Names associated with nature for men.

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Names dedicated to nature

Male nature names All nations have many names dedicated to natural phenomena

- rain, thunder, snow, dawn, sunset, rainbow, wind, fire, water, clouds...

Male nature names Adad

(Assyrian) – thunder Aden

(English) – fire Adehi

(Northern American Indian) – life in the forests Azer

(music) – fire, flame Ainur

(Turk.) – moonlight Aytugan

(Turkic) – moonrise Akira

(Japanese) – bright, clear, dawn Amitola

(Northern American Indian) – rainbow Anan, Anani

(e.) – cloud Arank

(Northern American Indian) – star Anatoly

(Greek) – sunrise, east Araks

– name of the river Arev

(Arabic) – sun Akhtar

(pers.) – star Ayaz

(Turk.) – starry night Bayard

(English) – bright sunset Bamdad

(music) – early morning Barack

(e.) – lightning Bronte

(English) – thunder Broke, Brooke

(English) – stream, stream Brooks

(English) – from the stream

Buranbay Burangul

(Turkic) – born during a snowstorm Burangul

Buransha Bus

(glory) - foggy Vaughan, Vance

(English) – life in a swamp Vesnyan

(glory) – spring Vetran

(slav.) – windy Evening

(slav.) – born in the evening Vesh, Veshnyak

(glory) – spring, born in spring Wilburn

(English) – spring Wilford

(English) – river Viyaya

(North American Indian) – ruler of the sun Vera

(Northern American Indian) – wind Helium

(Greek) – sunny, sun Glendower

(English) – valley water Dangatar

(music) – dawn Dashiell

(English) – heavenly Jafar

(music) – river, source Delmar

(English) – from the sea Denise

(Turkic) – sea Deal, Dylan

(English) – big sea Arcs

(English) – dark stream Heat, Hot

(glory) – hot Zareslav

(glory) – glorifying the dawn Zvezdan

(glory) – born under the stars Zlatoyar

(glory) – fierce as the sun Zilla

(Hebrew) – shadow Zoryan, Zoriy

(glory) – born at dawn, son of dawn Iiska

(northern amer. ind.) – the night has passed Irvine, Irving

(English) – green river Kelvin

(English) – narrow river Kiu

(Chinese) – autumn Calder (English) –

strong water Korea

(English) – body of water Quan

(Chinese) – spring Lei

(Chinese) – thunder Lane

(English) – narrow path Lincoln, Lynn

(English) – group of lakes Lyuboyar

(glory) – loving Yarilo-sun Lake

(English) – lake Maxwell

(English) – flow Mamuka

(cargo) – sunrise Lake

Marlow(Egyptian) – extracted from water

Molnesar(glory) – illuminated by lightning

Morley(English) – swamp

Moss(English) – saved from the water

Nasim(music) – Fresh air

Nevada(English) – snowy

Ogan, Oganes, Ovanes(Armenian) – fiery

Fire expert(glory) - knowing the essence of fire - lightning, the Sun, stars

Ognedar(glory) – offering sacrifices to Fire

Ogneslav(glory) – glorifying Fire

Pajacock(northern amer. ind.) – thunder

Pate(northern amer. ind.) – fire

Rabi(music) – spring

Glad(Arabic) – thunder

Rio(English) – river

Raiden(Japanese) – thunder and lightning

Sakib(music) – meteor, comet

Samson(Old Hebrew) – sunny

Sargis(Armenian) – the power of nature

Selivan(lat.) – from the forest god

Seliverst(lat.) – forest, wild

Siver(glory) – northern, harsh

Seraphim(e.) – fiery, fiery

Sky(English) – sky

Sunny(slav.) – sunny

Solntslav(glory) – glorifying the sun

Sohel(music) – star

Subhi Bamdad

Tal(e.) – dew

Tariq(music) – morning star

Unan(Armenian) – golden face, sun

Tendril(Armenian) – morning

Hang(Chinese) – flood

Khoren(Armenian) – sun

Chandra, Chandra(ind.) – moon

Cheshunka(northern amer. ind.) – wave

Shamsi(pers.) – sun

Shannen, Shannon(English) – old river

Shahar(e.) – dawn

Shimshon(e.) – sun

Shihab, Shahab– meteor

Edan, Aiden Aden

Erebus(lat.) – darkness

Yuki(Japanese) – snow, happiness

Yanar(music) – fiery

I'm with(Northern American Indian) – snow

Brightheart(slav.) – sun-faced

Jaromil(glory) - in mercy similar to Yarila the sun

Jaromir(glory) - similar in love to Yaril the sun

Yaromudr(glory) - similar in wisdom to Yarila the sun

Yaroslav(glory) – glorifying Yaril the sun

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Names dedicated to nature. Male nature names

