What to buy a first grader desk or desk. Growing desks and tables transformers

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 11 minutes


The desk is the place at which the student spends quite a lot of time. Here he does lessons, draws, sculpts and plays other educational games. Therefore, his choice must be approached responsibly, because the health of the child and his enthusiasm for learning and other creative processes depend on it.

Types of children's desks

Many think what to choose desk the child is very simple, but this opinion is erroneous. And as soon as you get to the furniture store, you will see it. Desks differ from each other according to several criteria:

  • Colors. To date, tables for children are of very high quality, and their colors are simply limitless and have rather strange names, such as "Milan walnut", "Wenge", "Italian walnut and others. There are also products with combined colors, for example, "Wenge and Maple". Therefore, if desired, you can choose a desk that fits perfectly into any interior.
  • The form. The modern furniture market offers its consumers both classic rectangular tables, and more modern ergonomic ones that have a turn in any direction. This table can easily be placed in the corner of the room. And although such a table has a slightly elongated surface, it is still quite compact.
  • Drawers and cabinets. The more the table has these elements, the more expensive cost products. But do not forget that in the lower grades, the student needs to use a variety of auxiliary materials, school supplies and stationery, which should have their place. Some models have drawers or bedside tables that are locked. Many children really like it, because it gives them a place to store their little secrets and secrets.
  • Schoolchild's corner– this table model is completed with cabinets, hinged shelves and drawers. Such a corner is a single design composition, and saves parents from having to buy additional cabinets and shelves.
  • Table transformer. This is a great solution if you decide to buy a table for long years. In these tables, you can adjust the angle of the tabletop and the height of the legs. These tables are great for little kids.

A writing desk is the most expensive thing that parents will have to purchase while preparing their child for the first grade. Do right choice it is quite difficult for parents, because the market presents such big variety tables. Parents of a little schoolboy least of all need to pay attention to the design delights of this piece of furniture. The main priorities in the choice should be safety, environmental friendliness and convenience.

When choosing a desk for a student in grades 1-5, you need to pay attention to:

  1. The height and width of the table. If it is too high, then you will need to purchase a special chair or a chair with adjustable height. If the table is low, then the child will hunch over while working behind it, and there will be a risk of developing a curvature of the spine. According to sanitary norms, the child at the table should sit so that his elbows are freely located on the table top, and his legs reach the floor and bend at an angle of 90 degrees;
  2. The table top should be wide enough so that all the necessary items can be placed there, and there is enough space left for classes;
  3. It is also necessary to remember about quality of materials from which the table is made. Most often, furniture intended for children is made of laminated chipboard, but you can also purchase a table made of solid wood, plastic or glass;
  4. When choosing a desk, pay attention attention to fasteners, because children most often break exactly what at first glance looked pretty strong.

Top 10 models: description, manufacturers, approximate prices

Desk Direct 1200 M

Desk Direct 1200 M is a great ergonomic writing desk, complete with powerful extensions. The basis of this model is a single-pedestal desk, which allows you to evenly distribute the load on the arms and spine. The dimensions of this model are 1200×900/600×1465 mm.

The cost of this model in stores is about 11 290 rubles.

Student's desk COMSTEP-01/BB

The COMSTEP-01/BB writing desk for the schoolchild is the simplicity of design and the comfortable position of the child. The design of this model makes it easy to adjust the inclination and height of the tabletop relative to the floor, which is very important because little students spend quite a lot of time behind it. The tabletop has a recess for storing stationery. The metal construction is very comfortable and light. The dimensions of this model are 110 x 70 x 52-78.5 cm. This desk will grow with your child.

The cost of a desk for a student COMSTEP-01/BB in stores is about 12 200 rubles.

Children's orthopedic table Conductor-03/Milk&B

Children's orthopedic table Conductor-03/Milk&B is an excellent writing desk for a child's studies. The height of the table and the angle of the tabletop are adjustable, this allows you to maintain a good posture and vision of the child. The deep and wide tabletop can accommodate all the necessary school supplies. Under the tabletop is a drawer for storing stationery. Above the tabletop is a shelf with a pull-out book stand. The size of such a desk is 105 x 71 x 80.9-101.9 cm.

