Blooming garden hibiscus. How hibiscus tree winters in the garden

As a landscape designer, I always advise my clients on plants that combine visual appeal with unpretentious care. One of my favorite plants is garden hibiscus, which is what I use more often than others when decorating plots.

The plant is able to transform any landscape, looks extremely impressive. In the article I will talk about this plant, share my experience on how to plant and grow garden hibiscus.

Garden hibiscus is a real decoration of the backyard landscape. In addition to the exceptional external decorativeness, the plant can also boast of flowers suitable for brewing delicious tea. It is hibiscus flowers that are used as the basis for the famous Hibiscus.

In addition, the plant is also quite unpretentious: its care and reproduction does not cause difficulties.

In the homeland of the plant - the Hawaiian Islands - it is also called the "flower of love". Hawaiian women adorn their hairstyles with amazingly spectacular flowers.

It can be different in height: tree-like varieties are the tallest. The flowers of the plant deserve a separate description. They have the shape of a pronounced funnel, formed from five or more (terry varieties) petals.

Funnel parameters can be from 6 to 15 cm, there are also varieties in which flowers in a loose state reach the diameter of a soccer ball.

The color is different: pink, white, blue, lilac, red shades are more common. There are also two-tone, striped, bordered varieties - they are the most decorative.

Garden hibiscus is able to withstand frosts down to -20 degrees without shelter. Of course, in most Russian regions, the plant will need to be covered for the winter. The shrub blooms for a long time - from late June to October. It can be both an annual plant and a perennial, its evergreen and deciduous varieties are also known.

The plants are malvaceae. In nature, there are about 250 varieties of this flower. The following varieties are cultivated in the garden:

  • hibiscus tree;
  • grassy;
  • semi-shrub;
  • shrubby.

landscape use

Different types and varieties of garden hibiscus are used in the design of the backyard landscape in different ways. If the variety is undersized, it is ideal for borders, including mixed ones.

Herbaceous hibiscus looks spectacular in combination with roses and other beautiful ornamental shrubs.

The tree-like variety is perfectly combined with both massive coniferous trees and shrubs, and with undersized flowers. Hibiscus: photo in the garden.

Since the garden hibiscus loves water, a site on the shore of a reservoir or pond will suit him perfectly. Growing hibiscus outdoors is easy, and miniature varieties of the plant are also suitable for pot cultivation.


Science knows many species and varieties of this beautiful plant, however, only a few of them are usually grown in open ground conditions in Russia:

  • Syrian;
  • trifoliate;
  • hybrid.


This is the most suitable hibiscus for our climate, as it is quite frost-resistant. His homeland is not Syria, as you might think, but China.

Under natural conditions, Syrian hibiscus reaches 5 meters, but with cultural cultivation- only 3 meters. It is usually cultivated as a small tree. The plant is decorated with elongated dissected leaves and large flowers, reaching a diameter of 6-12 cm.


Has African origin. Reaches 80 cm in height, has a tap root system and straight elongated branches. The name comes from the type of foliage - the leaves are divided into three parts.

The flowers are small, reaching a diameter of only 4 cm. However, due to their number and external showiness, the shrub looks very picturesque. The color of the petals is yellowish, the core is red. Flowers bloom only in the morning.


It was bred artificially by crossing marsh hibiscus, red and holly. Differs in long years of life and very beautiful, bright and large flowers.

Condition Requirements

We will find out under what conditions the street hibiscus will best show its decorative qualities.


It is necessary to plant a plant in a sunny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden.

In this case, the place should be protected from drafts and gusts of wind.

The soil

Hibiscus does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil, which greatly simplifies the task of the gardener. It is better to grow and develop a shrub in loamy soil; it is undesirable to plant it on a site with calcareous soil.

It is important that the bed has good permeability, is loose and drainable: the plant does not like stagnant moisture. And the most spectacular flowering can be achieved by planting hibiscus in the soil in a neutral or slightly acid reaction. It is also important that the soil is sufficiently nutritious, saturated with organic matter.


Garden hibiscus is a tropical flower, therefore it is not indifferent to heat. When the spring will be removed winter shelter, it is necessary to build a film greenhouse over the shrub to protect it from return frosts. With the onset of sustainable heat, the need for a greenhouse disappears.

View on the topic:


Hibiscus can be propagated in the garden in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.


This method is the longest, but if it is not possible to propagate hibiscus vegetatively, there is no other way out. Seeds must be stratified before planting to harden the plants.

Seeds are placed in the ground, sprayed with water and cleaned in this form in the refrigerator for stratification. The procedure lasts a month, after which the seeds are planted already in the substrate for germination. The substrate should consist of peat and sand.

The container is covered with a film and placed in heat (+ 25-27 degrees). You need to regularly lift the film for ventilation, as well as spray the soil with a spray bottle.

After germination, wait for the seedlings to form a few true leaves and dive the seedlings into separate pots.

Keep in mind that hibiscus will bloom in this case only in the third year.


For this method, it is best to choose spring. The stalk is cut from young shoots 5 cm below the bud node. After cutting, remove from the cutting lower leaves and treat the cut with a root stimulator.

Rooting occurs in the ground: you need to deepen the cutting to the node. From above, the seedling is covered with polyethylene and so kept for about a month. During this period, the cutting takes root, after which it can be transplanted into the garden. In this case, hibiscus will begin to bloom next year.

