Design of a hallway in a small apartment. Interior design of a small hallway in photo

In city apartments it is rare to find a spacious hallway, and moreover, a correct and convenient shape. As a rule, this is a small hallway or a long narrow corridor, which can accommodate no more than three people. In addition, the room should also be functional, since this is where we store shoes and clothes for each season. Design small hallway 75 photos of interior design in our article.

Ways to visually expand the corridor

But no matter how small the corridor is, it can be made not only beautiful, but also functional, thanks to some design techniques, with the help of which you can bring absolutely any fantasy to life, turning the disadvantages of the room into advantages.

How can you visually enlarge a room?

When decorating the hallway, we use an exclusively light color palette.

Small hallways in modern style It will visually look more spacious if you use pastel colors in its decoration. If you want to decorate the walls with wallpaper with an ornament, then keep in mind that a vertical ornament will make the room visually taller, and a horizontal one will make it wider.

A narrow corridor can be visually expanded by decorating the side walls in dark color, and the end ones, on the contrary, are in a light color.

When renovating a small hallway, we use glossy finishing materials and mirrors. The reflective effect allows you to expand the room.

Built-in wardrobes with sliding doors do not take up much space. In addition, it will fit a lot of clothes and shoes. In small rooms, minimalism style should be present throughout.

Therefore, it is highly undesirable to load an already cramped room with additional furniture and interior elements. As for furniture, it is better to make a small-sized modular hallway to order, taking into account all the existing shortcomings and features of the room. Small hallway photo examples:

Design of a small hallway - lighting is considered a key element in visually enlarging the corridor. It is advisable to install lamps along the walls. Mirror lighting wouldn't hurt either.

When renovating a small hallway, note that if the flow of light is directed upward, it will visually make the corridor taller. And by directing streams of light onto the walls in a narrow corridor, you will visually enlarge it.

Types of hallways:

  • hallway square shape;
  • corner;
  • coupe;
  • hallway with several branches.

A square-shaped hallway is small room, as a rule, where one wall is solid, and on the remaining walls there are doors to the rooms and bathroom.

The arrangement of furniture here is carried out only along a solid wall, selecting small-sized hallways with a wardrobe. To decorate such rooms, it is recommended to use light shades. And instead of doors to rooms, you can install arched openings.

The hallway-corridor is, as a rule, narrow room. It is more rational to install furniture here only along one wall. It is recommended to divide premises of this type into zones using color range or arches.

The floor near the entrance can be tiled, and to finish the rest of the area you can use linoleum or laminate, laying it in the transverse direction. To decorate longitudinal walls, it is recommended to use light shades, and end walls decorate in a darker color. And the most important thing is the mirrors. And it’s best to hang them on long walls.

The hallway-compartment can have several options:

  • The room is square in shape with a corridor extending from it.
  • Winding corridor.

The design of the hallway in a small apartment will be different, and it is very difficult to place furniture in such a hallway. Yes and pick it up suitable option also not an easy task.

Therefore here great solution will be the production of custom-made furniture. And besides, such a hallway is best divided into zones.

Corner room. You can zone it using light and various finishing materials. Hallways to the corridor small photos ideas for your apartment:

A hallway with branches is a square-shaped room with branches extending from it. different sides corridors. The main furniture in such rooms is installed next to the entrance.

Decoration of small hallways

Wall decoration

When choosing wallpaper for the hallway, you should give preference to washable or moisture-resistant options. In addition, wallpaper can be combined with wooden panels, decorative finishing stone or any other finishing materials.

Hallways for small apartments selected individually - when decorating a room with high ceilings, the wall can be visually divided into two parts, finishing the lower part of the wall with panels and the upper part with wallpaper.

Types of finishing materials

Flooring: what to choose

Closer to the door it is better to place a place for changing shoes, a shoe dryer and a hanger for clothes. outerwear. A little further you can put a wardrobe.

Idea No. 2: install a narrow wardrobe

You can buy a multifunctional modular wardrobe that combines space for clothes, a cabinet for shoes, a chest of drawers with drawers and even a seat to put on your shoes.

Idea #3: Secure Wall Hangers

You can completely abandon the closet and choose wall hangers. Designer options look no worse, and clothes dry faster on them after rain. And in general we offer.

