Decorative moss in the landscape design of the garden (with photo). Living moss in the interior: decor ideas, care tips Growing moss on stones

decorative moss can become truly extraordinary and breathtaking. It can be used in any way: decorate with pieces, creating bizarre shapes and elements, or take whole large pieces.

To find moss, it is not necessary to go to the store. For example, a lot of moss grows in the forest or even in small planting areas.

Moss should not be separated from the ground, it must be taken along with a small layer, because, like garden and indoor flowers, it needs soil.

Moss in the home interior

Moss can be placed not only in a special decorative huge vessel, it can even decorate ordinary containers that you can make with your own hands. The most common use of ornamental moss:

  • for decorative ornament earthenware vases;
  • decorative moss for decorating glass containers;
  • decorative moss trays in the interior;
  • for plant decoration.

Moss is a highlight in the interior of the house. A piece of forest is always good for your health. In addition, it is also pleasing to the eye.

Moss for pots

Clay has a brown color, and whether it is a glossy or matte finish of such a flowerpot, moss will go well with it. And it is very easy to make from moss. Ordinary PVA glue will keep the moss on the flowerpot for a long time.

Decorative moss for glass containers

Glass, as you know, is transparent, so a special approach is needed here. Take a beautiful jar or a rounded aquarium, place some earth on the bottom, and spread moss on top. This should be done so that the moss is located on the bottom of the container, and not at the very top, because a thick layer of earth will spoil the whole view.

Decorative moss trays in the interior

If you are not using a tray, you can decorate it with moss. Such decorative element it will look great if you make holes in the tray around the corners. In the hole, you can thread ropes with which the tray is tied to something above. The ropes can be brought together at one point, or you can leave them at a right angle.

Decorative moss in the interior for decorating plants

Moss in the interior looks great if used directly in. Many people think about whether this will harm the flowers, and they doubt how then to water, whether it is necessary more water, or less. In fact, moss does not require special care, it is not capable of harming your flowers. Moss has practically no roots, which will not create any discomfort for your favorite plant in a pot.

To make the moss in a pot look not only beautiful, but also unusual, make the soil of the pot uneven, bumpy. This is great for plants that stand on the floor, near the wall. It is advisable to choose a flower that grows in big pot so that there is more space for the manifestation of fantasy.

So, you have a pot with a bumpy surface at the top. Feel free to make the mounds big, because they will be covered with moss, and this will give the appearance of a large landscaping in a mini version.

Wallpaper in the interior can be any, it does not affect the ideas with moss. However, if you still decide to decorate the flower with moss, you should understand that the colors of the pot must be approached with care. perfect color solution to implement such an idea there will be a brown pot. If, for example, we take a white container, the composition may look ridiculous, creating a completely different image that we do not need.

How to decorate walls with decorative moss

Oddly enough, but modern design moss paintings are increasingly common. This is a somewhat unusual approach that can overshadow the picture in the standard sense of the word.

Whatever you think of making from moss, it will definitely be beautiful, because it is impossible to spoil the beauty of nature.

The Japanese have used moss in gardens and parks for centuries. Not far from Kyoto, on the territory of the temple, there is a large moss garden Saihoji, which was founded in the 14th century. Visitors can see up to a hundred varieties of mosses and lichens. To date, the use of this spectacular element in landscape design began to gain popularity, as its cultivation provides aesthetic and practical benefits.

Bryophytes have a wide range of rich colors, exquisite texture and unique decorative effect. Mixing multiple species provides a seasonally changing collage of different shades of green. The emerald carpet in the shady corners of the site is perfectly combined with such shade-loving perennials as ferns, (ayuga), forest hyacinth, anemones,.

The use of this evergreen miniature plant as a spectacular accent for decorating reservoirs, and will create a unique atmosphere of unity and harmony with nature. Even late autumn when the leaves have fallen and the last flowers have withered, the soft velvet carpet will delight you with its bright emerald hue until the very snow.

The practical benefit of planting mosses in the garden lies in their unpretentiousness and ability to retain moisture. The plant thrives even in places where it is difficult to grow other representatives of the flora.

