How to improve the area near the house. Beautiful yard of a private house with your own hands

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D For owners country houses spring period- this is your favorite time, when you can design and create the most creative and original ideas and turn the local area into a colorful flower garden or a luxurious park. Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house bring great joy, photos of which can be seen in this review. Flowers represent essential element when creating landscape design, so before planting trees and various vegetables on the site, it is worth considering where to leave space for creating a flower garden.

Free-form flower garden

Front gardens and various flower beds bring vitality to the area. You should not immediately take on complex compositions. Using the advice of professionals, you can create interesting landscape solutions.

The first time you can choose suitable option and complete everything step by step. Flower beds can be vertical, horizontal, and also in the form of rockeries and alpine slides.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which you can see, come in various shapes:

  • The most common geometries are circle and oval. They create beautiful compositions, starting from the outline of the structure and gaining strength towards the central part.

  • In a flower garden with a square configuration, bright and rich ornaments are created. The simplicity of this geometry allows you to create beautiful patterns.

  • Flower beds in the shape of a triangle or star look impressive.

  • Landscape design can be decorated with structures of irregular configuration. Such elements fit perfectly into awkward areas.

Expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

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Types of flower beds

You can examine and select flower beds in the courtyard of a private house based on the photo. There are several original types of flower beds. They mainly differ in materials and purpose.

The following options are worth considering:

  • Rabatka is flat design which consists of various plants. It can be on one side.

  • The front garden is the space in front of the house, which may border the road.

  • Arabesques will appeal to lovers of non-standard solutions. In this case, low-growing crops are used, which are planted in the form geometric shapes. In addition, stones, lawn grass and fine gravel are used.

  • A rock garden is a hill of stones on the surface of which shrubs and plants are planted.

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  • A tapeworm is a flower garden planted with flowers that have a common characteristic.

Stylish solution - solitaire

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  • The rockery consists of a mixture of stones and plants.

Stages of creating a flower bed

The creation and design of flower beds in the courtyard of a private house photo is characterized by strict consistency. It is necessary to properly cultivate the soil and select and plant flowers.

Choosing a suitable location

Before you start making flower arrangements, it is recommended to draw and mark the project on paper. The shape of the structure is selected depending on the style of construction and the surrounding landscape. The site is selected so that the plants receive lighting for at least five hours a day. It is better to choose a sunny place without drafts. Lawn grass and weeds are removed from the selected area.

Expert's point of view

Oksana Borisova

Leading landscape engineer "SpetsParkDesign"

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“In the planned project, it is necessary to take into account the flowering periods of the selected crops. In order for flowering to occur throughout the year, in addition to flowers, it is worth using various crops with evergreen cover.”

How to determine the type of soil?

A flower garden can be planted in an area with any type of soil. If the soil is clayey, you can add sand. Poor soil can be fertilized with compost. It increases soil fertility and also improves air exchange. Peat is used as fertilizer. You can choose suitable plants for any soil.

Methods for preparing soil loosening

Before you start arranging flower beds in the courtyard of a private house, photos of which are given in the article, you need to prepare the soil. To saturate the soil with oxygen and distribute fertilizers, the soil is dug up using a garden fork or shovel. First, the perimeter is marked and the soil is prepared for planting. The base is prepared as follows:

  • The markings are applied using pegs and a cord.
  • The turf is removed.
  • Drainage is made from pebbles and sand.
  • The fertile layer is filled up.

Then the relief is created. Levels are made from large stones and pebbles, which are then filled with earth. The soil for flowers should be sifted, cleared of rhizomes and enriched with fertilizers. The ornament is marked using tape. And the plants are placed from the center to the perimeter.

Helpful advice! The best time to carry out all planting work is spring.

Flowerbed design options: how to decorate correctly

The design of a flower bed in the courtyard of a private house, the photo suggests the use of certain types of crops. Plants must have the following properties:

  • Long flowering period.
  • Decorative during growth.
  • Weather resistant.
  • Good ability to adapt after transplantation.

Some simple plants Look great as a border strip or in small groups. These are begonia, marine alyssum or ageratum. Crops of purple, brown-reddish and silver colors are often successfully used to decorate a flower garden. These are coleus, heuchera, silver cineraria and irezine.

The best option for flower designs are long-flowering and short plants. These include marigolds, pansies, salvia and daisies.

