How to restore parquet without sanding with your own hands: instructions, tools. How and how to paint old parquet without sanding How to refresh parquet without sanding machine

Parquet is one of the most elite floor coverings. Its natural color and intricate pattern give any room, be it a house or an apartment, beauty and sophistication. In addition to attractiveness, parquet also has such positive properties as strength and durability.

But even on such a coating, due to improper operation or care, various defects may appear over time (cracks, depressions, creaks, loss of gloss and darkening of individual areas). by the most right decision It would be better to entrust the repair and subsequent painting of the parquet to professionals, but this will require considerable material costs. Therefore, another option is suitable for many - read our recommendations on how to paint old parquet without looping and do everything yourself.

The choice of painting methods

There are several options for updating the floor. The first is to simply cover it with paint that matches the color of the interior. The floor will look original if it is painted not in one color, but in several. Various patterns also look beautiful, for example, a chess cage of black and white color and other patterns. But full painting is not always acceptable due to the fact that the structure of the tree is hidden and the floor loses its zest.

Therefore, most often, special paints are used to repair the coating, through which the beautiful natural texture of the parquet is visible, or it is treated with varnish. Before varnishing, if you wish, you can change the shade of the parquet by pre-treating it with a stain.

What tool is required

To prepare the coating for restoration and the staining process itself, you will need the following tools:

  • construction vacuum cleaner;
  • brushes wide and narrow, paint roller;
  • spray;
  • hammer and chisel;
  • building hair dryer;
  • a set of spatulas;
  • a bath or bucket for mixing the varnish composition;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • protective suit, goggles, gloves and a respirator.

It is better to rent a construction vacuum cleaner, since it makes no sense to purchase it. If you do everything qualitatively, then the next time it will be needed in decades.

Material selection

When choosing a paint or varnish, preference should be given to those varieties that are made specifically for the floor, because it is subject to serious regular loads. The color of the paint should be such that the coating is in harmony with the interior of the room. It is desirable to select a shade of varnish a tone darker than in the previous coating.

You also need to take into account such an important parameter as the absorbency of wood. For example, pine, with its soft structure, needs a special type of varnish, while standard parquet flooring is suitable for oak. On the market big choice varnishes, so in order to help you decide, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with them in more detail.


Life time





Lucky on water based

Fine suspension of polymer (PVA or other) in water


They are odorless, dry quickly, penetrate the wood well, give it strength

Slightly change the color of the wood, fade from exposure to ultraviolet light

Epoxy two-component

Epoxy resin and hardener

Very durable, moisture resistant high level glitter

Harden for a long time, inelastic


50 years or more

Acrylic dispersion, antiseptic and plasticizer

Low toxicity, durable and elastic, fireproof, resistant to mechanical stress

Require mixing

Alkyd and uralkyd

Not more than 10 years

Alkyd resins and natural oils, white spirit


Non-toxic, reinforce natural beauty wood, wear-resistant and resistant to changes in temperature and humidity

It is necessary to monitor the thickness of the layer, during drying are sensitive to high temperatures

In addition, various primers are used to cover the parquet. They are also called primers. They are transparent, the structure of the tree is clearly visible through them and the shine is obtained, like from a varnish. But it should be borne in mind that each type of primer is suitable for a certain type of varnish, otherwise you can get a spotted floor, which will have to be restored again.

Preparing for painting

Before painting or varnishing the parquet surface, the old layer of varnish must be removed. This work is done using sandpaper of different grain sizes. And it is better to do this not with your hands, but with your feet, attaching the skins to unnecessary flat shoes. This is of course not only comical, but also very tiring, but the result is worth it. First, they take the largest grained skin, and then gradually move on to the smallest.

The second option is to remove the old varnish with building hair dryer and spatula, and then clean sandpaper. For getting good quality floors, it is desirable to remove the old varnish completely, and not only in those places where it has peeled off or darkened. You may not know what type of varnish was used last time, and applying a different type may result in an unwanted reaction.

It is undesirable to remove the varnish with a solvent, as stains may remain after it. As a result, it will have to be sanded and varnished again. In addition, you will breathe harmful fumes from the solvent for a long time. Therefore, it is always preferable if this work is done by specialists. They will remove the top layer of wood with grinders.

Elimination of small cracks, fallen knots and scratches

Before starting the final stage of work - painting the floor, carefully remove all debris and dust with a vacuum cleaner, as well as damp cloth. Small defects on the parquet are masked with putty (its tone should be as close as possible to the future color of the coating). After grouting cracks and scratches, the floor is dried, and then cleaned again with fine-grained sandpaper. On next step once again remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.

If desired, putty can be done independently. Take a piece of parquet tile (same in color and texture as on the coating), cut small sawdust out of it and mix them with varnish or paint. The consistency should be close to plasticine. Some craftsmen try to add to wood shavings PVA glue, but we do not recommend doing this, because when grinding it clogs the grains of the nozzle.

