Storing white cabbage in winter. How to properly store cabbage in the cellar and at home: ways to keep it fresh

If how to store cabbage is more or less clear, then the question of how to store cabbage in winter if there is no cellar arises quite often. And the main thing in this process is proper preparation! Let's start with this.


How to store cabbage at home in winter? Most important stage to ensure long-term storage of cabbage - preparation.

It doesn’t matter in what way or in what room you plan to store this vegetable, it needs to be prepared.

Preparation for storage consists of the following steps:

Remember that late varieties of cabbage, which are removed from the beds before the first frost, are best suited for long-term storage.

Further preparation depends on the chosen storage method. Read more about it on our website.


How to properly store cabbage at home? There are not many such methods. And there are not many places in the apartment where you can do this, or rather two:

  • balcony;
  • fridge.

Some apartments have separate rooms- storage rooms. They can also be used to successfully store vegetables, provided they are cool enough. At normal room temperature, cabbage will not be stored for long.

How to store cabbage at home:

Cabbage heads wrapped in paper

Cabbage heads in cling film

Natural cabbage heads

Now let's look at everything possible ways listed above and first let’s talk about how to store cabbage on the balcony in winter?

On the balcony

This method is one of the most convenient, provided that the balcony:

  • glazed;
  • insulated

IN winter time there shouldn't be any on the balcony too cold, otherwise the cabbage will freeze and spoil.

Before sending a head of cabbage for storage on the balcony, you need to:

  • wrap in paper;
  • wrap in cling film.

The forks need to be positioned fairly freely and the cabbage on the balcony should be checked periodically for safety. In winter - once a month, closer to spring - more often.

Storing cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, and Chinese cabbage on the balcony will not work. These types of cabbage are so capricious to environmental conditions that a balcony is simply lethal for them.

We have prepared a number of materials about these cabbage varieties and their storage. Read all about storage, and.

We bring to your attention a video on how to store cabbage in paper and cling film:

In a refrigerator

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator? For residents of large cities, a refrigerator is the only available space food storage. Most often, old houses have a basement for storing vegetables; new buildings do not provide such an opportunity. A personal cellar or caisson is located somewhere outside the city, and it takes a long time to get there.

You can store fresh cabbage in the refrigerator:

  1. In kind. This means that the prepared forks are simply placed in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator or on its shelves. The disadvantage of this method is that the cabbage withers quickly. Periodically you will have to remove the top wilted leaves.
  2. Wrapped in cling film. The essence of storage is the same as in the previous case. However, this option is better, since the film protects the cabbage from wilting. To store cabbage in the refrigerator, you need to wrap the prepared heads of cabbage in cling film and put them in the refrigerator. So they will last quite a long time.

Heads of cabbage will last longer in film

Storing certain types of cabbage in the refrigerator:

  • at home it is only possible in the refrigerator. This environment is more favorable for her than others. It is better to wrap it in cling film and put it in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator;
  • in the refrigerator is possible. However, she is not able to lie like that all winter. This type of cabbage quickly “stales”, so the shelf life is fresh hers is minimal;
  • in the refrigerator it is possible for an extremely short time, and the method of storing it is different from others.

In no case can't be washed broccoli before placing it in the refrigerator, it is better to do this immediately before use.

To store broccoli in the refrigerator you need:

  • place each unit in a separate bag;
  • do not close it;
  • Place a damp towel at the bottom of the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator;
  • place open bags of broccoli on a towel.

This will create increased humidity in the storage area, and the broccoli will last longer.

Optimal modes

What are the storage conditions for cabbage at home? No amount of tricks will help preserve cabbage for the winter if indoors temperature is not maintained, suitable for this. The process of storing cabbage in an apartment must be constantly monitored.

Cabbage does not like either heat or cold. It is capricious to storage conditions. Permissible temperature for storing cabbage for the winter - from +0 to +5 degrees. Ideal temperature – from +0 to +2 degrees.

At temperatures below 0 degrees, the cabbage will freeze and lose taste qualities. In addition, the frozen area will immediately begin to rot. At temperatures above +5 degrees, cabbage will begin to deteriorate due to the proliferation of microorganisms and rotting.

Rotten cabbage

Frozen cabbage

If cabbage damage is noticed at the very beginning, the cabbage can be saved. Carefully remove the layer of leaves affected by rotting or cut the cabbage, wrap it in plastic wrap and store further. However, it is worth remembering that it will not last its full life, so use it first.

Shelf life

Cabbage at home is not stored as long as in the cellar (basement, underground). The most reliable the method is to store the cabbage in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film, the most unreliable and carefree - at room temperature.

