Color meditations. Meditation on the color blue

Colors play an important role in everyday life because they provide human body light energy. They could be represented as the manifestation and concretization of light in a more or less condensed form. Each color has certain properties and nourishes the cells and atoms of our body that come into contact with it. Color energy and color waves are both form and content.

Tune in for the BEST

The colors to which you should open yourself through the meditation exercises below have an effect on the organ on which they fall. The intensity of the impact is maintained for as long as necessary. The body absorbs light and colors and, in turn, emits them into the surrounding space through the human aura.

The following therapeutic meditation is used to improve the health of the body. Influencing physical body, it helps to cope with certain ailments and diseases.

To meditate, choose a quiet place where no one and nothing can disturb you. To create an appropriate atmosphere in the room, light an ordinary candle or an incense stick. You can turn on quiet music that has a calming effect on you. An audio cassette with text written on it describing the color meditation you have chosen can provide significant assistance to beginners.

Before you begin meditating with a particular color, use some kind of visual object or object to accurately tune in to the wavelength of the shade you are going to work with.

Find a comfortable sitting position that you can remain in for a long time. Place your hands on your knees, palms up, and relax.


Before each meditation for therapeutic purposes, you should first tune in to White color, which combines all colors: this way you can easily achieve a state of relaxation and maximum receptivity.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. This will help you relax. Inhale slowly, absorbing microparticles of energy contained in the atmosphere around you. Hold your breath and feel how the air (prana) cleanses and gives life-giving force to every cell of your body. Now exhale, freeing yourself from tension, from all worries, fears, feelings that have a negative impact on you.

Again, inhale slowly and imagine white light in the shape of a large ball. Hold your breath again for a moment and feel how this light penetrates your body. It cleanses you, gives you strength, fills all the cells of the body with energy. Continue to breathe calmly and feel how, under the influence of light, life begins to pulsate in every cell of your body.

Now slowly direct this glowing ball towards your head and feel how it sanctifies your face from the inside. The ball approaches the back of your head, and under the influence of light, muscle tension subsides and you relax. Move the ball alternately to the shoulders, heart, stomach, liver and other internal organs.

Next, imagine two luminous balls that slowly descend down your legs, relaxing and simultaneously filling your thighs, knees, shins, calves and, finally, the soles of both legs with energy. Breathe calmly and measuredly.

After this, direct the light again up the spine, let it pass through all the vertebrae to completely free them from tension and pain. At shoulder level, the light again breaks into two small balls, passes through the shoulders, elbows, forearms, hands, palms and reaches the fingers.

This light energy harmonizes your aura. You are now ready for the subsequent meditation. Trust the cosmic energy, do not rush and do not force the process of immersion into yourself.

Let's move on to direct meditation with flowers.


In therapeutic meditation, the color red has a stimulating effect on the circulatory system, increases hemoglobin content and thereby prevents the occurrence of anemia, promotes the release of heat, regulates the activity of the liver and kidneys, promotes muscle relaxation, and helps with disorders menstrual cycle and stimulates sexual activity.

Meditation with the color red should not be carried out at elevated body temperatures and the presence of inflammatory processes. It is also not recommended to meditate for too long with light of this shade, as this can lead to fatigue and nervous tension.

Set up for meditation according to the introductory recommendations to achieve a state of peace and relaxation. Focus on the color red, visually associating it with the shade of ruby.

Imagine that this light energy lies at your feet in the form of a soft rug and fills everything around with its glare. Take a deep breath and, along with a sigh, “draw” the red color into yourself with the soles of your feet.

Feel it slowly rise up your legs, warming and filling them with life. When the color energy reaches your knees and then your thighs, you will feel that your legs are so filled with strength that you are ready to walk for a very long time without getting tired.

Inhale deeply again and feel the red color rise into the lower abdomen, showering the genitals with life-giving power. Then it enters the kidneys, cleanses them and stimulates their functioning. The red color spreads further, filling the digestive organs with warmth and improving liver function.

Gradually it reaches your heart, mixes with the blood and flows with it through the vessels, stimulating blood circulation. The life-giving power of red color spreads throughout your entire body. You feel lighter and at the same time stronger, more active and younger - stay in this state for a few more minutes.

Listen to yourself and try to determine which parts of your body have not yet been enriched with energy. Direct the warmth of red color there and feel how all the cells are filled with new strength.

Whenever you feel it is time to stop meditating, slowly return to your normal state. Listen to your breathing, take in the surrounding objects with your gaze. Enjoy a feeling of harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

In exactly the same way, it is necessary to interrupt meditation with any of the colors listed below.


The sun, the source of light, warmth and life, is a symbol of this color. Like red, it fills a person with life-giving energy, but this time it does not excite, but stimulates. Yellow associated with the human solar plexus and the entire nervous system.

In therapeutic meditation, this shade stimulates intellectual abilities, has a cleansing effect on the digestive organs, liver and skin, promotes the secretion of bile, restores mineral reserves and reduces acidity.

After first setting yourself up for meditation, concentrate on the color yellow, the visual expression of which will be the shade of the midday sun on a cloudless day.

Imagine the warmth that the heavenly body radiates, and together with a deep breath, “draw” it into yourself. It slowly rises up your legs, and everything dark disappears in a shining stream of yellow color.

The yellow color rises to the pelvis, reaches the lower abdomen and spreads throughout the insides. No sediment can resist this energy: it penetrates into all the nooks and crannies and cleanses everything in its path.

After this, the yellow wave enters the liver and helps it get rid of accumulated poisons. Through the stomach, the cleansing yellow color enters the top part body, including the spine, along which it rises to the brain. Here it creates a feeling of invigorating freshness and stimulates the entire nervous system.

Light energy permeates your entire body again and again, and you feel how your body has been cleansed, how tension has subsided, you feel lightness and at the same time a charge of vigor and strength, since nothing dark can resist bright light.


This is the color of nature, a symbol of the cyclical renewal of man and the world, dying and being born again. It is an excellent tool for restoring normal functioning of the body. Since green is in the center of the spectrum, between warm and cool colors, its effect is both refreshing and calming.

This color seems to connect the spiritual and physical levels. In therapeutic meditation, this shade has a cooling effect on the body, exhibits antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, strengthens muscles and tissues, has a stimulating effect on the pituitary gland, and is an excellent sedative for chronic diseases of the nervous system.

