Are there vampires. Vampires exist in real life

As children, we are afraid of vampires who wake up as soon as the sun goes down and bloodthirsty prey on defenseless victims like us. When we grow up, most of us cease to be afraid of fanged vampires who have emerged from the abyss of darkness, but other hunters for our lives appear on the horizon, their closest relatives are energy vampires. How to be and where is salvation - we will try to tell you everything in detail and conduct a short tour of real life.

Vampires are different...

First of all, it should be noted that absolutely everyone can become a vampire, regardless of gender, age, social status. And even you. The existence of vampires in real life is due to moments of low energy.

That is why we distinguish between permanent and temporary vampires.

Permanent vampires have a reduced energy potential at a stable level, so they constantly need to “recharge”, which is the energy of healthy people.

Temporary vampires are people who have the most different reasons energy has weakened, they also need recharge. This may be a period of sickness, as most sick people become vampires for a while. A sick person is a creature with reduced energy, weakened immunity. He demands special attention, attitudes, behaviors, than is able to bring you, healthy person to the hospital bed. Also in real life, pregnant women become energy vampires, most often for a while, but unpleasant metamorphoses with a permanent effect also happen.

Vampires can be passive or active. Passive vampires or sticky ones - they are looking for your pity, sympathy, they constantly talk about their helplessness, misfortune and grief, while real help they don't need.

Active vampires seek out and make scandals. They feed on aggression and stress. For some reason, it so happens that they always find themselves where there is turmoil, and for some reason, they come out of it with a contented, well-fed smile.

By the way, only 3% of energy vampires are aware of their "vampirism", and 97% act unconsciously.

Vampire Victim

The fact that vampires exist in real life has been experienced by everyone. The effect after communicating with such an “interlocutor” is headache, exhaustion, lack of desire to live, loss of strength, etc. There are two types of people that vampires might be interested in:

  • people who react violently to it;
  • people with an absent reaction, accustomed to suppressing their own.

In addition, a vampire can "overtake" you in a crowded place - the subway, concert, exhibition. He does not need words to draw energy from you, a special aura is created around him, which destroys all life. You will feel for yourself that you were “caught” - a minute ago everything was fine, but now, for no apparent reason, you don’t want anything else and don’t need anything, but there is a cold emptiness inside.

With prolonged, daily contact with vampires, you can really add health in earnest and become a vampire yourself. Everything is like in science fiction - you were bitten and now you are also one of them. But in life - they ate you and now, you also have low energy, which means you need to recharge.

How to be saved?

There are many ways to avoid and sneak out of the clutches of a vampire:

People with strong energy are not affected by vampires, because a sweet, sincere smile in the face of your enemy is the best weapon against his further attacks.

IN Lately a certain halo of romanticism has ripened around the images of vampires. And now more and more people are wondering how to become a vampire in real life, without even thinking about the consequences.
It is believed that vampires do not age, have superpowers, can read people's minds and are excellent hypnotists. However, all these qualities have a downside. If you want to become one of the members of the people of the night, of course we cannot forbid you to do this, but for that we will tell you how the vampires are really doing today.

There are 4 ways to become a vampire.
Born with a predisposition to vampirism
Transformation with Vampire Magic
Being bitten by a vampire
Seem like a vampire

But first, let's tell you about how vampires actually live in Russia and most countries, what you will most likely have to face if you can become a real vampire.

How to find a vampire in Russia and how they live

Most often, vampires are loners.

It is worth saying that Russia is not the most favorable country for vampires. Large concentration of law enforcement and a large number of personal documentation that you need to have to an individual(passport, snils, inn) make the life of an immortal being who is afraid of daylight very uncomfortable. Most often, vampires choose third world countries such as African countries, the slums of Brazil or India for their life. Places where the police often do not even undertake to investigate murders.
It is believed that most vampires live in India. This country is home to almost a billion people, which means there is no shortage of food, a loyal attitude towards death and full of slums. By the way, the cult of the goddess Kali-Ma was very widespread in India, and there were many vampires among the followers of this cult.
But Russia also had its own vampire order and it was called the “Nine Invisibles”. Whether it has survived to this day or not is unknown.