The cost of children's orthopedic table Conductor-03/Milk&B in stores is about 11 200 rubles.

moll Champion transforming desk for children

The moll Champion transforming children's desk is a great desk for a little schoolboy. Its countertop is divided into functional areas. One part of it can be raised at an angle for writing, reading or drawing. The table is made of chipboard High Quality melamine coated. Included with this model is a folding bookend, a ruler with magnets and a built-in cable channel. The size of such a desk is 53-82x72x120 cm.

The cost of the moll Champion transforming desk for children in stores is about 34650 rubles.

Desk Delta-10

Desk Delta-10 is a traditional desktop. The table has a cabinet with four drawers and a large drawer for various little things. This model is made of laminated chipboard. The size of this desk is 1100 x 765 x 600 mm

The cost of the Delta-10 desk in stores is about 5 100 rubles.

Growing school desk DEMI

The growing school desk DEMI is perfect for both a primary school student and a high school student. The tilt of the tabletop is adjustable, which allows you to set the most comfortable position for exercising. Such a hundred is equipped with a rounded plastic lining and a hook for a briefcase. All desks trademark Demi are made of safe materials and will not harm the child or you. Overall dimensions 750x550x530-815 mm.

A growing DEMI desk in stores costs about 6 700 rubles.

Children's table Mealux BD-205

Children's table Mealux BD-205 is a very convenient and simple table for a child. This model is equipped with a Stabilus lift, with which you can easily adjust the height of the tabletop. The table has a large drawer for stationery. Along the entire table there is a shelf with a width of 270 mm. The overall dimensions of this table are 1100x725x520-760 mm.

Children's table Mealux BD-205 in stores costs about 14 605 rubles.

School student's desk "R-304"

School student's desk "R-304" is a classic rectangular desk. This model has two built-in cabinets, one of which consists of four drawers, and the other is equipped with a height-adjustable shelf. The desk is made of laminated chipboard and MDF. A feature of this model is the table top, which has a special cutout in the center, which coordinates the position of the seated person and prevents the curvature of posture. The overall dimensions of the table are 1370x670x760.

A desk for a student "R-304" in stores costs about 6 400 rubles.

Desk Grifon Style R800

Desk Grifon Style R800 is a modern desk made of environmentally friendly clean materials. This model has an ergonomic shape, so it is ideal for reading and writing, as well as for working at a computer. The overall dimensions of the table are 100x90x65 cm.

Desk Grifon Style R800 in stores costs about 9 799 rubles.

Desk Calimera Pearl

The Calimera Pearl writing desk is a great example of laconic and high-quality furniture. This model is equipped with a sliding shelf for a laptop or keyboard, as well as a spacious cabinet and drawer. If desired, the table can be supplemented with a prefix, which will make it more functional. The table is made of high quality MDF and chipboard. The overall dimensions of this model are 80x111x60 cm.

Desk Calimera Pear in stores costs about 13 039 rubles.

We will not talk about what kind of furniture is in the school - here you can influence little, but to ensure comfortable spot For homework, it's fine. Everything is important here, from the ratio of the height of the table and chair to the color of the furniture. Read how to choose the right furniture for your child to maintain proper posture and good eyesight.

Separate from the computer

Despite the fact that some school assignments must be completed at the computer, one computer desk not enough for the child's homework.

Firstly, there is often not enough space on the computer desk for textbooks and notebooks, so it will be inconvenient for the child to do written homework.

Secondly, children are quickly distracted, and the included computer will become more of a hindrance to learning than a help.

This means that for writing, reading and drawing, the child needs a separate table, which is best placed in the brightest place in the room where the child can work in natural light.

