dry out, but if something goes wrong, all that remains is rotten beauty. If nothing happens to the leaves during this time, keep them under pressure for as long as possible.

After pressing, the foliage can be used to design a room or decorate furniture by placing the dried branches on interior items and then covering them with a transparent cloth. This decor will make the apartment even more comfortable.

Application of silica gel

Silica gel is a powder white, which is used to dry shoes. It resembles salt and can often be found in shoe boxes. Silica gel removes moisture, so it helps a lot when drying shoes. The powder can be purchased at any craft or hardware store.

Silica gel is a powerful thing; it can handle even thick wreaths. Therefore, in order for the craft to be stored for a long time, the composition should be preserved in this way. The drying process using this method consists of several stages:

  1. Select moist, resilient specimens.
  2. Sprinkle a 3cm layer of silica gel on the bottom of a heavy-duty microwave-safe dish.
  3. Put yellow leaves on top, leave some free space.
  4. Cover the material completely with another layer of powder.
  5. Microwave the dish on medium power, uncovered, for about 2 minutes.
  6. Check the leaves periodically. When they are dried, take them out and let them cool.

Use of glycerin solution

Marinating in glycerin is one of the best methods preservation of the herbarium. When using this liquid, the foliage remains flexible and soft for several years. This way you can save not only leaves, but also entire small branches.

  1. Make a one to two solution of glycerin and water, pour into a flat tray.
  2. Place everything in the glycerin mixture and then cover with another dish. Allow the herbarium to be completely submerged in the solution.
  3. Leave the leaves to soak in glycerin. Check every 2-3 days to ensure they are soft and firm.
  4. After filling the herbarium with glycerin, you need to remove it and wipe off the remains.

After the glycerin solution, the foliage can also be used for wreaths or garlands. With their help, you can transform the interior of the table, make rings for napkins and dishes.

The methods that we described above have one significant drawback - in pursuit of storage time during drying, you can deprive the bouquet of the beauty that you were trying to preserve. The probability of such an outcome is small, but it still exists.

  1. Select fresh, damp maple leaves and place them between two paper towels.
  2. Place this “sandwich” on a microwave-safe tray.
  3. Place in the microwave and turn it on at medium power.
  4. Check the herbarium every 30-60 seconds. With high humidity and thickness, this process will take longer.

If too much time passes, the leaves may ignite and burst into flames, so you need to keep a close eye on them and don't wait for them to crumble and shrink. Only you can protect the leaves from drying out and the house from fire.