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What is a magical name and who needs it? We will try to find out the importance of this issue in this article.

Experiencing a magical world woven from new possibilities is the dream of anyone (beginner or professional).

Throughout the entire practice, they work tirelessly on this issue: they look behind the mysterious veil, try to knock on secret doors, and unravel clues from the Universe.

But none of the above would be possible without one important detail- without a magical name. Before embarking on an unknown but very attractive path, magicians choose a pseudonym for themselves. All names with magical energy have special powers.

It doesn’t matter whether your nickname is from the list of available ones or whether you come up with it yourself. Often students receive it from their spiritual mentor. The main thing is that this combination of sounds clearly reflects your future plans.

Who needs a magical name?

Each name is a powerful energy weapon - it is hidden from prying eyes as long as no one knows it. Names contain all the information about a person - about his strengths, his shortcomings, his character traits.

It’s not for nothing that experts have determined that people with the same name have a lot in common with each other. Sometimes even external similarities appear, not to mention the internal content.

Almost everyone has two names. The first is the official version, which is written in the passport. But the second is what our friends and relatives call us. Over time, a person’s consciousness expands - after all, he perceives both the first option and the second as his own name.

People with a permanent name have a more serious mindset and are thoughtful. Often they have a single opinion that does not change throughout their lives.

Remember: when you tell someone your name, you open the door to your soul.

First of all, a pseudonym is necessary for magicians and sorcerers. It is also needed by witches and soothsayers. We can say that in the magical world, a witch's name is a kind of calling card. Upon receiving it, the magician goes through a renewal process and starts all over again. In these sounds (at first glance quite ordinary) lies personal power.

Some are of the opinion that there is no need to acquire a pseudonym. But believe me, when a sacred ceremony takes place and at a mysterious moment the real name of the wizard is heard, all the energy goes into the material world. All information about you, about your character, about fears, about doubts goes into the ritual - this reduces its effect.

To achieve the desired goal, it is necessary to pronounce the witch's name in the ritual.

At the moment of initiation, the magician must choose a new name - this is a symbol of the beginning of a new path, a symbol of growth and development. Usually only the magician himself knows about it, often it is communicated to his spiritual teacher, rarely to his allies (only to those whom you really trust).

The pseudonym represents your true face, the inner Self, which will always be with you.

By receiving a magical name, a person is reborn. But at the same time, he becomes much more vulnerable - accessible to witchcraft attacks.

The process of adopting a new updated name is a sacred rite. During it, a person gets rid of all influence from the outside world, from negativity. He gains a set of new skills that will be useful in the future. It is important to learn how to use all this without causing harm to anyone.

Before making a final decision, study all the details and details. Some people prefer to choose names related to mythology or religion. Some people like those related to nature. There are even magicians who come up with a pseudonym for themselves that has never been used by anyone before. Each of the options has the right to exist.

Numerology and occult names

In numerology you can find a lot of advice (especially for beginners) that helps with choosing a future nickname.

