Do's and Don'ts for Easter What is strictly forbidden to do on Easter: on the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, there can be no question ....

Easter beliefs, what you can and cannot do on Easter.

During the long existence of the holiday, he managed to gather around him a huge number of traditions and rituals, thereby becoming an important component of the culture of many peoples.

Easter is an incredibly important and large-scale religious holiday, whose history goes back into the deep past. For such a long existence of the holiday, he managed to gather around him a huge number of traditions and rituals, thereby becoming an important component of the culture of many peoples.

Main Traditions

TO Orthodox Easter are prepared for seven weeks, which are also called Weeks and they are accompanied by Great Lent. That is how much time, according to the Bible, Jesus Christ spent in the wilderness.

The last week before Easter is the most solemn and is marked by many ancient traditions. It is called Holy Week or Great Week. Each of the days of this week is somewhat different, but the most important are Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

This Thursday is called clean, first of all, because all Orthodox Christians strive to cleanse themselves spiritually and be ready to accept the sacrament established by Christ. Symbolic and spiritual purity is manifested through physical purity. This is also connected with the old Slavic bathing traditions that existed in pagan times. On Maundy Thursday was distributed folk custom cleansing with water in an ice-hole, lake, river or bathhouse from head to toe. Bathing must have been in nature and lasted all night until sunrise. Nowadays, most Orthodox are limited to a more comfortable washing of the house and mandatory cleaning inside and out.

On Good Friday, the shroud is traditionally taken out (the symbolic fabric in which the body of Christ was wrapped after being taken down from the cross). On this mournful day, you can not eat and have fun.

On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, at divine services, believers sanctify paska, eggs and other food, thereby obtaining permission from the church to consume non-lenten dishes.

What can and cannot be done on the day of the Resurrection of Christ?

Sunday of the Great Week is a holiday, so most of the restrictions of the previous days of Holy Week no longer have their force. For those who fasted, you can break the fast (the first meal after the end of the fast) immediately after the Liturgy and Communion. If the Liturgy was at night, then immediately after it you can start a festive meal.

There is no strict ban on cleaning the house or work. Of course, it is desirable to devote the whole day to joy and rest on the occasion of the great holiday, but if work is necessary, you can do it.

On this day, you can not be sad, angry, walk gloomy and swear with loved ones. On the contrary, it is necessary to congratulate people from the bottom of our hearts, invite them to visit - in a word, bring joy to our neighbor.

Easter beliefs

. At Easter, “The sun plays” and “on this day everything is having fun in heaven and on earth”;
. On Easter Sunday it is unsuitable to sleep, because "he who sleeps will oversleep his happiness";
. On Easter, everyone should have fun, because whoever is sad on this day will be sad all year;
. If someone dies on Easter, it is believed that his happy soul will go straight to heaven;
. On Easter night, all earthly treasures are opened, they glow on the ground with lights, but only an innocent and pure child can see them;
. So that no one can jinx the child for a whole year, it is necessary to cross him with an Easter egg on Easter and say: “Just as no one ever turns this egg, so (the name of the child) no one ever turns it”. It is necessary to give this testicle to kiss the child.

Signs for Easter

. If on Easter the sky is clear and the sun is playing - to good harvest and red summer; if rain - good rye;
. Like rain or bad weather on the first day of Easter, so will the spring be rainy;
. If you bruise your elbow during Easter week, dear remembered;
. If a fly fell into the soup - wait for a date;
. If the lips itch - do not miss the kiss;
. If your eyebrows begin to itch, you will see your loved one.

Easter customs

. The most famous custom, which is familiar to everyone since childhood: to the greeting “Christ is risen!”, You need to answer “Truly risen!”.
. Old people combed their hair on Easter and considered: how many hairs were left, so many grandchildren they would have. Also common were bathing with gold and silver, which were supposed to bring wealth and prosperity.
. The youth climbed onto the roofs of the houses to meet the sun, believing in "the playing luminary on the day of the Bright Resurrection of Christ." The phrase "watching the sun" referred precisely to this custom.
. Girls in the Easter week washed themselves with water from a red egg to be ruddy, stood on an ax to become strong.
. So that the hands do not sweat, on the days of Holy Pascha they did not take salt in their hands.
. It was believed that with the help of an Easter egg they get relief from all diseases and misfortunes. The shell from it could not be thrown away until the very end of the holidays.

