Breadfruit of monkeys, Pharmacy tree, Superfruit of the 21st century, tree of Magic - the whole truth about the baobab. House plant monkey tree (Araucaria) monkey tree name

In the photo there is a three-veined spurge and a smiling main cat)

The plant is called cat or cat

some kind of ficus. The cat is cool)

popularly called monkey tree By the way, it has poisonous juice and remove it from it yellow leaves it is necessary to wear gloves and cut with scissors, and when the seeds ripen, “shooting” will begin in all directions

Euphorbia) 100 points!

And the cat is British, right?

A species of euphorbia (milkweed). Propagated by "self-sowing" If it stands among other plants, then seedlings can be expected to appear in all pots.

And your cat is wonderfully beautiful!

Euphorbia whiteveined (white-veined)

Tatyana is right - white-veined milkweed
Sorry - changeling

This is Euphorbia, or spurge (Euphorbia) of the Euphorbia family. Homeland - subtropics of Africa, America, and Madagascar. This extensive family of succulent plants includes about 2,000 species. Many of its representatives are huge in size and therefore not suitable for growing at home. This particular species - White-veined Euphorbia Euphorbia leuconeura - is one of the most common in Lately, milkweed. In nature, up to 1.5 m in height, it has a clearly defined ribbed trunk. The leaves at the bottom of the trunk gradually die off and remain at the top, which is why this plant is often called a “palm tree.” The leaves are long, oval-ovate, dark green with clearly defined veins. It blooms with small, inconspicuous flowers. The fruit is a capsule, the seeds from which often “shoot” and scatter when ripe. Like all milkweeds, it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil - the leaves turn yellow and fly off.


Temperature: Moderate in summer they are kept at 20-25°C. In winter there is a dormant period at a temperature of about 16°C, minimum 10-12°C.

Lighting: Bright lighting in both winter and summer. Euphorbias love a lot of light, but they need to be acclimated to direct sun in spring and summer gradually to avoid burns. The best place for milkweed - the windowsill of a south or south-east window. Make sure there is enough lighting in winter.

Watering: Moderate in spring and summer, about twice a week, reduced in autumn, and very rare in winter if kept cool. Succulent species, for example, need to be watered about once a month in winter. Water for irrigation is used soft, at room temperature. During the period of growth and flowering, the soil of milkweeds should not dry out completely.

Fertilizer: During the period of growth and flowering, they are fed with a special fertilizer for indoor plants, fertilizing every two weeks. Potassium fertilizers are used for flowering species of milkweed; for non-flowering species, fertilizers for cacti can be used.

Humidity: Euphorbias are tolerant of dry air, but regular misting with warm water is very beneficial.

Replanting: Soil - 1 part turf, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part peat soil, 1 part sand and brick chips. Young plants are replanted annually or every other year, old ones after two to three years.

Reproduction: By cuttings, for this they are dried in air, and the cuts on the mother plant are sprinkled with crushed coal. Seeds.

Not everyone knows the plant called “crassula” or “crassula”. And here Money Tree(tree of love, tree of happiness, monkey tree) is known to everyone. But in fact, all this is a designation for the same succulent plant, loved by gardeners for its unpretentious and flexible nature. However, you need to know some of the subtleties of caring for this plant.

A little about the money tree

The money tree is native to the arid tropics of Africa, Madagascar, and South Arabia. It's all about the plant's ability to accumulate a large number of moisture in the leaves, which means that the money tree is not afraid of any interruptions in rain.

There are several types of Crassula - Crassula arborescens, money tree or Cotyledon arborescens. Money tree is also called Crassula silver and Crassula oval. The color of the leaves can be very diverse - green, dark green, silver, with a shiny surface, a reddish border, with red spots.

All varieties of money tree thrive at home and can reach 2 meters in height.

How to care for a money tree


Crassula can be propagated by leaf cuttings or shoots. Leaf cuttings are rooted into the soil a couple of days after separation or placed in water until roots appear.

For a money tree, soil intended for cacti is perfect. The mixture should be as follows: turf soil (1 part), leaf soil (3 parts) and sand (1 part), with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. You will definitely need humus, ash, clay and brick chips. Don't forget about good drainage.

The money tree is replanted as it grows, approximately once every 2 years, depending on the growth process. It is necessary to take into account the following feature of fat plants - the root system cannot always hold a tall, branchy tree in a bowl, the plant will fall and be damaged. To avoid this, you need to choose a heavy and deep pot, commensurate with the height of the plant.