Planting in the garden

You can plant both hibiscus seedlings grown from seeds and cuttings with roots on the garden bed. The following is a step by step process.

  1. Prepare holes for plants at a distance of a meter and a half from each other. The size of the hole should be twice the volume of the roots of the plant.
  2. Place a drainage layer of broken bricks at the bottom of the recesses.
  3. Pour sand on top, then compost, sand again.
  4. Remove the seedling from the container so as not to damage its vulnerable roots.
  5. Place the seedling in a hole, cover the roots with soil (earth + peat + sand). The root neck should be slightly below ground level.
  6. Spud the seedling, forming a watering recess around the trunk.
  7. Water the plant.

How to care

With proper care, the plant can live safely for 15 years, while annually delighting with its flowering. Let's get acquainted with the basic requirements for the care of garden hibiscus.


The plant requires regular and fairly abundant moisture. However, it is important to prevent soil flooding and stagnation in it. Make sure that the soil in the hibiscus bed is constantly moist, but without puddles.

If there is a drought, water the plant daily, and on cool days the procedure can be omitted. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil to ensure good soil permeability.


This procedure is needed mainly by young hibiscus. The plant is usually transplanted in early spring, trying to be in time before the start of sap flow.

If a we are talking about herbaceous hibiscus, it should be transplanted especially carefully. The fact is that its roots cannot be damaged - such negligence can very quickly lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, dig out the bush very carefully, trying not to touch its rhizomes, it is better to retreat to a decent distance.

How it hibernates

Since winters in our country are usually harsh, garden hibiscus needs to survive the cold under cover. The plant will not withstand frosts below -20 degrees.

Before cold weather, mulch the root circle with peat, trim and then cover the bush with burlap or agrofiber. In this form, the plant will be able to safely survive the winter.

top dressing

Fertilizers for garden hibiscus must necessarily contain phosphorus. And before sheltering for the winter, feed the plant with potassium - fertilizer will help to survive frosts more easily.

We met with such a magnificent plant like garden hibiscus. This unique shrub boasts a rare decorative effect combined with unpretentiousness. It will decorate any site, perfectly combined with most garden plants.

Now you know how to plant it and how to care for it - following the tips from the article, you can avoid many problems when growing hibiscus.

belongs to the genus Hibiscus a large number of grassy perennials and shrubs growing mainly in the tropical and subtropical zones of Eurasia and America. Only a small number of them have a pronounced frost resistance, due to which gardeners grow them for decorative purposes both on the street and at home. Hibiscus garden is hybrid plant, but in fact the collective name of species that can grow in a temperate climate.

Where to plant

Hibiscus in the garden takes root well on most types of soil, including sandy and clay. The main condition is that the soil should be a little loose, so for good growth it is important to loosen it frequently.

Important! If the soil is too wet, it is necessary to take care of drainage to remove excess water, otherwise the roots of the plant may rot.

The place under it must be protected from strong winds. It is good to place the plant near fences, walls of houses and outbuildings, however, it should be borne in mind that garden hibiscus bushes are quite thermophilic. This means that the place for its landing should be well warmed up by the sun, but a long stay under direct sunbeams undesirable for the plant. On the right site, garden hibiscus can grow for more than two decades.

The plant is unpretentious and able to withstand the usual temperatures characteristic of the climate of central Russia. It should be borne in mind that during periods of abnormally hot weather, the plant must be shaded, and during frosts on the soil, cover with straw.

Important! The ideal air temperature for the growth of garden hibiscus is + 20 + 25 degrees.

Garden hibiscus: care and reproduction

How to propagate and plant hibiscus? Propagate garden hibiscus in the following ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds.

Cuttings are the easiest way for a plant to propagate. It should be carried out during the periods with the most comfortable temperature air for plants: in central Russia - in late spring and early autumn, beyond the Urals, in Siberia - in the middle of summer. Cuttings should be small - no more than 3 internodes on each. The branches in the lower part are cleared of leaves and placed in a small container (about 1 liter in volume) filled with soil. Soil for cuttings is best purchased in specialized stores for gardeners. Before planting, the cutting should be placed in water. Previously, in the tray used for growing pruning, it is important to make a small hole where you should pour the agent to accelerate growth, and then plant a branch into it to a depth of about 3-5 cm. After planting, the soil around the cutting must be compacted and poured with settling water.

Hibiscus cuttings with root

The planted stalk should be covered with a special cap or make a frame yourself and cover it with a film. The tray should be kept in a well-lit area, but should not be left in direct sunlight.

After about 3 weeks, the cutting will take root, and a month after planting, it should be transplanted into an ordinary pot with soil consisting in equal parts of soddy soil, sand and peat. Garden hibiscus will overwinter in room conditions and already in the spring herbaceous plant ready for planting in open ground.

The plant propagates by cuttings and in another way. After cutting off a branch, it should be placed in water and wait for the appearance of the root system. After that, the hibiscus is transplanted into a pot. However, it is worth noting that such seedlings have more modest indicators of growth and sustainability than those that are planted in compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology.

Layering is a less common way to propagate hibiscus bushes. Its essence lies in the fact that one of the stems of the mother plant is dug into the ground. right time for propagation of garden hibiscus layering - the end of spring. For breeding, the following types are used:

  • ordinary;
  • air;
  • vertical.

