Wall design for a small bedroom. Small bedroom design - (100 photos)

The bedroom is an intimate, personal place, and it doesn't have to be big. But what is the most practical way to use all the available space? You will learn about this in today's article.

What colors to choose for a small bedroom?

Light shades are best for a small bedroom. Neutral colors such as white, light blue, beige, and cream make the room seem larger and create a feeling of calm. A similar color scheme will also give the room any mood - from restraint modern style to the romance of French.

Red wall as a bright accent

However, bright colors are not prohibited at all! There are many shades of pastel colors that will perfectly highlight the interior of a small bedroom: for example, various options purple, pink or blue. Coral, salmon, light green colors, as well as a combination of white and yellow, look especially good.

How to choose furniture for a small bedroom?

With limited space, every square centimeter must be used wisely. When choosing furniture, you need to limit yourself to the essentials and look for the most functional models. Avoid rounded furniture, it shortens usable area rooms. But furniture with straight lines allows you to use space much more efficiently.

Functional furniture for a small bedroom

Canopy beds or lush baroque style furniture are not suitable for a small bedroom. Choose furniture exactly the size you need. Are there two people sharing the room? Opt for a queen-size bed instead of a double. This wise decision will allow you to allocate additional space, for example, for storing things. By the way, beds can be bought at low prices directly from the factory, saving not only space, but also money.

A single bed will allow you to allocate space for other needs

In a very small room, you can place the bed along the wall. Perhaps this way you will lose one bedside table, but you will be able to install a larger wardrobe.

By placing the bed along the wall, you can free up additional space

Think about how you can make the best use of your headboard. Is it possible to place a mezzanine above the bed? Another a good option- a shelf above the head of the bed, where you can not only store various small items, but also install decorative elements that will decorate the entire interior. Like the tree in the photo below.

A shelf at the head of the bed creates additional opportunities for both storage and decoration.

Mezzanines above the bed allow you to use the vertical space of a small bedroom

Use the space in height: narrow but tall chests of drawers, wardrobes, hanging shelves, beds with drawers. Without taking up the area of ​​the room, you thus increase the storage space.

Bed with drawers in the attic room

There are also quite non-trivial ones, but that makes them even more interesting options. The bed can be installed on a podium, which can accommodate no less things than a large closet. And if the height of the ceilings allows (or if you are not embarrassed by the ceiling hanging directly above you), your choice may be a “two-story” room layout. will make it possible to place a wardrobe, desk, sofa or just a TV under it.

Bunk bed - an interesting solution for a small bedroom

Bed on the podium

Of course, you can abandon the bed altogether, opting for a folding sofa. In the afternoon it will be cozy place for reading, watching TV, communicating with guests, with one movement of the hand it turns into a comfortable bed. Many sofa beds have storage box bed linen, which eliminates the problem of additional placement of blankets and pillows.

A chest can replace a closet and become a room decoration

The remaining space in the bedroom belongs to the closet. Mirrored doors visually increase the area of ​​the room, although not everyone likes this option. In any case, it would be wise to opt for a closet that spans the entire height of the room, as this will give you a quarter or even a third more storage space. On the top shelves you can store things that you don’t access very often: extra sets of bedding, winter clothes in summer period, new Year decoration and so on.

Mirrored closet doors optically increase the space of a small bedroom

Hinged closet doors will “steal” the usable space of a small bedroom. Therefore, the most preferable option is a wardrobe.

Sliding closet doors free up space in the room

Small bedroom decor

A small bedroom should not be “overloaded” with decorative elements, otherwise it will seem even smaller. However, individual details of the same color scheme will enliven the room. A bedspread, pillows, sconces, plants and sculptures of rhyming colors will create a holistic and harmonious interior.

Bright rhyming elements in the interior of a small bedroom

Avoid dark thick curtains, opt for light transparent curtains. For greater comfort, you can lay a small rug in front of the bed.

Sheer curtains and carpet create a cozy atmosphere in the bedroom

Lighting in a small bedroom

Consider additional lighting options besides a chandelier. You should place sconces or floor lamps at the head of the bed, which will provide an opportunity to read before bed. In addition, it makes sense to plan options diffuse lighting, which will create additional soft light accents and make the whole room more comfortable.

Diffused lighting allows you to adjust the light from dim to bright

We hope that our advice has brought you closer to your perfect design small bedroom. Finally, a few more photos from beautiful interiors small bedrooms.

In some cases, decorating the interior of a small room is quite difficult, since it is necessary not only to take into account all the necessary functional details, but also to preserve as much free space as possible. Thinking through the design of a small bedroom is even more difficult, because small room many issues have to be resolved - for example, regarding sleeping places and storage of things. It is worth understanding how to most successfully think through the interior details, while leaving the room as spacious as possible.



The bedroom should be multifunctional, so it is impossible to place only one bed in the room, content with only a sleeping place. It is best for the room to have a number of functional features.