Numerologists suggest choosing a magical name using the magic of numbers. As you know, our whole life is connected with numbers. So that the result is top level, it is worth taking this issue seriously:

  • Listen to your intuition. Following your inner prompts, decide what name you would like to have. Perhaps it will be simple and easy to remember, or maybe you will want to connect your pseudonym with mythology. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. Feel every sound - and watch your heart's reaction.
  • Then determine the date of birth. Everyone can handle this - you should convert the day, month and year of your birth into a simple number. For example, you were born on December 5, 1985. Add all the numbers: 5+1+2+1+9+8+5=31. Now: 3+1=4. You got what you wanted. Your number is four.
  • Using a special tablet, you can determine the number of the name you like. If it matches yours personal number by date of birth - this is perfect option. The discrepancies may be by one. Also, nine and six have identical characteristics.

If you are unable to make a choice on your own, contact your mentor.

There is another method of determining your witch name - it is very effective and is called meditative. During practice, all unnecessary emotions are turned off, and intuition will tell you the right decision. In the images before the meditator comes his real name - the personification of all his personal characteristics.

Women's magical names and their meanings

Among the most famous magical female names are the following:

  • Agena– lucky individuals who are able to achieve success under any circumstances. They will go through all sorts of obstacles on the way just to grab the dream by the tail.
  • Agla- a witch's name, often used in ritual formulas. Expels demons and evil spirits. Such natures create a special atmosphere around themselves, full of harmony and peace.
  • Alcina– gives a woman cunning and cunning. Alcina is capable of taking over the thoughts of others, and then the body of another person.
  • Alcyone– bearers of the name are patronized by the Moon. The magical radiance of a companion has a special effect on a woman’s state of mind.
  • Anga– knows about all the secrets of his body and mind. Complete control over yourself.
  • Ardra- a symbol of softness, compliance. The character of such a woman is meek. These traits are especially evident in family life.
  • Aruna- commands the water element.
  • Afeta- the one who became free. No matter what, Afeta will throw off her shackles and spread her wings.
  • Bina- the desire for knowledge.
  • Vagra– has inner harmony, all her features are attractive.
  • Vega- represents success. This witch name attracts money energy.
  • Vesta- calmness and tranquility. Such a woman is created for the family - she will turn any corner into a real miracle. Her house is always cozy and warm. It transforms energy into positive.
  • Geburah- rigor and order. Geburah does not recognize chaos - she will not be able to work productively while chaos reigns around her.
  • Genhelia– has inner light. Capable of controlling all natural processes.
  • Hyades– a symbol of sensuality, subtle mental organization. Sometimes emotionally unstable individuals. They are able to show sympathy even to unfamiliar people.
  • Gontia- connection with the world of spirits. They can turn to a long-dead person for help and receive the necessary answer.
  • Jubba– leadership. Possessing external and internal attractiveness, they bind other people to themselves. They love to travel and learn new things.
  • Divina– know how to predict the future using cards.
  • Isis– the owner of the name gradually discovers supernatural abilities. If you develop them in time, you can achieve amazing results. Isis rules the elements.
  • Kama– love attraction, sensuality, romanticism. Easy to find mutual language with other people.
  • Kanya- a symbol of creativity. They often demonstrate their abilities in various arts - art, literature, sculpture. They also easily unravel the secrets of the stars and can draw up truthful horoscopes.
  • Chapel– energetic people who want to achieve honor and respect everywhere. They find physical activity easy.
  • Kendra– egocentrism. Sometimes they become obsessed with themselves. For some, this is beneficial because it pushes them towards constant inner growth. But for some, this trait prevents them from correctly assessing the situation.
  • Cybele- symbolizes continuation of the family.
  • Kundalia– continuity, cyclicity general development. Translated from Sanskrit it means “snake”.
  • Lagna - rising star.
  • Larva– behind the ordinary appearance hides a mysterious personality. They are prone to deception for their own benefit.
  • Lilith– associated with night and darkness.
  • Moon– a faithful companion of our planet. The owner of such a magical name is prone to accuracy and chronology. She will never stray from her intended path. The main thing for Luna is to strictly follow the developed plan. Any force majeure can confuse her - this is a drawback.
  • Mair– is popular among other people. Her opinion is considered very important and often determines the point of view of the majority.
  • Mangala- belligerence, desire to fight. For the sake of herself and her loved ones, Mangala will overcome all difficulties and emerge as a real winner.
  • Mine– connection with nature. Feels all natural processes on an intuitive level.
  • Nemesis– in the legends of ancient Greece, this was the name of the goddess of vengeance. She is always armed and ready to strike back.
  • Neomenia– the moment of a new, renewed Moon ascending to the sky.
  • Olga– special spiritual vibrations allow you to feel all magical events. They are good at performing rituals.
  • Pallas- the one who shakes a spear. Pallas has abilities in all crafts and all sciences. Her a strong character shows how strong-willed a woman can be. She not only studies, she puts all her new knowledge into practice - and does it professionally. But before using force, Pallas will try to solve all problems through strategy and tactics.
  • Palmistria - palmistry. Every line on the hand matters - even the smallest, most inconspicuous. The owner of this name can read her palm like an open book.
  • Proserpina– very feminine natures. Their facial features surprise with their tenderness.
  • Psigelia- a symbol of light. She spreads warmth around herself and helps others to show sensuality, without burying their emotions deep inside. Constantly improves himself.
  • Selena- a constant test. Even when everything is calm, she will find an adventure for herself that requires dedication.
  • Senamira- a symbol of evil surrounded by lightning and flame.
  • Sibyl- fortune teller. This is a real prophetess who will dispel all mysteries.
  • Sylphide- patroness of the forest world.
  • Sirius– enjoys the respect of those around him.
  • Soma– capable of achieving true bliss.
  • Uccha- sublime nature. She has a special sensitivity and is capable of empathy.
  • Hastahappy people, but the understanding of their uniqueness comes to them only in old age.
  • Ceres- excellent mothers. They cover everything around with their love.