All representatives of bryophytes are classified as bryophytes - non-vascular plants. In nature, there are about 2,000 thousand of their varieties, which reproduce vegetatively and by spores. Three factors influence their vital growth and development: moisture, sunlight and temperatures above -4̊ C. If these three conditions are met, then photosynthesis will produce the chemical energy needed for vigorous growth.

While moss is technically a plant, it doesn't have the plant parts we're used to seeing. These are not real leaves, branches and even roots. Since bryophytes do not have roots, they must find other ways to absorb moisture, so they are often found in damp, shady places where bryophytes grow in colonies, creating a dense, soft layer that covers the soil. Although some representatives of the genus can be found in relatively open dry areas.

Landing and care

In order to create a mossy clearing or lawn, you need to start from scratch. First clear the soil of weeds. For planting, you can take large parts of the moss layer, which can be found in the forest, in horticultural nurseries or on own site and move them to a new location. Different kinds bryophytes are compatible with each other, so don't be afraid to mix and match. After transplanting, with proper moisture, the moss will begin to add new growth points and gradually grow.

The plant develops well on loams and soils rich in organic matter with high acidity (pH about 5.5). The exception is loose soil with a high content of sand, which prevents the formation of a stable surface.

The ideal condition for mosses in the garden will be shady areas on the north or east side. Be sure to consider a sunny location during all four seasons. Suitable places with early morning sunlight or evening in the middle of summer. Very few species can survive in full sun.

Moss can withstand short periods of drought, but it prefers high humidity, especially in the first three weeks after planting. The plant does not need deep and frequent watering, as this can lead to excess moisture and the appearance of fungal diseases. Probably the most The best way is the setting automated system fogging.

If it is not possible to install the system, then you can spray water, moistening the moss layer. The first 1-2 months every day, the third month every three days, the fourth - once a week. If the moss in the garden has darkened, then reduce watering, as this is a sign of waterlogging the soil. Also consider weather conditions.

How to make living moss graffiti in the garden

With the help of bryophytes in ornamental gardening, you can create real works of art. To implement your ideas, use a simple recipe.

Put a couple of moss pads in a regular blender, add ½ cup of kefir, a glass of water and 1 tbsp. l. a special hydrogel for plants to thicken the mixture (you can try to do without it). Prepare a thick mixture by mixing the ingredients for 2 minutes. On the selected surface ( stone wall, brickwork, track, large stones) apply the stencil and fill in the empty spaces with a thick layer of the mixture using a sponge or brush.

Spray well with water 2 times a week to start developing spores. The result will be visible in a month.

In pursuit of spectacular landscaping of a plot or apartment, we do not even pay attention to some plants. Either they are rarely used, or simply until their potential is fully revealed by gardeners. But we hear more and more about the use of decorative moss. Moreover, there are many types of it to decorate as your own. household plot as well as apartments.

indoor decorative moss

When we say “decorate the walls”, we mean the walls without any reservations. The fact is that this living material takes root in almost any conditions, under any lighting and humidity. This means that decorative moss, which does not need special care, fully claims to be a picture on the wall.

And I must say that it is the paintings that are created from this unpretentious material. For the first time it was used by Norwegian artists as an alternative to the usual panels or paintings. The so-called eco trend is now in vogue and respected by many designers, namely, a living green wall can fully reflect the philosophy of this trend. Now vertical gardens are no longer a novelty, they are gradually gaining more and more popularity.

For the wall in the apartment, not simple, but special stabilized moss is used. There is nothing exotic in this: stabilized is only a synonym for canned. After coating with a special solution, mosses no longer rot, there is no danger of mold or bacteria. For such decor, reindeer moss or reindeer moss is used, it is attached to MDF panels. Drawing, size and any other characteristics are negotiated and fully customized to order.

Living decorative moss panels can simply be refreshed with a little spray water if the carpet starts to dry out. You won't have to do anything else with it. Moreover, it is completely safe for humans or animals. But for obvious reasons, it is desirable to hang such pictures higher from children.