How modern vampires live

There were many vampires among the Thug cult that existed in 19th century Bengal.

Now we will have to dispel the romanticism of those who believe that the vampire life is beautiful pictures from the movie "Twilight" or novels about "Count Dracula".
The life of a vampire is agony. Eternal struggle for existence and excruciating hunger.
Vampires don't live in packs. They are all hermits and loners. Most often, vampires have to live among the gypsies or the homeless. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary to erase the history of your personality and be the one who will not arouse suspicion among neighbors and others.
Vampires are usually divided into two categories. These are shepherd vampires and nomad vampires.

Vampires often have to live the lifestyle of people invisible to society. homeless or gypsies.

Shepherd vampires

Vampire shepherds lead a sedentary lifestyle. They may live in ditch, sewers, abandoned garages, or abandoned buildings. In appearance, these are ordinary homeless people, only they do not appear on the street in daylight. Shepherds are sedentary. They can change their haven, but only after they realize that there is nothing more to take in the area. Shepherd vampires most often settle in unfavorable areas and villages, where it is easier to hide the consequences of their hunting.

Vampire nomads

These vampires are constantly on the move. They can sleep peacefully in the woods under open sky and their victims most often are people they meet along the way. Mostly they are drunkards, homeless people or just naive travelers.

Shepherd vampires and nomad vampires do not like each other. Shepherds dislike nomads most often because they sometimes wander into their territory and hunt there. And nomads do not like shepherds, considering them to be something like housewives.

Ways to become a vampire in real life

Born with a predisposition

Some people are born with a predisposition to vampirism. Usually these people gravitate towards everything dark, prefer to watch violent films and experience an incomprehensible inner trembling when they see shelter. Such people rarely experience emotions, both joyful and sad.
But even if there is an innate predisposition to vampirism, it is not yet a fact that this person will become a vampire. For a complete transformation, he needs some techniques. It can be tantric techniques or black magic exercises.
A person with an innate predisposition to vampirism may meet a vampire in his life who will tell him in which direction to move in order to make a transformation. However, a long friendship will not work, since vampires are always loners and, having completed the transformation, the mentor will leave the student.

vampire magic

An ordinary person can become a vampire through vampire magic. But only special vampire sorcerers know her.
In order for a vampire sorcerer to decide to initiate you into the children of the night, he himself must be interested in this. However, the difficulty here is that vampire sorcerers, in principle, only need one thing from people, and this human body. Vampire sorcerers are very cruel and even ordinary vampires try to bypass them. Vampire sorcerers need more than just blood from a person. Usually, having quenched his thirst, the vampire sorcerer uses the human body for his rituals, which are shocking in their cruelty. The ancient treatise “Hammer of the Witches” says that people who became casual witnesses of the rituals of vampire sorcerers went crazy after what they saw.

vampire bite

The most famous method and extremely popular in cinema and literature. The bite of a vampire can indeed turn a person into a vampire. However, this method is not 100% effective. A person can either transform or die. In addition, the person who gets bitten will experience 2 waves of agony. The whole body will burn, you will be very thirsty, but the water will not quench your thirst, the brain will seem to flow out of the ears, and the back will be tied into a knot.
For this method, you will also need to find a vampire ready to bite you, not to drink your blood to the drop, but to make you one of your fellow tribesmen.

Seem like a vampire

The ancient treatises of the inquisition and witchcraft do not bring any good things about being a vampire. Maybe you just want to feel the romance of the vampire life. Live in the image that is shown in the movies and join the vampire subculture. Then, for this you just need:
a) purchase false fangs or sharpen your teeth into the shape of fangs.
b) buy themed clothes. Vampire clothing can be classic or more modern.
Classic vampires dress like 18th and 19th century lords and duchesses. Modern vampires can wear revealing outfits, with big amount cutouts. Mostly black or red colors are used.
c) pale skin color. With the help of ordinary powder, you will need to make a pale skin color.
d) now your favorite drink will be red wine or juices of red shades. From non-alcoholic, it is worth giving preference to tomato juice.
e) you will need to find friends with similar interests. Much more interesting to communicate with people with similar hobbies in life.
f) Theaters des Vampires, Lacuna Coil and Lacrimosa are some of the bands you should pay attention to. You will find the rest according to your taste.