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Seedlings are planted as follows:

  • Before planting, seedlings are watered.
  • The plant is removed from the pot along with the soil.
  • The roots with a lump of earth are placed in the hole.
  • All free space around the roots is sprinkled with earth and compacted.

Helpful advice! For flower arrangement Plants that grow quickly are not suitable. They remain decorative for several weeks and then grow rapidly. These include rudbeckia and dicentra. They can be planted in groups rather than in a flower garden.

Flower garden care

To design for a long time retained its decorative properties and required constant care. When caring for a flower garden, the following procedures are performed:

  1. For better gas exchange, regular loosening is recommended. Bark or sawdust are used for mulching.
  2. The flower garden needs to be weeded regularly to remove weeds.
  3. Tall plants need to be supported with supports.
Helpful information! Weeds are easier to remove from wet soil. Therefore, the flower garden needs to be watered before weeding.

Creating a flower bed provides limitless scope for design ideas. Any original ideas can be used. Original designs are made from the following materials:

  • Flower beds made of stones look original and natural. Similar stones are selected in size and color. The slate design in several layers looks stylish.

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Step-by-step instruction on production, types of forms, materials, decoration techniques and many photo examples in a special publication in our online magazine.
  • A beautiful flower garden is made of logs. To do this, a piece of log is cleared of bark. Using an electric saw, a niche is cut out where drainage is laid and soil is filled. The surface of the log can be varnished.

Happy owners of private houses face more worries than apartment owners, because the bulk of the work falls on beautification personal plot. Design beautifully private yard It’s not that simple; it requires patience, work and a clear understanding of your desires.

The easiest way is to invite experienced designer, who will offer his ideas, and rely on his professionalism and taste, but not everyone can afford it, and all people have different tastes. In addition, what is fashionable now will not always be to the liking of the owners themselves, so it is quite possible to do everything with your own hands, putting a part of yourself into the work.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Dividing the yard into functional areas

When planning the design of the yard of a private house, first of all you should decide on the question of what functionality the yard should have. It is necessary to take into account whether it is planned to grow ornamental crops in the garden area (i.e., flower beds are needed), relax on sun loungers or breed various types of fish in a self-made artificial reservoir, or install a gazebo. All these activities (even the construction in winter of such a structure as a skating rink to create Christmas mood) require the allocation of a certain place, that is, dividing the space into zones, so planning and lighting are one of the most important stages arrangement of such components of private property as a personal plot, house and yard.

If you want to have a cozy and comfortable yard (you can’t just fill it with concrete, as was customary at the end of the last century), then you should initially think carefully about which specific areas need to be created (for example, a playground - if there are children), which of them which are desirable and which ones may not be created. In the case where the yard area is small, the optimal solution is to combine some zones. For example, you can place folding chairs on the lawn - they can be removed without any problems, thus turning an area intended for relaxation of family members into a clearing where, for example, you can play golf or football, and in the winter, fill an ice skating rink. With the help of a gazebo, cozy garden furniture and a fire pit, you can create a relaxation area at the back near the house, and in front of residential buildings you can arrange beautiful flower beds with your own hands.

First you need to carefully consider the components that should be present in the yard. Previously, most of the territory was allocated for planting vegetables and fruits, but now there is a tendency to create free territory for a variety of recreation. However, regardless of fashion, everyone decides for themselves which elements should be present on the site.

You need to think about where the following will be located:

  • outbuildings - even if there is no desire to keep farm animals, a barn is useful for storing things that are out of place in the house;
  • garage;
  • bath;
  • Summer shower;
  • a summer kitchen, which is now often designed in the form of a permanent gazebo with a barbecue;
  • dog enclosure;
  • swimming pool or artificial pond;
  • children's play corner if the family has small children;
  • growing garden vegetable crops and greenery;
  • paths;
  • green spaces.

After it has been decided which elements you want to create on the site, you need to figure it out on paper rough plan decoration of the yard, because often everything you need is quite difficult to place conveniently, functionally and tastefully. And in order not to later lament the mistake you made and not waste energy on correcting it, it is better to work out all the options on paper, thinking about the arrangement in detail.

The number and semantic load of zones in a private house depend entirely on the wishes of the owners. What do you want to do - grow spicy herbs and vegetables, raise fish in your own pond, swim in a pool, fry meat on outdoors, lie on a sun lounger under the shade of trees or play golf? All wishes can be reflected in the purpose of pieces of the territory; to do this, you should divide your yard into functional areas.