After a preliminary mood for meditation, concentrate on the color green, the visual expression of which can be a field or paddock on which emerald grass grows. You'll want to blend in with this calming hue, so waste no time and fully immerse yourself in the green plunge pool.

Take a deep breath and feel the energy of that color pierce you in the middle of your chest, just below your heart. From here, the green mist spreads throughout the body, reaching the most hidden places and filling your being with calm and peace.

The green stream cleanses the kidneys, and the body as a whole from harmful substances, harmonizes the functions of the digestive organs, calms and regulates breathing.

Outside your body green color acts on the skin like a gentle touch. You are overcome by a pleasant feeling of freshness, which calms and invigorates at the same time.

This feeling permeates all the energy centers of your body and enters the brain. Now calming green energy circulates throughout the body from top to bottom. Your entire being vibrates in waves of this color.


This shade is associated with a state of complete peace, so it has a calming effect on the central nervous system. If necessary, you can lower your blood pressure, reduce your heart rate and breathing rate in order to restore the body and be able to recharge it with new energy.

In therapeutic meditation, blue color soothes pain, has a refreshing, vasoconstrictive, antipyretic and antiseptic effect, suppresses inflammatory processes, and is beneficial for nervous disorders, fatigue and insomnia.

After preliminary preparation Before meditation, focus your attention on the color blue, imagining it as an absolutely clear, high sky. Let this color spill over you in the form of a blue ray.

Now concentrate on the top of your head. Take a deep breath and feel how at the same time a blue ray enters you through the top of your head. Light energy slowly spreads throughout your body, and as it moves, nervousness and anxiety disappear. The heart rate slows down, blue color gives you balance and harmony.

Blue particles penetrate every cell of your body, and you feel how the pain subsides, how the tension subsides, how the cool breath of blue color refreshes you.


It has the same properties as blue. Blue is chosen for therapeutic meditation if you want to enhance the penetrating ability and properties of blue color due to a more intense shade. This is especially true for psychosomatics, which is why blue is used primarily against ailments arising from various neuroses.

In healing meditation Blue colour has a positive effect on the respiratory system, it is effective against bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma, regulates the activity of the thyroid gland, reduces inflammatory processes in the cecum (appendicitis) and tonsils, helps stop bleeding, rapid scarring and wound healing, and has an analgesic effect.

After preparing for meditation, focus your attention on the color blue. Imagine that a blue beam is directed at you from above to the right, and a red-violet one from above to the left. As they pass through your head, both beams merge into one blue beam.

Now focus on the top of your head and feel how the soft and at the same time powerful energy begins to gradually penetrate your body. You breathe evenly, and, following the rhythm of your breathing, blue particles spread throughout your body.

The blue color first penetrates your brain, then your throat. Having passed the chest, it descends to the pelvis and from there rushes to the legs. At the same time, it continuously strengthens the tissues of your body, muscles, and cleanses the blood.

Subsides nervous tension, the pain subsides and then completely disappears. You feel great. All the cells in your body are filled with blue.


In therapeutic color meditation, the calming and at the same time cleansing and strengthening properties of this shade are used. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the exhausted nervous system. In addition, the color violet occupies a special place in the outer energy shell of a person.

This color lowers temperature, reduces pain, and has a beneficial effect on a person during a busy life, with insomnia, migraines and depression.

After preparing for meditation, focus your attention on the color violet, the figurative expression of which can be a silk pillow of an intense violet hue, on which lies a large amethyst.

Immerse your gaze in the radiance of color, enjoy the beauty of its rays, which contain both calm and great strength, give rise to a feeling of trust in you, make you feel full of strength.

Take a deep breath and imagine how at the same time a violet ray penetrates your body through the top of your head. Color fills the head, eliminating pain, if any, and puts thoughts in order. Then it passes to the occipital region and throat, relieving all kinds of tension.

Gradually the color descends into the chest and completely fills it. A feeling of calm and freedom is born in you. However, this is not just a feeling of physical relaxation: thanks to the energy of violet, you no longer attach as much importance to physical ailments as before.

Breathe evenly and feel how, in time with your breathing, the color spreads further throughout your body. It helps you get rid of the feeling of heaviness, stimulates the nervous system, fills you with strength and courage, giving rise to a feeling of fearlessness and peacefulness at the same time. You are already able to distance yourself to some extent from your physical problems.

A state of deep inner peace gradually turns into a feeling of all-encompassing love. At this moment, think first of all about tenderness towards yourself and your body.

The violet color flows through your arms and legs, causing a pleasant tingling sensation, and now your entire body is immersed in a stream of color, washing you inside and out.

Symbolically, blue color corresponds to calm water, phlegmatic temperament, feminine principle, left side, horizontal direction, smooth handwriting. The taste sensation of blue is sweetness (that's why sugar cubes used to be wrapped in blue); The sensory perception of this color is tenderness. Blue color calms and enhances the feeling of unity with the outside world, stimulates cognitive processes, improves intuition, and helps with insomnia. The healing effects of blue rays will help overcome the oppressive feeling of guilt and pessimism, reduce excessive emotionality and uncontrollable reactions. As a result of meditation with the color blue, you will learn to restrain yourself and act appropriately to the circumstances, as well as trust your intuition and act in accordance with it. In therapeutic meditation, blue color has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system (especially effective for bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma), reduces inflammation in the tonsils, and has an analgesic effect for possible pain of various origins.

How to meditate with the color blue?

"Dark blue - like each of the four primary colors - is the color expression of one of the basic biological needs: physiologically - peace, psychologically - satisfaction.” G. Klar. Meditation setting: I help myself heal. Imagine the color blue, the color of an absolutely clear sky on a winter evening. Now mentally imagine that all the space around you is filled with this pure, calm color. Feel the desire to merge with the blue color, to completely absorb its rays that bring peace.

Focus your attention on the top of your head. Take a deep breath and feel how the soft and at the same time powerful energy of the blue ray begins to gradually penetrate your body: the blue energy slowly fills your head, then spreads along the spine and nerve trunks to your entire body, gradually descending down to the very soles. With every breath you take, the blue color penetrates you more and more, permeates every part of your body, making you softer and calmer. Nervous tension subsides, fears and anxieties disappear, all unpleasant sensations in your body go away.