And that, your familiarization with the vampire subculture is over. You are one of them.

Ritual to become a vampire

In the end, we left the description of the ritual to become a vampire. The ritual is called “Five Roses” and is distributed on foreign Internet forums. There is no exact evidence that the ritual is indeed an ancient rite of initiation of a vampire, but there is no evidence against it.
The rite should be done on the full moon after 12 o'clock at night. It is necessary that you stay in a dark room where there is no one and no extraneous sounds won't disturb you.
You will need 5 roses, wine and a candle.
Spread 5 roses evenly in a circle, place a glass of wine in the center, light a candle and hold it against your chest. You need to be completely naked, even taking off your underwear. Moonlight should fall on your circle of roses and a glass of wine.
Stand next to the altar facing the moon and say "Ego sum homo velle fieri frater noctis". You need to say this phrase 5 times looking at the wine.
Next, you need to go around the altar 13 times saying “Me in nocte fieri a parte me, ut fame et maledictionem”.
Next, stop at the place where you started, put out the candle and take the wine, say “Servus tuus esurit” 1 time. Servus tuus mortem. Servus tuus hic et nunc.” and drink some wine.

To be honest, I am skeptical about such rituals, there are a lot of them on the Internet and it is unlikely that any of them are part of vampire magic. But who knows, the Five Roses ritual is one of the oldest rituals on the Internet and maybe you will succeed.

Whether you choose the path of the children of the night or the vampire subculture, try to do everything deliberately. And if you understand that this is yours, then act.

Good time of the day! With you Alex! And today I have prepared a very interesting article for you. I think you are also interested in the question - do vampires exist in our time? Just like or . Let's figure it out together.

From the history of vampires

How many films about vampires have been made in our time, how bloodsuckers hunt people, catch them and drink blood. Where do they come from? From many films, they appear due to the reading of a mysterious spell or in other ways. Yes, vampires have become so popular that legends are written about them, they compose and sing songs. Also, we all know a society of people - Goths, who dress and behave like vampires. But as they say in every legend there is some truth.

So is there evidence for the existence of vampires? Here is the question we have to answer.

The history of vampirism began in Poland. Legends and myths tell us that it was in Poland that the bulk of the bloodsuckers were located, who hunted people, attacked and drank their blood. Even in those distant times, they tried to convey information that vampires exist.

Vampirism also manifested itself in Eastern Europe, where supposedly a person who committed suicide became a vampire. Bloodsuckers dismembered their victims and drank their blood. People who renounced God and went against the ministers of the church also became vampires.

The deceased could also become a vampire if a black cat jumped over his coffin. The deceased was also considered a vampire, during the burial of which, creaks and voices were heard from his coffin, or he opened his eyes while lying in the coffin. As a rule, hawthorn branches were placed at the feet of such dead people, and garlic was placed at the head.

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In Portugal, they still believe in the existence of a woman who turns into a bird at night and opens the hunt for babies, killing and sucking out all the blood. Such a woman is called Brooks and outwardly she is indistinguishable from an ordinary girl.

Do vampires exist in our time - proof to scientists

In 1972, the famous distinguished world scientist Stefan Kaplan opened a special center in New York for the study of vampirism and evidence that vampires are among us. And as it turned out, all his efforts were not in vain. He managed to find several dozen vampires. Outwardly, they were no different from ordinary people. From his research, he drew certain conclusions:

  • Vampires actually exist in real life
  • Vampires can't stand the sun, so they wear sunglasses and sunscreen.
  • Ordinary nails and fangs
  • Don't turn into anyone else
  • They drink human blood to quench their thirst, three shots a week
  • Not violent, but rather calm. Very good parents and devoted friends
  • If they can't find human blood, they drink animal blood.

Many people claim that human vampires are just mentally ill, but scientist Stefan Kaplan assures otherwise, since the need to consume blood is a physical need, not a psychological one. Also, the secret of the youth of bloodsuckers is precisely in the fact that they drink human blood.