It is important that you like your choice - listen to your inner voice and everything will work out.

Male magical names and their meanings

Men usually use the following list:

  • Abaddon- symbolizes the greatness of Scorpio. Possessing this pseudonym, a person forever associates himself with the angel of the abyss. They are active and sometimes show aggression.
  • Awija- they heal souls, they become very good psychologists and are able to unravel all the personal secrets of other people.
  • Adamasto– in Greek it means indestructibility, invincibility. Every business started will be a success, because Adamasto controls all energy flows.
  • Admet- represents independence. It is impossible to lure such people to the other side unless they themselves wish to do so.
  • Azazel- a reincarnated demon. In mythology, there is a story about how Azazel decided to change his essence and become one of the gods. He helped ordinary people and tried in every possible way to support them. He taught men how to make weapons, and showed women how to sew clothes.
  • Azrael- an angel who brings death.
  • Alastor- a spirit seeking retribution.
  • Albedo- brings light and warmth. Being in the company of such a person, you will feel real care. Wonderful friends, ready to help at any moment of the day or night.
  • Alfrad- a symbol of loneliness and isolation. They prefer to achieve everything on their own - without outside help.
  • Amon- in the Egyptian religion this was the name of the god who commanded the luminaries. He made sure that the Sun and Moon rose into the sky on time. The pharaohs also trusted him and very often offered prayers to Amon.
  • Angel- brings news from our Creator. Most often the news is welcome. Angels also warn of dangers.
  • Antares– star. In ancient times, many legends were associated with it. Antares personified the sinister heavenly body Red.
  • Antis- the one who resists the shadow. Demons avoid him.
  • Arcana– a mentor with deep knowledge in various sciences.
  • Beroz- lord of the stars. This was the name of the great Greek astrologer who devoted his entire life to science. He was the first to cast a horoscope.
  • Varuna- Airbender.
  • Volcano- a symbol of male power. These are real warriors, defenders and conquerors.
  • Gavar- everyone who calls themselves this can boast of energetic inner strength.
  • Hades- connected with other worlds.
  • Hesperus– a great conservative who pays tribute to traditions. Often such people are prone to emotional swings - sometimes they are happy, sometimes sad.
  • Daat- a person who is able to climb to any peak.
  • Jubba- wealth, prosperity. These are born leaders, purposeful individuals. Prone to compassion, merciful.
  • Eunemus- highest spirituality. These are creative people who are not always understood by their environment.
  • Idris– thirst for knowledge and travel.
  • Caduceus- represents both physical and spiritual strength.
  • Kronos- according to legends it is known that this was the name of God in times Ancient Greece. Bearers of the name show abilities for power and leadership. They are good at public speaking.
  • Lucifer- possessing inner radiance.
  • Mair– evokes sincere respect among those around him. Mair's opinion is always listened to.
  • Mavor- the Romans called the warlike god that way. The owners of the name show courage and rebellion.
  • Merlin- a soothsayer who speaks about future events.
  • Morion– feels his inextricable connection with the world of spirits.
  • Ostan– such people are able to see the future.
  • Procyon– these are very active people, sometimes this does not work in their favor. They try to break into what is happening at any cost and leave their mark everywhere.
  • Sizamoro is a symbol of boundless kindness and peace.
  • Sirius- individuals who are highly respected among their environment. They are patronized by the most powerful planets - Mars and Jupiter.
  • Solsunlight. These are very kind people.
  • Chiron- in ancient Greek myth it is mentioned as a centaur. He was very wise and taught others. Bearers of this name easily master any science. They often make talented healers. They are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the happiness of a loved one.
  • Move- servants of God. They have access to truths that are hidden from ordinary eyes.

