How to make a half-hip roof truss system - possible work options. The truss system of a semi-hip roof is a difficult installation, but an excellent result! Mansard semi-hip

Half-hip type roofs perfectly resist strong winds due to the fact that they do not have in their design sharp corners. At the same time, they are characterized by an attractive view from an architectural point of view.

If you plan to simultaneously get a reliable roofing system and a spacious attic room, pay attention to the half-hip gable roofs(see photo). The design of their truss system will protect your home from serious wind loads, as well as from the effects of various precipitation. These advantages have led to the demand for half-hip roofing solutions among owners of private houses.

A feature of any semi-hip design, which is noticeable even to non-professionals, is the presence of a pediment with a trapezoidal shape in it. The roof hips adjoin this trapezoid, giving the whole system a recognizable and very elegant look. In addition, the photos provided show that at the ends such a gable system necessarily has overhangs, the parameters of which may be different.

Half-hipped roof structure

For areas with relatively mild climatic conditions, the overhangs of half-hip roofs are made pronounced, and the slope of the slopes is relatively small. For areas where winters “please” people with tangible winds and a lot of snow, the overhangs are smaller, and the slopes are really steep.

A gable half-hip roof is equipped more often when a person plans to receive comfortable attic on the site of an unused and uninhabited attic space.

truss system hip roof

Also, this truss system is suitable for additionally strengthening high gables of buildings with a low level of stability. In this case, its installation guarantees the reliability of the roof under strong climatic loads.

The one that interests us also has some disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Firstly, the process of designing and installing such structures is quite complicated. Secondly, half-hip requires a lot of consumables. Moreover, you have to use a wide variety of elements - struts, struts, intermediate rafters, ribs, sprigs, stops of various configurations, valleys and other components.

The installation of the structure in question should begin with the installation of the Mauerlat. It is needed so that the walls (their upper planes) evenly perceive the loads that the truss system transfers to them. The wooden beam used for mounting the Mauerlat must be sufficiently high (12–15 cm) and wide (at least 15 cm). Laying of this beam is carried out on waterproofing roll type. Then the Mauerlat is attached to the wall:

  • with pins when we are talking about a brick wall;
  • staples if the surface is made of wood.

Studs are made of bars (steel, metal) with a cross section of at least 1 cm. They are mounted in a reinforced concrete belt, erected specifically for this purpose on brickwork walls. Moreover, this operation is performed so that the studs are located between the rafters. The step between the fasteners is 120 cm.

Mauerlat installation

After mounting the Mauerlat, the free end of the stud should be characterized by an indicator of several centimeters (2-3). Note - antiseptic formulations applied to the beam in advance (before the start installation work). It is also necessary to drill holes in the Mauerlat in advance for fasteners.

After you have successfully installed and secured the Mauerlat, you can proceed with the installation of the ridge and ridge racks. The latter should be placed strictly vertically (adjustment for deviations from the vertical is made using a conventional plumb line).

The next stage of the installation of a half-hip roof is to install diagonal rafters (the pros call them slanting), which serve to connect the corners of the building with the ends of the ridge. These elements perceive high loads and are characterized by a longer length compared to conventional rafters. For them to be able to effectively perform their function, you need to double their cross-sectional area. It is not difficult to do this by fastening two beams or boards into one whole, from which standard rafters were made.

Semi-hipped roof construction

Now you can mount outdoor truss elements (they are supported by rafters). They must be based on different points on diagonal products, which ensures optimal load distribution on the half-hipped roof structure.

Sloping rafters are fixed with struts or posts that abut against beams or floor slabs. It is possible to increase the level of their resistance to wind loads by means of crutches designed to further strengthen the diagonal rafters. The crutches are driven into the wall, and the rafters are connected to them by means of wire twists.

A well-made truss system requires the installation of a crate on it, which is laid on the fixed truss elements described above and shown in the photo. Then measures for vapor barrier are carried out. They should be carried out from foil-coated aluminum film material, which is not afraid of corrosive effects. It is placed foil down on the lower plane of the rafters and fixed with a stapler for construction work.

Installation of a semi-hip roof lathing

At the last stages of installation, we perform the following activities:

  • We insulate the structure with mineral wool material. It is placed between the truss elements in even layers. Be careful not to wrinkle the cotton during installation. It is best if you manage to lay it with a little tension.
  • We make waterproofing of the truss system. For these purposes, roofing material is usually used.

Waterproofing the truss system of a semi-hipped roof

The final installation work is the laying of the roofing. Remember - there must be a small gap between the roofing and the waterproofing layer. It will provide effective ventilation of the space under the roof and increase the life of the entire structure. And do not forget that without exception, all parts of the truss system should be carefully treated with fire-fighting and antiseptic agents before installation.

One of the spectacular and reliable roof structures is the half-hip. It is characterized by a large number of features and advantages, but also disadvantages are not excluded. There are a considerable number of varieties of half-hip roofing, which are recommended to be studied before proceeding with installation.

What is a half hip roof

This type of roof is considered a subspecies of the hip. There are two types of slopes in the half-hip: trapezoidal and triangular (isosceles). The half-hip design is called so because it has inferior triangular slopes. They are shortened by the gables of the house.

The pediment itself is the main element of the half-hip and is built first. The pediment can be a wall or built as a frame that is part of the roof.

Gables made of bricks or blocks are considered more reliable. In addition, they are able to perform the functions of the load-bearing walls of the attic.

The shape of the semi-hip roof mainly depends on the climatic features of the area. During the design phase of the half hip, climate plays the most important role. For regions where precipitation is typical in winter a large number rainfall, half-hip slopes are made as steep as possible. Their slope is 60 degrees or more. The overhangs of the slopes, on the contrary, should be short in order to prevent the accumulation of a large amount of snow on them.

If a house with a half-hip is located in a region where mild winters with a small amount of precipitation, it is allowed to create a roof with a minimum slope.

Advantages and disadvantages

A half-hip structure cannot be called simple, both from the standpoint of calculations and design, and from the side of installation. However, it is precisely due to its complexity and features that the half-hip has many advantages in comparison with other types of roofing:

  • It is possible to organize an additional room (attic), due to the height of the structure, as there is a large space under it.
  • Considering that such a roof has a pediment, it ends up being warmer, especially if the pediment is made of blocks or bricks.
  • The presence of a pediment also allows you to install windows or doors to exit to a loggia or balcony.
  • Due to the smaller area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes compared to conventional hip roof th, the cost of the entire structure is reduced.

The only negative that is distinguished from the half-hip is the complexity of installation. For its construction, a large number of different elements, fasteners and wood material to create rafters. Without certain skills and experience in design and assembly, it is almost impossible to build such a kind of roof.

What is the construction

Like all roofs, it has the appearance of a pie, consisting of various materials. Basically, the construction of a half-hipped roof consists of the following elements:

  • roofing material, for example, metal tiles;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • counterlattice;
  • crate;
  • insulation material that is installed between the rafters;
  • initial crate;
  • eaves plank;
  • vapor barrier;
  • truss system.