To draw joints similar to real ones on the puttied places of the parquet, take a metal ruler and an awl. This should be done at the moment when the putty stops sticking, but will still be soft. To draw straight false joints with an awl, they lead along the ruler. And uneven seams are made by slightly pressing the putty with the edge of the ruler. If you need to draw false joints on the putty that has already set, then with great effort, draw an awl along a ruler or template made of galvanized metal.

How to varnish parquet

Before you start varnishing the floor, perform the following preliminary work:

  • make sure that the parquet is even and clean (its final quality will depend on this);
  • protect the bottom of the wall (so that the varnish does not get on the wallpaper);
  • put on special clothing and respiratory protection;
  • open windows and doors so that the room is well ventilated (some varnishes are very toxic).

First, it is desirable to apply a primer, and after it has completely dried, you can proceed to the very process of varnishing the parquet. In some cases, experts do not recommend using a primer mixture. Some are interested in whether it is possible to paint the parquet with a brush. Yes, but this process will take a long time. It is better to take a quality roller with an elongated handle for this. During the period of work, make sure that there are no drops. If suddenly they have formed, remove them with a dry cloth, otherwise there will be dark spots in this place.

Usually parquet is varnished several times. The time interval between the application of each subsequent layer must be exactly the same as indicated in the instructions attached to the selected type of varnish. During drying, keep the room closed so that dust does not fly in from the street and does not stick to the varnish. It will be possible to fully use the coating only after 14 days.

Most frequent problems when varnishing parquet

So that after the completion of the work you do not find unpleasant defects, we will consider the most common of them:

  1. The varnish takes a very long time to dry. Most likely, when mixing the components, the technology written in the instructions was violated (for example, little hardener was added). The polymerization period can take up to a month. Drying with a hair dryer will not help, but rather harm.
  2. White stripes. This happens in cases where a dirty tool was used for staining. It is impossible to fix this defect.
  3. Variety parquet. Probably, when drying, there was a strong draft in the room, and the surface dried unevenly. Sometimes even air bubbles form under the varnish layer.
  4. The color of the parquet turned out darker than you expected. Varnish - Chemical substance and it always "burns" the wood a little, so it becomes 1 or even 3 shades darker.
  5. Peeling or swelling of the varnish layer. This happens when a primer and varnish of different composition were used. The only way to remedy the situation is to remove the varnish completely and cover the floor again.

If all operations were carried out correctly, then the surface of the parquet will acquire the desired strength and gloss. On such a coating, you can safely put furniture and other household items. Now you know how and with what to paint parquet without sanding.

Cases in which you can not do without specialists

There are situations in which you need the help of professional repairmen. For example, these:

  • the parquet is worn out very much, and there are many cracks on it, as well as various defects;
  • the coating was swollen from excess moisture, and some elements fell out;
  • parquet boards are loose, dark, covered with mold and easily pierced with an awl;
  • The varnish is so strong that it cannot be removed manually.

In all these cases, you can not do without the help of professionals. They will re-lay the parquet completely or, if necessary, replace its damaged parts and sand the surface of the parquet, and then cover it with varnish. If you are faced with serious damage to the parquet, our website has all the necessary contacts to call the masters. Specialists will promptly come to you in any district of St. Petersburg and the region.

When carrying out repairs, many people think about how to update the parquet without sanding. Over the years, even the most expensive material wears out, loses its presentable appearance and needs to be restored.

The following defects appear:

  • bumps, potholes, cracks;
  • loosening and peeling of individual planks;
  • creaking when walking on the floor.

The most radical and costly way to update parquet board- cycle. What are the budget alternatives for updating the floor and restoring its lost beauty?

Renovation of parquet without scraping: elimination of scratches and irregularities

To eliminate small scratches and smooth out roughness on wood, you can use sandpaper and a hand scraper. The first step in the restoration work is the removal of the old varnish in the area requiring repair. After that, putty must be applied to the restoration area.

Sandpaper is used to level the surface after the grout has dried. To simulate seams, you will need a metal ruler and an awl. The final stage- applying varnish. To eliminate minor scratches, you can use a wax pencil. For improvement appearance floors can be covered worn parquet special paint, varnish or protective composition.

How to update the parquet if the boards are loose?

Loose planks can be fixed by driving nails into the end of the boards under acute angle. If the problem affects a large area, then bamboo inserts can be used around the area requiring restoration to eliminate it. To drive in wedges, you will need to pre-drill a series of holes.

Fighting creaky parquet

With the aging of the parquet, a characteristic creak appears during walking. Measure the humidity level in the room. This value should not exceed 40%. Without resorting to replacing the boards, you can partially eliminate the creak using the technology of "wedging" the parquet around the perimeter. To do this, you will need to dismantle the skirting boards, wedges. After that, new spacers are clogged with an interval of 50 centimeters.