Listen more carefully to yourself to determine which parts of your body should additionally direct healing blue rays, and mentally direct them there. Blue color brings you a pleasant feeling of wisdom, understanding and forgiveness, gives you a feeling of peace. Stay in this state for a while. Now mentally thank the blue color for its life-giving power and slowly return to your normal state: become aware of your body and the surrounding space, open your eyes. Listen to your breathing, look at the objects around you, enjoy the feeling of harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

If you are one of those people who is dominated by logic and the desire to analyze everything, then use this version of meditation with the color blue, proposed by G. E. Breslav for logical people. Imagine that you are inside a big blue ball. Look around - you see that the walls of the ball emit a soft blue color. The walls of the ball expand the horizon and carry you into infinity. The blue of the sky relaxes and creates a feeling of security and peace. Absorb these sensations and remember them.

Contraindications for meditation in blue. The color blue can evoke negative memories of unpleasant incidents in the evening or at sea. With prolonged exposure, blue has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system, leading to feelings of sadness and fatigue. These conditions appear especially quickly in neurotic people. In these cases, it is recommended to replace the blue color with blue, light green or turquoise. You can try using a dark blue color, which creates a feeling of efficiency and authority.

Chakras are human energy centers. The colors of the chakras indicate certain vibrations of energy and help to conduct effective processing. In this article I will tell you about the chakras by color and name, and give recommendations for meditation and contemplation of each of them.

The root chakra is associated with the color red. This color is considered sharp and saturated, it carries low energy vibrations.

Bright red is associated with sexuality. Dark red - with aggression and fear, with those emotions that interfere with a person’s spiritual development.

Also, the color red has associations with:

  • warmth;
  • masculine energy;
  • procreation;
  • rebirth;
  • survival.

This color has great significance in various cultures. Thus, in India and China, the bride dresses in red, which symbolizes fertility and purity. In Christian culture, color is a symbol of the blood shed by Christ, and as a result, a symbol of love for people.

People whose energy is concentrated in the first chakra think mainly about survival. A person begins to worry that he may be insulted or offended. At the same time, he himself can harm others.

If there is a lack of energy, a person does not have enough vitality and will to achieve goals. He has little self-confidence and no sense of security. He often experiences anxiety and anxiety.

In this case, working with the root chakra, in particular contemplating the color red, is especially important. Read also about other methods on our website.

Meditation on red

Meditation on the red chakra will help transform inertia and negativity into strong, positive energy, increasing love for life and overall satisfaction.

Find a warm and private place. Sit on a chair, straighten your shoulders, breathe calmly. Concentrate your attention on the soles of your feet. Mentally imagine that you are standing on a bright red long-pile carpet.

Wiggle your big toes. Try to feel the texture and softness of the carpet, the warmth it emits and the energy of the red color.

Visualize your feet filling with red light, which then rises up your legs to the muladhara chakra. Think about how this chakra and the color red are connected.

Bring your attention to the root chakra. Imagine that pure pulsating red light enters your aura and travels down to the soles of your feet.

Continue doing the exercise for at least 5 minutes. As a result, you will feel that your feet have become warm, you feel good, and your body is filled with energy.

Orange chakra svadhisthana

The sacral chakra is associated with the color orange. The name of this color comes from the Arabic “naranj”, which translates as “fruit”.

Orange color is associated with:

  • sexuality, but softer than red;
  • joy;
  • happiness.

This color helps overcome depression and depression, it dispels heaviness and opens the body to natural, free movements. This color invigorates and improves mood. To achieve this effect, you can, for example, wear orange clothes or admire orange objects.

Meditation on the color orange

Take a comfortable position with a straight back, relax. Imagine in your mind how you are sitting on the edge of a cliff on the seashore. Admiring the sunset.

Listen to the sounds of the sea surf, feel its rhythm. Adjust your breathing to this rhythm. Inhale as the waves arrive and exhale as they recede.

Look at the sun, it sinks below the horizon, acquiring a bright orange hue. This color spreads across the darkening sky and reflects in the water.

Visualize as you inhale how orange arrows penetrate your svadhisthana chakra, rotating around its center clockwise, revitalizing and cleansing the chakra.

As you exhale, drop everything negative energy, which was indicated by orange rays. Think about where it came from and how you can eliminate it. Perhaps the negativity is caused by memories from the past. Allow the rays of orange light to dispel all negative energy.

Look to the horizon again. The night twilight descended on the sky, the space was plunged into silence and peace.

Yellow chakra manipura

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow. This is the color of sun and inspiration, which:

  • responsible for intellect and reason;
  • has a stimulating effect on humans;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • strengthens the nerves.

According to the laws of physics, any yellow foods absorb all colors of the spectrum except yellow. And what objects absorb yellow, are saturated with it? These are purple products. It is advisable to use them to strengthen the solar plexus chakra. By the way, I already wrote about.

By the way, if you are working with the 3 lower chakras, then you should choose food that is blue, cyan and violet. And when working with the 3 upper chakras - red, yellow and orange.

Meditation on the color yellow

Find a picture of a bright, large sunflower flower in advance. Sit back, take a meditation pose. Look at a photograph of a flower, study the shape and color of its petals and stamens.

Closing your eyes, try to restore the picture to your inner gaze. Let the flower be in your solar plexus area. Its petals will be the petals of the manipura chakra.

Turn your attention to the black core of the sunflower. Think of the heat, the fire, that comes from digestion and helps you maintain your body temperature.

The yellow chakra is our emotional center. To balance it, you need to learn to manage your emotions. In addition, to move along the path of spiritual development, you need to overcome your fears.

Think about the fact that a person is a small part of existing reality. In our consciousness, we can realize only a small part of the overall picture of the world.

But by sharing our knowledge with others, we expand our own consciousness and help others do the same.

Finally, move your gaze from the center to the yellow petals of the sunflower. As you inhale, direct pure yellow light to the third chakra. Continue until it is saturated with bright yellow color.

Green Anahata Chakra

The heart chakra is associated with the color green, which is located in the middle of the spectrum (the middle of the rainbow). Therefore, it is the color of harmony and balance. Also, green color:

  • balances negative and positive energies;
  • calms the mind, body and spirit, bringing them into balance;
  • causes a feeling of peace and relaxation;
  • bestows the ability to love and be loved.

