How to sit down for a gynecological examination. Examination of female organs on a chair

Before modern technology appeared in the gynecologist's office gynecological chair foreign and Russian specialists have made many attempts to arrange workplace in such a way that the examination and treatment process bring maximum effect and minimal inconvenience to both parties to the process.

Middle Ages - The first gynecological chair

In the Middle Ages, medicine was strongly influenced by the church, which did its best to restrain the development of medical science. Doctors of that time had practically no auxiliary means at hand to provide full-fledged medical care patients. However, starting in the mid-16th century, the first medical instruments and specialized furniture began to appear in Europe.

In particular, in the mid-16th century, the first surgical table, adapted for examining pregnant women, appeared. The author of this table is unknown for certain. The table was made of wood and equipped with special leg holders. The lower part of the table was lowered, which made it possible to examine the patient.

Heyday - Obstetric beds and gynecological chairs

If the 16th century was marked by a weakening of the influence of the church on medicine and the desire of medieval doctors to fight illnesses with all their might, then from the mid-18th century medical equipment began to rapidly improve.
The first design was made according to the developments of the founder of domestic obstetrics N.M. Maksimovic-Ambodica. The gynecological chair was modified several times during this time.
At the beginning of the century, Dmitry Oskarovich Ott designed leg holders that were worn on the knees. Using ropes, the legs were pulled to the stomach and fixed behind the head.
By the end of the 19th century, a model appeared that vaguely resembled modern device. It was made of wood, had a soft backrest, a special bolster, and armrests with wooden handles and footrests. This model was developed by K.A. Rauchfus, Russian doctor of German origin. It is this chair that can be considered the first prototype of a modern gynecological chair.
At the end of the 19th century, all domestic medical institutions were equipped with beds with a special design, which received their name - Rakhmanov - after their creator - obstetrician-gynecologist A.G. Rakhmanova.
The special design of this bed made it possible, if necessary, to raise and lower the backrest, push in and out the lower part when examining the patient. The bed was equipped with a special tray for the fetus, armrests and footrests.
By the beginning of the 20th century, scientific and technological progress made it possible to improve the invention using a hydraulic drive. With its advent, it became possible to adjust the height of the chair by pressing the pedal if necessary, and the footrests and armrests were installed manually.
Today, most maternity hospitals still use Rakhmanov beds (Rakhmanki), and a separate concept “” does not exist. All gynecological, proctological and urological manipulations are performed on the same type of chairs, equipped with various additional equipment and devices.

1701-1830 - Gynecological chairs

Every woman remembers her first visit to the gynecologist. Usually girls come to the office while still in school at the age of 14-16 years. Not only does the doctor ask very intimate questions, but you also have to undress in front of him.

Most young ladies are embarrassed by the examination, and if the doctor is also rude, then it is generally quite difficult to relax. However, every patient has the right to choose a specialist. And, if you feel increasing resistance, it is better to use it. The gynecological chair inspires particular horror; the photo shows how to sit correctly.


No one can avoid visiting, since these examinations are very important for women’s health. Today, choosing a doctor is not a problem at all. By contacting a private clinic, you receive qualified care without queues. convenient time, careful examination “with all amenities” and adequate treatment.

Let's figure out how to behave at the gynecologist. This information will be useful to young girls who have never been to such a doctor.

When you walk into a doctor's office, you don't have to go straight to the chair. Usually it is located either in another room or behind a screen. The first thing you need to do is sit on a chair near the doctor’s table and answer all his questions truthfully without embarrassment. Oh, oh, about the problems that bother you. And only after the conversation the doctor himself will invite you for an examination.

If you saw this unusual design and you don’t understand at all how to sit on a gynecological chair correctly, ask your gynecologist to help you. But before that, you need to prepare. You take off all your clothes below the waist, leaving yourself completely naked. To avoid walking barefoot, you can wear the socks you brought with you. In private offices, shoe covers are always offered - their cost is included in the cost of the appointment. So you can safely use them.

The steps you see will intuitively tell you how to climb onto the gynecological chair. They were invented just for the convenience of patients. Armrests are provided for the arms. The movable leg holders are the most intimidating elements of the design. The gynecologist will help you position your legs so that both he and you feel comfortable during the examination. So there is nothing to be afraid of!

