How to install ventilation on a plastic window. Do-it-yourself installation of a ventilation supply valve in plastic windows

Metal-plastic structures provide high tightness to housing; they do not allow extraneous sounds and cold in winter. With all its advantages, it is worth noting the main disadvantage - a significant reduction in inflow fresh air. By installing a supply ventilation valve for plastic windows, this problem can be solved.

We are talking about a product with small holes located in the upper part of the sash. With their help, air exchange in the room is normalized. Small ventilated structures prevent street noise from entering, providing inner space long-awaited silence, peace and tranquility. The supply ventilation valve is suitable not only for plastic, but also wooden and aluminum windows.

In most openings, the closing density is easy to adjust. For warmer seasons, it is better to position the sashes in such a way that there is a small free space between the frame and the glass unit, and oxygen can freely penetrate into the room.

With certain practical skills and following the instructions, every owner can organize an effective one in a house or apartment. But the best part is that you can install window supply valves yourself without the help of specialists.

Efficiency of the ventilation (supply) valve

Many people have a natural question: how effective are these small structures for air exchange? Before purchasing supply valves, experts advise checking their effectiveness by carefully studying specifications, after consulting with the seller, it would be a good idea to read the comments of those who have already bought them.

It’s quite easy to check the efficiency, and it’s not at all necessary to purchase ventilation solutions. All that is required is to remove the seal fixed to the window sash. It should not be removed or cut off completely; it is enough for it to just hang in a free position for some time (optimally 2-3 days). After they expire, pay attention to a number of criteria and parameters:

  • are there any drafts in the room;
  • whether the overall noise level in the room has increased;
  • the appearance of condensation “fogging” on the glass;
  • change in temperature in the room.

Having completed the experiment, the window seal returns to its original place.

Installing a supply valve on a plastic window will certainly lead to a decrease in the temperature in the room. This is due to the fact that cold air enters the room from the street. If we are talking about an efficiently functioning heating system, you can notice a difference of 3-4 degrees.

If there is no effect, it is advisable to abandon this product in favor of a supply valve installed in the wall.

Supply ventilation valve: operating principle

For literate and quality equipment supply valves to metal-plastic or wooden windows, you should carefully study the mechanism of their operation. This is one of the most critical stages, since subsequently it will be necessary to make a hole in the frame about 30 cm long and at least 1 cm wide. At the final stage, it will be covered by the housing of the ventilation device.

It will not be possible to dismantle the supply structure without opening a gap in the upper part of the profile. The decision to install is made reasoned and balanced.

Supply valves for plastic windows are an important component of the passive system. Through a small hole, cold air is taken in from the street and directed into the home. Warm oxygen is removed through ventilation ducts. Physical laws These masses are set in motion, which ensures the functioning of products at air temperatures of +5 degrees.

In the hot summer, passive air exchange works only in the presence of forced exhaust.

The valve for a plastic window works effectively provided that several conditions are met:

  • outside the window the air has cooled to a temperature of less than +5 degrees;
  • availability of working ventilation system in a house or apartment;
  • there is full air exchange between adjacent rooms;
  • hermetically sealed Entrance door(to neutralize the effect of “suction” of oxygen).

Many owners are concerned about the question: does the ventilation valve for plastic windows freeze? Such an undesirable effect is possible, but only if the installation was carried out by amateurs. Even in severe frosts, it will not be possible to close the hole completely.

Do not be alarmed by the increase in noise level in the living space after the installation of the ventilation hole on the window is completed. Fresh oxygen enters through a small hole, so the reduction in sound insulation will be insignificant.

Supply ventilation valve: do-it-yourself installation on a plastic window

Installing the ventilation structure is easy. For an experienced master 30-40 minutes is enough for this.

Installation without milling

You must first prepare several tools:

  • air exchange product;
  • well sharpened knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • half meter ruler.

To install the supply valve, it is necessary to dismantle part of the window seal

Do-it-yourself supply valves are installed on plastic windows only after preliminary marking of the flap. That's what a ruler is for. The sequence of work is determined by the design features of the valve. In most cases, it is enough to replace the standard seal with a complete one.

As for other models, PVC windows require no more than 1 hole in the profile structure. The most preferable option is the first one, since making a smooth and neat gap with your own hands is very problematic.