Key points for storing cabbage in an apartment:

  • At room temperature, cabbage will last no more than a week;
  • On the balcony, if all conditions are met, cabbage can lie all winter and spring. Average shelf life is 4 months;
  • in the refrigerator, without cling film, cabbage is stored for about a month, provided that the top sheets are removed when wilting;
  • In the refrigerator, cabbage wrapped in cling film can be stored for up to 5 months;
  • Kohlrabi can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month;
  • Chinese cabbage, broccoli – maximum 15 days;
  • frozen cabbage of any kind can be stored for up to 10 months;
  • dried, in compliance with storage rules - up to 12 months.

To keep cabbage in cling film longer, you need to check for condensate inside the film.

If droplets of water have formed between the head of cabbage and the polyethylene, it is necessary to change the cling film. Unwrap it, throw away the film, dry the cabbage and wrap it in a new one. Do this every time condensation appears.

Conditions of the apartment and private house

How to store cabbage at home? A private house provides more opportunities for storing cabbage fresh all winter than an apartment. There are two optimal places for this - a refrigerator and a balcony.

A private house most often has an underground floor in which cabbage is stored longer under certain conditions. On the territory where it is located a private house, its owners make all kinds of extensions, garages, sheds, etc.

Such premises are built specifically for storing rich harvests, including cabbage. Eventually, in a private house there are many more places and opportunities for storing cabbage for the winter than in an apartment.

Thus, storing cabbage at home is quite possible. Sometimes this method is the only correct one. Yes, he doesn't give those good results the duration of storage of fresh cabbage, such as storing it underground (basement, cellar), but at home you can freeze or dry the cabbage, put fresh heads of cabbage in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

So, in order to provide yourself with fresh cabbage for the whole winter, you need:

  1. Prepare the harvest for storage: sort, clean, wash, dry.
  2. Decide on the method, storage location, and depending on it:
    • place cabbage wrapped in paper or cling film on the balcony;
    • put the cabbage in its natural form or wrapped in plastic wrap in the refrigerator;
    • freeze shredded or whole cabbage;
    • Dry the cabbage in a vegetable dehydrator.

Be sure to consider the need for storing cabbage at home:

  • division of cabbage into types,
  • determining the optimal storage method for a given type.

This way you can save space in the house and ensure the safety of the entire cabbage harvest for maximum for a long time .

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator? How long can she stay in a cold place? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Cabbage is a food that everyone loves. It is familiar, relatively cheap, and extremely common. Cabbage is suitable for pickling, stewing, baking delicious casseroles, and making first courses. That's why every modern housewife wants to know how to properly store cabbage in the refrigerator. We will find out all the nuances of this process below.

A little about cabbage

Cabbage was considered the main vegetable in Europe before the potato was discovered. It does not apply to overseas vegetables. The past of cabbage is very bright and rich. She was even depicted on ancient paintings. This vegetable began its journey from Ancient Greece and then spread throughout Europe. Cabbage dishes can be found in any European national cuisine.

Cabbage contains a lot of protein, much more than other vegetables. Proteins are considered essential amino acids. They are necessary for the growth and reconstruction of tissue, the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and kidneys, and hematopoiesis.

Cabbage has a long shelf life, so the vitamins it contains can be preserved until the next harvest. This vegetable contains an attractive vitamin U, with the help of which colitis, intestinal sluggishness and gastritis, duodenal and stomach ulcers are treated. It contains no less vitamin C than citrus fruits. And vitamin K heals wounds, normalizes metabolism, forms healthy teeth and bones, and helps the liver function.

Saving conditions

What are the storage periods and conditions for white cabbage? This vegetable can be stored for 4 to 5 months in suitable conditions. Most best temperature considered to be from -1 to 0 °C, stable air humidity should be 90-95%.

If cabbage is stored at above-zero temperatures, then the air moisture content should be 80-85%. During storage, you need to occasionally check the vegetable and remove spoiled leaves. If you wrap the cabbages tightly in newsprint, they can be kept in a cool, dry area. They need to be placed at a short distance from each other.

The lifespan of cabbage depends on the storage conditions and its variety. Whatever storage method you choose, it is recommended to leave the stalks longer.

How to store in the refrigerator?

Few people know how to store cabbage in the refrigerator. Due to the low temperatures, this method of preserving it is considered the most optimal. Cabbage can be stored in cold conditions for a very long time. In this case, it is only important to protect it from moisture. We invite you to learn some small tricks:

  • It is preferable to store cabbage in plastic on the top shelf of the refrigerator, since the real cold reigns there.
  • Choose springy heads with strong leaves as they store better.
  • Send only dry heads of cabbage for storage. You need to wrap them tightly with cellophane in 2-3 layers, leaving no air spaces between the leaves and the film.
  • Before saving, cut off damaged areas and dents, cut off the stalk so that it is flush with the leaves.