There were many more Easter signs and superstitions, but many of them have not survived to this day. And even if the celebration of Easter is not so magnificent now, it is surprising that after so many centuries, many traditions are still observed. big amount of people.

Easter today is not only a religious holiday, it is cultural heritage people, bright and original!

Easter, or Bright Resurrection of Christ, is the oldest and most important Christian holiday, established in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

history of the holiday

The feast in honor of the Resurrection of God and the arrival of spring was different peoples long before the rise of Christianity. In the spring, the Egyptians held festivities in honor of the resurrection of the god Osiris, in Ancient Greece glorified the goddess of fertility Demeter, and the ancient Celts worshiped the goddess of spring, Ostara, celebrating the awakening of nature with painted eggs and small wheat buns, very similar to our Easter traditions.

More than five thousand years ago, the Jewish tribes celebrated Easter as a holiday of cattle calving, then this day was associated with the beginning of the harvest, and even later, they celebrated the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, the spring festival was called Passover, which means "deliverance."

And if in the Jewish tradition Easter means liberation from slavery and the acquisition of the promised land, then in Christianity the holiday was filled with other content - the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the acquisition of eternal life thanks to the faith of the Savior, the victory of light over darkness.

Believers prepare for Easter during the seven weeks of Great Lent. This is one of the strictest posts of the year. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, which is why fasting lasts that long. During Great Lent, believers renounce what completely absorbs them and removes them from the Lord, purify their body and soul, repent, pray and become closer to God.

Easter celebration

The Easter Service of God lasts all night. Its solemn moment comes at midnight, when the priest announces “Christ is risen!”, And all those present answer “Truly risen!” After the service, the process of consecration of ritual Easter dishes begins: Easter cakes, eggs, meat, sausages, butter, fish and other dishes. The hostesses bring to the consecration beautiful baskets of food, decorated with embroidered towels and candles.After that, the believers go home and begin to "break the fast".

Behind festive table The whole family gathers for Easter. First of all, they break the fast with Easter eggs. Then everyone tries a piece of Easter cake and feasts on other dishes that are on the table.

After the feast, according to tradition, the youth went under the church and arranged Easter fun- she sang freckles and haivki, arranged games, led round dances and rejoiced at the holiday in the spring. It is believed that at Easter everyone must have fun. And who will be bored on this day, an unsuccessful year awaits.

Also on Easter, it is customary to visit neighbors, friends and relatives, to christen and exchange Easter dishes: Easter cakes, eggs, pies and other dishes.

What not to do on this day

It is undesirable to work on Easter, but if your schedule is such that you can’t do without it, accept your activity as a kind of obedience.

Sex is forbidden on Easter.

If some of the Easter products are left, it cannot simply be thrown into the trash. Remains of food should be burned or buried, and care should be taken that animals do not get to them.

If your birthday fell on Easter, it is better to postpone the celebration to another day - so that it does not "block" the joy of the resurrection of Christ.

Cemeteries are not visited on Easter.

What to do on this day

A person who does not attend the Easter service can hardly be called a Christian. Participation in the service is not only mandatory - in fact, it is seen as a sign of belonging to the church.

De facto, fasting ends after the service and communion. If you were at the all-night vigil and took the sacrament, then you can have a "fast" dinner on the same day, if you were not in church in the evening, but attended the morning service, your fast ends after it. And yet, despite long restraint and a large number of different goodies, overeating is not recommended.

It's party time, constantly resounding bell ringing. On fresh air games are being started, young people are enjoying life, everywhere delicious treats. The Church recommends at this time to help our neighbors, those in need, to engage in other good deeds. In Bright Week, it is customary to go home with icons and a cross not only to clergymen, but also to parishioners, to read Easter prayers.

Despite the fact that this is a joyful time, the priests do not recommend it. But during the Easter week, it is possible to be baptized and baptize children. Since there is joy all around, you cannot grieve, lose heart, visit cemeteries. The dead should be commemorated on Radunitsa, on the ninth day after Easter. You can do it on Red Hill.

Work is not forbidden, but it is prescribed to rest more, not to work, but to have fun. All cases in which there is no urgency should be postponed to another time. In the Bright Week, you need to relax, rejoice, receive and give pleasant emotions, just enjoy life entirely.

The clergy celebrate the Resurrection of Christ all week, at this time it is impossible to swear either with neighbors or with strangers. It would be nice if this week became an example of correct behavior in society. At this time, it is customary to invite guests to your place and go to visit yourself, visit the afflicted and help them. To do any deeds that bring joy to others means to do good to yourself.

