How the Manchurian walnut blooms. Manchurian walnut description

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Often at the sight beautiful flower we instinctively lean in to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and diurnal, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, healthy qualities and rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing difficult in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in chopped meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in large quantities cold water for several hours, preferably overnight, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, reminiscent of burdock, protrudes beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to the assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - a cucumber sandwich, a chicken sandwich, a cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for an outdoor picnic. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; you can add pickled onions if you wish. balsamic vinegar onion in any of the sandwiches, it won’t ruin the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground, is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late dates- at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious “background” plants of sansevieria do not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balanced distribution of days favorable and unfavorable for working with plants. lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do it useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the most good choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with interesting, non-trivial coloring of foliage. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To fulfill my dream of a low-maintenance garden, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.

Of the entire genus of nuts, the Manchurian nut is considered the most winter-hardy, the cultivation of which does not require excessive effort.

It's quite fast growing deciduous tree, which can reach a height of 30 meters. By appearance very similar to walnut. In adult specimens the trunk is dark gray with black cracks, while in young specimens it is smooth and light gray, the current year’s growth is yellow-brown.

The crown of the Manchurian walnut is spreading and tent-shaped, and can reach up to 20 meters in diameter. The root system of this type of nut is quite powerful and pivotal.

The leaves of the plant are very large, sometimes they can reach up to 80-110 cm. The shape is complex and alternate. Each leaf consists of 10-20 oblong elliptical serrated leaves, up to 20 cm in size. In the warm season they become rich green, and yellow in autumn and winter.

The tree is bisexual; in the spring, with the leaves blooming, the male and female flowers bloom. female flowers. Male flowers look like earrings, yellow-green in color, and female flowers are small brushes. The flowering period occurs in April and May.

The fruits are very similar to the fruits walnut. The only difference is the size; they are smaller in diameter, sometimes up to 4 cm. The shells are thick and strong. At the beginning of ripening it is green, at the end it is brown. The nucleoli are whole and sweet, without septa. Manchurian nuts begin to ripen from mid-August to October. They do not stay on the tree; as soon as they ripen, they fall to the ground.

The plant usually begins to bear fruit 5-8 years after planting in open ground. Life expectancy sometimes reaches 250-300 years.

Origin and where it grows

The coniferous and mixed forests of the Manchuria region of northeastern China are considered the birthplace of the Manchurian walnut. Grows well in the forests of the Far East, Korea, in the Amur region and Sakhalin. Prefers to grow along rivers or on the lower belts of mountains at an altitude of 1000-2500 m above sea level.

Wild pure plantings are quite rare in nature; the walnut usually grows mixed with pine, larch, juniper, cedar, Mongolian oak and Far Eastern maple.

Due to its winter hardiness, and it can withstand frosts down to -45°C, it is successfully cultivated in different regions. Plantations of this nut can be found in the Moscow, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Orenburg regions, in the Southern Urals and on the Solovetsky Islands. Perhaps, single specimens of Manchurian walnut can be seen in different points globe.


This plant reproduces by seeds, which remain viable for two years. To grow a walnut tree, certain measures must be taken.

Seeds must be stratified:

  • 1 way. Soak the nuts for a day in a fairly warm, almost hot water. Then change the water for two months, and every day the water should become colder. TO last days The water temperature should become 5-7°C.
  • Method 2. At the very beginning of spring, the seeds must be left for a day in hot water, and then immersed in sand and kept for a month at room temperature. During this time, the nuts should germinate.
  • 3 way. In winter, seeds should be stored in the refrigerator. In the spring, 15-20 days before planting, they should be immersed in warm water. During this time, the water needs to be changed daily.

When the nut opens and sprouts, it needs to be placed on its edge in damp sawdust or sand and sprinkled a little. Moreover, the room temperature should be above 25°C. When the borings reach a centimeter in length, the container should be moved to a cool place with a temperature of 3-5°C. They should grow in this cool room before being planted in open ground.

Manchurian walnut seeds can be sown in spring and autumn. But spring seedlings develop stronger than autumn ones. Within a year, small nuts grown from seeds can be planted on permanent place.