Decorative moss for the garden

To get the desired result, you need to choose the right type of moss for your garden area. There are thousands of species, but only a few are used for garden decoration. If you need to decorate a sunny place, and the conditions there are obviously dry, pay attention to cuckoo flax:

  • ordinary has a rich green or dark green color, its leaves are scaly;
  • juniper has already erect leaves, it is perfect for sunny places, loves drought;
  • hairy is distinguished by a bluish-green and brown tint, it will take root well on sandy soils, and also loves drought.

For such areas, you can try to plant fern moss, leucobrium will take root. All these mosses are distinguished by their ability to form a dense sod layer, they are loose and tolerate drought well.

It is a completely different matter when the task is to choose decorative moss for the garden under shady and wet areas. Polya gray or viviparous is perfect here. These mosses love shade, a lot of moisture, they will perfectly decorate stones or areas near water bodies. And wavy trichium will decorate the edges of reservoirs, it is also suitable for an ornamental meadow.

Decorative flowering mosses

Decoration, stone slopes or steps, even roofs - all this is actively used by landscape designers. But decorative flowering mosses look especially impressive.

Among them subulate phlox sure to please you not only with a beautiful carpet, but also with abundant bright flowering. The varieties are absolutely all foreign, since it does not give seeds and you have to import them. But this in no way affects the ability to take root and successfully bloom. Some species of cuckoo moss and polia also bloom. However, it would be more correct to say they do not bloom, but spore.

Moss in outdoor design can be used as a base element, which will be a great base and backdrop for beautiful flower beds and single plantings. This article offers some ideas for decorating a garden with this simple and accessible natural material. It shows in detail how to realize one great idea.

Landscaping and moss is a creative and attractive option for decorating a space. Firstly, this is a novelty in the design of the garden. And secondly, mosses are a great idea for shady and humid gardens, as well as decorating various corners where the conditions are not suitable for flowering plants. A moist and shady place is ideal for a moss garden. Mosses can be carefully dug up in the forest. You can find them in your garden: they love stone paving and concrete structures, foundations. Decorative moss for the garden from these structures must be removed periodically, as it spoils the stone. But why throw it away? These are beautiful and most unpretentious varieties - they can be carefully removed with a spatula and used for the garden. Prepare a landing site. Lay out a few large beautiful stones: they will serve as a "vertical" since mosses are extremely low plants. For the same purpose, it is logical to plant one conifer in the moss garden - as a vertical accent. Further, with the help of pegs and a rope, select “islands” on the territory of the garden, where you will make stone backfill, because mosses are especially beautiful against the background of stone. Lay geotextiles at the backfill sites so that there are no weeds, and already pour white or light pebbles on it. remember, that shady places need lightening - then your moss garden will look especially bright. Also cover the trunk circle of the conifer with geotextile and cover it with white gravel.

Look at the moss garden in the photos that illustrate decorative possibilities this material:

Moss in the garden: beautiful ideas and their photos

Moss in the garden beautiful ideas allow you to use it not only in the way it is written above. But back to the implementation of the idea. Now on vacancies mosses need to be planted. They need acidic soil, so add peat and loosen. Then wet the substrate and spread the moss clumps directly onto the substrate. If you dug up mosses with a lump, make a small depression, but not more than 3 cm. After that, the “moss garden” should be watered abundantly from a watering can.

When laying mosses, you can leave a few free places for planting spring ones. Stylish and fashion novelty now available in your garden!

Landscaping a garden is a painstaking process that requires continuous care for all green spaces. Unpretentious, evergreen mosses help to simplify the task of landscaping. Quite often they are confused with a weed and try to get rid of; in fact, their appearance indicates an improvement in the ecology of the site. What other properties does moss have in landscape design? Where and how can it be used in the garden? We offer to consider the most interesting ideas.

Conditions for planting mosses in the garden

Despite the unpretentious nature, mosses (bryophytes) do not take root in all areas. Moisture and shade are important for their growth, while the scorching sun can dry them out. Nevertheless, you should not push them into the permanent twilight, where they do not get Sun rays; otherwise, the shade of the cover will be faded. Most suitable places for planting mosses - the northern or northeastern side of the backyard area, under trees with not very dense foliage, as well as wetlands.