In 1971, a man named Peter Blagojevich visited his son and neighbors several times after his death, who were later found dead. All facts were recorded in the documents.

In Serbia, a man named Arnold Paole was attacked by a vampire while he was making hay. The bloodsucker bit Arnold, after the bite he himself became a vampire and killed a number of people in the village. The Serbian authorities then seriously took up this matter, interrogating the witnesses of these events, they opened the graves of victims of the vampire.

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At the end of the 20th century, an American from the Brown family - Mercy. According to one of the family members, after her death she came to him and thus infected him with tuberculosis. Then after that, her grave was opened, the body was taken out and the heart was pulled out of the chest and burned at the stake.

What do they look like

Vampires are thin with dry and pale skin, with long and sharp fangs and claws. As I wrote above, they are afraid sunlight, therefore, in their houses the windows are always closed with curtains. Vampires are blood hunters and therefore they are easy to figure out, if suddenly someone sheds blood, then the bloodsuckers, seeing it, begin to carry themselves inappropriately, trying not to give themselves away in the crowd of people, they hide. They attack only when there is only one victim.

Where live

Vampires live in different countries ah world. Have different names and look different. Below I will give a list of the country of residence of the vampire and his description.

American vampires (Tlahuelpuchi) are ordinary people who feed on human blood. At night they turn into bats looking for another victim.

Australian vampires (Yora-mo-yaha-hu) are creatures of small size, but have a very Long hands and legs, suction cups are located on the limbs, with the help of them they suck the blood of the victim. The bite turns into a vampire. These bloodsuckers are very afraid of salt.

Romanian vampires (Varcolak) are ordinary people with a pale skin tone during the day, at night they turn into vicious dogs and hunt people in search of human blood.

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Chinese vampires (Werewolf - fox) - vampire girls who suffered from violent death. Easily changes its appearance, defends itself with a special figurine depicting a fox. Hunts in the homes of its victims. It feeds on human blood.

Japanese vampires (Kappa) - drowned children, live in water bodies, prey on bathing people, grab their victims by the legs and drag them to the bottom, then bite through the veins and suck out the blood.

Germanic vampires (Wiedergengers) are night hunters, kill their victims in the cemetery, completely dismember the body and suck out the blood.

Greek vampires (Empuses) - creatures with donkey legs, suck blood from a dead person.

Italian vampires (Strix) - dead witches and sorcerers, hunt children at night, take the form of an owl and fly in flocks. You can't kill this kind. Protection from them by special rituals.

Indian vampires (Rakshasas) - the spirits of the dead, very evil, turn into anything, have immortality, the more I drink blood, the stronger and more powerful they become.

Philippine vampires (Aswangi) - deceased girls who suffered from violent death. They feed exclusively on male blood.

This list once again proves the existence of vampires in our time.

How to protect yourself from vampires

Our distant ancestors used garlic as protection against bloodsuckers. Garlic contains sulfonic acid, which destroys hemoglobin. There is such a disease as Porphyria, we will talk about it later. So these patients can not stand the spirit of garlic.

They also defended themselves from vampires with the help of wild rose and hawthorn stalks. Church inventory was also used as protection. And in South America residents hang on front door aloe leaves. In the east, amulets in the form of a seal were used, which were invented by priests and gave the name Shinto.

In the Middle Ages, people defended themselves from bloodsuckers using aspen stakes. They drove an aspen stake into the heart of a vampire, then cut off the head, and the body was burned at the stake. If people assumed that the deceased could become a bloodsucker, then he was placed face down in the coffin. There were moments when the tendons in the knee area were cut to the deceased.

The inhabitants of the country of China, the dead, left small bags of rice near their graves, so that the vampire counted the number of rice grains in the bag at night. As in the description above, the deceased in the coffin was turned face down, but in addition they also put a stone in their mouth.

Who are energy vampires

In fact, such people - vampires exist. This is a certain category of people that absorbs energy, sucking it out of others. Thus, the energy vampire charges himself with positive and spoils the mood of his victim. They achieve scandal and quarrel and thus energize themselves. As a result, the energy vampire is doing well, he is full of energy and strength, and the victim remains in a bad mood, his appetite disappears and.