If you prevent water from getting on the surface of the cabbage, it can remain fresh in the refrigerator for a long time. If you wrap cabbage in cellophane, it will be stored in the refrigerator for 20-30 days; without film, it can only last 2-3 days in such conditions.

In the freezer

We continue to figure out how to store cabbage in the refrigerator. When choosing this storage method, you need to remember that frozen cabbage is used only for some types of dishes. The benefits of freezing are:

  • ready semi-finished product;
  • fast defrosting;
  • storage duration;
  • preserving the healing qualities of the vegetable.

The disadvantages of freezing are:

How to freeze?

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator or freezer? You can freeze the vegetable in small pieces, whole heads of cabbage and pre-chopped ones. When freezing cabbage in pieces, you need to peel it upper leaves, rinse, cut off the stalk, divide into pieces. If you are storing leaves, boil them and dry them in advance. Next, the finished portions are placed in containers or bags and sent to the freezer.

Do you want to freeze whole heads of cabbage? Choose only undamaged, healthy vegetables, free from insects. Then remove the top leaves from the cabbage, rinse it with water and dry it. The head of cabbage can be wrapped in cellophane and then placed in the freezer.

Many people ask: “Can cabbage be stored in the refrigerator?” Yes, of course you can. Shredded cabbage is the most popular way to save. The vegetable needs to be washed and cleaned of damage and top layers, chopped, placed in bags and placed in the freezer.

How long can cabbage be stored? The vegetable can be stored there from 9 to 12 months at a temperature no higher than -18 °C.

Storage at home temperature

The issue of storing cabbage at home interests many. After all, not every thrifty person has a cellar. What if there is no refrigerator? Room temperature is far from best condition for saving cabbage. In this case, the vegetable will lose faster appearance and deteriorate, so its shelf life is significantly reduced.

At home, you can save cabbage on a well-insulated balcony or in a pantry. The vegetable can be left unchanged, or it can be wrapped in paper or plastic to protect it from external influences.

When storing in this way, do not place the forks tightly together; there should be a small distance between them to ensure air circulation. At home temperature, the shelf life of cabbage is 4-6 months. The temperature should not be higher than +15 °C.

But in the cellar it can last from 6 to 7 months. Early varieties can be stored for no more than 3 months.

Harvesting cauliflower

How to store cauliflower in the refrigerator? This vegetable is the second most popular species grown in Russia. Of course, white cabbage takes first place. An important point in preserving cauliflower is the time it is harvested. It is important to remember several canons here:

  1. The heads need to be collected while they are still growing. When their diameter reaches 8-12 cm, the weight will be approximately 300-1200 g. If the vegetable is overripe, it will lose most of its taste and beneficial properties. Such a plant will be crumbly and yellowed.
  2. During harvesting, cauliflower must be carefully cut with a knife, leaving 2-4 leaves. If it has shoots, you can try to grow new inflorescences. To do this, leave a couple of strong shoots and eliminate the rest. You need to care for the vegetable in the same way as with simple planting.
  3. Do not leave cut heads in direct sunlight. Otherwise they will turn yellow and cannot be eaten.

Cauliflower in the refrigerator

If you decide cauliflower store it in the refrigerator, first remove its leaves and roots, and then place it in plastic bag. One head must be in one package. You can wrap cauliflower heads in plastic. Unfortunately, this option will extend the life of the vegetable by only a week.

It should be noted that in a cellar at 0 °C and 95% humidity, cauliflower can be stored for up to seven weeks. It only needs to be placed in polymer or wooden boxes and cover with cling film. In a suspended state at the same air humidity and temperature, cauliflower can be stored for up to three weeks.

Freezing cauliflower

Freezing is the longest and most reliable way to preserve cauliflower. Of course, this is not a fresh vegetable, but you can eat delicious dishes for at least six months.

You can freeze either lightly cooked cabbage or fresh cabbage. First, the heads should be washed and disassembled into smaller inflorescences. Then drain the water and dry the cabbage. The method for boiling (blanching) cabbage is the same as for kohlrabi.

Cauliflower prepared in this way can be stored for 6 to 12 months in a separate bag in freezer.

Saving other types of cabbage

Peking cabbage at home can only be stored in the refrigerator. It needs to be wrapped in cellophane and sent to the vegetable department. You can also store kohlrabi cabbage in the refrigerator. However, she is not able to lie like that all winter. This type of cabbage “goes stale” very quickly, so it minimum term fresh storage.