Manufacturing companies in 99% complete their products with detailed step by step instructions, with which you can quickly equip a window opening with an appropriate solution.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a supply valve with your own hands are presented in the video:

Installation with milling

Milling means cutting a small hole in the block of the window opening.

To work you will need several materials and tools:

  • sharp construction knife;
  • powerful jigsaw;
  • a drill and a set of drills (in most cases, 5 and 10 mm are sufficient);
  • file;
  • a template for a future valve of a suitable size;
  • sealant.

So that fresh ventilation in plastic windows provides optimal level air exchange, it is important to strictly follow the following sequence of actions.

Supply ventilation valve: owner reviews

The structures installed using the methods described above cope perfectly with the issue of effective air exchange in the room. And even the smallest apartment from a “thermos” can be turned into comfortable housing with an impeccable level of ventilation.

The owners emphasize that such devices are not advisable to use in those regions of the country where severe frosts are quickly replaced by rising temperatures. In this case, ice will form on the valve, and the unit will not be able to operate in principle.

The principle of ventilation is based on constant air circulation in the apartment. However, modern plastic and metal-plastic double-glazed windows prevent free air exchange. To ensure the supply of air into the apartment in the required volume and make living in it as comfortable as possible, install a supply valve on the window - a compact device of simple design.

Most residential urban buildings are classified as economical housing, which means that the construction of high-rise buildings uses the scheme natural ventilation. It consists of free circulation air environment inside the rooms, which is carried out due to the temperature difference outside and in the building.

Air path in a typical three-room apartment

Fresh air enters through window gaps, vents, open doors windows, as well as small gaps under door leaves, specially provided for this purpose. The spent environment is discharged through technical openings located in bathrooms and kitchens into common house ventilation ducts and shafts.

If there is a violation of the supply and exhaust patterns, the microclimate in the apartments will be disrupted, which will immediately affect the well-being of the residents. Stuffiness, high humidity and dust particles provoke diseases in people, as well as the appearance of mold.

To improve air movement, use various devices, for example, split systems or conventional fans inserted into ventilation ducts.

Duct ventilation is installed in luxury homes

In apartments with sealed double-glazed windows, there are more simple solutions, for example, installing a supply valve on a wooden or plastic window. The compact device supplies air in a constant or cyclic mode, the choice of which depends on the required comfortable stay temperature and humidity parameters.

Supply valve for PVC windows

The design and installation details depend on the location of the device. For example, wall models are most often mounted under a window, close to heating radiator or convector. It is important that at least partially heated air flows into the room. Window devices are placed directly on plastic windows - it is these devices that will be discussed below.

Purpose and design of the supply valve

Air supply devices, as well as micro-ventilation systems, are designed to improve the microclimate in living rooms, offices and production premises. They provide a full volume of fresh air, which heats up over time, rises and moves towards the ventilation openings.

Appliance painted in the color of the window frame

There is one nuance that should be remembered when choosing and installing any air supply device: its operation becomes effective only when the hood is functioning properly. If the building's ventilation shafts are clogged construction waste or the temperature outside is the same as in the house, ventilation will not be provided. In this case, it is necessary to install equipment for forced circulation: hoods, fans, air conditioners, split systems.

The design largely depends on the type of valve, but most popular rebated models consist of the following parts:

  • an outdoor unit for air intake, covered with a technical canopy;
  • an internal module mounted on the frame from the side of the room;
  • a connecting channel cut into the frame and resembling a sleeve.

There are also universal monoblock systems, which are a single element. Installation of such models does not cause difficulties.

Variant of the model installed at the top of the window sash

What parts does it consist of? specific model, better to know before purchasing. To do this, you can ask the sales consultant for an installation diagram. Perhaps the selected model is not suitable in terms of installation method, size, shape or color.

Types of window valves

Depending on various factors, all window valves for supply ventilation can be combined into groups. For example, there is a classification according to the installation location on plastic double glazed window. If desired, the device can be secured at the following points:

  • horizontally on the top crossbar of the frame;
  • into the gap formed by two connected plastic elements;
  • where plastic and glass touch;
  • from the end of the sash;
  • to an additionally installed element.

Typically, devices are chosen that blend in with the plastic in color and do not interfere with the opening/closing of the doors.