The green chakra is associated with love, not physical, but unconditional. When in order to love, no conditions are needed. When a person is able to accept others with all their strengths and weaknesses.

If you notice a tendency to judge or condemn other people, then you are probably not attentive enough to yourself. Understanding our own shortcomings gives us the strength to understand and accept the shortcomings of others.

Meditation on the color green

Take any meditation position and relax. Perform several cycles of rhythmic breathing to the count of 5.

Then bring your attention to the fourth chakra. Imagine it in the form of a pale pink lotus flower set on green leaves.

Watch as the pink rays from the lotus petals surround you, setting the mood pure love. Look around the flower, it is surrounded by green rays of light reflected from the leaves.

Follow the green path just below the heart chakra. Directly below it is another, smaller energy center that emits a pale green light. It symbolizes the tree of life, and its altar is decorated precious stones. On the altar you will see the fire of life.

Look at the tree of life. Its roots have spread across the ground, and its branches reach out to the light and sun. In a similar way, a person must combine earthly and spiritual life within himself. In this case, he will find harmony with the world around him.

The branches of the tree symbolize various trials that must be overcome on the spiritual path. Then look at the fire of life burning on the altar. Its flames flicker, and air currents help it burn stronger.

Meditate on your own inner fire. How to make it stronger, brighter and more persistent so that your fire does not go out at the first difficulties?

After this, visualize that the fire has become brighter.

Blue chakra Vishuddha

The throat chakra is associated with the color blue. This is the color of peace and quiet, spiritual devotion and inspiration. It is believed that it creates space, therefore everything reflected in it seems larger than it actually is.

Blue color meaning:

  • causes relaxation, therefore it is recommended under heavy stress - both physical and emotional, including stress;
  • encourages creative self-expression and reminds of the spiritual path;
  • Long-term observation may cause depression.

Meditation on blue color

So, lie down on the ground or on the grass, you can also lie on a bench. The selected location should be protected from direct sunlight. Look up at the endless blue sky. Do you think space is infinite or does it have an edge? Think about the fact that we are surrounded by numerous galaxies, but we know almost nothing about them.

Man and even the entire planet are negligible on the scale of the Cosmos, like drops in the ocean. However, the ocean is made up of drops. If they weren't there, the whole ocean wouldn't exist. Moreover, each of the drops is unique in its own way.

Likewise, every person is special. Each of us has our own mission or role in the overall cosmic plan.

Now direct your attention to the sun, but do not look directly at it (this is dangerous for your eyesight). Think about how important its role is in the life of our planet and each person in particular. It warms us and illuminates the Earth. Without the sun we would be left in complete darkness.

Look at Sunbeam emanating from the sun and going into the endless distance. Imagine that you are moving along the beam, moving further and further into Space. The heavenly blue light envelops you in a protective blanket of peace and tranquility.

Mentally look back, look at the planets and stars. Listen to the sounds coming from them. Their combined sound merges into a single beautiful melody. Feel how these sounds resonate with your body, with every muscle and every organ.

Find a sound that resonates with the blue chakra. Feel its vibrations throughout your body, they spread through your neck, shoulders, and down your arms.

Now you are experiencing a sense of inner peace and listening to the music of the planetary spheres, all this allows your body to restore its original integrity. Now it’s easier for you to follow the path of spiritual development, nothing slows you down.

When you feel ready, find a beam of golden sunlight and head back to Earth with it. When you return, feel your body. Think about what has changed in you?

Blue chakra ajna

The brow chakra is associated with the color blue, or more precisely, the color indigo. This is what the sky looks like during twilight. The French call this moment l’heurebleu, which means “the romantic hours,” when lovers visit each other.

In ancient times, before artificial dyes were created, the blue color was obtained from a plant called indigo. This color indicates:

  • dignity and devotion;
  • intuition and clairvoyance;

It immerses a person in an ocean of peace and quiet, treats insomnia and helps relieve pain and muscle tension. Take a look at the material about.

Meditation on indigo color

Sit in a suitable meditation position. Imagine evening time, twilight. The sun is hiding behind the horizon. Night falls over the whole world, enveloping it in dark blue.

Birds are preparing to sleep on tree branches, they are remembering the past day. Pets are also going to bed. And only night animals and birds do not sleep, they are going to look for food. Flowers close at night, retaining the warmth of sunlight.

You are in silence and silence. Think about your life, what joys and what failures have befallen you?

Take it as life experience which will help you in the future. Throw away everything that is alien to you, that is imposed by the environment or stereotypes.

Man can be likened to a garden. In the garden we sow seeds to see shoots and grow plants. In the same way, the seeds of wisdom sown in the soil of the mind are sure to sprout. The experience and knowledge gained in life are necessary for understanding ourselves and the laws of life.

If you meditate before going to bed, allow the dark blue cover of the night to envelop you in the haze of sleep. You plunge into the night, into a deep and renewing sleep. And in the morning you will wake up full of energy and strength.

If you perform the exercise during the day, then visualize how the dark blue cover dissolves your fatigue, gives a feeling of calm and equanimity, gives peace to the mind, improves health, and gives rise to a sense of well-being.

Violet chakra sahasrara

The crown chakra is associated with purple. It is sometimes confused with the color purple, as both are a mixture of blue and red. However, purple has more of a blue tint.

Violet has the shortest wavelength and highest energy level among the colors of the rainbow. After it the ultraviolet region begins.

We can see natural purple in the violet flower. Her oil is perfect for scented candles and perfumes.

The color purple has associations with:

  • spiritual consciousness;
  • religious devotion and humility;
  • chastity, modesty and other virtues.

The violet chakra sahasrara is the last door that a person passes through, striving to merge with the Divine essence.

Meditation on the color purple

To conduct meditation you will need an amethyst stone. If it is not possible to use it, then print out a photo of this mineral from the Internet.

Translated, the Greek word "amethistos" means "without intoxication." It is believed that wearing the stone can prevent intoxication after drinking alcohol.

Amethyst in light shades is used for spiritual and mystical insights. And a stone of dark shades affects energy; it is used to raise kundalini.

The symbolism of amethyst contains important meanings of inspiration and humility; it seems to reflect Divine love.

Sit in a meditation position and place an amethyst or a photo of it near you. Look at the shape of the stone and the variety of its shades.