Idea #4: Decorate the ceiling with lamps

The design of the hallway should be minimalistic so that it does not seem cramped and cluttered. But you shouldn’t give up decor completely. The more lamps, sconces and small lanterns, the better. After all, it always seems more comfortable and spacious!

Idea #5: Install a mirror

You can't do without a mirror in the hallway. You can choose one large one or several small ones. In addition to direct functionality, everything mirror surfaces have another superpower - to increase space. There are several rules

Idea No. 6: hang light wallpaper

Designers - white, beige, light gray, pastel green. They visually make the room more spacious. Dark shades add crampedness and gloominess to the hallway, which most often is already devoid of windows.

It is important to choose materials that are easy to clean. For example, or stick on washable wallpaper. Another modern material, ideal for the hallway - Wall panels. They are very durable and easy to clean with household cleaners.

Idea #7: Buy striped finishing materials

If the corridor is long and narrow, we choose finishing materials and interior elements with transverse stripes. Checked: ! At the same time, vertical stripes visually add height to low ceilings.

Idea No. 8: Lay a light-colored floor covering

According to the designers, it is ideal for the corridor floor tiles- it's beautiful and practical. Released today different types tiles - from ceramics, marble and other natural and artificial materials. Budget options- linoleum and laminate. They clean well from dirt.

Idea #9: Don't forget the carpet

You can’t do without a doormat in the hallway. Tiny will further emphasize the cramped space. A heated floor will help to add coziness and comfort to the hallway - this way you can save space for drying shoes.

It’s rare to see a large, regular-shaped hallway in a city apartment. Most often this is a small room or long corridor, where no more than two people can fit. But the hallway is the first thing people see when entering the house. In addition, it should also be functional, since outerwear and shoes for all seasons are stored here.

When starting a hallway renovation, it is worth remembering that there are few rooms in the apartment with the same aggressive environment. It is the hallway that takes on all possible hardships associated with the constant dirt that is brought in from the street.

Design secrets for visual expansion

But even the smallest room can be made stylish and comfortable with the help of some design solutions. They will help to realize almost any fantasy, turning the disadvantages of the room into advantages. Let's look at a few secrets for visually enlarging a room:

Advice ! If you direct the light to the ceiling, this will give the effect of height, directing the light onto narrow walls will expand the room.

Types of hallways

  • Square.
  • Corridor.
  • Coupe.
  • Corner.
  • With branches.

Hallway square It is a small room, most often with one solid wall, while the rest have doors to other rooms and a bathroom. In such a room there are no other options for arranging furniture, only along a solid wall. Light colors, playing with light and installing doors and arches will help to expand such a hallway. For example, the doors to the bathroom should not be highlighted; let them be the same color as the walls. You can install doors with colored stained glass, mirrors, or even transparent doors in the rooms. Arched openings can be made into rooms such as a kitchen or living room.

Hallway-corridor usually very narrow. Furniture can only be installed along one wall. It is advisable to always divide a narrow and usually long hallway into certain zones, using arches or color palette. Separately allocate space for hangers for outerwear, separate the front door, and organize an area for mirrors. Thanks to such techniques, you can optimize the hallway space. Near front door ideal option there will be a tiled floor, and then you can cover it with another material, for example, linoleum or laminate, laying it across the room. Longitudinal walls are worth making light colors, and the end ones are darker. And most importantly, mirrors; they will help expand a narrow room if hung on long walls.

Hallway-compartment, this is either square room with a corridor extending from it, either in the form of a winding corridor, or several square corridors diverging into different rooms. In such a room it is not easy to place the necessary furniture; it is worth dividing the hallway into zones.

Corner hallway consists mainly of one corner and goes straight into another room. It can be separated by zoning the floor and ceiling or light. You can also install a partition, preferably from light translucent materials.

Hallway with branches, usually a square room with several corridors extending from it in different directions or a branching corridor. The main furniture is installed near the front door, decorating the branches to your taste.

Advice ! A floor covering, the same as, for example, in the kitchen with a separated arch, will help to visually enlarge the hallway.