Installation location: top plane of the window sash

By design features products are divided into slotted, overhead and folded. The first ones are placed horizontally directly on plastic surface valves Thanks to the mobility of the frame, the device can be fixed without removing the glass unit.

Overhead models in household sphere are practically not used, since their installation is carried out before the insertion of window structures. Seam devices are “implanted” into the frame, after cutting a hole. Installation has some nuances, so it is better not to fix the supply valve to PVC windows with your own hands, but to entrust this important procedure to a specialist - a representative of the selling company.

Appearance of a rebated valve

In terms of performance, supply air products can be of small, medium or large capacity. Devices with minimum indicators– up to 6 m³/h – used for small rooms, which do not require volumetric air exchange. One piece is enough to provide ventilation in a bedroom, living room or children's room with an area of ​​up to 20 m².

Medium category products with parameters up to 35 m³/h are suitable for large rooms or rooms where active air exchange is necessary. High productivity - 150 m³/h or more - is needed for halls in which a large number of people, or for industrial premises.

Advantages of automatic devices

Regardless of the design, all products are divided into three subgroups:

  • without the possibility of adjustment;
  • with manual adjustment;
  • automatic.

The first subgroup is the simplest devices that resemble an insert. Through a small hole, the outdoor atmosphere constantly penetrates into the room. Since it is impossible to stop the supply, productivity is low. It is good to install such devices in utility rooms or corridors.

Mechanical models are operated manually. They also have a simple design, however, they are equipped with a small curtain or valve that can be used to interrupt the air supply. The devices are installed in a convenient and accessible place. If the outside temperature drops sharply, just close the valve. The advantages of the models are low price and simple operation, the disadvantage is the periodic lack of ventilation.

Manual valve

The third subgroup is considered the most successful, as it acts independently. Thanks to temperature and humidity sensors, the device turns on at the right moment, and when the microclimate in the room becomes ideal, ventilation stops.

The most expensive models not only automatically change operating modes depending on humidity and temperature, but are also regulated using automation. You can program the automatic supply valve on a plastic window so that it closes during the day and turns on at night, or to more actively ventilate the room before the owners arrive home.

Rating of popular brands

Well-known manufacturers of ventilation devices do not need additional advertising, since they have been present on the market for a long time. Russian market and have proven themselves only with the best side. Their products are cutting-edge and have many advantages over less popular competitors. Let's look at some of them.

1st place – Russian company AIR BOX

The range of products offered is small, but among the supply ventilation valves for AIR BOX windows it is not difficult to find the right option, as there are manual and automatic ones, with and without milling.

You can choose a model from three series: Comfort, Standard and Comfort C. Comfort valves have two installation options - built-in and mounted on the frame from above. Depending on the installation, the productivity of the device changes slightly: without milling it reaches 31 m³/h, with cutting a special hole it increases to 42 m³/h. The models are adjusted manually.

After installation, the AIR BOX merges with the plastic base

For lovers of automatic devices, the Standart series is offered. Automation is limited and aimed at regulating the speed of air street masses. If the wind increases, the moving elements move to a different position, thereby weakening the pressure. This is necessary to protect the house from drafts. But the AIR BOX Standard supply valve for PVC windows also has a very significant disadvantage - low performance. It flows only 5 m³/h.

Comfort S models are designed for wooden frames. Before installation, three holes must be cut in the horizontal top crossbar: two for inserting device elements and a third for fastening. Device productivity is 41 m³/h.

2nd place – French manufacturer AERECO

Today they produce three window series of Aereco supply valves for plastic windows: EMM², EHA², EMM. All of them are hygro-regulated. This means that when the humidity in the room changes, the devices independently change the position of the elements and reduce or increase air flow.

Sectional design of Aereko EMM

The presence of a protective canopy in the EMM² and EMM designs allows the noise level to be reduced to 37 dB. The EHA² series models have an advanced design and are equipped with a manual switch. The EMM modification has the ability to adjust the air stream: vertically or at an angle.

3rd place – Polish brand VENTAIR

Supply units successfully combine aesthetics, functionality and reasonable cost. The performance of the devices is sufficient to ventilate residential premises - up to 25 m³/h. The devices are adjusted automatically due to changes in pressure and humidity.