If the area allows, then each zone can be given its own corner, but if the yard is of modest size, then it is more logical to connect together several mutually complementary zones. For example, folding tables and chairs can be placed on the lawn to create more space for golf or football if desired.

Zoning using screens, fences, arches

In order to visually delimit zones and create a beautiful patio, it is best to use the possibilities of landscaping. In this case, the establishment of zone boundaries is determined using elements such as hedges. This can also be done with the help of densely growing shrubs, tall Spanish crops that love open ground. The advantages of creating such a fence from wood are many. In addition to ease of care, in the shade that is formed by thickets of turf, you can have a great rest in the summer. garden bench or in a sun lounger on the hottest days, when it is undesirable to be in the sun.

With the help of a squat picket fence, it is possible to highlight an area intended for recreation; it is also perfect for the boundaries of a football field. When making it with your own hands, you should remember that in this case there is only one basic rule - you don’t need to make it heavy “overloaded”. The fence should look harmonious, be “airy”, and not dominate the overall design of the yard.

As a natural addition to such a fence, it is optimal to use arches, as well as a pergola over the paths that lead to a particular area. The design looks decorative when structures overgrown with climbing roses, clematis, morning glory, and other vines that bloom profusely and beautifully are used. A courtyard of this type will absolutely delight both the owners and guests of the home - especially if you think about it artificial lighting in the evening.

If you need to create a small shady corner that will not be visible from neighbors, you can use the most simple designs– installation of a trellis or a structure such as garden trellises is relevant. If they are entwined with some kind of climbing plant, then they will be able to create a solid green wall, at the bottom of which it is appropriate to create flower beds from Spanish crops that prefer to grow in the shade. This will make the design of the area especially cozy and private.

An excellent option and decoration for any site is to create a shady corner in a beautiful garden. In order to protect the territory from drafts, gusts of wind and direct sun rays, it is reasonable to use a trellis as a traditional fence. On open area when creating a limited area, experts recommend doing this using garden screens, as well as special protective screens. In addition, this type of structure helps create shade and can provide additional protection from gusts of wind. The most popular in this regard are frames that have slats in their design, as well as a shield made of wood with carvings. From a visual point of view, they look great and fit very harmoniously into almost any design of the yard of a private house such partitions, the material for which is bamboo, rattan or wicker.

If the overall landscape design of the yard is made in oriental style and color, then a reasonable solution is to install a screen, the material for which is reed mats. At the same time, it is best to plant flowering crops in flower beds that come from hot countries and love open ground.

Depending on the characteristics of the zone, the type of barrier should be selected. If you need to reliably close off unsightly gardens or outbuildings, then a tall hedge made of plants or wicker is perfect hanging plants screen. Between areas that are similar to each other, you can install a low openwork picket fence that will not overload the space. Examples of zoning are shown in the photo.

To create a cozy shaded corner for relaxation, you can use trellises, trellises or pergolas, braided with climbing roses, morning glory, girl's grapes and other climbing crops. An arch entwined with roses will help highlight the entrance to the courtyard and path, and decorate beautiful shape paths will be allowed by a hedge of plants planted along them.

Features of creating paths and paving the territory

In the central courtyard area, professionals advise using materials such as paving stones, concrete tiles, and hewn stone. A good option is the following solution: soil areas should be left between the tiles and filled with one of the materials such as pebbles, sand, glass granules. You can also fill such earthen “pockets” with low-growing plants that do not require much care - plant young ones in them with your own hands, for example.
When decorating a patio, designers advise setting up an area that is paved with granite slabs that have an uneven shape - clear structures cannot be used. Unique appearance have paths made of round sawn timber. Wood cuts are suitable for paving informal yard areas. In this case, the space between the cuts should be filled with one of the fillers such as sawdust or crushed bark. Materials of this type are as close to nature as possible, and therefore they look great in shady corners around a residential building, as well as in areas between bushes and trees. In this way, you can delimit the flower beds that decorate the patio.

In addition, for areas of land located between saw cuts, experts advise using fine crushed stone, gravel or sand. This will give the appearance of the paths maximum elegance and restraint. In this form, paths are recommended to be used for arranging the territory of ceremonial flower beds, mixborders, as well as in the immediate vicinity of front door residential building, and in winter - the entrance to the skating rink.