Depending on whether the dwelling is under a half-hip roof or not, the most suitable materials for the pie. Residential requires the use of good insulation and waterproofing to create a comfortable microclimate in the attic.

truss system

There are two varieties of the half-hip truss system. It depends on the materials used in the construction. There are hanging or layered rafter legs. The main elements that distinguish half-hips in the truss system:

  • Rafter. They are attached to the Mauerlat and the ridge, located perpendicular to both of them. Similar to the rafters of a conventional roof with two slopes. The length is equal to the shortest distance from the ridge to the wall of the building.
  • Diagonal rafters. They are attached at the corner points of the roof structure and form a half-hip. They are lateral faces of isosceles triangles. The difference from the diagonal variety of similar elements is only in length. In the half-hip variety of the roof, the diagonal rafters are short and do not even reach the middle of the slope.
  • Sprockets, another name for half-legs. Attached to diagonal rafters and mauerlat, creating a strong connection.
  • Supports. Are established on each beam of overlapping.
  • Skate beam.
  • Side runs. If the roof area is small, then these elements may be absent.
  • Additional auxiliary elements that are installed to give reliability and stability, for example, braces, crossbars, beds.

If the construction uses layered rafters, then such elements are supported by the walls of the house or support posts installed on the floor beams. Hanging rafters do not have intermediate supports.


In addition to the fact that the half-hip is divided into two-slope and four-slope (Dutch and Danish), several more varieties of this design can be distinguished.

Double pitched hipped roof

The standard version is double. This design of the roof allows you to build an attic or attic under it. The design can be supported by two triangular slopes on the gables. In another way, this variety is called the Dutch half-hip. There are a lot of options for its construction, but their common feature is that the roof has bevels on only two sides.

Half-hipped sloping roof

Differs in the presence of kinks on the sides of the structure. The kinks provide high ceilings. In most cases, it is much higher than the usual gable roof. The latter, if it has a steep slope, becomes too vulnerable to wind loading. For this reason, the broken half-hipped roof has a serious fracture of the slopes, and only the upper part of the structure remains vulnerable to wind loads.

The lower part is sharply directed downwards, which makes the roof more reliable. The construction and design of a sloping roof requires compliance with strict proportions of the elements among themselves, otherwise a half-hip of this variety will be unreliable.

Half hip roof with attic

It is a structure, which is formed from two gentle slopes, closing at the top and two more steep slopes that continue the first ones. Due to this form, it becomes possible to use the attic space and turn it into a living room. For construction mansard roof hanging rafters are used, which provide a void in the middle part of the room.

Half hip roof with gables

This design is mainly used when they want to build a dwelling or attic under the roof. In most cases, preference is given to designs in which the pediment is made of blocks or bricks. But there is also a kind of half-hip roof, where the pediment is made of a wooden frame.

It is made depending on the shape of the gable wall, which in most cases is a trapezoid. The gable support posts are attached to the Mauerlat and the supporting side wall of the building. From above, a beam or board is attached. The racks of the pediment are tied with jibs, then sheathing is carried out using boards or plywood. The main part of the semi-hip roof structure is built based on such a pediment.

Stages of assembling a semi-hip roof

If the pediments have already been built, for example, from bricks or blocks, the installation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Mauerlat installation. A Mauerlat is attached to the outer (front and back) walls. To do this, use a beam, the minimum section of which is 100 x 15 mm. Install such a beam to the reinforcing belt with steel frame from fittings. Studs are used for fastening, keeping the distance between the fasteners 1-1.2 m.
  2. Then proceed to the installation of the ridge run, using for this purpose a bar with a section of 100x100 mm. The length of the ridge run should be 3-4 m less than the span of the building. Install it on support racks or to a load-bearing wall inside the room. You can also install it on floor beams or slabs. It is important to achieve maximum level structural strength.
  3. A ridge beam is installed on the racks, which is fixed with steel corners and self-tapping screws. At this stage, it is important to observe the position of the beam, it should be fixed strictly horizontally.
  4. Next, install the diagonal rafters. They have support in the edge of the ridge run and gables. With the help of diagonal rafters, the slopes are separated from each other.
  5. Proceed to the installation of the main rafters, which form the slopes of a trapezoidal shape. Their upper edges are supported in a ridge beam, the lower ones in a Mauerlat.
  6. Install the fixtures. They are short rafters that are attached to diagonal ribs from above.
  7. Final stage- filling the slopes of a triangular shape. The rafters are mounted, which rest against the ridge run and against the overlays.

The construction of a half-hip roof is a rather difficult task, but if you study all the nuances and design features, this will make the task much easier. All the points that you will encounter during the installation of a semi-hip roof are recommended to be thought out in advance, at the design stage. It is better if the process is led by an experienced builder who will control the reliability of the structure.

Covering the upper part of the house cannot be assessed purely utilitarian. In fact, this element has an important decorative value, because the impression received by people, including the owners themselves, depends on it. original solution often becomes a half-hipped roof.


The half-hip roof is sometimes also called Dutch, which directly indicates its origin. That is why the main property of the protective structure is the combination of an elegant appearance with the ability to carry a significant wind load. It should be remembered that the half-hip roof is quite complex in design. Designing it, and then mounting it, will not be easy.

To a large extent, this "pays off" by combining the positive characteristics of gable, tent and hip structures.

The configuration of the pediments is close to the trapezium formed by the hip elements, which allows you to achieve several positive points at once:

  • good aerodynamics (streamlined);
  • excellent resistance to strong winds - this is important not only in open places, but also near rivers, in the foothills and mountains;
  • increasing the efficiency of using attics;
  • the ability to change the angle at which the slopes are tilted;
  • pleasant appearance.

But we must not forget that the half-hip roof is not so easy to make - you can make it yourself only with the assistance of professional craftsmen and under their direct guidance. The amount of materials spent increases significantly compared to other options. The reason lies in the complexity of the geometry and the weight of the structures - you will have to carefully calculate all the loads and provide for each part the ability to resist them.

Construction types

The gable truss system includes, first of all, a Mauerlat - a beam in the form of a square, which helps to distribute the weight load along the wall and translate it into the foundation. Beds, ridge runs, diagonal legs, ordinary rafters, fillies and a number of other elements are also used. When choosing a hanging contour, the frame of the house does not have a single load-bearing partition. The support of the rafters is made only over the run of the ridge and over the Mauerlat. The rest of the time there is no support.

Extended heavy legs push the walls of the house to the side, so they must be compensated for by crossbars, puffs, attendants and struts. There is another device - a layered one, which is used when at least one load-bearing wall is located within the perimeter of the building. Then it will become a good base for holding the rafters. Since the energy directed to the sides is reduced, no additional weight is required, therefore, reducing the number of support parts will not affect the stability of the system.

Roofing specialists indicate that, whenever possible, a layered type of construction is preferable and more reliable.

There is the so-called Danish variety, which is equipped with a triangular block in the upper lobe of the butt. The lower line of the triangle is in close contact with the vertical pediments, built in the form of trapezoids. The line of contact forms a convex angle.

The difference from a simple hip design is that the slopes of the ends are shorter.

It is important to know that any half-hip roof, no matter how it is formally called, will actually be four-pitched, since the division is only conditional. If it is called that, then unlike the gable version, the end slopes are not led from the skates, but from the central points of the side slopes. They necessarily reach the cornice overhangs.

Half-hip gable roofs in a one-story house are distinguished by the fact that they make it easy to create an attic. If you use a four-slope design of a full-fledged sample, then the attic should be equipped with a very high window. In addition, it will not work to put a balcony at the end.


Pairing boards is a great practice that allows you to get a large block from even small elements and make, for example, a part 9 meters wide or more. When calculating the allowable and justified length, width or thickness of the board, a balance must be struck between strength and the resulting load, because a strong structure is inevitably heavier. The smallest section that is considered acceptable according to technical requirements, this is 5x15 cm. It is worth using it in order to save money when constructing buildings of a secondary row.

