Where is it better to live - in the city or outside the city? Pros and cons of village life

It's no secret that life in capital cities and in small provinces is often different. Many people face difficulties when moving from one place to another, and the colors of the picture drawn by the imagination about the city of dreams often fade faster with each new surprise that the huge metropolis has in store for the visitor.

A small town is very different from a huge, bustling metropolis. Such a town will greet you with a simple and inconspicuous station and very noticeable people, since residents tend to compete with each other in tastes, habits and often flaunt their individuality, regardless of whether you want it or not. And competing in the presence of things visible to the naked eye is becoming a favorite hobby of all citizens. For example, the only expensive foreign car in the city will attract a lot of looks as it drives through the streets, and in a year or two, exactly the same car will keep it company.

The word “Competition”, having long been forgotten in the minds of entrepreneurs, will bring a smile to their satisfied faces if mentioned again, since it is very likely that you will have to buy products in the same chain of stores, and to make it more convenient to move between them, you can use the only taxi service. Of course, there are other enterprises, but their lifespan is negligible.

At the same time, a small town is filled with quiet streets surrounded by greenery, courtyards in which children walk calmly, a measured life that has not changed for decades, surrounded by nature that is often untouched by man.

But nevertheless, the number of people wishing to move to a big city is increasing every year, some come with the desire to study, some are attracted by job prospects, some dream of changing their lives for the better, some simply want global changes. And so, residents of provincial towns and villages leave their native land and set out on a journey to pursue their dreams.

Pros of living in a big city

First of all Young people flock to big cities with the desire to receive higher education. In large cities there is a huge selection of institutes, academies and universities, small, county towns cannot boast of the same. That is why people from all over the country flock to the big city to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, so that they can later “get hooked” in this metropolis or become a unique specialist at home.

Large cities are a source of money and fertile ground for business development. Opening your own business is much easier in a big city. A huge number of consumers and potential clients in the future, they will not miss the opportunity to use the services of a hairdresser or cafe located close to their home or work. The Internet industry is also in great demand; With minimal costs, you can launch an online store with home delivery of goods by courier service - another convenience of large cities.

After work, it is customary to relax; if previously you had to play bowling or visit the same club, then in larger cities there will be a variety of museums, theaters, conservatories, philharmonic societies, cinemas, circuses and zoos to choose from, not to mention the clubs and restaurants that meet literally at every turn.

Society in a big city is diverse. No matter how strange or unusual your hobbies are, you can always find someone who shares them. It happens that in a small town a teenager trying to find himself looks for a reflection of his soul in others and does not find it. Moving to a big city will solve this problem: groups, clubs, teams, universities and institutes will serve as an excellent help.

Big city, and therefore big stores. In hypermarkets and shopping centers you can often find so-called “yellow” price tags - residents of megacities love them very much, since you can buy one product for the price of two or save a lot on grocery purchases, which is almost impossible in small towns, because if all residents In cities, people mostly go shopping in two or three stores, so there is no point in lowering the price, they will buy the goods anyway. What can we say about sales seasons? Covering shopping centers megacities several times a year, when you can buy really high-quality, branded clothing at an often “ridiculous” price.

All this attracts people to large cities, and at the same time a visitor from small town Certain unpleasant surprises await.

Disadvantages of living in a big city

The first thing you need to get used to in a big city is... to a huge flow of people. Like a wide river, they splash out from metro stations and train stations, showering the visitor with new, but not always pleasant, sensations. Depending on the areas of the metropolis, the number of people may decrease; for example, in residential areas surrounded by greenery and picturesque ponds, you can find some similarities with your small homeland.

One of the main problems large city This pedestrian crossings. In big cities, drivers, like other residents, are in a hurry, so they save every second on the road and rarely comply with simple rules traffic, therefore, when crossing a zebra crossing, you should not be surprised that cars are passing in front and behind you and be extremely careful on the roads.

Since the number of people around you will increase significantly, the likelihood of crimes will also increase, some areas of large cities are considered more or less crime-prone, local media make it a rule to publish news with “Top 5 areas for crimes committed”

Returning home in a good mood, you can end up in a traffic jam and spend extra time on the bus or in the car. This is an important disadvantage of a big city, which often worries people unaccustomed to so many cars more than anything else. And this happens almost every day with the exception of weekends and holidays.

The ecology in such cities is in a very deplorable state. Availability large quantity factories greatly injure nature and human health. Rare park areas do not allow the situation to be corrected, and provide residents of the metropolis with only short-term rest.

However, despite whole line disadvantages: people are happy to come to live in big cities and feel quite comfortable there. Some are attracted by the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle, others are building successful business, and some just meet new friends. And yet, whether or not to move to a big city is a personal and conscious choice of each person.

When I studied at the university, there were several people from villages in my group. I always heard that they want to stay in the city, that there are no prospects in the village. I agree with them, I think, basically, all young people are trying to move to the city and take advantage of all the opportunities.

How is rural life different from urban life?