Broccoli has a very short shelf life in the refrigerator, and its storage method is not the same as others. It is forbidden to wash broccoli before placing it in the refrigerator; it is better to do this immediately before use. In this case, follow these steps:

  1. Place each unit in a separate bag. Don't close it.
  2. Place a damp cloth in the bottom of the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator.
  3. Place opened bags of broccoli on a cloth.

This creates increased humidity in the storage area, allowing the broccoli to last longer. Remember that storing cabbage in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic, is the most reliable way, and at home temperature - the most carefree.

Kohlrabi can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month. Chinese cabbage and broccoli - maximum 15 days. Frozen cabbage of any kind can be stored for up to 10 months, and dried cabbage for up to 12 months.

To keep cabbage in polyethylene longer, check for condensation inside the film. If droplets of water appear between the cellophane and the head of cabbage, change the cling film. To do this, you need to unwrap the cabbage, throw away the plastic, dry the cabbage and wrap it in new film. Do this every time condensation appears.

How to store cabbage at home? This question is relevant not only for summer residents, but also for most city residents. The need for winter supplies is due to two reasons: in winter prices are much higher than in summer, and the quality is not very good. As for storage, it must be correct, otherwise vitamins or beneficial microelements disappear.

Rules for preserving cabbage for the winter

There are several rules:

  • Only the best heads are selected. If the head of cabbage is already spoiled, then it will not be possible to preserve it for a long time. And because of it, other heads will be damaged;
  • Remove the top leaves and cut off the stem. Attention! Don't peel the head too much;
  • They wash. To do this, use cold running water. This procedure minimizes the likelihood of dirt or insect larvae under the leaves. Wet heads are thoroughly blotted with a dry towel.

White cabbage, Brussels sprouts and Chinese cabbage are prepared for storage according to almost the same rules, but taking into account the nuances in each individual case.

How to store cabbage on the balcony

If there is no cellar, but you need preparations for the winter, then good option is the balcony. However, the place must be glazed and insulated. Otherwise, the products will not last long.

Also keep track of how long you open the windows on the balcony in winter. If the temperature is too low, the heads of cabbage will freeze and quickly spoil.

To keep each fork safe you need:

  1. Wrap the head in wax paper or cling film;
  2. Place it on a table or in a cabinet on the balcony as loosely as possible.

Note! The condition of the heads of cabbage must be constantly checked. In winter this is done once a month. But the closer to spring, the more often the quality of vegetables is checked.

This method is only for white cabbage. But for broccoli, Beijing, cauliflower, this method is not suitable, since the varieties are quite capricious, so they will quickly deteriorate in such conditions.

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator

An apartment is not a suitable place for forks. Therefore, for city residents, the refrigerator is often the only available place to store vegetables. You can use it this way:

  • Properly prepared heads of cabbage are placed in the vegetable compartment. The downside is leaf wilting. Therefore, the upper ones will have to be removed and thrown away periodically;
  • Wrap each head of cabbage in cling film. Thin polyethylene will protect the upper leaves from withering and the vegetables will remain fresh for a long time.

The shelf life of vegetables also depends on the variety. White cabbage can stay fresh for a long time. Peking at home can only be stored in the refrigerator, having previously wrapped each head of cabbage in plastic wrap. You can store kohlrabi in the refrigerator, but it will not last all winter. Therefore, stock up big amount not worth it.

We should also talk about storing broccoli in the refrigerator:

  1. Never wash it before putting it in the refrigerator. This will only spoil the heads of cabbage faster. It is better to wash broccoli immediately before use;
  2. The package does not need to be closed. There must be air access to its contents;
  3. Place a damp towel on the bottom of the vegetable compartment. This will create additional humidity and the contents of the bags will remain fresh for a long time;
  4. If using a freezer, each unit should be placed in a separate bag. Otherwise, the entire frozen food will spoil twice as fast.

As for storing cauliflower in this way, this is possible subject to the same rules as for broccoli. But it is worth remembering that this variety will not last in the refrigerator all winter, so the strategic reserve should be counted on for one and a half to two months, no more!

Storing cabbage in the cellar

Winter is not a hindrance for storing vegetables. Especially in a private house with a cellar.

How to prepare a cellar:

  • The room temperature should be from -1 to +2. Such temperature conditions vegetables will remain fresh almost all winter;
  • Do not place cabbages on the floor. Remember that the cellar is damp. Therefore, the forks will begin to rot and deteriorate ahead of time. It's better to just put it on wooden shelves or flooring. This ensures oxygen access to vegetables;
  • The appearance of dampness is prevented by using a layer of straw or burdock leaves between the wooden flooring and the vegetables;
  • The heads are laid out on the straw in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, air circulation is even better;
  • To prevent the upper leaves from rotting, the heads should be laid on the litter with the stalks facing up.