Important! It is best to use ordinary layering, in which the top must be free and rise above the ground.

The branch used as a layer must be cleaned of leaves and bent to a groove previously dug in the ground. For its fixation, it is possible to use wire bows. After sprinkling the layering with earth, it must be watered. Water regularly as the soil dries out. The separation of the new plant from the parent is carried out in early autumn. That is why the preparation of layering begins in the spring.

Can it be grown from seeds

Undoubtedly vegetative methods, which reproduce garden hibiscus, are preferable for this plant compared to planting seeds. However, if there is no opportunity to breed a plant with cuttings or layering, this method is also possible.

Important! A plant obtained from a seed takes root worse and has a longer period for the formation of the first flower buds. In addition, the planting of seeds and obtaining seedlings from them is a long and laborious process.

Seeds for planting should be prepared in late February or early March. They are placed in a special solution that stimulates plant growth, where they are kept for about 3-4 hours, after which they are wrapped in wet gauze and allowed to germinate. After a week, the germinated seeds are planted in cups or pots and placed in a warm place where they are not exposed to direct sunlight. To improve germination, they are covered with plastic wrap, creating a kind of greenhouse.

Growing hibiscus from seeds

During the transition outdoor temperature for +10 degrees pots can be left on a short time on the outdoors in order to harden plants, which in the future will help them become more frost-resistant.

After the threat of frost at night disappears, for example, in the regions of the Moscow region this happens at the end of May, hibiscus seedlings are ready for transplanting into open ground. In order for the seeds to sprout, and the resulting seedlings to be stronger, they should be planted in soil, consisting in equal parts of humus, soddy soil and sand. You can fertilize the resulting substrate organic fertilizers(ash, biohumus, peat, etc.).

culture care

To grow a healthy and strong hibiscus, care should include timely watering, tillage and fertilization.

Water for irrigation must be warm, separated. On hot days, it is worth watering daily, additionally spraying the leaves and flowers. If the weather is rainy and cloudy, the plant does not need watering. The degree of its sufficiency can be determined by the appearance of the plant: if it has bright flowers and rich green leaves, it has enough moisture, and withered, falling leaves indicate its lack.

Spider mite on hibiscus

Dense, compacted soil is unacceptable for hibiscus growth, care and reproduction; this makes it difficult for roots to obtain nutrients from air and water. For good growth, the earth must be loosened, which not only improves its quality, but also eliminates weeds. It is also important to periodically mulch; ordinary straw or sawdust can be used as mulch. It also inhibits weed growth and helps retain moisture in the soil.

The hibiscus bush, like any plant, is subject to diseases and pest attacks. Most often, gardeners have to deal with aphids, spider mite and chlorosis.

  • Aphid. For the prevention and treatment of plants from aphids, it should be periodically treated with ash or tobacco.
  • Spider mite. This pest infects flowers. For prevention, spray the buds with plain warm water. Fitoverm is used to treat an infected plant.
  • Chlorosis. This disease indicates that a large amount of chlorine is present in the water for irrigation. It is expressed in the form of falling of the lower leaves.

For good growth and flowering, garden hibiscus needs root feeding. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied after the land is freed from the last snow and the soil dries out. In summer, when hibiscus begins to bloom, it needs top dressing with a high content of phosphorus.

Important! Flowering does not occur immediately after planting, but only in the second year after planting seedlings obtained by cuttings and in the third year after planting seeds.

The hibiscus bush was originally a tropical plant, so its flowers are bright, large and due to this they are truly a real decoration of the garden. They can be of various colors: white, red, yellow. Violet hibiscus flowers look especially impressive. The buds bloom for no more than three days, but the flowering of the plant continues almost from spring to the very beginning of autumn. This is because hibiscus buds form and open in different time, in sequence.

Flowering is a clear indication that the plant is healthy, cared for, it receives the necessary nutrients. If the hibiscus does not have flowers or they are too small and faded, this indicates problems. The main reasons for the lack of flowering of hibiscus are:

  • insufficient lighting;
  • insufficient watering;
  • the plant is affected by pests or diseases;
  • no pruning.

Hibiscus garden

The latter should be considered in more detail. Every spring, bush hibiscus needs sanitary pruning. This should be done before the snow melts. All dry and old branches should be removed, and last year's growth should be reduced by about a third. These procedures stimulate the growth of new shoots and flower buds, so that the flowering of tree hibiscus will be stormy and bright.

Garden hibiscus tends to get along well with other flowers. It is good to grow a plant next to roses, chrysanthemums, gladioli and dahlias.

Important! It is not recommended to plant hibiscus near tall shrubs and trees, the shade from them will interfere with growth.

How to care for a plant in the fall, preparing for winter

At the very beginning of autumn, hibiscus care consists in preparations for winter and fertilizing with potash fertilizers. This is a pledge lush flowering plants next year. Leaves that begin to fall off and dead stems should be removed - this will help to avoid diseases. Watering hibiscus in the fall should be rare - once or twice a week. More often you can't. It is also necessary to carry out mulching, covering the soil around the plant with an even layer of straw or sawdust. You can also use peat as mulch, which will protect it from freezing in especially frosty winters.

