What to make the door to the gazebo from. Do-it-yourself gazebo: how to make it inexpensively from old windows

An excellent DIY gazebo can be built inexpensively from old windows. We will show this example beautiful dacha stages of construction of a gazebo and its arrangement.

Do-it-yourself gazebo: an inexpensive option from used windows.

We select the dimensions of the gazebo in accordance with the dimensions of our old frames so that extra work there was as little as possible. As experience has shown, every the frame had to be measured, because... old frames were made by hand and their sizes differed significantly from each other.

We also plan to use old double doors for the gazebo. interior doors.

Fill in a small strip foundation under the gazebo and erecting a wooden frame.

We lay out the lower part of the gazebo brickwork. As practice has shown, if there is enough brick, it is convenient to lay out the lower part of the rear wall of the gazebo with masonry so that it does not blow.

We place the frames in the designated places. We erect a roof and cover it with transparent slate.

The floors in the greenhouse gazebo are simply laid out of brick on a cement-sand cushion, under which lies an agro-film that protects against weeds.

Fill the finished masonry with a liquid cement solution - this is done in approximately the same way garden paths. What kind of brick box? - This is for flowers.

We install doors.

Rear view of the gazebo. Because it will be used as a mini-greenhouse and there will be opening windows in the upper part of the back wall.

Next to the gazebo they paved paving slabs small area.

Even in the fall, this gazebo is quite functional, because... protects from piercing wind and rain.

And in the summer, life in the gazebo is busier.
This is both a place for breakfast and workplace for working with seedlings, and just a secluded place where you can be alone with your thoughts.

In the spring, a small flower garden was planted next to the gazebo.

And behind the gazebo there is a flower garden with roses.

The area next to the gazebo serves as a dining area for the grill, which is located nearby.

A DIY gazebo made from old windows is quite practical and aesthetic option for the dacha.

Perhaps the only thing that could have been done differently is not to place the frames at the bottom of the back wall of the gazebo.

More recently, many people associated the word polycarbonate with a cottage or private house. This is because back in the days Soviet Union polycarbonate was used only for growing crops in greenhouses. Products of this type and were only in the form of thermal structures for plants. They were located only in dachas, but not many could afford them, they were expensive. Most of our population, lacking the opportunity to purchase polycarbonate, made greenhouses with my own hands from everything that came across. From wooden products, to metal.

In modern times polycarbonate greenhouse widespread, but this is not the only purpose of this building material. Today you can see, among other things, shopping pavilions made of polycarbonate, gazebos, as well as motor vehicles.

  1. The material is very light. Any products made from polycarbonate are lightweight when compared to their counterparts made from plastic or metal.
  2. The material also wins in terms of strength. For this reason, even showers have polycarbonate elements. For example walls and doors.
  3. High fire resistance parameter. For example, if a polycarbonate product catches fire, it will quickly go away, because there is nothing to burn in the polycarbonate. There will be no disastrous results.
  4. The material is practical to use. For example, the doors from our hero are simply cleaned with standard cleaning agents detergents for dishes.
  5. Longevity. Having installed a door made of this building material, you can forget about replacing them for decades, even if they become morally obsolete.
  6. Exposure before temperature changes. Even though the most popular interior doors today are made of polycarbonate, the door at the entrance will serve no worse, and even more so, for a very long period of time.

If you plan to make polycarbonate doors with your own hands, you need to understand certain data about them. From the above it follows that doors are divided into the following categories:

Interior doors. We install them directly indoors in order to separate one room from another.

Mounted. They are attached to the existing frame in the opening.

Sliding type. They should be mounted on a special guide; such a door will open along the wall, as if driving into it. These doors are much stronger. For this reason, it makes sense to install such doors in the nursery, because they have a high degree of security.

Types divided by design features

Doors frame type. They look like a special frame in which polycarbonate is fixed. The material from which the frame is made can be absolutely any. From wood to plastic and metals. Doors of this type can easily be found in retail premises and industrial places. They are quite cheap.