I only came to the village to visit my grandmother during the summer holidays. Of course, their life is completely different. I have lived in the city since birth, but so far the most that attracts me is the acquisition of a summer cottage. There is a river in our city, and to have small house being next to her is quite a good idea.

First of all, in a village or village, the absence of large industrial enterprises. Nowhere will you find a factory in the middle of the village. Sometimes such objects are built outside the city, but, all the same, settlements near them are considered at least an urban-type settlement. Of course, all villagers keep livestock. But one should not think that people in villages and villages still live without any amenities. It all depends on finances; in any village you can build comfortable house.

One of the biggest differences is the people. The rural population is much friendlier and more sociable. For example, I don’t even know all the neighbors in my building, but there people know each other personally.

Pros and cons of living in the city

Each person chooses a place to his liking. But, whatever one may say, living in the city has many advantages:

  • developed infrastructure;
  • convenient transport system;
  • more vacancies and higher wage;
  • a bunch of educational institutions;
  • developed medicine.

But not all city residents are satisfied with their lives, and many even seriously think about moving to some village. The reasons are as follows:

  • bad ecology;
  • high level crime;
  • heavy workload;
  • deterioration of physical and mental condition.

As a rule, the desire to lead a more relaxed lifestyle among city residents arises with age; I think this is due to fatigue from the too fast pace of life.

The positive aspects of city life include having a comfortable apartment. In this situation, there are no problems with heating, electricity, or garbage disposal. In addition, the apartment has a cold, hot water and other delights of housing and communal services. As a rule, when living within the city, there are no difficulties with getting to work. If work activity is carried out close to home, you can walk, but if it’s far away, you can get there by metro, taxi, personal car or public transport. Preschool and school institutions are usually located within walking distance from home. And retail outlets can be located directly on the ground floor of a residential building. The city has many entertainment venues.

In addition to the advantages, living in the city also has disadvantages. The apartment, although well-appointed, has limited space. This is especially felt when organizing a feast with a certain number of guests. The walls of the apartment have low sound insulation and do not allow loud music, singing, dancing, since all this disturbs the neighbors. IN multi-storey buildings there is a risk of being flooded by neighbors from above and a risk of flooding the residents from the lower floor themselves. The courtyards of houses are constantly filled with cars. There is practically no opportunity to breathe clean air in the city.

Advantages and disadvantages of living outside the city

There are many advantages of living outside the city. You can build yourself a house of any size. The main thing is not to limit financial possibilities. You can also arrange it according to at will. It becomes possible to organize parties with any number of guests. You can sing and dance until late - the neighbors will not make any complaints. In addition, guests can be accommodated overnight in guest rooms. It is very convenient that you don’t have to go far to pick up your car, since the garage is located next to the house. Outside the city, you can build your own bathhouse, gazebo, or lay out a lawn. There is an opportunity to start a household plot. An additional advantage is the presence of a river or forest in the nearby area. Away from the city, the air is clean and fresh.

Country life has its own difficulties. In most cases, you cannot do without a personal car. Since it is not possible to get to the desired place by public transport, there is a certain dependence on vehicle. Daily gas costs can be daunting. Living outside the city during the cold season can be dangerous. Roads covered with snow do not always allow you to leave even if urgently needed. In addition to all this, you need to solve the issue of work and education of children - go to the city every day or settle in your locality. There is practically no entertainment in such places, which can begin to burden a family leading a secular lifestyle.

Thus, it is much more practical to live in the city. It is convenient to have a country house instead of a dacha. In the summer you can go there to take a break from the hustle and bustle, barbecue, breathe clean air, and, having gained strength, return to your favorite city.

Sometimes city dwellers have thoughts - wouldn’t it be better to live in a village, where there is no fuss, where fresh air and silence? It is clear that in a large populated area there are a huge number of opportunities, you can study and work, there is a lot of entertainment. At the same time, living outside the city has its advantages. However, before moving, it is better to evaluate all the pros and cons of living in the village.

Positive aspects of living in rural areas

The main advantage of village life is Fresh air and environmental cleanliness. There is no smoky sky in the village, and the stars seem bigger and brighter at night. The water does not contain chlorine impurities, is clear and tasty. And this is the key to healthy sleep and excellent well-being.

It is much easier to find friends in the village; more open people live here.

Products from your garden

When considering the pros and cons of living in the village, one cannot fail to mention fresh food that you can grow on your own personal plot. It is in such cases that you can be completely sure that vegetables and fruits were not grown or stored using chemicals. And this is the key to happy longevity.


Unlike a city apartment, in a private house you can have as many animals as you can feed. Besides, we're talking about not only about a cat or a dog, you can even have a horse, goat or cow.

Real estate prices

When talking about the pros and cons of living in a village, we should not forget that the cost of real estate here is much lower than in a big city. Therefore, you can buy a house that has enough space for everyone, even if the family is very large.

Peace and quiet

If you want to forget about the bustle of the city, go live in the village, there are few cars here, no one knocks on the wall, no noise comes from the street. Here you won’t hear the rumble of tram wheels, but only the singing of birds and the sound of the wind.