Within a few days after the restoration, it is necessary to check whether the floor creaks, and if there is a defect, knock out the wedges. If it was not possible to eliminate the problem in this way, then 100% elimination of the unpleasant sound will help you in compliance with all the technologies of construction and repair work. Our experts are ready to replace the outdated coating at the highest professional level.

Parquet is considered one of the strongest and most durable floor coverings, but over time it can fail or partially deform. Due to improper care, gloss is lost, scratches and other minor defects of the parquet board appear.

In order to keep the parquet in the apartment for as long as possible, it is necessary to follow some care rules and take preventive measures. But if, nevertheless, deformation has occurred, the coating can be restored with your own hands. How to update parquet boards at home, we will consider in this article.

Parquet deformations

Measures to restore the appearance of the floor

Since the main cause of minor defects is improper care, first we will figure out how to properly care.

  • To renovate the parquet, it is necessary to clean it once a month with a special protective agent containing wax, especially their use is relevant in areas with high traffic. They are mainly sold in the form of polishes, the basis of which is wax or another composition similar to diluted varnish. Due to the fact that the basis of this product is wax, it is practically odorless.
  • When bald patches appear, spray varnish will save. Care with such a tool should be carried out at least 1 time per month.
  • If the old parquet floor has lost its luster, a refresher is used, the treatment of which is carried out from 2 times a month, depending on the traffic of people.

parquet care product
  • If the parquet board contains oil and wax in the base, it is cared for in a slightly different way. Processing is carried out by a dry method, using a product that contains wax and a solvent.
  • Such parquet can also be maintained using the wet method, but the fabric should not contain excess moisture that may remain on the board. This care method also uses special substances containing wax.
  • In the presence of parquet, the basis of which is wax and oil, it is necessary to carry out preventive care by impregnating the boards with oil.
  • With proper care of the parquet and its careful operation, the coating will last long time without the need to repair or replace it.

Restoration of small defects on the parquet

In case of untimely maintenance of the parquet or violation of the rules of operation, it loses its luster, scratches or other minor flaws appear. You can update the parquet with your own hands in such ways.

Parquet floor renovation with sanding

  • The amount of work depends on the area of ​​the damaged surface. This procedure is mainly carried out using grinder. But in case of its absence, the floor can be sanded and manually using sandpaper.

Important! Using grinder you need to be extremely careful and not to fill it up on its side, since the edge of the sandpaper can leave a large scratch on the coating, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to eliminate the flaw by applying wax.

The process of sanding parquet flooring
  • For grinding in manual mode, to facilitate the process, the following technology is used:
  1. an emery sheet is glued on a flat, flat sole, smaller on one leg, more grainy on the other;
  2. after the glue dries, putting on shoes on your feet, you just need to snort them on the parquet;
  3. after polishing, the surface is rubbed with wax.

After restoration, the parquet needs additional care. If, having a new parquet floor, it was necessary to apply a wax product once a month, then after restoration, such care is necessary at least 2 times a month.

Do-it-yourself parquet restoration using putty

It is possible to renew parquet without sanding using the putty method. It is mainly used when visible scratches or chips occur due to improper care of the coating.

The technology of this method is:

  • A putty material is purchased that has a shade of parquet board.
  • Using a spatula, a restoration paste is applied to the surface of the parquet.
  • After the solution dries, it is processed with a fine emery sheet.
  • Having finished the process, the parquet is varnished and coated with wax.

Floor putty

Having carried out the restoration of parquet with your own hands without sanding, sometimes it is necessary to create an imitation of joints. Held this process in the following way:

  • An awl and a ruler are being prepared.
  • Using a ruler, pressing on the joints, they create an imitation of a seam.
  • End false joints can also be formed using an awl, passing it along the established ruler.
  • After this procedure, the parquet flooring must be varnished. It is better and safer to use a water-based parquet varnish.

Lacquering of parquet

Important! To obtain a mirror finish, the surface must be varnished at least twice.

After the varnish has dried, it is necessary to take care of the parquet, which includes rubbing the surface using a special wax.

Restoration of parquet boards with more serious deformations

How to update the old parquet if the boards loosened.

  • One way to get rid of loose boards is to drive small nails into the end of each board at a 45 degree angle.
  • To drive in these nails, a special “doboychik” rod or a large nail is used.
  • If there was loosening of not one board, but the whole section of the parquet flooring, then bamboo inserts can be used. To do this, holes are drilled around the perimeter of the loose area and bamboo wedges are driven into them. To cut off excess rod is used household knife. After the bamboo inserts swell and compact the loose boards, the places of their inserts can be puttied, varnished and rubbed with a wax-containing product.

Removing a wobbly board

Squeaky coating

Squeaking is considered one of the most common problems. It occurs mainly due to drying out or drying out of the board. And even with proper and timely care, creaking can still occur.