Frameless door type. This, without a twinge of conscience, can be said to be an elite type of door. Already outwardly they are very different from all of the above. If you want to make such a door with your own hands using polycarbonate, you will need to familiarize yourself with examples of these doors from catalogs. The shape of this type of door adheres to certain conditions; it is elegant and discreet in design. There is no need for frames to install such doors, because they are made from entire fragments of polycarbonate.

Types divided by design features


The production of polycarbonate doors does not require any significant experience in this field, but it is necessary to be careful, paying special attention to various details. Since polycarbonate products are processed very simply, the tools required for this type of work are limited.

Necessary tools for making a door

  1. hand saw;
  2. hacksaw;
  3. circular saw;
  4. jigsaw;
  5. hand drill, electric type is also suitable;
  6. drill required sizes;
  7. machines that make it possible to cut at an angle;
  8. awl;
  9. hammer;
  10. measuring instruments (ruler, protractor, level, triangle, each, preferably 20 cm or more);
  11. fasteners and fastening elements.

Additional building materials for frame-type doors

  1. self-tapping screws;
  2. bars;
  3. corner made of metal or plastic;
  4. polycarbonate sheet;
  5. canopy

Additional building material required for the manufacture of sliding doors

  1. Fittings to install a sliding door,
  2. a guide mechanism (usually a metal tube) with anchors;
  3. fasteners;
  4. polycarbonate sheets;
  5. door knob.

Installation of a hinged polycarbonate door

If you intend to install a frameless door, you will need:

Carefully and accurately find out the dimensions of the opening and record the obtained parameters. Right angles will require the most attention, because if the measurement was incorrect, they will give you problems with skew.

It is necessary to tighten the corners with the help of corners so as not to encounter any distortion. The door is installed using a canopy.

  1. Take measurements of the opening and the door itself that was in this opening.
  2. Measuring the doorway
  3. Grinding of the frame surface is required, both internal and external.
  4. It is necessary to treat the frame with varnish or paint. We recommend painting it with stain or polish, this way the frame will look more beautiful.
  5. Now you need to sheathe the frame directly with polycarbonate. We connect the sheets according to the principle below.
  6. Installation of polycarbonate through a connecting profile
  7. It is necessary to fix the canopies and finish the work.

Installation of a polycarbonate sliding door

The design of this type is distinguished by a guide; with its help, you will have the opportunity to use the door not as an ordinary one, but parallel to the wall, which many people associate with science fiction films of the last century. This option will save used space in the house. If you prefer a model with a single sash that perfectly blocks the path to drafts, then as a bonus, you will also insulate the room.

Installation of sliding door mechanisms

  1. It is necessary to fix the guide above the doorway, standardly it is 5-10cm.
  2. Secure the rings into polycarbonate sheets.
  3. Then, you need to attach the entire structure to the guide.
  4. Bottom line: the assembly of polycarbonate doors, no matter what type you prefer, is carried out using a very simple method. It all depends on the size of your own desire.

Installation of mechanisms sliding door

See how to make a pergola from old doors. From them you can make a gazebo, a washbasin, a tool shed, and from the windows you can make a greenhouse.

The content of the article:

The new summer season has begun. Those who like to work and relax fresh air they yearned for their hacienda over the winter, are looking for new ideas for inspiration, and are happy to implement them. To ensure that you have enough funds for all your ideas, use items that have served their time as materials. Using old doors you can make a pergola, a shed for equipment, a toilet, a gazebo, and a washbasin.

How to make a pergola with your own hands?

If you don't know what this design is, then read about it now. The word “pergola” comes from Latin and Italian words and means “building”, “canopy”. It is created for beauty, so that climbing plants can freely weave along this structure, protecting people from the scorching sun when they walk along this terrace.

The design consists of sections of arches that are connected into a single structure by transverse beams. Pergolas can be attached to buildings, they will decorate open terraces. Sometimes they are attached to gazebos or pergolas are built.

