How to make a drinking bowl for ducklings with your own hands? Making drinkers for ducks: step-by-step instructions How to assemble a nipple drinker for ducklings.

Rational nutrition and a competent approach to arranging food and drink for ducks are the two most important rules for the full development and rapid growth animals. Nipple drinker for ducks is one of the most convenient devices, allowing you to organize the drinking process of birds.

To ensure that ducks do not feel a lack of water, it is necessary to install a certain number of drinkers. You can buy them at any store, but you can make them yourself; it won’t require much work. In our article we will talk about one of the nipple drinkers, and we will tell you how to make it yourself, having the necessary equipment at hand.

Ducks always prefer water. The body of an adult requires about 1.7 liters per day for adequate nutrition. In addition, ducks should be able to approach the water at any time, because they even wet their food.

Everyone knows that ducks love to spend time in the water, wallow in it and swim. Especially for this purpose, a container is always installed in the poultry house of such a size that the ducks fit completely into it. Frequent stay in such water leads to the fact that it becomes polluted due to the earth and rubbish that ducks carry on themselves and on their paws. And here those same nipple drinkers come to the rescue, which will provide constant access to fresh and clean water suitable for drinking.

This type of drinker is suitable for different housing of ducks (floor, cage). It is not difficult to create yourself, it is very practical to use. That's why on large farms and poultry farms, experts prefer this watering system.

The nipple drinker consists of several items:

  1. Barrel supplying water.
  2. Nipples (nipples).
  3. A square-shaped plastic pipe.
  4. Parts for connecting elements.

The main advantage is the dosage of the supplied volume of water. The water here is always very clean and of high quality. All that is required of you for daily watering is to fill the barrel with good water.

When choosing nipples, you need to pay attention to the fact that ducks will give preference to a large nipple, which will give more water(about 100 ml of water in 60 seconds).

There is no need to teach ducks to drink from a drinker: they see that there are drops there and intuitively begin to use this drinker.

It is very important to carefully determine the number of nipples and correct installation them on the pipe. It is believed that there is 1 nipple nipple per 8-10 heads. That is, if you have about 45 ducks, then you will need at least 5 nipples.

There is also a small disadvantage to nipple drinkers: they are not suitable for very small ducklings. The fact is that small individuals need to completely lower their head into the container when drinking, which is not typical for a nipple bottle. Therefore, you will need to install a separate container for kids.

Making a nipple drinker with your own hands

In order to make your own drinking bowl, you will need some elements.

Table 1. List of elements for constructing a nipple drinker

NipplesYou can use two nipples: 1800 for adults and 3600 for young ducklings
PVC pipeThe length should be determined based on the number of nipples being arranged. There should be about 35-40 cm between each nipple so that the ducks do not interfere with each other and are not constrained in their movements
BarrelServes as a water reservoir
Drop eliminators for nipplesThey will be intended for ducklings
Small cup-shaped drinkers for nipplesThey will be intended for adult ducks
Connecting elementsThey can serve as plugs, adapters, brackets
Hosethe size of a barrel to a plastic pipe through which water will be transferred
Drill, 8 mm-
Centimeter tape measure-
Marker, felt-tip pen or pencil-

Collecting all the elements into a single system is reminiscent of a children's construction set. It won't be difficult to do this. The only thing that will require a lot of attention is working with a screwdriver or drill.

Table 2. Assembly of nipple drinker

Step one: decide on the number of nipples needed for drinking. After this, set the length of the pipe.
Step two: using a marker or felt-tip pen, mark on the plastic pipe the points where the nipples will eventually be installed. Remember that the distance between the nipples should be about 30-40 cm.
Step three: secure the pipe so that it does not move and drill holes in it for the nipples.
Step four: now you can move on to the nipples themselves. Screw them in drilled holes. If you notice that there are any holes or holes left, go through them silicone sealant so that nothing subsequently leaks and water does not drip.
Step five: on the side where the barrel of water will be located, attach a hose to transfer water.
Step Six: Place a cup or drip tray on each nipple.
Step seven: attach the hose to the water barrel.
Step eight: set the drinker itself to a certain height, which will depend on the age and height of the birds. Attach it to the wall.