All names with magical energy can work to the benefit of their bearer. If you believe in your inner life-giving force, you will definitely show what you are capable of.

Why should a magical name be kept secret?

Surely each of us has watched films about exorcism. At the moment when the demonic entity is expelled from the victim’s body, the priest (or another person) tries to find out the exact name of the enemy.

As soon as it becomes known, the fight against evil spirit almost completed. After all, after receiving such information, a number of other details become known - the method of destroying the demon, its weaknesses and strengths.

The same goes for witches' names - as long as her true name is not revealed, nothing can harm her. And as soon as the letters merge into the right word, its power instantly disappears. And it doesn’t take much effort to put the villainess in a special enchanted cage.

Professional magicians never talk about their name - they often use pseudonyms and nicknames. Competitors or envious people can not only take away the sorcerer’s magical powers, but also bring a curse on him.

Only those people whom you can completely trust can be privy to your secret - these are your allies.

All magical names are not chosen for a year or even ten years. Keep in mind that you are picking it up for the rest of your life. Take this very seriously.

And one more thing - never write witch names (your own or an ally’s) on paper. The only place where there is no access is your mind. Keep this secret in your thoughts, and no one will be able to harm you!

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


Quick name selection

Each person has his own destiny. When choosing a name for their child, parents subconsciously try to give him a better destiny and help determine his life path. Not so long ago, the role of a woman was only to manage everyday life and maintain harmony in the family; she was required to have such qualities as obedience, patience, perseverance, hard work, and love for children. Beauty, cuteness, and rarer qualities were also in demand: singing, the ability to dance, or the talent of a needlewoman.

Each nation has its own traditions of choosing a name for girls. Perhaps they have only one thing in common: most of the names for girls are very beautiful to hear, many of them are melodious. Most often, the chosen name is like a compliment for a newborn. The name should not be harsh and rude, because a woman differs from a man in such qualities as tenderness and femininity. The melody and beautiful sound of the girl’s name alone will delight the parents, which will give them the opportunity to give her even more love.

Muslim peoples are the most traditional in choosing names, and Europeans are the freest in this regard. In Europe you can find quite unusual names, names of literary characters and even fictitious ones. However, most parents in all countries settle on modern, popular names, sometimes even borrowed, foreign ones.