If you have a lot of material, then you can make a larger structure. If you changed your balcony or interior doors and didn’t throw away the old ones, then give them the opportunity to decorate your dacha.

Such a pergola in landscape design looks wonderful, to make it you will need:
  • two doors;
  • White paint;
  • primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • crushed stone.

To remove from the doors old paint, use a special solution to remove such coating. You can put newspaper on the surface, iron it with an iron, after which the layer is removed with a spatula.

Sand the prepared surface; if it is not smooth, first go over it with wood putty. Once dry, make the surface smoother using sandpaper, then prime the canvas, cover with 2-3 layers of paint.

These prepared blanks are connected by vertical crossbars. If you have a jigsaw, then shape them in the same way as in the photo, if not, just cut them to size. Make two notches in these crossbars on each side, put them on the doors, and secure them on the sides with screws.

To make the structure more durable, connect the parts at the top with boards sawn off at an angle of 45 degrees. They and the horizontal rafters also need to be painted. This pergola is installed on crushed stone; if you want to place it near the veranda, then attach it to a wooden floor.

Corner brackets can be used as fasteners. If you don’t want to bother with preparing the door and painting it, you can, on the contrary, artificially age it.

If you have roof elements left from construction, then connect the doors using them. Below you can fix the pergola on wooden pallet using corners. Then it won't touch the ground, and wooden parts will not rot.

If you want to not only admire such a structure, but also have the opportunity to sit there and relax, then take:
  • 4 door leaves;
  • four figured brackets;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fastening metal corners;
  • white paint and brush.
Attach the top sheet to the vertical ones using openwork brackets of a contrasting color, and in the center using the corners. Also use the corners to secure the horizontal door as a bench. This design must be installed on concrete base or on crushed stone so that the lower door leaves do not touch the ground.

By the way, if you like an openwork design and don’t want to spend a lot of time with painting, look at how to make a pergola using carved pillars and balusters.

Each of the two pairs of carved pillars must be connected by railings and balusters at the top and bottom. A small one is made on top gable roof, which unites the right and left walls of the pergola. It is decorated with carved elements.

You can plant climbing plants outside one and the second wall or attach boxes and place flowers in them. Inner space You can use it to make a small bench here. To do this, beams or corner brackets are attached to walls 1 and 2.

There are other ideas for using old doors.

How to make a washbasin for a summer house from old doors?

To make one, take:
  • door;
  • bars;
  • planks;
  • fasteners;
  • table top;
  • hooks;
  • two figured brackets.
Making master class:
  1. Two bars will become the front legs of the sink. Choose from four boards for the table base. You need to cut a recess in the countertop in the shape of a sink, place it here, and place a container underneath, which will need to be poured out periodically. You can install a flexible hose under the sink and lead it into a drainage system or ditch so that water flows there.
  2. Four boards are fixed to the lower parts of the legs, and four more are stuffed onto them, which will become the lower table. Attach hooks at the top to hang towels and small garden tools.
  3. 2 openwork corners are attached even higher. A shelf is fixed on them, on which flower pots are placed.
You can put 4 beams perpendicular to the door so that inner dimensions were the same as a large sink. Such a washbasin for a summer house will be spacious. Here you can wash not only your hands, but also dishes.

Old door on next photo It also easily turned into a country washbasin.

If you don’t want to cut a hole in the countertop and install a washbasin, then make a comfortable table with shelves from the door leaf.

This makes it convenient to do small gardening tasks: picking seedlings, planting flowers in pots. You can attach hooks to the door and hang a small garden tools so that it is at hand.

It’s not difficult to make a flower girl out of an old washbasin. After attaching it to the door, pour soil here and plant plants.

Such a door doesn’t even need to be painted, just put it against the wall, but for better fixation, you can make hinges at the top, drive nails into the wall or attach self-tapping screws, and put hinges on them.