Also make sure there are no rodents in the cellar. Wood flooring or shelves, before winter preparations are placed on them, are thoroughly washed with an antiseptic and dried. Remember! Wet wood accelerates rotting!

If it is not possible to fold in a checkerboard pattern, put them in boxes. But at the same time, each fork is packed in soft paper, such as newspaper. This will prevent the forks from touching each other, and the soft paper will not interfere with air circulation.

Another storage option is under the ceiling in the cellar. In this case, the stem is not cut off when harvesting. They nail it under the ceiling wooden board or a stick. The distance from the stick to the wall is at least thirty centimeters. The heads of cabbage are hung on a stick by threading a wire or thick thread through the stem. The main thing is that the forks should not touch.

Storing cabbage in sand in the garden

This method is only suitable for storing white cabbage. To save:

  1. They make a hole in the sand in the garden, fifty to sixty centimeters deep. The diameter of the pit is one meter;
  2. The forks are placed in the hole with the stalks facing up;
  3. The heads of cabbage are arranged with branches of pine needles;
  4. Then cover the hole with leaves, peat, sand and snow.

Forks are stored in such a pit during the winter. Attention! This option is not suitable for residents of the northern regions. The air temperature is not lower than five degrees below zero. Otherwise, the vegetables will quickly spoil.

How long does fresh cabbage last?

Before purchasing forks, you should understand that they cannot be fresh forever. Therefore, it is important to know how long vegetables can be stored at home in winter:

  • At room temperature – no more than a week;
  • On the balcony - four months. But only if the rules described above are observed;
  • Refrigerate without cling film for a month. But only if you remove the fading upper leaves in time;
  • In the refrigerator with cling film - up to five months;
  • Kohlrabi stays fresh in the refrigerator for a month;
  • Beijing - when using cling film, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than fifteen days.

If you freeze cabbage, it is suitable for consumption for ten months.

You can store cabbage until spring both in the basement, cellar, and in an apartment. It all depends on the type of cabbage and its variety. The best option The cellar is used for storing vegetables. Under these conditions, cabbage can lie until the next harvest. It is well stored in boxes, cling film, sand, clay, paper, plastic bags or in limbo. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Preserving cabbage is also possible in an apartment. A balcony, refrigerator, pantry are suitable for this purpose.

    Show all

    Which varieties are suitable for long-term storage in winter?

    It is necessary to choose mid- and late-ripening varieties of cabbage. Their growing season is 90–100 days and above. The heads of cabbage are dense, well preserved until the next harvest, and can withstand spring and autumn frosts. These varieties are well stored in the cellar and are suitable for home canning, however, the cabbage turns out a little coarser, it is less juicy and tasty than when using early varieties.

    The disadvantage of early-ripening varieties is that they are not intended for storage in the cellar, since their heads of cabbage have a loose structure and will not lie well. Early varieties are suitable for raw consumption within 3 months after harvest.

    If it is difficult to determine what type of vegetable, you need to look at the shape of the head of cabbage. Dense round and slightly flattened heads of cabbage of medium size are well preserved. If the fork is loose and oblong, then it will be stored somewhat worse.

    The best varieties of cabbage, characterized by keeping quality.

    Variety How long is it stored?
    Aggressor F1 5–6 months
    Mara Until April
    Amager 611 One of the easiest varieties. Stores well up to 8 months
    Valentina F1 The variety has good shelf life, up to 7–8 months
    Kolobok F1 Until April
    Stone head Up to 8 months
    Wintering Until the new harvest of early cabbage
    Moscow late Up to 8 months
    Orbit Up to 5 months
    Glory Until January
    Turkiz Until March next year
    Present Up to 7 months
    Dobrovodskaya Up to six months
    Snowstorm Up to 8 months
    Kharkov winter Up to six months

    How to harvest correctly?

    One of important points To keep the crop in good condition for a long time, it is harvested correctly:

    • Vegetables are harvested in dry, sunny weather.
    • Cabbage should be dug up towards the end of summer and early autumn. It depends on the variety.
    • It is advisable to do this on a warm, sunny day. A shovel should be used for digging. The roots and stalks are not cut off. You need to leave some soil on them.
    • After the entire crop has been harvested from the garden, it should be carefully reviewed again. It is necessary to clean the heads from damaged leaves, leaving 2-3 cover leaves.
    • Small, not yet fully formed heads of cabbage are separated. They should be used for food first. Heads that are rotten or show signs of rodent damage are unsuitable for storage.
    • If there is a lot of unusable cabbage left, then you should not be upset about this, since it can be successfully used for sourdough for the winter. In this state, cabbage is stored until spring.
    • The cabbage must be dried for 24 hours. This can be done indoors or under a canopy.
    • The roots are cut off with a sharp knife or left as is. It depends on how the cabbage will be stored.