The advantage of the models is that in winter or on windy days they reduce the flow of incoming air, thereby protecting against drafts and heat loss in the room.

In addition to the listed manufacturers, products under the brands Systemair, Vents, SINAX AIR, Rehau, Fläkt Woods, Gealan, ALDES, SIEGENIA-AUBI have proven themselves well.

Installation instructions for inlet valve

Household air supply products have a low cost, but what is even more important is the possibility of self-installation. The devices are easy to install on the window sash; a minimum of working tools are required: a construction knife, a screwdriver. You will also need a stepladder if the installation site is high. For example, let's take the installation instructions for the slot model.

Step by step procedure:

  • Step 1 – checking the complete set of the supply unit. The kit includes the device itself, three pieces of seals (one – 35 cm and two – 16 cm), screws for fastening to the frame.
  • Step 2 – trimming and removing the seal from the top of the sash. To do this, take the valve and, focusing on its length, cut out a piece of 35 cm.
  • Step 3 – installation of plastic parts. We take the plastic dowels from the kit and insert them into the groove from under the removed seal.
  • Step 4 – valve installation. Filming protective film and place the device on the sash so that the mounting holes are opposite the dowels.

Photo tip: how to install a supply valve on a plastic window

  • Step 5 – tightening the screws. We insert the screws into the holes one by one and tighten them using a screwdriver.
  • Step 6 – installation of seals from the kit. Instead of the removed seal, we insert two new ones, 16 cm each.
  • Step 7 - install the seal on the adjacent frame. To create a gap between the seals, change rubber gasket and on the frame – we put the one that is included in the kit (35 cm).

At the end of the work, close the flap and check the functionality of the supply valve. If there is an adjustment knob, move it left/right to change the volume of incoming air.

Most of the slot air supply devices are installed using this principle. However, there are models whose installation is fundamentally different. Such devices include a supply valve-handle for a plastic window. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary handle for opening and latching the sash, but the lower part of the body is a ventilation valve.

Handle valve before installation

Installation is carried out in the same way as a regular handle, but an additional hole is cut for air flow.

Sometimes additional adjustments are required after installation. It is usually advisable if the principle of operation of the device is not yet clear. To understand the operation of the device, you need to smoothly move the handle and monitor the result. If the air flow seems weak, the gap size needs to be increased.

Comfortable air supply setting

If installing the device seems complicated, you need to study the instructions more closely. If after this you still have problems with installation and configuration, invite a specialist.

Video materials about the design and installation of supply valves

An interesting and useful video about the supply valve for AERECO plastic windows. Device overview and detailed instructions for installation:

Briefly about the importance of fresh air ventilation from the manufacturer AIR BOX:

Do-it-yourself installation video:

Alternative expert opinion on the effectiveness of climate control window valves. Be sure to watch the video before you damage the integrity of the internal sealing contour of the window:

Manufacturers claim that supply valves will help establish a comfortable microclimate and get rid of drafts and condensation on windows. Good ventilation- the key to sound sleep and excellent well-being for all family members, but you can hardly expect miracles from an inexpensive household device.

Plastic windows have gained great popularity over the past 10 years due to good characteristics heat, sound insulation and relatively low cost. But many users have a problem when, with natural ventilation, double-glazed windows do not work correctly. If you use micro- or macro-ventilation, there will either be insufficient fresh air in the room, or strong drafts will appear. There is a solution to the problem - a supply valve for plastic windows. The device is capable of ensuring good oxygen circulation in the room without breaking the tightness of the double-glazed window without opening the window frame.

Types and method of application

Window valves are divided into several types, depending on the method of operation and installation method. The following varieties are found on the construction market.

Slot inlet valve

This option can be automatic or mechanical. Fresh air is supplied through a small connector measuring 17-40x1.2-1.6 cm. The design may contain 2 blocks - an external intake type and an internal regulating one.

There are also devices of a combined type. The main advantage of slotted window valves is their ease of installation. To install this device, it is not necessary to violate the integrity of the blocks.

The valve on a plastic window creates a passage for fresh air thanks to the rebated openings in the window block.

This option is characterized by a reduced degree of throughput, an increased level of noise insulation and low cost. Another advantage is that there is no need to dismantle the frame to install the device.