Each of the stones is unique. Think about the qualities that amethyst symbolizes: humility, love, inspiration.

Remember the moment when you decided to follow the spiritual path. Perhaps you were inspired by one of your friends. Or you read the book. Or maybe you felt this desire within yourself and you wanted to engage in self-exploration.

On the path of spiritual development, obstacles and obstacles await you. To overcome them, you need strength and self-confidence. But in addition, you will need humility, without which you will not be able to achieve the state of Divine love. Think about what qualities you need to develop.

Now mentally look at the sahasrara chakra. It emits a gentle purple light. This light envelops you. It will dissolve any pain and trouble, filling the vacated space inside you with spiritual love.

Feel what emotions hinder you on your spiritual path and constrain you. Let the violet light of the chakra take them to a higher level.

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A unique healing system. Exercises, working with hidden energies, meditations and moods by Katsuzo Nishi

Color Meditations

Color Meditations

All colors have their own radiation, each color has its own wavelength, capable of carrying its own information, affecting different human organs in different ways. Accordingly, by influencing a particular organ with color, you can treat it, fill it with strength and health. Color affects not only physical but also mental health. For example, it is known that green color is good for the eyes and at the same time it calms the nervous system; orange color has a positive effect on blood vessels and at the same time improves mood. In order for color treatment to have the desired effect, in some medical institutions there are special rooms painted in certain colors, and depending on the disease, doctors recommend that the patient visit a room painted in a certain color. It is difficult to prepare such rooms at home, but there is no serious need for this: at home it is quite possible to use color meditation.

"Quiet Snow" Meditation on white

In therapeutic meditation, white color will help bring frayed nerves to a calm state, positively influence the activity of the endocrine glands, and increase energy.

Take the starting position. Inhale and exhale 10 times, accompanying each inhalation and exhalation with a count: one-two-three?-?inhale, hold your breath for a count of three and exhale for a count of one-two-three. Feel it complete relaxation. Imagine a large field, all covered with snow, a dark sky above it, the moon illuminates everything with a bluish light. The snow is cold, but you are warm. Hear the snow melting quietly and the barely audible crackle of crystals turning into water. You enter this picture and dissolve in transparent whiteness. You step on the snow, the air is filled with purity. Complete peace of mind. Lose yourself in peace. You are filled with white light, silence, calmness and purity. White silence. Apart from you and this snow-white silence, or soundless whiteness, there is nothing. Immerse yourself natural beauty. Absorb it into yourself. Let the color white remain in your mind

Slowly come out of meditation, carefully preserving the aroma of snow, purity, stillness, silence.

"Poppies." Meditation on red

In therapeutic meditation, the color red has a stimulating effect on the circulatory organs, increases the hemoglobin content of the blood and thereby prevents the occurrence of anemia, improves immunity, eliminates congestion, promotes the release of heat, regulates the activity of the liver and kidneys, promotes muscle relaxation, and stimulates sexual activity.

Sit up straight, relax, your breathing should be smooth and unnoticeable to you. Imagine that you are standing in front of a field of poppies. You enter a swaying field. Soft, almost weightless poppy petals touch your feet. As far as the eye can see, to the very horizon, red poppies surround you on all sides. The sun is setting and illuminates the field with golden-red rays. The light of the red sun penetrates you, fills you. It first enters the crown, envelops the head, slowly passes through the spine, fills the chest and abdomen. Red light flows through the veins and arteries, washing the liver and kidneys. You feel a red light throughout your body. It beats inside you, merging with the beats of your heart. The heart pushes red blood through the veins to all parts of the body, cleansing it, washing away all blockages and clots of pain. Pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body. You continue walking through the poppy field. Peace and quiet, just the rustle of poppy petals. Listen to the silence. Begin to slowly come out of meditation.

"Sunset". Meditation on the color orange

In therapeutic meditation, the color orange has a generally strengthening effect on the vitality of the body, supplies energy to the spleen and pancreas, strengthens the respiratory system, helps cleanse blood vessels, increases appetite and muscle strength, stimulates the activity of the sex glands, rejuvenates, improves mood, and relieves depression.

Sit in a position that is comfortable for you with your back straight. Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing in front of a field of calendula flowers. Their orange heads are everywhere, the flower field stretches to the horizon. A red sunset spreads in the distance. You feel the rays of the falling sun pleasantly touching your face, and a feeling of joy and happiness arises. You float on golden waves of sunlight, which fills you with warmth and cleanses every cell of your body.

You are overwhelmed with delight, you feel serenity and peace. Problems and fatigue dissolve in golden light. You feel a surge of energy. The mood improves, the body rejuvenates. Stay for a while with the feeling of warmth, coziness and comfort that orange gives. Slowly return to your normal state. Now you will have the energy of bright, juicy, orange color.

"Road". Meditation on the color yellow

In therapeutic meditation, the color yellow stimulates a person’s intellectual abilities, has a cleansing effect on the digestive organs, liver and skin, promotes the secretion of bile, activates the autonomic nervous system, relieves negative emotions, and protects against nervous breakdowns. In addition, meditation on the color yellow helps develop sensuality.

Sit up straight, close your eyes and imagine that you are walking along a deserted yellow road. Everything around you is yellow: trees, bushes, pebbles under your feet, even the sky has turned a pleasant yellow ocher color, the yellow sun is shining in the sky. You turn into an alley covered with fallen leaves. They rustle barely audibly under your feet, calming and pacifying you.

You go out onto the road again, and it takes you further and further. The color yellow is everywhere, it penetrates through the skin into your body and fills you with life energy. You feel a surge of confidence and optimism, you are friendly, you know that you are loved and love yourself. You stop on the yellow road, feeling completely liberated and willing to accept life in all its manifestations. Stand a little on the yellow road, bask in the rays of the good yellow sun, feel how its rays cleanse you. After some time, finish the meditation.

"Forest". Meditation on the color green

In therapeutic meditation, green color has a refreshing and at the same time calming effect on the body, strengthens muscles and tissues, has a stimulating effect on the pituitary gland, has a beneficial effect on the eyes, relieves bronchospasm, and is an excellent sedative for chronic diseases.