When constructing spans of great length, it is worth choosing boards of 15x15 or even 25x10 cm for rafters. An even larger section is justified only for very large-scale roofs (for example, on apartment building, over a solid trading pavilion and similar buildings). Regulatory parameters may be useful, but they do not reflect the climatic specificity of certain areas.

Therefore, professional builders unequivocally agree that calculations should be carried out every time a new structure is created.

The optimal thickness of the boards for the formation of rafters ranges from 40 to 60 mm. When building a roof over household structures of secondary importance, it is allowed to save money using a tree 35 mm thick. But over residential buildings it is recommended to install solid rafters from boards with a minimum thickness of 50 mm. When the board is lengthened, its required width also increases.

The most accurate calculations are made using special software.

Materials and tools

It is not enough just to pick up boards for rafters - to build a half-hip roof on a log or other house competently and in a short time will not work if you do not use the right materials. The choice of thermal insulation, vapor barrier and means of protection from precipitation and wind is largely individual - it must be consistent with both the warm or cold scheme of arrangement, and with the type of front material, with the order of its use. Therefore, it is on it that you should focus.

Metal tiles should have a lower slope of 150 mm, and if it does not exceed 200 mm, then the joints will have to be carefully sealed.

The roof of this type is fastened using self-tapping screws equipped with rubber gaskets. Attaching a metal tile to the base is quite simple, and its mass is relatively small. Requirements for transportation, loading and unloading are quite gentle, the cost of the material is low. However, one has to reckon with a significant amount of waste during operation and with the need to mount reinforced noise protection from below.

When choosing profile decking, a roof slope of at least 100 mm is required.

It is necessary to fix this material with the help of 6-8 self-tapping screws per 1 sq. m. Installation of a profile flooring on the previous rolled material is allowed. The advantages of the coating are a long service life, bending strength and low price. But you have to reckon with the fact that the roof can become very noisy if you do not take care of soundproofing.

Ondulin is good where required:

  • excellent hygienic and environmental quality of the coating;
  • ease of cutting;
  • strength;
  • ease of transportation;
  • no noise during operation;
  • comfortable cost.

But it is important to remember about its shortcomings: ignition when heated above 110 degrees, the likelihood of paint fading, the danger of moss overgrowing insufficiently lit areas. Cheap and long-serving slate is suitable for roof slopes from 12 to 600 mm, an overlap of 1 or 2 waves is a prerequisite.

A crate is mounted from below, for which square bars are used. When taking a reinforced profile slate, the supporting structures should also become thicker.

You will definitely need a lining layer (roofing material, glassine) and an additional soft material under all nails.

It should be remembered that asbestos present in the composition of slate can adversely affect human health. Moreover, even the best varieties slates are very fragile, they can absorb moisture and become covered with moss, lichens. Steel seam roofs are durable, outwardly beautiful and can work for a long time. But they easily pass the cold, which raises the bar for the quality of thermal insulation. The fixing of the "pictures" on the crate is carried out using thin steel clamps.

Regardless of which of these materials and constructions is chosen, it is desirable to work in the same way as professional builders. And this means, among other things, the mandatory purchase of only such materials, components and fasteners that meet the requirements of the state standard.

When working on the installation of roofing materials with your own hands, you will need:

  • construction knife;
  • strong hammer;
  • cord (lines are aligned along it);
  • building level;

  • saw on a tree of medium size;
  • stapler for attaching insulating sheets;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers.

How to make your own?

Project options. The differences between the specific versions of the hip roof are due to the angle of placement of the short hip in relation to the walls of the gables. It can be both convex and concave, there is an upper or lower placement of a half hip. The drawings of the Dutch half-hip roofs clearly show that the half-hip is placed below. The upper side of the trapezoid stretches parallel to the vertical triangle, which can be either monolithic or with an addition in the form of a dormer window.

The Danish type of roof implies that the half-hip is made in the form of a triangle. The support for it is a vertical pediment in the form of a trapezoid. The whole structure together forms a convex angle.

The difference from a simple hip roof is that the end slopes are shortened.

It is not necessary to be limited to the classic options - there are four-pitched structures, each side of which belongs to the Danish or Dutch group. There are also buildings in which a hip of a shorter length is placed from one end or from one side.

Regardless of the approach chosen, there will be some rafter legs that are installed in a hanging or layered pattern. It is necessary to carry out a suspended structure where the box does not have load-bearing walls inside.

It is also appropriate in a situation where it is not possible to put the supports of the ridge runs.

In both cases, the heels rest:

  • in Mauerlat;
  • in the upper crown of the log house, used instead of it;
  • into floor beams.

It is quite common to see the development of the Dutch format in one way or another. An example is a design that resembles a postal envelope, but differs from it in the projection of the hip contours. The Danish "broken" system is more complicated and more expensive than the classic half-hip roof. During the preparation of projects, it is by no means necessary to carefully calculate each element - experienced builders and architects recommend limiting themselves to calculating the longest part, while all others do the same or slightly smaller dimensions.

Construction guide. Any step-by-step instruction for the construction of a half-hip roof with your own hands implies that by the beginning of work all the necessary calculations have already been carried out and drawings have been drawn up, because both are necessary for the selection of materials and assessment of their quantity. Mauerlat is made unlike a classic wood frame.

The beam is laid in the form of separate strips:

  • the first - flush with the wrong side of the facade walls;
  • the second - in the middle of the inner supporting wall;
  • the third - flush with the inner planes of the gables.

Then comes the turn of the floor beams, laid out at right angles to the Mauerlat beam of the key walls. If it is required to join two bars together, then the weakest position in their connection is brought up from the inner supporting wall. When installing supports that hold the ridge run on the same inner wall, it is very important to estimate the distance from one peripheral post to another, since the length of the key roof fragment depends on it. Ordinary racks are bred at equal distances from each other - the uniform distribution of the resulting load depends on this.

It is important to know that before fixing, you need to control the support lines with a plumb line or a laser meter.

Exposing auxiliary jibs helps to eliminate the distortion of the positions of the racks after measurement. They are removed as soon as the final fixation is made. After it comes the turn of the installation of the rafters of the main slopes (their ordinary legs), for which they choose a suspended or layered technique. It is worth remembering that in many of the figures that can be found on the Internet or in special manuals, floor beams are not displayed in order to simplify the presentation of information. In fact, of course, you can’t do without overlap.

The rafters running diagonally are designed to connect the edges of the skates with the corner points of the gables. First, a fragment of the board is placed flush with the outer side of the Mauerlat, the dimensions of which are 5x15 cm. This part is lightly pressed against the base with nails so that it does not change its position and does not fall during further manipulations. This approach allows you to quickly determine exactly where the cutting points should be. Then they take a board (size is not important), which is placed on top of 3 or 4 ordinary rafters, as long as the parallel is observed with respect to the run.

The landmark must be checked: whether it is horizontal to the required degree. Then the board is pulled up to the nailed area. At the intersection, they find a point from which they draw a line for washing down. The diagonal block itself is tried on, applied to the upper point of the peripheral truss truss and to the corners of the trimmings.

Then the upper cut is measured, and the required distance is set aside, counting from the pediment Mauerlat in 4 places. At the same time, the imaginary contours of the board are duplicated. Washdowns on marks are carried out only on a solid basis. If there are no serious problems, then you can immediately proceed to next step work. The heel of the leg of the rafters, running diagonally, rises above the Mauerlat by a carefully measured distance (it is counted from the top point of the skates).