Overlay window device

An overhead supply valve, which is installed on a window, has a large air flow and global disadvantages. The device helps reduce sound insulation and thermal insulation features window block, it cannot be mounted on finished windows.

As a rule, overhead ventilation valves on frames are used in industrial premises.

Making the right choice

In order for the supply valve for plastic windows to create the most suitable microclimate in the room, when choosing it, you need to pay attention to functionality. Use the recommendations of experts to eliminate the error:

  1. To ensure the necessary air exchange characteristics, it must operate on an influx of street air with parameters of more than 30 m 3 / h per 1 person.
  2. The device should not impair the sound insulation properties of the window. The optimal indicator is 30-35 dB.
  3. Can be used in winter time of the year. To prevent the device from freezing during frosts, its design provides a “thermal break”. A special plastic part, which is mounted inside the case, is responsible for this function.
  4. Setting methods. There are variations on the market with manual, automatic or combined method regulation.
  5. Method of installation of the structure. Some variations can be mounted in finished window, others are installed at the production stage of window frames.

It is not recommended to choose a product that does not provide adjustment. This function is very important for creating the most optimal indoor microclimate, regardless of its purpose.

VIDEO: How to ventilate a room with completely closed PVC windows

Installation methods

Installation of the supply valve on plastic windows is carried out using two methods - with or without perforation.

How to install a flow element with additional perforation:

  1. Prepare the necessary parts and tools. For work you will need a drill, jigsaw, sandpaper, drill 0.5-1 cm, knife, sealant filler, ruler.
  2. Create markings on the top sash of the frame; this is done on the inside and outside of the window.
  3. Using the drawn template, make several through holes with a size of 0.5-1 cm. They will be the basis for larger perforations, so according to this marking, drill the holes to 1 cm. Clean the edges with sandpaper.
  4. The valve mounting part is installed on the sash overlay covering using self-tapping screws. But the element is first treated with a sealant.
  5. When surfacing the window frame, grooves are milled based on template parameters. The outer area of ​​the frame is equipped with the outer part of the air supply device and a special visor, which is included in the package. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws, after which it is treated with a sealant.
  6. The internal part of the device is installed on the bar using latches and clips.

In this case, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. During the work you will need a Phillips head screwdriver, a knife, a pencil, and a ruler.
  2. A small piece of seal equal to the size of the supply element is removed from the frame overlap. A special gasket supplied with the device is glued to this area.
  3. 3 plugs are mounted “umbrella” in the downward direction into the grooves of the sealing material. The valve itself is mounted on top of the window frame on the sashes with brackets.
  4. A sealing material is glued into the connector between the brackets.

This option involves working through the gap formed between the device and the seal.

How to set up and care for the structure

Inlet ventilation valves for PVC windows, automatic or mechanical adjustment is provided. In the first case, the device is supplemented with an automated sensor, which is responsible for hygroregulation. When the humidity level decreases, the oxygen flow will decrease; naturally, when the humidity level increases, it will increase.

As for the mechanical, or rather manual, control method, some mistakes can be made here. If the determination is incorrect, the structure will freeze or the room will become overcooled. Therefore, you need to study the operating instructions before use.

The device must be cleaned of dust once every six months. The visor and body are wiped with damp microfiber. This is enough for the device to perform its functions properly.

It is not recommended to use aggressive chemicals for cleaning. Also, do not use strong water pressure. If renovation work is planned in the house, the ventilation device must be covered.

Self-installation supply element is not provided for in the operating instructions for the windows. If any holes are created on the window frame, the manufacturer's warranty becomes invalid.

Based on user reviews, we can conclude - air valve for plastic windows, this is a necessary and practical addition that allows you to improve the microclimate in an apartment or house.

Review of popular brands

Despite the abundance of offers on the market and the huge number of manufacturers of plastic windows, few are engaged in the production of supply valves. Among those presented in Russia today we can highlight:

  • Rehau
  • Aereco

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

German valves manufactured by Siegenia are of good quality, but large in size. When installed, they cover part of the window, which is generally uncomfortable.

Rehau products are much better and smaller in size - the valves are automatically adjusted, operate silently, and can be used in windows of different sizes - from standard to small attic ones.