    Storage methods

    There are several most popular and frequently used methods for storing cabbage.

    In boxes

    This method is the simplest for cellar storage, but not the most successful in terms of efficiency. The stalks of the vegetable are completely cut off, spoiled leaves are removed, and the cabbage is placed in large wooden boxes. It is advisable that the boxes have holes for air movement. There is no need to close the boxes with a lid. They fit on a small stand, but not on the floor.

    In sand

    As in the previous storage method, vegetables are placed in boxes and covered with sand. This is a fairly effective method, but difficult because due to the presence of sand in the basement, dirt will spread there. At big harvest It will be necessary to bring a lot of sand into the cellar, which is not always possible.

    Vegetable pyramid

    For this method, you need to place a small wooden stand, the height of which should be between 7–10 cm. It is necessary that there is a small space between the boards. Cabbage heads are placed on the stand. For the first layer, you need to choose large and strong heads of cabbage. For the second, you can use smaller vegetables. They are laid out in a checkerboard pattern and so on. This storage method will promote good air circulation between the cabbage heads. To eat, you first need to take the heads that are on top. If any head of cabbage goes bad, it will be immediately visible.

    In paper

    For this method, you need to prepare a lot of paper, for example, newspaper. Each head of cabbage is wrapped in several layers. This will allow the heads of cabbage not to touch each other, provide thermal insulation, and protection from high humidity and light. Each head of cabbage is wrapped in several layers of paper.

    Please note that the printing ink used for newspapers contains a lot of lead. This substance is harmful to human health, so for the first layer you should use plain white paper.

    The wrapped heads are put into bags and stored in the basement.

    Cling film

    The most effective method storage is to use cling film. Each head of cabbage should be tightly wrapped in it and placed in boxes or bags. The advantages of this method of storing vegetables are cleanliness, hygiene and good moisture resistance. Thanks to cling film, cabbage can be stored until spring. The same method is used when the vegetable is stored in a pit in the garage.

    On a rope under the ceiling

    This is one of the most effective ways storage There is no need to cut off the roots. It is necessary to nail a thick wooden board under the ceiling of the cellar. It should be at least 30 cm from the wall. Large nails are driven into the sides of the board at equal distances.

    You need to take a rope and tie one edge to a cabbage stalk, and the other to a nail. This method of preserving vegetables is ideal, since each head does not touch the other, is well ventilated, and any damage or signs of rot are immediately noticeable. The main disadvantage of this method is that no more than 20 heads of cabbage can be placed under the ceiling of the cellar.

    In plastic bags

    Cabbage can be stored in garbage bags. This storage method is useful if the cellar is very small or does not have shelving. To do this, you need to wrap each head of cabbage in paper and stack one on top of the other. There is no need to tie the bag. It's better to leave it open. Depending on the size of the bag, it can hold up to 5 heads of cabbage.

    In clay

    This storage method is the most labor-intensive, but the result is worth it. The vegetable retains its freshness and taste. To prepare a clay cake, you need to mix clay and water in a 2:1 ratio. The consistency of the slurry should resemble sour cream. Heads of cabbage are generously lubricated with the resulting product so that the leaves do not show through. Then they must dry. After which the cabbage heads are placed on shelves in the cellar.

    Directly in the garden

    If there is no basement or cellar, then cabbage can be stored directly in the garden bed. To do this, a hole 1 meter deep is dug, the bottom of which is covered with straw. Vegetables are placed in the pit with the stalks facing up. The top is covered with earth, hay, straw, and plant debris.

    It should be remembered that, regardless of the choice of storage method in the basement, the heads of cabbage will last longer if they are powdered with chalk powder.

    Optimal conditions in the cellar

    Most suitable place for storing cabbage there is a basement or cellar. In order to create optimal conditions in the basement, it is necessary to create an appropriate microclimate. The temperature should be from 0 to +2, humidity at 90–98%. In such conditions, the vegetable will remain fresh and juicy for a long time, and the leaves will not rot. For white cabbage, it is allowed to reduce the temperature to 0.8 degrees below zero. If the temperature is colder, this will cause the vegetable leaves to freeze.

    An important point that you need to pay attention to when storing crops in the cellar is the absence of rodents.

    The walls and ceiling must be treated with an antiseptic. A solution of quicklime or fumigation with sulfur (35 grams per 1 m2) is suitable for this purpose.

    All garbage and remains of old vegetables should be removed from the basement. Otherwise, this will negatively affect the shelf life of the new crop.