Before sitting in the chair, you should lay out a diaper. You can buy it in advance and bring it with you. But most often, the doctor himself covers the place where you will lie with a disposable diaper. As in the case of shoe covers, you do not need to pay for it separately.

Once everything is ready, go up the steps, turn around and sit down as if you were just sitting on a sofa or chair. If you come in a skirt or dress, you should raise the hem as high as possible. In addition to the external and internal genital organs, the doctor will also palpate the abdomen.

How to properly sit in a gynecological chair at the first stage is already clear. Now you need to lie down and spread your legs apart, placing them on the holders. The doctor will then ask you to move to the very edge. Place your hands either on your chest or on the armrests, whichever is most comfortable for you, as long as you can relax as much as possible and remain in contact with the doctor. By the time you finally settle into the chair, it will be ready main tool— . And the inspection will begin.

If at any moment you feel pain or discomfort, immediately tell your gynecologist about it. Try to breathe evenly, taking calm, deep breaths. Relax as much as possible so that tension does not cause unnecessary discomfort when palpating and inserting a speculum into the vagina.

The gynecologist will inform you about the end of the process. Then you can get up, go down the same steps and put on your clothes. Afterwards, you need to go back to the doctor’s desk, who will talk about your health condition and prescribe treatment, if required.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src=" 280w, https:// 640w, zerts-7-150x150..jpg 1201w" sizes="(max-width: 280px) 100vw, 280px"> Often, before going to the gynecologist, most girls convince themselves that the gynecological chair causes a lot of horror and a feeling of discomfort. Gynecology is not a simple science, and the gynecological chair was invented specifically to provide the patient and doctor with maximum comfort during the examination. But there is truth in some fear, since if you are positioned incorrectly, you will be a little uncomfortable, so you must know how to sit in the gynecological chair correctly.

Before landing, preparation for the inspection process itself is required. You will need to undress and then put on clean cotton socks. Having done this, you will not walk on the cold floor barefoot, and the doctor himself will not examine your manicure. In addition, socks will also hide the smell, because on the way to the doctor, your feet could easily become saturated with the smell of street shoes.

You shouldn’t have any problems getting into the gynecological chair, since in most cases the chair is equipped with a step, and sometimes even two steps, for a more comfortable climb. There are also armrests on which you can rest your elbows during the examination. The most terrible and fearful element of a gynecological chair is the leg holders, which absolutely everyone is afraid of. But these leg holders can be adjusted, so if you are not comfortable, you should immediately inform your doctor about this. It is highly not recommended to adjust the chair in general.

First of all, you need to sit on a chair, then put some napkin or film on the seat, and then, after going up the steps, sit on the seat and turn around in order to find yourself in the gynecological chair.

First, you need to sit down as if you were sitting on a regular chair, and then, if you have a short dress or skirt, you need to raise the hem. After the above steps, you should lie down carefully and place your feet on the leg holders. Having done this, you need to move your pelvis to the very edge of the chair. This will make the doctor’s work better. Hands can be placed on the armrests. The main thing is that your body is unloaded, relaxed, and there is no clothing on your stomach.

As soon as you get ready for the examination and are completely relaxed, immediately inform the doctor, who will immediately get down to business. If you experience pain, you should inform your doctor immediately.

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If a girl needs to consult a psychologist before visiting an office with white walls and a monstrous execution chair, it’s not funny. Is it true. We sometimes fear the person in this office more than the dentist himself!

If you are sincerely perplexed about who we are talking about, then you are very lucky: you are not afraid of the gynecologist.

Smart doctors know very well about all our fears. And also about how carefully and sometimes painfully we prepare ourselves for the inevitable meeting with them.

However, not all of us have the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with a gynecologist in order to get to know the doctor better and finally stop fainting at the mere sight of a gynecological chair. Yes and psychologist consultation before every visit to the gynecology - this is somehow too much. Especially for you, we asked Boris Plotkin, a wonderful gynecologist, to write a few words about us, his patients, and what the patients themselves think before they “sit down” in his gynecological chair.