Thanks to this, it will become as comfortable as possible for living:

  • Such a room is intended for sleep and relaxation, but it is very good if it is sufficiently light and fresh. When arranging furniture, you should not clutter the window spaces and place bulky items next to them that interfere with the penetration of natural light into the room.
  • Considering the space of a small room, choosing bulky, large-sized furniture is not recommended. It will visually “eat up” all the free space, and the bedroom will lose its atmosphere of comfort.
  • If a controversial issue arises regarding the purchase of more massive cabinets and saving on a sleeping space, the purchase of a folding sofa - or the choice of a full bed and small storage systems, you should not skimp on the quality of sleep. Pay attention to the quality bed with orthopedic mattress.

  • For a small bedroom, a very smart solution would be to purchase a bed with lifting mechanism. The lower part of such a piece of furniture is a spacious drawer, which will serve as an additional (and quite spacious) place for storing things.
  • A small bedroom will always need visual correction of the space. Mirror surfaces will help you best in this matter. This could be, for example, decorative wall panels, glossy cabinet doors and shelf surfaces, a suspended or suspended ceiling with a glossy effect.

  • The peculiarity of a small bedroom is that you can fill the interior with unusual products. Great solution There will be a loft bed with a workplace, a hidden bed, which when folded turns into the surface of a modular closet, as well as a model with built-in drawers.
  • A small bedroom will look much cozier if you complement it with various stylish accessories. Pillows with knitted pillowcases and matching blankets, light curtains with not very pretentious night curtains and small vases with dried Provencal herbs are excellent decor for such a room.

Taking into account the shape of the room

Of course, when planning the design of a small bedroom, you must take into account the shape of the room. Sometimes it depends on it how functional the room will be, how harmonious the placement of furniture will be, how cozy the atmosphere will reign in the interior.

A rectangular room may not always be functional, since its small size reduces the possibility of placing a high-quality double bed and ample storage space in it.

Let's take a closer look at the options for planning a small rectangular room:

  • A good option would be to place a modular set of furniture in the room with a built-in hidden bed, which unfolds when its frame is raised and lowered. The bed is equipped with a regular orthopedic mattress, so sleeping on it will be quite comfortable. The advantage of such a kit is that it takes up very little space, while being very functional.
  • For a small rectangular room, a bed with built-in drawers is suitable. This product solves some issues related to storing things, so the room can only accommodate a small cabinet and a neat coffee table.

  • The loft bed, located on the side near the window, will ideal option sleeping place in a room like this. If there is no need for availability working area, then in the lower part of such furniture it will be possible to place a small chair and a low bookshelf. Such cozy corner will be an excellent option for evening leisure, and its location near the window gives the advantage of watching the lights of the evening city.

Square room has its own characteristics, so the process of arranging it will be easier, and in some cases even more enjoyable.

Let's take a closer look at some design options and furniture placement in a small square bedroom:

  • A square bedroom has the advantage that the bed in such a room can be placed near the window by placing the headboard against the wall where the window is located. Small but tall cabinets will look good on the sides of the bed. Typically, such models are spacious, so the issue of storing various things will be resolved. You can place a small dressing table or a small cozy chair against the wall opposite the bed.

  • If there is a need to place the bed against a wall, you should use one of the side walls for this. So the bed will be turned sideways towards the window, but sunlight will still hit it at certain hours - depending on the time of day.
  • If you need to change the bed for a sofa, if the room should be not only a bedroom, but also a room for personal home leisure. In this case, you should not choose a product model that is too bulky, as it will only spoil the interior. It is better to pay attention to small sofas, which are perfectly located opposite the closet, desk, and TV.

Popular styles

Of course, a lot depends on the style in which the room is decorated. Sometimes some features of a particular style are quite strongly reflected in the visual perception of the room and radically change it.


Let's look at the most popular styles and their main features:

High tech

This style is characterized by the predominance of a large amount of free space, but not everyone knows how this can be organized in a very small bedroom. The task seems insurmountable, but it is not, since bringing the idea to life is quite simple.

The main tool for visual adjustment of space in this case will be playing on contrasts, as well as selecting suitable lighting. This style is characterized by the use of predominantly light shades in the design, which are only slightly diluted with dark details. All these tricks will help make the room more spacious.


Arrange a bedroom in oriental style V small room will be very difficult, since its concept involves the use of, albeit “airy”, but at the same time quite massive decorative elements. They will not decorate the room, but will only “eat up” the free space, making it uncomfortable.

You can get out of the situation quite easily using only a small part of the decorative elements. Wallpaper with oriental-style ornaments can be placed on one of the walls, forming them into a unique decorative panel. Textile details such as blankets and pillows, as well as corresponding lamp decorations, are also suitable.


This style is something special, unusual - and at the same time cozy. Among characteristic features One of the most striking features of this style is that classic wallpaper is very rarely used for wall decoration; usually the surface is covered with thin wood or decorated with small wooden parts.

As for furniture, country furniture accepts the most comfortable models. Sleeping products made from solid wood, as well as various decorative wicker elements, will ideally fit into the interior.


An Arabian-style bedroom (even the smallest one) can become a real fabulous place for royalty to relax. Even when using inexpensive materials(in minimal quantities) the room still looks mesmerizingly luxurious.

If you decide to decorate a small bedroom in this style, you should follow some recommendations. If possible, it is worth using arched elements, Persian floor carpets, elegant canopies, decorative pillows V large quantities, and various elements decor - stained glass, geometric and floral prints.

