How easy it is to clean the microwave from grease inside and out. How to wash the microwave inside and out, quick ways to wash the microwave from grease

The microwave oven has long been our daily assistant, like a kettle, iron and other household appliances. Why waste time and get your dishes dirty while reheating food when you can do it in minutes and without special efforts?

However, this device also needs care, and many housewives probably want to know how to clean the microwave from old fat at home without much effort. If you need to clean your microwave from grease quickly, take advantage of the tips and tricks given by our experts.

Most Effective Methods

If you think that you can only clean the microwave using detergents, then this is far from the case, although this method is also on the list of the most effective. It is worth noting that even if there were no special substances at hand to wash the microwave from grease and other contaminants, you can resort to the help of tools that are likely to be found in every home. So, the most effective ways:

  • lemon acid;
  • using soda and vinegar;
  • detergents.

With steam

To quickly clean the microwave inside with steam, you will need no more than half a liter of water, as well as a container for it. Be sure to take a vessel with a wide diameter (bowl, glass pan, etc.) so that the water evaporation area is as large as possible. How to perform a cleaning procedure without chemicals:

  1. Place a bowl of water in the microwave.
  2. Run the appliance for 15 minutes at the highest power setting.
  3. After the time has elapsed, do not rush to immediately take out the vessel - let the steam that settles on the walls work for a few more minutes (it will be easier to clean the surfaces).
  4. It remains to get a container of water and wipe the surface of dirt yourself using a sponge.

Tip: The steam method is suitable for light soiling. If the plaque is more serious, the water should be heated for 2-3 hours at medium microwave power.

Using citric acid or vinegar

Vinegar and citric acid effectively soften layers of grease and dirt. Washing the microwave with vinegar is the fastest way compared to other methods. It will take only 2 tbsp. vinegar and half a liter of water. Then proceed, as in the case of the steam method, after adding vinegar to the water. This method allows you to wash the microwave at home in 5 minutes. However, be prepared for the pungent smell that is characteristic of vinegar. If you decide to clean your microwave with vinegar, it's important to ventilate the area well after you finish.

Citric acid is considered a good substitute for vinegar. With the same efficiency, its evaporation does not have a strong odor. The essence of the procedure is the same as with vinegar, but instead dissolve one sachet of citric acid in 250 ml of water (usually its weight is 25 g).

Soda as the best helper of a housewife

Another tool with which you can clean the microwave in 5 minutes and get rid of the smell of food and grease is ordinary baking soda:

1. Take 1 tbsp. soda and dissolve it in 500 ml of water.
2. Place a container of water inside the microwave oven and turn it on at maximum power.
3. Leave the device for a few minutes after it stops working.
4. Try washing the microwave with baking soda by wiping the inside with a sponge. If there are areas that are difficult to clean, soak the sponge in the same soda solution and easily remove the dirt.

With the use of detergents

Do not forget about the products that are specifically designed to quickly clean the microwave or other appliances. However, we will use them in a slightly different way. An ordinary dishwashing sponge and a few drops of a good detergent (like Fairy) will help you clean the microwave from grease and other contaminants:

1. Moisten the sponge with plenty of water and, without wringing it out, drip a little detergent to make a drop with a diameter of a coin on the surface of the sponge.
2. Squeeze the sponge several times to lather the cleanser well.
3. Put the sponge in the microwave oven.
4. Set the time to 30 seconds and the smallest power. Be careful not to let the sponge get too hot and start to melt.
5. Open the door and try cleaning the inside of the microwave using the same sponge.

If you want to clean the device with detergent, then it is worth recalling such a wonderful assistant in this matter as laundry soap. It perfectly copes with various contaminants, helps to get rid of burning inside. To clean with laundry soap, you need to thoroughly lather the sponge and actively clean the surfaces of the microwave oven from the inside with it. Leave the appliance in this state for a few minutes to allow the soap to work. Then it remains only to wipe heavily contaminated areas on your own again and rinse off the product with a clean sponge. It is recommended to thoroughly clean the soap stains, otherwise unpleasant odors may occur when using the microwave for the first time.

How often to clean the inside of the microwave

The issue is quite controversial. It would seem that this procedure is required as it gets dirty microwave oven Or if food is burned in it. It is worth noting that in these cases, cleaning is mandatory - if you ignore it, it will not be easy to clean serious dirt in the future. However, even when the internal surfaces of the appliance appear to be perfectly clean, it is necessary to carry out regular water procedures". During the operation of the microwave, strong odors (for example, from fish) are absorbed into its walls, and also, as a result of evaporation, small particles of fat accumulate on surfaces. It is also recommended to clean the inside of the device with a damp sponge after each use.