Important! When growing hibiscus in areas with a cold climate, the plant must be covered with spruce branches, since at temperatures below -15 degrees there is a risk of significant freezing of the soil and death of the plant.

Also in the fall, it is necessary to carefully check the leaves and stems of the plant for the detection of diseases and pests. When they are detected, it is important to take appropriate measures.

Frost-resistant varieties of hibiscus in the Moscow region winter well in the open field, but more heat-loving varieties should be moved to heat for the winter. To do this, the plant must be dug up and transplanted into a pot. It is good if hibiscus hibernates in a warm and bright room, for example, in a house or apartment. When storing them in outbuildings or in an unheated dacha, care should be taken to ensure that the plants receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, light, and the temperature does not fall below + 10 degrees.

Hibiscus is a garden flower, spectacular, able to grow in our latitudes and delight gardeners with lush foliage and flowering. It is important to understand not only how to plant hibiscus, but also how to create ideal conditions for them. They will allow the hibiscus to become the jewel of the garden.

A beautiful plant, which, due to its wide species diversity in natural environment may take a herbaceous form, as well as a shrub or tree, known as hibiscus. The deciduous and evergreen representative of the mallow grows everywhere in tropical and subtropical climates. While in temperate latitudes in the open field, single species are able to grow, united under a single name - garden hibiscus, the care and reproduction of which even a beginner can do.

In nature, the genus of hibiscus has more than 300 varieties, while in Central Russia only three are cultivated in the garden:

  • Hibiscus Syrian- deciduous shrub, the natural height of which ranges from 5-6 m, is a native of China. On the shoots, covered with ovoid foliage of intense green color, single flowers of various colors bloom during the flowering period. Popular varieties: "Diana", "Vyelit Ilar Double", "Pink Giant", "Carneus Plenus".
  • Hibiscus trigeminal- a highly branching species from Africa, which today can be found in all regions with irrigated agriculture. The species owes its name to the three-lobed structure of leaf plates, in the axils of which buds form. Flowering, in which only in the morning bloom yellow flowers with a red core, lasts more than a month.
  • hybrid hibiscus- herbaceous perennial, obtained by crossing several North American varieties, stands out with large flowers with a wide color palette. Among the most spectacular varieties are "Youth", "Late", "Pink-Porcelain".

Landing in open ground

Landing work planting material hibiscus in open ground held in spring after the threat of frost has passed. Planting in the first half of autumn is also allowed.

Site selection and soil requirements

The optimal place where hibiscus can grow for about 20 years without experiencing discomfort will be a sunny, wind-protected area with light, fertile soil, which has excellent air and water permeability.

Landing technology

Planting garden hibiscus is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. A landing hole is dug, the dimensions of which should exceed root system seedling twice.
  2. A thick layer of drainage material is placed at the bottom of the pit, which is broken brick, crushed stone or expanded clay.
  3. Drainage is covered with layers of sand and compost 15 cm each in the following sequence: sand, compost, sand.
  4. Then the seedling is lowered so that the root neck is slightly deepened.
  5. The pit is filled with potting soil. garden soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:4:1.
  6. The planted plant is spudded and watered.
  7. After drying, the recess is covered with soil, and the trunk circle is leveled.

Attention! If planting is carried out in the fall, then the near-trunk area is mulched.

culture care

The hibiscus flower will delight the owner with large flowers when the basic agrotechnical requirements are met.

Watering and mulching

A tropical representative of the garden needs regular watering, the next portion of which should be poured out after the soil has dried in the trunk circle. During periods of prolonged drought, moisturizing is carried out daily.

Loosening and removal of weeds

The soil under the hibiscus must be systematically loosened in order to maintain the required level of aeration and water permeability. During the procedure, weeds are removed.

top dressing

During the period of intensive growth, hibiscus needs regular feeding:

  • In the summer, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers are included in the top dressing.
  • In the first half of autumn, in order for the plant to fully prepare for winter, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied under the bushes.


To maintain the decorativeness of the plant, it is necessary to systematically prune, with the help of which various goals are achieved:

  • Formative- to form a standard form, the shoots of the planted plant are shortened to the third bud, retaining only the trunk. In the future, all side shoots are removed until the trunk reaches required height when the formation of skeletal branches of the crown is carried out.
  • Sanitary- before the awakening of the kidneys, pruning is carried out, in which old, diseased and inwardly developing shoots are removed, and last year's branches are also shortened.
  • Anti-aging- a haircut in which dried, old shoots are removed and all other branches are shortened by ⅔ parts.


If necessary, transplantation can only be carried out in early spring after cutting the shoots to half the length.

How to care in autumn, winter?

Hybrid hibiscus are winter-hardy, so they do not need special shelter. It is enough to spud the cropped plant and mulch it well with sawdust or garden foliage.

In the case of tree forms, the situation is more complicated:

  1. In the first case, the plant is dug up and hibernates in a tub indoors.
  2. Or hibiscus is provided with a reliable shelter with the help of organic material in the form of spruce branches, which protects the culture well from frost and does not allow overheating.

Attention! When sheltering garden hibiscus with spruce branches, protective measures are taken to destroy mouse-like rodents that feed on the bark of an exotic representative.