Top dressing

Crassula is fed in the period April-September. Use a universal fertilizer or a special one designed for cacti and other succulents. Feeding is carried out once a month. From September to April, i.e. During all cold months, feed once a month, but reduce the concentration of the solution by 2 times. Apply fertilizer to moist soil after watering.


In winter and autumn, the plant is watered less often than in warm periods. In spring and summer, the soil should be slightly moist before watering; in autumn and winter, it should be almost dry. For a money tree, excess moisture is always more dangerous than lack, especially in winter period. Excess moisture makes the plant vulnerable to fungal diseases: the leaves begin to turn yellow, darken and fall off. In case of illness, Crassula should be removed from the bowl, the soil should be dried, and root system treat with special preparations.

Creating comfortable conditions

For Crassula you need to immediately determine permanent place. The plant loves bright places; light partial shade is also suitable. The main condition is that the money tree should not be exposed to bright light. sunlight. The tree does not need high air humidity - you don’t even need to spray it, but once every month and a half you should still wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth or cloth.

Diseases dangerous to the money tree

Because of insufficient watering may appear on dry leaves brown spots. But soft brown spots are a fungal disease (how to deal with it, see “watering”).

If you notice rot at the base of the stem, this is root rot, which is quite difficult to combat. It is necessary to cut off all parts infected with rot and transplant the money tree into a clean pot with new soil. The most drastic method is to cut off the top of the tree and start growing it again. But these methods will only help if the Crassula roots are alive - not dark and not soft.

The money tree is extremely rarely affected by pests. If this happens, then treat the plant with universal remedies for specific pests.

There is an opinion that the money tree feels close to the one who cares for it, so much so that if this person is exposed to stress or his physiological condition worsens, the crassula begins to hurt and wither.


Araucaria represents an exotic, unusual, beautiful plant. It is also called monkey riddle or tree. This representative of the flora belongs to trees coniferous species of the Araucariaceae family, grows in the rocky areas of New Zealand, Australia, and South America.

In natural natural conditions Araucaria is a giant tree. Miniature specimens are grown in houses and apartments. They resemble a small Christmas tree, which will be an excellent decoration for any room. Araucaria should not be treated solely as a miniature representative of conifers.

In nature, there are specimens reaching a height of up to 50 meters. Annual growth indoor variety is 10-15 centimeters per year, but only at the most favorable conditions. However, when planting a green beauty in the house, you should take into account that a monkey tree can grow up to 1.5 meters.

Araucaria can, of course, reach such a height several years after planting, but this feature of the plant must be taken into account initially, having carefully thought through where the specimen of the exotic representative of the Araucariaceae will stand.

Features of Araucaria - monkey tree

Stems and shoots young plant covered with bright green bark. As the tree gets older, the branches begin to become woody and turn brown. The side shoots are either horizontal or have a drooping shape. The branches grow from the base and form spectacular tiers on the stem. Over time, the lower shoots are shed, exposing the trunk.

The covering of the branches consists of small and hard cylindrical needles, reminiscent of a monkey's tail. This is what gave it such an unusual name. This similarity is most clearly manifested in massive mature trees. In miniature varieties, this tendency is weakly visible due to their small size.

The needles resemble sessile hard leaves. They are narrow or oblong or triangular. The color is light green. There is a slight bluish tint. They are arranged in a spiral. This applies to both giant and miniature representatives. The needles fall off exclusively together with the branches, since they sit quite firmly.

Monkey tree is useful. It produces phytoncides and esters that purify the air and kill harmful microorganisms.

Monkey tree blossom

Most representatives of Araucaria are dioecious. They, unlike many indoor plants habitual for growing, bloom after full maturation, which occurs approximately 40-50 years of the tree’s life. Additionally, flowering varies depending on which monkey tree is grown.

Male specimens are shorter. These trees are covered with elongated flowers with many anthers. They reach about 20-25 centimeters in length. Female araucaria does not have inflorescences. It forms large oblong cones that are covered with green skin. Their diameter reaches up to 35 centimeters. When the cone ripens, you can find edible nuts inside, whose taste is similar to pine nuts.

What types of araucaria are grown indoors?

There are about twenty varieties of Araucaria. Most are not suitable for indoor growing. For this purpose, it is necessary to purchase exclusively compact representatives of the monkey tree. The most popular varieties are described below.