Color solutions

Important role The color scheme also plays a role in the design of a small bedroom.

It's no secret that a room seems more spacious if it was decorated using mainly light shades. However, not everyone will be happy with this decision.

Let's take a closer look at how to choose the right color combinations so that the design does not affect internal space harmful, and also get acquainted with the most popular design ideas bedroom decoration.


It's amazing how quickly they change fashion trends. Just recently, dark tones didn’t seem so attractive, but this season, bedroom decor in shades of gray is at the peak of popularity. The design in the “gradient” style looks especially elegant and sophisticated, in which the walls are decorated in the form of a smooth transition from light to darker shades.

Dark blue bedroom will not look very attractive, since the abundance of this color in the interior can cause discomfort. Designers advise combining it with lighter, warmer shades: white, light yellow, soft lilac, pale blue.

Plain turquoise bedroom Rarely does anyone like it. This shade can visually make a room even smaller, so interior design experts advise diluting it with white or light blue.

Room decoration in white, of course, will have a beneficial effect on the space, but it can get boring. If the walls and ceiling of your bedroom are decorated in white, it is worth choosing furniture and flooring in darker shades that match each other.

Black and white bedroom will look very good - especially if the predominant shade is white. Black color is ideal for highlighting details and emphasizing the advantages of a room.

Small bedrooms also look beautiful, the interior of which uses green, red, lilac, beige and purple shades. However, you should be careful not to overdo it with bright colors. It is recommended to combine them with paler tones to create a harmonious picture.

Interior design and decor

Decorating the interior yourself is sometimes quite difficult, since in the process many nuances and questions arise that only specialists can solve. To make it easier for you to independently decide on the design of a small bedroom, it is worth studying the list of the most popular finishing materials used to create a stylish interior.


Classic wall decoration with wallpaper can become somewhat boring, but it is not always easy to find a replacement that is equally attractive in price, but much more impressive and unusual. This problem can be solved faster than it seems by choosing photo wallpaper or textured canvases for painting. This way you can give the walls the desired shade and apply any print.

In some cases, ceiling molding is perfect for bedroom wall design. A round-shaped decor with a recess will help visually smooth out sharp corners premises and make it more spacious. In addition, this decor on the walls looks very unusual and stylish.

Eco-style wall decoration has become an incredibly popular new trend. It is noteworthy that for the design of such a bedroom, cork panels are used, which not only look beautiful, but are also very functional, protecting the surface of the walls from high humidity and mechanical damage.

A very unusual design solution is to decorate the bedroom using ordinary newspapers. Since they are very thin and become translucent when wet, you should first paint the wall white, and after gluing the newspapers, you need to cover the surface with several layers of protective varnish.

Very often, wooden panels are used for wall decoration, the surface of which is an imitation of timber. This decor looks very interesting, it is ideal for decorating a bedroom in rustic and country styles.

In some interiors, walls are decorated with large and small stones. This design solution It looks incredibly stylish, but it will not be appropriate in every room. Finishing with stones is not suitable for a small bedroom, since the space is somewhat “eaten up”.

To visually enlarge the space, mirror and glass elements are used to decorate the walls. Walls and various interior elements are reflected in the glossy surface, creating the impression of a much more space than it actually is.

Plasterboard structures, various volumetric panels and numerous frames for paintings and photos can be called very beautiful and interesting. However, be careful, since the abundance of such voluminous decor can negatively affect the space of an already small bedroom.

Floor and ceiling

Of course, wall decor in a bedroom interior is important, but it is nothing without the appropriate finishing of the floor and ceiling. Let's look at the most popular, profitable and practical options finishing of ceilings and floors, as well as the most interesting design solutions.

There are many materials available for finishing the ceiling surface., each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Dropped ceilings They look quite impressive, but have a negative impact on the space of a small room, but a small ceiling niche made of plasterboard will be just right.

Stretch glossy fabrics would be an excellent option, but their features should be taken into account. One of these features is that a dark-colored glossy ceiling has an excessively strong glossy effect, so it will reflect the surrounding environment especially well.

It is better to opt for products white– quite restrained and sophisticated.

Ceilings are often painted, whitewashed, and many people use them for decoration. finishing plaster. Since these materials may not be durable enough, you should adhere to certain rules during work, using special solutions, primers, tools and following a certain sequence of actions.

Floor finishing should be given special attention, since it is not only a decorative component of the entire interior, but also the part of the room that is most subject to stress. It is on the floor that people move every day. All pieces of furniture are also placed on it, although they are not the lightest.

Strong and reliable flooring You can safely call a parquet board that fits perfectly into any design. Parquet is natural material, hypoallergenic and completely safe for health. Varnished surface parquet board will last for many years.

Coatings such as linoleum and laminate have many advantages. Among the advantages are the favorable cost and ease of installation, but a rather serious disadvantage can be that these coatings are not so durable, since marks often appear from heavy furniture.

In addition, it is quite advisable to use for the bedroom ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware. The advantage of the material is that it is incredibly strong, wear-resistant and durable. The disadvantages include that the surface is cold and does not heat up well from warm room air, therefore it may be necessary to lay heating mats under the coating itself.