Disease and pest control

Garden hibiscus is not susceptible to damage by harmful organisms. However, if the drought persists for a long period, the plant can be attacked by aphids, thrips, whiteflies and spider mites. If insects are detected on the crop, it is necessary to treat with an insecticide in two stages with an interval of 14 days. Among the diseases that are observed on hibiscus, chlorosis stands out, which occurs due to the poverty of the soil.

Reproduction features

The garden hibiscus propagates, most often, by cuttings and seeds.


The procedure is carried out in the summer as follows:

  1. Cuttings are cut with 2-3 internodes.
  2. The cut sites are treated with a growth stimulator.
  3. The cuttings are planted in peat, where the bottom heating is organized for them.
  4. After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted into pots with a substrate, where they are until the formation of lateral shoots.
  5. To stimulate branching, the plant is pinched.
  6. After the formation of the bush, the culture is planted in the garden.

Peculiarity! Subject to all measures, new plants bloom in the same year.

seed way

Reproduction by seeds is carried out in winter or early spring, when:

  1. The seed material is soaked in a growth stimulator, after which it is sown in a mixture of peat and sand.
  2. Crops are covered with glass and placed in a warm, bright place, where they are ventilated and moistened at short intervals.
  3. After the formation of two pairs of true leaves, the seedlings dive into individual pots.

Advice! To prevent seedlings from stretching out due to a lack of light in winter, artificial lighting should be organized.

The main problems when growing in the garden

Compliance with agrotechnical requirements, as a rule, avoids problems that arise during cultivation.

However, there are situations where the cause is unclear:

  • Hibiscus yellowing - if the yellowness of the leaves is not associated with a lack of watering during a prolonged drought, then the reason lies in the lack of iron, nitrogen in the soil or injury to the root system during transplantation.
  • Lack of flowers - subject to all the requirements for growing garden hibiscus, the lack of flowering may be due to the poverty of the soil, which must be systematically enriched.
  • Falling foliage - if the phenomenon is not observed at the end of the growing season, then the determining factors are insufficient or excessive watering, as well as a damaged root.

Thus, garden hibiscus is ornamental plant, which is able to decorate the site for years, while following simple rules for care.

Hibiscus is a very showy shrub, thanks to its dark green leaves and unusually beautiful flowers that form on the plant throughout the year. In cool regions, its growing season lasts only a few warm months.

Hibiscus has several hundred cultivated and wild species. In places of its natural growth, it is used not only as a decoration of the landscape, but also eaten, as well as for dyeing hair.

Hibiscus garden

A plant like hibiscus is quite unpretentious. It takes root perfectly in any soil, easily tolerates air pollution and smoke, but requires good drainage.

In order to grow this plant in the garden in our climate, it is necessary to purchase Syrian hibiscus. It has beautiful erect branches up to 3 m in height, begins to bloom in early summer, pleasing to the eye until late autumn. In addition, the Syrian type is frost-resistant.

The growth of hibiscus is quite slow, which is why its standard size it reaches in just a couple of years. At the same time, each of his flowers does not fade and pleases the eye for only one day.

This culture reacts to incorrect content with its state of health and its appearance, namely:

  • the fall of the lower foliage indicates the formation of chlorosis;
  • plant cancer can affect some of its branches or the entire culture. In this case, red-orange bright masses are formed mainly on the bark;
  • fallen unopened buds indicate a lack of watering and nutrients;
  • if the plant has no flowers, but has lush foliage, it means that it received an excess amount of fertilizers with a high nitrogen content;
  • if the leaves become sluggish, then there is a lack of moisture.

Hibiscus: planting and care


For outdoor hibiscus cultivation, climatic conditions with not very frosty winters are ideal. Without special shelter during this period, he can live exclusively in southern places, while in other areas he should be protected from the cold. However, even in this situation, with the onset of spring, the plant will grow back, and flowering will occur on new young shoots.

The leaves on the bushes of this culture are formed only by May, so it is not necessary to draw final conclusions about its safety after wintering in advance.

The most active influence of frost is exerted mainly on young plants. Therefore, when planting hibiscus in autumn period, it is necessary in the first winter to create soil mulching around it and tie the bush with spruce branches. In the same place where frosts rage for a long time, it is recommended to plant hibiscus in the spring.


The site for planting the plant should be chosen with loose soil without stagnant moisture, which is saturated with humus. At the same time, it should be adequately lit and protected from the wind.

Lighting and nutrition

As for light and moisture, it does not accept direct rays and excessive watering. In the vegetative period at + 22 ° C, hibiscus needs regular spraying. However, it should be done very carefully, since collecting water on the leaves can lead to burns. Also, the plant must be fed weekly from the beginning of summer to October, and during the dormant period - every month.

If hibiscus is provided proper care, then it can live for more than 20 years and, as it grows, become more winter-hardy, as well as get used to a certain temperature.

Hibiscus breeding

Garden hibiscus propagates in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • with the help of cuttings;
  • with the help of layering;
  • dividing the bush.

The most simple method considered second.

Plant transplantation is best done in early March before flowering. However, you should first cut it to activate branching.

A cut of the branches is created approximately at 1/2 or 2/3 of their length. After transplantation, good watering and excellent lighting after 12 months you can get a beautifully flowering plant.