It is an unpretentious miniature species of araucaria. Its height reaches about 50-65 centimeters. And if, as mentioned earlier, it is not possible to grow a tree 1.5 meters tall, the choice should be made in favor of a variegated monkey tree.
The variety has an erect trunk covered with needles. The branches are long and horizontal. The vegetation is bright green and very rich. Several more shoots grow on each branch, but over time they become shorter, taking on the appearance of lateral shoots.
Young trees are strewn with thick needle-like needles. It is only 1 millimeter wide and reaches 1-2 centimeters in length. When the specimen matures, the needles acquire a triangular shape, reminiscent of scales. They are distinguished by their larger width (2-4 mm) and shorter length (8-10 mm). It turns out that the needles, expanding, shorten.

Brazilian angustifolia

Much different large sizes. Adult specimens can reach three and even four meters, but up to a similar height in room conditions grow extremely rarely. This araucaria comes from Brazil, as is clear from the name.
This species of monkey tree has a long stem with several whorled branches. It looks more like a palm tree than a conifer. The crown is located at the top, reminiscent of an umbrella. Lanceolate scales of dark green color turn into sharp spines at the ends.

The needles are 5 millimeters wide and 3-6 centimeters long. It is denser on fertile branches. Narrow-leaved araucaria is a dioecious plant. The cones grow to a diameter of 20 centimeters.


A true miniature representative of monkey trees, like the variegated araucaria. An upright tree does not grow higher than 60 centimeters.
One more distinctive feature is that the Chilean variety tolerates cold well, since it naturally grows in highlands. The plant can survive temperatures down to -20 degrees Celsius, but not for a very long time.
In an adult specimen, the bark acquires a green tint. The branches fall off, so the stem is often covered with “scars”. The needle scales are a concave triangle 1-3 centimeters wide and 3-4 centimeters long, distributed in a spiral. The leaves stay on the branches for up to 15 years.


The most popular variety. It is a small Christmas tree reaching a height of 90 centimeters. Looks especially beautiful in tubs. The trunk is smooth, and the top is strewn with whorls of twigs.
The needles covering the shoots are 1.5-2 centimeters wide and 6-12 centimeters long. They have pointed edges and slightly wider bases. The plant is monoecious. Male inflorescences appear on thin branches, and cones appear on thicker branches. oval shape with a diameter of 25 centimeters.

Monkey tree propagation

Araucaria is grown from seeds and cuttings. Both methods are widely used. However, when choosing seed, you should take into account that the seeds must be purchased from trusted suppliers. And if possible, it is better to take a cutting from an already mature specimen.


It is recommended to sow fresh, that is, no later than 2 months from the date of collection. Older seed material is no longer germinating. It is permissible to plant one or two seeds per pot. It is better to make several landings, since not everyone will ascend.
Plant the seeds buried a couple of centimeters in moist soil. Take either sand-leaf or sand-peat mixture. Add some charcoal. The planting is kept at a temperature no higher than +20 degrees Celsius. The soil is regularly sprayed.
If the seeds are fresh, then shoots appear in 2-8 weeks. No transplanting or picking is required. A seedling needs a new pot only when the roots fill the space of the old container.


Take the apical shoots. They are cut in March or April. The cuttings should be semi-lignified. Cutting is done under the whorl. The resin that is released is removed. The tip of the cut is dipped in crushed charcoal.
The cuttings are treated with root. They are planted in small containers filled with peat and sand soil. The planting is covered with a transparent cap. It is kept at +25 degrees Celsius. Complete rooting takes approximately 60 days.

When is araucaria transplanted?

Transplantation cannot be done frequently. It is best to carry out the procedure when the rhizome completely fills the old pot. Replanting should begin by drying the soil in which the monkey tree grows. It is carried out in early spring.
The container is wider than the previous pot. First, brick chips and shards are poured onto the bottom, and then pre-prepared soil. The mixture is made from peat, turf soil, sand, charcoal, and leaf soil.
The monkey tree should be transferred to a new container with the utmost care so as not to damage the rhizome. It is best to reload the earthen clod, preserving the old soil.

Features of caring for indoor araucaria

The monkey tree does not require any special care or conditions. The main thing is to place the pot with the plant in a well-lit place, but so that direct rays of the sun do not fall on it.
IN summer period The pot should be taken outside, placed in a place protected from precipitation and winds. Uniform development of the tree is ensured by periodic rotation of the tub. Araucaria does not tolerate heat well. Optimal temperature in summer it is +20, and in winter - from +10 to +15 degrees.