Correct Height Ratio

The correct height of the table and chair depends on the age and height of the child. For a first grader (6–7 years old) with a height of about 110–120 cm, it is better to buy a table 52 cm high and a chair 32 cm.

If the height of the child is 121-130 cm, the height of the table should be 57 cm, and the chair should be 35 cm. By analogy, you can calculate the height of the table and chair for taller children.

If the child is 10 cm taller, add 5 cm to the height of the table, and 3 cm to the height of the chair. That is, if the height is 140 cm, the height of the table should be 57 + 5 = 62 cm, and the chair - 35 + 3 = 38 cm .

Despite these figures, it is still better to go for furniture with your child. Having picked up a table and a chair in height, seat the child and check whether he will really be comfortable.

Here are some indicators of comfortable furniture:

  • if the legs are bent at a right angle, the feet should be completely on the floor;
  • between the knees and the tabletop there should be a distance of about 10–15 cm;
  • the tabletop should be at the level of the solar plexus of the child;
  • if the child puts his elbow on the tabletop, the tip of the middle finger should reach the outer corner of the eye;
  • when the child is standing near the table, his elbow should be 2-5 cm below the tabletop.

It is clear that children grow up quickly and it is not always possible to buy new furniture. In this case, it is better to immediately buy a table and chair with adjustable height. So as you grow older, you can provide the child with a comfortable position at the table, simply twisting the legs.

Choose a table by width and color

Most often, tables with a straight top are sold, but if you find a table with a slightly sloped top, it is better to buy it. The sloping table top, like those of old school desks, makes it easier for the eyes to work.

However, the sloping tabletop is perfectly replaced by a stand for open textbooks. While reading, the textbook should be at an angle of 30–40 °.

Sufficient table width - 1 m or more, depth - 60 cm. You can buy a table with drawers under the table top, since it will be convenient to store textbooks, notebooks and writing materials in them, however, there should be at least 50 × 50 cm space under the table to make it convenient was to put your feet up.

As for color, it is better to choose light green tones, as well as peach, beige, cream and under natural wood. In any case, you should not take too bright furniture - it has a bad effect on the ability to concentrate.

So, you picked up the table, it's time to move on to choosing a chair.

Depth and back of chair

Above, I already wrote about the ideal ratio of the height of the furniture, so that you can choose a comfortable chair for height. However, height is not the only thing to consider when buying it.

The depth of the chair should be such that the child's back touches the back of the chair, but at the same time his kneecaps do not touch the edge of the seat. It is best to take a chair with a depth of 2/3 of the length of the thigh.

The backrest should be high enough and fixed at a right angle so that the child can freely lean on it without leaning back too much.

The chair should not sway, so it is better not to buy a spinning chair for your child. office chairs; Take a chair with four legs that is firmly on the floor. In addition, the seat should not be too soft so that the child does not fall through.

If you couldn’t find a chair with which the child’s feet will be completely on the floor, make a special stand under the table so that the legs, bent at a right or obtuse angle, do not hang or stand on their toes. The width of the footrest should not be less than the length of the foot.

Correct posture

Even if you bought the child the most comfortable furniture, all the same, he can sit incorrectly, spoiling his posture. Therefore, it is important to accustom him to the correct position from the very beginning.

To reduce muscle tension during exercise, you can slightly tilt the body and head forward, but you can’t lean on the tabletop with your chest - there should be a distance of 5 cm between the table and the chest (the palm passes freely).

Shoulders should be relaxed and at the same level. The position of the back is straight. Make sure that the child does not bend over the table top: from the eyes to the table, you need to keep a distance of at least 30 cm.

As for the position of the legs, they should not go under the chair or hang in the air. The knees should be bent at a right or obtuse angle, and the feet should be completely on the floor.

If you teach your child to sit correctly, even uncomfortable furniture that he may get at school will not affect posture so much, and therefore work. internal organs and visual acuity.

