How to find what you lost at home quickly. How to find a lost item using numerology

A situation in which you have to search for a long time for something that was put in an unknown place is quite common and common. Just a couple of minutes ago you were absolutely sure that you put this thing in a strictly defined place, but it wasn’t there. Circumstances in which you are in a hurry, and the lost item is simply necessary, often add special piquancy to this minor nuisance. this moment time. What to do in this case and how to remember where you put the thing?

To find the things you need, psychologists offer several simple ways.

  1. Returnable. If you just held the necessary item in your hands, but now you can’t remember where it is, use useful advice: return to the place where you last saw the desired item and once again repeat all the actions that you performed before taking the desired item. Thanks to exactly the same sequence of execution, you will probably immediately remember where you put or wanted to put the much-needed item.

    For example, you cannot find the TV remote control. The last time you picked it up was when you were sitting in a chair and watching your favorite TV series... Until someone rang your doorbell. Thus, your remote control will most likely be in the hallway.

  2. Logical. Let's say you need a specific nail. And it’s comfortable to hold, and you pulled it out of the old chair very easily. Let's think logically - where could you put it? A nail is a small thing, which means it can easily get lost. To prevent the carnation from falling and rolling away in an unknown direction, where can you put it? In a desk drawer? In a small box? Look where it would be best for him to be.
  3. Repeating. Imagine that you have the necessary thing in your hands. Right now you are holding it, feeling its shape and weight. Where would you put it if you had it now, at this very moment? Now go and see if you did the same thing before?
  4. Lifter. If the item is small, your home is being renovated, your children have made a mess, or your previous searches were unsuccessful, try searching in a new way. Think and remember the places where you usually put the desired item. Do you remember? Now look around to see if in these places there are newspapers, sheets of paper, scarves or other things that may cover or block your search object. Perhaps the thing you need is in its place, just covered with something else.
  5. Oblivious. Despite its name, this method of finding lost items is very effective. Often, when we are looking for a certain thing, we reproduce it in detail in our memory. Sometimes even too detailed. The fact is that when we want to find an object too much, we visually outline it, and our brain, because of such detail, thinks that the object has already been found. This is the reason for the well-known phenomenon in which the object of search lies simply before our eyes, but we do not notice it and search further. Therefore, put off your search for a couple of minutes, take a walk, and do something else, even if it’s just a momentary thing. Most likely, when you return to your search, you will immediately discover the lost item.
  6. Ancient. Our ancestors also noticed that finding forgotten things is a difficult task. This is how the ancient sign arose. If you cannot find the necessary thing, take the scissors and open them, and then put them in this form on the table. They say that after something like this everything is found instantly. Do you know why? Our brain is distracted from searching and switches to scissors. And here the fifth, forgetting method comes into force.
Using these methods, you can easily remember where you put it. necessary thing and you will find it easily.

We all often lose something we need at home - keys, documents, flash drives, jewelry and a lot of other things. The search takes a lot of time and effort. It seems as if the whole house is already upside down, and there was no loss. Let's try to find the lost item in your home together.

If you drop and consequently lose something small, use a vacuum cleaner to search:
  1. Remove the brush from the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Put on and secure a nylon sock to the vacuum cleaner tube.
  3. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at low power.
  4. Carefully walk the tube through all the places where the lost item could have fallen.
  5. If you are lucky enough to find something missing, remove it from the surface of the sock and turn off the vacuum cleaner.
If the loss is not found or its size does not allow you to use a vacuum cleaner to search, do not give up. First of all, calm down, concentrate, stop being nervous and running around the house in a panic. Carefully inspect with fresh eyes the places where the missing item is likely to be located. It often happens that the object we need lies right in front of our eyes, but we don’t notice it. If your gaze is still not caught on anything, move on to the next part of our search. Close your eyes and try to remember where you last saw the missing item. For example, you lost your keys: imagine step by step how you get the right key, open the door with it, enter the house, lock the lock from the inside, take off your shoes, put the keys on the nightstand (hang it on a hook, take it with you to the kitchen, throw it on the sofa - it depends depending on the situation). Introduced? Now open your eyes and go look for the loss in the place where it is supposed to be. If it’s not there either, don’t stop searching. Let's move on to traditional methods, the most interesting of them is the appeal to the brownie. It is believed that he is the owner of your home and lost things are under his control. If you can’t find something that was literally in your hands a minute ago, the brownie decided to joke with you. Stop searching and say: “Brownie, brownie, play around and give it back!” For some reason, after this phrase, most of the lost things are never found. Don't believe me? Check it out, it won't hurt.

Another old one folk way to find a lost thing - tie an ordinary handkerchief to a chair leg. It is difficult to explain the logic of this action, but grandparents claim that after performing this ritual, finding the loss becomes as easy as shelling pears.

If none of the above helped you, but you are still firmly convinced that the loss is somewhere in the house, use the last method, which works in 100% of cases. Start spring cleaning! As a result, you will kill two birds with one stone - the house will shine with cleanliness, and everything that was lost in Lately– will be found.

  1. Turn the empty cup upside down - the missing item will be found instantly.
  2. Ask the brownie for help, because he is the one who knows everything that is happening within the walls of your home. While searching for a missing item, try saying: “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back.” At the same time, you still need to clap your hands.
  3. There is also a way to attract a brownie to help. At night, leave a bowl of milk or sweets in the kitchen in the darkest and most inaccessible corner. With this you will appease the brownie. In the morning you will already know exactly where the item you are looking for is. Information will come either in a dream or in the morning after waking up.

  1. Start talking to the missing person. Call her and ask her to be found. The thing should respond and come into your field of vision.
  2. Tie a handkerchief to a chair leg. There will be something missing!
  3. Light a candle purple(violet awakens intuition and opens the third eye). Look at the candle flame while thinking about the missing item. In a few minutes you should receive information about where the missing item is.
  4. If you have a spider living in your house, then you definitely need to include it in the search, since these creatures are considered the guardians of home peace. Place the spider in the center of the apartment. In which direction it will go, that’s where we need to look.

Why all these methods of searching for missing things work is not clear. Either during such rituals we simply switch our attention and, distracted from the search, remember where the thing is, or it’s really all about subtle energies and magic. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.12.2014 09:50

Each of us has lost something at least once in our lives. At times like this, sometimes...

It is believed that the house in which the brownie lives is protected from evil people, damage and evil eye. Since ancient times this creature has settled...

It often happens that a person loses an object or thing at home: keys, watches, bracelet, passport and much more. The search often takes quite a lot of effort and nerves. Sometimes it seems that the whole house has already been searched, but the missing item has not been found.

Lost search options: vacuum cleaner

If a small item has fallen, a vacuum cleaner is suitable to find it. Disconnect the brush from the vacuum cleaner, and in its place, attach and carefully fasten an ordinary sock. Turn the vacuum cleaner on to maximum and slowly move the tube over the area where the desired item might have fallen. If you are lucky and the missing item is found, then take it from your sock and turn off the vacuum cleaner.

Focus and think

When the dimensions of an object do not allow you to use a vacuum cleaner, do not despair. Try to pull yourself together, stop being nervous and panicking. Sit down, think, look around the room and those places where the wanted item may be located. What often happens is that it is in front of your eyes, and your lack of concentration prevents you from detecting it.

If all else fails, close your eyes and remember where you last saw it missing. For example, you lost a flash drive: remember step by step where and when you used it and where you put it away. You inserted the flash drive into the computer, ran certain actions, took it out of the connector and put it somewhere. Now open your eyes sharply and go to where you left the thing. If it is not there, then continue searching.

Refer to your home

People always blame themselves, relying on their inattention and absent-mindedness. But it is worth remembering that the matter may be due to peculiar changes taking place in your home. The room where people live is considered the place where the energy associated with the life of each family member is concentrated. This same energy leads to you getting tired, filling your head with thoughts about business and forgetting about home. The roof senses this, so a kind of imbalance of energy and objects arises.

At times like these, you feel clumsy, for example, trying to turn on a light where there is no switch or placing a cup of food on the edge of the table so that it falls. It seems to you that there is chaos and asymmetry in the house.

So, in order to find something, you need to turn to your home. No, this does not mean that you need to torment yourself every day with general cleaning and apartment maintenance. Just live in the house, feel its warmth, thank it for the fact that you have it, and you can relax in it, do what you love, cook food and be its owner.

Appease the brownie

The next step is to please the spirit of the house. Everyone knows that brownies love to make fun of their owners. This is especially true when you have recently moved into a house, in new buildings, and when you do not take care of the house. The spirit of the house can move objects, hide them because he doesn't like something or is worried.

If you cannot find your favorite earrings and think that these are the tricks of the brownie, then try to appease him: feed him something tasty, floury and sweet. Place in the eastern part of the house (this is where the spirit of the house lives) a piece of sugar, a cookie or some butter. The result will not be long in coming - the thing will soon be in its place. You can talk to the brownie and ask him to return your item. Believe me, it really works.

Summoning with a thread

Our ancestors left us one more universal method search for lost things: arm yourself with a thread or rope and tie it to the table leg in the kitchen.

Such actions encourage the lost item to return to its place. Most things disappear as a result of temporary changes, so it is precisely summoning the thing that will return it to its owner.

Pendulum to the rescue

Searching with a pendulum is also quite common among Old Believers. You can take a special pendulum for dowsing or make it yourself from a weight suspended on a rope. While holding the pendulum, start thinking about the lost thing, about its appearance and accessories. Make a wish in which you express that you want this thing to be found. Walk around the room with a pendulum in your hands. When you feel his movement, go where he leads you. This is how you can find the location of a lost item.

If not a single piece of advice helped you, and the item was never found, but you are sure that it is in your house, then use the last method, which guarantees that you will find it - spring-cleaning premises. This method is good because your house will begin to shine with cleanliness, and because the loss will certainly be discovered.

Be sure to use the tips given above, then you will easily find exactly what you need and exactly where you do not expect it. Try not to lose your favorite things and household items.

Video: how to find a lost item

It happens that you can’t find the right thing in the house. Whether the brownie is joking, or the devil is having fun, I can’t tell. Or maybe your forgetfulness or inattention is to blame? It’s worse if the item is not just lost, but stolen by a thief. Magic will help you return what was lost to its place. A plot to find a lost item can be read on any day of the lunar month.

If you need to remember where you put or hid the right thing, draw a cross on your left palm with a burnt match. Wait half an hour and wash it off with milk.

“Everything that has gone will return.
Everything I need will be found.
Christ and the forces of light are with me!

Stand in the center of the room and listen to your inner feelings. Soon you will find your lost item at home.

Appeal to the brownie

If you have a good relationship with the brownie (even though he sometimes likes to hide various objects), ask him for help. Tie a handkerchief to the leg of a chair or stool and say this:

Play and give it back!”

You can show him the candy and tell him that he will receive a treat if he helps you find the missing item. If these are his tricks, then the thing will appear in front of you “out of nowhere.” If the brownie is not at fault, then he will definitely help find the loss.

Ritual with a handkerchief

If you have lost something you need in the house and cannot find it, take a handkerchief.

Write the name of the loss into the handkerchief and tie a knot at one end (do not tighten too much).

As soon as the loss is found, the knot must be untied.

Ritual with threads

If there is no help from the brownie or he does not live in your house, then perform a ritual with threads. Before going to bed, measure a thread the length of your height and fold it in three. Don't just fold, but think about how to find the missing item.

Then fold the thread seven more times and tie two knots on it (not tightly), and then hide it under your pillow. If at night you don’t see a dream about where to find what you lost, then in the morning take the thread out from under the pillow and start untying the knots.

After this, you will definitely remember where you put the item you needed.

Ritual with herbs

  • motherwort;
  • lavender;
  • sagebrush.

If the loss is definitely in the house and not stolen by thieves, take the dry herbs and put them in a copper bowl (or just a cast iron frying pan). Light the herbs with a little alcohol and fumigate all the rooms of the house with this smoke. After a while you will stumble upon the missing item!

Purple candle

Just in case, you need to have purple candles in the house. Just in order to find a lost item, you need to light a purple candle in your house or apartment! Place a candle in the center of the room, light it and think about the lost thing while looking at the fire.

You can mentally ask the candle for help, talk about how you need to return this item to its place. After a few minutes of meditation, you will see that the paraffin will flow from certain side candles. This is the direction you need to look for what is lost!

Let the candle burn out to the end. Thank her for her help!

Ritual with ropes

To find a lost item quickly, at sunset you need to tie knots in a rope while reading the plot:

“Lost (name an object), stop!
Answer me (your name)!”

Place the rope in the western corner of the apartment, and early in the morning the knots on the rope are untied, saying:

“Lost (name the item), untie!
Show yourself to me (your name)!”

After this, the rope is placed in the eastern corner. The missing person is quickly found. This ritual can also be performed with clothes: for men, the sleeves of a shirt are tied, and for women, a dress is tied at the waist.

If thieves stole

If you just can’t find a lost item or a necessary item (usually very important to you!), you can go to hell for help. Don’t be afraid to do this, since you will leave them a payoff of a few coins at the crossroads so that they don’t play pranks in the house.

But the devils will help you return the stolen item or find it at home. Stand in the center of the room and start clapping your hands, while reading the plot in a loud voice:

“Devil brothers, come here, help me return (name of object)!
Arbamas, Avramas, Argamas!
In the name of this, in the name of that, in the name of the other!
Give the thief thoughts, take away his brains, suppress his will, take his share until he returns what he stole!”

If a thief steals, he cannot help but return what he took to its place. The devils do a good job for a payoff. But if the loss was large, then the payoff should not just be left in coins, but good vodka should be taken to the crossroads. Just leave the intersection without turning around, so as not to bring evil spirits into the house with you.