Information about the rarest endangered plant species around the world

Araucaria araucana, Monkey tree Araucaria araucana or Chilean pine - the oldest exotic conifer tree, grows on the mountain slopes of the southern and central Andes (South America). The national tree of Chile is also called a “living fossil.” Hard leaves of rare coniferous plant

needle-shaped, evergreen.

The monkey tree Araucaria araucana has a characteristic semicircular crown, the height of the tree is 40 m, the diameter of the trunk is 2 m. It grows slowly, lives up to 1000 years. Large, up to 20 cm spherical cones of Araucaria araucana contain up to 200 seeds - nuts, up to 4 cm in size. The taste of Araucaria araucana nuts resembles the taste of pine nuts.

Its ability to survive in high mountain climates contributes to the spread of Monkey Tree as a nut crop in countries with cold oceanic summers.

However, to get the first harvest, you must wait at least 40 years.

The exotic tree has been protected by international laws on the protection of endangered plant species since 1971. Another name for Araucaria araucana is monkey puzzle.

appeared in 1850, when Chilean pine was still rare in England. One of the young ladies, looking at a rare exotic tree, involuntarily said: “Climbing this tree would be a real puzzle for a monkey.” Thus, the name “monkey puzzle tree” was assigned to the Chilean pine. Perhaps the statement was not so ridiculous, since the bark of Araucaria araucana really resembles puzzle pieces.

Dwarf araucaria is grown at home. Like many conifers, araucaria purifies the air. Baobab is one of the most amazing and ancient inhabitants flora

of our planet.

Before my trip to Africa, I must admit, I knew little about baobabs. Although, of course, even in the pictures I was amazed by these trees with their power. But I developed a special love for these trees when I was already in Africa. This happened shortly after I tried the unusual baobab fruit. Maybe they are magical? Baobab trees tower like giants over the savannahs of Africa, inspiring involuntary respect and admiration. Locals consider the baobab. In the culture of many peoples of Africa, there is a custom - every person must plant baobab seeds near his home.

I hope that the Africans who read Antoine de Saint-Exupéry are not offended by him for the fact that the writer chose the baobab tree as a veiled symbol of the idea of ​​fascism attacking people’s minds. It's very cruel A little prince dealt with the baobabs on his planet: " And on the planet of the Little Prince there are terrible, evil seeds... these are the seeds of the baobabs. The entire soil of the planet is contaminated with them. And if the baobab is not recognized in time, then you will no longer be able to get rid of it. He will take over the entire planet. He will penetrate it right through with his roots. And if the planet is very small, and there are a lot of baobabs, they will tear it to shreds."The Little Prince adds:" There is such a firm rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. You definitely need to weed out baobab trees every day".

Like this. Some people consider it necessary to plant at least one baobab tree in their lives, while others make it a rule to weed out baobab trees every day. It's good that the last one is a fairy tale. It seems that the Little Prince knew nothing about baobabs!

"Baobab is our everything!", - any resident can say so African continent. And he will be right.

Here are some useful facts about the undoubted benefits of this tree. The whole plant - from seeds to leaves and wood.

1. Baobab fruits.

They contain six times more vitamin C than oranges and, in terms of the presence of calcium, give a head start to many dairy products. Also, the fruits of this tree are rich in antioxidants, surpassing blueberries, blueberries, apples, and kiwi. The baobab fruit contains vitamins F, A, B, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, etc. Since ancient times, people have used baobab for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases: diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, gastritis. The use of these healthy fruits in food normalizes stool, reduces varicose veins, prevents anorexia and anemia, treats hemorrhoids, osteoporosis, and improves immunity. The juice from the fruit helps with eye diseases and feverish conditions.

Yes, and baobab fruits can be perfectly adapted to an original cup, glass, or just a vessel for water.

These fruits, up to 40 centimeters long, resemble large oblong cucumbers. Ripen during the dry season. “Cucumbers” are covered with gray-green felt-like pubescence, pleasant to the touch. Inside the fruit there is a sourish pulp that is slightly astringent in the mouth. It is white or slightly pinkish in color, with many black seeds.

Baobab fruits are usually eaten raw. They also say that they are used to prepare a refreshing dessert drink called “merissa”. The drink turns out to be similar to lemonade, which is why people sometimes call the baobab tree a “lemonade tree.”

The fruits can be dried, ground into powder, and the latter can be used in making bread. Due to the high calcium content in the fruits, the fruits are especially recommended for consumption by women during pregnancy and lactation.