Tip: To avoid cleaning the microwave too often, cover the dishes with food during heating with a special plastic cap, glass lid, cling film or parchment paper.


Now you know how to quickly and easily clean the microwave from minor residues of grease and soot, without using a lot of time. We have reviewed various ways including household chemicals and folk remedies. It is up to you to decide how to clean the device, and how exactly to do it. The main thing is to get into the habit of regularly cleaning the device. In this case, the operational life of the microwave oven will be much longer.

All the most efficient and quick ways cleaning the inside of the microwave is based on the same principle - the creation of a steam bath and a trap for the fumes of cleaning agents. The effect of the trap will be created by the stove itself, but our task is to make an effective cleaning solution from products that, fortunately, you probably already have in your kitchen cabinet.

The quick way to clean your microwave

In most cases, the vinegar “bath” method helps to wash the microwave from old greasy deposits and stubborn stains:

  1. Mix 1.5-2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar (9%) in a bowl and put it in the microwave.
  2. Run the microwave oven at maximum power for 10 minutes, then leave it to “steam” for another 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wipe the oven damp cloth to remove dirt and vinegar odor.

Yes, the smell of vinegar will be felt during cleaning, but it will quickly disappear both from the room and from the microwave chamber. And, of course, for the time of the "bath" it is desirable to open the window.

If the dirt after the “bath” is soaked, but still remains, you can turn on the stove for another 10 minutes or wipe its chamber with a sponge soaked in the same vinegar solution and sprinkled with soda.

An old oily coating after an vinegar “steam room” will help wash the olive oil.

And now let's talk about other ways that you can replace or supplement the above cleaning method.

Method 2. Cleaning the microwave with citric acid or lemon juice (for medium to heavy soiling)

This method allows not only to quickly clean the microwave oven from the inside of grease and soot, but also to eliminate unpleasant odors. However, if the chamber of your microwave oven is covered with enamel, then you should not regularly use citric acid to clean it.

What will be required: water (400-500 ml), water container and 1 tablespoon citric acid or 4 tablespoons lemon juice from 2 medium lemons and leftovers.


  1. We fill the dishes with water, pour citric acid into it or squeeze the juice from the lemons cut in two, and then put the halves of the fruit there as shown in the photo below.

  1. Next, put the container in the chamber and turn on the microwave at maximum power for 2-5 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.
  2. When the microwave turns off, you should wait another 5-15 minutes.
  3. We take out the dishes, wipe the oven inside with a sponge or cloth, wetting the sponge in the same solution in difficult places.

Method 3. Cleaning the microwave with soda (for medium soiling)

If citric acid was not at hand, and you do not grow lemon Tree at home, and generally prefer to use citruses for their intended purpose, then it will help you baking soda, which will settle on the walls of the chamber in the form of condensate and dissolve dried splashes and dirt.

What will be required: water (400-500 ml), a container for water and 1 tablespoon of soda.

Recipe: our task is to make a solution that will settle on the walls of the chamber in the form of condensate and dissolve dried splashes and dirt. To do this, fill the dishes with water, pour soda into it, put it in the chamber to heat up at maximum power for 2-5 minutes, and then leave the oven alone for another 5 minutes. Then it remains only to wipe the camera clean, in difficult places wetting a sponge or rag in the same soda solution.

Method 4. Vinegar cleaning (for heavy dirt)

Vinegar will help to clean even the most neglected microwave effectively and quickly, but you will have to endure its smell during the cleaning process. And one more thing - if the chamber of your microwave oven is covered with enamel, then we do not recommend using this method too often.

What will be required: water (400-500 ml), a water container and 2 tablespoons of vinegar (9%) or 1 teaspoon of 70% essence.

Recipe: first of all, open the window slightly so that the smell of acid can disappear. Next, pour water into a plate, pour a bite into it, put the solution in the chamber and turn on the microwave for 2-5 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. Now we give the vinegar fumes a little more time to dissolve the dirt on the walls of the chamber and begin to wash the microwave oven from the inside with a sponge or soft brush. When you are done, rinse the technique from the product itself.

Method 5. Cleaning the microwave with a sponge and Fairy (for light and medium soiling)

You probably thought that we will talk about the usual mechanical cleaning? Not at all, although you can’t do without it, but now we offer a slightly different method that is suitable for washing a lightly soiled microwave.

