How to drill a well for water. How to drill a well with your own hands (personal experience, principles, video)

Well on suburban area get rid of a lot of problems. Will provide water for irrigation, maintenance of personal vehicles and territory. It is unlikely that self-produced water is useful for drinking purposes, but it is quite suitable for hygiene procedures.

True, drilling a working out is not too cheap. Another thing is if a well is arranged in the country with your own hands. In this case, you can get your own source of water with minimal financial losses. Do you agree?

The article we have proposed describes in detail the drilling technologies available to independent drillers. The drilling tool and the rules for selecting it, depending on the physical and mechanical properties of the soil, are described in detail. Our recommendations will provide effective assistance in the construction of water intake development.

Groundwater is significantly different from surface analogues. They do not flow in the form of turbulent streams with rivers, they do not gather into lakes if they do not come across a karst cavity in the earth's crust.

If zealous streams frolic everywhere under our feet, cities and settlements would collapse after the ground, which does not have a reliable rocky foundation.

Groundwater is extracted from pores, cracks, caverns (voids) present in the rock structure.

The nature of the occurrence of water in rocks

Groundwater contains pores, voids and cracks formed in rocks during various geological processes. We will not go into the genesis and principle of the processes in this article.

Let us only note that the physical and mechanical properties of soils, as well as the hydrotechnical and hydrogeological specifics of the water in them, depend on the method of formation of soils.

Groundwater is characterized by some movement within the reservoir containing them - a layer of sediments with equivalent properties and structure. They, by analogy with surface ones, are affected by gravity, which causes a current to the layers located below or along the slope to the underlying areas.

If underground water has the ability to accumulate, but there are no ways to discharge, then the pressure rises. Water, due to its physical properties, cannot be compressed. As part of closed space the pressure causes the fluid to seek a natural outlet. Thanks to this phenomenon, springs come to the surface and geysers beat.

Underground water is pumped out from the pores of sands of different size and density, from fractured limestone, less often sandstone

Soils, the pores, caverns and cracks of which contain water, are called water-bearing or water-bearing. The development constructed for water intake should be deepened precisely in them. Among the water carriers there are species that can freely pass water through themselves, and species that can only retain.

In the geological section, aquifers usually alternate with aquicludes. These are clay soils, the structure of which is similar to all known plasticine, do not contain water and do not let it through.

Water can be found in small lenses and cracks formed in loams and hard sandy loams. However, most often it is simply absorbed by clay deposits, thereby changing their consistency.

Aquicludes also include rocky and semi-rocky varieties in an undestroyed state, i.e. no cracks. If their body is dotted with cracks of various calibers, and even filled with water, then rocky and semi-rocky formations pass into the category of water-bearing ones.

Rental of a mobile drilling rig

The simplest and least time-consuming method of constructing a well in your own country house is to rent a mobile drilling rig. With its help, it is possible to drill and equip a sole facility for water intake on the site in a couple of days.

The installation will effortlessly pass through the thickness of sedimentary soils and, if desired, the master will open the indigenous ones, but this method cannot be called cheap.

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To drill a water intake, you will need a drilling tool. To extract loose rocks, you will need a bailer; clay soils are easier to lift with an auger, glass or core barrel. If you have to destroy boulders or rock, you need to stock up on chisels.

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As a more affordable alternative, a collapsible manual drilling device. It includes an auger with a handle for rotational movement during drilling and a set of rods for building up the drill string. "Handbrake" calmly at 10-25 m. It is possible even deeper, if health and the number of rods allow.

In the absence of a drilling rig or factory-made device, they resort to methods that were not so long ago used in professional drilling. The conversation will be about shock-rotational and shock-rope manual way.

Due to the heterogeneity of the geological section, drilling methods are most often used in combination. The difference in the technique of destruction and extraction of rock allows you to go through literally any geological formations in terms of complexity.

The kit for manual drilling of wells (the popular name is “handbrake”) is the simplest drilling machine in the factory. Designed for auger drilling. For production purposes, it is used where it is not possible to deploy a standard drilling rig tower (+)

Hand Drilling Methods

Before deciding to implement a do-it-yourself water intake development project, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the methods of drilling wells. Technology is selected according to geological structure site. To do this, they passionately ask neighbors about how they dug a well or drilled a well from them.

Having found out what type of soil had to be previously passed during development, they are determined with a drilling tool. It will need to be made by yourself or rented. Immediately you need to decide what to do with: take it from someone for temporary use or build it yourself.

Option #1 - rotary percussion drilling

From the name it is clear that the destruction and extraction of waste rock from the trunk is carried out by means of impacts and rotations.

To perform these drilling operations, different types shells are:

  • Spoon. Designed for rotary drilling, used in sinking through plastic soils. It is a cylinder devoid of a lesser half or only a segment. The drill is made with some offset of the central axis in order to drill a hole wider than the tool itself.
  • Burav, otherwise auger. Designed for the development of dense clay soils by the rotational method. It is a screw with one or more turns. It operates in an elementary way: it is screwed into the ground and on the blades brings the destroyed mass to the surface.
  • Bailer. Designed for the development of loose sedimentary rocks by the impact method. In addition to it, not a single tool is suitable for the full extraction of gravel-pebble deposits, crushed stone, pebbles, loose sands. The bailer is indispensable in lifting water-saturated, which is why very heavy soils.
  • Bit. Designed for crushing hard rocks by repeated persistent blows. It is used in tandem with a bailer, which, after destruction, scoops out the dump from the bottom.

The spoon is a universal drilling tool with two gripping devices. To cut and capture the soil vertically, the left wall of a kind of opening in the cylinder is slightly bent.

For the lower grip, most often they arrange a cutter in the form of a bucket on the sole of the drill. There are a huge number of variations on the theme of the spoon. Those who wish to make it with their own hands only need to understand the principle of operation.

Spoon drills destroy and capture the rock in two directions. Vertically, the soil is cut off by the edge of the semi-cylinder, located in the direction of rotation of the drill, the lower cutter deepens the well according to the principle of screwing

Like an auger, a spoon is screwed into the rock. With the lower incisor, it cuts into the soil, which, after separation from the array, falls inside the incomplete cylinder. With a side cutter, the spoon during rotation cuts off the rock from the walls of the trunk. The newly cut soil compacts the previous portion and pushes it into the projectile cavity.

The work is carried out until the cavity of the spoon is filled with a dump half or 2/3. Then the drill is removed from the well and released from the drilled blade through the side vertical "opening" in the cylinder. The empty projectile is again lowered to the bottom and then drilled.

The axis of symmetry of the spoon is shifted for a reason. The eccentric allows you to drill a hole suitable for simultaneous installation. Casing is necessary for the formation of the working shaft in sedimentary deposits.

Without it, loose rocks will endlessly crumble to the bottom of the well, and clayey rocks, when wet, will “bulge” into the barrel, narrowing the clearance and making it difficult to deliver the projectile to the bottom.

IN Lately the spoon is actively replaced by various modifications of the screws. They really facilitate sinking, but by the standards of extracting destroyed rock, they are significantly inferior to a spoon.

It can drill wet sticky sands, but the auger will not completely lift them. To clean the face after the auger, it is almost always necessary to use a bailer. It turns out that the work is carried out in a double volume.

Auger drilling has a serious drawback - when screwing the drill, it is very easy to deviate from the vertical. Significant deviations will lead to complete operational unsuitability of the development. Minor deviations will make it difficult to install the casing and subsequently submerge the pump (+)

The simplest model bailers are made from a piece of pipe Ø 180-220 mm, depending on the size of the well. Do not forget that for pumping water with a submersible pump, the inner Ø of the casing must be 2-3 cm larger than the outer Ø of the pump. Otherwise, it will not be possible to lower it into the intake structure.

The optimal length of the pipe section for the bailer is 1.0 - 1.2 m, so as not to suffer with lifting, emptying the projectile and cleaning it from the inside easily by hand if necessary. In the upper third, a window is cut out, which is required to extract the drilled soil. They put it on the top of the head with bolts or weld an earring to which the cable will be attached.

The tool shoe is most often equipped with a single, less often double-leaf valve. In narrow bailers, a ball serves as a valve. In order for the lower part to better loosen and destroy the rock, a sharp edge is sharpened along the bottom or the teeth are filed down.

Some interesting options are given in the article, which we advise you to read.

The bailer held by the cable is freely thrown to the face. When hitting the ground, the valve opens, and the destroyed soil moves into the pipe cavity.

Having passed a portion of soil into the projectile cavity, the valve closes, due to which the bailer retains loose, incoherent rocks. Then the projectile is raised above the face to a height of 1.5 - 1.0 m and thrown again until the next 0.3 - 0.4 m is passed.

About how, for manual drilling of water wells, is detailed in the article we recommend.

We present proven bit designs, but sincerely wish not to face the need to use them. Of course, it is impossible to manually destroy the “rock” without a chisel. But is it worth getting involved?

Drilling will take place literally a couple of cm per day. It is wiser to use mechanized way: rent a mobile unit or invite drillers.

A chisel may be needed if large pebbles and boulders are found in the sedimentary section. It is impossible to guess where you can stumble upon them in reality, because. they tend to be chaotic.

If the boulder meets after two / three meters of penetration, it is better to change the location of the well device. If about 15 - 20 m is drilled, then it is better to toil, for a long time and persistently dropping the chisel onto the stone.

During drilling, all of the listed tools periodically add water to the well. It acts as a drilling fluid, temporarily binds loose soils, softens clay rocks and cools the tool, protecting it from premature wear.

For the manufacture of drill rods, pipes with the VGP marking are ideal, the inner diameter of which varies in the range of 33 - 48 mm. The length of the rod must be selected based on the height of the tower. So that when lifting in the gap between the block and the day surface, 2-3 links are freely placed.

The traditional length of the rod is 1.2 - 1.5 m, but it happens that they are also made in 5.0 m. Of course, when configuring the drill string from long elements, there are fewer connections. Therefore, there is less opportunity for pipe chain breaks in the wellbore.

However, it is quite difficult to extract long rods from the working. Moreover, it should be remembered that, when lifting, the top of the string almost reaches the block with a cable thrown over it, and at the bottom, a part of the casing usually sticks out of the well.

Rods are used to build up the drill string, sometimes to weight the drill string. They are connected to each other with couplings or locking fingers.

The rods are connected with threaded couplings or metal “fingers” - pieces of a bar made strictly according to the Ø of the holes in the rods intended for joining. The starting link is equipped with an earring for attaching the rope.

The bottom of each link must mate flawlessly with the next element and be identical in design to the attachment on the top of the spoon or auger.

Option #2 - percussion drilling

Drilling with rotation deeper than 10-15 m becomes too difficult, because in addition to a loaded projectile, which has a considerable weight, it is necessary to get a string of drill rods out of the working. In addition, each time when lifting, all these meters must be constantly disassembled and then reassembled to deliver the tool to the bottom.

In mechanized drilling, everything is simpler - hydraulics perform rotation, delivery and extraction of the tool. Doing such work manually is impractical and too difficult.

In addition, when performing rotational movements without the use of mechanisms, you can easily deviate from the vertical. And the greater the depth, the greater will be the bias, which makes it difficult to deliver the drill to the bottom, and install the casing, and subsequently install the pump in the well.

When manually drilling at such a depth, it is more reasonable to resort to shock-rope technology. In principle, we have already outlined it as part of the description of the work of the bailer. This is a standard projectile for percussion drilling.

For passing through clay soils a conical cup with a cutting edge at the bottom of the shoe is used. Unlike the bailer, the glass does not have a valve and a window for excavation.

It is also thrown to the bottom of the well with effort and removed as it is filled. Upon impact, clayey rock is pushed into its cavity, held only by the walls and its own ability to stick.

The glass is freed from the dump by tapping with a sledgehammer on its walls. The sticky rock then separates from inner surface projectile and falls out. No rods are needed for drilling with a glass.

This means that there is no need to constantly disassemble and reassemble a considerable "chain" of drill rods. True, one or two of them can be used to simply weight the instrument when lowering it to a considerable depth.

The glass is the predecessor of the core barrel. Structurally resembles a bailer, but is not equipped with a valve on the sole

To make impacts on the rock, a cable or rope is attached to the drilling tool, on the basis of which the drilling method was called shock-rope. To perform rotational movements, a column of drill rods is used, connecting the drill with a manual or mechanical gate.

To increase penetration during drilling by rotation, the projectile also hits the bottom, and in order to increase the force of destruction, the drill shoes are equipped with all kinds of cutting parts.

It is clear that during drilling, the drill must be regularly lowered to the bottom, and after it is filled, it must be retrieved to the surface. Do not forget that as the depth increases, it will become more and more difficult to get the tool with the developed soil with each penetration. A self-made drilling rig will help facilitate drilling with the described methods and tools.

In order to make it easy to switch from rotary to percussion-rope method during drilling, it is better to equip the drilling rig with both a crank and a winch

The classic version of the drilling rig is made in the form of a tripod with a total height of approximately 4.5 - 5.0 m. A block is installed in the upper part of the tower, through which the cable connected with the projectile is thrown. In rotary drilling, a tower is needed in order to lift the drill string, consisting of a tool and drill rods.

When drilling a working with a depth of 10 - 12 m, you can do without a drilling rig, but the work will require more muscular effort. So it's better to be with her.

If you really don’t want to get involved with its construction, a device in the form of two pillars with a crossbar and a lever thrown over it will do. It is possible that on the basis of the proposed designs, you can develop your own device that facilitates the work of the driller.

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Device for lifting casing links Device for immersing casing in the ground Device for percussive drilling without assistants

Wellbore casing

For wellbore casing, the most the best option- steel pipes. Polymer ones will do, but in terms of strength when buried in the ground, they are not very good. Again, it will not be hydraulics that will push the casing into the well, but manual efforts, but light plastic pipes in manual production is not at all easy to deepen.

The casing is assembled from separate links, approximately 2 m long. More can be done, but it will be inconvenient to install them in the trunk during drilling. Therefore, although it will be in casing string many connections, but it is better to use the right size for the job.

The first link is established after two / three walkers. Then it is gradually pressed through, laying a bar on top for application own strength and weight. When drilling with a rotary method, the casing is deepened after the extraction of the tool with soil.

The use of the shock-rope method in loose rocks makes it necessary to deepen the casing with a certain advance of the projectile, otherwise the drill will endlessly scoop up the layer without moving down.

The casing is installed simultaneously with the drilling of the working. Pipes are connected by thread or by welding. The casing for the time of work is fixed with a clamp

Connect the casing links by welding or threaded couplings, but it is best to initially select threaded pipes. As they deepen, it is easier and more convenient to screw them on than to constantly weld and check the seam for defects.

Drilling continues until the aquifer is passed and the underlying aquiclude is at least 0.5 m deep. After that, the casing string is slightly “pulled” to the surface to exit the aquiclude. Then the water intake is pumped in order to get rid of the rock destroyed during the drilling process.

Upon completion of flushing, another string of pipes is installed inside the cased wellbore, which will rid the water of contamination and protect the pump. Now you can install a pump, the type of which is selected depending on the depth of the aquifer.

The final stage of organizing your own water source is the arrangement of its mouth. For this, they either put a cap purchased in the store.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video #1 Demonstration of a homemade drilling rig:

Of course you can drill your own well. Just for starters, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow this is done and what kind of water you want to get in the end.

Some people think whether it is possible to make it in a well. Theoretically it is possible, but not necessary. It will just incur additional costs. It is better to install it near the well.

Let's go through the process of doing this work step by step. You will be offered instructions, you can also see everything from photos and videos and understand how it is done. After all, the price of the issue here is quite high, this is high-quality water in the house.

Types of wells

Drilling a well in the country is not so difficult. Its price will depend on the depth of the water. A sand well will be much cheaper from and this should also be taken into account.

Well on the sand Done to a great depth. Therefore, it is quite possible to do all the work with your own hands and this will significantly reduce the cost of your venture. Before starting work, you should find out what quality the water is at a shallow depth. To do this, it is best to take a sample from the neighbors and take it for examination and check the quality. We will give the parameters below.
Artesian well Suitable for the place where you live permanently. This water is of better quality. But the work will cost more. Here it would be better to hire a specialized organization. And immediately it will be necessary to provide for its cleaning. It is located in lime layers and therefore has a high iron content. Immediately provide for proper filtering.
Abyssinian well Abyssinian well or tubular, has a depth of about 8-12 meters. Its difference is that the water in it is much cleaner. Here the top water does not get in, just as dirt and dust cannot penetrate;

Attention: If you do not live permanently in the country and you only need water for irrigation, then you can safely make such a design.

Determining the quality of water

Water in a well or well is considered drinking water in the following cases:

  • When the water is clear thirty centimeters deep;
  • When nitrate impurities do not exceed 10 mg/l;
  • When one liter of water contains no more than 10 Escherichia coli;
  • When the taste and smell on a five-point scale, water is estimated at least three points.

To determine these indicators, water must be subjected to laboratory analysis in the sanitary and epidemic service.

How to drill a well

Let's analyze this process from a theoretical point of view:

  • Work begins with digging a hole, whose depth and diameter must be at least two meters, or a side of one and a half meters. This measure prevents further shedding of the soil of the upper layer.
  • The pit is strengthened with plank shields. Further, with the help of a column and a drilling rig, a well is drilled. The drill column is suspended on a tower at the central point of the future well.
  • The drill string consists of several rods, which, with the help of adapter sleeves, are lengthened during the drilling process. The drill head is mounted at the end of the column.
  • The tower is mounted from logs, steel pipes, a channel or a corner, which are made into a tripod, at the top of which a winch is attached.

Attention: If the water is shallow, drilling can be done without a tower. In this case, special shortened rods one and a half meters long are used. If you cannot do without a tower during drilling, the length of the rods in this case should be at least three meters.

What to drill

The equipment and method of drilling is selected based on the type of soil. The tool used must be made of carbon steel.

Drilling is carried out using the following drill heads:

  • For drilling in clay soils a drill is used in the form of a spiral with a base of 45-85 mm and a blade 258-290 mm long.
  • In percussion drilling, a drill bit is used. The drill can have a flat, cruciform and other shapes.
  • Drilling in loam, sandy clay or clayey sand is carried out using a spoon drill made in the form of a spoon and having a spiral or longitudinal slot. This drill has a diameter of 70-200 mm and a length of 700 mm and deepens for a passage of 30-40 cm.
  • Extraction of loose soil is carried out with the help of a drill-bailer using the impact method. The bailers are made from a three-meter pipe and have a piston and ordinary appearance. Inside the bailer should have a diameter of 25-96 mm, outside 95-219 mm, its weight should be 89-225 kg.

Drilling is a cyclic process, periodically accompanied by cleaning of the drilling tool from the soil. Cleaning is carried out with the complete extraction of the drill from the soil. Accordingly, the difficulty of extracting them from the well depends on the length of the hose.

well drilling

A well in the area can be drilled using one of the drilling methods:

  • Shnekov.
  • Rotary.
  • Shock-rope.

Drilling technologies differ among themselves in the ways of destruction of rocks inside the well and the option of extracting soil from the wellbore. Usage different equipment affects the quality and cost of construction of devices.

What is auger drilling

The cheapest and simple method well device is considered. The technology of the work is that the classic Archimedean screw, called an auger, excavates the soil.

The process is reminiscent of the drilling of a hole for fishing under the ice by amateurs. winter fishing. This method is used to drill a well with a depth of not more than 10 meters. No drilling fluid or water is used to flush the structure.

The instruction indicates that this method can be used without problems in dry and soft soils. Rocky, hard rocks encountered in the drilling process and quicksand are not amenable to auger drilling.

Tip: When punching, the length of the hole in the ground must be clearly maintained so that it reaches the required aquifer and protects the aquifer from Wastewater and getting top water.

How to make a drill from an auger from a combine harvester

For drilling a well under water, augers from old combines can be used as a drilling tool. After a little modernization, the auger from an agricultural machine turns into a fairly suitable drill.

You will also need pipe-rods with threading to increase the height of the drilling string.

Then you need:

  • Convert the lower tubular end into a kind of screw. To do this, at a distance of approximately 80 cm from the helical end, two knives are welded with an angle to the horizontal direction equal to 25º.
  • A threaded coupling is installed at the upper end of the drill. Weld it in order to be able to screw the rods.
  • A transverse handle is welded onto one of them. With the help of which the auger will be screwed into the ground. All subsequent rods are built up between this rod and the auger.

Tip: By increasing the length of the cross handle, which is welded to the guide rod, it is easier to turn it.

What is rotary drilling

To drill a deep well in a rotary way, a special drill pipe is used. In its cavity, a rotating shaft is immersed into the well, the end of which is equipped with a tip - a chisel.

A load is created on the bit by the action of a hydraulic installation. With this method, you can dive into water of any depth. Most of these structures are performed by rotary drilling.

Washing out of rock or soil from the well is carried out with a special drilling fluid that is fed into the pipe in one of two ways:

  • By pumping the pump into the drill pipe, and then the solution with the rock exiting by gravity to the outside through the annulus - direct flushing.
  • Getting into the annulus by gravity, and then pumping out the solution with the rock from the drill pipe - backwashing.

The washing out of the rock in the second case allows you to get a higher flow rate of the well. In this case, it is possible to better open the desired aquifer.

The disadvantage of this technology is the involvement of sophisticated equipment, which greatly increases the cost of work. With direct flushing, the construction of a well is cheaper, so the owners of private houses most often order it to build a structure on their site.

Tip: An artesian well is performed using drilling machines owned by specialized companies.

What is percussion drilling method

The oldest, labor-intensive and very slow method of drilling is shock-rope (see). But, with its help, you can get a high-quality well, ready to last up to half a century.

The technology is as follows:

  • Rock or soil is broken under the action of a heavy projectile, which rises to a certain height, and then falls down with force.
  • With the help of a bailer, the destroyed rock is removed from the wellbore.

The advantage of the drilling method is that there is no need to use water or a special drilling fluid during operation, which allows you to more accurately open the aquifer, and thereby ensure the maximum well flow rate and increase its service life.

The disadvantages of the method include:

  • Great labor intensity.
  • High cost of drilling.
  • To access the second and subsequent aquifers, isolation of the higher aquifers is required. For this, additional casing strings are used, which increases the cost of purchasing pipes of a different larger diameter.
  • The amount of work that must be performed by specialists is also increasing.

Well buildup

The buildup is the process of cleaning the well from dirt. It requires the use of powerful centrifugal pump. It is also possible to use , but this species pump will extend the process time.


  • For the speedy cleaning of the well with a vibration pump, it must be raised several times so that the water loosens up and the solid sediment does not have the opportunity to sink to the bottom.
  • The well sway will affect the shrinkage of the gravel screening between the well and the pipe, for this reason the gravel should be added periodically. Usually the buildup takes a lot of time and since this process releases a large number of water, it should be arranged in advance to drain it into a ditch.

After the pumping process is completed, the well can be equipped with a pump that is suitable for its everyday operation. Now you know if you can do this work yourself. The video in this article will help you not to miss the details of this work.

Making a bore hole

Of course, you need to refine your design. You can do this according to your idea.

There are several options for doing this job:

  • Build small house from a tree or other building above the well, varnish it or paint it;
  • Around the well, you can lay out an unusual pattern of bricks, stones, pebbles, concrete, create an ornament or build something;
  • You can close the well with the help of planted plants, for example, plant a willow and build a flower garden near it.

What are the features of well operation

There are several rules for using wells, following which the price of its operation is reduced:

  • Regardless of the type of construction, cleaning should be carried out regularly.
  • Signs of contamination of the system are: presence air locks when opening the water; the presence of other impurities in the water.
  • If cleaning is not carried out in time, such contamination can cause breakdowns that cannot be repaired, which means that a complete replacement will be needed.
  • To restore the functionality of the system, it is enough to perform a purge.
  • A radical cleaning method is the use of acid or electricity. But this should be carried out only by highly qualified specialists.

In areas where urban water supply does not function, the problem of water supply is one of the main ones. Water is needed in the country. Irrigation of plants, domestic needs, cooking - are not possible without it. A well is the best option for obtaining moisture in a garden. Moreover, it can be done in the shortest time and without significant financial outlay. The main thing is to pre-designate the place most convenient for drilling.

Methods for searching for water, establishing the depth and installation point of the well

If there are no obvious signs of water occurrence in the garden (area with lush vegetation), you need to look for it yourself. There are many methods of reconnaissance, we will analyze the most effective ones.

Soil water covers

In the soil, as a rule, there are three or more aquifers, divided among themselves by solid rocks, the relief outlines of which can differ significantly.

  1. The upper one is located at a depth of about 25 m. It is formed due to the accumulation of water from melted snow and precipitation. Suitable only for technical needs, as it may contain fertilizer residues and other unwanted chemicals. elements.
  2. The middle (ground) goes immediately after the first. The water extracted from this layer has a stable chemical composition and suitable for consumption.
  3. The lower one (artesian) is located 40 m deep. Not every drilling rig will drill such a well, and it will be very expensive. But the waters of the artesian layer are distinguished by exemplary taste, organoleptic and biochemical qualities.

Based on this, we can conclude that a depth of 25-40 m is suitable for obtaining high-quality water. It will be possible to determine more precisely only during drilling, when sampling. It should be borne in mind that in summer cottages located in lowlands or close to rivers and lakes, the level ground water can be much higher (from 10 to 15 meters deep).

Search methods

  • Silica gel. Bags of balls are usually placed with shoes to absorb moisture, and can also be bought at hardware stores. In the dried state (in the oven or in the sun), the balls are buried for a day in the ground, after being placed in a clay container (1m) in the place where it is planned to drill for water. After the specified time, the container is weighed, and the heavier it is, the closer the liquid is.
  • Barometric. A 0.1 mmHg barometer (any one capable of showing elevation changes will do) shows a 1 meter difference in elevation. That is, you first need to take measurements on the shore of the nearest reservoir, and then compare them with measurements directly in the selected area. The difference between the air pressure drops in both places will be an indicator of the depth of groundwater. It will be much more convenient to use an electronic downhole cable level gauge.
  • Pre-drilling. An ordinary garden drill with an auger diameter of 30 cm will be enough to decide on the choice of a place for a future source. It should be noted that you will have to go deep by 6-10 m, so take care in advance of increasing the length of the handle. It is recommended to remove the soil every fifteen centimeters of the recess. It is necessary to perform the action before the appearance of water in the mixture to be extracted. This is one of the most reliable search methods, but it requires a lot of work.

Determination of a place for a well

It is not advisable to choose a place for a well near sewer facilities, cesspools, garbage heaps and other sources of pollution. It is recommended to maintain a distance of 25-30 meters from them. Elevated terrain is best so that the pump does not flood.

How to drill a well on the site with your own hands

Many summer residents prefer to hire a team of people who have the appropriate equipment at their disposal, instead of trying to drill a well on their own.

In fact, the process is not difficult. It is only necessary to understand the sequence of actions, prepare the entire necessary inventory and get to work.

Subspecies of borehole structures

Regarding the depth of drilling, the volume of water produced, its quality and service life, there are the following types of structures:

  • Sandy or filter. It is a pipe with a diameter of 100-130 mm, deepened by an auger into the sand by 20-30 m. A stainless steel mesh is fixed at the lower end of the riser, which acts as a filter. Such a design will last from 5 to 15 years, depending on the frequency of use: the less often it is used, the less it will function.
  • Artesian or unfiltered. This is a catchment underground structure for the extraction of water from limestone porous rocks. The depth of a well of this type is from 20 to 200 m, and the service life is at least 50 years. In comparison with the previous type, it is practically impossible to dig an artesian well with your own hands, since a special drilling machine is needed for this purpose.

Do-it-yourself well drilling methods

To date, there are several common methods for extracting water with your own hands.

Manual drilling of wells for water

It is used for drilling wells up to 25 m deep.

Required tool:

  • drill (its head is attached to the lower rod);
  • rods (can be made from pipes by connecting them with dowels or threads);
  • winch;
  • siege pipes;
  • drilling tower (if the well is planned to be deep, it will raise / lower the drill with rods).

Stages technological process:

  1. Setting the tower to a height of 50-70 cm above the level of the bar (to make it easier to remove).
  2. Digging a hole for a drill (depth - two bayonet shovel).
  3. The initial rotation is easy, and then (as you dive) you will need an additional pair of working hands.
  4. To facilitate further entry of pipes, you can try to moisten the soil with water.
  5. Every 50 cm, you should raise the drill to the surface and clean the blades from the ground (since this takes a lot of time, you should try to grab as much soil as possible for each lift).
  6. You need to continue until the head falls into the waterproof layer.
  7. The slurry is pumped out with a submersible pump (AL-KO Drain 7000 Classic is suitable) until a clear liquid appears.

Manual drilling of wells under water has its advantages: low cost and not disturbing the structure of the land cover. However, the dimensions of such a structure (what is the depth, what is the diameter) do not allow a significant amount of water to be stored, and the service life does not exceed a decade.

Drilling a well for water using the shock-rope method

It consists in crushing rocks with a heavy object (driving glass), which is suspended by a rope from a makeshift tower and falls down.

Before you drill a well with your own hands using a shock-rope method, you must:

  1. Make a tower. It is made in the form of a tripod from steel pipes or wooden logs. The structure should rise above the projectile by 1.5 meters in height.
  2. Prepare a driving glass. At the end steel pipe a cutting edge is installed (a knife resembling an auger), and a hole is cut a little higher (about 50 cm) to extract the earth. Top part the projectile is attached to the tower with a cable.
  3. Pull the rope, which will set the installation in motion with a winch. Then the same cycle occurs as in the previous method.

The shock-rope extraction of water lasts a long time and troublesome, but is the cheapest way.

How to choose a well pump yourself

Before you drill a well for water yourself, you need to carefully select the equipment. Since the diameter of the hole in the water well is not large (110-130 mm), the only option for supplying water to the surface is a pump. But it is difficult to make a choice in favor of one or another unit, since manufacturers provide consumers with wide choose products. Before proceeding with the selection, it is necessary to carefully study not only the passport characteristics of the pumping apparatus, but also the features of the well device.

Options for selecting a specific model:

  • Round the clock water supply. If you have an average family of 3-4 people, a pump with a capacity of 30-60 l / min will be enough, without taking into account the additional cost of watering and irrigation. If there are such needs, a more powerful device will be needed.
  • Source depth. It is not difficult to make accurate measurements. To do this, it is enough to tie a piece of metal or a small stone with a strong thread and sink it to the bottom. After that, you will have to measure the length of the wet and dry part of the "meter", and determine the total height of the riser. With respect to it, a model should be selected (depth for submersible pumps indicated in the passport).
  • The rate of residence of water (debit). You pump out all the water, note the time for the liquid to leave, and then for filling, divide the first value by the second and get the result.
  • Piping pipe diameter. When drilling water wells, you need to consider that most pumps are designed for a four-inch opening.
  • Construction quality. Choose a unit designed specifically for wells, as they are equipped with fine mesh filters. Otherwise, you will have to change it soon, because it will not be able to cope with blockages (for example, washed sand) and will quickly fail.

Types of pumping stations

According to functional features All units are divided into two groups.


They are installed on the surface of the earth. A pipe or hose is attached to them ( better pipe, the pressurized hose may be pinched and water cannot circulate). The main advantage is that it is easy to install and operate. Centrifugal models are best suited (vibrating ones are not designed for pumping dirty water and are capable of destroying the walls of the source with vibration), such as Optima JET80S, Pedrollo PLURIJET 4/200.

Surface pumps have more benefits than submersible. They have more power and protection against overheating. Since they are larger (their size is not limited by the parameters of the well), they have more advanced filters, and they cool better. In addition, they are easier to lubricate or remove when repairs are needed.


Suitable for pumping water from 40-70 meters deep. They are placed at the bottom of the tower and from there they push the liquid up. The characteristics of a certain pumping system are determined by the consequences of the measurements made. To do this, using the method described above, a rope with a load is lowered into the well. Add 3-4 m to the remaining dry part - this will be the height of the expulsion of the water jet. If it is up to 40 m, a unit with low power(indicated in the passport data), and if higher - select a high-power pump.

The best choice would be a fully automated device: in case of overheating or a voltage drop in the mains, it turns itself off. Models: Pedrollo 4SR8m/13 - PD 2.2, WILO TWI 5-306 EM, Gardena 6000/5.


You can drill a well yourself without the use of rented expensive equipment. Let you spend a little more time drilling and arranging the source, but you will end up with a high-quality, do-it-yourself structure.

Please select a pump Special attention, since the hardware part is very important when working with water. You need a truly high-quality device that is easy to repair and maintain.

Having your own water source makes living in the country as comfortable as possible. Having a water intake on the site, you can not only arrange high-quality water supply at home, but also provide watering of the garden and vegetable garden in dry times. Moreover, it is quite possible to drill a well for water with your own hands in the country.

However, before you get down to business, you should determine what type of water intake you plan to arrange, select the drilling technology and prepare the appropriate tool.

How and which well is best to drill in the country?

There are two main types of water intakes: sand and artesian. The former are drilled into sand, the latter into limestone. Sand wells can be up to 50 meters deep, while artesian wells can be up to 200 meters deep. They differ in both the diameter of the shaft and the size of the casing pipes. It is extremely difficult and expensive to drill an artesian well on your own in a country house or near a private house, therefore the best option remains sandy.

To determine the location for the device of a water supply source, one should have information about the depth of occurrence groundwater. If the figure does not exceed 20 meters, there is every chance to cope with the creation of the well on your own. And when is the best time to drill a well, it's up to you.

Events can be held at any time of the year.

The well shaft is best located in the immediate vicinity of the house; it is also possible to arrange a water intake in the basement, garage, outbuilding, utility room, etc.

In most cases, a ready-made drilling tool is used to create a water intake. However, you can build a simple drilling mechanism by hand. It will consist of a tower and a column.
The tower looks similar to a tripod. You can make them metal pipes or logs. We connect the structural elements with a pivot. Next, we place a drill column in the upper part of the structure. Using a winch, we connect the two legs of the drilling rig.

If the aquifer lies high, you can limit yourself to using a drill.

Video instruction - How to manually drill a well for water

We create a drilling column with the help of three-meter rods, which we connect with each other with couplings. In some cases, half-meter rods may suffice. The column will sink into the ground, and its length will increase due to the rods.

The choice of drill head should be made depending on the type of soil. When deciding how to drill a well in a summer cottage, a chisel, a coil, a spoon-drill, a bailer are most often used.

The drill head is impact or cutting tool which breaks down the soil. It is installed on the column using a special threaded adapter. After lowering the head into the face, the cavities of the drill are filled with soil. For soft rocks, a “spoon-drill” is best suited, for hard ones - a chisel, for dense soil - a “serpentine” is enough. With the help of a bailer, the soil is raised to the surface.

It is possible to prevent sprinkling of the walls of the water intake by installing casing pipes. They can be plastic water pipes. The bottom of the pipe must have a "shoe" - a serrated (a) or smooth (b) edge.

Main stages of work:

  • Preparatory stage. Before drilling a well, you should manually create a pit - a special structure that will prevent soil from shedding into the face. The pit is a pit 1.5x1.5x2 m. The walls of the pit are reinforced with boards or metal sheets, they also cover the bottom.
  • Building a tower and determine the center point in the lower flooring;
  • We create a hole, the size of which should correspond to the diameter of the casing pipes. Check if the drilling tool is installed vertically.
  • We pass the bar through the top and bottom holes and fasten the collar. The best thing rotate the gate with two people, a third person can be involved to correct the position of the barbell.
  • Put on a column mark at a distance of 60 cm from the top. After the column is lowered into the ground at this distance, it is raised to the surface and the soil is removed. Repeat the operation several times. As the tool deepens, it is built up with the help of rods and couplings. To understand how best to drill a well with or without casing, you should know the density of the soil. The installation of casing strings will prevent shedding of the walls of the water intake, thereby extending its service life. Casing pipe diameter should be a little larger diameter couplings. To prevent collapse of the walls, do not lower the drill too deep (the depth of the tool should not exceed its length). Thus, the well device is an alternation of drilling operations and the installation of casing strings, which are built up as they deepen.
  • At the final stage we produce well cleaning from the rock with the help of a bailer, we put a strainer at the bottom, which will prevent the ingress of mechanical impurities and rapid silting of the source. The filter can be a perforated pipe or a fine-mesh metal mesh.

After work on internal device sources are completed, we proceed to the arrangement of the ground part. We dismantle the casing of the pit and carry out backfilling. Install pump equipment. You can decorate a well in the form of a crane, a canopy, a fake well, and even a gazebo.

In this article, I want to tell you, without expensive, bulky equipment, quickly, in the place where you want, even in an already built house. If you need to arrange autonomous water supply country house, then after reading this article and watching my video, you will know how to drill a well by hand independently without resorting to the services of numerous expensive specialists. Or maybe, having mastered this original method, you will be able to drill wells to your acquaintances, friends, relatives, and perhaps in the future it will become for you source of additional income.

A large number of wells have been drilled using this method. The method is quite simple to implement and I have never met life anywhere. On the Internet, I also did not meet the description of this method. My friend came up with the idea of ​​drilling water wells in this way, he is a turner by profession.

For comfortable living Every home needs running water. Own well in the house, even if available central water supply, can be very useful. Firstly, you do not depend on utilities and interruptions in the supply of water do not threaten you. Secondly, you do not need to pay for water according to the meter, and when watering the garden or washing the car, water is required a lot. Thirdly, often water from wells happen best quality than the water that is supplied to our homes through the plumbing. Also, water from a well is better than water from a well, since it does not come into contact with air and various debris from the surface of the earth does not enter the well like a well. A well can be arranged in a built house, and then there will be no danger that it will freeze in winter time year, and you will be left without water supply.

You need to start drilling with a simple drill, to the maximum possible depth. Then we insert a galvanized pipe into the drilled hole, to which a cone-shaped tip with a hole in the center is welded.

pipe tip

Rods with a tip

Then we lower the rod into the pipe, in which the tip is slightly larger in diameter than the hole in the pipe tip. And we begin to hammer the pipe into the ground with a barbell. In this case, blows are applied not to the pipe, but to the tip of the pipe (the photo of which is shown above), while the pipe and threads are not damaged. As the pipe sinks into the ground, we lengthen it and the rod by screwing additional extension elements. As soon as we reach the limestone (this will be understandable because the rod will start to bounce when hitting back up), we take the rod out of the pipe and insert the drill into it (the drill is smaller than the size of the hole in the pipe tip). Now you need to drill a hole in the limestone, find an aquifer in it and hammer a pipe into the limestone. We check the presence of water in the well by pouring water from a watering can into the pipe. If the water does not leave the pipe, it means that you have not reached the aquifer. As soon as the water runs "fun" into the pipe, this indicates that everything in your house will now work plumbing equipment. This is how the drilling process works for us. A pipe hammered into limestone works long years and she is not afraid of sand. After drilling a well, it must be thoroughly pumped to remove all the dirt that has accumulated in it during drilling. About,