Aereco from Homearea is considered the undisputed leader in this segment both in quality (I will give particular priority to frost resistance) and in price - compared to analogues, these supply valves are cheaper. But the most interesting thing is that the work is carried out automatically depending on the humidity in the room with full preservation of sound insulation properties.

The entire Homearea product range is moisture sensitive and adjustable to the humidity in the room. Aereco is mounted in two ways, depending on the air supply - vertical or horizontal. Works in comfortable formations - easy ventilation and automatic.

For ease of selection, the manufacturer has developed 3 product lines at once:

  • Comfort provides different ways installations - with or without milling;
  • Comfort-S for windows without sash for ventilation;
  • Regel-air for different types windows and are aimed at passive ventilation of the room.

The Regel-air climate valve is a universal type, adapted to all types. The advantage over analogues is invisibility when the sash is closed - mounted in a hidden way- and complete preservation of sound insulation at the time of direct ventilation.


As noted earlier, the best in its segment are Aereco supply valves manufactured by Homearea (France). The operating principle of such a device is based on changing (increasing or narrowing) the passage opening, taking into account the humidity in the room and temperature.

Air-Box Regel-Air costs 480-510 rubles in different stores, good discounts are provided for wholesalers - a batch of 100 pieces can be purchased exactly 2 times cheaper.

Air-Box Comfort and Comfort-S will cost 940-980 rubles. (wholesale price 420-450 rubles), but here it is definitely recommended to buy a visor along with the valves, the cost of which is from 100 rubles. and higher.

Rehau valves cost about 50 euros, Siegenia - 35-40 euros.

If you notice that condensation has begun to appear on the windows, it’s time to buy supply valves. Choosing suitable option, be sure to take into account the degree of frost resistance, the presence of automatic ventilation and the installation method. If everything is done correctly, a healthy microclimate in the house or room where you work will be ensured!

VIDEO: How to make the simplest fresh air ventilation in the house

Normal air exchange is necessary for any room. However, it is not always possible to install a mechanical ventilation system. The best option is a ventilator for plastic windows. It provides housing with fresh air, which will flow constantly, which will eliminate drafts and condensation.

Ventilation of rooms

The easiest way to ventilate rooms is to open windows. However, it is not the most effective. Together with fresh air, harmful substances from outside penetrate into the home. This is dust and exhaust gases from road transport, and also cold. Near nearby industrial centers such ventilation is practically impossible.

Now they have begun to produce PVC windows with micro-ventilation mode. In them, it is enough to turn the handle 45 degrees so that a gap appears between the frame and the sash. Air from outside will pass through it. With this method there is almost no noise, and the amount of pollution is minimal compared to open window. However, the volume of fresh air with such ventilation is not enough for the room.

Another good way to ventilate a room is to install a limiter (comb). The system is attached to the window frame and makes it possible to adjust the ventilation gap. This is an inexpensive method, but it does not solve the main problem - access to fresh air. Cold and noise in ventilation mode penetrate into the living space.

They also produce designs with stepped ventilation mode. This ventilation system in plastic windows works like a comb. When you turn the handle, several positions open with different sizes cracks.

Self-ventilated windows

After installation modern windows Made of plastic, they provide almost complete sealing. For high-quality ventilation, self-ventilated structures were invented. They can be installed in almost all civil and industrial buildings.

In this option, ventilation holes are made in plastic windows. The holes in the profile are located at the top and bottom of the frame. Air masses pass through the lower part, after which already heated air enters the room. The system works quite effectively, but it has some disadvantages. For example, apartments on the upper floors will receive insufficient air. For this reason, special ones were invented.

Optimal valve options

This device for window ventilation is considered relatively simple. However, it has design differences depending on the variety. To understand this, you should know the features of all valve options.

Seam valves are considered the most inexpensive and simplest. Holes in allow air to enter the room through small cutouts. The features of this design are as follows:

  • low price;
  • possibility of installation without dismantling PVC windows;
  • simple and quick installation;
  • guarantee of high sound insulation of double-glazed windows;
  • possible automation.

Despite all the above advantages, this type of valve has one significant drawback - poor throughput. This can be felt well with the windows closed.