Let's move on to diseases associated with vampirism

Disease - Porphyria

At the end of the 20th century, scientists identified such a disease as Porphyria. This is very rare hereditary disease. Out of hundreds of thousands of people, only one could get sick. A patient with such a diagnosis does not release red blood cells, as a result of which there is a very large deficiency of oxygen and iron.

A sick person with porphyria cannot be in sunlight, as hemoglobin breaks down. Also, they do not eat garlic, as it only exacerbates the disease.

The appearance of the patient is similar to that of a vampire. Due to exposure to sunlight, the patient's skin is thin and has a brown tint. The body dries, as a result of which fangs are visible. Such changes put a lot of pressure on the human psyche.

Probably, each of us, after watching numerous feature films, wondered: do vampires really exist or not? And, as a rule, we reassured ourselves with the answer that all these are inventions of the authors of fantastic works, and in real life vampires do not exist.

However, we are all deeply mistaken.

In real life, vampires exist, however, they do not wear black cloaks, like Count Dracula, and in every possible way try to remain silent about their existence. It is not surprising - who wants to be in the center of attention of modern society as an object of persecution or as a guinea pig.

Real vampires feed not only on blood, but also on the energy of living beings (usually human). They believe that it is simply vital for them. And often, volunteer donors go out of their way to supply blood if the vampires need it. Such a shocking diet, according to many, allows vampires to recuperate and improve declining health. Real vampires don't really need to be interested in the legends of their ancient kin or vampirism in modern culture in order to somehow identify themselves. They are afraid of public opinion and do not want to be classified as stereotypical images of vampires with subsequent condemnation and "witch hunt".

Real vampires can confess different religions, belong to different races or ethnic groups, have different gender or sexual orientations, professions and ages.

Why real vampires hide from people

Real vampires are also afraid of being classified by doctors as people with obvious mental disorders followed by compulsory treatment. Modern society simply will not accept vampirism as something normal and will accuse the representatives of this social unit as vicious and incapable of educating or fulfilling other social roles in society. Moreover, people can accuse vampires of any crimes that the latter did not commit, which will attract the wrath of society and excessive attention from law enforcement officers and psychiatrists.

Many scientists today are calling on doctors, including psychiatrists, to treat real vampires the same way they treat other people who represent alternative identities. After all, most vampires are not able to make a choice regarding their alternative status, because, in their own opinion, they are born with this and try to integrate into society as comfortably as possible without harming others.

Evidence that vampires exist

Incredible popularity of vampires in last years(although books have been written about them and films made before) pushes scientists and doctors to study this phenomenon more carefully. Vampirism takes its origins in Eastern Europe, by and large in Poland, where reports of people drinking human blood appeared very often. But to distinguish truth from fiction, modern man need evidence, facts.

The search for evidence of whether vampires exist in real life was taken up by the world-famous scientist Stefan Kaplan back in 1972, when he organized a center for the study of vampires and the search for evidence of their existence in New York. And Kaplan very quickly found real vampires, who turned out to be ordinary-looking people, but with some peculiarities in behavior and nutrition. Here are the conclusions he came to:

vampires really do not like sunlight, so they use sunglasses and special sun creams;

in real vampires, the nails do not turn into claws, but fangs of the most ordinary sizes;

vampires are not able to turn into other people or animals;

real vampires actually drink blood, but one shot of 50 mg three times a week is enough to quench their thirst;

real vampires do not show aggression, being, as a rule, good parents and friends;

in the absence of human blood (which donors share with them voluntarily), vampires drink animal blood, although palatability such blood is significantly inferior to human blood (this is said by all vampires who have undergone research by scientists).

Vampires exist or not in real life - now you can answer this question yourself. Yes, they exist, but appearance and behavior differ significantly from those known in modern society stereotypes. Real vampires are people with an unusual physiological (and not mental, as many believe) need for the use of human blood. Scientists have proven the existence of vampires in real life, but dispelled many myths that have haunted people who drink human blood for centuries. What do you think of vampires?