Depending on the character of the girl, the meaning of the name can emphasize her talents and virtues - Sabira (“patient”), Amina (“reliable”), Ksenia (“hospitable”), Hilary (“joyful”); celebrate her intelligence, ingenuity, cheerfulness (Vitoslava, Zabava, Alima, Zarifa, Bina, Eva). Names for girls often describe or indicate the external beauty and other characteristics of the girl - Luchezara (“ray”, “dawn”), Snezhana (“snowy”, “cold”), Basima (“smiling”), Ainur (“moon-like”) "), Sheina ("beautiful"), Naomi ("pleasant"), Yulia ("curly"), Alsou ("rosy-cheeked").

Many names for girls were created as pairs male names, But not all. You can find names for girls that signify masculine character traits, such as belligerence, authority, or distinguish the girl’s noble origins - Borislava, Mechislava, Amira, Sarah, Kira, Jadwiga, Tara, Augustina, Marta, Adelina, Alisa, Evgenia, Domna, Alesta.

Some names emphasize the primordial desire of women to maintain peace, strive for it - Dragomira, Viam, Irina, Frederica, Salma. Some names have a religious, church basis - Bogdan, Bozhena, Hanifa, Ioanna, Thekla, while parents often rely on the name day calendar. In many names, the parents of the girls put their attitude towards the baby that was born: Lada - “beloved”, Nailya - “gift”, Darina - “gifted”, Zita - “happy”, Monika - “the only one”, Natalya - “dear”, Habiba - “beloved”.

Some names for girls are dedicated to the world around them, to what people previously noticed around them. By naming a child with a name associated with nature, people believed that the bearers of such a name also acquired traits and properties from the named object. Thus, girls got names such as Zarina (“dawn”), Kupava (“water lily”), Ikrima (“dove”), Rachel (“lamb”), Tamara (“ date palm"), Esther ("star"), Margarita ("pearl").

There are also “ugly” names for girls. These names were given to newborns to scare away evil spirits. There are very rare names, what parents call girls. Most often this is or almost forgotten names ancestors, or names invented by the parents themselves.

  • DARLING...
  • Nowadays, scientific zoologists, chemists, botanists often have to rack their brains - it is not enough to discover and study some the new kind, you also need to name it appropriately. And every year this problem becomes more and more complex.
  • Judge for yourself: in the time of Aristotle (3rd century BC), only 454 species of animals were known to man. And in the 18th century, the famous Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus already described 4208 species. The end of the 19th century marked more than 400 thousand.
  • Coelacanth

  • Today, one and a half million species of animals and half a million plants are known, and there are also two million unknown animals that have yet to be discovered and “baptized”, i.e. give a name in nature. How many discoveries still await scientists in the depths of the sea?
  • It’s unknown, but you’ll have to scratch your head. Some will be proud of their names, others will feel embarrassed that they were called that way.
  • There was no luck with the name of a beautiful bird of our Arctic, very similar to a seagull, which was named fulmar. She got her name in nature because she is too trusting of people.
  • Even more offensive to people is a group of birds called grebes. There is a big one, and a long-eared one, and a gray-cheeked one, and a small one...
  • And they are all toadstools. By the way, these are very beautiful seabirds and you can find out more about them.
  • Giraffe means cute

    Giraffe means cute
  • There are examples of beautiful names. In the 30s of the last century off the coast South Africa They caught a strange fish, which turned out to be a representative of lobe-finned fish that became extinct millions of years ago.
  • Biologist K. Latimer first drew attention to it, which is why it received the name in nature - coelacanth. At the same time, in Central Kazakhstan, zoologist V. Selevin discovered a new species of rodents. The animal was named after the scientist - selevinia.
  • Coelacanth, selevinia - beautiful names.
  • For the first time in the history of natural science, Carl Linnaeus introduced the system of naming animals and plants. It can be explained more simply as follows: the name must consist of two words. For example, a tit. For common man A tit is a tit and will remain so.
  • And for zoologists, this is not just the name of a specific species, but also the name of the genus, to which Linnaeus gave the Latin name - Parus.
  • Weaver's nest