Probably not every gardener who would like to have this tree in their dacha has an idea of ​​how to plant a Manchurian walnut.

Walnuts should be planted in open ground in early spring or autumn. It is preferable if the planting site is located on the north side of the site. It must be taken into account that as the tree grows, it will grow quite strongly, i.e. the seedling cannot be planted close to buildings, a fence or other tall plants.

The land intended for Manchurian walnut must be quite fertile. It should be slightly alkaline or neutral soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. The tree does not tolerate acidic soil. If the soil does not meet these indicators, then you need to add a little wood ash and phosphorus-potassium fertilizer to it.

When planting seeds, i.e. nuts, it is necessary to prepare the bed. It needs to be dug up using a shovel, after filling it with ash and fertilizers. Then you should mark the holes, and the depth should be approximately 8-10 centimeters, and the distance between them should be at least ten centimeters. When planting, the nut must be placed edge-on in the hole. Next you need to add the nuts fertile soil. To retain moisture, it is better to mulch the bed with straw or sawdust.

When planting Manchurian walnut seedlings, planting holes must be made at least 80 centimeters deep. It is necessary to put drainage at the bottom; it can be crushed stone, expanded clay, stones or broken brick. Then we pour a layer of fertile soil with the addition of humus onto the drainage. In order for the nut to grow faster, the roots of the seedling need to be trimmed immediately before planting. Pruning will allow the lateral roots to develop more and prevent the tap root from going deeper. You need to drive a peg into the hole and tie a seedling to it. Then fill it with the remaining soil and press it lightly around the trunk. The planted nut seedling needs to be watered abundantly. And to protect the seedling from frost, the soil around the trunk must be well mulched with sawdust or peat.

After planting, the Manchurian walnut requires a lot of moisture, so watering should be regular, but moderate, so you need to water in several stages. In drought or hot weather, seedlings can be sprayed with a hose.


Manchurian walnut is a fairly unpretentious tree and does not require special or constant care. But there are a few rules that should still be followed:

  1. This plant is quite moisture-loving, so frequent watering is required. With periodic precipitation, an adult tree is watered abundantly about 4-5 times per season. If the summer is dry, then the nut should be watered weekly with 20-25 liters. If the tree is young, then the frequency of watering doubles and the abundance is reduced. After the end of the growing season and flowering of the nut, watering is reduced so that the plant has time to prepare for the winter period.
  2. The tree trunk circle must be regularly weeded and loosened. In order to prevent the growth of weeds and retain moisture, the soil around the trunk must be mulched.
  3. You can often see a tree trunk damaged by sunburn. To minimize this problem, shrubs should be planted on the south side of the tree so that they cover the trunk with their foliage.
  4. For the first time in the winter, young walnut trees must be covered with leaves or peat.
  5. There is no need to form the crown of the nut; it will do it itself. But dried, damaged and interfering branches should be pruned annually. Branches that form excessive density are also pruned. Manchurian walnut is pruned in the spring in warm weather, when the buds have already bloomed.
  6. To prevent diseases and pests, at the beginning of the season the nut should be treated with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. If the nut is already susceptible to disease, then this manipulation should be repeated after two weeks.


In homeopathy and traditional medicine, leaves, green fruits and pericarp are used more of this plant. The leaves of the Manchurian walnut are known for their powerful antiseptic properties, thanks to which traditional healers and healers call it a natural antibiotic and a panacea for a hundred diseases.

It has been proven for generations that medicinal potions prepared from the nut have a positive effect, and sometimes bring complete healing for various ailments.

The use of such remedies as infusions, decoctions, oils and extracts in homeopathy is very diverse.

Decoction of fresh leaves cleanses and heals boils and wounds, and also prevents the formation of calluses. To eliminate bleeding and relieve inflammation of the gums, it is used as a mouth rinse. Serves as an indispensable assistant in the treatment of sore throat, periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis and other similar diseases.

Quite often, a decoction of Manchurian walnut is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the treatment of children with diathesis and rickets. A decoction of the leaves of the plant can be used in cosmetology as a hair rinse to prevent dandruff.