The reference point is the construction cord. The middle leg of the half-hip is placed only after measuring the angle separating the lace from the support post, as well as the junction angle of the diagonal parts, with a goniometer. The blank is tried on again, the result is transferred down to determine how deep to make the lower cut and how to make a wash down there. The spears filling the hip slopes are prepared according to the usual method, but adjusted for the dimensions and installation conditions.

When all the rafter legs (long and short) are ready, you will need:

  • mount the filly of the gables to make the overhangs of the ends;
  • put wind boards around the perimeter of the roof;
  • build up diagonal parts with a board of the same size.

Another option is this:

  • Mauerlat flooring on the walls of the outer perimeter and gables;
  • laying out the bed over the load-bearing partition in the house;
  • fixing the bed with brackets (bolts) in wooden buildings using a screed reinforced with studs in concrete and brick structures;
  • to protect against moisture, the gap between the main wall and the supporting beam is filled with roofing material;
  • inner beds equip uprights, connected through the run of the ridge, all angles are measured repeatedly to eliminate the slightest error;
  • put rafter legs of an ordinary level with a distance of 0.6 or 1.2 m;

  • fixing diagonally running structures from above with nails, from below - with steel corners;
  • flooring of the sprigs with cuts from below for the Mauerlat, the length is calculated with a reserve for the overhang;
  • placement of cornice fillies, wind boards and drain holders;
  • preparation of lathing and waterproofing;
  • cutting and laying of roofing material with an incursion of strips or sheets from 100 to 150 mm;
  • completion of drainage work.

When the outside work is finished, the inside work begins. The half-hip roof must be insulated and sheathed decorative materials. After finishing, you only need to monitor the actual condition and timely repair problem areas. Any, even the most weak spots leaks and passage of cold air must be repaired immediately. Compliance with these principles allows you to operate the roof for a long time, but only if it is done correctly.

It is worth mentioning separately the safety measures during the construction of a half-hipped roof. It will be necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the manufacturers of materials and tools when storing, moving and lifting up. All work is carried out exclusively in calm or light wind, in clear, dry weather. Before starting work, inspect all tools every time.

Do not work in poor visibility or without protective gloves.

Calculations. In addition to choosing a semi-hip roof scheme, it must be carefully calculated. This stage is not passed by any developer.

To simplify the calculations, the treated surface is conditionally divided into figures. The Dutch formation is characterized by division into rectangles and trapezoids. First calculate the area of ​​​​the slopes, and then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe triangular parts.

If a Danish roof is performed, then a division is made into a rectangle and a series of triangles. Then the hip slopes are calculated and the figure is doubled. The results obtained are summarized. It is important to take into account that slightest mistake can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, saving on the services of professionals even at the design stage is stupid and irrational.

Beautiful examples of private houses

The half-hipped type of roof looks really beautiful and unusual and can be very diverse in appearance. The photo below shows just such an example. Shiny, even sparkling in the sun, the metal tile, laid out in a bizarre geometric pattern, is in perfect harmony with the light brick walls, which do not create such a dazzling look. There is another option, with an attic - here they are already going for interesting color experiments: this roof is purposefully designed to look like rusty metal.

Sometimes architects go even further. Here is an example of a radical approach: a black, as if worn and worn, half-hip roof with white inclusions in various places. From the side, it looks like it was not installed firmly on the rafters, but simply put on top, like a hat. The pinkish brick walls complete the ensemble and create an interesting contrast. In the roof itself, two relatively small windows used to illuminate the attic space.

For information on how to quickly and efficiently make washed down rafters on a hip roof, see the video below.

The truss system is, one might say, the most important component of the roof. It is this system that is the framework for all other elements. In any truss system there are basic components. They are present in any similar design. But the very layout of the rafters, struts and other elements can be different. It all depends on the type of roof. And what is the truss system of a semi-hip roof? What are its features and how to build it? About this and will be discussed in the article.


The truss system of a semi-hipped roof is a rather complex structure. It may not work to build it with your own hands, without the help of professionals. But before proceeding to the study of the nuances of its construction, you should deal with the type of roof itself. The half-hip design can be made in two forms, namely:

There are other types of half-hip roofs. Their designs can combine Dutch and Danish styles. But in any case, the design and installation of a half-hip roof truss system is a rather difficult job.

Advantages and disadvantages

The half-hipped roof is not used so often. First of all, this is due to the rather complex truss system. Most often, the construction of such a structure is trusted professional builders. If you do not have the proper experience in carpentry, then it is better not to choose a half-hip roof for your home.

In addition, financial costs increase significantly. Rafters and other elements will need more. In addition, they have different sizes. All this significantly increases the cost of the project.

But the half-hipped roof has its advantages. These experts include the following:

  • Firstly, under such a roof you can place a living space. There will be plenty of space on the attic floor;
  • secondly, the appearance of the semi-hip roof is very attractive. This design will become a real decoration of your home;
  • also such a roof is a good protection against precipitation. Regardless of the angle of inclination of the slope, snow, as a rule, practically does not accumulate on them. And this means that the operation of the roof will not require much effort from you;
  • Another advantage is heat saving. The semi-valm prevents the cold from penetrating inside, which will help reduce heating costs attic floor;
  • a half-hipped roof can withstand even very strong winds. Of course, much will depend on the quality of the materials used in the construction, the accuracy of the calculations and the correct construction of the truss system.

Therefore, if you have experience in carpentry, and you are sure that you can handle the complex structure of the truss system, then this roof option is quite suitable for you.

Any business, especially if it concerns construction, must begin with planning. First of all, you should draw up a diagram. The truss system of a semi-hipped roof has a rather complex device. But at the same time, drawing up its scheme does not differ much from the same work in the construction of other types of roofs.

First of all, you need to do the calculations. You need to decide on the following parameters:

When calculating the angle of inclination of the slope, it is also important to consider what kind of roofing material your half-hip roof will be covered with. Each manufacturer specifies their optimal parameters, under which their products will work most efficiently.

When calculating the load, first of all, the amount of snow cover is taken into account. In addition, the effect of the wind must also be taken into account. This type of load depends not only on the weather conditions in your area, but also on the angle of inclination of the slope of the half-hip roof, and the weight of all materials that will be used in construction should also be taken into account.

After all the preliminary calculations, a drawing of the half-hip roof truss system is drawn up. It indicates the location of all structural elements, it is better that it be more accurate and detailed. In this case, the installation of the half-hip roof truss system will be easier and without errors.

This work requires knowledge of many nuances. Therefore, most often it is trusted by professionals. But if you want to do everything yourself, then you can use special programs or online calculators, we also recommend reading: calculation of the truss system.

The nuances of the construction of the Dutch version

The device of the truss system of a semi-hip roof, as mentioned earlier, is quite difficult. Therefore, starting the construction, you should first get acquainted with all the nuances of the upcoming work. If you decide to use a Dutch-type semi-hip roof, then the installation of the truss system is carried out as follows:

If we are talking about the Danish version of the half-hip roof, then there are no big differences in the installation of the truss system. But there are some nuances. In the Danish version, the trapezoid-shaped rafter legs of the slopes do not fit the ridge bar. Here they will rest with their upper part against the surf bar. This element is the base of the vertical pediment. It is fixed to the rafters of the side slopes of the roof.

During the construction of the truss system of a half-hipped roof, only quality materials. Pine is best suited for these purposes. In addition to the main structural elements in the form of rafters, additional elements are also included here. Braces are mandatory. They are necessary to strengthen the long rafters. Crossbars, sprengels and other elements can also be used.