Bedroom lighting is very important detail, since it should not only be as functional as possible, but also well thought out - from the point of view visual expansion space. Let's take a closer look at how best to place light sources in a small bedroom.


It is best for a small bedroom to be equipped with several light sources, each of which performs a specific function. One ceiling lighting not enough even for the smallest room, as it may cause some inconvenience.

For example, if there are two people in the bedroom, one of whom wants to sleep and the other wants to read, using ceiling lighting may not be possible. In this case, bedside lamps, which can be placed on both sides of the wall or on two bedside tables, will help solve the problem.

Bedside lamps should be small. The light is not too bright, but it should be enough to illuminate some space near the head of the bed, and also to ensure that the pages of the book are well illuminated - in the case of reading before bed.

Bedside lamps will be very convenient if the ceiling fixture switch is located near the door. To turn off the light, you don’t have to get out of your warm bed - you just need to press the button on the lamp.

This point may be insignificant if the ceiling lamp is equipped with a control panel. In this case, it will be very easy to turn it on and off if necessary, while remaining in its place.

To make the room seem more spacious, you should not use a central point for ceiling lighting, since in this case some corners may not be covered and will remain dark. It's better to place Spotlights along the perimeter of the entire ceiling. The light will diffuse, illuminating both the corners and the central part of the room.

How to arrange furniture?

To create a complete picture of the interior, it is not enough to simply decorate the walls, floor and ceiling. It is also necessary to select suitable furniture and arrange it correctly. This is especially difficult to do in a small room, since there is a rather serious risk of cluttering it.

For example, for a small bedroom it would be inappropriate to purchase a wardrobe that is too large, since the space of the room does not allow this. A small compact rectangular model or a larger product with a corner placement, which is the most practical, will do.

Modular furniture will look very harmonious, including a bed, candle cabinets located on the sides or bedside tables. This option is the most suitable because it allows you to place all the necessary items, but the space is not cluttered.

A podium bed located on a certain elevation looks very stylish and modern. But such a solution for a sleeping place in a small room will not be very practical, unless the podium is a functional part and is not equipped with built-in drawers. In this case, the podium bed also becomes an additional storage space.

Bedside tables in the bedroom do not necessarily have to be located near the bed; this is customary only in the classic version of the interior. If there is a chair in the room, the bedside table can be quite successfully placed next to it.

If space allows, you can place it near the window in the bedroom computer desk. However, it is not recommended to leave it unseparated; it is better to divide the room into zones using small shelving. This way the sleeping area will be separated from the work area.


Of course, no interior will look cozy without adding appropriate accessories. It is small details that add the final decorative touches to the decor, helping the design of the room look more holistic and complete.

Let's take a closer look at which accessories will be most relevant for a small bedroom, and which ones should be abandoned.


The most obvious and common decor for any room (not just the bedroom) are curtains, but not every variety is suitable for a small room. Designers advise against overly heavy night curtains made from expensive fabrics. Classic sets made of light tulle and dense products are suitable, dimming the street light, but not overloading the interior.

Window accessories also include an element such as a lambrequin, which is often part of a curtain set. Often this element is part classic interior, but due to massive folds and flounces it can quite overload a small bedroom.

A fireplace can be a very interesting decorative element for a bedroom. It should immediately be noted that the classical model with brickwork will not be very appropriate, since it takes up a lot of space and is not suitable for an apartment. However, it is quite possible to choose a decorative electric mini-fireplace.

The functional component of the room can also serve as decor - for example, lamps, chandeliers. Decorative lighting points selected in the same style will not only attract attention, but will also help to enliven even the most boring interior.

It’s worth experimenting, “playing” with mixing details and different styles.

None of us should underestimate the interior around us. And even more so when we're talking about about the bedrooms. As a result of psychological tests, it has been proven that the emotional influence environment influences us greatly. Accordingly, the surrounding interior plays a huge role in the life of each of us. And even if your bedroom is very small in size, it must be cozy and comfortable for spending time in it. We suggest you understand the ways of decorating bedrooms in small rooms, as well as look at the options proposed in the photos of small bedroom design. In addition to the basic rules for interior design, we will tell you how to choose the right furniture with wallpaper, as well as how to expand the space of a room.

Advantages and disadvantages of small bedrooms

Usually, regular options apartments are not at all pleasing to their inhabitants, including the owners. Low ceilings, narrow windows, and the overall area of ​​the room basically always wants only the best. And often such “negative” moments characterize Khrushchev’s buildings directly. At the same time, such disadvantages can simply be turned into great advantages.

If the room is small, it is very easy to create cozy nests in it, where everyone will want to constantly strive after a hard working day for a quick rest in the company of a loved one.

Among other things, decorating your bedroom is a great opportunity to show others how great your taste is in this matter. The fact is that tasks are solved here that do not need to be solved in large rooms, for example, visual enlargement of the room, choice of color and its harmonious combination with the entire interior, as well as selection of furniture. Doing something like this will bring a lot of pleasure and pleasure!

What color is best for the bedroom?

The main purpose of the room is relaxation. Accordingly, the color scheme here should be calm, not burdensome, peaceful, and even relaxing to some extent.