Decorating a small hallway

It’s not difficult to design a small hallway with your own hands. The main thing is that you initially need to decide how much the repair will cost. But you shouldn’t save much if you want an original room that reveals the character of the owner. Taking into account the design secrets to visually enlarge the hallway, you can start choosing finishing materials for the room.

Wall decoration

When choosing a finishing material for the walls in the hallway, you need to take into account that this is not only the dirtiest room in the house, but also a place where bulky items are sometimes stored. For example, a stroller or a bicycle. When getting ready in the morning, household members often bump into each other and wipe down the walls. This makes the hallway the most frequently cleaned room.

Wallpaper for the hallway should be washable or moisture resistant. In the presence of large selection on the market, it won't big problem. When choosing wallpaper, you should think about their colors. For small rooms, choose light shades with a small pattern. It must be remembered that a vertical pattern will make the room taller, and a horizontal pattern will expand it. Wallpaper can be combined with other materials such as wooden panels or . If the ceilings are high, you can separate the trim, mount panels from below, and paste wallpaper on top. The right inserts of stone or mirrors will help not only decorate the hallway, but also visually expand it.

Plastic panels are very easy to clean, they are not afraid of moisture and tolerate temperature changes well. The choice of texture and color is very large and can be chosen to suit every taste. But accidentally hitting them with a sharp heel or corner can damage them.

Wood panels are more durable and considering modern technologies, there will be no problems with their choice. The main thing is to purchase ones that are resistant to moisture, otherwise you will need to spend money on special impregnation or varnish to process them.

Tiles of large and small sizes will look cold in the hallway, but it is worth diluting it with other finishing materials and it will help to visually expand the room. If this mirror tiles, then it will be on topic wide walls, making the room much larger.

Stone, both natural and decorative, should not completely cover the walls. It could be original finish doorways or corners, with high ceilings you can line the lower half of the walls with stone.

Plastering or painting the walls in the hallway is the most cheap way finishing. A variety of plaster and paint, them, will help you create your own unique design.

Choosing flooring

The floor in the hallway should also be treated more carefully, due to constant dirt and lovers of stiletto heels.

Advice ! Floor coverings in the hallway can be combined. It looks very impressive and stylish, and will also visually expand the room.

Tiles or porcelain tiles are considered the most durable flooring. They are easy to wash and can withstand heavy loads. It is better to choose tiles with roughness to prevent slipping.

Linoleum has a wide choice of colors, is easy to care for, and is not afraid of moisture. When choosing linoleum, you need to make sure that it is for high-traffic areas.

Wooden flooring is rare for a hallway because it quickly absorbs moisture and is easy to scratch. If desired, you can further process it, but it will take more time.

Laminate is a good substitute for wood, it is moisture resistant and difficult to damage. Laminate is considered the most popular flooring for hallways.

Ceiling in the hallway

The main thing for the ceiling in a small hallway is not to be too voluminous. Won't fit here multi-level ceilings. It would be good if they had a reflective effect. Also, you should not hang a chandelier in the hallway, Spotlights and flat lampshades are more suitable here.

  • A stretch ceiling is a good option for a hallway. You can install a backlight in it and it is easy to use.
  • Painting or whitewashing is the most profitable option in terms of finances. The ceiling does not require any maintenance and is easy to update or repaint if you want a different color.
  • Panels are a good choice for a hallway ceiling, but do not forget that if the ceilings are low, the panels will steal a few centimeters and the ceiling will be even lower.


Even if the hallway is small in size, this is not a reason to be upset. Knowing the secrets of visually expanding space, it’s quite easy to create individual design a small hallway with your own hands that will delight long years both the owners and their guests.

It’s easy to design a spacious corridor, but a small hallway won’t let your imagination run wild. At the stage of renovation and selection of furniture, you may encounter many problems and issues related to lack of space, insufficient lighting, etc. To make the interior of a small hallway modern, functional, cozy and beautiful, we recommend that you carefully read our article and learn all the subtleties and secrets of the upcoming renovation.

Design of a small hallway: some features

At the stage of planning a renovation and choosing an idea for a small hallway, it is important to consider row important rules . Here they are:

  • Regardless of what style you choose to decorate the corridor, it is important to adhere to principles of minimalism. A very small hallway should have a minimum of decorative details. This will allow you to easily maintain order and keep the room looking neat.