Red, bloodshot eyes, long claws on the hands and, of course, fangs. Vampires. Everyone has heard of them, but no one knows from whom and how they originated. There are many legends and myths about them, which are similar to each other, but at the same time very different. IN modern world, where people seem to be freed from terrible superstitions, there are many people who truly believe in their existence and want to. We will talk about how true (or vice versa?) Their belief in terrible monsters is a little later: first you need to at least try to understand where they came from.

Some legends say that Cain became the progenitor of all vampires. After all, it was he who became the first killer, for which he was cursed by the Lord and turned into a vampire. Over time, suffering from loneliness, he began to convert other people. So the first clan of vampires appeared. Insatiable monsters scattered around the world, along the way replenishing their ranks. To date, there are a huge number of real names and types of vampires. All names are written and pronounced only in Latin name, in order to avoid errors in their translation. Here are just a few of them: Zmeu, Algul, Bhuta, Danag, Upyr. All of them come from different countries and can differ significantly from each other in appearance, habits and methods of obtaining food. Some are ghosts, others rise from their graves, while others look like ordinary people whose fangs grow only at midnight. It is believed that vampires can fly, turning into that they do not like garlic and hate the cross; unbearable for them Sun rays and mistletoe bushes and, and they can only be killed by stabbing an aspen stake into the heart or separating the head from the body. In general, there are many ways.

Another type of vampire that was discovered not so long ago is considered Chupacabra feeding on the blood of livestock. In television projects about inexplicable facts and events, one could often see a story about a farmer who tracked down and killed this strange animal with long fangs.

TO special type vampirism include energy vampires. And their existence is by no means fiction. Energy vampires they feed not on the blood of people, but on their vitality, energy. Moreover, the person himself may not even guess that he is a vampire. It is impossible to recognize it at first sight. The fact that you were “fed” can be recognized by suddenly, out of nowhere, drowsiness, apathy and fatigue. A person who unconsciously takes energy from people nearby is not as dangerous as those who do it consciously. The first type can be compared with kleptomaniacs who steal unconsciously and cannot help but do it. The "isolation" of their energy field simply forces them to feed on other people's life forces. possible with certain techniques. For example, in no case, do not let them "inflate" the scandal and regale on other people's emotions.

The second type is very dangerous. Such people deliberately inflate scandals from scratch, they try to piss you off in order to "drink" the energy of the victim's emotions.

The most famous of the kind of vampires, who, by the way, were real people, became Count Dracula and. Vlad Tepes (Dracula), a ruler distinguished by particular cruelty, was ranked among the vampires for his irrepressible thirst for blood and thousands of ruined souls. The second - for the love of baths from human blood, which helped (according to Elizabeth herself) to preserve and increase her beauty. The bloodlust for both ended in failure - Tepes was beheaded, and Bathory was immured in the castle wall. And yet, despite the cruelty of these two bloodsuckers, they still cannot be considered real vampires.

Do vampires exist today?

And yet, are there real vampires in our time who feed on human blood? Yes, they exist. And there is scientific evidence for that. Stefan Kaplan, a scientist from New York in 1972, formed a research center for the study of vampirism, which still exists today. His research became proof of the existence of real vampires among people. However, Kaplan's search, which was successful, dispelled all myths about vampires. They look completely ordinary people, they do not grow any fangs and claws, and do not turn into bats. The vampire does not show any aggressiveness, he simply does not know how to do it. Moreover, they are very balanced and are the best parents in the world. They really do not like the direct rays of the sun and go to sunglasses. Their skin is pale. They "borrow" blood from their close friends who are aware of the vampire's needs. Usually, one glass is enough for them about two to three times a week - this is enough to satisfy their hunger. In case they cannot take human blood, they drink the blood of animals. However, this happens extremely rarely.

Do you think these are people with mental disabilities? Some psychologists also think so and even gave the name to this type of disorder - hematomania. However, the professor himself, who has studied vampires thoroughly, believes that this is a deviation of the physiological order. They just have a need to drink fresh human blood from time to time. And here's what's interesting, vampires really look younger, slimmer and more beautiful than ordinary people.

In a word, real vampires do exist these days and are virtually indistinguishable from us. Is that only the fact that they relax not with a glass of beer, but with a glass of warm blood. But after all, "when appetites argue, tastes do not argue"!