Take a comfortable position, close your eyes. Listen to your heartbeat, count your heartbeats. After counting to 10 beats, imagine yourself in a deciduous forest. There are lush green trees around, green grass under your feet. You are completely calm and relaxed. Green color is calming and thought-provoking. You walk through the foliage of trees and emerge into a sunlit clearing. The clearing is covered like a carpet with light green moss. The moss is soft and silky. You lie down on the moss and stroke it with your hand. Your breathing is smooth, nothing bothers you. Breathe in the color green. Feel how your head, chest, stomach, arms, legs are filled with green color. The green color filled you and absorbed all the negativity that did not allow you to live in peace. Now you are happy, nothing bothers you. Bathe in the sea of ​​greenery, spend 10-20 minutes in this soothing color, and then inhale, exhale, inhale, slowly open your eyes and finish the meditation.

"Flight". Meditation on blue color

In therapeutic meditation, blue color primarily has a calming effect on the nervous system, bringing a person into a state of inner peace. It also soothes pain, has a vasoconstrictor effect, and helps with insomnia.

Find a comfortable position and relax. Imagine that you are lying in the garden on a summer day and looking into the blue sky. Blue color so much that it completely envelops you and lifts you up. You soar into the blue sky and take a leisurely flight. Light white clouds float by. And you float, like these clouds, in the blue ocean. Silence and absolute peace envelop you. Nothing worries you. You are calm and continue your flight. You see the sea below, it is blue-silver. Go down to the sea, hear the sound of its waves. Feel the breeze blow and fall on your cheeks in tiny salty splashes. Rise to the blue heights again. The feeling of flying is wonderful, it is easy and pleasant for you. You feel complete peace. Fly in the boundless blue, ride yourself on a cloud, swing on it. Listen to the silence, dissolve in the silence. Slowly return to the garden from where you started your flight. Everything about him remains the same, he is beautiful. Raise your head? -?Above you is the blue dome of the sky, in which you have just spent unforgettable moments. Thank heaven for the pleasure you brought.

Come out of meditation slowly. Take a breath and exhale. Open your eyes.

"Sea". Meditation on the color blue

In therapeutic meditation, blue color has a positive effect on the respiratory system, so it is especially recommended for bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma. Blue color affects the activity of the thyroid gland and has an analgesic effect for all kinds of pain. Meditation with the color blue also helps you become calmer, learn to control your emotions, and even promotes the development of intuition.

Take a comfortable position, close your eyes. Take a few breaths in and out. Relax as much as possible. Smile to yourself. Imagine that the sea stretches out in front of you. Blue waves, rolling one onto another, run out onto the shore, almost touch your feet and again run away into the blue distance. A gentle breeze blows across sun-warmed skin. You like to stand and look into the endless blue. The smooth sound of the surf is mesmerizing and soothing. The blue color of the sea penetrates you, you feel one with it. Take a deep breath, trying to absorb as much blue as possible. You are absolutely calm, nothing worries you, you know that you can control your emotions, and this knowledge gives you strength. The blue sea takes away all your troubles. Let blue energy fill you with self-confidence, harmony and calm. Slowly come out of meditation, maintaining the purity, bottomlessness, light and peace of the blue sea.

"Amethyst Pyramid". Meditation on the color purple

In therapeutic meditation, the color violet lowers temperature, reduces pain, and has a beneficial effect on a person with a busy pace of life, insomnia, and migraines.

Sit with your eyes closed. Imagine that a violet ray is descending on you from above. You get up and walk surrounded by a purple glow, wanting to find the source of the light. You find yourself in a pyramid filled with purple light. The walls of the pyramid are lined with amethysts, which are the source of radiance. Violet light enters you through the crown and fills your entire body. You feel a surge of energy that penetrates every cell of yours. A feeling of freedom and tranquility is born in you. Violet color eliminates pain and enlightens thoughts. Thanks to the energy of violet, you no longer attach as much importance to physical ailments as before. The color violet gives you a feeling of fearlessness and peacefulness at the same time. You are full of tenderness for people and for yourself, for your body. The violet color washed you from the inside, your body was cleansed of energetic dirt. You are full of happiness. Slowly come out of meditation.

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“Color is something that enchants and captivates our external gaze.
Color is something that illuminates and enlightens our inner vision."
- Sri Chinmoy


When psychologists interpret the meaning of color, they speak mainly from the mental level; they use intelligence or mental power. But when the meaning of color is interpreted by the seeker, he uses his vision, his inner eye. Therefore his explanation will be completely different.
There are many superficial and not so deep people. The colors in this book will captivate them and spark their curiosity. But for real seekers, these colors will give inspiration and energy, they will help them realize the Infinite in the finite and the Immortal in the mortal.
Colors have different meanings. For example, the color silver has a special meaning that can be applied to any area. Silver signifies purity. When you see this color during meditation, know that you have made great progress in your life regarding purity. At the time you see the silver color, you should feel that your mind becomes pure, your vital becomes pure, your body consciousness becomes pure. This also applies when you see the color silver in a painting.
If you see colors during meditation or in your sleep, then this book will help you understand their meaning - but only if your sleep is very deep or your meditation is very insightful. If sleep or meditation is superficial, then there is no point in turning to this book. The qualities described in it are associated with certain colors on the internal, mental plane. The qualities of these colors can be completely different when they are on the physical plane. But if you enter into psychic consciousness, you will be able to see the connections between the colors in this book and understand their meaning and meaning.
How can a person become more aware of the presence of psychic consciousness? There are seven main mental centers, or chakras, in the body. These centers exist not in the physical, but in the subtle body. At the crown of the head there is a chakra called Sahasrara, the thousand-petalled lotus. Between the eyebrows and just above is the area of ​​vision called Ajna. At the base of the throat is the chakra of speech and embodiment. We call her Vishuddha. In the center of the chest is Anahata, the heart chakra; people get psychic power mainly from here. In the navel area there is Manipura. At the level of the spleen there is another center, Svadhisthana, and below, at the base of the spine there is a chakra called Muladhara. These are the seven main chakras. When the seeker consciously concentrates on these centers, he develops psychic power. He may not know what the center is actually called, but by concentrating where he needs to, he automatically achieves a certain intuitive power.
In order for the chakras to open and Kundalini to begin to operate, you need to concentrate on each chakra. This type of spiritual discipline is one way to gain psychic strength. It takes a lot of work to achieve this. Another way to gain psychic power is by using a mantra. If you repeat a certain mantra many times, then there is no need to concentrate on any specific center. You just need to repeat this mantra a certain number of times and thus gain psychic strength.
Psychic power has great beauty, like the beauty of a flower or the moon. Although it is merely a manifestation of Divine Power, this psychic power is itself palpable. In general, psychic power is the power of the child, although it can become ultimately limitless through a very close unity with the Source. Psychic power is usually that power which a child possesses as a result of complete and permanent unity with his parents. The child considers the parents' internal possessions to be his own. Needless to say, this claim is justified.
Although the psychic centers are not directly associated with color, they do have their own color. Each chakra embodies several colors. Muladhara, the root chakra, has four petals of red and orange. Svadhisthana, the chakra near the spleen, has six petals: orange, blue, green, yellow, violet and blood red. Blood red color predominates in this chakra. Manipura, the navel chakra, has ten petals: pink, orange and green, but predominantly green. The heart chakra, Anahata, has twelve bright golden petals. The throat chakra, the Vishuddhi lotus, has sixteen petals of blue and green. Ajna has only two petals, but inside each of them there are forty-eight petals of pink color. The crown chakra - Sahasrara - has a thousand petals or, to be precise, nine hundred and seventy-two. They come in many different shades, but the predominant color is purple.
A sincere seeker can concentrate and meditate on these color illustrations to bring forward the qualities embodied by these colors. The color that will help you develop the quality that is currently missing in you is the very color on which you need to concentrate. You must make a choice. Naturally, you will choose the color that brings you the most joy or instant joy, or that you feel drawn to you the most. If you place several colors in front of you and one of them attracts you like a magnet, then this is the color for you - for your awareness and manifestation.