The step or distance between the rafters is chosen depending on the load that will affect the entire system. As a rule, this parameter lies in the range from fifty to one hundred centimeters.

When installing rafters about other elements, it is important not to forget about insulation and waterproofing. As a rule, a half-hip roof is used in cases where the owner of the house wants to make an attic floor instead of an attic. In this case, it is impossible to do without roof insulation and additional vapor and waterproofing.

What is the best roofing material to use?

The half-hipped roof is a rather complicated structure. To make it last for a long time, you should choose the right material for the roof. It must meet the following requirements:

When erecting the rafter system of a semi-hip roof, many places for attaching elements to each other are used. In addition, some rafters rest against others. Therefore, it is better to use roofing material with low weight. This is necessary in order to reduce the load.

The most optimal option can be considered a profiled sheet or metal tile. These materials have high strength and service life. Plus, they don't weigh much. Ceramic tiles are unlikely to fit. Mainly due to its large mass and the complexity of laying, read more: installation of metal tiles, how to cover the roof with corrugated board with your own hands.

When calculating the amount of materials for a semi-hip roof, it is worth considering what type it belongs to. The Dutch variety will have fewer folds. This means that there will be less scraps of roofing material.

Also, for a semi-hip roof, you can use a soft roof. Many use ondulin or euroslate. Such material is inexpensive, lasts a long time, is easy to install and looks attractive. But here you should be careful. For soft roof a full frame is required. And this circumstance will contribute to an increase in the load on the truss system, which is very undesirable.

Half-hip roof truss system: scheme, device, installation

Pros, cons, varieties and arrangement of a semi-hip roof truss structure. Calculation, scheme and installation of the truss system of a half-hip roof.

Mansard roofs of private houses: types, options, device

Thinking about building your own house or even a summer house, you want the house to be beautiful, unlike the neighboring ones, comfortable and functional. It would also be nice if it was inexpensive. Roof attic type allows you to solve almost all of these problems. The appearance of the house turns out to be interesting, and the building can be decorated in different styles - it is probably impossible to count all the combinations of roofing, the type and shape of the roof, windows and balconies. As for the cost, it is worth talking separately.

The combination of slopes directed in different directions gives a very unusual effect. Exactly such a house you will not call ordinary

How much does it cost to build an attic

The device of the attic floor is considered beneficial due to the fact that there is no need to spend money on building walls. This is only partly true.

Firstly, a lot of money will be spent on creating a truss system. Its cost depends on the type of mansard roof chosen (see below) and on the price of lumber in your area.

Secondly, you will have to pay a considerable amount for the insulation and vapor barrier of the attic roof. It is clear that roofing material alone is far from enough to provide the required air conditions for residential premises (if the attic is planned to be residential). You will have to insulate, and the layer of insulation should be significant. For example, for middle lane Russian layer mineral wool high density should be from 200 mm, plus a layer of waterproofing and vapor barrier.

Thirdly, windows are much more expensive. If you make them auditory, they construct a special structure from rafters, which complicates the relief of the roof, and therefore increases the cost of materials and installation. Even on an ordinary gable, you have to think about the arrangement of valleys and snow retention above the windows.

Skylight installation in the roof

The second option - windows in the roof plane - require especially careful sealing so that precipitation cannot get inside. This makes the installation more expensive by 1.5-2 times. The windows themselves cost about the same amount: they must have a reinforced frame and reinforced glass that can withstand snow loads. In addition, for maintenance, the frame must be swivel, and this is another increase in cost.

What you need to install a roof window and the order of installation of components

Two types of windows are installed in the attic - vertical and in the plane of the roof. Both types can be used in the same project. In the photo below good example such a combination. You can’t say for sure that the house is unforgettable. How many more options could there be?

A multi-level mansard roof is also a common technique.

In addition, such popular and inexpensive roofing materials - metal-based materials such as profiled sheets, metal tiles, roofing iron - are not recommended for use when constructing a mansard roof of a private house. There are two reasons:

  1. High thermal conductivity. Due to the fact that metal conducts heat very well, it is necessary to lay a large thickness of heat-insulating materials. Otherwise, it will be too hot in the attic in summer, and cold in winter.
  2. Increased noise level created by the coating during rain. Even an ordinary metal-covered roof sounds like a drum when it rains. The attic is much larger in area and the “tool” is more powerful. If you can fight the noise level inside the room with additional sound insulation, then on the street you can’t remove the sound with anything. If the neighbors' houses are at a considerable distance, this may not be a problem, but if the development is dense, conflicts may arise.

If you calculate well, additional thermal insulation and sound insulation will minimize the cost savings when buying roofing material. Perhaps another, more expensive initially roofing, will turn out to be more profitable as a result. So here you need to calculate the options.

All this was described so that you have a more complete idea of ​​whether it is really so cheap to build an attic floor. It turns out - not so much. However, this solution has its advantages:

  • The attic floor is light. Therefore, the foundation for private houses will need only a little more powerful than with the construction of one floor. Since the cost of the foundation is a significant part of the cost, then the gain is tangible.
  • If there is a shortage of funds, the insulation of the attic and its commissioning can be delayed for the required period. And this delay will be useful. That's why. During construction, wood of high humidity is almost always used. If you start warming immediately, moisture will be absorbed into the thermal insulation. If the "pie" is made correctly, it will go away naturally. But if there are violations, problems can arise. If the roof under the roofing material will stand for some time without insulation (but with waterproofing necessarily laid under the roofing), then the wood will dry well and there will be fewer problems.
  • The attic allows you to make the house original and non-standard. In any case, the building turns out to be more expressive and individual - there are a lot of design options.

We tried to most fully describe the cons of the mansard roof and its pluses. If the difficulties did not frighten you, choose which design you like best.

Types of mansard roofs

The mansard type roof used in the construction of private houses has various device options. Can do everything existing species roofs, except, perhaps, flat ones. All the rest can be implemented both in a "pure" form and in combination.


Houses with shed mansard roofs look non-standard. Her device is the simplest due to the lack of a skate and the problems associated with its arrangement. The beams rest on a Mauerlat fixed on multi-level walls. The bevel is formed due to the difference in the height of two opposite walls. In this case, the slope angle should be in the region of 35 ° -45 °. A smaller slope will lead to the accumulation of a large amount of snow, which requires strengthening the supporting beams and installing additional supports, and this reduces the already not very large living area in such an attic floor.

Shed mansard roof

If we talk about the external design of the house, the buildings look non-standard. Most often in the high wall of the attic floor is done big window: the design itself is conducive to this. See the photo below for examples.

This house with a pitched mansard roof is the most conservative

The shed roof device turns out to be the cheapest if the distance between two opposite walls does not exceed 4.5 meters: you can lay standard length beams on the walls and not make supporting structures. Apparently this is the reason for the decision in the photographs below, but it turned out very interesting.

If the distance between the walls is less, the design is quite simple.

Non-standard solution: two shed roofs form a terrace between them


A gable mansard roof is the most widespread: with a general structure, there can be many solutions. The design itself is the most optimal: at a relatively low cost, it allows you to meet various requirements for the required area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

The easiest way is to implement an attic under a conventional gable roof, but its height should be sufficient so that a living space can be allocated under it (if the floor is supposed to be made residential). May be:

  • symmetrical - the ridge is located above the middle of the building;
  • asymmetric - the skate is offset from the center.

The fronts are straight. The room turns out to be trapezoidal, in fairly wide buildings one can single out a square one. The disadvantage of a gable roof of a mansard type is that a large space is cut off on the sides, which is not always acceptable in private houses. So that considerable areas do not walk, they are used for storage or closets.