Hibiscus cuttings:

  • cuttings are cut from the upper part of the young growth, which has 2-3 internodes, from the beginning to the end of summer;
  • then the cut sites are treated with special growth stimulants;
  • then they are planted in containers with a soil mixture of peat and sand, keeping them at a temperature of 22-25 ° C;
  • after 28-30 days, the cuttings should take root;
  • then they are rooted in small pots with 1 part of soddy, leafy soil, 2 parts of humus and sand, watered with warm water.

Propagation of hibiscus seeds

Hibiscus seeds are sown from January to March, after soaking them for a day in epin. The material should be planted in a mixture of sand and peat. The seed pot is covered with glass. The temperature is maintained from 25-27°C. In this case, the soil should be periodically aired and sprayed.

After the seedlings have formed a few leaves, they need to dive into the average size pots. When growing hibiscus from seeds, the plant will begin to please the eye and bear fruit at about 3-4 years of age.

Hibiscus: care

Hibiscus can be used to create hedges. So in the spring and in July, you should cut off the tips of the developing branches with a pruner - this will allow young plants to enhance flowering. It should be remembered that premature pruning can lead to falling buds.

Try to water the plant abundantly and regularly fertilize with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, which contains nitrogen.

Thus, if you provide a garden hibiscus right conditions content, then the plant will delight you with its flowering and appearance for many years, and will also become an excellent decor for the garden.

Hibiscus Syrian video:

Hibiscus is a fairly popular flower that can be grown not only in an apartment or office, but also in open ground. Some of the species, if properly cared for, can tolerate slight frosts.

Flower characteristics and description

These unusual garden flowers (lat. Hibiscus) serve original decoration any household area.

Also, with the direct participation of the petals, you can brew a fragrant and very healthy tea. Many people have tried a delicious drink called hibiscus, which is made from hibiscus flowers. In addition, the plant is not whimsical and does not require special care, while possessing high decorative qualities.

In Hawaii, a type of tree-like hibiscus is common, which the locals call the flower of love or the flower of lovely women. During the holidays, local beauties use the unforgettable hibiscus flowers to decorate their hair, because an extensive palette of its colors can further emphasize their natural beauty.

Hibiscus first appeared in India and China. Thanks to their climate, this bush can develop perfectly, even despite the periodically hot periods. The only thing needed is proper watering, because the flower is very fond of soil moisture. Also, there are no severe winters on the territory of these countries, which allows the bush to preserve shoots and roots. In order for the plant to survive on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus and Siberia, it is necessary to cover it with foliage or spruce branches. In the southern part of Ukraine, the temperature in winter does not fall below -10 ° C, therefore it is able to endure the winter without any shelters.

Varieties and varieties

Hibiscus is a plant that blooms with outlandish and bewitching flowers with its graceful beauty. It can grow not only on the windowsill in the apartment, but also on the garden plot. The specimen grown in the garden belongs to the Malvus group. In nature, you can find about 250 varieties of this plant. All of them have a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and flower sizes.

Depending on the form, one can distinguish:

  • Semi-shrub.
  • Shrub view.
  • Herbaceous varieties.
  • decorative trees.

Hibiscus Syrian

It is also called the Syrian (Chinese) rose, ketmiya or garden hibiscus. This is the only type of plant that perfectly takes root in the garden. The bushes have a rich green tint, as well as inflorescences of a wide variety of colors. After landing this species will grow slowly, and will begin to bloom only 3-4 years after planting.

Tree garden hibiscus cultivation and care

It will delight gardeners with its flowers for six months, but only the flowering of each flower lasts no more than one day. After some flowers have withered and fallen, new ones bloom in their place.. It begins to bloom by mid-summer and continues to produce new inflorescences until October.

Hibiscus tree

This sample is a large bush (about 2 meters), completely strewn with beautiful flowers. The inflorescences are somewhat reminiscent of mallow flowers, the diameter of which can vary from 10 to 25 cm. A hybrid plant can be determined by the size of the flower or not. The average size of a flower of a garden species is considered to be a diameter of about 10-15 cm.

In countries with a temperate climate, it reaches up to 2.5 meters, while in the natural conditions of life, the height of a tree-like specimen can reach up to 6 meters. And we get a hibiscus tree.

To achieve abundant flowering of the bush, it needs to be cut off, it is carried out once every 2 years. In order to protect the plant from aphids, it is worth planting lavender next to it.

This variety suitable for growing in pots, but for this it is necessary to take into account some factors. The place chosen for the plant should be ideal for it, because if you decide to turn it or put it in another part of the garden, you can damage the fragile flower stalks. The chosen place should be well protected from drafts, as well as quite warm and well lit by the sun. In order to save decorative form hibiscus grown in a pot, it needs to be trimmed occasionally.

The most common varieties of the species:

  • Hibiscus Syrian Duc de Brabant

white hibiscus

It is a shrub or a small tree, not exceeding 2-3 meters in height, and the circumference of the entire plant is not more than 1.7 m. It has large double flowers of a purple-red hue with red-burgundy or dark red petals in the center. Inflorescences do not exceed 10-12 cm. Sunny areas are suitable for growing this species, but breeding is also possible in slightly shaded places.

  • Hibiscus Lavender Chiffon

An English cultivar called Lavender Chiffon has recently been bred. It can be distinguished from other species by semi-double or double inflorescences of a blue-pink hue with a bright red central part.