Making a drinking bowl with your own hands is very quick and easy. In addition, there are many options for constructing this drinking bowl. You can install a regular drinker with a container in which water will accumulate, or make a nipple-type drinker. The main thing is to always ensure that the water your pets consume is clean and fresh.

Every breeder thinks about how to save money, so he often arranges the poultry house on his own. Many of them decide to do DIY drinking bowls for ducklings because they want to create optimal conditions for individuals. For this purpose, they build a place to keep ducklings and arrange the appropriate equipment.

As for drinking bowls, they must correspond directly to the size of the number of ducklings. Wood, glass or metal are perfect for making your own drinking bowl.

Features of drinkers for small ducklings

The average length of the structure itself should be on average about 20 cm. The thickness of the walls is 3 cm. When making drinking bowls for babies with your own hands, the breeder should take into account the following aspects:

  1. The drinking bowl should be deep enough for individuals to dip their heads, this is especially important during periods of extreme heat.
  2. Compact design – important factor, because the more ergonomic the drinker, the easier it will be to clean.
  3. Thoughtful design with clean water, which corresponds to the age and number of ducklings.
A large automatic waterer for ducklings, which is very easy to make yourself

Often, such drinking bowls at home are made from scrap materials, including basins, plastic bowls, enamel buckets or other available means. However optimal option for “refreshing” - this is the manufacture of an automatic drinker.

How to build a drinking bowl for ducklings with your own hands?

Simple tips and recommendations from farmers will certainly make the task easier for beginning breeders. There are many manufacturing options, but let's consider the simplest and most budget method. Stages of making a drinking bowl for ducklings in household from scrap materials:

  1. Take a regular one glass jar, the volume of which is 1.5-2 liters, as well as a plate or saucer.
  2. Then this container must be covered with a plate and turned over sharply. A stick or tube should be placed between the jar and the plate, so that the liquid will gradually and slowly pour out as it decreases.
  3. When there is no more water in the drinking bowl, you should turn the structure back 180 degrees.

Simple drinking bowl for ducklings

When breeding poultry, one of the most important issues is the arrangement of feeders and drinkers. These devices should be as convenient as possible and fully satisfy the bird’s needs for feed and water. In this article we will look at several functional options self-creation drinking bowls for ducks, and to implement this idea you do not need any special materials or tools.

General requirements for drinkers for ducks

Before moving on to creating water containers, it is important to know about the requirements for such a design and some of the nuances of its installation.

First of all, it is important to consider the following points:

  • number of livestock: the number of drinking bowls, their depth and size will depend on the number of birds: each bird must have unhindered access to water at any time;
  • design features of the drinking bowl: both adult ducks and young ducks love water very much, therefore, so that they can completely lower their heads under it, it is better to make the containers deep and narrow;
  • ease of cleaning: if necessary, the components of the drinker should be easily removable so that the poultry farmer can wash and disinfect it;
  • automatic water supply system: this is an optional, but very convenient addition, especially when keeping a large number of poultry;
  • good structural stability and protection from water spillage: usually the lower part of all drinkers is either fixed to the floor, or the container is attached to the wall on one side.

Did you know? Hunting for prey wild ducks They calmly dive to a depth of 6 meters. Poultry are also good swimmers, but they do not need to dive to such depths.

All these requirements are relevant both when breeding small ducks and when maintaining an adult flock, and the difference lies only in the size of the drinkers.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of drinkers

In the simplest version, a duck drinker is an empty bucket or deep bowl, with a stone placed at the bottom for stability. However, such a solution cannot be called ideal, which means it is worth studying the pros and cons of alternative designs.