If you also have an old window that you hate to throw away, you can turn it into one of the sides of a table or washbasin.

Gazebo design made of doors and wood

To create such a vacation spot, you will need:
  • five doors;
  • floorboards;
  • hinges for doors;
  • metal corners;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • a small sheet of corrugated board;
  • 4 beams;
  • crushed stone.
Creation plan:
  1. Level the area for the future building, pour crushed stone here, and use 4 beams to make a base for the floor. Place boards on top of it.
  2. Connect two doors that will become the back wall. With help metal corners and screws, attach two more panels to it at an angle of 90 degrees. These doors will become the sides.
  3. These panels have glass, but for the top door you must use a door without glass. You need to place it at a slight angle so that the water drains and the snow melts away. To do this or use the side doors more height than those that became the back wall, or attach timbers sawn at an angle to these side elements.
  4. Fix a sheet of corrugated sheeting on top so that it is slightly larger than the gazebo on all sides. You can use another roofing material. The bottom of the door can be attached to the floor, also using corners.
This design of the gazebo allows you to use recycled materials and save a lot of money.

The next structure is also created based on the door. There are 3 panels installed at the back and one on one side and one on the other side. Since this structure is slightly larger than the previous one, boards need to be attached to the ceiling, but you can fix the remaining doors transversely here, using them as the base of the roof.

To give rigidity to the structure, timber with a cross-section of 100 or 150 mm is placed at the corners; the structure must first be fastened at the bottom with floor fixing elements, and at the top? roof details. It’s nice to sit in such a gazebo without doors in the heat; here you can hide from the rain, since the roof will not let you get wet.

This structure will appeal to both adults and children.

By the way, we can recommend the following design to the kids. Of course, the doors must first be well connected to each other or securely fixed near the fence.

Various shelves and hooks are nailed onto them, where children can hang and put their toys and belongings. And adults can attach flower boxes to similar structures to decorate the area. Can be fixed slate board, write messages to each other on it in chalk.

Even a lonely door painted in White color, will become an excellent design element for a dacha if you attach a box to it and plant flowering plants in it.

Even if you only have the base of the canvas left, there is no longer glass and a plywood partition on it, such a door will still serve. At the bottom the box is fixed on it, and at the top the flowerpot is hung on a hook.

This type of vertical gardening is perfect for a gazebo, as you can place flowers on the back side of this structure. It’s nice to sit in such a building in the fresh air and admire the colorful colors of the plants.

But let's return to our topic to see what other gazebo design there could be.

Four panels will become the sidewalls and rear wall, and the fifth will turn into the roof of a light structure. As you can see, the doors don’t need to be painted to give this corner of the dacha a slight touch of antiquity.

It seems that the following structure has also been on this site for many 10 years.

For its back wall he uses door panels, but for the side walls old windows are suitable. Unpainted board gray is hammered in as roof elements, the first one needs to be nailed at the bottom of the slope, the next ones are gradually attached on top so that each one located above overlaps the previous one by 1-2 cm. Then the rain will not penetrate inside.

You can also use the doors to make a small shed for storing tools. For it you will need:

  • four doors;
  • boards;
  • bars;
  • roofing material;
  • fastening tools.
Make a base from four bars, place it on cement slabs, fill the boards at the top, place 3 door panels here, secure them at the corners and at the bottom with corners and self-tapping screws. Attach two bars vertically to the front panel. Screw to one of them door hinges, steam rooms need to be fixed on the door.

Nail four bars on top, fasten the rafters to them, fill the boards, and fasten the sheet of the roofing element.

You will get a pergola-pergola if you make a structure like this.

The doors can be used as side walls; inside there is a bench on which a mattress is placed so that you can sit on a soft one or lie down. climbing plants planted behind the side walls. This corner of the dacha looks amazing.

The next pergola is made in white and pink tones. Two doors without glass are suitable for it. If they have plywood underneath, leave it, if not, stuff boards in there. On top part the doors are nailed with slats at an angle of 45 degrees perpendicular to each other.