By the way, no contraindications have been identified. One benefit from these fruits! That is why some scientists today call the baobab the Superfruit of the 21st century. Nowadays, a medical preparation made from baobab fruits, called “Baobab Life,” is in fashion both in Europe and in the USA. In the absence of the opportunity to regularly eat fresh baobab fruits, this medicinal product can also be purchased from us.

But monkeys realized the usefulness of baobab fruits even earlier than people and really adore these fruits. Therefore, baobab is also called monkey breadfruit. Monkeys' lips are not stupid!

There are exceptions to all rules. Fishermen from some Zambian tribes, without denying the benefits of baobab fruits, try to exclude them from their diet. Inexplicably, it is believed that if you eat a baobab tree, crocodiles will swarm around your fishing boat.

2. Baobab seeds.

And they are edible. They contain a lot of oil. They are often eaten lightly fried. Also, if you roast them and then grind them, you can prepare a drink that tastes like coffee. However, apparently, the beneficial qualities disappear when frying. Otherwise the saying in Africa would not have been born: " Don't fry the baobab seeds, leave them to someone who has teeth to chew them".

There is another benefit from these seeds. If you get hit by an arrow smeared with strophanthus, you need to quickly make an antidote from baobab seeds. And you are saved from the strongest poison that Africans use to smear their arrows! However, the likelihood of being a target for an arrow shot at you from a bow by an evil African is currently reduced to zero.

The seeds, by the way, are very nice. I also thought that they could be successfully adapted for some board games. For example, for mancala. This game is played widely in Kenya and Uganda. It is used for wooden plank with recessed cells and many game pieces of the same size. Why not use baobab seeds as chips?

3. Baobab leaves.

Helps in treating fever. They are considered a means of reducing sweating. In Senegal they like to use crushed bark and leaves instead of salt and pepper. They are used to prepare sauces, food seasonings, and are used as a starter for dough.

If baobab fruits are a favorite delicacy of monkeys, then elephants prefer branches and leaves in baobab. Although the elephant with desire will eat everything else in the baobab, gradually splitting the tree into chips with the help of its powerful tusks. The wood of the tree serves as a source of calcium for elephants. This tree contains tens of times more of it than other plants. Sometimes the elephant gets angry and attacks the baobab tree. A strong animal often has enough strength to knock down a tree, but sometimes the heavy giant baobab crushes the offender. However, cases of fights between elephants and baobab trees are not so frequent. Apparently, the animal is driven at this moment by torment from intense thirst. After all, this tree is capable of accumulating huge reserves of water during the rainy season. Sometimes up to 120 thousand liters in one tree! The thick, spongy bark keeps water from evaporating quickly. Therefore, baobabs can be called a kind of living reservoirs, which is known not only to people, but also to animals.

4. Ashes of a burnt fruit.

Yes, yes, even if you don’t eat the fruit, but burn it, then even in this case it will be of use. Excellent quality soap is obtained from the ashes. "Persil" and "Stork" are just relaxing!

5. Baobab pollen.

You can make glue from it.

Huge, 20 cm in diameter, single baobab flowers, with five petals and a bunch of numerous stamens, hang beautifully on long stalks.

However, few people manage to admire baobab flowers. Flowers open one fine evening, once a year, during the rainy season. But their life is short. As soon as the sun rises, the flowers fade and fade. Only palm fruit bats, or so-called flying dogs, can appreciate the nectar of baobabs. These representatives of bats are pollinators of these plants. Attracted by the musky scent of large white flowers, hundreds of flying dogs flock to the tree on such a night. The animals stick their faces into the flowers and lick the juice while hanging on the branches. They fly from flower to flower, pollinating plants. The African night is short! If you gape, you won’t have time to fill yourself up with delicious nectar. Interesting fact and the fact is that all this horde of flying dogs are representatives of the male half of this species of fruit bats. This means that baobab flowers “are able” to secrete substances close to pheromones characteristic of female flying dogs.

6. Baobab bark and wood.

Famous Senegalese proverb " Helpless like an elephant tied with baobab rope"needs no explanation. Strong ropes are made from strong fibers of the inner layer of bark. Also, from the bark and wood of the baobab tree you can make paper, fabrics, burlap, strings for folk musical instruments. Local residents also manage to make dishes and even boats from wood. And this is despite the fact that the tree’s wood and its thick bark are loose and soft in structure. They are so delicate that even a blow with your fist can leave a dent in the wood. And a bullet fired from a rifle can pierce right through this giant of the savannah! They give strength to the tree and prevent it from being vulnerable to life’s adversities. life path, sometimes stretched over millennia, the same strong fibers, about which there is a saying mentioned above.