And finally: no matter how comfortable the furniture is, you can’t maintain a static position for a long time. Make sure that every 30-40 minutes the child takes breaks. 10-15 minutes of simple gymnastics or outdoor games is enough for a warm-up, and the habit of getting up and warming up periodically will be useful to him in the future.

The main thing is to remember that the health of the child really depends on the right furniture and the right posture. So it's better to take care of it right away than to treat the curvature of the spine and buy glasses or contact lenses later.

Every parent wants their child to get a truly excellent education. To do this, it is important to solve many problems: to choose good school with a suitable training program, take care of preschool education, buy books and notebooks for a child ... Far from the last place is the problem of arranging a workplace for a first-grader.

Within the walls of the school, the child will always feel first and foremost a student. From the first days of school, everything that he sees in this building will be associated with the acquisition of new knowledge and discipline. issued in uniform style classrooms, calls, teachers - in order to tune in to study, it will be enough for a little fidget to simply enter the school doors.

At home, the situation is quite different. The house - especially the children's room - is the place where the child is used to doing only his own business. Play, relax, in general, have fun. In order to create the right mood for the lessons, you need to equip a separate workplace.

A special transformer desk for a student, a cabinet for books and notebooks - better way provide optimal conditions just not for studying. But what should it be, an ideal children's table?

  • First, it must be a desk. It is the desks that are at school, which means that they are already firmly connected in the children's mind with the educational process;
  • Secondly, the children's desk should be spacious and comfortable. The child needs the opportunity to lay out all his textbooks, notebooks and office supplies so that he is comfortable working with them, otherwise the student will constantly be distracted from classes in order to find the right subject;
  • Thirdly, a desk for a child should take into account the needs of a growing organism. We are talking about medicine - how correctly a child will sit during his school years, his whole future life directly depends. Scoliosis, osteochondrosis, joint diseases - at a poorly selected table, all these disorders develop at lightning speed;
  • Fourthly, teenage furniture should be reliable and durable.

All these requirements are met by growing desks-transformers. They are easily adjusted to the height of any student, creating ideal conditions for him. If you bought a growing desk, your child will always sit perfectly correctly, comfortably, with minimal stress on the back muscles. This means that the student:

  • Stay healthy - back muscles, joints, spine and neck, all this will be in perfect order;
  • Maintain good health. Behind a properly selected children's desk, the child gets tired much less, which means that it will be easier for him to concentrate on his studies and achieve really outstanding success in it.

Naturally, such teenage furniture is made exclusively from high-quality materials that are safe for the child's body. All products presented in our store have international quality certificates.

It is also important that in our assortment you will find all the necessary accessories. Shelves, cabinets with spacious drawers, table lamps, pencil cases, bookends - everything you might need for proper organization workspace. Help your child to maintain an exemplary order in the room!

Choosing growing desks, you choose comfort and health for your child!

Growing desks for home and student

Many parents forget how important it is to choose the right desk for the student. Focusing on the worries associated with buying everything you need for school (notebooks, textbooks, briefcase, etc.), they seat the child at a regular lunch or coffee table motivated by the following statements:

  • We learned at such a table, and you will learn - it's okay;
  • Well, don't buy you a special desk for schoolchildren, it's expensive. Moreover, you will grow out of it in six months!

Moreover, many parents do not even think about how regular table unsuitable furniture for the child. And, meanwhile, to feel in the place of a little fidget, forced to use simple household tables, easy enough.
Do a little experiment. Take a pillow, put it in front of dining table, on which a notebook and a textbook are already lying. Now kneel on the pillow, take a pen and try to copy at least one paragraph from the textbook into a notebook. Of course, this is possible. But you will have to:

  • Stretch your neck to make out what is written on the page of the textbook;
  • Strongly bring the right shoulder forward and lower the left (if you are left-handed - vice versa), otherwise you simply won’t be able to write;
  • Bend your back to the left.