The design of the attic floor under the gable roof

With such a device, windows are made in the roof, their location depends on the angle of inclination. They can be auditory, as in the photo above or in the plane of the roof, as in the photo below.

Windows can be located in the plane of the roof

There is another version of the mansard roof of a private house with two slopes - one and a half floors. It is installed on walls driven out to a certain level. The house is then called "one and a half floors" (one of these houses is in the photo above).

Difference in usable area obvious, but the costs are higher (for wall material)

These are two types of gable mansard roofs. There is a third one - broken lines. They can be distinguished into a separate category - the device has significant differences.

The device of a broken mansard roof is both more complicated and simpler. In fact, these are the same two slopes, but consisting of two parts with a different slope. Such a structure allows, without spending money on building walls, to get a living space that is only slightly smaller than on the lower floor (by about 15%). In this sense, its device is simpler. But the truss system has a more complex structure, and in this sense, its device is more complicated.

The construction of a broken mansard roof is the most commonly used variant of the truss system - with the removal of part of the rafters beyond the wall surface. Thus, an overhang is formed that protects the junction with the walls from precipitation.

It is this type that is most common in self-construction. It easily allows you to increase the usable area, build on small buildings such as a garage or summer kitchen, get additional, almost separate, housing. Since the materials used in construction are usually light, the bearing capacity of the foundation is usually sufficient, but the calculation does not fit.

A small room made of logs below, and on top - a vast attic, based on racks

Four slope

It's already complex systems, which must be calculated. The surface is large, the cost of insulation increases significantly, at the same time, the size of the attic space decreases: parts of the premises are cut off from all four sides.

Their advantage is high resistance to strong winds: all surfaces are inclined and wind load not so much pressure on the slopes. The structure is such that the overhangs can be made low, protecting the walls from the effects of precipitation and winds. In addition, houses with such roofs are considered by many to be the most attractive. Classic variant four-pitched roof - hip.

One of the types of four-pitched roofs is a hip and attic room under it. You can stand in full growth only in the central part

With their device, inclined rafters are reinforced - they account for most of the load. In general, its rafter system is one of the most complex, material-intensive and, therefore, expensive. So that you can evaluate the entire amount of work and costs, consider its design in the photo below.

Rafter system hip mansard roof

On the top picture you can see all the stops, cuts that need to be placed, on the second, the structure and location of the rafters are more clearly drawn.

There is also a transitional option - half-hip. She is a cross between a gable and hipped roof. In this case, the hip is made only for part of the height of the floor.

Mansard semi-hip roof. Organization of its truss system

Only the main types of mansard roofs are described. There are also combinations. For example, a hip can also be a broken line, like a lean-to. There are really a lot of options. The main thing is not to make gross mistakes when developing the truss system, and then to implement everything correctly.

Mansard roof with balcony

How do they do skylights in the roof have already been described above. Almost the same principle is used to build balconies. There are even special window systems that allow you to do this in the slope surface. Although the implementation is simpler, such a window costs decently.

One view of a small balcony

If it allows load bearing capacity walls, by increasing the size of the dormer-type window, you can make a hanging balcony.

The dormer window can also be turned into a small balcony

The balcony area can be supported by columns. Only in this case, the removal is done above the entrance. Then the columns organically fit in, and also serve as decoration.

The columns that form the front door support the platform

The balcony on the pediment of the house with an attic is built according to a different principle. The overhang extended forward protects it, if the wall allows, the platform is made hanging.

Balcony on the pediment of the mansard roof

IN small houses more often a balcony is made due to the fact that the pediment of the attic floor is shifted from the bearing wall. Due to this indentation, a platform is obtained. Peaks in such roofs are made by continuing the roof at least to the same level with outer wall, and even better - further. This ledge will also protect the gable wall and reduce the amount of rain that will fall on the open area.

The pediment of the attic is moved inward. The resulting area is used as an open balcony

The design of this type of roof is such that by extending it you can even make a covered terrace. Its edge can rest on decorative wall or on poles.

The complexity of this project is long rafters

A similar idea was implemented in this project, but the roof here is multi-gabled. It is difficult to calculate it yourself, it is even more difficult to make valleys correctly, because they are rare

If we talk about non-standard solutions, then the “L”-shaped mansard roof - from two sheds, will turn out to be functional. Besides, this inexpensive way arrange such a non-standard building.

"G" shaped shed mansard roof

If you need an inexpensive way to build a house - read about frame housing construction.

The roof is the protection of the home. Its appearance speaks of the tastes of the owners and expresses the individuality of each building. Proper shape and design are the key long term services, and the equipped attic allows you to expand the living space.

Mansard type roof: types, options, design, photo

One way to get relatively inexpensive original house- build a mansard type roof. The roof is almost the main decoration of the house, but here it also allows you to increase the living space.

Roof with attic - design, diagrams and drawings

In this publication, you can see how a mansard half-hip roof is equipped, a design whose drawing, with comments and explanations, was sent to us by Vadim Nakhapetov from the city of St. Petersburg. He dealt with these materials in the process of building his country house in the Leningrad Region.

In general, the scheme of the roof of a house with an attic, or rather, the drawings of the truss system of the attic roof, does not differ at all from the construction of a roof with a cold attic. All the differences lie in waterproofing, insulation and ventilation - a pie that ensures the safety of the insulation between the rafters.

You can see the drawings of mansard roofs that have already been published on our website in the "Roof" section. You will see that there is no difference in design. But there are differences between different types roofs.

For example, the scheme of a broken mansard roof and the scheme of the truss system of a mansard roof with straight slopes are very different.

For clarity, here again we duplicate both these schemes.

Scheme of a mansard roof with straight slopes:

Scheme of a broken mansard roof:

As you can see, the design is different, and the methods of fastening the rafters, and the consumption of lumber and roofing material. In terms of economy, a mansard roof scheme with straight slopes breaks ahead. However, in terms of habitable living space, the sloping roof is in the lead.

Below is a drawing of a house with an attic, built in cottage style. Such small house with a small building spot, as if intended to equip another living space under the roof.

Half-hipped mansard roof - construction (drawing from V. Nakhapetov):

And now a little theory, so that the scheme of the house with an attic becomes more understandable.

Basic requirements for the arrangement of the attic space

It cannot be said that the arrangement of the attic roof is some kind of revolutionary word in the construction of residential buildings. In the conditions of cities, this is a long-spread way to increase the area for living, and for students, poets and artists and other representatives of not very paid professions, perhaps the only opportunity to rent cheap square meters.

This was not particularly due comfortable conditions life, and, as a rule, such rooms under the roof were poorly insulated.

But this shortcoming of theirs has long been overcome, and the "battle" for additional square meters has long moved to a qualitatively different level. The most important thing in the attic is the completed properly roof, without leaks, respectively hydro- and thermally insulated.

Such an attic space implies two versions: summer and winter. At the same time, the type of roof can be any, it all depends on the wishes and tastes of the owner of the house, and, of course, on his financial capabilities.

The stairs are just as important.

As with any other construction, a preliminary project is indispensable here. First of all, it is necessary to provide a staircase, along which it will be convenient to get to this room.

Even a properly constructed and beautifully designed attic room will lose a lot if the exit to it is not done properly. And in order to take advantage of such coveted square meters you will have to master the skills of a climber.

Among other things, when the attic is settled in an old house that has its own layout, this can cause some problems. Such a need, as a rule, arises when the number of family members has increased and living space becomes an urgent need. Then many factors must be taken into account.