The gable roof is made from rafters, with boards placed on top. A bed is fixed inside. All this charm is covered with pink and white paint. All that remains is to secure the flower boxes on the outside and place them on the bench soft pillows, hang two tulle curtains at the entrance.

From glass doors you can make a small garden greenhouse, look how amazing it looks.

Old windows will make a wonderful, reliable greenhouse. It is better to cover this issue in more detail.

How to make a greenhouse from windows yourself?

It will also require recycled material left over after the renovation. If you have glass doors, get them. If you don't have them, you can use a door frame with glass inside. Windows are perfect for your next mini-greenhouse.

Before you make a greenhouse yourself, see if you have:
  • cement blocks or bricks;
  • bars;
  • sand;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • there are enough windows.

Flatness horizontal design during construction, it is necessary to check using a level and, if necessary, make adjustments.

  1. First of all, you need to level the site on which you will build. Remove the turf around the perimeter to a small height, pour sand here. Place blocks or bricks on top; it is better to connect them with cement mortar.
  2. When it dries, place slats on top along the perimeter, fastening them with corners and screws.
  3. Now the bars are vertically attached to this wooden base; the distance between two adjacent ones should be equal to the width of the window. On next stage you will need to insert them here and secure them to the side with self-tapping screws.
  4. Now place the horizontal beams on top and also connect them together. Small side wall on one side, do not fill in yet, as this will be the entrance.
  5. Mark on the upper horizontal beams where you need to make small recesses for the rafters, and make them. Secure the roof base on top. For this you can also use glass frames or durable cellophane. If you don’t want to remove it for the winter, then it’s better to fix transparent polycarbonate here. From this and from the frames you will make doors.
Here's how to properly make a greenhouse from scrap materials. You found out how many ideas for a summer house old doors and windows can give.

In conclusion, look at the intricacies of building a greenhouse from window frames. This may be useful for summer residents.

You will also probably be interested in a video review that tells how to assemble a gazebo structure alone.

September 17, 2016
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

If you have a gazebo on your site, then the issue of protecting the space from adverse weather influences and wind requires the closest attention. In this review, I will talk about several options for solving the problem; they differ very much in design, cost, and protective characteristics. You need to decide which solution will be optimal: either sliding windows for a gazebo, or fixed glazing, or simpler and cheaper soft PVC materials.

Overview of main solutions

I will tell you about several options, and they will be considered from simple to more complex and expensive. You need to get acquainted with all of them and choose the one that will satisfy all your requirements and will not be too expensive in financially. Of course, and appearance will vary, so the aesthetic side of the issue should also not be overlooked.

Option No. 1 - structures from old windows

A do-it-yourself gazebo made from previously used window frames is the cheapest solution, since the main elements can be found almost free of charge or for minimal money. The most important thing here is to find a sufficient number of frames, and if you succeeded, then this section will tell you how to build a place for a summer vacation out of them.

If almost all other options require a ready-made gazebo, then in this case it can be quickly built from scratch.

For construction you will need the following materials:

Materials Purpose
Old windows It is best that they are the same size, this will significantly simplify the workflow and improve the appearance of the final result. The products should be quite durable; it is better not to take rotten frames, as they will not last you long
Wood block With its help, the frame of the structure will be constructed, as well as the connection of all elements to each other. The minimum cross-section is 50x50 or more - it is important that the elements can withstand high loads and ensure the reliability of the future structure
Concrete blocks They will serve as the base of the gazebo; a beam will be placed on them, which will eliminate its contact with the ground and extend the service life of the entire structure. The number of elements is calculated individually in each specific case, taking into account the size of the structure
Board It is needed to construct the floor, and can also be used to sew up the bottom, although window frames from bottom to top can be used
Fasteners To connect all the elements into a single whole, self-tapping screws and perforated corners with stiffeners are used. These modern solutions much more reliable than conventional nails, in addition, their use speeds up the construction process
Dye Since old frames and untreated wooden blocks will be used during the work, all surfaces must be painted to protect them from atmospheric influences.