  • Avoid open shelves and hangers - such furniture makes the room untidy and cluttered.
  • Small hallways in Khrushchev-era buildings should be equipped with compact oversized furniture and wardrobes no more than 50 cm deep. Another suitable option is a small wardrobe with sliding doors.

  • Consider using mezzanines. This will reduce the height of the room, but if the apartment is very tiny, there may not be any other storage space.
  • Small corner hallway can accommodate more practical corner cupboard , which will save precious centimeters of free space.


Renovating a small apartment or hallway requires a special approach. Here all efforts are aimed at visually increasing the space. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to exclude bulk materials that eat up space. And these are plastic and wooden panels, fake diamond, plaster, etc.

It is better to choose light wallpaper for a small hallway, without bright or overly large patterns. Dye pastel shade- another suitable option.


A modern small hallway can be complemented with glossy or suspended ceiling. But only if the room has sufficient height. In the photo of small hallways in an apartment or private house you can see examples good choice finishing materials.


The new interior of the corridor requires the purchase of an expensive coating with a long service life. Nobody wants to redo damaged floors 5-7 years after a major renovation.

The design of a small hallway can be supplemented quality laminate from modern safe raw materials or, more preferably, ceramic tiles. This material is truly indispensable for decorating quickly dirty rooms, such as a kitchen, hallway, bath or toilet.

Color solution

The color in a small hallway determines how spacious and cozy it will look after the renovation is completed. Try to choose light shades that will please all members of your family. Peach, beige, and pistachio tones will look ideal.

Expert advice: Be careful! White color It looks stylish, but it will have to be updated almost every year.

Use colorful accessories with caution. Don't avoid bright accents, but don’t overdo it with saturated color spots. Excessive contrast can make the room harsh, uncomfortable and even tasteless. Beautiful small hallways are not fantasy, but reality. The main thing is to approach color design wisely.


Properly selected lighting is another secret to success for the hallway small sizes. In 2017 and 2017, small corridors and hallways are decorated with spotlights. Illuminating mirrors, niches and eliminating the central lamp will create interesting interior with its own twist.

A small hallway in a modern style should be complemented by built-in spotlights or neon lighting.

Furniture and storage systems

This is the most important and interesting stage of repair. Furniture for a small hallway should be both roomy and compact, functional and beautiful. Let's figure out how to achieve this.

So, the design of the hallway in small corridor requires a special approach. It is important for us to preserve maximum free space and at the same time equip enough space for comfortable storage of things. A sliding wardrobe or a corner wardrobe with mirrors the full length of the door is ideal for this purpose.

Minimalism is great, but you shouldn’t go to extremes and completely give up comfort and coziness in a small hallway. Shoes in a shoe rack or a special chest of drawers will look much better than on a small but ugly open shelf.

Useful tips

As a rule, many people do the renovation and/or decoration of the corridor at the very end, when the renovation of the rooms, kitchen, bathroom and toilet is already completed.

Since the corridor is the last on this list, I want to finish everything quickly, which means that everything is done carelessly, and this is by no means the right decision.

You shouldn’t think that since we spend little time in the hallway, we shouldn’t focus on it during renovations and home improvement, and here’s why:

1. The corridor is the very first room that anyone encounters when entering a house. The first impression is created, on which the general mood of the hosts and guests may depend.

2. The corridor is the place that connects the rooms into one., which means its design should complement the design of the other rooms and vice versa.

Small corridor design

The most important thing in a small corridor is minimalist design and maximum functionality. Simply put, a small hallway should contain only the essentials.

* In a small corridor, you need to organize everything so that when storing both seasonal clothing and everything else, there is enough space for a certain number of people.

* There should also be a place to sit and, of course, a place to gather before leaving.

Please note that all of the above should be located on just a few square meters.

There are several simple tricks on how to visually expand a small space. Such techniques are usually used when designing rooms, but they also apply to the hallway:

* All surfaces in the corridor must be light in color.

* Convenient storage systems (for example, built-in or corner furniture).

* Combination of furniture and accessories.

* Use of reflective elements (mirrors, glossy surfaces).

Small corridor in the apartment

Where to start?

First you need to make a plan. It is advisable to hire a professional who can display all your wishes on a sketch.