    How to preserve cabbage for the winter at home?

    Heads of cabbage can also be stored in the apartment. This option is ideal for those who live in a metropolis, where new apartment buildings Basements are not provided. Another advantage of this method is that there is no need to go far for vegetables.


    For storage in the apartment, you need to choose the best heads of cabbage. They must be healthy, without damage or signs of being eaten by slugs. There should be no cracks on the cabbage heads, especially deep ones.

    The cabbage leg is trimmed and the top leaf is removed. You should not “undress” the vegetable too much, since the top sheets serve protective function. The cabbage is washed under running water. This will help prevent soil or insects from getting between the leaves. Then the cabbage heads are thoroughly dried with a towel.

    Where and in what should I store it?

    There are few places in the apartment where you could create good conditions for storing cabbage. First of all, this is a balcony and a refrigerator. Nice place There is a storage room, however, it is not available in all apartments. This should not be done in “Khrushchev refrigerators”, as they are too cold. Cabbage is most often stored in its natural form, using paper or cling film.

    Main conditions

    In order for cabbage to retain its appearance and taste for a long time, it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature conditions. This vegetable cannot tolerate either heat or extreme cold. Optimal temperature fluctuates from 0 to +5 degrees. Ideally, it should be 0... +2 degrees.

    How high temperatures, and frosts contribute to the beginning of the rotting process, but vegetables can be saved. To do this, remove the top few leaves. The cabbage is wrapped in plastic wrap and stored further. But it should be borne in mind that it will not be able to remain for a full period of time, so it must be eaten first.

    Saving periods

    The shelf life of vegetables in an apartment is much shorter than in the basement.

    On the balcony

    There are simple rules for storing vegetables on the balcony, if followed, you can enjoy the taste of the vegetable for a long time:

    • The balcony must be glazed. It will be good if you can additionally insulate it with another layer of polystyrene foam or mineral wool inside.
    • Each head is wrapped in paper or cling film. Then the heads of cabbage are stacked on the shelves as freely as possible.
    • From time to time it is necessary to check the safety of vegetables on the balcony. In winter, this should be done at least once a month, and in spring much more often. It is strictly not recommended to store cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, broccoli and kohlrabi on the balcony, as this will cause the product to spoil very quickly.

    In a refrigerator

    You can store vegetables in the refrigerator original form. To do this, the heads are simply folded into the vegetable compartment. The disadvantage of this method is that the vegetable withers quickly. You have to constantly remove the top leaves.

    Another storage method is to use cling film. The prepared heads of cabbage are wrapped in it and placed in the refrigerator. This will preserve the freshness and taste of cabbage for a long time.

    In order to store Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and kohlrabi, cling film is also used. However, its shelf life in the refrigerator is slightly shorter than that of white cabbage.

    How to properly ferment cabbage for the winter?

    A good method for preparing vegetables is to ferment them. For this purpose, it is necessary to use mid-season and mid-late varieties.

    The most famous and popular recipe is sauerkraut with carrots.

    To ferment a 5-liter jar, you need 4 kg of cabbage, carrots (1/10 of the weight of cabbage), salt (2.5% of the weight of cabbage), sugar - to taste.

    To prepare the dish, you need to chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. At the bottom of the dish you can put leaves of cabbage, currants, bay leaves, garlic, dill, cranberries. The vegetables are mixed and placed tightly in a glass, enamel or wooden container. It is necessary to press firmly on the vegetables so that the juice begins to stand out, add salt. It should be compacted tightly, sparing no effort.

    The fermentation process should last 3–5 days at a temperature of +16...+18 degrees. Be sure to regularly pierce the vegetables to the very bottom using a wooden stick.

    How to freeze a vegetable?

    Another way to preserve it is to freeze it. If the temperature in the freezer is constantly maintained at -18 degrees, this will make it possible to preserve the taste of cabbage for up to 8 months, until a new harvest appears.

    White cabbage, red cabbage, Peking, Savoy

    The best option would be to use summer varieties of cabbage, since later ones will be well preserved in the basement.

    You should not freeze the entire head of cabbage. If you need to make preparations for cabbage rolls, then the head of cabbage is disassembled into leaves. They are blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes. After this, you need to let the water drain, dry and straighten the leaves. They need to be placed in a bag and placed in the freezer.

    If you need to prepare a vegetable for making stewed cabbage or borscht, then the cabbage is immediately chopped, placed in bags and sent for freezing. When preparing dishes, do not wait for the vegetable to melt. Vegetables can be poured straight from the bag.