It is generally accepted that light shades are ideal for tired looks. In addition, they also visually increase the space, which is very important for the interior of small bedrooms. In addition, we are not just talking about white or beige; any options are appropriate here. Whatever you like, as long as they are light! Thanks to them, the room will be bright and creative. To get inspired, look at the photo options of small bedrooms presented in our catalog.

You must understand that each color can have both warm and cool undertones. The former are used in bedrooms facing north, but cold shades are used in rooms facing south. At the same time, the interior will not look very boring if it is diversified with color accents that contrast with the overall color mood. For example, you can accent the wall at the head of the bed by painting it with a bright color, use rich photo wallpaper, put a carpet on the wall, or buy a dark-colored bedspread that will stand out among the pastel-colored walls and furniture.

Furniture for a small bedroom

Since there is not much free space in the bedroom, you need to use a minimum amount of furniture here. Of course, there must be a bed. But in order to create the impression that the space is not too cluttered, choose models that do not have legs. Such options will look smaller than usual, and the ceilings will visually appear higher. For example, if the bedroom is small and it is intended for children, it is worth purchasing a bed with two tiers. But modern designers offer a variety of options for multifunctional furniture:

  • Options for bedside tables combined with shelving. They store things on them - these are a closed option. For books or decorative elements/objects, open shelves are best.
  • Built-in wardrobe model, which has mirror door, will accommodate any things you need. They help to visually expand the room, as well as replace the mirror near the night table model. Of course, if you don’t have too many things, you can choose a chest of drawers. You can also use drawers under the bed as a storage system.

Small bedroom decor

To begin with, it is important to understand what kind of center you will have for your compositions. Naturally, in the bedroom it represents a bed. Of course, a specific place may already have been selected for it, in which case it will not be a problem to arrange other furniture. It is worth leaving in the central part of the room free space so that the room is not overloaded. It is best when the furniture is installed right around the entire perimeter of the bedroom. If you decide to install bedside tables, choose options whose height will not exceed the height of the bed.

When decorating a modern small bedroom, you should not choose bright and contrasting colors in which your walls and furniture will be painted. It is very important to choose colors so that they combine harmoniously with each other. Choose a light color, but not white. But if you choose options for light, squat furniture, then your ceiling height will seem higher. Decorative elements use the minimum amount. There should be no details that will clutter up the space. Let there be only one accent in the room that attracts attention, but it should not be in the central part of the room. Place it in one of the far corners to add visual perspective.

If the chosen accent is elongated and vertical, the height of the ceilings in the bedroom will appear higher.

Also take into account the fact that the upholstery on the furniture, as well as any textiles with a large pattern on it, will look completely ridiculous and inappropriate in a small bedroom. It is best if you choose the option of low-contrast or small ornaments.

What are the ways to visually increase space?

If your bedroom is not too large, don't worry too much about it. To make the room seem larger or, conversely, smaller, you can use some techniques that we will introduce you to.

Using mirrors and glass elements in a small bedroom style

In this matter, the mirror is assigned the main role. It can be the only one hanging on the wall, or on the door of the closet. This method will perfectly add volume, but if there are several small mirrors on the wall, then they can break up the space, while its edges will be hidden. To make the room look as bright and large as possible, it is best to hang mirrors opposite the windows. It may also happen when the room uses a design that simply does not fit the use of wall mirrors. In this case, you can use various options for mirror surfaces, for example, tiles, panels, stained glass.

“A material like glass is quite transparent and light, so the space will not be cluttered. You can make some glass elements in furniture, for example, the same shelves, door panels, coffee table.

Gloss ceiling and walls

If we take into account exactly modern designs, then they often use glossy paint, because when it is applied to the walls, it can perfectly visually increase the space of the room. But don't go too overboard when choosing the color of the material. For example, if you choose some of the bright and aggressive options, you will probably feel tired and restless. The main task is to choose a pastel shade so that it is not too oppressive. But, in this case, it is important that there is an ideal, even surface. The mirror type of gloss is capable of perfectly refracting light rays, making visible any irregularities and flaws, which will make it seem as if the painting was done completely untidy.

Also, options for glossy stretch ceilings will help increase the space. Combined with well-chosen lighting options, it creates the impression that the space is endless. But if it is done mirror ceiling with an imitation of a starry sky, on which lights will flicker chaotically, it will create the impression that the room is “a piece of space from outer space.”

Special wallpaper for a small bedroom

By using photo wallpaper, the way we perceive the surrounding space can be deceived. Today, fortunately, a huge and varied selection of such materials is offered, and even those in which the perspective is expressed in a fairly vivid way. Very often you can see options depicting landscapes/cities. But, this type of material should be glued to one - accent wall, it is with the help of it that the space of the room will be increased. If you prefer a perspective version of the drawing, then definitely, it should not be applied to one of the narrow walls in a rectangular room. Thus, you will only contribute to the fact that the room will take on even more elongated shapes, and you will have the impression that you are in a tunnel.

If the space is quite disproportionate, the proportions of the walls can be visually changed if the selected wallpaper has stripes. For example, horizontal ones contribute to expansion if they are on the wall that is narrower. If you prefer vertical ones, then the ceilings will visually appear higher.