You can also concentrate on these colors to correct your shortcomings. There is no hard and fast rule as to what color is best for this. This entirely depends on the level of development of the seeker. When trying to heal yourself, you should choose a color that you have a special feeling for. Only then will you be able to receive treatment immediately. If you choose the right color, then from this day on your life can become harmonious. But for this color to become effective means, you must like him. If I like red more than blue, then only red will heal me. But if you like blue, then you need to choose it, since in your case the blue color will heal you. The color that gives you inner joy becomes your medicine, as inner joy will directly heal you.
For example, if you like blue, look at it and concentrate on it. Or try to feel that it is inside you, and you are gradually turning into this color. You will immediately receive joy, and this joy will remove your pain and eliminate all your shortcomings. Joy is called delight. Once you feel delight, once you are filled to the brim with delight, all the defects in your outer nature that manifest in the form of pain and suffering will disappear.


Everything has a color, be it a physical object, life energy, vital emotion, thought or feeling. Everything in God's vast creation has and embodies color. Man also has color. In fact, a person has several colors, since he internal entities, inner beings also have color.
Color is an expression of consciousness or, one might say, a covering. This is the outer vestment of consciousness, the outer decoration. Consciousness is the inner world, and color is the expression of its beauty. Color enhances outer beauty and enhances the outer expression of consciousness.
If we want to separate color from consciousness, then we can say that consciousness is infinitely more important than color. Without the participation of consciousness, nothing can be manifested. But without the presence of color, it can be both realized and manifested. On the other hand, you need to know that consciousness itself has color. So in this sense consciousness and color become inseparable.
When we talk about color, we distinguish between white, blue, green and so on. But we need to know that any shade of color is a very special thing. There are seven different notes in music, but there are many more than seven colors. Indeed, the rainbow has seven colors, but if you look closely, you will see that each color has completely different shades. The color blue can be so pale and faint that it almost turns into white, or it can be a very rich and intense deep blue. A very deep lilac color is completely different from a very pale lilac. The difference is like between heaven and earth. Some might call both colors purple, but they are completely different colors.
There is a big difference between bright and delicate colors. If it is a gentle color, then the inner being receives more joy and delight. If the color is bright, then external sensations, external entities receive more delight. The softer the color, the more joy the inner being receives. The brighter the color, the more joy the outer being receives.
Sometimes people ask about the connection between music and color. We must know that musical notes correspond to colors. Each note has its own color. However, the color of each note depends on internal development seeker. If the seeker is highly developed spiritually, then when he plays a certain note, he will see a completely different color. And the same seeker, hearing a certain note, will see completely different colors, depending on whether he is at a low level of consciousness or in his highest consciousness. It depends on the height of the seeker at the time he creates the music.
There are quite a few shades that are beyond human perception. In addition, there are colors that do not even have a name, since they cannot be seen in the human range of perception. They are seen only with the inner gaze, the third eye.
How does color appear? Color appears through inner awakening and inner evolution. In the manifestation of color on earth there is always involution and evolution. When some color descends from above and invades the world - the earthly arena - we call it involution. And when the same color strives to come out for manifestation and ascends from below, we call it evolution. Involution is for awareness, evolution is for manifestation.
In inner world color is a promise. In the outer world, color is fulfillment. In the inner world, each color embodies a promise, and in the outer world, each color tries to fulfill this promise - that is, to manifest God without setting conditions.
Usually, when we see something on the physical plane, we attach a certain meaning to the color of that thing. We try to apply the meaning that exists on the spiritual plane to the physical plane. For example, the color green always means hope, it new life, new energy. And blue means spirituality.
As for manifestation, color can have one meaning on one plane, and a completely different one on another. On each plane there is a special meaning for each color. For example, on the physical plane, the color red can represent strength. But on the internal plane it can become completely dim and change its qualities. Here it can represent joy.
There are seven higher and seven lower worlds. As you pass through these worlds, the colors may change. Their essence and reality can completely, completely change as they descend from higher planes to lower ones. This is not at all necessary, but it happens many times.
Existing as a bright blue color in the original plane, it becomes a very pale blue when moving to another level. The color can be very light, or it can come as a very subtle wave from the subtle world. But touching the earthly consciousness, it can become thick and rich or very dark and intense. It entirely depends on the Will of God. It's like letting a man down from a tree. Sometimes he descends very carefully and does not hurt himself. Other times he may descend very quickly and hurt himself or scratch his legs and arms. And then, having reached the foot of the tree, he will be completely scarred. There is no actual damage to the color; It’s just the Guru giving such an example.
Not only colors can have differences on the internal and external planes. The same story happens with the cosmic gods. Cosmic gods and deities have different shapes at different levels. In other words, when we see them at different levels, they will different color. For example, when we see Mahakali on the physical plane, she is dark and looks terrifying - angry, ferocious and destructive. But this same Mahakali, if you look at her from the highest plane, seems golden. There, at the highest level, she is incredibly beautiful and compassionate.