First of all, the premises on the floor under the attic space should be used rationally and, preferably, according to their functional purpose. You may even have to re-plan the existing rooms a little, but it's worth it. In case when living room under the roof was originally provided for in the project, then the space under the stairs will not raise questions.

Attic with vertical and inclined walls

The design of the attic space itself can have vertical or sloped walls. The effective area obtained as a result will depend on the type chosen. The most common roofs for attics are gable roofs with a break in the middle. In such a room, there may be slight problems with the installation of cabinet furniture, but it will ideally serve as a guest, children's or play room, for example, a billiard room.

If the option with vertical walls is chosen, then the foundation must first be examined for its strength. Although this is a small additional burden, but still, it should be taken into account. Vertical walls can be lightened by placing windows in them (at least 12% of their area), through which enough daylight will penetrate and it will be easily ventilated.

But still, one cannot do without a reinforcing belt. It will level the horizontal surface of the load-bearing walls and serve as the basis for attaching the Mauerlat beams. It would be good to provide, when arranging the belt, the laying of galvanized metal rods, on which the Mauerlat will be fixed.

If walls with a slope are chosen, which will serve as the roof configuration itself, then it should be remembered that in this case, the Mauerlat beams will also serve to fasten the beams for arranging the floor.

The basis of the foundations is the truss system

The next step will be the manufacture of the truss system, which will become not only the basis for the roof, but also the walls and ceiling of the future attic. It must be reliable and built in compliance with the rules imposed by the materials. outer coating. Since wood is used for the installation of the rafter system, the battens, it must first be treated with an antiseptic mixture.

It is necessary to provide openings for windows, which can be made in the form of a so-called birdhouse, or standard windows that are attached directly to the roof. The truss system, in addition to being able to withstand the load of roofing material, must also have a certain margin of safety in order to withstand the weight of snow in winter and withstand winds.

Double moisture insulation is a necessary factor

A feature of the roofing device for the attic space is double moisture insulation: waterproofing directly under the roofing material, which will protect the room from moisture from the outside, and vapor barrier, which will protect the insulation from condensate from the inside.

Otherwise, the latter may lose its thermal insulation properties. As a result, the cost of heating the room will increase significantly.

As a finishing material, the use of wooden lining, drywall or plywood sheets.

The above tips will help to imagine the amount of work that the owner will have to face. country house or a cottage, if he decided to build an attic with his own hands - the scheme of the attic roof truss system will help him.

Mansard semi-hip roof - design, drawing, diagram

Mansard half-hipped roof, its design, drawing and phased arrangement of the attic, broken roof diagrams, diagrams of houses with attics - see our website.

Double pitched mansard roof structure

An attic is an attic space designed for housing or storing household utensils. Unlike a flat roof in multi-storey residential buildings, a mansard roof can be gable and multi-slope. For the construction of cottages, in terms of price-quality ratio, the best option is a gable roof.

Cottage, during the construction of which the technology of the attic roof was used

general description

A mansard roof is a wooden structure in the shape of a triangle or polygon. It consists of rafters and truss beams. From above, it is closed with a “pie” of insulation, vapor and waterproofing. Rafter legs hold the entire mass of the roof. The rafter beam acts as an additional connection and support.

The extreme pairs of rafters form a pediment. It can be triangular and trapezoidal in shape, which depends on the type of attic structure. Inside there is a living room with straight or broken walls.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Any building structure has characteristic positive and negative properties. Knowing these features will help when choosing a roofing system.


  • Terms of manufacture and installation. Gable system has been studied for a long time, detailed step-by-step instructions for its design and construction have been compiled. Therefore, the work can be done by hand, in a short period of time.
  • High level of protection of the interior from snow and rain. All elements of the roof are located at a certain angle. This makes it impossible for snow caps and small water puddles to form on the roof surface.
  • High level of protection of the joints between the wall and the roof from the wind. ends gable roof hang over the walls, thereby protecting the joints from wind blowing.
  • Increase in common living space. Attic spaces are suitable for creating additional bedrooms, wardrobes or game rooms for children.

illustrative example a full-fledged living space in the mansard roof

  • Price. Materials for the construction of a gable roof can be found at any hardware store at reasonable prices.
  • Aesthetic beauty. The gable mansard roof looks attractive. It will decorate any residential building.


  • In some cases, construction may require a significant amount of materials.
  • If it is necessary to convert the attic into a residential space, then additional building materials will be required to strengthen the existing structure.

Types of mansard roofs

There are several constructive types of mansard gable roofs, which can differ in the shape of the slopes, be symmetrical or asymmetrical, and be at different levels relative to the ground.

The shape of the slopes differ:

  • A gable flat mansard roof is a traditional form for low-rise construction. It is a classic triangle. This design is easy to install and maintain. She is inexpensive.

Classic gable roof
The layout of the elements of a classic gable roof

A flat mansard roof is not always suitable for the construction of residential premises. This is due to its design features.

Important! Optimal slope slopes 35°-40°. This angle gives an even distribution of loads. With such an angle of inclination, it is impossible to create a full-fledged attic room. That is why the slopes of a broken shape are more often used.

  • Gable sloping mansard roof. She has each slope consists of two parts, fastened together at an angle. Thanks to this break, it becomes possible to create a full-fledged attic room. With the same size of the base of the house, a broken roof allows you to get 40-50% more usable living space than when using a traditional gable roof.

General form broken mansard roof

For clarity, a broken gable system can be divided into three triangles. Two right triangle make up the side slopes. The outer line of the slopes will be their hypotenuse. The upper part of the roof consists of one isosceles triangle, which lies on two rectangular ones.

The layout of the load-bearing elements in a broken mansard roof

Important! In the side triangles of a broken attic system, only layered rafters are used. In the upper triangle, both layered and hanging can be used.

By location they distinguish:

  • Symmetrical slopes are a classic option, where the two halves of the roof of the house are mirror image each other. In such a gable system, the maximum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe under-roof space is used. The symmetrical roof looks organic. Such houses are recommended for fans of proven and reliable classics.

Mansard roof with symmetrical slope

  • Asymmetrical slopes are a bolder option. The line of the ridge does not coincide with the center line of the whole house. The lengths of the slopes can vary greatly. With such a roofing device, the area of ​​​​the attic space is reduced. Houses with such a roof are recommended for fans of modern asymmetrical architecture.

Mansard roof with asymmetrical slopes

Slopes located at different levels

They don't have a horse. The slopes in the attic do not connect with each other, but, as it were, hang over each other. Houses with this type of roofing look unusual and are not widely used in our country.

General view of the house with slopes at different levels

Hip and semi-hip roofs

These mansard roofs form a separate view due to the fact that their slopes are located not only on the sides, but completely or partially replace the gables.

  • Hip. The classic version of four slopes. The two main laterals are trapezoidal in shape. Instead of gables - "hips". All four slopes encircle the walls at the same level from the ground.

hip roof
hip roof construction

  • Half hip. Their design is specially designed for areas with high wind load. This type has the most complex shape of all duplexes. The side slopes are polygonal in shape. The hips end approximately in the middle of the side slopes. This type of roof is suitable for creating a full-fledged residential second floor.

Cottage with a semi-hinged mansard roof

Important! In some directories, hip and half-hip roof structures are called four-pitched. The essence and principle of operation of the system does not change from this.

General principles of the device

Any building construction consists of a skeleton and a shell. Roofing or rafter systems are no exception. From their strength and performance characteristics depends on the comfortable and safe living of homeowners, as well as the terms of trouble-free operation.