    Kale collard greens

    Collard greens are suitable for freezing. It must be taken into account that the blanching time should not exceed 2 minutes. Otherwise, after thawing, the cabbage will look like a lump of unpleasant green mucus. The bags should be placed so that nothing presses on them, since kale leaves are very fragile.

Cauliflower and white cabbage, as well as potatoes and carrots, are the basis of our year-round diet. However, by the end of winter it is difficult to find a juicy and dense head of cabbage - due to non-compliance with storage conditions, the vegetable loses most of its vitamins and turns dry and tasteless. But we will figure out how to store cabbage in a cellar or basement correctly in order to keep it fresh until spring.

Condition 1. Storage methods

There are many the right ways cabbage storage For example:

Image Storage options

Method 1.In boxes

The boxes should have holes to allow air to reach the vegetables.

Method 2.On shelves

Build shelves along the wall with your own hands so that they can easily accommodate forks. Vegetables are placed with the stalk facing up, having previously been wrapped in paper (you can use cling film).

Method 3.Suspended

Take the head of cabbage along with the roots. Then tie a rope to the stalk and hang the forks from the shelf, as shown in the photo.

Method 4. In the refrigerator

The heads of cabbage can be placed in the vegetable compartment and the minimum temperature can be set, creating a so-called “freshness zone”.

How much useful substances will be retained in it depends on how to properly store cabbage and where to place it.

Condition 2. Which varieties are good for storage?

To keep the vegetable juicy until spring, need to be selected the right varieties white cabbage. As a rule, the shelf life of a vegetable also depends on the timing of its ripening:

  • Early ripening- ripen in May-June; they are not suitable for long-term storage, as they have loose heads of cabbage.

  • Mid-season- will last about three months.
  • Mid-late and late-ripening— perfect for long-term storage, they have elastic heads of cabbage that are enriched with a lot of fiber.

A small conclusion: only mid-late and late-ripening varieties of cabbage are suitable for winter storage.


Mid-late varieties include:

Image Variety


Greenish-white heads of cabbage. Can be stored for up to 7 months.


Weighty juicy heads of cabbage. Save beneficial features up to six months.


The heads are gray-green. At proper storage lasts up to 8 months.

No less good varieties for storage, but not very popular:

  • Harvest,
  • Rusinovka,
  • The final,
  • Menza,
  • Belorusskaya et al.


Hugely popular among late varieties use:

Image Variety


It is one of the most storage-resistant varieties - it will last up to 8 months.

Snow White

This variety can last for about six months.

Stone head

ABOUT round-flat heads of cabbage will last a whole year, and during this time they will become even tastier.

Condition 3. Cultivation for winter storage

  • forks grown on light to medium soils, can last longer than harvest from sandy loam soil;
  • abundance of precipitation V autumn period provides Negative influence for storage - the not yet formed fork cracks and becomes loose;
  • amount of fertilizer plays important role Therefore, it is necessary to observe crop rotation - this is an annual alternation of crops in the beds.

It is impossible to preserve cabbage grown on excessively treated soil with nitrogen fertilizers! Since the amount of dry matter in the tissues of its leaves rapidly decreases, which is why the heads of cabbage loosen, rot and deteriorate. Increasing the dose of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers will have a positive effect on storing fresh cabbage in winter.

Condition 4. Harvesting and storing the crop in the cellar

For those who grow crops at their dacha plot, First of all, you should take care of collecting it correctly. Harvesting is recommended from late summer to mid-autumn, depending on the variety.

Instructions on how to properly harvest and prepare crops for wintering:

Illustration Sequencing

Step 1

We harvest correctly. It is advisable to do this in sunny weather. Carefully dig up the forks with a shovel, and clean the roots and stalks from the soil.

Step 2

We get rid of “defective” heads of cabbage. Storing fresh cabbage for the winter depends on the condition of the crop, so it needs to be sorted. Sort out small heads and spoiled ones - use them first.

Step 3

Now you need to dry each head of cabbage. It is better to do this in an apartment or under a canopy - at least 24 hours.

Depending on which storage method you choose, you can cut off the roots at this stage with a sharp knife.

In order for storing cabbage in the basement in winter at home to be successful, it is important to take care of the optimal microclimate in the room. The storage temperature in the cellar in winter should not exceed +2 ° C, humidity should remain at 92-98%. The price of neglecting these conditions is spoiled heads of cabbage. If you follow these recommendations, you will get juicy and fresh cabbage, even after 8 months of storage.

In winter, storing cauliflower at home is also possible. The conditions are the same as for white cabbage. The main thing is not to let the flowers deteriorate.


You learned how to grow and how to properly harvest cabbage in order to preserve the vegetable until spring. Some more instructions are in the video in this article. Do you know how to store cabbage? Write in the comments!