Work, but only in moderation

You can eat and drink everything, including alcohol, but without much zeal. If after a glass it is difficult to stop and control yourself, it is better not to bring this glass to your mouth. Enough to rejoice and rejoice spiritually.

To work or not does not depend on the parishioner. Easter Sunday is a day off, you can and should go to the temple, congratulate loved ones on the holiday. If a believer has a flexible work schedule, you will have to work, but there is nothing to worry about. And you should not be sad that a work shift fell out, except maybe five minutes. Sewing is not recommended in the house, but there is no prohibition as such. It would just be nice to spend these days with the family, and not arrange in holidays general cleaning.

You can work around the house on any other days, but everything should be reasonable. You can give testicles, it is eternal. But with all the fun, you should not accumulate dirty dishes in the sink for a week. But there is no need to scold the household, get angry with them if they suddenly did not wash it after themselves. It is better to leave it for the night than to experience negative emotions.

Easter is a wonderful holiday, full of light and joy, one of the oldest holidays of Christians and the most important in church service. This is a celebration of the triumph of life over death, the Resurrection of Christ, dedicated to the most significant and amazing event of the early Christian era. Easter symbols express light (Easter fire), renewal (Easter streams) and life (Easter cakes and eggs).

What can and cannot be done on Easter Day? For clarification, we turned to the ministers of the church (the magazine "Thomas").

How to spend Easter day? Are there things that cannot be done?

On this day, you can not be sad, walk gloomy and swear with your neighbors. But just remember that Easter is not 24 hours, but at least a whole week - Bright Week. In the liturgical plan, the Resurrection of Christ is celebrated for seven days.

What can you eat on Easter and can you drink alcohol on Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

On Easter you can eat and drink everything, the main thing is to do it in moderation. If you know how to stop in time, you can treat yourself to all the dishes, drink wine or some strong drinks - not to the point of being very intoxicated, of course. But if you find it difficult to limit yourself, it is better not to touch alcohol. Rejoice in spiritual joy.

Can I work on Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

Most often, the question of whether to work or not does not depend on us. If you have a day off on Easter Sunday, this is, of course, very good. You can visit the temple, and meet with loved ones, and congratulate everyone.
But it often happens that we turn out to be forced people and, according to the work schedule, are forced to work on Easter. There is nothing wrong if you work hard. Obedience is obedience. Do your work on this day in good faith. If you fulfill your duties in simplicity and truth, the Lord will surely touch your heart.

Is it possible to do homework on Easter? Cleaning, knitting, sewing.

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

When we read somewhere that on a holiday there is a ban on homework, we should understand that it is not just a ban, but a blessing that we spend this time in attention to the Lord, the holiday and our neighbors. So that we do not get hung up on worldly fuss. The ban on working on Easter is not canonical, but rather a pious tradition.
Household chores are an integral part of our lives. You can do them on a holiday, but only by approaching this wisely. In order not to spend Easter doing general cleaning until the very night. Sometimes it is better, for example, to leave unwashed dishes in the sink than to be annoyed at household members who have not washed their dishes.

Can I go to the cemetery on Easter?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

There has never been such a tradition in the Church. She was born among people in times Soviet Union when a person was deprived of spiritual fellowship and removed from the Church. Where else to meet afterlife, about which the Church speaks and with faith in the existence of which the authorities fought so cruelly? Only in the cemetery. No one could forbid visiting relatives at the graves.
Since then, it has been customary to go to the cemetery on Easter. But now, when the churches are open and we can go to the Easter service, it is better to go to the cemetery to visit relatives on other days. For example, on Radonitsa - on the day when, according to tradition, the Church commemorates the dead. Arrive there early, put the graves in order, sit quietly nearby and pray.

What to do with the shells of consecrated eggs and stale Easter cake?

Archpriest Igor Fomin answers

A pious tradition tells us not to throw away with the garbage what is consecrated in the temple. All this can be burned, for example, on personal plot, and bury it where people and animals will not trample it underfoot.

Can you get married on Easter?