Deep water tank

The advantages of a deep water tank are the following:

  • accessibility (any housewife will always have such “drinking bowls”);
  • ease of execution;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • possibility of replacement at any time.

As for the disadvantages of such tanks, these are:

  • rapid contamination of clean liquid due to attempts by ducks to climb inside the tank;
  • possibility of easy overturning of the drinker;
  • splashing water during watering, which can cause birds to catch a cold in cold weather;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the duck flock and frequent fluid changes.

Ordinary bowls and small basins can still be used for small ducklings, but for older birds it is advisable to install a more convenient, but also difficult option drinking bowl

This type of drinker received this name due to the principle of its operation. The reduced pressure formed between the water and the bottom of the inverted container does not allow the liquid to spill out (a vacuum is created).

This is another fairly simple solution to the issue of constructing a drinking bowl, which also has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of use include:

  • availability of materials (all you need is a plastic bottle and a shallow stand for it);
  • ease of use (easy to fill and wash);
  • the ability to move freely around the nest.

There are several more disadvantages of this solution:

  • the possibility of overturning when the water decreases, which means the need for additional reinforcement;
  • inability to dip the head, which is very important for ducks;
  • high probability of splashing, and as a result - bird disease due to movement on wet soil;
  • rapid contamination of the liquid and frequent water changes.

Did you know? Even with prolonged swimming and diving under water, duck feathers remain dry, which is due to their lubrication with a special secretion secreted from the base of the tail feathers.

The vacuum system is well suited for use when raising ducklings, but for adult birds it is advisable to prepare a more durable design.

Nipple types of drinkers are the most complex of all presented, and to organize the water supply you will have to buy or make a special device. IN Lately Such drinking bowls are becoming more common, and there are many reasons for this.

Among the advantages of the design are:

  • Ease of use;
  • constant availability of clean water;
  • saving liquid due to portioned feeding;
  • opportunity ready purchase nipple mechanism or its independent construction;
  • constant dryness of the floor in the coop.

The disadvantages of using a nipple drinker include:

  • comparative high cost of materials;
  • the complexity of self-assembly of the structure.

Nipple drinkers are equally suitable for both ducklings and adult ducks, however, when constructing them, it is important to take into account the size of the bird to calculate the optimal amount of liquid supplied.

Another good option for water supply. In its simplest form, this is the usual plastic pipe(often used by plumbers), in which holes are cut on one side, corresponding in size to the bird's head.

The advantages of such a solution include:

  • ease of creation;
  • availability of materials;
  • large capacity;
  • durability of use.

The disadvantages of the groove system are:

  • the need for good fixation (if the pipe turns over, injuries to the ducks are possible, or simply the entire floor in the duck house will become wet and damp, which is also extremely undesirable);
  • frequent replacement of water, especially when keeping a large number of birds (each of them will constantly wash their beak in water);
  • Difficulty of replacing water: together with the liquid, this structure is very heavy, which means that to replace the water you will need the strength of two people.

Important!When choosing a pipe to create a trough drinker, pay attention to the strength of the product so that it does not crack after the first installation manipulations.

How to make water bowls for ducks with your own hands

If you have already chosen the most suitable option for constructing a duck drinking bowl, then all that remains is to carefully study step by step process its creation. Let us consider the above constructions from this point of view.

Trough drinker from a sewer pipe

Necessary materials:

  • plastic pipe ( optimal length 1.5 m, but depending on the size of the chicken coop you can take a longer product);
  • plastic elbow (turn signal);
  • plug for one side;
  • two wooden bars, which will serve as a kind of legs on both sides.

Do-it-yourself trough drinker from a pipe: video

Required tools:

  • a jigsaw with a fine-toothed metal file and a wood file;
  • a screwdriver with a metal drill (needed to prepare holes before using a jigsaw);
  • level (acts as a ruler when marking the pipe);
  • marker.