Another condition for the growth of bryophytes is oxidized soil (рН5/рН6). If such land is not suitable for higher plants, then for the simplest - perfect option. Almost all types of mosses can be planted on such soils, including cuckoo flax, wavy trichium, gray leucoborium, etc.

A variety of color and structure of the cover allows you to create truly magical plant panels in the garden. An excellent addition to bryophytes will be shade-loving plants and flowers: cranberries, wild strawberries, violets, ferns, and lichens.

2 ways to green landscape design with mosses

There are two options for planting bryophyte plants in the garden. If you plan to cultivate a green meadow on the surface of the soil, then it is rational to resort to planting whole pieces of plants. Moss for garden design is recommended to be taken from the forest where it is located. natural area. Since it has no roots, the pads can be cut off without fear of damaging the structure. It is advisable to cut the pieces with a small layer of earth so that they take root in a new area.

NB! Optimal time planting bryophytes - autumn. It is at this time that bryophytes take root faster.

Before planting, the soil should be cleared of leaves and weeds, removing the top layer of earth (20-30 cm) and loosening it. The pads themselves are well moistened with water and laid on the ground, pressing tightly with your hand. At the same time, the distance between the seedlings should be at least 25-30 cm. In order for the moss to quickly take root and form a dense cover, the plantings must be watered abundantly for three weeks, and then maintain a moderate level of humidity.

NB! When landscaping slopes, pieces of turf should be fixed with twigs or nails so that swampy sprouts do not slip.

Some of the main advantages of moss in landscape design are invulnerability to pests and diseases, continuity of growth, resistance to temperature extremes and hypoallergenicity. In view of such outstanding properties, bryophyte "carpets" can be created in any garden.

If you want to give garden sculptures or build a sophisticated look, grow a moss cover on their surface. To do this, use a cocktail of spores: mix healthy plant pads in a blender with kefir (or other fermented milk products), sugar and water. Apply the resulting mixture to the surface of the stone / sculpture and wrap it with plastic wrap. So that the disputes do not suffocate, open the film from time to time.

Ideas for the use of bryophytes in the backyard

As a rule, in natural conditions mosses grow on the canopy of trees and on moist soils. In garden design, moss can be used in different purposes: for landscaping the site, creating mossy individual architectural elements, enriching the soil with moisture and improving the microclimate.

Lawn. Growing a lawn is a troublesome task that requires special skills, the selection of certain plants and careful year-round care. Bryophytes can be used to grow a "lazy" lawn. Unlike grass, the moss lawn does not get trampled and does not require regular correction, due to the growth in breadth, and not up. Such a canvas looks original both on small empty plots of the garden, and on spacious backyard territories.

Stones. Quite unusually, moss in landscape design looks when creating rockeries, alpine slides and the city of stones. Boulders, stone fences and sculptures can be “drank” with a cocktail of spores. The main thing is that their surface is porous; otherwise, bryophytes will have nothing to cling to. Tuff and limestone are the most friendly to bryophytes.

Flowerbeds. You can create a flower bed in the garden not only from flowers. Mosses are ideal for ennobled rabatka in areas with problematic soil. Convex flower beds with a smooth, soft green cover look quite extraordinary.

Reservoirs. If on garden plot there is an artificial reservoir (pond, stream, natural pool), it can be landscaped. Certain varieties of mosses (for example, sphagnum) take root perfectly in swampy areas, add neatness to the coastline.

Sculptures. Moss in garden design is often used to decorate sculptures and individual architectural elements from natural materials. This is just the same unique way to give dilapidated items.

Graffiti. Graffiti on stone fences, buildings and facades of houses, made of moss cocktail - new trend in landscape design. For growing paintings, inscriptions and abstractions on vertical surfaces, the same cocktail will come in handy. It is recommended to apply the pattern with a brush to give the panel a clear outline.