Life in the village is very measured, sometimes it seems that time flows much slower here.

A few more advantages

The advantages of living in the village do not end there. Just like in the city, most villages have Internet and satellite TV. But there are no video cameras on every corner and huge traffic jams. Children grow up strong and healthy.

You can build a bathhouse or sauna on your property, you can go fishing and into the forest, and start a small but your own business.

Negative sides

Naturally, if everything was as rosy in the village as it seems at first glance, then the cities would no longer exist, everyone would move to live “closer to the land.”

The main disadvantage of living in a village for a city dweller is that it is quite difficult to get used to and settle down here. Not everyone knows how, and does not want, to milk a cow and plant potatoes. Despite their quiet lifestyle, residents do not have a free moment, because they constantly need to do something - water the garden, paint the fence, make preparations for the winter, etc. A city resident has much fewer routine worries than a rural resident.

In addition, you will have to do most of the things yourself, for example, fixing the roof or digging up the site.

In addition, not all villages have a central sewerage system, and for a city dweller this can be a huge problem: you will have to go outside to the toilet and bring water from a well, although even this problem can be solved in the village. The village also experiences frequent supply interruptions. electrical energy, and you need to be prepared for this.

Lack of opportunities

The pros and cons of living in the village and the city are very diverse, but the most important thing is that there are practically no opportunities for development in the village. To obtain quality education, even if it’s not a higher education, you’ll have to go to the city. You will have to do the same to get a high-paying job. In the village you will have to sell products from your plot, or go to a store or local cafe to work. You won't find a prestigious job here.

For big purchases you will have to go to the city

IN rural areas There are no equipment repair services or beauty salons. To purchase a serious product or receive a certain service, you will have to go to the city. Not held in villages interesting events, festivals and sporting events. Even if you want to go to the theater or cinema, you still have to go to the city.

More cons

Life in the village, the pros and cons, which we discuss, is not suitable for every city dweller. First of all, you need to assess whether you can take a low-paying job as a specialist in the city. It is unlikely that in the village there will be an opportunity to work as a rental manager or accountant. It’s easier if you have your own personal vehicle, and the village is not far from the city, then you can go to work, although this is an additional cost. In parallel, there may be new problem- bad roads, as a rule, they are such outside cities and highways.

When assessing the pros and cons of living in the village, do not forget about the children. Indeed, they will be healthier in rural areas, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to develop their abilities. There are no specialized, sports and music schools, development circles. Even if you have a car, then think about whether you can take your child to school and after-school activities every day.

Life and everyday life in the village is very different from urban conditions. You will have to fix your leaking roof yourself. a private house requires constant maintenance and minor repairs.

Don’t forget about your neighbors, they won’t knock on the walls, but you won’t be able to live in a village on your own. In villages, all residents know everything about each other, they live more openly and are very interested in the private lives of their neighbors.


Life in the city and the village are different things, therefore, if a city dweller ends up in a village, then he can be immediately identified, and vice versa. But it is impossible to answer the question of where is the best place to live; each person decides this question individually.

Hello, dear blog visitors. I decided to continue the series of articles from the “Rural View” section. And in this article I propose to speculate about the pros and cons of village life.

This topic is very close to me, since for more than five years I have exchanged the hectic pace of life in the city for rural harmony. And during this time, the criteria that distinguish between city and village clearly settled in my mind.

I should note that the rural population accounts for only 30% of the total population of the Russian Federation.

And once upon a time the share of rural residents in the country reached an impressive 75%. But then, industrialization and urbanization. It's no wonder that 23,000 villages have disappeared in the last 20 years.

Most city dwellers perceive life in the countryside as something wild, like the Stone Age. Let me make a reservation right away: in this text I will not talk about a remote village. I will rely on the average village, where there is television, shops, etc.

But I would like to start with city life, where life is vibrant. The city provides many opportunities, both career and cultural and entertainment.

I come from Veliky Novgorod, which is generally recognized as one of the centers of Russian statehood and one of the centers of culture.

But if everything is so wonderful in the city, what made me leave it?

Pros of village life

Disadvantages of village life

There is also an opinion about the lack of abundance on store shelves. It seems to me that all this is already in the past. Retail chains (Magnit, Pyaterochka, Dixie and many others) have long penetrated rural areas. settlements and successfully suck finances out of rural residents.

As for the assortment, maybe it’s for the best that the counterfeit products that are on every corner in city stores are not on the shelves of rural stores. From the garden, it tastes better and is healthier.

Many also claim that there is no crime in the village. This only brings an ironic smile to my face. We had one episode when an ATM was stolen from a store. This is the same as saying that there are only alcoholics in the village.

In general, some of these disadvantages can be easily eliminated with the help of finances. Buy yourself a satellite dish, internet... Arrange your home the way you want.

Rural life protects our nerves and protects us from everyday stress, unlike the city. And what could be better than living for your own pleasure?

If I missed something or am wrong about something, then leave your comments at the end of the article, let’s discuss the topic of the village.

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