A tincture prepared from Manchurian walnut has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect, as well as a diuretic, hemostatic, anthelmintic, vasodilator, antitumor and general tonic.

The use of tinctures, decoctions and oils provides a significant effect in the fight against skin diseases, anemia, thyroid diseases and nervous system, diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, thrombophlebitis, mastopathy, hyperplasia, infertility and cancer.

Chinese scientists have found a unique substance in the Manchurian walnut - juglone. This substance can slow down the growth and development of cancer cells and promote regeneration. In 2007, a medical drug based on juglone was developed in Russia for the treatment of leukemia.

Besides traditional medicine and cosmetology, Manchurian nut has found its application in the food and confectionery industries. Delicious jam and butter are made from unripe kernels.

The wood of this nut is used in the manufacture of furniture and souvenirs. Natural black and brown paints are obtained from tree bark.

The main use of walnut is its use in landscaping parks and streets. In addition, phytoncides contained in large quantities in the plant repel insects. There are no mosquitoes in clean plantings of Manchurian walnut.

An interesting video about the Manchurian walnut and its cultivation in a summer cottage.

Manchurian (another name for Dumbey) is a deciduous tree with a round crown similar to a ball. Refers to monoecious plants, that is, male and female flowers grow on the same tree. The birthplace of the Manchurian walnut – Far East, Korean Peninsula, Northern China.

Replant the Manchurian walnut to a permanent place in the spring (April) or autumn (September). It is recommended to plant the tree on the north side, but remember that as it grows it will take up a lot of space. Accordingly, calculate the distance to it from other plants.

In the area intended for Manchurian walnut, the soil should be fertile and moist.

Walnut does not tolerate acidic soil well; it grows well in a slightly alkaline or neutral environment with a pH of 6.5-7.5. To achieve these conditions, wood ash or phosphorus-potassium is added to the soil (the amount depends on the type of soil).

Tips for planting nuts:

  • To plant a nut, you need to dig up the bed, going about ten centimeters deep, sprinkle with ash and loosen it. Then mark the holes, maintaining a distance between them of about ten meters.
  • Provided that you immediately plant (nuts) in a permanent place, place them to a depth of about eight centimeters. you need to place them on edge, ten or fifteen pieces per meter. Then they are covered with earth and a layer of straw or sawdust (t) is placed on top for better moisture retention.
  • When planting seedlings, make holes 80 centimeters deep. Pour drainage into each hole, it can be stones, crushed stone, broken brick. Place a layer of soil on the drainage, mix it in equal parts with humus, sand and turf. Place a seedling on the prepared soil in a hole, tie it to a peg and cover it 4/5 of the way up with soil, water it generously, wait about seven minutes until the water is absorbed and fill the rest. Lightly press the soil around the trunk and sprinkle a thick layer of sawdust or peat on top. This must be done to protect the seedlings from frost.

After transplanting, the nut requires a lot of moisture, so it needs to be done regularly in several stages. If the weather is dry, spray the seedlings with a hose.

When planting, the roots of the seedlings must be trimmed, otherwise the nut will grow slowly. In advance, cut off the tap root of a young seedling at a depth of 30-40 centimeters, which goes deep. This will stimulate the growth of lateral roots, and the roots will not be severely damaged during replanting.

When planting sprouted nuts, the taproot must be pinched, in this case the roots will not need to be trimmed.

In order for the plant to take root well and grow, it must be correctly positioned relative to the cardinal directions. Plant seedlings in accordance with their original location, that is, “south side” - to the south, “north side” - to the north.