It is not always possible to get rid of it, since uneven concrete floor. And only after the complete removal of the coating and leveling the base, you can get rid of this problem.

But sometimes, to eliminate the creak, it is enough to wed the parquet along its perimeter.

How to renew parquet by wedging?

  • Before starting work, you need to check the humidity of the room, if it exceeds 40% - you can not expect a positive result.
  • First of all, the baseboards in the room are removed.
  • Then the old wedges are removed, which eventually cease to fulfill their function.
  • New wedges are inserted in their place, in increments of 50 cm.
  • Throughout the week, the wedges are driven into the depth, checking the coating for squeaks.

If within a week it was not possible to eliminate the creak of the board, it means that it arose for a more compelling reason and it will not be possible to remove it by ordinary wedging.

Sometimes, even after restoration work, after a certain period of time, the board fails. To prevent this, follow these tips:

  • After carrying out any restoration work, a special agent containing wax must be applied to the parquet boards. Its layer will protect the boards from excessive moisture, as the wax repels it and gives the coating a shine.
  • It is necessary to carry out timely care behind the parquet so that debris does not accumulate on its surface, which can damage the boards when stepping on them.
  • After the parquet board has been repaired and varnished, furniture should not be moved for two weeks.
  • In those places where people walk the most, you can lay a carpet.

Summing up, we can say that parquet is a durable coating, but it will only serve if it is properly cared for. The cause of the malfunction is mainly considered to be untimely and poor-quality care, as well as mechanical stress. In most cases, you can do the restoration yourself, without the involvement of specialists, using the sanding and putty method. Opening the coating with varnish and wax also plays a big role, but this is mainly done for preventive purposes or to hide minor scratches.

No matter what new types of flooring appear on the building materials market, parquet still retains its reputation as the most beautiful classic flooring that gives the interior elegance and respectability. Other advantages of parquet include ease of maintenance and long term services.

However, no matter how long this period may be, in the end you have to think about the restoration and renewal of the parquet due to the wear and tear of its dies. The most radical way to update will, of course, be sanding parquet floors, but this pleasure is very expensive and time-consuming, especially since you will have to resort to the services of a specialist with a sanding machine.

Parquet preparation

We offer several ways to renew your parquet flooring with a simple cosmetic treatment. But first of all, you need to take care of cleaning the floor surface from adhering dirt (chewing gum, plasticine, etc.). They can be easily removed by placing a plastic bag filled with ice cubes over the stained area. After 20-25 minutes, the pollution will go away very easily.

On any long operated flooring scratches and chips inevitably appear. They are eliminated with the help of a special putty, which is rubbed over the damaged areas, and then varnish is applied to them.

If the parquet does not need serious restoration, but only needs to be sanded in some places, then this can be done manually, more precisely, “by foot”, fixing sandpaper on old shoes.

What varnishes are used for protective coating

The parquet must be varnished, which gives it not only a shiny (in every sense) appearance, but also protects it from moisture. Currently, there are mainly four types of varnishes in use:

  • alkyd and uralkyd - inexpensive, quick-drying, but with not too much durability (no more than 10 years);
  • acrylic and epoxy - with a minimum level of toxicity (however, when working with them, it is necessary to use a respirator), high durability (up to 50 years); however, if the sun's rays fall on the parquet, its wood may fade slightly and change its color scheme.

How to get rid of a squeak

Parquet begins to creak due to heavy wear and high humidity, which normally should not exceed 40%. It can be checked with a hygrometer. To do this, it is best to remove the parquet at the edges, and then measure. If the value exceeds 60%, then you cannot do without the help of professionals.

Sometimes the cause of the squeak is the wear of the spacer wedges under the skirting boards. By removing the skirting boards, you can check their condition and replace them with new pairs, which are installed after 50-60 cm and tightly knocked out. It should be knocked out until the creaking stops.

How to get rid of parquet swelling

This problem can be solved independently only if the swelling area is small and water has been spilled in a small amount. Surely there is a hair dryer in the house, but it will take about an hour and a half to thoroughly dry the swollen area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe parquet. Immediately after that, while the parquet is still hot, it is covered with a dense cloth, and a load is evenly placed on top at the rate of 10 kg per 1 dm 2.

Please note that it is advisable to dry immediately after spilling water or other liquid on the parquet, then unpleasant consequences can be avoided. If you start doing this after 7-10 days, then all efforts will be useless due to the reproduction of spores and fungi in the flooded area.

The main enemies of parquet

Parquet has three main enemies:

  • air humidity, and not only excessive, but also insufficient;
  • ultraviolet radiation (so try to prevent direct sun rays- just draw the curtains during the day);
  • sand brought on the soles of shoes.

However, under the condition of regular and competent care, parquet floors will delight you with their appearance for a long time.

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