    Weaver's nest
  • There are many tits in nature: great tit, blue tit, chickadee, crested tit, Muscovy... The species name is added to the generic name: large-major, Muscovy-ater, etc.
  • And in general it will look like this: Parus major Linnaeus,1758, which means great tit, was first described by Linnaeus in 1758.
  • No one will ever get the name Parus again, because... it belongs only to the tit.
  • In nature, the name of an animal or plant was given in different situations and the same scientist K. Linnaeus succeeded in these endeavors.
  • Many incidents and all sorts of funny and even romantic stories happened here. Very often the scientist gave his discoveries malicious names - in honor of Buffon’s scientific enemy, he named a poisonous plant - buffonia. Another thorny plant was named after the critic Piso - pisontia.
  • The botanist Plyukent had strange and controversial views on science and appeared Plukentia- with ugly forms.
  • Lyre bird

    Lyre bird
  • K. Linnaeus did not forget about his friends.
  • In honor of the two Baugin brothers, he named a plant with bilobed leaves - Bauhinia, and Commelina the flower had three stamens, one very short and two long (there were three Commelin brothers - two famous, and the third unknown to anyone).
  • You are amazed at how apt the Russian names of many animals are. Bug is a toddler. Karapuzik means small and pot-bellied, it couldn’t be better.
  • The little bird is a carrier that flutters from shore to shore as if it were transporting someone.
  • The twitching corncrake, although a bird, does not sing or scream, but seems to creak and tug. This is why it has such a name in nature.
  • And the finch.
  • Even though he is a finch, he does not feel cold. (You can read more about it.)
  • Suitable name received an amazing secretary bird.
  • Secretary bird

    Secretary bird
  • She really looks like a medieval scribe: short velvet black pants, a gray camisole, braids on her head like goose feathers tucked behind her ears, a hooked nose and a strange gait.
  • The giraffe also cannot be offended by its name. In Arabic, "serafe" means sweetheart.
  • An image of the nest of weaver birds is often placed in popular books on zoology, and it immediately becomes clear why these birds were given such a name.
  • The lyre bird is by no means a lover of singing, and it received its “musical” name thanks to its tail, which is shaped like a lyre.
  • Armadillo means wearing armor.
  • The porcupine is a prickly animal of a truly wild appearance. Poor warthog, whose appearance is far from perfect, and got a dissonant name.
  • Armadillo-wearing armor

    Armadillo-wearing armor
  • And Greek mythology gave its names to stars, constellations, minerals, plants and animals. Among them, especially the butterflies inherited the names of the characters Greek mythology, like vixen, galatea, pandora, cercea, jellyfish and many dozens of other fluttering beauties.
  • The most beautiful butterflies are .
  • Many animals received their names in honor of outstanding scientists. Of these, the famous academician E.N. Pavlovsky.
  • Pavlovski - there are beetles, crayfish, butterflies, fish, and cicadas - more than 70 objects of living Nature bear his name! There are animals named after Przhevalsky, Scriabin, and Grand Duke Romanov.
  • And your name?
  • And in conclusion, I invite everyone to admire the sweet...

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Female names nature

U different nations there are many names dedicated to natural phenomena - the sun, moon, sky, rain, dawn, sunset, rainbow, wind, fire, water, air, day, night...