The process of creating a trough drinker is as follows:

Nipple drinker

Necessary materials:

  • nipples operating from top to bottom movement (1800 for teenage ducklings or adult ducks and 3600 for small chicks);
  • a square pipe 2.2x2.2 cm with grooves inside (when purchasing, be sure to take into account the length of the product, because there should be at least 30 cm between adjacent nipples);
  • microbowls for nipples to collect drops;
  • muffler for pipe;
  • adapter that will connect the pipes;
  • a hose and a water container (for example, a tank with a lid), if you do not plan to connect the system to a centralized water supply.

Prepare the following tools:

  • drill with 9 mm drill bit;
  • tap for conical threads;
  • marker.

Do-it-yourself nipple drinker for birds: video

The order of all actions is as follows:

Of course, in comparison with previous versions of drinkers, the nipple drinker is the most complex, but with its help you will save yourself from the need frequent replacement water and keep the nest dry, which is worth the effort.

To build the simplest drinking bowl you will need:

  • a shallow tray with sides larger than the width of the bottle cap;
  • plastic bottle;
  • metal profile or wire frame

Tools worth preparing:

  • wire cutters;
  • pliers;
  • screws;
  • drill with a small drill bit.

Creating a drinking bowl involves performing the following steps:

  1. We fasten the frame for the bottle with screws to the wall in the selected location.
  2. Pour water into the bottle and screw the lid on.
  3. We install it in the frame with the neck down.
  4. We place a tray under the bottle, only so that there is a little space between the neck and the bottom.
  5. Open the lid and watch how the required amount of water flows into the pan.
  6. That's it, the vacuum drinker is ready, and as soon as the ducks drink some water from the bottom of the structure, it will immediately fill with liquid from the bottle.

By and large, any of the above options is not very difficult to implement, but in a situation of choice it is advisable to focus on personal circumstances.

So, for small ducklings a vacuum drinker is more suitable, and when breeding large quantity For wefts, it is advisable to install a nipple or groove design, which will cost a little less than the previous one.

In a word, with a little effort, you can create a drinking bowl from scrap materials and save a certain amount of money.

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48 once already

When planning to breed ducklings and goslings, you need to familiarize yourself with all the information regarding their growth and development. You need to take care of regular balanced meals and ensure an organized drinking regime. You will need feeders and drinkers, which are sold in specialized stores.

If the poultry house has more than a dozen birds, you need to take care of a sufficient number of feeders and drinkers and the purity of the water in them.

DIY drinking bowl for ducklings

You can buy such equipment for a poultry house, but you can try to make it yourself. Since the duck is considered a waterfowl, there are special requirements for the design of the drinking bowl. The bird will be healthy and will develop normally if the drinking bowl for it is arranged correctly.

Duck drinker - design requirements

Ducks drink a lot of water, more than eats food. Therefore, she must have constant access to water. If a bird eats dry food, then for better digestion it will regularly moisten it.

The duck is not a very tidy bird; it likes to flounder in the water. If the drinking bowl is open, the bird will climb into it with its paws to bathe. As a result, the water will quickly become clogged and the litter will quickly become wet. And the bird kept in such conditions may get sick and die.

If we consider a drinker for ducks, then it, like a feeder, should be:

  • comfortable;
  • located at the required height (for small ducklings and for adult birds this height is different);
  • closed to prevent various debris from getting into it;
  • water must be constantly clean and never run out;
  • The container will need to be washed periodically, so its design needs to be thought through carefully.

Types of drinking bowls

Depending on the size of the gosling, as well as on the employment of each family member, drinking bowls are selected. Of course, if we talk about the whole farm, then everything should be automated, since no one will run after every overturned can.

Drinkers come in simple designs, nipple and vacuum. Let's consider each option in detail.