Manchurian nut – unpretentious plant and does not require special care:

  1. The tree loves moist soil, so it needs to be moistened often. Adult plants are watered about four to five times per season if there is sufficient rainfall, two-year-old and three-year-old seedlings - seven or eight times. If the year is dry, you need to water the tree with 20 liters every week.
  2. To avoid stagnation of water near the trunk, the soil must be regularly loosened and removed. To keep the soil moist and make it difficult for weeds to grow, add mulch to the ground after this procedure.
  3. At the end of the growing season and flowering, the amount of watering should be reduced. This is necessary to prepare the tree for winter (the end of growth and ripening of the wood).
  4. The tree is frost-resistant, and after frost damage the nut quickly recovers and begins to bear fruit.
  5. If the tree is severely damaged by burns, you need to cut off the trunk and leave a short stump. The tree trunk circles need to be weeded, loosened, and mulched. From the base of the stump, the formation of shoots will quickly begin, from which new trunks are formed.
  6. Protect from sunburn the tree can be placed on the south side of it tall trees( , ) at a distance of about ten meters.
  7. To protect the trunk, plant large ones (irga,) on the south side at a distance of two to three meters.
  8. For the first three years, the seedling will need to be covered with peat, dry leaves or just burlap. At the end of summer, the tree must be fed with superphosphate (20 grams per 10 liters) of water or ash.
  9. When the Manchurian nut grows on open place, it takes shape big bush. The branches at the bottom of the trunk gradually thicken, forming new trunks. Thanks to this multi-stemmed form, the tree becomes more protected from sunburn.

Manchurian nut usually forms itself. You need to trim dried and poorly placed branches that make the crown too thick. It is better to prune branches in spring, when the air temperature rises above 10 degrees.

The ideal time for this is the period after bud break.

After this, you should not prune the branches until mid-August; this may cause re-formation of buds and growth. As a result, young shoots will freeze in winter.

Manchurian walnut can be shaped in different ways and in any period. It can be made into a spreading bush with many trunks or in the form of a tall palm tree. The advantage of a high crown position is that it does not deprive other plants on the site of sunlight.

Since the Manchurian nut has antimicrobial properties and protects itself from pests, it is practically not susceptible. But sometimes he gets sick.

If the leaves of a tree turn black and begin to dry out, this is a sign of a fungal disease. Treat the nut with Fundazol or any preparation containing copper (copper sulfate 1%, Bordeaux mixture). Carry out the procedure twice with an interval of fourteen days.

The main pests that can affect the Manchurian nut are not so many:

  1. Gall mite
  2. Nutcracker

The gall mite survives the winter in the kidneys and lays eggs in them in the spring. Females penetrate into the leaves, into their central part, forming tubercles on sheet plates. Spray infected trees with a solution of colloidal sulfur (100 grams per 10 liters of water) during the period when the buds open. From June you can spray with Fufanon (0.1%) every ten to twelve days.

Abamectin gives good results. It has a neurotoxic effect on mites and penetrates the plant tissue to a shallow depth without spreading throughout the entire system.

Branches that are severely damaged must be pruned and burned.

The gallworm is an insect with two pairs of wings that infects the bark of shoots, leaves and flowers, forming bags (galls) in them. The most safe method The way to combat the gallworm is to prune the affected shoots and destroy them. When adults emerge from the larvae, spray the plant with a solution of chlorophos (0.2%) or karbofos (90g per 10 liters of water). In rainy, cold weather, spots may appear on the leaves.

It is a bone covered with a green shell, 3-4 wide and 4-5 centimeters long. Inside the green pulp there is a hard shell, and in it. In appearance it is almost no different from a walnut, only it weighs less. The taste also resembles, which is not surprising, because the Manchurian nut is the closest relative of the walnut.

Nut composition:

  • 12% – core
  • 37% - green shell
  • 51% - shell

It is advisable to have at least two nuts of the same type, because in monoecious plants the flowering time of male and female flowers may not coincide. In this case it decreases. Male flowers form long green earrings, and female ones look like brushes. The nuts ripen in September and fall to the ground. The green shell of ripe nuts becomes rough and brown in color.

The nuts are connected in clusters of three to seven pieces each, and single nuts can also be found.

The fruits begin to ripen on seven- to eight-year-old trees; the nut produces the most abundant harvests every two years. From one mature tree you can collect about eighty kilograms of nuts per season.

In spring you can collect Manchurian nut juice; it tastes quite pleasant. Contains potassium and magnesium. does not contain. Can be drunk as a refreshing and invigorating drink.