What will be required: any sponge (except metal, of course), water for soaking it, as well as any dishwashing liquid like Fairy, Dosi, etc.

Recipe: squeeze a sponge richly moistened with water detergent the size of a 1-ruble coin, then we foam it well, squeezing and unclenching the sponge. Next, put it in the chamber and start the microwave at minimum power for 30 seconds, making sure that the sponge does not start to melt. Now we open the door and wash off the grease and splashes softened with steam with the same sponge. In the following video, you can clearly see the process and result of cleaning in the described way.

Method 6. Cleaning the microwave with a glass cleaner (without a "bath")

And here is another good and safe for technology cleaning method using household chemicals, though already without creating the effect of "bath".

What will be required: sponge, water, and any glass cleaner.

Recipe: First unplug your oven from the power supply. Next, mix a cleaning solution of glass cleaner and water in a 2:1 ratio. The solution should be enough to clean the oven both outside and inside. Next, liberally dampen the sponge with the detergent solution and wipe the inside of the microwave, including the ring and plate. Dried stains should be soaked in glass cleaner for 5 minutes. Next, thoroughly wipe the entire chamber with a clean cloth dampened with water so that no dirt, no residue of the windshield wiper, or its smell remains on the walls.

  • The procedure for cleaning the chamber from the inside is recommended as follows: first we take out the ring and the glass plate from the oven, then wipe the top wall and grate, then the sides, then the bottom, and finally the door as shown in the photo below. A plate can be placed under the stove during cleaning to collect all the dirt in it.

  • You should clean your microwave at least once or twice a month. During this time, the spots of fat will not have time to become old.
  • In order not to run your assistant and wash it less often, use a special plastic cap that protects the microwave oven chamber from splashes of heated food. The cap can be replaced by glass transparent dishes or cling film.

  • With citric acid and vinegar, it is important not to overdo it in the process of heating the solution or soaking, especially if interior decoration chambers are enameled.
  • Old stains of fat that are not removed even after the “bath”, you can try to remove with a rag soaked in olive oil.
  • Be careful when cleaning your microwave. Do not use metal sponges or sponges that are very crumbly. After all, the ingress of foreign particles behind the grate can cause a fire in the device. We also advise you to refrain from experimenting with household chemicals and use only specialized means or those described in our article (glass cleaner, dishwashing liquid and "home" products). Use of dangerous chemical substances may also cause the device to catch fire.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners on the microwave oven to avoid damaging the cabinet.
  • And, of course, we recall that if the food “exploded” during cooking or heating, leaving splashes of fat and pieces of food on the inner walls of the oven, then it is better to remove them immediately.

AT last years Microwave ovens have become widespread. But a couple of decades ago, they seemed to be fiction of science fiction writers. Today it is a convenient household appliance that has become the first assistant to the hostess in the kitchen. It is able to defrost food, reheat and cook various dishes.

During operation on inner surface ovens get fat and pieces of food. How to clean the inside of a microwave? There are several effective and safe ways to remove contaminants.

Precautionary measures

Before starting work, you must carefully study the instructions. It should describe the means that can be used to remove contaminants and the rules for caring for the internal surface of the microwave. And the safety measures for cleaning the oven for all models will look identical:

  1. when starting work on removing contaminants, make sure that the device is disconnected from the mains;
  2. in order not to damage parts sensitive to moisture, try to use the minimum possible amount of water;
  3. to remove contaminants both inside and outside, do not use household chemicals with aggressive environment;
  4. even if dirt has got inside the device, and in no case do not try to disassemble it yourself.

As a rule, the outside of the microwave is not so dirty. And in order to put it in order, a soft sponge or rag, detergent and water will be enough. Internal organization device requires a more careful approach.

Categorically do not use abrasive products such as scouring powder, metal sponge, etc. These products can damage the oven coating, which acts as a screen and reflects microwaves, which in turn will lead to breakage.

Seven ways to care for your microwave

Each housewife has her own secrets on how to clean the microwave at home. We will share with you the most common.


Plain water is suitable for removing shallow and recent dirt. Fill a glass or other container with water. We put in the oven, turn on the maximum power. The water should boil for about five minutes, and then for another half an hour you can not open the door. During this time, all the dirt on the walls should be steamed off. As a result of this procedure, fat and food residues are easily removed with a regular sponge.

Considering popularity and simplicity this method, manufacturers of microwave ovens, some modern models began to equip with a steam cleaning function.