Air enters the slots through special valves. They are equipped with two blocks: inlet and regulating, and in more modern models only one block of universal type. Among the advantages of the technology are:

  • thanks to the control unit there is full protection from various external factors, such as precipitation and insects;
  • good throughput;
  • use without dismantling the glass unit.

A serious disadvantage in such valves can be called relatively complex installation. However, in some models this drawback is eliminated, for which they are very popular.

There are overhead models, but they are practically not used for residential premises. This is due to the major shortcomings of the valves. They significantly reduce the thermal insulation efficiency of windows, and sound insulation is also completely absent. Such valves are usually installed before the installation of window structures begins. This is due to preliminary adjustment of the opening. In the manufacturing sector, this type of supply ventilation has found wide application. The demand is due to its excellent throughput.

Ventilators for plastic windows

Criterias of choice

During operation of a ventilated window, it is necessary for the supply ventilation to function effectively. Each valve option has its pros and cons. To do right choice, the following characteristics must be taken into account:

Experts advise not to consider options in which it is not possible to adjust the valve. During their operation, the need to change the air flow is mandatory. Usually they make mechanisms with manual, automatic and mixed settings. It is advisable to choose a tandem from the first two. Supply ventilation will be most effective if exhaust ventilation fulfills its function. any design is easy to maintain, and this is another advantage. The basic rule of maintenance is to clean the surface from dirt. which is done once a year.

Depending on the design mechanism, its structure varies. The air flow can be regulated or it will work in constant mode. To create an optimal microclimate in the room, it is advisable to give preference to models with the ability to adjust.

The automatic setting mode is considered the most comfortable. In such a mechanism, when changing optimal parameters regulation occurs. The hygroregulation sensor in the room monitors humidity levels. It can change the air flow section in several modes and even completely close access. This type of control device can significantly reduce heat loss. When there are no people in the room, ventilation does not occur.

At manual way ventilation, you need to think independently about regulating the flow of fresh air. The valve operating time is selected manually by the person himself. Only strong winds can limit the air flow with this setting.

When operating such a system, drafts occur in the room, which is harmful to health and uncomfortable. Normal flow of fresh air from automatic tuning will relieve bad health and mood.

Practice shows that metal-plastic window systems are practical and energy efficient. They have sound insulation, and complete tightness protects the home from drafts and cold in winter. Unfortunately, the installation of plastic windows in an apartment contributes to air stagnation due to the lack of natural ventilation in PVC windows. In order not to open the windows for ventilation every time, it is necessary to install a valve, thanks to which fresh air will flow into the home.

Installing a valve on plastic windows

The valve is secured in a horizontal position on top of the window sash. Thanks to it, fresh air will regularly enter the room, creating a normal microclimate. In addition, such a problem as condensation on windows will go away. It is important that it will not be difficult for the consumer to manually adjust the amount of wind flow that is needed.

The valve operates when the window is closed. Small air flows will flow closer to the ceiling, so the owner of the house will not feel any inconvenience from the draft. The choice of valves is varied; they are produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers, standard and meeting the latest modern requirements, responsive to changes in humidity in the apartment.

Attention! You can install the valve on a plastic window with your own hands end-to-end - between the window and the wall. To install a ventilation device, you do not need to dismantle the window - just mill or drill holes.

The specifics of valve installation depend on the profile design (with increased noise protection or air permeability). The installation is carried out without milling; 400 mm of the seal is removed from the outer contour. If the profile has increased noise protection, removal is carried out at the bottom of the block. If a profile with increased air permeability is removed at the top, opposite the installation site of the ventilation valve.

What types of supply valves are there?

There are three types of valves:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

The ventilation device can be adjusted using:

  • electric motor;
  • manually;
  • cord;
  • barbell

Depending on the design of the valves, 3 standard operating modes are used:

  • When it is open and air from the street enters the house. IN technical passport When purchasing a valve, the maximum flow capacity is indicated of this device. Standard indicators are 35-50 m3 per 1 hour.
  • The valve can be in closed mode, then air enters the apartment with an intensity of 5 m3 per 1 hour.
  • If the valve is automatically regulated, it will turn on when the humidity level rises.