Traditional medicine practitioners and homeopaths mainly use the leaves, the green shell (pericarp) and unripe nuts. Other parts of the nut are also used for medicinal purposes - the shell and the partitions inside it, the outer shell of the rhizome, and the bark. Manchurian nut tincture has a diuretic, vasodilating and anthelmintic effect, relieves spasms and stops bleeding, relieves mild pain.

Chinese doctors claim that an extract from the peel of the Manchurian nut helps stop cancer and destroys cancer cells.

Fresh walnut leaves are used for better wound healing. You need to mash the leaves so that they give juice, put them on the wound and bandage them. Young (milk) ones are used to make jam. You need to collect nuts for jam in July, before a hard shell has formed.

if you have free place in your garden plot, take it with Manchurian walnut, you won’t regret it.

More information can be found in the video.

Manchurian walnut, also known as Dumbey walnut, is a close relative of the well-known walnut. It looks almost the same and also has edible nuts - seed kernels, but can withstand much more low temperatures, therefore replacing walnuts in the northern regions.

The birthplace of this tree, as you might guess from the name, is China, but it can also be found in wildlife Korea and the entire Far Eastern region. There it grows in mixed forests with oaks, maples and a variety of conifers.

This is a large, fast-growing tree that reaches 10 – 30 m in height and 10 – 25 m in crown diameter! Not every gardener can afford to grow such a giant on his property, so before you rush to purchase a seedling, read the description of the tree and decide whether you need it.


The trunk of this nut is usually smooth by nature and can reach 1 m in diameter or even more; the crown is not very dense, tent-shaped, raised above the ground; the leaves secrete phytoncides and juglone, which purify, disinfect the air and repel mosquitoes. All this makes a vast shadow under the walnut ideal place for relaxation in the summer heat. In the northernmost regions, this plant forms a bush, but at the same time bears fruit no worse than a tree.

A young nut grows very quickly: the seed turns into a full-fledged seedling in just 1 season, and by the age of 20–30 it gains 50–200 cm in height annually. Then the growth rate decreases. In total, this nut lives 250 - 400 years.

The frost resistance of an adult tree is very high: it tolerates long-term frosts down to -30 0 C and short-term frosts up to -50 0 C. However, in the spring, when the buds have already swelled, they can be damaged by frost, and the foliage can burn in the bright sun if it blooms earlier than the soil will warm up completely. For the first 2-3 years of life, it is advisable to provide shelter for the winter - mulching the tree trunk circle, protecting the trunk and lower branches with burlap and netting from rodents. Such protection is especially important if the winter is cold but snowless.

Externally, Manchurian walnut can be distinguished from walnut by its leaves - although they have the same structure, they are much larger, can reach 60 - 100 cm in length. Moreover, each sheet consists of 7 – 21 smaller ones, 15 ± 5 cm each. The foliage has a rich green color, turns yellow and falls off in the fall.

The bark on young trees and branches is light gray and smooth, darkens with age, in some places to black, and cracks.

The roots of the Manchurian walnut go deep; in trees up to 3 years old, the depth of the root exceeds the height of the trunk several times - which is why it should be transplanted to a permanent place as early as possible, no later than 2 years of age. In mature trees, the root branches strongly, grows not only in depth, but also in breadth, occupying the entire ground under the crown. Therefore, even when planting a one-year-old tree, you should leave enough space from other trees and buildings so that the nut does not interfere or harm anyone or anything. There should be no apple, pear, or bird cherry trees within a radius of 10 m from the nut. Other fruit neighbors are also undesirable - they will not harm the nut, but out of competition with it for sunlight and the living space will come out as losers - fruiting will become minimal or stop altogether, and the tree will begin to wither.

Manchurian walnut blooms in the second half of spring, from mid-April and sometimes until early June. On one tree, both male inflorescences—catkins—and female inflorescences—tassels of 2–10 pistils with bright pink stigmas—are formed. Pollination occurs with the help of wind, after which drupes are formed on the female inflorescences.

The fruits ripen by autumn, and mass harvesting usually occurs between September 10 and September 30. Nuts are characterized by an extremely thick shell (the edible kernel occupies only about 12% of the fleshy fruit) and relatively small size about 3cm wide and 6cm long; the core weighs about 2.5 grams. The good news is that this nut does not have a woody partition. The kernels are very nutritious, consisting of 50% fat, and jam is made from unripe nuts.