For more persistent pollution and, especially, with an unpleasant odor, you can use lemon, orange, grapefruit or other citrus fruits. The principle of the procedure is the same as with water. Only chopped fruit must be added to the liquid container. During evaporation, all contaminants will leave, and the stove (and the whole kitchen) will be saturated with a pleasant smell. When finished, wipe the oven with a cloth or sponge.

Instead of whole fruits, you can use orange, lemon, etc. skins to clean the inside of the microwave.

Lemon acid

This method is also simple and effective. We take a standard bag for a glass of water carboxylic acid (lemon). Place the container with the acid solution in the microwave. Turn on full power and evaporate. Let cool for thirty minutes and wipe with a sponge.

The method of cleaning with citric acid will allow not only to get rid of dirt, but also to slightly whiten the walls of the furnace. This is facilitated by acid, which with steam will settle on the inner surface of the device.


How to clean the inside of a microwave with vinegar? Take a glass of water and add two to three tablespoons of vinegar to it. Further, the process is identical to the methods described above. When working with this tool, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room, as the vinegar evaporates and spreads a specific, rather pungent smell.

This method will not only clean and whiten the stove, but also get rid of the smell that will disappear along with the smell of vinegar.

Video: Trying to clean the microwave with vinegar


In this case, soda is also used for steaming, and not as an abrasive. Add two teaspoons of baking soda to the water and stir. Put in the oven and boil. We remove the soaked dirt with a sponge or a soft cloth.

There is another way, for this, in a small amount of water, mix citric acid and soda. The foaming mixture is evenly applied to the walls of the stove and left for a few minutes. Then remove the loose dirt with a sponge and wipe it with a clean, damp cloth.

Laundry soap

good remedy cleaning from microwave fat is laundry soap. This undeservedly forgotten product is able to easily cope with many household pollution.

Lather up a sponge or lather the soap in a little water. Wipe the inside of the microwave oven with soap and let it soak for a few minutes. Then, with a clean, damp sponge, thoroughly wipe the microwave several times until the soap residue is completely removed. If, when you first turn on after washing, a specific organic smell appears, then the soap solution has not been completely removed.

You can also prepare a cleaning mixture from soap, soda and water. Add soda (2 tablespoons) and grated soap to water (50 ml) in such a way that a pasty mass is obtained. With a soft sponge, apply it on the walls of the oven, leave for five minutes and rinse. It is necessary to act with extreme caution so as not to damage the coating.

Household chemicals

Manufacturers of household chemicals could not get past the problem of cleaning the inner surface of the microwave oven from grease. Presented in store today wide selection Microwave cleaning products. They come in the form of sprays or gels and are fairly easy to use.

But when using these products, certain safety measures must be observed: wear protective gloves, ventilate the room, etc. The method of use and precautions are described in the instructions for the product, which must be studied.

Some models of microwave ovens are additionally equipped with a grill function. Due to the not very convenient location of the heaters, it is rather problematic to clean them. This is where they will serve you well. chemicals for cleaning the microwave. It is enough to spray with a spray or apply the gel with a sponge, leave for a while and wipe with a damp cloth. Depending on the degree of contamination, the procedure can be repeated several times.

To remove dirt from the walls of the oven, you can use a normal dish detergent. It is also quite effective in fighting fat.

Summing up

The household tricks for cleaning the microwave described above will help you keep your assistant in perfect condition. Do not be afraid that the acid used in steaming will damage the surface of the device.

The walls of microwave ovens are made of stainless steel and covered with enamel. The main thing is to carefully monitor that excess water does not fall behind the gratings that cover the magnetrons.

You will have to carry out the washing procedure very rarely if you heed the following tips:

  1. when cooking or heating food, cover the dishes with a special plastic cap - it is easier to wash it than the entire inside of the oven;
  2. wipe the microwave at least once a day with a damp cloth or sponge;
  3. ventilate the oven. It is recommended that you simply do not close the appliance door tightly after turning it off;
  4. to eliminate the unpleasant smell inside the oven, ordinary activated carbon, salt or ground coffee. You just need to leave a small amount of the selected product in the microwave overnight.

Following our tips, you can quickly clean the inside of the microwave. Now cooking will be a pleasure, and the cleanliness of the oven will be a simple matter.

The age of technological progress leaves its mark on society. Agree, it is difficult to imagine an average apartment in which there will be no microwave oven. The device is rightfully a real salvation in Everyday life because it saves a lot of time. However, like any other kitchen utensils, the microwave tends to get dirty. Burnt food particles and greasy stains make housewives grab their heads, and this is not surprising. These types of contaminants are considered difficult to remove, and therefore require special attention.