You also cannot do without a certain set of tools:

  • A hand saw for sawing bars and boards or a power tool for the same purpose;

  • A screwdriver with a set of bits for the screws used;
  • Tape measure and square for marking. The level will help to level the structure.

As for the workflow, it consists of several stages:

  • First, the site for construction is cleared, the site is cleared of debris and leveled. The base must be strong so that subsequently individual parts of the structure do not sag;
  • Then they lay out concrete blocks, usually they are located in the corners and in the middle of the walls. To ensure that the elements stand in their place, they can be slightly deepened into the ground;
  • The surface of the blocks is covered with roofing felt, after which it is assembled - its lower part and vertical corner posts, the position of which is fixed using braces. All elements are fastened together using reinforced perforated corners and self-tapping screws, this is both reliable and fast;

  • Next, the window frames are placed and secured, they are fixed to the beam from above and below; if the sizes of the elements are different, then the resulting voids are covered with a board or other available material - for example, plywood. Another beam is placed on top, after which the structure is reinforced with jumpers. If there are gaps between the frames, then the easiest way is to fill them polyurethane foam and cover with slats;

  • As for the roof, it can be the most different designs, from the simplest single-slope option and slate up gable systems or semicircular roof made of metal pipes and polycarbonate. The last option is more difficult to implement, but you will get an original and, importantly, light-transmitting roof;

  • Lastly, the structure is painted in a certain color - a structure made of multi-colored parts does not look very good. If your gazebo is assembled entirely from windows, then the lower part of the glazing can also be painted over.

Such a structure will cost you a couple of thousand rubles, or even cheaper, because you can adapt the materials that are at hand. Naturally, it is better to glaze a gazebo from old window frames before assembling it; I advise removing all the glass, then placing them on silicone and securing them with new glazing beads.

The frames can be quickly and reliably fastened together using perforated plates; this is especially convenient if you need to further strengthen the structure; a bar on top and bottom may not be enough.

Option No. 2 - soft windows

This type of product is otherwise called “flexible windows” and has the following features:

  • The openings are closed with elastic PVC material, which, if necessary, can be quickly removed to admire the beauty of nature;
  • The light transmittance of the structure is 90%, which is quite enough to provide high-quality natural lighting;

  • The service life of the material is about 10 years, which is also important;
  • The price of the material is 1500-1800 rubles per square meter, it is much cheaper than other ready-made options;
  • You can also order a door made of a material that closes with a zipper and provides excellent protection against mosquitoes and other insects.

Here, naturally, you should already have a ready-made gazebo. To close it with flexible windows, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • First, you need to take measurements of the openings in order to determine the dimensions of future elements. They must extend onto the surface of the gazebo, because fasteners will be installed there;
  • Further ordered soft windows PVC of the required configuration, all the nuances will be told to you by the manufacturing company, only the exact dimensions are needed from you;
  • Fixing the windows is very simple: special metal elements are attached to the canvases, which are inserted into the eyelets and secured with a strap. The eyelet is attached to the base using screws or dowels - it all depends on what your gazebo is made of. The work can be done on your own, it’s not difficult, and the savings will be about 15,000 rubles, which is what installers charge on average for installation;

  • When the eyelets are in place, you can attach flexible windows; everything is very simple and very fast.

If you cannot decide how to close the openings in the gazebo, then this option may be ideal solution due to simplicity and practicality.

Option No. 3 – polycarbonate windows

This one is lightweight and inexpensive material appeared relatively recently, but has already gained great popularity both in roofing work, and when closing openings in gazebos, this is due to several factors:

  • The material is lightweight, which makes it easier to work with;
  • The cost per square meter is about 250 rubles, which makes polycarbonate accessible to a wide range of buyers;
  • The range of colors is quite wide;
  • The design looks very good and lasts about 15 years.