Simple drinking bowl

In fact, these include containers such as buckets, basins, bowls and other containers that are accessible and no longer needed in the kitchen. But they have a number of disadvantages:

Making a simple drinker

It requires a PVC pipe with a diameter of 110 or 200 mm. Using a drill or jigsaw, you need to make several holes in it along the length, the size of which can be 6x8 cm, 7x7 cm, 8x10 cm, etc. . Bends must be installed on both sides of the pipe, through which it will be convenient to pour and drain water into the drinking bowl.

Using special brackets, this structure must be attached to the wall. Buy required material For such a drinking bowl, you can find it in a specialized hardware store. It should be noted that a do-it-yourself drinking bowl for goslings is made in the same way.

Nipple drinker - how to make it

This type of drinker is considered the most convenient for poultry and for the farmer. It is also called the nipple. The design of this type of drinker will be the most complex of all. homemade designs. To make it you will need the following materials:

If you regularly make feeders in your home, then everything necessary tools you should have. Namely:

  • drill;
  • drill, diameter 9 mm;
  • tap.

If any of the above is not available, then you need to buy it in a specialized store.

You need to make markings on the pipe where the nipples will be located and drill holes there, the diameter of which will be 9 mm. Using a tap, cut threads into them and screw in the nipples.

You need to put a plug on one edge of the pipe. Next you need to prepare a water tank. It must have a lid to make it easy to clean. At the bottom of the tank you need to make a hole that should match the diameter of the hose. The second end of the hose must be connected to the pipe. Wrap all joints with Teflon tape to prevent water leakage.

Micro bowls must be secured under the nipples on the pipe if the nipple is 1800; or drip eliminators, if the nipple is at 3600. Next, a vessel with water is installed, followed by a tube with nipples. It should be installed at a height that is comfortable for the ducklings.

It must be remembered that the water tank is installed at a height slightly higher than the pipe with nipples. It is advisable to install it indoors so that winter time the water in it did not freeze. Here you go, DIY duck drinking bowl is ready!

Vacuum drinker

Its design is very simple, and in use it is no worse than the nipple design. Most simple model can be made from plastic bottle and a small pallet. A special tray can be bought at a specialty store, or you can adapt any other one you have in the household.

With wire or metal profiles, from which the frame will be made, attach the bottle to the wall. Fill it with water, close the lid, and place it upside down in the frame. The prepared pallet is installed under the bottle like this: so that there is a small distance between the bottom of the tray and the neck of the bottle. It is necessary to ensure that the sides of the tray are higher than the neck of the bottle. In this state, the cap of the bottle is unscrewed, the tray is filled with water, and as it is drunk, it arrives in the tray from the bottle.

When using such a drinker, you need to monitor the presence of water in the bottle. The design is considered very convenient, since there will always be clean and fresh water in the drinking bowl.

How to make a vacuum drinker with your own hands

For the container, you can use any container, up to 40 liters. But it's better to count on large quantity drinking bowls than installing one, but larger one. This calculation is wrong.

So, we select a five-liter water bottle, and select a container for it where the water will collect. The ducklings will have to drink water from this container, so it should be in good condition, without burrs or rust.

The bottle should stand well in the container. Now you need to make a hole in the bottle through which water will flow into the drinking container. The hole is made with a soldering iron or a hot nail; just one will be enough.

Determining at what height from the bottom of the bottle the hole will be is quite simple. You need to first install the bottle in the basin, but the hole should be located just below the sides of the basin. This will allow water, if there is not enough of it in the drinking bowl, to flow out of the bottle.

If we talk about the number of holes, then it will be enough to do only one thing. Firstly, it will be quite enough, and secondly: it will be convenient to fill the bottle with water and carry it, tilting it so that the hole is at the top.

This is such a stable and not small drinking bowl. It will be much better than any purchased option. The feeder may be located next to her.

If you have a nipple drinker installed, then to prevent the water in the tank from freezing in winter, you need to place an aquarium heater in it.

Learn to drink water The bird does not need to come out of the nipple drinker. When she sees a drop of water, she will intuitively press the nipple with her beak, thereby receiving a certain portion of liquid. She will find the feeder herself.