Over the past few years, among the world's landscape designers, the use of narrow boards as a material that fit as tightly as possible in relation to each other has been considered especially popular when paving paths. At the same time, such wooden sidewalks must be repeatedly and carefully painted or covered with high-quality varnish for external use.

Can be replaced regular boards such building materials as sections of garden parquet - decking, which are produced in factories and today are sold not only in traditional stores, but also on numerous specialized websites on the Internet. The main advantages of such paving are that the paths created using decking are characterized by quick installation and throughout for long years do not require repairs. Of course, the territory on which such paths are built cannot be used for an ice skating rink.

In the process of selecting the materials with which paving will be carried out, it is necessary to sketch out a rough plan of where future paths and areas will be located. At the same time, you should remember one rule that every competent landscape designer knows and uses in his work: the closer these elements of a private yard are to a residential building (i.e., cottage/house), the more restrained they should look. The paving of various “thematic” areas surrounding, for example, an impromptu pond, a bridge, a rock garden, stylized mixborders, should be informal and disorderly. That is, both the material and general design may have irregular shapes.

Near a private house it is appropriate to make an area with paving from concrete tiles, stone or paving stones. This coating will make it easy and simple to keep your yard clean. Also often used for paths are boards laid end to end. For convenience, instead of ordinary wood, you can use laminate boards.

Let's consider creating paths with your own hands. If a free natural style is used in the design of a private house, then you can use wood cuts, the spaces between which are filled with sawdust and pieces of bark; such paving looks very natural, beautiful and attractive, especially when surrounded by trees. If the ground between the saw cuts is decorated with crushed stone, pebbles and sand, then such a path will be suitable even for a yard in a classic style.

In addition, you can do this yourself - just cut the logs into small logs, dig them in place of the former path and sprinkle the areas between them. When choosing a base, experts recommend focusing on the location - paths near the walls of a private house should be made in a restrained style, and for paths in a recreation area, near water sources and green spaces, their shapes and materials are becoming more free and intricate.

Yard landscaping

Often right choice and the arrangement of plantings is the only tool with which you can create a beautiful yard with your own hands. This process should begin with the selection and planting of trees and bushes that have the ability to add variety, become a fundamental element in terms of the geometry of the garden, form a natural shaded area, and protect from gusts of wind. In addition, landscaping provides an opportunity to make an accent and highlight the most significant details of the yard.

For example, with the help of a chestnut tree growing separately, you can focus your gaze on a garden bench that is located in the shade of this tree. Rose bushes, if planted on the lawn, provide an opportunity to break up the monotony of green lawns with bright nuances. And with the help of juniper bushes, if they are planted tightly on different sides garden paths, you can not only emphasize their outlines, but also create natural borders, especially if installing artificial borders is unacceptable. Mixborders created from various types of coniferous crops are an excellent alternative to flower beds (you can even plant a Christmas tree).

Introducing colorful shades into the design of a personal garden is impossible without the help of various flowering ornamental crops. Before you begin the process of creating flower beds in a not very large area surrounding the house, you should wisely select plants and make a set of them so that their flowering periods follow each other continuously. Such flower beds, if properly cared for and not just filled with water from time to time, will delight you with bright inflorescences of various shades not only throughout the entire spring-summer season, but even late autumn. And on large plot In winter, between the flower beds you can fill an indoor ice skating rink and install an elegant Christmas tree.

With the help of flower plantings, you can ennoble, make interesting and bright even the most boring courtyards that have heavy buildings on their territory. Those places around a residential building that are literally buried in flowers will always look attractive. Nevertheless, the area dominated by various decorative foliage plants also has a rather original, but more restrained appearance. Particularly valuable among such crops are varieties that have sculptural outlines. large leaves unusual shades. For example, ferns with lacy and long foliage, hostas with large grooved leaves, heucheras with multi-colored foliage.

The lawn, popular in the West, firmly occupies a leading position among living plantings, but you should not think that once you sow lawn grass, you can forget about care for a year, you will have to constantly sow seeds, fight against trampling of areas, regularly water and mow it at least once every two weeks. You can also decorate your yard in a varied and colorful way using vertical gardening. Climbing roses, morning glory, grapes, ivy, planted near arches, pergolas, trellises, cones, pillars, trellises or fences are a wonderful addition to any site.