You can make a few sketches yourself, but for this you should take into account certain recommendations:

1. If you want to visually increase the volume of the corridor, use mirrors and properly placed light.

1.1. As light sources, you can use through stained glass windows, mirror inserts, as well as ordinary lamps and lighting inside plasterboard niches.

1.2. Experts advise combining different light sources. In addition to the main source, it is worth installing several more lighting points.

2. For a more comfortable atmosphere in which the walls will not press, you should choose light shades of paint.

2.1. It is believed that the best option would be to paint the walls beige or pastel colors. You can also use white. Try to keep the walls, ceiling and floor of the corridor in the same color.

2.2. The same applies to wallpaper, however, it is worth noting that it is better to choose plain wallpaper. But if you really want to use wallpaper with a pattern, then it should be unobtrusive and small.

* If you use too bright colors, the corridor will seem smaller.

* It is best to use vinyl or non-woven wallpaper.

3. If you use glossy suspended ceiling, then visually the corridor will seem higher, especially in combination with the right lighting.

4. The walls of the corridor can be decorated with photographs. Here you should also follow some rules:

Photo frames must be the same color, but their shape may be different

Photos can, of course, be attached to the walls, but it would be even better to place them on tabletops attached along the walls of the hallway.

5. The floor can be covered with parquet, laminate and even tiles. If you connect the floor in the corridor with the kitchen or any room, the corridor will visually increase its space.

* To decorate the corridor, you should not use: plasterboard, PVC plastic wall panels and wooden panels, as well as artificial stone.

The most important thing in the design of a corridor in a small apartment

Minimum requirements when developing the design of any small corridor:

1. A place where you can get dressed and clean up.

2. A place where you can store outerwear.

3. A place where you can change your shoes.

4. A place to store shoes.

Small corridor color

Light colors in a small corridor

Light colors in small room can visually expand the space - This is a rule that almost every homeowner knows about.

In a small corridor, it is better if not only the walls are light, but also the furniture.

Here is an example of a corridor where not only light walls and furniture, but also Sun rays illuminate the corridor.

Sometimes it can be diluted bright hues bright or dark inserts.

If you install large mirror, then it will “push apart” the walls, visually enlarging the corridor.

Ideas for a small bright corridor (photo)

Furniture for a small corridor

What would be better suited for a small corridor:

Hanger against the wall (it’s better if there is a shelf for hats);

- hanging shelves great option if you do not want to clutter the corridor with furniture;

- hooks for outerwear(it is better to install under hanging shelves);

- built-in modular systems (convenient and take up little space) – shelves can be removed, added or changed at any time;

- shoe rack or shoe rack, which hides shoes in folding containers, which makes the corridor more well-groomed, but it is more expensive than a regular shoe shelf and is not always convenient to use;

- shelving(preferably without a back wall) – used for various things, as well as for shoes;

- secretary with drawers, in which you can put various accessories, including keys, umbrellas and combs;

- small stool(can be folded) or a bench - inside such furniture you can store several things and shoes;

Can be very useful hooks or shelves for grocery bags– it is better to place them near the front door.

They will look harmonious and comfortable combined open and closed shelves – such furniture is very practical and ergonomic.

Wardrobe in a small corridor


As a rule, scrupulous people use the wardrobe in the hallway, while others simply hang their clothes on hooks or throw them on the seat.

Only when a huge amount of outerwear has accumulated on the hooks do people begin to hang it in the closet.

It is not necessary to install a wardrobe in a small corridor. It would be better to install it in a room where there is plenty of space and where you can fit a nice large closet for a lot of things.


A sliding wardrobe today is considered an integral part of any corridor, even small ones.

* If you install it in a “Khrushchev” building, then it is better to order a shallow cabinet with a mirror to visually increase the space.

* Such a cabinet will fit perfectly into a narrow corridor and will not serve as an obstacle to moving around the house.

* A wardrobe in a small corridor can be mounted in a free corner or installed parallel to the wall.

* The best option There will be a purchase of a tall cabinet, as it will use up extra space, which means more things will fit in it.

You can store out-of-season items at the top of the closet, and place space for shoes at the bottom. You can install a hanger rod in the middle.

* A corner closet or hangers, shelves or cabinets are also ideal for a small corridor. Corner built-in wardrobes allow you to use the space in the corners.