Baobab bark, even when damaged, has the ability to recover. Thus, in Zambia, some trees continue to grow even with spears stuck in the trunk. Why did they stick spears into trees? The fact is that people from the Ngoni tribe once believed that their enemies from the Biza tribe had the ability to turn into baobabs. Therefore, they pierced tree trunks with spears in the fight against Biz’s people.

Baobab bark is boiled and then newborn babies are washed with this water. They do this in Africa to this day. It is believed that the bark will give vitality to newly born babies.

7. Baobab roots.

Women East Africa The red juice contained in the roots is used for cosmetic purposes - to give the skin softness and a beautiful healthy glow.

In general, this kind giant of the African savannas has been providing people with food, water, and medicine for a long time. And also shelter.

Soft, water-saturated baobab wood often suffers from fungal diseases. As a result, the trunks of many mature trees form a cavity or hollow, thoroughly rotting from the inside. But such a fungal disease does not prevent the tree from living for hundreds or even thousands of years, providing shelter for people and animals.

David Livingston, a Scottish traveler and famous explorer of Africa, recalled in his diaries that he saw 20-30 people sleeping sweetly inside a dried-out baobab tree trunk. And no one bothered anyone - there was enough space for everyone.

Such baobabs can still be found in African spaces. Usually the baobab grows up to 20 meters in height and the same in width.

However, some baobabs have incredibly huge trunks that inside the tree there can be a warehouse-barn and even a dwelling for people.

They say that in Kenya, on the Mombasa-Nairobi highway, there is a baobab tree, in the cavity of which a door and a window are made. A sort of shelter house. We, hitchhiking along this road, did not see this miracle. All you have to do is believe what is written.

In Tanzania, by the side of the road there is a gigantic tree with a cavity that serves as a station hall for people waiting for their bus. About 40 people can be at this “station” at the same time!

There is a baobab tree near Kasane in Botswana that was once used as a prison.

This baobab toilet was photographed at Kayila Lodge in Zambia.

Baobab Bar "Sunland" - the famous giant tree in South Africa. This is one of the largest baobabs on the continent with a height of 22 meters. And to grasp the baobab tree you will need to clasp 40 people with your hands! The tree is so big that an entire bar fits inside it! Isn’t it nice to drink a cup of coffee or a glass of beer inside a huge ancient tree? According to some estimates, the tree is over 6,000 years old! The bar seats 15 people freely. Despite the huge hall inside the tree, the thickness of the bar walls is 2 meters. By the way, the trunk of this baobab is naturally hollow. And the bar has been popular since 1933. And before that, for several thousand years the tree probably served as a refuge for the Bushmen. A holy place is never empty.

In Namibia there is a baobab tree, in the hollow of which local residents organized a bathhouse.

In ancient Senegal, griot storytellers were buried in the hollows of baobab trees. It was believed that if the body of a deceased griot was buried in a cemetery, it would make the land forever barren. Griots are a special caste, they are troubadour singers, jesters, compilers of genealogies, but can also be thieves and swindlers. Even until recent times, skulls were found in some hollow graves of baobab trees, which had lain there for decades and were preserved in excellent condition. Thus, the trunk of a baobab tree can also serve as a reliable sarcophagus.

The baobab is also called the “Tree of Magic”, because the baobab symbolizes strength, power, and eternity. There are many legends and beliefs associated with this amazing tree. They say that to anyone who stands under the branches of a baobab tree, the tree will give whatever the person asks for. You just need to know how to ask correctly.

For fidelity, since ancient times, shamans have used baobab leaves as part of a potion that promotes the fulfillment of desires. Baobab bark, prepared according to special shamanic recipes, enhances the physical capabilities of the person who has taken the magic drink. Talismans are made from baobab bark. Moreover, the baobab is multifunctional in its magical properties. Talismans from it help both in obtaining wealth and in finding mutual love.

How can you not admire these beautiful giants of the African savannas?

These trees are also huge and vast, like knowledge and wisdom. That's what people say: " Knowledge is the trunk of a baobab tree that cannot be hugged by one person."That’s why everything I wanted to write about this amazing tree couldn’t fit into one post - it’s so vast amazing facts and legends about him. So I will continue to talk about the baobab.

P.S. Photos used in this post are taken from publicly available sources on the Internet.

My own impressions of the taste of baobab fruits can be read in or in the post about.

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