To decorate your yard colorfully, it is simply impossible to refuse to use flowering plants. At correct use With these crops, you can create both multi-colored and monochromatic compositions with your own hands.

Creating the basis for DIY vertical gardening

Most of these structures are easy and simple to build yourself, having thought through the placement, size and type of structure in advance. The simplest is a trellis; for this you need to take three long wooden bars and knock them down in the shape of a triangle using several short transverse blocks. The long ends of the bars are immersed in the ground and a fast-growing light plant such as morning glory is planted next to it - and in a couple of weeks a flowering fence for the yard will be ready.

Lawn covering

If you have decided to pave your yard with stone, tiles or paving stones, this is not a reason to give up plants, because it is greenery that gives the area of ​​a private house a special charm and beauty. Bushes and flowers in a paved yard should be planted in flowerpots, containers and pots, decorating the design of the area with them. In addition, this option is perfect for heat-loving plants, which with the arrival of cold weather will not need to be covered or replanted - just bring the flowerpot into a warm room.

Creation of artificial reservoirs

Having your own swimming pool is the dream of most modern private home owners. If the area surrounding the house is large enough, then it is appropriate to create concrete structures such a plan, especially if you correctly create lighting around them. In this case, it is best to decorate the bottom and walls of the pool using PVC film or mosaic. The second, quite popular option today, is to use a ready-made rigid mold, which is made of PVC or composite materials. If the site has a small area or is located near a dacha, then preference should be given to the use of inflatable pools - in such an area it is unreasonable to install massive reservoirs; it is impossible to build a huge ice skating rink here winter time or create excessive “heavy” lighting.

Competent landscape design implies that the pool must combine the beautiful appearance of a self-made artificial reservoir and at the same time be functional.

Of course, pools are to a greater extent functional elements, in contrast to another type of water source - a pond, which is intended, first of all, to please the eye. This is primarily a decoration of the yard, especially if you arrange it near the gazebo. The easiest way to create it yourself is to line the bottom of a dug pit with a material such as PVC film. Shallow ponds can be used as an ice skating rink in winter.

In the process of creating ponds in the “a la naturel” style, experts recommend decorating the banks using natural materials such as pebbles and natural stones. Plants that like high humidity should be planted along their perimeter - reeds, sedges, marsh iris and water mint are appropriate here. Aquatic plant growing is also useful in this case, i.e., the rules for planting water lilies, lotuses, egg capsules and bladderworts on the bottom of ponds. It should be remembered that there are representatives of the green “residents” of reservoirs who will simply float freely, i.e., there is no need to plant them at all. Such crops include bagel, duckweed, and salvinia.

In most of these ponds, of course, it is impossible and simply impossible to swim, but they are excellent for growing aquatic plants and fish.

A great addition to any pond is an artificial waterfall. The sound of water flowing from the stone cliffs provides the opportunity to completely immerse yourself in real relaxation - this is especially true near the recreation area. Fountains are also characterized by falling water. modern design can take quite unexpected forms. The easiest way to create water movement in do-it-yourself ponds is with the help of simple fountains, the installation of which is the field of activity of many companies today.

If you wish, it is not at all difficult to make a swimming pool or an artificial pond in your yard. For the former, it is best to use concrete or ready-made rigid forms that just need to be buried in the ground. If you only need a pool for a couple of warm summer months, then it is better to give preference to collapsible frame or inflatable models, but for this pond you need to plan and prepare the appropriate area of ​​the yard.

Creation of an artificial reservoir

For ponds, it is recommended to use purchased rigid forms, but you can completely create a pond with your own hands. To do this, you need to dig a pit of the desired size, cover the bottom and walls with PVC film, press it down with stones along the edges and cover it with sand, stones or earth and plant it with moisture-loving plants. If desired, you can decorate the pond with aquatic plants; to do this, you need to plant lotus seedlings, water lilies or egg capsules on the bottom of the reservoir.

Proper creation of lighting

To decorate your own yard no less beautifully than modern professional craftsmen can do, you can use elements that form garden lighting. They can be either electric or powered by a solar battery. How to properly decorate an area using artificial lighting, and why is it so important? In addition to its main purpose, i.e., the function of illuminating the yard and garden plot, lighting can add a special, amazing charm to each exterior.