Now imagine that your child is sitting in this position. more than an hour. Of course, he will get used to such a landing - the child's body generally easily adapts to any situation. But this will cause great damage to his well-being and health. Incorrect fit will persist even after the student grows up, and the table begins to fit him in height - it will be fixed on subconscious level as usual. Coping with the problem and forming a normal posture at this stage will already be very difficult, if not impossible.


Pay attention to the size of the table. It is best to choose a table made specifically for children of this age category. The child is just starting to learn, so it is important that it is convenient for him to do his homework. The table should not be too large or, conversely, too small. It should have enough space for textbooks, notebooks, pencils, pens and other stationery. Make sure that the child's elbows lie freely on the surface of the table, and he does not have to stretch. In a sitting position, the table top should be slightly below chest level. In addition, from time to time you will need to help your child with homework, so there should be enough space at the table for you too.

Consider having a computer on the table. Since computer education is one of the mandatory components of the modern school curriculum, every child should have a PC. Therefore, when choosing a desk, keep in mind that, in addition to textbooks and notebooks, it should have a place for a monitor, keyboard. The system unit is usually placed under the table, but the rest of the parts will always be on the countertop. They should not interfere with the child's homework, so it's best to buy a generalized version of a written and computer desk. It will usually be large enough to accommodate both a monitor and textbooks with notebooks. It is also better to choose a table with a special sliding compartment for the keyboard and a stand for the system unit.

Choose a table with built-in shelves and cabinets. A first grader usually needs a lot of stationery - these are books, notebooks, copybooks, and items for crafts ( colored paper, plasticine, pencils, etc.). In order for all this not to clutter up the table, take care of the presence of drawers for small items and built-in shelves for books and notebooks. Well, if there is a special shelf for disks and a holder for textbooks.

Pay attention to the material of the table. It can be chipboard, MDF, natural wood or glass. Chipboard is one of the cheapest materials, which, firstly, is not very durable, secondly, short-lived, and, thirdly, not the safest from an environmental point of view, since it contains formaldehyde. MDF is a material in the form of tiles, which is made by pressing wood chips. It is slightly safer than chipboard, but not as durable and environmentally friendly as natural wood. A table made of real wood will serve you and your child for a very long time. You should not take a glass table, as there is always a risk of breaking glass furniture and injuring yourself. In addition, glass is very cold material which may cause discomfort to the child.

Buy a table in the presence of a child. It is best to go to a furniture store to choose a desk with a child, since it is for him to sit and work at him. Let your child try to sit at the table right in the store and independently evaluate how comfortable it is for him. In addition, by giving the child independent choice, you practically provide the future table with the status of "favorite", thereby increasing the comfort and desire to learn from the child from the first grade.

Buy written school table for a first grader, the right school chair is no less important than buying a school bag.

Cheap and cheerful: which is better to buy a school desk for a first grader?

Of course, you can get by with a classic school desk and a school chair, which are in schools. Finding them is not difficult, just search for “school chair”, “school desk”, “children's school furniture”, etc. (Kvorus sells cheap furniture for school).

Another question is how convenient it will be for a child to study at the same school desk at home? Perhaps it is better to purchase an orthopedic desk.

It seems to me that for a first-grader it is important not only to buy a set of furniture, but it is equally important to buy a soft cozy fluffy carpet and a good comfortable table lamp. As well as convenient rack or bookcase . Shelves should be arranged so that the child can easily get textbooks and notebooks without getting up.

The ideal option is to purchase everything in the kit, that is, a children's room, but this is not always possible. (for example, the children's room "Indigo", etc.).

It is cheaper to purchase furniture for a student after September, towards the end of October.

Tatyana, mother of a third-grader: “In the first grade, we bought the right expensive school chair-armchair with adjustable back and seat, as a result, the child does homework anywhere, but not outside school table.

How to choose the height of the table

If you cannot take your child to the store with you - measure the length of the leg from the foot to the knee - this is the height of the chair (from the floor to the seat), the height of the table - measure his height to the chest in a sitting position on right chair(feet fully on the floor).