  1. Before cleaning the microwave oven, unplug it from the mains. To do this, just unplug the power cord from the outlet, then wrap the plug with plastic wrap or tape to avoid contact with water.
  2. When cleaning a microwave oven from grease, do not use hard metal sponges, household brushes with hard bristles, large abrasive particles.
  3. During wet processing of the microwave, it should be given Special attention the amount of water used in cleaning. It is important that the liquid does not flood the sensitive elements of the device, which can fail if moisture enters.
  4. It is strongly not recommended to wash the microwave oven with chlorine-containing preparations and other household chemicals that are excessively aggressive. Choose the most gentle products.
  5. Never attempt to disassemble the device on your own even if you are sure of contamination internal elements and aggregates. Contact a professional or a person who understands this technique.
  6. The microwave oven should be cleaned at least 2 times a month. If you do not have enough time, get a special plastic cap from the hardware store. It closes the heated food, preventing splashes on the walls of the appliance. It can be replaced upon request. cling film or clear glassware.
  7. When cleaning the microwave, you need to follow a certain sequence. First of all, remove the ring and the rotating plate from the cavity, then wipe the grate and the top wall. Next, go to the side parts, the door, the outer area.
  8. In order not to subsequently clean the oven daily, it is better to treat the microwave immediately after contamination. For example, during the heating process, you accidentally spilled soup, or fried chicken began to squirt drops of fat.
  9. Products such as vinegar solution and baking soda can be used as a microwave oven cleaner. For this reason, you should be extremely careful if the inside is enameled.

Baking soda
To remove greasy marks with soda, you need to prepare a solution. To do this, pour 200 ml into a glass. steep boiling water, pour 40 gr. product, wait for the granules to dissolve. After that, prepare a deep bowl designed for heating food in the microwave. Pour the solution into it, put it on the edge of the rotating plate of the microwave oven.

Turn on the device at maximum power, set the heating time to 20 minutes. During this period, the vapors evaporating from the soda solution will soften body fat on the walls. You just have to wash the device with a foam sponge and dish detergent, removing any remaining dirt.

In cases where the fat has not been completely removed, apply dry soda to the hard side of the sponge, moisten it a little with water, then rub the grease stains. As a result, fine abrasive particles will completely save you from the problem.

Lemon acid
As effective way cleaning, you can use citric acid in powder form or juice from a citrus fruit. In addition to removing traces of fat, the composition fights against the unpleasant odor that often comes from the cavity of the device. As mentioned earlier, the product is not suitable for microwave ovens with an enamelled interior.

For the correct procedure, dilute 2 sachets (25-30 gr.) of citric acid 450 ml. boiling water, wait until the crystals dissolve and the composition cools. If you are using a natural lemon, squeeze the juice from two fruits, then mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Choose microwave-safe dishes with wide rims. Pour the resulting solution into it, put it in the middle of a glass plate, turn on the device at maximum power. Wait about 10-15 minutes depending on the degree of contamination. When the appliance turns off, do not open the door for about 5 minutes. After that, treat the walls with a kitchen sponge and detergent.

If you prefer to use natural lemons, add not only the resulting solution, but also the chopped zest to the container. At the same time, set the microwave to heat up not for 10-15 minutes, but for 20-25, since the juice concentration is 8 times lower than the acid indicator.

table vinegar

This cleaning technology is rightfully considered the most effective. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance bad smell after processing, but it can be dealt with. At the end of the procedure, place 3-5 thick slices of lemon into the cavity of the chamber so that they absorb the pungent odor.

Pour into a deep glass container 470 ml. warm water, add 40-45 ml. acetic solution with a concentration of 9% (do not confuse with essence, it must be added in an amount of 10 ml.).

Put the bowl in the microwave, set the device to around 7-10 minutes, it all depends on the degree of contamination. During this period, the vinegar will begin to evaporate, dissolving fatty deposits. After the specified time, wipe all the walls, the door and the grids with a kitchen sponge, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

filtered water
most gentle and safe way cleaning the microwave from fat. This technology does not use vinegar, soda, citric acid, so the option is suitable for all types of internal coating microwave It is important to understand that the technique does not involve the treatment of old fat stains that have dried and burned.

Pour 400-430 ml into a microwaveable container. purified water, place the bowl on the edge of a rotating glass plate, set the device to maximum power. The duration of heating should not be less than a quarter of an hour, perfect option-25 minutes.