The Manchurian nut bears fruit less abundantly than the walnut - maximum yield from 1 adult tree is about 80kg. The tree bears fruit unevenly, bringing good harvest once every 2–3 years and minimally in other years.

Trees grown from nuts produce their first harvest at 7–8 years of age; from a seedling purchased in a nursery - for 4 - 5 years, and some cultivated forms can begin to bear fruit only from 13 - 15 years.

And one more argument in favor of the Manchurian walnut - its healing properties. Its leaves, their juice and infusion are used to heal wounds and as an antiseptic, against foot and nail fungus, against worms, against inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, diathesis, for diarrhea and thyroid diseases. In addition, according to Chinese healers, an extract from the soft part of its fruit can defeat oncological diseases and cancer.

Which place is suitable

  1. As we mentioned above, it is spacious. Very soon your small seedling will turn into a large tree, which will suppress all nearby plants with its extensive crown. In addition, if there is a building within the radius of root growth, the nut can damage its foundation.
  2. Well lit, at least partial shade. While the nut is still small, your concern is to make sure that nothing obscures it. Later he himself will grow taller than most of the trees on the site, but for this he needs a lot of light from the first months.
  3. A lowland location (but not an acidic swampy one), a windy area, or urban conditions with polluted air are suitable - the nut is not picky. Exceptions: lowlands and hilltops in the far north (too cold). The nut grows best next to a body of water, ideally one that does not freeze in winter (a fast-flowing river).
  4. We do not mention the southern regions that are too hot for this nut because there is no reason to plant the Manchurian walnut there, because the walnut is superior to it in all respects except frost resistance.
  5. The soil must be fertile and deep, with a neutral or alkaline reaction. Otherwise, liming is necessary. A mixture of humus, turf soil and sand in equal parts is suitable.
  6. If there are several nuts on the site, the distance between them should be at least 10 - 12 m, otherwise the struggle for survival cannot be avoided.

How to plant Manchurian walnut?

  1. Planting can be done in September or April.
  2. Buy a seedling. It should be 1 - 2 years old, it should have an even trunk and a height of up to 1 m. It is better to buy from a reliable nursery, in a container with a lump of soil.
  3. Prepare a hole about 1 m deep or slightly less (for one-year-old plants) and 1.5 times wider than the seedling’s earthen ball.
  4. At the bottom, organize a drainage of about 20 cm from pebbles, broken bricks, ceramic shards, crushed stone or other available material.
  5. Cover the drainage with a small, 7–10 cm layer of fertile soil. To normal garden soil you can add well-ripened compost, turf soil and clean river sand. To provide nutrition for the first 1–2 years, 30–40 g of dry phosphate and potassium fertilizers are mixed into the soil. Lime or wood ash should be added to acidic soil.
  6. Remove the seedling from the container along with a lump of soil. Pay attention to the tip of the central root: shorten it if this has not already been done before. It stimulates active growth nut
  7. Place the seedling in the center of the hole so that its root collar is at ground level. Drive a peg nearby and tie a tree to it.
  8. Fill half of the remaining space with the soil from step 5.
  9. Pour 10 liters of water into the hole with the seedling
  10. Add soil and lightly compact it with your hands.
  11. Pour out another 5 - 10 liters of water (depending on the initial state of soil moisture and the size of the seedling).
  12. Mulch the tree trunk with peat, fallen leaves (only healthy ones) or sawdust. Bark, sawdust and needles coniferous trees in this case it is better not to use it.