As for the features of using this material, they are as follows:

  • To assemble a reliable and attractive design, a special aluminum profile, from it you can quickly build a durable and lightweight frame into which polycarbonate is inserted. The profile is ordered at linear meters and is calculated individually in each specific case;

  • If you are sheathing the gazebo completely, the material can be attached directly to the frame using special self-tapping screws with rubber washers. In this case, the ends of the polycarbonate must be covered with end strips that are glued to the silicone, this prevents the accumulation of dirt inside the voids;

  • You can make sliding windows from polycarbonate for a gazebo; in this case, the frames are placed on guides along which they will move in one or two directions. There are many design options: from simple plastic profile to roller systems, choose what is more convenient for you;
  • The flexibility of polycarbonate makes it the only option for semicircular gazebos, because you can attach it to difficult surfaces yourself. This way you can make a dome-shaped gazebo.

Can also be used monolithic polycarbonate, which resembles glass, but unlike it is flexible. It is better to use options with a thickness of 3-4 mm; a sheet of such material measuring 2x3 meters will cost from 6500 to 8500 rubles; as you can see, this type of product is much more expensive than budget cellular polycarbonate.

Option No. 4 – sliding frames made of aluminum

This type of structure is sliding aluminum frames They are widely used on balconies, but they can also be used in gazebos with great success, because the design is easy to use, lightweight, looks very good and perfectly withstands adverse weather conditions. Moreover, both windows and doors can be made from aluminum, which will give the gazebo lightness and simplicity..

As for the implementation of the project, I will consider it in general terms:

  • First of all, it is necessary to measure the openings; it is better to have this work performed by specialists, since any errors will lead to the need to order a new design;
  • When ordering, it is better to choose options on rollers; they work much easier and much more reliably than simple frames on guides. It’s better to read people’s reviews about a particular company to choose the best manufacturer in your region;

  • It is better to entrust the installation work to specialists, since any errors in the process lead to distortions in the structure, and it will not work correctly or the sashes will not move at all. This comes with additional costs, but for the sake of best result better to spend a little more.

Option No. 5 – PVC windows

I’ll say right away - this is the most expensive solution, but if you want to use the gazebo in the cold season, then this type of glazing fits better Total. The thermal insulation characteristics of plastic double-glazed windows are an order of magnitude higher than any of the above options, so they should be installed on permanent structures so that it does not turn out that the windows are warmer than the walls.

To glaze a structure with plastic windows, you need to use a simple algorithm:

  • First of all, the openings are measured; if you do this, remember that there should be a gap of 2-3 centimeters on each side, this will allow you to clearly set the position of the windows and insulate the gap with foam;
  • Then you need to order the double-glazed windows themselves; I advise you to carefully choose the manufacturer, since there are many options and not all of them have high quality. Give preference to brands with a good reputation, there are many of them, and they are represented in each region different variants. High-quality products will cost you from 4,000 per square meter and above; it is better not to consider cheap options;
  • You can completely build a gazebo from plastic windows, more precisely from a PVC profile. This is not the cheapest solution, but its implementation is very simple: they will make you a structure of the required size and shape, and the only thing you have to build yourself is the roof; the easiest way is to make it from wood.

If you decide to build a gazebo from plastic, then I advise you to cover the lower part of the structure not with double-glazed windows, but with blind elements; they are much more reliable and will withstand even strong blows without any problems.


You must decide what purpose the windows should serve if in summer period you need an open design, then flexible windows for a gazebo will become the best solution, and if you need the highest quality insulation, then plastic double glazed windows will fit best. The video in this article will help you understand individual nuances even better, and if you want to clarify any questions, then ask them in the comments under the review.

Polycarbonate is positioned as building material, which is used relatively recently. Despite this, it is in great demand in the market and this popularity is constantly trending towards growth. In most cases, polycarbonate is used for the construction of gazebos, terraces, greenhouses and other buildings. In addition, such material is also used in the construction of individual building elements.