The question is very clear and the answer will be unequivocal. If you come to church during Bright Week, they will tell you that you cannot get married.
There are days established by the Church on which the wedding is performed - these are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
There are days of the week, regardless of the season, when the wedding is not performed, for example, in fast days or on Saturday.
For example, why don't they get married on Tuesday? Because in this case, the first wedding day will fall on fasting. Well what a start family life, if the first day is already associated with restrictions.
They don’t get married on Saturday, the eve of Sunday, because Sunday is a small Easter and, in a good way, a person on this day should lead a religious life, and not a personal one.
It is clear that many people are inclined to neglect all these traditions of church life, but in order to prevent neglect from becoming so completely wild, they simply do not get married these days.
Bright Week is like one day of Easter. Great celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. And all the attention, of course, is focused on this. Therefore, the wedding on Bright Week is also not performed. Such is the liturgical order.

Is it possible to bury at Easter?

Answered by Archpriest Alexander Abramov

If the death takes place on Bright Week, then a special funeral service is performed, Easter. It is especially touching with regard to babies, because their sinlessness and belonging to Easter are immediately affirmed.

Is it possible to baptize before Easter?

Answered by Archpriest Alexander Abramov

There are days when it would be inappropriate to talk about Baptism, say, on Good Friday, when we are entirely focused on the Passion, the sufferings of Christ. Although I, just for reasons of some kind of piety and reverence for God, would not baptize during Holy Week.
But speaking in general, you can accept the sacrament of Baptism at any time and during Bright Week too.

Why can't you paint eggs for Easter?

In general, it is customary for us to consecrate Easter cakes and eggs on Great Saturday, that is, immediately before Easter. Therefore, we are preparing for this day in advance.
But since situations in life are different, you can consecrate your holiday gifts on the very day of Great Easter, this will not be considered something unnatural. Previously, even before the revolution, Easter cakes and eggs were consecrated just after the nightly Easter service before breaking the fast.
As for preparing for the holiday, it is advisable to do everything in advance so that you have time for the most important thing. In order to meet the Bright Resurrection of Christ, you could with joy, with a light heart, could come to meet God, leaving behind all the troubles and worries. A great event has taken place, and it is necessary to remember this. It should be the center of everything.

Why can't you celebrate your birthday on Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

Easter is the greatest day of the year. Celebration of life. We glorify our Savior Jesus Christ, for His boundless love and kindness, for giving us eternal life. And of course, this event in the life of every person should become central.
Therefore, the celebration of a birthday cannot be more important than Easter. On the other hand, there are no prohibitions on this either. You just need to remember that this is a bright day. And I would not want to overshadow it with excessive drunkenness, for example, or other obscene things.

Is it possible to hunt or fish on Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

If you hunt for fun, then definitely not on any day. It is, after all, the killing of living beings. Sometimes people hunt in order not to die of hunger, then this is acceptable, there is already a question of survival.
Or, for example, when it is a matter of earning money, which also allows you to survive. The main thing is that it does not become mercantile entertainment.
As for Easter days, any believer Orthodox person, will try to postpone the hunt for this period, if it is not in emergency conditions, when it is necessary to act according to the situation.

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery on Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

Pregnant women can go to the cemetery, like everyone else. But, according to Orthodox tradition, do not visit cemeteries on Easter. Since Easter is not the time to commemorate the dead. This is universal joy, universal rejoicing and glorification of our Savior Jesus Christ. The first commemoration of the dead after Pascha takes place on Radonitsa.

When can I confess before Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

Of course, it is better to come to confession in advance, not to postpone until the last moment. It will be possible to confess on Great Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday of Holy Week.
But you will need to clarify more accurate information about the time in the temple where you are going to come. Because every church has its own way.

Is it possible to guess before Easter?

Archpriest Andrey Efanov answers

You can never guess. Yes friends, it is. What is so bad about divination, you ask.
First, it is disrespect for the Will of God. Secondly, it is a neglect of the freedom that the Lord has endowed each of us from birth.
When we use even comic, as it seems to us, fortune-telling, getting an answer, we program ourselves on certain actions. And the most interesting thing is that this happens already unconsciously.
We learn some prediction about ourselves and at this moment we lose the freedom of choice, the freedom of action, since everything will now work for this setting. If you identify with the world of the church, you will have to make a choice. What and who do you believe in? If you are with God, then you must trust Him, otherwise nothing.

Do you always act on Easter day as the Church advises?