Important! The secret of the automation is simple - there is polyamide fabric on the valve flaps, it is presented in the form of bundles of ribbons. When humidity rises or falls, the fabric reacts - either expanding or contracting. This brings the valve into the appropriate mode. If the valve responds to pressure inside the room, then it is equipped with a curtain with an upward suspension. When there is a strong wind flow, the curtain rises, preventing the passage of air into the apartment.

The value of window ventilation: comparison table

Plastic windows without valvePlastic windows with valve
If children and pets live in the apartment, windows should not be left open unattended.The valve allows air to pass through when the window is closed, which is very safe if there are children in the apartment.
Ventilation in winter period leads to rapid cooling of the apartment.Air from the street comes in continuously, but the valve can be closed if the temperature in the apartment drops.
When closed, the plastic window is very airtight and does not allow air to pass through.Air masses circulate 24 hours with closed windows and the absence of owners.
Along with wind masses, urban dust penetrates into the apartment during ventilation.Filters in the valves prevent dust from entering the apartment.
Mold appears on slopes due to excess moisture.Windows with a valve prevent window fogging and the formation of fungus.
Windows allow city noise to pass through when ventilated.Complete sound insulation during valve operation.
A large air flow and draft in damp weather when ventilating lead to colds.There is no draft even in the coldest time of the year.

Successful new valve handle

Installation of a supply valve on a plastic window is possible in the form of installing a special handle. This option is suitable if the apartment owner wants to keep the window intact and safe, but at the same time install a supply valve. This can be done at the place where the euro window handle is attached. The influx of air masses occurs in the lower zone, where condensation accumulates most. Thanks to the valve mounted under window handle, as well as natural ventilation at home, a healthy indoor microclimate is ensured.

Important! Inside ventilation device There is a filter that helps clean the supply air. Manufacturers recommend changing filters every 6 months.

How to install a supply valve on plastic windows in place of the handle

  1. It is necessary to use a drill to make profile 5 on one side small holes with a diameter of 12 mm in increments of 21 mm. You need to drill along one line. And another additional hole is made directly to secure the valve.
  2. On the opposite side, 5 similar holes are also made for the air ducts.
  3. Air ducts are formed using special tubes inserted into opposite holes. Then silicone is applied around the tubes on both sides.
  4. The assembled valve is fixed to the profile using screws.
  5. The air intake housing with filter covers the ventilation ducts.
  6. It is imperative to check the operation of the ventilation device, only then fix it decorative plugs on the screws.

The Importance of Proper Window Valve Adjustment

Proper installation of ventilation valves in plastic windows is half the battle. In order for this element to provide the expected effect, you must be able to use it. For example, to prevent the valve on a plastic window from freezing, it must be adjusted correctly.

Factors that are important to know about the window valve in winter:

  • thanks to warm air indoors the valve will warm up completely;
  • in severe frosts, the valve cannot be completely closed;
  • when the valve in x is completely closed in frosty weather, it is necessary to seal the gap for air flow from outside;
  • After installing the valve, you may hear noise in the house, you should not be alarmed. There is a small gap in the supply valves, so the noise will be insignificant.

The most popular brands of supply window valves


The supply valves are equipped with dampers made of polyamide fabric, which is very sensitive to increased air humidity. At high humidity levels, a gap forms in the damper through which supply air enters. When the humidity is normal, the damper lowers, closing the gap. Valves from this manufacturer easily withstand the coldest winters and do not freeze.


The brand offers a wide range of window valves, which differ not only in price, but also in configurations. Characterized by automatic operation and noiselessness. The valve is based on a plastic membrane - it is very sensitive to wind force. If the wind is strong and gusty, it closes; if there is complete calm or a light breeze, it opens. It is often used in panel houses for ventilation.


The products are manufactured by a German company. The consumer first of all needs to understand that when installing a valve, the window clearance can be reduced. Design suitable for large panoramic windows and balcony solutions.

Attention! The answer to the question of how to install a supply valve on plastic windows with your own hands may be completely different. From manufacturers metal-plastic structures You can order windows with an already built-in ventilation system. Popularly they have already received their name “smart”.

Regardless of the model, the supply valve becomes dirty over time, therefore, it is recommended to remove dust from the device using damp cloth. You can use a vacuum cleaner. Do not wash the valve household chemicals, as well as wet and disassemble. If renovation work is being carried out in the house, it is better to cover it with film to prevent construction dust from getting into the cracks.