How to care

Although in general this tree is unpretentious, it also requires care in the first years. An adult tree practically does not need a person, but without proper pruning it can grow larger than you would like, or simply lose its decorative appearance due to dry branches. But first things first:

  • For the first, and better yet, for the second wintering, the young nut needs shelter. Wrap the trunk and branches (only the lower ones are possible) with burlap or non-woven covering material and secure it with twine, but not too tightly. Mulch the tree trunk circle with a layer of about 10 cm. Place rodent poison at the base of the trunk and wrap around the trunk metal mesh from them. In the spring, as soon as the temperature rises above zero, remove coverings (including an extra layer of mulch) to prevent the tree from rotting.
  • In the first season after planting, the nut is watered every 1.5 - 2 weeks, unless it rains and the soil dries out. Starting from the second year of life in a permanent place, watering is reduced to 5 - 7 times a season, and from 4 years old, the nut is watered 3 times a year - 1 time in each summer month. An adult Manchurian walnut needs watering only when there has been no rainfall for 3-4 weeks and the soil has dried out deeply.
  • After each watering, it is necessary to loosen the tree trunk circle so that the soil in it does not form a crust and block the access of oxygen to the roots. At the same time, weeds should be removed. To make caring for a tree easier, you can mulch its tree trunk, for example, with wood chips from deciduous trees. It will not only keep the soil loose and prevent weeds from appearing, but will also increase the nutritional value of the soil when it begins to rot.
  • Fertilizing can be done in June, when the fruits are formed, with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. They are bred in water to water the nut.
  • It is advisable to dig a circle around the tree once a year, approximately coinciding with the edges of its crown - this will improve oxygen access to the roots. The entire area of ​​soil under the crown should not be trampled and excessively compacted - keep this in mind if you decide to arrange a recreation area under a walnut tree.
  • Sanitary crown trimming is a mandatory procedure and can be carried out from April to June. At the same time, all dry, broken, severely curved or directed towards the middle of the crown branches are removed. Otherwise they create extra load on the tree and prevent it from fully developing and bearing fruit.
  • The nut does not need formative pruning - it itself grows a beautiful spreading openwork crown. However, you may need this type of nut trimming to make it convenient to harvest, or to ensure that the nut takes up minimal space on your property, or to save an old tree with a diseased crown. It should begin when the nut is 2 years old, and then carried out every spring, when the air warms up to +10 0 C and buds appear on the tree. Depending on your purpose (and climate), you can shape your nut like this:
  • A spreading tree on a low trunk - it’s convenient to pick nuts from this, it’s easier to care for the crown, it’s good to rest under, and it will also be convenient and interesting for children to climb. To form it, all buds are removed from a trunk below a given height (usually 0.5 - 1 m) to prevent the growth of side branches directly above the ground, and the top of the trunk is cut off above the side bud. As a result, the leading shoot (top of the trunk) is redirected horizontally, the tree practically stops growing upward, and even the lowest branches have enough light. A very wide crown is formed, in some places the branches descend to the ground.
  • Walnut - “palm”: a tree with a compact crown on a high trunk is your option if you want to plant a nut, but there is not much space on the plot, and you are not ready to sacrifice the rest of the trees. To form it, a trunk 1.5–2 m high is formed, all side branches and buds are removed from it (leaving a bare, even trunk), and the top is pinched. As a result, the tree branches more strongly, and the crown can be formed over time into a relatively small dense ball, shortening the branches by no more than 50% at a time. The branches of the middle tier, which should be the longest, are also slightly shortened to stimulate branching.
  • Bush is the natural form of Manchurian walnut in the northern regions. In addition, this form is convenient for planting around the perimeter of the site if you do not have space for a large Walnut, and can also be a way to save a tree with a badly damaged crown. To form it, the top of the nut is pinched or cut down onto a stump to stimulate the appearance of root shoots. From it, 5–7 of the strongest shoots are selected, which will become skeletal branches. In the future, the shape is maintained by regular thinning and shaping haircuts.

How to grow a walnut seedling yourself?

In fact, this process is not that complicated, and in the case of walnuts, it is also quite fast compared to other trees.

Self-sown nuts reproduce very rarely - usually the seeds do not have enough moisture in the soil to germinate.