Experts recommend calculating the number of drinking nipples based on the number of ducks on the farm. Optimal load There are ten heads of ducks per nipple. If there are 45 heads on the farm, then the nipple drinker must be made with 5 nipples.

It is very important for little ducklings to immerse their entire head in water so that they can clear their nasal passages and cope with the heat. Therefore, e if you are raising young animals, then you need to install additional drinking containers that will be deeper than usual, but narrower.

Many farmers often prefer self-production drinking bowls, feeders and houses for your animals, rather than purchasing ready-made solutions in shops. You can easily find a lot of information on this topic on the Internet and in books. We’ll talk about how to make a duck waterer with your own hands in this article.

How does a drinking bowl for a duckling differ from a drinking bowl for other birds?

Ducks tend to consume liquids much more than other birds. That is why Special attention is given to drinking bowls so that they are not empty. The most common materials for construction are wood and iron.

Being a waterfowl species, ducklings will strive to get to the water. This means that the drinking bowl must be made in such a way that the chicks cannot get into it.

What should you consider?

  • The shelf should be of such depth that the ducklings can completely lower their heads into the water, especially during the hot period.
  • The container should not be wide, but have sufficient depth.
  • For ease of cleaning, the drinking bowl containers are made convenient and mobile.
  • The design of the drinking bowl must be fully thought out so that the water can be easily changed. It is also worth considering that ducklings should have fluid 24 hours a day.

Simple types of drinkers for ducks

A bucket, basin, bowl are very easy to use, but they have many disadvantages. The liquid gets dirty easily, pour clean water will happen quite often. In addition, ducklings can climb onto the basin and turn it over.

An open container can be used for young animals. Here you will need attention from the owner, the ducklings begin to push and spill water on themselves.

Wet chicks can easily pick up colds. The best decision both for the young animals and for the owner - an automatic drinker.

Nipple drinker

This option is very convenient for birds, but making such a structure with your own hands is not very easy.

Necessary materials:

  1. Nipple. For older birds, the 1800 device is suitable; it starts working when moving up and down. Small duckling nipple 3600, operates 360 degrees.
  2. A square-shaped pipe (2.2 by 2.2 cm). There should be grooves inside the block. It is important to remember that the nipples should be located at least 30-35 cm apart from each other.
  3. Microbowl, drip eliminator.
  4. Pipe plug.
  5. To connect the pipes, adapters are needed.
  6. If the drinker is not planned to be powered from a water supply system, you will need to additionally purchase hoses and a vat for water.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to make a drinking bowl without a drill, a drill bit and a conical tap; the tools are necessary for the job.

Markings are applied to the pipe where to drill, and holes are made there that will have a diameter of 9 mm. The thread is made using a tap. The very last step is to screw in the nipples. The plug is installed on any end of the tube that is free.

As a water container best choice there will be a plastic tank. A hole is cut in the bottom of the tank, the diameter of which will correspond to the outlet hose; it can be connected immediately. The joint is wrapped with industrial tape. If necessary, those places where leakage may occur are also wrapped.

Microbowls are secured under the nipples if a 1800 nipple is used. Drop catcher (3600 nipple). The pipe is attached lengthwise to such a height that the ducklings can reach the water.

The last thing to install is the water tank. It is best to place it indoors to avoid liquid freezing in cold weather.

Homemade vacuum drinker for ducks

Making a vacuum drinker for ducks with your own hands is very simple. The easiest option is to use a plastic bottle. You will need a bottle of the required volume and a tray. A frame is made from wire, with the help of which the drinker will be attached to the place designated for it.

The bottle is filled with water, the cap is screwed on, and then installed in the holder (frame). The bottom should be at the top. The tray is installed, leaving a small distance between the bottom and the neck of the bottle. To prevent water from spilling, the side of the tray should be higher than the neck. The lid unscrews and the drinker can be used.