If you correctly place garden lights, lamps and lamps, then almost any house and yard at night will look truly fabulous and magical. At the same time, experts advise focusing on highlighting garden paths, sculptures, plants, pools and ponds. Using small LED lights, which are built into the paving of areas, you can get the effect of a starry sky under your feet. And with the help of floating lamps that are shaped like water lilies, you can create the feeling of blooming water oases. The use of lanterns on poles located along the sides of garden paths will provide an opportunity to well illuminate the path from the gate/gate to residential building. In winter, it’s a good idea to illuminate the perimeter of the area where you plan to make an ice skating rink.

For convenience and beauty, you definitely need to illuminate the main paths; the easiest way is to make lantern lighting yourself; small solar lamps are also suitable for these purposes; they just need to be stuck into the ground along the path, and in the evening they will give off the light accumulated throughout the day.

Illumination from the depths of reservoirs looks very beautiful, as well as spot lighting of individual elements of the yard, but if you do not have the necessary skills to work with electricity yourself, this type of work is dangerous to do.

Cleaning up order in a private house is much more difficult compared to a traditional city apartment. First of all, this concerns the garden area, which needs competent and regular care from a caring housewife or owner. And this is understandable, since during the period of stay in a private house on a summer cottage or in country cottage Their owners spend most of their time not in residential premises, but in the yard, so landscaping this area is a very important undertaking.

A beautifully and comfortably furnished yard is the dream of every modern owner. However, not all of our compatriots have the financial opportunity to solve this problem in order to seek help from a professional landscape designer who could optimally design the arrangement of the house’s yard and think through its artificial lighting. In this case, you can solve this issue yourself, do everything yourself - for this you need to carefully study and correctly implement the recommendations of specialists. In this article we looked at the main stages of arranging the space in front of the house.

Anyone can decorate their yard in an unusual and interesting way; the main thing in this matter is not to be afraid of work and to clearly define your desires before starting work, so that you don’t have to correct any mistakes later.

Anyone who has a house or cottage should think about decorating the area in front of their home. Working with this part of the site is very important, since in fact it is the adjacent area that is a kind of “face”. How best to do it and what specific things can be added to the exterior are in a new review.

1. Partition

You can use partitions not only inside the house, but also in the garden. For example, a homemade partition made of branches will help separate the recreation area from the vegetable garden and create a feeling of privacy.

2. Vertical garden

Wooden beams with a dense mesh stretched between them are perfect for creating a vertical garden. This design can be used for zoning local area and as an original decoration of the site.

3. Curtain

Decorate and make a porch, open veranda or a gazebo, long curtains made of scraps of colored fabric attached to an ordinary clothesline will help make it more comfortable.

4. Gazebo

You can create a secluded place to relax without erecting permanent buildings with the help of several columns and thick curtains. Such an impromptu gazebo will become a cozy and romantic place to relax in the warm season, and the process of its construction will not require much effort or expense.

5. Hedge decor

A mesh fence is one of the most common options for fencing. suburban area. However, such a fence will not allow you to hide from the gaze of passers-by, and its appearance leaves much to be desired. A mesh stylized as pine needles or ivy will help solve both problems.

6. Decorative wall

The open walls of a veranda or gazebo can be decorated using ordinary glass bottles. Such decorative walls will help you hide from the prying eyes of neighbors and will become a spectacular decoration of the local area.

7. Monogram

From wooden planks you can make a beautiful blooming monogram that will become an exquisite decoration for the porch or any wall of the house.

8. Hanging bed

Using a few pallets, a mattress, and some strong ropes, you can create an amazing hanging bed. Such a bed can be placed in the garden on the branches of any massive tree or on specially erected posts.

9. Boardwalk

People with construction skills can safely take on the construction of a stylish recreation area from wooden beams and boards.

10. Lighting

Create a feeling of coziness and fill the garden soft light Garlands of light bulbs will help. Hang them along paths, on the porch or at the entrance to the gazebo to illuminate the area in the evening.

11. Patio

In the modern understanding, a dacha is a place where you can take a break from the bustle of the city, have a friendly party, barbecue and sit by the fire. That's why Special attention It’s worth paying attention to creating a beautiful and comfortable site for such a vacation. The best finishing material natural stone will be used for the summer patio. In the center of the site you should place a built-in or mobile barbecue and, of course, take care of seating for yourself and friends.