Typically, corners are left unused when conventional cabinet furniture is installed.

What about shoe furniture?

In stores you can find various samples of cabinets and shelves for shoes. Eat shelves, revolving, sliding and other shelves for shoes, but it is better to choose ordinary shelves that do not have any holes or simply lay rubber mats for shoes.

* It is worth noting that after snow or rain, coming into the house, slush flows from the shoes, which can fall on other shoes on the bottom shelf, so all sorts of stacked shoe “storage” options are suitable for slippers or shoes that you are temporarily not wearing .

*You can also use regular stools, benches or cabinets with a cushion so you can sit down and change your shoes.

Examples of minimalism in a small corridor (photo)

Built-in bench

It occupies the entire width of the corridor, and among other things, it acts as a shoe box. The lid opens, allowing you to hide not only shoes, but also bags and umbrellas inside the large box.

Instead of a box, under the bench you can install several baskets for things or shoes.

Open shelving

If you add several hooks for clothes to the racks, you will get a very convenient design that takes up little space and fits organically into the interior.

There are only 2 shelves and a few hooks for outerwear, but everything looks nice and takes up very little space.

Everything here is very simple and beautiful - the drawers serve as shelves for storing shoes, a small closet for storing things is decorated with a mirror that visually enlarges the space.

Here are some more ideas for arranging a corridor in a minimalist style:

Wall decoration in a small narrow corridor

If you decide to decorate the walls in the hallway, then you should know a few things:

Better to use wear-resistant and impact-resistant materials, since it is into the corridor that the most dust and dirt from the street gets into;

To level the walls do not use plasterboard structures, since they will take up part of the space of your corridor;

If you use Venetian plaster , then you will kill two birds with one stone: the walls will become smooth, and their surface will become pleasant and attractive.

Wallpaper for a small corridor

Some tips:

You can level the walls and make them beautiful using liquid wallpaper;

The walls in a narrow corridor should be painted in light, bed colors - the room will become lighter and visually wider;

If you choose wallpaper, it is better with horizontal stripes, as they visually expand the space;

For a small corridor, as well as for a long one narrow corridor Wallpaper with a small or abstract pattern is suitable - it will be able to hide some stains that may appear.

The use of light colors to visually expand the corridor has already been mentioned, but some people do not like such tones.

If you want to use bright colors, you can wallpaper with a large pattern, but it should only be one whole pattern. In this case, it is desirable that the furniture in the corridor be light and monochromatic.

Separately about the small corridor in Khrushchev

It is not recommended to install built-in wardrobes in a small corridor of an apartment in Khrushchev. Projects of such apartments simply do not provide for the installation of such furniture.

Of course, it would be possible to hollow out the wall to build a cabinet into it, but this practice is prohibited.

However, there are optimal options arrangement of the corridor in such an apartment.

Here are some ideas for arranging a corridor in a Khrushchev building:

1. For lighting, use fluorescent lamps in matte shades.

2. It is better to install small LED bulbs along the perimeter of the corridor, at the baseboard level.

3. Instead of wallpaper it is better to use plastic panels. Wallpaper is not highly wear-resistant and has to be changed frequently, but plastic panels, on the contrary, are more practical, they can be washed and have a rather modern look.

4. There is no point in spending a lot of time and resources on decorating the walls, since most of them will be hidden behind cabinets, mirrors and hangers.

Free spaces on the wall can be covered with photographs or small paintings with simple graphics.

5. The floor can be covered with linoleum, but it is better to use porcelain stoneware, which not only looks beautiful, but is also more convenient for cleaning the corridor and will last for many years.

6. Since there is not much space for a closet in a Khrushchev building, you can use a hanger, and it can be decorated so that it looks aesthetically pleasing. For example, you can use a hanger made to look like birch or oak.

7. You will notice that the small corridors of the Khrushchev buildings have walls of different lengths. One wall ends with a door that leads to the kitchen, and the other goes about half a meter further. This space can be used for a pencil case in which you can store outdoor clothes.

You can combine a pencil case with a hanger panel to create a very functional system. But such a design must be ordered, since you will not find ready-made ones. You can look for it in stores like Ikea and assemble it yourself.