Like on a throne
I'll open it terrible secret: I am a vegetarian. That is, I don’t eat meat. And even more so with your patients! So don't be afraid of me, I won't eat you. I’ll say more: I won’t hurt you, unless you yourself decide that I’m a sadist and feel secret pleasure from the torment of an innocent victim. (Here, I think, psychologist consultation will not save).Then, of course, you will gather yourself internally, tense your stomach and do everything possible to make it difficult for me to examine. You will, of course, achieve your goal, but you will also harm yourself: your psychological stress coming from your head will very quickly result in painful sensations in the lower abdomen. Do you need it, tell me? I understand that the advice “Relax and have fun” is not very appropriate in this situation. But still, it will be better if, sitting on my chair, you think about pleasant things, about a recent date with a friend, for example, or just look out the window at the clouds and flying birds. I will try to do everything that needs to be done quickly and gently. My tools will not hurt or burn you, so they do not cause pain in themselves. Just an unpleasant feeling. What medical procedure is pleasant? Gastro- or colonoscopy, as well as banal enemas and injections, in my opinion, are much worse! So let’s decide once and for all: the devil, that is, the gynecologist, is not as scary as he is painted, so stop doing nonsense and don’t beat yourself up!
Problem of choice
Another important thing is this. It happens that girls really have no luck with a doctor. There are plenty of idiots in every profession. Therefore, if you didn’t like the way they treated you at the appointment (rude, impolite or even unprofessional - this, alas, also happens), I advise you to get “your own”, personal doctor. Whether on the advice of a friend or empirically (that is, by “scientific poking”) is not important. The main thing is that this is a doctor who you like on a purely human level and whom you completely trust as a specialist. Perhaps, having “your own” gynecologist is as important for a woman as going to the same hairdresser or cosmetologist. We are dealing with very delicate problems, there is no point in taking risks.
Choosing a gynecologist is an individual matter, but there is another, very comical, in my opinion, problem. For some reason, many girls avoid male gynecologists. That is, I can theoretically understand them: after all, you are showing the doctor the most intimate things, things that the man you love is not always able to see. And here is a completely strange man who, excuse me, is meddling where he shouldn’t. A shame! Actually, this is all nonsense. For a male gynecologist, all his patients, even the most attractive ones, simply do not exist as women. There is an organ, sick or healthy, that is just as important for life as any other, and the doctor’s task is to conduct a qualified examination and, if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment. There can’t even be any talk of any element of eroticism here! It’s funny to even think about it, let alone talk about it. I'll tell you more. According to surveys conducted on various Internet forums, the vast majority of women prefer male gynecologists! And do you know how they argue for this? A man, they say, treats his patient with greater attention and respect. Because who, if not us, knows best how important it is to preserve women Health! After all, you, women, give new life, which, alas, has not yet been given to us. Many male gynecologists (including me) have an extremely negative attitude towards abortion, and it seems to me that this fact also says a lot. And also - I am responsible for these words! — male doctors are generally very nice and cheerful people. And gynecologists in particular. Cynics, of course, are not without this, but our cynicism is often superficial and unreal. In reality, we not only love women, we truly worship them (that is, you).
Simple rules
Hope , that my lengthy speech in defense of gynecologists slightly changed your idea of ​​​​our profession. And if you already knew about all this, then you are once again convinced that you are right. All that's left to do is tell you about the basic, but very important rules that every girl who is going to see a gynecologist must follow.
Of course , before going to the doctor, you will perform a series of hygiene procedures, that is, you will do everything possible and impossible to ensure that everything “there” is exceptionally clean and neat. This is a great idea, just try to keep the following in mind. Sometimes it happens that a woman who has been too carefully prepared for the appointment is so dry inside that it is difficult for the doctor to insert a speculum for examination. Natural lubrication is very important, so don't overdo it when showering.
1) Be sure to bring a diaper or small towel with you. Unfortunately, not all of our offices have disposable napkins to put on the chair. In addition, it is quite possible that the doctor will perform an ultrasound on you, after which you will need to erase traces of the medical gel.
2) Just in case (especially if it happens in the summer and you wear sandals or flip-flops), take socks with you. Of course, I am not a doctor in this area, but still, from an aesthetic point of view, it is more pleasant for me to see clean female legs in front of my face.
3) Surely you have several important questions that you would like to ask your doctor. Tip: write them down so you don't forget. What if you end up being so nervous and scared that you lose the ability to speak? It’s good if, on top of everything else, you can anticipate the doctor’s questions to you and remember exactly when the last time you had your period and how it went.

P.S. That, perhaps, is all I had to say on this burning topic. Believe me, I really want all of ours beautiful women were healthy and gave birth to healthy and beautiful babies. Therefore, if for some reason you haven’t visited a gynecologist for a long time, pick up your feet and go ahead!