Also, wallpaper options with a pompous/very large size design are not suitable. Large details make the room seem much smaller. But if the wallpaper is too shiny and ornate, the atmosphere as a whole will be disrupted. After all, everything in the room will just look terribly piled up. It is very important that there is harmony in small bedrooms, otherwise it will not be cozy.

Lighting in a small bedroom design idea

The question regarding lighting is very important in any room, and even more so if we are talking about a room with small dimensions. It is not at all necessary that it be a classic with the only option for central lighting. In this case, the room will not become more comfortable. It is best to have zonal lighting that will illuminate each corner of the room.

If the lamps are placed on the walls along the entire perimeter, then visually the ceilings will appear much higher. By the way, a very good result will come from the option with multi-level lighting.

Balcony combined with bedroom

If you have this particular layout option, you are very lucky. Due to it, the space of the room will not only visually seem larger, it will actually be so! If it is included in the main design of the bedroom, then it will continue it. Moreover, this great option for placing furniture. Here you can sit very comfortably and comfortably and read a book, magazine, or just think about good things... By the way, if you have some kind of hobby, then this is a very good option for this kind of activity. There will be many times more daylight lighting here.

Interesting design options for small bedrooms

If you are still looking for options for decorating your own bedroom, choosing the most suitable option, you should watch the proposed video options, as well as photos of small bedroom design. After all, it is here that you can find exactly what you have long dreamed of and it will turn out to be the most the best solution for you. Surely, having been inspired by fresh ideas, you will be able not only to choose a wardrobe for a small bedroom that you will like, but will also meet all your needs and preferences. And if you approach the issue with complete seriousness and responsibility, the design of your bedroom will be the envy of many inhabitants of huge bedrooms, which are very cold and impersonal. After all, happiness is all about not “chasing” for square meters, but creating comfort in your own home.

95 photos of small bedroom design

Many people sooner or later begin to wonder about how to furnish a bedroom so that it looks beautiful and modern. As you know, not all people can afford to seek help from professional designers, since the cost of their services is far from small. However, do not be upset, since the bedroom can be furnished independently, and the result may not be worse than if the furnishings were done by professional designers. Before furnishing the bedroom yourself, remember and take into account all your desires; you can freely bring them to life. And you can do this with high quality with your own hands, if you use your imagination.

Figure 1. It is better to choose the color of the bedroom walls in neutral tones that have a calming effect.

Bedroom tone

When decorating a bedroom, it is very important to take into account its tone. There are no clear rules here, but psychologists and designers recommend sticking to neutral tones, as they have a calming effect on the body. That is, it is recommended to choose brown, yellow, pastel and beige tones (Fig. 1). For those who like something brighter, you can opt for rich, muted tones like burgundy, navy and purple. Many people believe that using red in a bedroom is inappropriate, however, if you want to create a feeling of passion in such a room (which is especially important for young families), then red can be completely used.

Selection of textiles and furniture

It is very important to pay attention to the fabric design of the bedroom, since it is one of the integral parts of comfort.

For this you can use a large number of pillows, blankets and so on. But you should not use synthetics to decorate your bedroom, as this will have a very negative impact on your health.

To properly equip your bedroom, it is very important to choose the right furniture. In this case, you need to act based not only on your taste preferences, but also on the size of this room. If the room is not large, then it is most advisable to use corner wardrobes, which are very compact and do not take up much space. If you furnish your bedroom with such furniture, it will look stylish and visually larger. And such cabinets also have a large capacity, which is very important for every housewife.

Figure 2. A spacious bedroom can accommodate an armchair and a desk.

You should not place bulky wardrobes in the bedroom, which tend to “eat up” space. In a large bedroom you can install high-quality bedroom sets, which consist of a double bed, a pair of bedside tables, dressing table and a wardrobe. This type of set is good because it is made in a single color scheme which looks very attractive.

As for the bed, it is the central item in the room, so its choice must be approached with special care. Experts recommend placing the bed with the head of the bed against the wall, which is more comfortable.

As for the shape of the bed, a lot depends on the size of the room. So, round bed more suitable for large rooms, and for small room A rectangular one would be more suitable. Various additional elements(racks, shelves, lamps) greatly increase the functionality of the bed.

Figure 3. Curtains in the bedroom should be made of soft and light material.

Women will need a place where they can perform beauty treatments. In this case, it is recommended to purchase models that match your individual style. Installation of a large mirror is required.

If the size of the room allows, then you can put a chaise longue, a small chair, or a chest of drawers there (Fig. 2).

Bedroom decor rules

If the question arises of how to furnish a bedroom yourself, you need to adhere to some rules that were developed by specialists.

Quantity household appliances in the bedroom it should be kept to the bare minimum.