The skeleton of a gable mansard roof is a wooden truss structure. It must meet several basic requirements:

  • Strength. Withstand the weight of snow and water, as well as wind and other types of dynamic loads.
  • Ease. The lighter the frame, the lower the cost of the whole house.
  • Functionality. Rafters should evenly distribute the load on the load-bearing elements without overloading individual sections.

A gable roof covering is a shell that protects interior spaces from heat, cold, moisture, snow and wind. It must meet several basic requirements:

  • Ease. The lower the weight of the roofing, the lower the load on the truss system. The final cost of the entire structure depends on this.
  • Reliability. Roofing is the first and main frontier in the way of an aggressive external environment.
  • Aesthetic beauty. The roof is one of the most prominent elements of a building. First of all, they pay attention to it.

All roof truss structures consist of the same type of components:

The main structural elements of a gable mansard roof

  • Mauerlat is a rectangular or square wooden beam. It connects load-bearing walls and rafters, distributing the load around the entire perimeter of the building. Mauerlat is laid along the walls and fastened with anchors or reinforcement. Rafters are installed on top of it.
  • Rafter legs are the basis of the roofing system. All the burden falls on them. Rafters are made of square or rectangular wooden beams. At one end they rest on the Mauerlat, and at the other end they are interconnected. According to the method of fastening, the rafter legs are layered and hanging.
  • Ridge bar - structural element square or round section. It sits on top and rests on it. top part rafter legs.

These three elements form the basis of any mansard gable roof. From them you can build a simple truss system. For more complex structures, there are a number of additional elements:

  • A strut is a beam that supports the rafters and is set at an angle to them. At the bottom, the brace rests on the floor beam.
  • The rack is a beam that serves to support the rafter leg. It is installed at right angles to the ceiling.
  • A scrum is a beam that connects two vertical load-bearing elements. Its main function is to absorb tensile forces in large truss systems.
  • A crossbar is a beam that additionally connects the rafters together. He doesn't let them go.
  • Sheathing is a beam, which is the basis for the installation of roofing. It is made from boards and fastened with a certain step across the rafters.

The number and frequency of installation of these elements depend on the design load on the attic gable roof. We must remember - the more elements, the more expensive and heavier the whole structure. Tem less space will remain for the attic living space. Therefore, before building, you need to carefully calculate everything, but it’s better to make a full-fledged construction drawing with all layouts.

Do-it-yourself gable mansard roof, photo

An attic is an attic space designed for housing or storing household utensils. Unlike a flat roof in multi-storey residential buildings, a mansard roof can be gable and multi-slope. For the construction of cottages, in terms of price-quality ratio, the best option is a gable roof.

Strong winds can be detrimental to many types of roofing. The semi-shaft roof has a reliable construction of the truss system, which is able to adequately resist unpleasant weather conditions - thanks to the streamlined shape, such structures are resistant to strong gusty winds. This roof has similar features with a pitched one, small overhangs at the ends and the frequent use of many additional elements to give a special appearance immediately give out this type. Northern Europe is considered the birthplace of semi-hip roofs.

There are two main types of semi-hip roofs:

  • Dutch. It has a trapezoidal semi-hip located in the lower part of the front slope. The upper base of the trapezoid is adjacent to the base of a vertically located triangle - both of these figures form an angle, often concave. A dormer window is sometimes located in the triangle. The construction of Dutch roof structures is not much different from the construction of a conventional four-slope type.
  • Danish roof. In the upper part of the butt there is a triangular half-hip. The base of the triangle is adjacent to a vertical trapezoid pediment, with which they form a convex angle. This type is very similar to the standard hip roof, with the exception of shortened end slopes.

These are the two main varieties, which are the basis for the development of various options for roofing structures of this sample. The half-hipped roof is a four-slope roof structure. Conventionally, such structures are divided into two types: gable and four-slope, but still there are four slopes in both cases. The half-hip gable roof is considered a relative of the Danish hip roof. In a semi-hinged four-slope end slope, it does not originate from the ridge, but from the middle of the side slope and goes to the line of the cornice overhang.

Important! The semi-hinged gable roof has the ability to be a mansard. For a four-slope half-hip, this option is difficult to implement, because the window will have to be placed very high, and it will not be possible to install a balcony at the end.

The device of the truss system of a semi-shaft roof

Along with other roofs, given type also consists of several layers superimposed on each other. The design of semi-hipped roofs:

  • The truss system, which serves as the basis for all other elements;
  • Mauerlat - support beam for rafters;
  • Layers of steam, heat and waterproofing;
  • Roof covering acting as a protective layer.

The truss system of a semi-hip roof consists of some parts: a ridge, struts, battens, and so on. Each part has its own loads, and together all the elements of this system form a reliable foundation for the entire structure and give it special strength.

Important! Correct installation rafters play a special role in the construction of a mansard roof due to the increased complexity of the design.

Advantages and disadvantages of semi-hip roofs

Every design has its pros and cons. Strengths this type of roof

  • streamlined shape. For buildings located on open area and in mountainous areas, this form will have significant advantages due to the absence of sharp corners, which greatly increases its resistance to strong winds.
  • Increased attic space. Due to the features of the frame, this type of construction allows you to equip a spacious attic.

Important! To increase the useful area of ​​​​the attic space, it is necessary to use a structure with different slope angles.

  • architectural nuances. By changing the angle of the slopes, such a roof can not only be given a unique appearance, which gives room for action to any architect, but also the structure can be adapted to various weather conditions as much as possible.

Weaknesses of semi-hip roofs:

  • Lots of building materials. Due to the peculiarities of the forms of the roof, a massive truss system to hold it and the cost of work, such a design will cost more than others.
  • Increased construction complexity. A lot of calculations and drawings, highly qualified employees to perform special types of work - you will have to hire a team of professionals and wait quite a long time to achieve the optimal result.
  • The severity of the structure. The mass of the sling system and complex roofing with many additional elements must have a foundation under it that can withstand it all.

Roof area calculation

Before starting construction, you need to determine the amount of materials that will be required for the construction of the roof. It is necessary to correctly calculate the area, which, with the special shape of the half-hip roof, may seem difficult at first glance. However, in reality, everything is not so difficult - you just need to take a roof plan and break it into separate geometric figures, calculate their areas and summarize the results at the end.

Construction of a half-hipped roof

How to build a half hip roof? How to make the optimal angle of inclination? It is better to clarify all these and other questions with professionals, because there are plenty of difficulties and nuances in this matter for each specific project. The construction process itself is quite long to describe, so it is worth pointing out only its main stages:

  • Wood processing;
  • Mauerlat installation;
  • Installation of rafters;
  • Laying layers of insulation;
  • Work with roofing material.

When building a half-hipped roof, it is important to take into account all its advantages. The space that is formed under the roof should be used to the maximum and, if possible, try to increase it. So it will be possible to get a comfortable and habitable room. The appearance of the roof can be modeled by various elements, which are in abundance on the modern market. For selection suitable design just look on the Internet - there are a great many photos of half-hip roofs of private houses of various designs.

The construction of a half-hip roof with your own hands, without the necessary skills and knowledge, should take place under the clear guidance of proven craftsmen, otherwise everything could end in failure. If you really can't wait to take part in the construction, then it is best to do this at the time of laying the layers of insulation - no special skills are required there. All other stages should be entrusted to a team of professionals. Qualitatively made half-hipped roofs reliably serve and please the eyes of the owners for a long time.