P.P.S. (from the editor) I would like to add a few more words in defense of male gynecologists. They react adequately to intimate haircuts, which cannot be said about all female doctors without exception, especially older ones. It happens that they can comment on bikini design, and not always in flattering terms.

For many women, visiting a gynecologist causes a number of negative emotions, and the gynecological chair is associated with an object intended for torture and abuse.

In order to smooth out negative emotions, you need to know how to properly sit on a gynecological chair and the basic principles of a gynecological examination.

The purpose of a gynecological examination is to examine the general anatomical and physiological condition genitourinary system and timely detection of diseases of the female genital organs.

A gynecological examination is performed for all women twice a year (every six months), as well as as part of a medical examination, in case of complaints or diseases of the abdominal organs, or fractures of the pelvic bones.

A timely visit to a doctor allows you to quickly identify a large number of diseases and carry out the necessary treatment.

Doctors recommend making the first visit to a gynecologist for the purpose of prevention, before the start of active sexual life, to identify the onset of the inflammatory process, for the proper functioning of hormonal levels and the overall performance of the body.

Preparing for a gynecological examination?

First of all, every woman before visiting a doctor should:

  1. Take a warm bath or shower and change your linen. It is worth remembering what not to do, so as not to wash out the microflora, but to let it present itself in its normal state.
  2. You should not use various perfumes or deodorants for intimate hygiene.
  3. A day before visiting a doctor, you should avoid sexual intercourse, as seminal fluid will interfere with the examination.
  4. If a woman is taking a course of antibiotics or using antifungal drugs, a visit to the gynecologist should be postponed and carried out 1-2 weeks after stopping treatment.
  5. The best time to conduct an inspection will be the first 2-3 days after completion. During menstruation, you should not go for an examination, unless there is an indication for this (bleeding accompanied by severe pain).

During the examination, the woman must have an empty bladder and intestines, otherwise there will be difficulties in examining the internal organs.

It is also worth remembering when the last ones were, what their duration was and the nature of their course.

Before visiting a doctor, you need to prepare yourself not only physically, but also mentally, especially for those who are doing it for the first time. All questions must be answered accurately and honestly. After all, the doctor asks them not out of curiosity, but out of medical necessity.

The main attribute of a medical examination room, antenatal clinic and examination room in any clinic is a gynecological chair.

Women and girls should know how to sit on the gynecological chair correctly.


Special rules or instructions for correct landing for a gynecological chair does not exist. Women should only adhere to such advice.

For more comfortable movement from the place of undressing to the chair, many doctors advise wearing cotton socks. To make it easier for women to climb onto the chair, small steps were specially designed at the bottom, and there were armrests on the sides of the chair itself, where women can put their hands and spend some time in a more comfortable state.

Before sitting on a chair, you must lay down a disposable diaper, napkin or small towel.

Many women are scared not by the chair itself, but by the metal holders. You should know that they allow you to hold your legs in the desired position for a more convenient examination. With their help, the doctor can adjust the position of the legs so that the examination is as painless as possible.

Before sitting on a chair, you need to take off your pants (leggings, leggings, tights) or raise the hem of your skirt or dress. After which you need to lie down on the seat, place your legs on the holders, and move your pelvis closer to the edge of the structure, so that the doctor does not need to reach for you. You also need to free the lower abdomen from clothes that are constricting it so that the doctor can palpate it.

In order to reduce feelings of stress, doctors recommend breathing evenly and deeply.

What does a gynecological examination include?

In addition to the examination on the gynecological chair, the doctor will talk with the woman. It is better if it is of a confidential nature, since with the help of answers, he will be able to build a complete picture of a woman’s sexual life, the correctness of its course menstrual cycle and the presence or absence of disorders and diseases in the genitourinary system.

Only after this the doctor begins to examine the pelvic organs using a gynecological speculum. For precise definition the state of the microflora and the absence of inflammatory processes, the doctor will take one or more smears during the examination.

If the doctor deems it necessary, additional examinations may be prescribed.

The gynecologist completes the examination by palpating and externally examining the condition of the mammary glands. The presence of pain symptoms may indicate an inflammatory process.

A gynecological examination is not a scary procedure. Everything is easy and does not require special physical training. The main thing is to prepare yourself mentally and go to the doctor’s appointment in a good mood.

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