  1. The room should not be filled with unnecessary things, since the sleeping room should be cozy and conducive to relaxation. In addition, do not forget that a large number of unnecessary things contributes to the visual reduction of the room. And it is also important to remember that dust tends to accumulate on things, which has a negative impact on health. In this regard, it is not recommended to decorate the bedroom with numerous soft toys and artificial flowerpots.
  2. To visually enlarge the windows, you can hang beautiful curtains around the edges. When choosing curtains, you need to choose those that match the colors of the walls. If you use this simple rule, the room will look visually larger and become stylish.
  3. When asked how to equip a bedroom, you can do it in a single style. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to purchase ready-made kits, since it is quite possible to create them yourself, which allows you to save a lot of money.
  4. The number of household appliances in such a room should be minimal. If you want to watch TV before going to bed, it is better to buy a plasma, which takes up little space.
  5. When choosing a color, you need to take into account the configuration of the room and the orientation to the cardinal points. If the bedroom is oriented to the south, southeast, then it is best to stick to cool colors. And if the room is oriented to the northwest and northeast, then it is preferable to use warm colors. When choosing a color, remember that bright hues are able to visually make the room larger, while rich tones make it somewhat smaller.
  6. If curtains are used in a room setting, they should be soft and made of well-draped fabrics. You can use this technique when curtains and bedspreads are made in the same style. (Fig. 3).
  7. If the bedroom is small, then curtains with large contrasting patterns are not suitable, as the room becomes visually smaller. In this case, you should curtain the entire window wall.

Thus, furnishing a bedroom yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists, is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance - you just need to take our advice into account.

Bedroom decoration always requires a serious approach, since this is precisely what indoors a person should rest, relax, gain strength. It is especially difficult to plan everything if you have small area. Requires careful planning of placement furniture, functional use every centimeter of area, therefore small bedroom design take a lot of time.

According to psychological tests what we see and feel before sleep greatly influences its quality.

Often owners standard apartments remain dissatisfied with the layout and area. Small-sized bedrooms often have narrow windows, low ceilings , inconveniently located entrance. But don’t be upset: the designers claim that in small bedroom it is much easier to design a comfortable and cozy bedroom

The main thing is to think carefully about the layout, lighting, and design features.

At the same time, many specialists like to develop precisely small bedroom design , so this process is always interesting, requiring the development of new ideas and creativity. Even in the most small room you can easily place a bedroom set, highlight place for storing things, and sometimes it is still possible to organize a compact work place.

To visually enlarge the space, there is a whole set of methods that will be discussed in detail below.

Means of visually increasing space

There are several most effective ways allowing visually increase the area small bedroom.

Reflective surfaces

A mirror is considered an assistant in solving this problem. Large mirror, posted on wall or built into the front of a cabinet door will create volume. In this case, it is better to place reflective surfaces opposite window so that they reflect natural light. If for some reason the mirrors use does not work, then they can be replaced with other reflective coatings: glossy furniture, stained glass, panels.

Glass will never overload the space and will make the room brighter and larger.

Not only can light be reflected furniture or decor, but also finishing coatings. Started to apply it quite often glossy paint. When applied to walls it reflects light rays, but is not recommended use too bright and saturated colors : they cause fatigue and do not allow the brain to relax. The condition for applying such a coating is perfectly smooth walls . All irregularities and pits will stand out even more under the gloss.

Glossy materials can also visually enlarge the space. stretch ceiling. Especially if the lighting is chosen correctly.


Wallpaper with a clear perspective will be able to become an assistant in visual enhancement space . Manufacturers provide a huge selection of similar wallpapers of different style , at different prices. Such coverings have images of landscapes, buildings, and city panoramas. It is immediately worth noting that such Wallpaper can be used just for one walls, otherwise bedroom will be overloaded with bright flowers . Moreover, it should not be the narrowest wall.

With this design, the bedroom will look even narrower and longer.

Not only with the use of photo wallpaper it is possible visually expand the space. Wallpaper will do striped. Horizontal ornament will increase room in width, and vertical - in height. But you should avoid overly large and bright designs.

Correct lighting

Lighting plays one of the main roles in small bedroom design . Not always a classic option in the form of a bright central chandelier - correct solution. With such a choice it will be difficult make a room functional and cozy.

Combination with a balcony

The layout is considered successful if there is access to the balcony. It can be use to increase space . It will also be possible to install items on the balcony furniture . In addition, there will be much more daylight.

In a small room it is much easier to create a cozy nest that everyone will rush to to relax after have a hard day in the company of a loved one.

Choice of colors

Bedroom designed for relaxation. Hence, color the decision must be calm. Usually, light tones contribute visual increase in space . Optimal choice will be shades of white and beige.

But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just these colors.

Any colour , as is known, has warm and cool shades. Designers recommend use warm shades, If room windows facing north and cold if facing south.

But if you use exclusively light shades in the design of a small bedroom, then the interior will be boring. Therefore, you should definitely add bright accents to your decor.Examples can be seen below photo.

The wall at the head of the bed, the carpet or the bedspread can be highlighted.

Practical combinations

Many people don't want use light colors in design , because they think it’s not practical. Nobody wants to spend a lot of time cleaning bedrooms . Therefore, you can use other techniques for visual enlargement. space . Some examples are presented at photo.

Due to the small space of a small bedroom, the amount of furniture for it must be minimized.

Don't be afraid of red colors in the interior of a small bedroom . Scarlet shades can dilute design , add uniqueness interior , and when correct location accents color will not irritate the eye.

Looks good saturated color Marsala. It is suitable for curtains, bedspreads, soft floor coverings.

On the picture examples of organic combinations are given light pastel shades and rich bright colors.