This is a small deciduous shrub or tree of medium size, which does not exceed 3 meters. At the same time, the circumference of the entire bush is about 1.7 m. It can grow both in sunny and slightly shaded areas.

  • Diana

pink hibiscus

Shrub plant, whose height is about 2 m. It is characterized by 12 cm white flowers, slightly wavy along the edges.

  • Vyelith Ilar Double

Vigorous plant with straight shoots, with double or semi-double violet-blue flowers with small red specks in the middle.

  • Pink Giant

A shrub with solitary pink flowers, endowed with purple spots on the bases of the petals.

  • Corneus Plenus

Shrub with flexible trunks. Has terry fawn - pink flowers, the central part of which is endowed with a crimson spot.


The height of this species reaches almost 1 meter. It has lush petiolate leaves and medium flowers of a light yellow hue. Flowering lasts quite a long time and lasts for 30 days. are blooming just a few hours a day.


This species begins to bloom its beautiful flowers in late spring and continues to delight the gardener until late autumn.

Its flowers are painted in rich red or orange shades. The size of the flowers is medium, and the petals are slightly wrapped due to the strong dissection. A very unusual and exotic type of blooming hibiscus attracts everyone's attention.

by the most famous variety, eating Drummond's hibiscus. It is characterized by a straight strongly branched stem, endowed with leaves with a dissected edge, reaching 5 cm. The flowers have 5 pink petals with a black central part.

Herbaceous hibiscus planting and care

It has many straight trunks, the number of which increases every year. The foliage of this species resembles sunflower leaves. As a rule, inflorescences are white, raspberry or pink. Does not like shade, preferring well-lit areas.

red hibiscus

This species differs from the rest in that it blooms for quite a long time, from early August to September. They have inflorescences that are several times larger than those of the tree variety. Also a significant advantage of this plant is its frost resistance.

The size reaches about 3 m, so it should be planted in the center of the garden property or on its remote rear segment.

This variety requires regular watering, especially at the time of its planting and initial cultivation. When flowering comes to an end, watering the plant should be slightly reduced. Every year, namely in the fall, the bushes must be completely cut to the ground.

When caring for a herbaceous variety, do not forget to consider that the root system is a potato, damage to which will kill the plant. This is the reason why in winter the place where the hibiscus grew should be marked with a sign, which will avoid digging and damaging the root system.


Terry hibiscus

China is the birthplace of terry or changeable hibiscus.

It's leafy shrub plant, whose height is approximately 3 m. It has a straight trunk with a slightly sharp end.

It has light flowers, which can sometimes be a little pinkish or purple-lilac. There are both terry and ordinary inflorescences about 10 cm in diameter. The number of elegant flowers can sometimes exceed the number of leaves on the branches and almost completely cover the shrub.

Pruning this variety is necessary only if dry branches appear on the bush.

Swamp or perennial

You can grow this variety both in the garden and in the house. It has a bright unusual flowering, which surpasses even in its beauty. It produces large inflorescences of a pink hue, smoothly turning into red, covered with black dots at the base. Endowed with olive smooth leaves. Can withstand temperatures down to -30°C.

Hibiscus street, which one to choose?

The most popular are garden frost-resistant and herbaceous varieties of hibiscus. The fact is that they practically do not require any special care. Tree hibiscus includes many species of plants that have funnel-shaped terry or regular inflorescences that look not only original and unusual, but also exotically promising.

Before choosing one of the many species, it is worth considering that the location of the plant on the plot will come from your choice. If you decide to stick to a low-growing variety, it will look great in mixed borders. Herbaceous most suitable places, next to which are located or other decorative leafy plants.

How to properly care for and propagate garden hibiscus

Caring for a plant is simple and the only rule that must be followed is the timely implementation of all the necessary procedures, which will be discussed now.

Hibiscus should be planted in the spring. Do not worry and be upset if you purchased a plant in the fall. In order for it to survive mild frosts, it must be well covered. To begin with, it is worthwhile to thoroughly mulch it and spud with foliage.

Be sure to tie the bushes with spruce branches and burlap in at least three layers. Also, to save the plant from frost, an air-dry shelter used to shelter clematis, or roses, is suitable.


All varieties of the flower of love are very fond of the sun, so in regions where harsh winters prevail, they will need good lighting. Planting should be done in well-lit sunny areas, where there is no wind and draft that can harm it in early spring. If you are growing hibiscus in pots, you must remember that during flowering they should not be moved. Even small turns can harm a flowering bush.

Planting bushes in open ground

The only thing to consider when choosing a planting area is that Hibiscus prefers soft, nutritious soil that can pass moisture to the desired depth for the plant.

It is necessary to plant a plant in the ground in the spring, when the earth is warm enough. For tree varieties you need to prepare a hole in advance, the size of which is 2 times the root system of the plant.

The hole must be

  1. drainage layer, which includes broken brick laid out with a thickness of 15 cm,
  2. 10 cm layer of sand,
  3. compost layer corresponding to drainage
  4. 15 cm sand layer.
Garden hibiscus video description of varieties:


In no case do not forget to water the hibiscus, as it loves regularity. But at the same time, one should not overdo it, because if you flood the plant too much, this will lead to rotting of the root system, and in the future to possible death.