After the timer goes off, do not open the door for 10 minutes. Remove softened food residues with a sponge, wipe the entire cavity of the device with lemon juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

It is easy to get rid of grease stains on the walls and grates of a microwave oven if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the procedure. Use professional cleaners or resort to folk ways processing. The best helper for you will be citric acid, soda, vinegar, filtered water.

Video: how to clean the microwave inside from fat

Fat appears as a result of splashing liquid or other products on the inside of the oven. After cooling, it adheres well to the walls, and if it is not removed in time, it even manages to eat into them well and tightly. To remove it, you need to act on the very structure of the lipid compound, destroying it.

If the fat was immediately noticed after heating, you need to take a foam rubber sponge, apply a little dish detergent on it and spread the foam over the surface for a couple of minutes. Then, with a soft cloth, rub the detergent along the walls with a little effort, and then rinse with water and wipe dry with a towel. This method helps in most cases, but only if the contamination is fresh.

If greasy stains have appeared in the microwave for a long time, then they can also be removed using several methods.

Lemon acid

The action of the acid is aimed at restructuring the fat molecule. Getting on a contaminated surface, the acid pushes the compound out, then it is easily cleaned.

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 tbsp citric acid powder;
  • 10 tbsp water.

Mix the ingredients until the acid is completely dissolved in water. Then pour the mixture into a heat-resistant bowl and put in the microwave. Turn on the normal heating mode and leave the mixture for 5 minutes. When the time is up, most of the water and acid in the bowl will have evaporated. It will be on the walls of the microwave. Immediately take a microfiber cloth or any piece of non-synthetic fabric and wipe the surface from dirt. Fat after exposure to acid becomes soft and easily peeled off.

table vinegar

The method can be used even for old traces. You need to work with vinegar carefully so that it does not get on your hands or even more so in your eyes.

Add to glass cup:

  • 100 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp vinegar 6%.

Place the cup in the microwave and turn on the heat for 5-6 minutes. When the water boils, the acid will condense on the walls of the oven and corrode the grease. At the end of heating, the cup is removed, any detergent is applied to the soft side of the sponge and the surface is wiped without effort. Vinegar removes not only visible dirt, but also removes the unpleasant odor that remains after heating food or cooking.


You can use vinegar with a concentration of 9%. When using an essence with a concentration of 70% or more, take a teaspoon of the substance in a glass of water.

baking soda solution

Soda is an excellent tool for removing various contaminants, including traces of grease. In addition, after cleaning with a soda solution, the surface becomes much whiter and cleaner, and gray dirty deposits are removed. The method is easy to use, the cleanser is prepared in one minute.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp soda;
  • 150-200 ml of water.

Stir the powder in warm water until it dissolves. The mixture is poured into a deep cup, after which it is placed in the oven and the heating mode is turned on for 4-5 minutes. Then wipe the inner surface with a dry cloth, the fat should disappear.

filtered water

This method is suitable for furnaces that have been operated not so long ago. Traces of fat are still fresh and easily move away even from interaction with filtered water.

Pour a glass of water and set it to heat up for 15-20 minutes. This will evaporate most of the liquid. When the time is up, the glass with the remaining water is removed, and the walls themselves are wiped with a slightly damp cloth - it will collect all the remaining fat.

How to easily clean the microwave from old fat

If there is a lot of pollution, and the microwave has not been washed for years, then you can use automotive chemicals or cleaning powders. They contain powerful surfactants, alkalis, they quickly remove pollution, and the microwave will return its original appearance.

However, the use of aggressive liquids can sometimes harm the coating itself, therefore, before cleaning, the substance is applied to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe furnace. If nothing happens with the coating and paint, then apply the product to the inside and leave for a few minutes. After using household chemicals, the microwave is washed several times clean water so that no traces of powder remain.

With any cleaning method, there are a few useful tips to follow:

  1. Do not use metal brushes, sponges with a hard side, coarse brushes for cleaning. They scratch the surface.
  2. Before cleaning, be sure to turn off the microwave oven from electricity.
  3. After any method, you need to wipe the walls dry with a towel to remove chemicals.
  4. It is better to wash the microwave immediately after each heating, then the fat does not have time to sit tightly.
  5. Do not use dry cleaning powders, they erase the coating.
  6. When heating food, it is covered plastic lid or a plate so that the contents do not splatter on the walls.
  7. When cleaning, care must be taken to ensure that detergent or water does not get into the control panel or into the slots, this may lead to a short circuit.