  • Child height 110-119 (table height 52 cm) (chair height 32 cm)
  • Child height 120-129 (table 57 cm) (chair 35 cm)
  • The height of the child is from 130 to 140 (table 62 cm) (chair 38 cm)
  • Glu seat bin 50 cm.

As for the school desk: adjustable school desks, judging by the reviews of parents, are very comfortable and durable. But not all parents like the fact that outwardly it looks like an ordinary school desk.

If there are other younger children in the house, be sure to buy a pedestal (or a table with a pedestal) where there is a box that can be locked with a key, the kids love to draw in textbooks (which are issued at school and must be handed in clean) of their older brothers and sisters.

Choosing a school desk

Which table to buy for a first grader:

  • Mo well, buy an ordinary adult table with height adjustment (because the slope that is in the children's desk is essentially not needed) Sold in Ikea , for 5799, table "Galant".

  • Det school desk for a student with height adjustment of the desk and chair, with an inclination for drawing. (price from 8000rub.). For example, Children's desk transformer "Cs-1 beech" from 6000 rubles. and higher. Parties from "Demi-furniture", etc.

Party Fairy grow together for 3350 rubles. (company "Eskay")

A monoblock school desk, like in Soviet childhood, will cost only 1823 rubles.

Modernized monoblock desks with height adjustment will cost a little more from 2684 rubles.

  • Set - bunk bed, where does the table go(retractable or regular), orthopedic chair slo, wardrobe, chest of drawers. (the price of such a set can be from 9240 rubles, for example, the bed "Carlson-micro 1" (the company "Lubimchiki", etc.), or "Shelter-2", etc.)

Carlson Mini 1

Or a table that is not connected to the bed, but can be pushed inside, such as the Legend bed at a price of 11,750 rubles. (company "Mebilisimo")

  • So that the child does not slouch, you can buy an orthopedic desk.
  • About an ordinary children's school desk. Really cheap, but too reminiscent of a school.

Desk-transformer at a price of 4200 rubles. "Kantor 136" (Czech Republic-China production)

School desk "Growing up together" at the price of 9980 rubles. (company All for kids) 14 750 rubles. ( Russian company"Growing Together").

School desk EVOLIFE MINIMAX RUB 6980 (Company "Grow Together")

Choosing a school chair or chair for a first grader

Choosing the right and comfortable one is more important than buying a new table. The main thing is that the furniture for the student is correctly adjusted in height. The school chair must not spin! This will greatly distract from work.

Home should be comfortable, so it is better to choose a chair with armrests. It is even better to focus on yourself - what is convenient for an adult when working is convenient for a child, only in a reduced size. Personally, I find it convenient to work sitting on a wide office chair with handles. But for a child, such a chair should be with the regulation of the height and position of the seat and back.

Also good for a school chair, as it automatically makes you sit correctly with a straight back. In addition, moving kids will definitely like it.

If you have the funds, it is best to buy a model from the manufacturer Moll (price from 12,000 rubles). There are similar chairs in terms of function in Ikea, in the Mega and Metro stores.

You can read a lot of recommendations, what is useful and how to do it right, but you will still choose according to your needs, based on personal experience. Therefore, it is necessary to choose with the child, so that he can sit down, touch, feel.

Light table lamp should fall to the left.

Modern doctors advise buying a table-desk, behind which lessons are done while standing. (Note how often children do not want to sit and try to draw, read, etc. while lying on the carpet, standing by the windowsill, etc.)

Necessary: ​​a cup for pens, pencils, a bookcase for textbooks and notebooks on the table.

A place to rest, such as a soft carpet, will help the child take a break from the lessons.

Auchan Falconers (September 2014) - a few examples of a school desk or desk.

Desk Athlete at a price of 2285 rubles. (Shop "Auchan-Sokolniki").

Adjustable children's table at a price of 8000 rubles. ("Auchan-Sokolniki")

The student's table is compact at a price of 1650 rubles. ("Auchan-Sokolniki")