Female nature names

Aviva(e.) – spring

Aurora(lat.) – morning dawn, dawn

Adena, Adin Aden

Azera, Azur(English) – blue sky

Aibika, Aibikya(Turkic) – lunar lady

Aigul, Oigul(Turkic) – Lunar flower

Idai(Turkic) – moon-like

(music) – fire, flame(Turkic) – moon-faced

Alva(Hebrew) – dawn, dawn

Alba(Spanish) – dawn

Alsou(tat.) – scarlet water

Ameya(Japanese) – evening rain

Anan(Arabic) – clouds

Anush(Armenian) – breath of the morning

Aprilina– from the month "April"

Arevik(Armenian) – sun

Aster(English) – star

Aura(English) – air

Ahava(e.) – water

(Arabic) – sun Akhtar

Ashkhen(Armenian) – heavenly

Aelita(Greek) – air

Berlin(English) – swamp

Brooke Broke, Brooke

Budur(Arabic) – full moon, full moon

Vesnyana(glory) – spring

Helium(Greek) – solar

Dekabrina– from the month “December”

Jonah Arev

Juna Arev

Jackie(Northern American Indian) – moon

Donoma(Northern American Indian) – type of sun

Drosida(Greek) – dew

Zhuldyz(Kalmyk) – star

Genevieve(gal.) – white wave

Zareslava(glory) – glorifying the dawn

Zarina, Zarema(tat.) – dawn

Zvezadana(slav.) – born under the stars

Zlatoyar(glory) - ardent, strong, like the sun

Zilya(Arabic) – light, radiance

Zorya, Zorina, Zoryana(glorified) – born at dawn

Inna(lat.) – a stormy stream

Ioki(northern american ind.) – rain

Iris(Greek) – goddess of the rainbow

Karrin(English) – blown away by the wind

Keshet(e.) – rainbow

(English) – narrow river(Chinese) – autumn

Coco(northern amer. ind.) – night

Ksia(Chinese) – pink clouds

Xu(Chinese) – snow

Layla(Arabic) – night

Lamara(cargo) – sea

Leysan, Laysan– first spring rain

Leila(Turkic) – night

Lesma(Latvian) – flame

Lilith, Lilis, Lillus(Assyrian) – night

Lin, Lynn, Linna Lake

Lusinaria(music) – moon

Marina(lat.) – sea

Mijina(North American Indian) – return of the moon

Mizuki(Japanese) – beautiful moon

Mize(Northern American Indian) – white sun

Mimitech(Northern American Indian) – new moon

Mona(English) – moon

Montana(English) – mountainous

Muna(northern amer. ind.) – crowded in spring

Muriel(English) – sea, bright

Nevada(English) – snowy

Niche(ind.) – night

Pelagia(gr.) – sea

Primavera(Spanish) – spring time, spring

Roxanne, Roxanna(pers.) – dawn

Sabrina(lat.) – the name of a river in England

Salina(English) – moon

Svetoyar(slav.) – sunny

Selena(Greek) – goddess of the moon

Selina(lat.) – heavenly

Seraphim(e.) – fiery, flame

Silvia(lat.) – forest

Celia(lat.) – heaven

Silvia(lat.) – from the forest

Sitara(ind.) – star

Snezhana, Snezhina(Bulgarian) – snowy

Solntseslava(glory) – glorifying the Sun

Stella(Italian) – star

Secker(Japanese) – cherry blossom

Thalia, Tahlia(e.) – dew

Tansylu(Turkic) – beautiful as the morning dawn

Tara(ind.) – star

Twila, Twilla(English) – twilight

Urania, Urania(lat.) – heavenly

Khafa(Arabic) – quiet rain

Head(e.) – echo

Chionia(Greek) – snowy

Shamsi, Shamsia(pers.) – sun

Elian(French) – sun

Essa, Estha, Estelle(English) – star

Esther(English) – star, April

Estella(lat.) – star

Esther Akhtar

Yuki(Japanese) – snow, happiness

Yara, Yarina(slav.) – sunny

Yarolika(glory) – sun-faced

Jaromila(slav.) - dear Yarila the sun

Yaroslav(glory) – glorifying Yarilo-sun

Our new book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]

At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there is nothing like this freely available on the Internet. Any of our information products is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and publication of them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

Names dedicated to nature. Female nature names


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magical forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for conducting magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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