The first and most famous Veda is the Rig Veda. It begins with a description of the cosmic god Agni, the god of fire. Fire means aspiration, and aspiration and the message of the Vedas are inseparable. The fire that represents Agni is the beginning inner awakening. This fire has no smoke and does not burn anything. It is an inner rising flame that only illuminates and elevates our consciousness. Agni, fire, expresses itself in seven forms, and has seven significant internal names: Kali - black; Karali - terrible; Manojava - quick thinker; Sulohita - blood red; Shudumravarna - the color of smoke; Soulinga is a shower of sparks and Vishvaruchi is beauty itself.
Kali, the black one, is not actually black. Kali is the divine force or fire within us that fights hostile forces. When Mother Kali fights the demons on the battlefield of life, we see her on the vital plane as a dark, gloomy goddess. But on the highest plane of consciousness, Mother Kali is all golden. Here her beauty is incomparable. Her beauty is not physical. It is the inner beauty that lifts human consciousness to the highest level of delight.
When we see real spiritual beauty, we feel like we want to accept the whole world as something entirely our own. At this time we feel that we not only accept the whole world, but also become the world. We feel that there is nothing dark either inside or around us. At the moment we see darkness everywhere. If we are sincere, we can see the darkness within ourselves. But when we see real spiritual beauty, we will immediately feel that there is a stream of beauty within us, and what is on the external plane is only a reflection of what is inside.
Something can be much more beautiful in the inner world than in the outer world, because the inner world is the source. At the source, beauty simply blossomed. There is no conflict here that could destroy the beauty. When something is created in the outside world, it can be criticized, and jealousy and envy can enter into it. Our outer eye will say that these forces have not caused harm, but if we look with our inner eye, we will see that damage has been done. However, in the inner world this thing is absolutely fresh; no one touched her. The inner eye does not defile; it is unity itself. In the outer view there is jealousy and envy. If we look at something with the wrong thought or in an unaspiring consciousness, it will affect the thing. On the other hand, if we aspire, then our aspiration will increase the beauty and reality of the thing we are looking at. Our recognition will increase her strength. Generally speaking, we can say that in the outer world we look with a sense of separation, while in the inner world we look with the light of unity. So naturally, what we see in the outer world will be different from what we see in the inner world.
The soul operates in the inner consciousness, but it uses color to manifest itself. The soul is capable of expressing its beauty or strength, or some other quality, through color.
Each soul may have two, three or more colors, but often it chooses one specific color to express its basic abilities and qualities. If the soul accepts one particular color as predominant, then it can express itself and its abilities very easily, whereas if it accepts another color, it may encounter difficulties in expressing itself. She usually chooses the color that she loves and which is the simplest way of expression for her at the moment.
There are countless colors in the inner world. In the world of the soul, there are many colors everywhere from which the soul can choose. It's like visiting a big market or store. Here the soul acquires the color it desires. Once the soul chooses its primary color, the person will stick to that color. If a person aspires, his color can change if it is the Will of God. Otherwise it will retain the same color. Only more brightness can be added to this color. Typically, spiritual Teachers' main color is blue. My main color is blue too. But if other souls want to choose a different color, then they are completely free to choose.
Pure white is not the highest color. There is no concept of highest and lowest color. Each color has its own highest and its own lowest. Blue can be at its highest, green can be at its highest, and white can be at its highest. But each person must choose the color that he wants to bring from above for his own progress. He must choose the color that will most help his progress.
If you see that someone is receptive to you, then you choose that person's company. You can be in a room with ten people, but one out of ten will be more receptive to you, and you will choose him. This is an internal connection, and it manifests itself through addiction. If there is an internal connection, then, naturally, it manifests itself through external preference. In the same way, when the soul wants to manifest, it looks around and sees what color immediately reacts to its light. Then the soul will take exactly this color.
When a person shows affection for someone else, his soul does not necessarily have the same color or the same qualities as that person's soul. The soul he is attracted to or has an inner connection with may be a complementary soul and have complementary qualities.
There is no hard and fast rule that any particular color will represent reality more successfully. It depends entirely on reality. It depends on when and how reality wants to express itself and through what color. Now it may want to manifest itself through the color blue; she may want blue to represent her reality. But at another moment she may wish that her reality was represented by the color green; and then it will turn green. Everything depends on desire or will, let’s say, reality. Choosing your representative is a matter of reality.
When the highest Reality manifests, it requires not only color, but also sound, form, smell and taste. After all, this is the only way that integral reality can be visible, tangible and fully manifested.


Agni - God of Fire.
Ajna - vision chakra, or third eye; 2 petal lotus.
Anahata - heart chakra, 12-petalled lotus; silent sound.
Vishvaruchi is an aspect of Kali, Beauty Itself.
Vishuddha - throat chakra, 16 petal lotus; associated with art and music.
Kali is one of the four aspects of the High Goddesses, the Mother Power. In the upper world it is golden; in the lower worlds she is dark, as she fights with dark forces to establish the Highest Victory.
Karali is one of the epithets of Kali, meaning "Terrible".
Kundalini is the primordial energy flowing through Sushumna in every person as a cosmic stream. It begins at the psychic center at the base of the spine (muladhara) and rises upward like a snake, passing through each psychic center until it reaches the crown chakra, Sahasrara.
Manipura - navel chakra, 10 petal lotus.
A mantra is a spell that has the power of transformation when repeated over and over again. It can consist of one word, one or several phrases.
Manojava is an aspect of Kali, the Quick-Thinking One.
Muladhara - root chakra, 4-petalled lotus.
Sahasrara - crown chakra, 1000-petalled lotus. It is usually not in the same category as the other 6 chakras as it is beyond the physical.
Svadhisthana - spinal chakra, 6-petalled lotus.
Sulohita is an aspect of Kali, the Blood Red.
SFulingji is an aspect of Kali, the Scatterer of Sparks.
Chakra is the center of psychic energy.
Shudumravarna is an aspect of Kali, the Color of Smoke.