Easter is a Christian holiday celebrated in 2016 on May 1st. Easter is probably the most "rich" day in traditions, customs and rituals, and the Holy Week before Easter is special. There are so many customs and rules about what to do on Easter and what not to do, what believers do before Easter, and what they should do after it, that only a very competent historian, a minister of the church, can accurately describe what they do on Easter and after it or a person who devoted his whole life to the study of the rites and traditions of the Slavic people.

What to do before Easter and Easter morning

A few days before Easter. IN Maundy Thursday, a one-year-old baby is cut for the first hair. Girls can also cut their hair to make it grow better. Traditionally, it is on Maundy Thursday that the house is prepared for Easter - they clean everything around, wash, clean the dishes, go to the bathhouse. Coming from the bath, children and adults can paint Easter eggs which they will later take to the church for consecration. The last three days before Easter are devoted to preparing for the Great Day, but in good friday it is best to avoid any business and holiday preparations. This day should be spent in sorrow, remembering the torment of Jesus crucified on the cross. Great Saturday prepares believers for the brightest day. Believers stack Easter cakes prepared in advance, and colored eggs and go to temples to consecrate this food.

What do Christians do on Easter?

Sunday Easter breakfast begins with the adoption of food consecrated in the church. On Easter morning, you need to congratulate the household with the good news, saying to them the words: “Christ is risen!”, To which they will answer you: “Truly risen!”. After these words, it is customary to beat eggs and have breakfast, tasting delicious Easter cake and curd Easter. On Easter, joy and a happy mood reign in the house, so you can’t do cleaning, work, and even more so - you can’t arrange a commemoration for Easter. If the ninth or fortieth day after the death of a person close to you falls on Easter, the commemoration is postponed to another day. In this case, it is better for the relatives of the deceased to visit the cemetery and their loved one. Traditionally, Easter is a day of joy, and on this holiday it is not supposed to go to the cemetery. However, the church treats people who came on Easter day to the graves of loved ones with great understanding.

However, for visits to the cemetery, a special holiday is provided - Radonitsa.

Traditions and customs for Easter

Despite the fact that Easter is a Christian holiday, many of the customs of this day, and, moreover, the signs of Easter, are clearly pagan in nature.

  • For example, to attract wealth and good luck, Easter morning should be met very early, with the first sunbeams, and even dark;
  • The shells from colored eggs are not thrown away after Easter, but given to animals and birds. In general, feeding birds and animals at Easter ensures your year is free from material problems;
  • It is believed that the shell of the dye added to the water for washing gives the skin of the face freshness and beauty;
  • According to legend, the shells left over from Easter eggs buried in the garden provide a generous harvest;
  • Good deeds done on Easter return to us in a triple amount;
  • For Easter, you only need to wear new clothes and all your troubles and problems will be left behind;
  • Washing yourself with water on Easter morning, in which silver was placed in advance, you will protect yourself from the evil eye and “bad” energy;
  • A baby born on Easter will grow up to be a great person;
  • An object that crashed on Easter day is a messenger of trouble;
  • Snow, frost or a thunderstorm on Easter day promises a great harvest;
  • Easter "in the clouds" brings a gloomy summer, and the rain that began on this day brings spring with rain.

Of course, the church considers most of these signs to be superstitions related to paganism, but many traditions for Easter are closely related precisely to the paganism of the Slavs (colored eggs are a symbol of the sun and life, Easter cake is a symbol of male fertility, cottage cheese Easter, which marks prosperity and fertility).

What do the Orthodox do after Easter?

Radonitsa - Parent's Day, coming on the ninth day after Easter. This day is included in Fomin's week - the first week after Easter, completely dedicated to the commemoration of the dead. It is on these days, and not on Easter week, that you need to visit the graves of the dead, clean them up, plant plants and flowers in the cemetery. Every day of the week after Easter (Fomina) has its own meaning. The main of these days is Radonitsa - parental day. Monday - "Seeing". The dead souls come to houses where they need to prepare a treat in advance. The souls of the dead and suicides can come to the house on Thursday. In order not to offend the "guest", the windows of the houses are opened these days, and treats are left on the table. It has long been customary to cast out death on the Sabbath. One of the Sabbath rites of St. Thomas' week is that. That people armed with pitchforks and knives run around the cemetery, driving away evil spirits. Sunday - Krasnaya Gorka - the day of festivities and holidays: death and evil spirits were driven away, the souls of the dead were treated and calmed down, and life goes on!

Knowing in advance about what is done on Easter, before the holiday and after it, you can always meet this Great Day prepared and spend the holidays in a great mood.