12. Garden decor

A bicycle wheel or a broken cart wheel can be used to create a beautiful garden decoration. You just need to fix it next to a young bush climbing rose or any other climbing plant.

13. Flower rack

A piece of an old louvered door or an old slatted shutter works great for vertical mounting flower pots. Such an original rack will become original decoration summer patio, porch or gazebo.

14. Flower pot

Large and small logs can be turned into original pots for growing various flowers. Such pots will become an original decoration for the garden and local area, and the process of their creation does not require special effort and material costs.

15. Table

Table made from unnecessary things car tires, painted in bright, cheerful colors, and a round tabletop, a vase made from a holey soccer ball are excellent examples of the competent use of unnecessary things that often end up in the utility rooms of our suburban areas.

16. Stools

Behind garden furniture It is not at all necessary to go to the store, leaving impressive sums there. Sometimes you just have to look around and take a closer look at natural materials. For example, massive stumps and logs make wonderful stools that will fit perfectly into the design of a gazebo or summer patio.

17. Decorative pond

Awesome decorative pond, equipped in a large aluminum basin, will become a luxurious decoration of a suburban area.

Continuing the topic, to the attention of dear readers, having made some effort and spent a little of your time.

The layout of a personal plot is the most important moment during the construction of cottages and country houses. Currently, more and more developers prefer not to engage in active cultivation of agricultural crops and leave only a small piece of land for growing fruitful plants. But what to do with the rest of the site?

Layout and landscape design of a yard in a private house

In order to Vacation home did not look lonely and sad, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to creating the layout of the site of a private house, as well as to its design.

The specifics of life outside the city oblige developers to take into account not only visual beauty. The site should also be comfortable and contain everything necessary for a comfortable life.

Let's look at the main elements that, as a rule, are present in all areas:

  • Parking spaces either;
  • A gazebo in which you can place a cooking stove or barbecue;
  • A shed for storing household items;
  • Flower beds, shrubs and other plantings;
  • Various decorative elements.

It’s not often that everything you need can fit on the existing area of ​​the house.

Layout and location option various elements Location on

Before starting construction, you need to draw up a plan summer cottage and try to arrange everything schematically. If after all free space is not enough, you should decide what from the planned can be excluded or reduced in size.

Private yard plan

It is best to produce a complex design, that is, take into account both the facade of the building and various plantings in order to obtain a completely harmonious picture. To begin with, you should evaluate the entire site, from its size to its landscape features. In cases where there is not enough space, the number of outbuildings should be reduced to the required minimum or combine several buildings with different purposes into one.

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Layout schemes for a plot of 15 acres - 80 photos of interesting options

For example, you can refuse parking, leaving only a full-fledged garage; you can attach a small shed to the steam room to store the necessary household equipment.

Layout of the yard and area in a country cottage

As for large areas, there are only aesthetic restrictions for them.

Construction norms and rules in the design of sites

While planning your own backyard, it is necessary to remember the building codes regulating the location of internal buildings relative to the fence and each other. For example, residential buildings should be three meters away from the roadway, or six meters if there is a highway nearby.

Locations of suburban areas in close proximity to highways are very rare, however, they are possible. Buildings for utility purposes must be at least seven meters away from residential buildings.

Fecal pits are prohibited from being installed closer than 15 meters from the home. In addition, it is worth remembering about pets, whose habitats should not be located closer than four meters to the house.

Original landscape design of a summer cottage

There are standards regulating the location of fences and trees, the development of which will be necessary when planning sites.

After all the necessary buildings have been distributed on the site of a private house, it is necessary to begin marking the paths. In cases where the dimensions of the site allow, it is possible to provide a path that goes around the entire site in a circle. This will allow you to take walks without leaving your territory.

Countryside landscape

After all the basic construction works completed, you can begin to transform the landscape of the yard to give your territory a finished look. It will be easiest for those who own a perfectly flat area. In such cases, developers are faced with a kind of blank slate, which, if desired, will not be very difficult to embellish. It will be much more difficult for those who own uneven areas.

Option for landscape design and design of a suburban area

Here you will need to first correct all the shortcomings, and only then proceed with registration.
Landscape design requires developers to have knowledge not only of the design profile. You will probably also need some knowledge of botany: in order to grow certain plants, you need to know for sure that they will take root in this area. In addition, in the future it is necessary to imagine how certain plants will be cared for.