The first stage of sowing a nut is the collection and stratification of its fruits. They retain germination for no longer than 2–3 years. Mature nuts that fall from the tree on their own should be quite long time stories in the cold. There are several options for this:

  • Pre-winter (autumn) sowing in open ground is the most natural way
  • Store the nuts all winter in the refrigerator, and 10 days before sowing, place them in warm water, which must be changed every day.
  • After collection, soak in cool water and then place in a refrigerator or basement (no warmer than +7 0 C) for 2 months.
  • In the fall, store for 1 month at room temperature, and then bury in the snow for the entire winter.
  • Extreme quick way: in early March, pour for a day hot water, and then plant in the sand and wait for germination in a month.

The nut is usually sown in open ground. To do this, they dig it up, add lime or ash and water it. The holes for nuts should be 6–8 cm deep, located at a distance of at least 10 cm from each other. To prevent rodents from eating nuts in winter, they should be dipped in kerosene and then placed in a hole, on the edge. The seeds are covered with soil or wet sand or sawdust and mulched.

In the spring, the first to germinate are those seeds that were sown in the fall and underwent stratification in the soil.

The sooner you transplant the nut to a permanent place, the better. You can do this as soon as the shoots appear. When replanting, it is advisable to mark one branch or leaf, directed, for example, to the north, and in a new place place the tree with the same side to the north. This will make it easier for him to adapt.

In any case, when transplanting, the root should be very carefully dug up (remember, it is much longer than the stem of the seedling) and shortened slightly to stimulate the growth of the nut. Even for very small seedlings it is better to use a full-fledged landing hole up to 1m deep to provide the tree with a good drainage layer for life. However, if the soil on your site is light and nutritious, and groundwater lie deep, you can ignore this advice and plant the nut in a small hole proportional to the size of the seedling.

Diseases and pests

In general, this plant protects itself, because its leaves secrete substances that disinfect the air and repel insects. However, occasionally the Manchurian nut may be attacked by a gall mite or gall moth. In the fight against the former, treatment with colloidal sulfur in early spring or drugs such as Fufanon and Abamectin in summer helps. The use of acaricides and pesticides is extremely undesirable (although they are much easier to deal with mites), because they linger in the fruits, making them dangerous to human health.

It is better to cut down branches of a nut affected by the gallworm in early spring and burn it outside the garden, and if you notice this insect on a nut in the summer, treat the tree with karbofos or chlorophos.

If there is cool but humid weather outside, walnut leaves may become affected by black spot. This is a fungal disease that a solution will help get rid of. copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

Manchurian walnut, planting and care. The Manchurian walnut is considered the brother of the walnut due to the external similarity between them. It can grow up to 30 meters in height. Flowers begin to grow along with the buds, and their growing season passes very quickly. This tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 4 from a seedling, and at the age of 8 from a seed. The lifespan is 2 times less than a walnut and reaches 250 to a maximum of 300 years. Up to 80 years of age it grows rapidly, then it slows down. The homeland of this nut is the Far East and the Korean Peninsula. It is worth noting its strong frost resistance down to -45C, which makes it possible to grow Manchurian walnut in Siberia. Very often it is used for landscaping cities, since the tree tolerates gas pollution, dust and smoke well, and is also not whimsical.

plant this tree can be either seeds or seedlings. Seeds are usually planted in the spring, to do this they need to be kept in water for about 24 hours, the water temperature should be about 25C degrees, or 30C is possible. After which a couple of months should pass stratification at a temperature of 7C. If you want to plant in the fall, then stratification should last up to 35 days, and the temperature should be 25 degrees, after which the seeds are placed under the snow. It is worth noting that before planting, the seeds should be stored in a dry and cool place so that they do not spoil.

How to plant a Manchurian walnut seedling

First you need to choose a seedling good quality. You can grow a seedling yourself, but it will take a lot of time; it’s easier to buy it. Or you can take advantage of the unique ability of this species and get a seedling from a branch. To do this, you just need to dig one of the lower branches into the ground, the branch must be healthy, and you need to water it regularly. However, this can only be done in the warm season.

Growing Manchurian walnut must take place under certain conditions. Manchurian walnut loves well-lit places, so it should be planted in an early prepared place, away from other trees. It is not advisable to plant it next to other nuts, as well as grapes. Remember that this nut not only grows large in height, but also has an extensive root system, so you need to plant it away from buildings.

Growing Manchurian nut: Video