Warm shades are best used in a bedroom with windows facing north; cold shades will slightly cool down a room facing south.

Defining style

When designing a small bedroom, the choice of style plays a special role. which can say a lot about the owner premises . Therefore, before starting work on design and choose furniture should decide on style.

The style of a room can tell a lot about its owner.

Style Description
Minimalism One of the most common styles in bedroom design. From furniture just install bed, nightstands, chest of drawers. Style characterized by clear, regular lines, minimum set or no decor at all. Colors calm ones are chosen, even the accent should not be bright colors.
Classic Classic style furniture characterized by elegant, laconic forms. In this case, the material furniture and textiles should be natural. It is better to choose silk fabrics. Sculptures, mirrors in original frames, paintings or panels can be chosen as an accent.
Japanese Style close to some extent to minimalism with notes of Japanese culture. IN interior can be used various screens, partitions and other objects in Japanese style.

Furniture selection

The next stage in interior design of a small bedroom – selection of items furniture. Often small the area confuses owners and seems an insurmountable obstacle to choosing a quality and beautiful furniture . I advise designers to pay attention first of all to furniture without legs.

Such items can visually increase the area and make the ceilings higher.

It is better to place accents in close proximity beds . An excellent solution would be a designer backrest beds . Also when designing interior design of small rooms There are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Combine bedside tables with racks;
  • Shelving can be either open or closed;
  • The facades of the wardrobe can have mirror inserts or be made entirely of mirror coating;
  • In bed can be embedded drawers for storing things.

When arranging furniture First, determine the compositional center. In the case of the bedroom will be the bed.

It is imperative to leave some free space in the middle to relieve the overall atmosphere.

If you decide to install bedside tables, they should not be high.

Be careful when choosing contrasting colors colors for walls and furniture . Shades should be harmonious. Not recommended use in design colorful textiles, he makes the room look awkward.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of functional compact furniture of different styles and sizes. You can also make furniture to order according to your parameters. An excellent choice for small bedroom interior will become modular furniture . Items can be easily moved among themselves if necessary.

If bedside tables are needed, they should not be much higher than the bed itself.

Creating a work area

In small apartments, sometimes you have to room combine several functional areas. Job creation is considered especially in demand. As a rule, a table, a chair and the necessary equipment for work are enough to organize it.

In a small room, harmony is very important, otherwise there will be no comfort.

The table can be completely replaced by the increased surface of the window sill. Also next to window you can install a folding tabletop. This solution will allow you to save a lot of money already small space.

You definitely need to think about it lighting for this area.

It is desirable that it extends specifically to the workplace and does not disturb, for example, someone who is already sleeping on the bed.

Design of a room without windows

There are times when bedroom - is part of something else rooms . In such situations, it is the sleep zone that is without windows and, of course, without natural lighting. Design such a small bedroom sometimes it's not easy. But designers have in their arsenal several ways to make even such a corner make it bright and cozy.

There are several ways to forget that there is no natural light in the bedroom.

  1. Dead window - an original and very effective method to solve this problem. On wall decor is attached that resembles window frame, and inside it there may be photo wallpaper , mirrors, family photo . Lighting is started around the perimeter of the frame, you can use LED strip or built-in spotlights.
  2. Glass separator will help maintain integrity interior . And it’s not necessary use namely translucent material. It can be matte material or glass with an ornament, as shown in photo . Natural light will pass through it, and the bedroom will remain bright.
  3. Sliding doors – excellent functional solution for small apartments. Moreover, they can also be made of glass. Similar design room decoration will allow, if necessary, to separate the sleeping area space from the common space . And in the daytime everything will look uniform. For example, like a large living room.

It should be remembered that when designing a room without windows, lighting should take center stage.

Lighting must be located at several levels. You should also be careful when choosing the light bulbs themselves. It is better to choose those that provide warm light, it will allow make the room more comfortable.

In any case, it is better to make the ceiling in such rooms solid.

Children's room

Experts offer a lot small bedroom design ideas for children. The main difficulties are here. As a rule, they arise when everything the child needs is located furniture . This should be a sleeping area too place , and a closet, and a desk, and a play area.

You should choose the most reliable and functional furniture.

Modern manufacturers offer a large selection of multi-level furniture. On the picture Several examples are shown. In the upper part there can be a sleeping area place , and at the bottom is the desktop. The steps may well turn out to be retractable structures for storing things. If there are two kids, then you can choose a functional, two-tiered one with a large number of cabinets and drawers. bed.

For children's rooms Not recommended use folding tables, as in adults. It's not always safe for little ones kids. But for teenagers this method is quite suitable.

In children's rooms, the walls can be divided into two parts by color: below is a more saturated tone, and above is light and delicate.

This approach will allow you to save longer room in its original form

Many people think it's not worth it special attention devote bedroom design . After all, a person only sleeps there and that’s all. This opinion is more than wrong. After all, this is what place , where a person should rest and relax.

This is where every new day will begin.

Their mood largely depends on the environment in which people wake up. Even the space is small , should not be treated interior conniving. Even on several square meters you can create a functional and modern room , which will delight its owners.

After all, happiness is not in square meters, but in the aura that hovers there.