We are talking about doors or windows. And if previously polycarbonate doors were relevant exclusively for small street buildings, today this material is used for installing residential doors.

Features of creating polycarbonate doors

Classification of polycarbonate doors is carried out according to various criteria. Depending on the installation method, they can be sliding or hinged. According to certain design features, polycarbonate doors can be frame or frameless. Depending on their original purpose, they are divided into input And interior.

When creating doors, certain operational features of polycarbonate should be taken into account. Such material can last as long as possible, but only if certain rules are followed. Resolving the issue of installing doors will include procedures for cutting, drilling and attaching polycarbonate to other materials.

1. Cutting polycarbonate sheets

When cutting out a polycarbonate door frame, it may be necessary to use a circular saw. In addition, you can resort to using other cutting equipment or a regular construction knife. At the same time, sawdust that was formed during the cutting process can be easily removed with a jet compressed air. Very important at the end this stage cover the ends with adhesive tape. This will help prevent dust from entering.

2. Drilling polycarbonate

You can drill this variation of material using a standard metal drill. You should first check that it is sharp enough. Drilling is carried out between the stiffening ribs. The holes made must be at least 40 mm away from the edge of the sheet.

3. Polycarbonate fastening

Point fastening of polycarbonate is carried out using simple self-tapping screws and special thermal washers. The latter consist of a plastic washer with a leg, a sealing washer and a snap-on lid.

The use of thermal washers allows for reliable and tight fastening, and also helps eliminate cold bridges that form when using self-tapping screws.

4. Sealing the ends

When cutting polycarbonate, one should not forget about the need for high-quality sealing of the ends. To solve this issue, it is advisable to resort to using self-adhesive aluminum tape or use a special perforated tape. This will prevent dust formation and also ensure high-quality condensate drainage.

Important! When creating external doors made of polycarbonate, it is prohibited to install the structure without taking into account thermal deformation. Failure to comply with such conditions may result in damage to the material and even rupture during the cold season.

If you want, then use our review.

What tools and materials may be needed?

At the preliminary stage installation work it is recommended to prepare necessary set tools and additional materials, which may be needed to resolve this issue. This set will be formed depending on the specifics of the work.

In most cases it will look like this:

  • electric drill with drills;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • thermal washers;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • metal corners for tightening the frame;
  • measuring devices (tape tape, building level, square);
  • beam;
  • awnings

Canopies are required for attachment to door frame. They will help create the most sustainable and reliable design. Polycarbonate sheet is selected depending on the size doorway. In addition, you can additionally take care of installing a partition.

If you install a frameless door variation, you can limit yourself to using canopies and polycarbonate sheets. The door base is cut out and secured using self-tapping screws.

Technology for creating polycarbonate doors


The manufacturing technology of a frameless polycarbonate door is quite simple. This product variation has a richer appearance.

The whole essence of the work comes down to preparing the door body of the required dimensions in accordance with the dimensions of the doorway. To obtain the most accurate dimensions, you can use the old door structure, simply outlining its outline.


If there is a frame, the door manufacturing process may become somewhat more complicated. This is due to the need to create additional elements designs. The sequence of actions in this case will look like this:

  1. Carrying out appropriate measurements.
  2. Frame installation.
  3. Painting the canvas.
  4. Frame covering.
  5. Installation of canopies.
  6. Door installation.

On preparatory stage All necessary measurements of the doorway should be taken. according to specified sizes. When making it, it is recommended to ensure that the corners of the structure are straight. This will avoid distortions during subsequent operation.

If used as a basis wooden slats, it is best to pre-tighten the corners with metal corners.

Advice! The manufactured frame should be 1-1.5 mm smaller than the doorway. Thanks to this, the doors will close tightly during further use.

Before covering the frame, you can resort to painting the surface or varnishing it. If the door is to be painted, it must first be sanded well.

Installing polycarbonate doors is much easier than installing other door variations. This is due to the minimum weight indicators of the finished structure.