Methods for organizing proper watering:

  • In order to be sure that the bush needs watering, check if the soil around it has dried out.
  • As a rule, the plant requires watering about 2-3 times a week.
  • In countries with arid climates and hot summers, hibiscus should be watered once a day.
  • Loosening the top soil layer around the shrub is a mandatory procedure.
  • Periodically thin out the bushes, as the grouping of the plant can do little harm to it.
  • In summer, on especially hot days, it is allowed to spray the plant, carrying out this procedure in the morning or in the evening. Do not spray in the afternoon when the sun is too hot, as this will scorch the leaves and buds.

pruning garden hibiscus

crop tree hibiscus not necessarily, but if you want to betray him certain form, then you have to carry out this procedure. Pruning also allows you to give the plant a well-groomed appearance, but it will take a lot of patience and strength from the gardener. In young bushes, as a rule, branches are shortened to 2-3 buds, but you should not touch its trunk. In subsequent years, the plant should be pruned in the winter. At the end of February, it is necessary to cut the side branches to several buds, the trunk to 5-6.

After you have achieved the desired shape of the bush, you should remove only dried or weak branches from it. Those shoots that are very thin must be cut to 2 buds. In the event that after some time the hibiscus has become one-sided, it is necessary to cut off excess branches from it to the very base or side branches.

The grassy appearance of the plant must be cut in the autumn.

What to feed and fertilize

At the time of active vegetation, which takes place in summer and lasts until September, it is imperative to feed the plant with phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, carrying out the procedure once every 10-14 days. To prepare the bush for wintering you need diversify phosphorus fertilizer with potash top dressing.

Basically, hibiscus blooms only one day, but if you properly care for it, then a new flower will appear instead of a withered flower.

Reproduction of hibiscus at home

There are three types of plant propagation:

  • cuttings

To use this method you have to wait until spring. New shoots are used to cut off the top cuttings from them, which have a pair of internodes.

First, cut the shoot below the node by 5 cm. After that, you need to cut the top of the shoot above the node.

Now you have a stalk on which you need to make a cut. At the bottom, remove the leaves and a segment of the shoot. The remaining foliage is cut in half.

  • The division of the bush

The divided bush must be covered with a film and kept at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees. After a month, the Hibiscus will take root and can be planted in a growing area where it will continue to grow. A plant propagated in this way blooms after a year.

  • seeds

Using this method, do not forget to take into account that this can only be done if you stratify the seeds in specially prepared soil, which is based on peat and sand.

Treelike hibiscus and herbaceous as winters in the garden

If you want hibiscus to please you for a long time, then you need to find out how to save it from the coming cold weather, especially for regions middle lane, for example Moscow region. As a rule, the process of preparing for frost begins in November.

  • To shelter tree and bush species, you will need fallen leaves, straw or spruce branches. The latter is the best and safest for wintering hibiscus, as it keeps the temperature perfectly and does not contribute to the decay of the root system. It serves as a kind of ventilation that does not allow cold air to penetrate to the plant.
  • When using straw or leaves, be prepared for the fact that over time they will shrink a little and the plant will be less protected from frost. In addition, the leaves can cause the roots of the plant to rot or become moldy.
  • Herbaceous plants need to be prepared a little differently. First you need to cut the shoots, leaving about 10-15 cm above the ground. After that, they should be spudded with foliage to the entire height of the shoot and mulched with soil. Such warming will be enough for the plant to survive the winter.

Growing problems: diseases and pests

Very often, the plant suffers from chlorosis, which leads to the loss of healthy leaves located below, in place of which dull and yellow ones appear. If this happened to your bush, then there may be two reasons:

  1. he lacks nitrogen
  2. he lacks iron.

Nitrogen fertilizers added to the soil in the spring, as well as watering the bush with water with iron, will help cure hibiscus.

What to do if the bush began to turn yellow.

Such a problem can arise both due to chlorosis, and in case of damage to the root system, often obtained at the time of transplanting the bush. If the roots were the cause of yellowness, then it is worth adding Zircon or Kornevin to the water before watering the plant. To spray the leaves, these preparations are used in a ratio of 3 drops per liter of water. Also cause yellow leaves can serve as a lack of water in too hot weather.

Hibiscus does not bloom.

If the place chosen for planting has all the necessary qualities, all the necessary procedures with the bush are carried out in a timely manner, but it still does not produce inflorescences, then:

He probably lacks phosphorus and boron.

Also pay attention to the growth rate of the shoot, as it may be too slow, which means that the plant lacks nitrogen.

In order for the hibiscus to finally release flowers, you need to feed it with the necessary fertilizers at certain times of the year.

The bush is dropping leaves.

The loss of leaves in autumn is a normal natural phenomenon for hibiscus. In the event that he began to lose foliage ahead of time, then focus on the moisture content of the soil around him ( the cause may lie in excessive or insufficient watering ), and root damage can also be the cause.

Application in landscape design

Various flowering hibiscus can be used for planting, both in a single copy and for group plantings. Often the height of the bush does not exceed 1.5 m, which allows it to be used in a shrub or mixed border.

Hibiscus: flower of death, why?

There are superstitions that the flowering of hibiscus can bring grief and impending death to the owner. But few people know that we are talking about Chinese indoor hibiscus.

O garden views no plants no superstitions, so do not be afraid to grow such a chic and unpretentious flower in your backyard.

Hibiscus Syrian (garden) pruning and shelter for the winter video review: