Clean Thursday: when and how to swim. When to wash and wash your hair on Maundy Thursday

Clean Thursday in 2018 is celebrated on April 5th. This is one of the most important days of Holy Week before Easter. As it says in the Bible, Maundy Thursday is the first of the three days, which are also called the "Big Three Days" in Christianity.

It was on Thursday that Jesus Christ established the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, and was also arrested by the high priests and sent to prison.

— Believers are advised to bathe while standing. And when the water drains, it is necessary to imagine that it is not just water that is pouring, but pure bright white light is pouring, which easily washes away all the accumulated negative energy, cleansing the body and soul.

- It is believed that on Maundy Thursday, water can wash away all the sins and troubles that have accumulated over the past year. Also, in order to get all these benefits, it is necessary to read a prayer during bathing and ask God to banish all sorrows and bad thoughts from your life.

- Washing off the soap, you need to say: “As confessions cleanse, as water washes away dirt, so you, Thursday, be clean. Cleanse me, the servant (s) of God (s), from all evil, from resentment, from disobedience, from someone else's blasphemy, from bad rumors, from evil conversations, from vain disputes in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

- Especially the enlightened ones advise on Maundy Thursday to pour over exactly cold water.

Signs for Maundy Thursday will help you deal with the prohibitions and traditions of what is important for Orthodox person day. There are a huge number of rituals and rituals on Maundy Thursday, knowing what to do, you can attract happiness, wealth to the house and find a groom.

What not to do on Maundy Thursday

The main prohibition of Maundy Thursday concerns mud. It is forbidden:

  • refuse washing and cleaning the house (cleanliness of the body);
  • swear (purity of speech);
  • allow bad thoughts (purity of thoughts);
  • indulge in sin (purity of soul).

Those who violate these prohibitions will suffer from lack of money, illness and scandals in the house. Until Easter, angels go from house to house, offended by disorder.

Laundry, like other household chores, is allowed. Do not leave soaked laundry until . If you started laundry, finish by midnight.

You can't borrow or lend. In the first case, the whole year will pass in an attempt to pay off debts. In the second - money and luck will leave the house. They don't lend things. It is not customary to give gifts and make large purchases - for the same reason.

In prayers, you can not ask for money and wealth. But you can ask God for new job, good luck and prosperity for the family. One should pray for family happiness, but not for the love of a particular person.

On Maundy Thursday, fasting is supposed to be observed, even when preparing Easter treats, you cannot take a sample from the dishes. Do not start cooking until cleaning and ablution.

Bathing, cutting and cleaning on the fourth day of Holy Week

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Maundy Thursday is called Pure Thursday because Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, showing an example of serving his neighbor. To this day, in cathedrals, rite of washing the feet- the bishop washes the feet of twelve priests or monks. Here they take roots and traditions of body washing, cleaning in the house and on the graves of relatives.

In the old days, before dawn, they plunged into the river or went to the bathhouse. Now it is customary to take a shower or bath while it is still dark outside. Any water on this day has a healing power that washes away all diseases and sins. In order not to be afraid of the evil eye for a whole year, any silver object is left in a container of water at night. The next morning, before dawn, you need to wash yourself with this water. During ablutions, think about the good - it will certainly come true.

Cleaning on Easter Thursday is obligatory not only based on folk signs, but also according to priests. The water remaining after it is poured out of the site, in the apartment - into the sewer. After cleaning, you should go around the house with a burning church candle, fumigate the house with incense or juniper, sprinkle the corners with holy water. This is done to protect against evil spirits and expel negative energy. You can decorate the house with Easter decor.

It is allowed to rearrange furniture and minor repairs. You can’t do household chores on Good Friday, so do everything to save yourself the hassle until the rest of the Week.

Do not limit yourself to cleansing the body and at home. Divine services, communion, confession and reflection on the essence and holiness of each day will help in cleansing the soul Holy Week. On Thursday, you can pray for the most significant sins. There are also special rituals for cleaning the house of evil spirits on this day. In order to get rid of negative energy that filled the dwelling, open the windows before cleaning. After it, take a handful of salt and say:

Roll on a roll, thin share, homemaker, gossip.
Roll - do not reach, do not spin at the threshold, do not cling to the porch, do not hang on the gate!
Dog, goblin, crow help, roll from the threshold!

Sprinkle salt near the front door in a strip, blocking the way for evil. hang over front door juniper or heather. Leave a few branches in the Red Corner or near the icon of Christ. Do not forget to sprinkle the corners with holy water. You can also fumigate the house with incense or wormwood.

How to swim on Maundy Thursday

Even from under an ordinary tap on Easter Thursday, water flows from magical properties. But such it will not be long - from midnight to sunrise. Therefore, it is customary to wake up early on Maundy Thursday in order to have time to wash off all the negativity. The pectoral cross is not removed. In the process, you can read a suitable plot, for example:

I wash off what they let loose on me, what my soul and body toils with, everything is removed on a clean Thursday.

To get rid of skin diseases and cosmetic imperfections, you need to leave soap overnight on the street or windowsill. Well, if it is under the rays of the moon.

If you take a bath, put silver in the water. The girl will become more attractive and find love. A man, if you believe the signs, gains courage and willpower. A stolen silver coin has special power. To gain wealth, they wash themselves not with silver, but with gold. You can add salt to the water:

This is Monday, this is Tuesday, this is Wednesday, and this is pure water. You wash the roots and straighteners, wash me too, (name). Vodichka-vodichka, wash away the damage from me and from my face - male, female, childish, senile, enviable, loose, take away the lightness, give lightness.

After bathing, you need to douse yourself with cold water in order to protect yourself from diseases for a year. Not less than strong amulet thursday salt .

Haircut on Maundy Thursday

One version of the origin of the name of the date refers to the prohibition of washing and cleaning on Easter and other Christian holidays. In the old days, they tried to put themselves in order in advance, in this case, that was the Thursday before Holy Sunday. For the same reason, a haircut on Maundy Thursday is not prohibited by the church and is approved by folk signs.

Old people recommend at least cutting off the ends so that negative energy goes along with them. Healers recommend doing this before the rituals for removing spoilage, which are often held on Easter. While cutting, think about the problem you want to get rid of.

The first haircut of a child on Maundy Thursday brings good luck and good health. In the old days, peasants symbolically sheared animal hair in order to "remove diseases". This is the same with pets.

Is it worth going to the cemetery on Maundy Thursday

In most regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, it is customary to clean the cemetery on Maundy Thursday. The Slavs have always assigned an important role to the veneration of ancestors, and if we are to carry out festive cleaning in the house, it is worth putting things in order where the deceased relatives are buried.

Visiting the graves on Maundy Thursday is not only cleaning. At this time, flowers are planted, fences, benches and other elements of the cemetery are painted. They don’t leave treats for the dead, they do it already on Radonitsa, sometimes on Easter.

The Church has a different opinion on this matter. Priests recommend going to the church, not to the cemetery. There are other days for visiting the graves, for example, Radonitsa, and Easter Thursday is the time for visiting temple services.

Maundy Thursday wedding

Getting married on Maundy Thursday is a sin. You cannot tie the knot during Great Lent especially on this date and Palm Sunday. As marital relations, and marriage during this period is not approved by the church. Weddings on Thursday do not take place, especially on the Great. In the registry office, the spouses will not meet refusal.

A wedding on Maundy Thursday can take place without a wedding, it can be rescheduled for another time. Only lean meals are allowed. The atmosphere of the holiday should be calm. You can not encourage guests to sin, for example, indecent contests. Dancing and singing are undesirable.

Fun until Easter is prohibited. Celebrations will have to be rescheduled next week, or note modestly.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday - best time for the baptism of a child.
AT Orthodox tradition it corresponds to the cleansing of all sins and diseases. The sacrament of baptism performed on this day will cleanse the soul of an infant from original sin.

Another plus of baptism on Maundy Thursday is the opportunity to meet Easter, being churched and spiritually pure. But guessing in such a way as to baptize a child on Maundy Thursday is not easy. Most temples have their own ordinance schedule.

When celebrating christenings, one should remember about fasting. First of all, it is a spiritual holiday. It makes sense to move the noisy feast to a more suitable time.

Other signs and beliefs

On Maundy Thursday, they make Thursday salt - a strong potion against corruption and disease. Easter treats are prepared - Easter cakes, Easter cakes and eggs, accompanying the preparation with prayers. On Maundy Thursday, you can work without fear of sin.

If after water procedures, at noon and at sunset, count all the money available in the house, you will live in wealth and luxury for a whole year. Another sign of wealth is to find the lost. good omen- Throw away unnecessary things on Maundy Thursday. This attracts new acquisitions to the house. To get rich, you have to rearrange. The bigger the change, the more money there will be.

A well-known sign of love on Maundy Thursday is the appearance of a free shelf in the closet after cleaning. Soon it will be occupied by men's things. To see an old man through the window - to illness or failure. A man - for money, a woman - for good luck in his personal life. The child is for learning.

What to do on Maundy Thursday to attract wealth

On Maundy Thursday, water acquires magical properties. It washes away diseases, sins and negative energy induced by sorcerers and witches. It can also be used in money rites on Maundy Thursday.

Fill a clean basin or bucket with water and submerge any coins you can find around the house. They will charge the water with monetary energy, it should wash the windows and window frames with these words:

Money, drive - do not transfer, grow, multiply, do not get to the enemy!

This mini-rite has other versions, where it is recommended to use gold or silver instead of coins. Choose the option that seems more appropriate. The rest of the water can be used to water houseplants.

In order to have money in the house, in the old days on Thursday they shot a gun into the air. Modern followers of the magical current Simoron recommend using firecrackers, they are much safer.

Simple rituals on Good Thursday for women's happiness

Lost hope for marriage - perform a simple ritual on Maundy Thursday, and meet your betrothed this year. You will need a new towel. You should get up before dawn, wash and dry yourself with it. Hide the towel until Easter without washing it. On Easter, consecrate it and give it to any beggar, along with Easter cakes and dyed eggs, cooked by you personally.

Maundy Thursday traditions involve cleaning. During it, make room for your future spouse's toiletries. Free up a shelf for his clothes in the closet, buy new men's slippers and put them near the threshold. It is effective when there is a groom, but the relationship does not reach the wedding.

Another ritual implies that there is a cat in the house. She doesn't have to be sterilized. It is good if the pet has a good disposition, is pregnant or feeds kittens. Buy a carton of milk, pour some for the cat. Milk from this pack should be washed with the following words:

As everyone strokes cats, and as cats cling to everyone, so the suitors will not let me pass. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Give the rest street cats. The more cats try the milk, the more suitors there will be.

Refresh the passion in the relationship between husband and wife, on Maundy Thursday a change will help bed linen sprinkled with holy water. Another way is to plant an apple seed in a pot and keep it in the bedroom.

How to fulfill a wish on Maundy Thursday

For the fulfillment of desires, on Maundy Thursday you need to make a rearrangement. Change the furniture and interior items, and positive changes will come into your life. The more things change their location, the stronger the effect.

Few people have time for a large-scale rearrangement of furniture on a weekday, which is the pre-Easter Thursday. You can refer to the teachings of Feng Shui. For example, put a figurine of a money toad in a wealth zone. Make a permutation in the area that matches your desire.

There is no time for general cleaning of the whole house - clean part of it. Other than that, Thursday is a great day to make a wish board.

Church candles on Maundy Thursday

During the service in the church, which is called the Great Stand, it is supposed to hold a candle in your hands. In the old days, it was customary to carry it home in a special lamp so that the fire would not go out. Now they are extinguished before leaving the temple, and houses are lit near the icons. Leave the Maundy Thursday candle to burn out completely so that happiness finds its way to your home.

Each day of Holy Week has its own meaning, and Thursday's role is to purify the body, home, and soul. At this time, Great Lent continues, so there are many restrictions for this date. Those who do not observe the prohibitions will be punished, and those who will use the holy day wisely will be blessed.

The fourth day of Holy Week - Maundy Thursday (Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday), even for not particularly religious people, is a kind of ritual day associated with cleaning and a bath. AT Orthodox faith it's very meaningful Day of the Last Supper, on which Jesus, already knowing about the betrayal of Judas, said goodbye to his disciples by performing rituals - holy communion and washing the feet of the apostles.

Special signs and customs on Holy Week are associated with Maundy Thursday. It is on this day that you can get rid of many sins and improve your life. Following Easter signs and rituals, you can change your destiny for the better for the next year. This article contains signs, beliefs and rituals inherent in Great Thursday of Holy Week, namely:

  • Swimming on Maundy Thursday
  • Communion and confession
  • Money omens and conspiracies on Maundy Thursday
  • A simple protective rite
  • Easter cakes, Easter and krashenki

Swimming on Maundy Thursday

“If you want to be healthy all year, by all means, bathe before sunrise.» - Try it yourself and you will see that, indeed, this morning the water acquires wonderful healing properties. This water can wash away everything, the sins that have accumulated over the year.

It is advisable to take a steam bath at dawn on Maundy Thursday, but a shower or bath with soapy foam is also welcome. It is believed that not only the body is cleansed, but also the soul, as water acquires cleansing and protective properties that can wash away the accumulated negativity and illness. It is important to have bright, joyful thoughts during the procedure.

If you want, you can perform this simple conspiracy to wash with Thursday water. Before sunrise, take a large bowl, draw cool water into it, speak the words of a conspiracy on it and wash your face:

“Maundy Thursday praises Easter, all the people Orthodox Easter praises, so people would praise me, both young and old, so that I would be a servant of God (name) in honor of the authorities, so that my business would bring me profit. Gold sticks to my hands, clings. The coins in the wallet jingle. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Communion and confession

To finally be cleansed of sins and bad thoughts, after washing, you should go to church for confession and communion. If you have not fasted during the entire time of Great Lent, then do not forget that you need to fast before confession, at least for a few days. Exclusively on Maundy Thursday, you can pray even the most terrible mortal sins.

General cleaning on Maundy Thursday

There is a true sign - if you do a general cleaning on Clean Thursday, you will get a lot of joy for it. In addition to the fact that the house will become clean, there is also such a religious moment here that religious people do not clean up for six days after Maundy Thursday.

In addition, there is a popular belief that by starting a general cleaning in the house, you receive an opportunity from the Lord as a gift. to find, it seemed forever lost favorite and necessary items. And indeed it is. More than once I myself had to find long-lost things during such cleaning, and in the most unexpected places.

Having cleansed the body and soul, you can begin to cleanse your personal space, that is, a house or apartment. Having started the general cleaning, it follows without pity say goodbye to the old unnecessary things - this applies to personal wardrobe and broken household appliances, old furniture and chipped dishes. Together with the old rubbish, everything stagnant and bad will leave your space, including old problems and troubles, because you make room for new things and the energy of well-being, which needs free circulation.

Money omen on Maundy Thursday

From time immemorial it was believed that if during Maundy Thursday count all the money in the house three times, then they will not be translated in the family during the year. Counting money should be done early in the morning, at noon and at sunset. This should be done in secret not only from strangers, but also from all your household members. Only then will the performance of this ancient rite be useful.

Conspiracy on Clean Thursday for money

And here is the money conspiracy on Pure Thursday. If you wash the doors and windows with water in which a trifle is placed, then throughout the year yours will grow by leaps and bounds! Conspiracy words to say when throwing a bucket or basin of water with a handful of coins:

“Money, drive - don’t transfer, grow, multiply, don’t get to the enemy!”

and any other prayer that you know well. After all the doors and windows in your house have been washed, remove the change from the water and put it in a far, but previously washed, corner of your house or apartment for a week. Pour water under any tree.

A simple protective rite

If in your house there is a baby under the age of one year, then such a procedure is especially indicated for him, since he cannot yet protect himself with the help of holy prayer. Therefore, we should take care of his protection by conducting this simple protective rite. On Maundy Thursday, put any silver object in a container of water overnight. And in the morning, on Good Friday, wash yourself with this water, and during the year no evil spirits will not scare you and your children.

Easter cakes, Easter and krashenki

Actually, on Maundy Thursday, they start baking Easter cakes, Easter, and begin to paint and paint eggs. During cooking it is desirable read prayers, and in no case indulge in negative thoughts that will absorb the food you are preparing. On a holy holiday, all dishes on the table should be energetically clean.

How to make Thursday salt

You can prepare Thursday salt only once a year - on Maundy Thursday.. Properly prepared salt is a universal amulet against damage and the evil eye, as well as the strongest assistant in any business. Initially, Thursday salt was prepared in the oven. Ash from the wood oven was added to it, but in the current urban conditions it is difficult to bake salt like that and ash is nowhere to be found.

Therefore, it is proposed modern recipe. Pour a small amount into the pan table salt and the same amount of rye flour. Put on a strong fire and, stirring with a wooden spatula clockwise, recite the prayer “Our Father” until the mass acquires a dark brown-black color. In this case, the flour that has burned out replaces the ash from the oven. Why rye? Because thick rye kvass is added to the old recipe, so rye flour is allowed in the modern recipe, replacing both ash and sourdough.

Properly prepared salt not only enhances the effect of various prayers and conspiracies. Store in a natural linen bag in a dry, dark place. It is said that added to the food and drink of a sick person, thursday salt can help to cure him. If you prepared salt only for a talisman, then say the words over the bag:

“I defend myself in the name of God, I cleanse everything with Thursday salt.
Those who send troubles disappear from my life.
Key. Lock. Language".

After saying the plot, tie a linen bag with a red ribbon. You can carry it around with you or keep it at home.

Soap conspiracy to attract a guy

You will need a handmade bar of soap as homemade soap self made includes natural ingredients that are conductors of the energies you want to attract. Go to the bathhouse in the morning (allowable time is from sunrise to ten in the morning) and wash yourself only with this soap. They cannot be shared with other people.

Arriving home, do the cleaning, using the same soap, replacing everything with it chemicals that you usually use. All the time while you are cleaning, say the words: "(Name) sticks to me like soap." Say as many times as you clean the apartment. If the soap is left, you should take it to the church and put it somewhere under the threshold or near the fence. Well, if the soap does not remain, so it is advisable to initially take a small bar. After the Ascension (on the fortieth day after Easter), your beloved will show you increased signs of attention.

Folk omens on Maundy Thursday

  • If, while restoring order in the house, you once found lost things, this is fortunate.
  • If on Pure Thursday you rearrange the furniture in the apartment, then this.
  • If in the morning, looking out the window, the first person you see will be an old person, this is a failure. If a dog or young man- this is fortunately. If a young girl is a family happiness. If the child - to study.
  • On this day, you can’t lend not only money, but anything from your home in general - luck will go away.
  • There has always been a custom among the people to cut their hair on the fourth day of Holy Week. It was believed that by cutting hair, a person is cleansed of sins.


Here are the main signs and rituals are associated with Maundy Thursday. At the same time, all of them, one way or another, are connected with restoring cleanliness and order. Only after putting things in order on Maundy Thursday do they begin to bake Easter cakes and paint Easter eggs. Even if you don't go to church, rock cash and clean energy flows- always the right thing to do. So, take advantage of your health.

And whoever does not follow this rule will get crooked Easter cakes. Therefore, first do a general cleaning, and only then start preparing festive Easter dishes.

Articles dedicated to Easter on our website.

Pure (Great) Thursday falls on the seventh week of Great Lent and is celebrated three days before Happy Easter. In 2018, the holiday falls on April 5

According to biblical tradition, three days before the crucifixion, Jesus gathered his 12 apostles for the Last Supper. In his teachings, Christ constantly affirmed that one should lead a humble life and love one's neighbor. So that evening the Savior washed the feet of those assembled and shared bread and wine with them.

At the same time, the Bible says that it was at that meeting that Jesus told the disciples that one of them would betray the teacher in the near future. The Lord foresaw the sin of Judas, but chose not to name him. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened. On the night of Thursday to Friday, Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

Clean Thursday 2018: Do's and Don'ts

So that well-being and prosperity do not bypass your house/apartment, on Pure Thursday you need to do a general cleaning.

In addition to cleaning your house/apartment, go through the things in your wardrobe and throw out all the items that have become unusable. This will open up space for something new.

If you have grievances, it is on Pure Thursday that it is important to let them go. Talk to a person with whom there are some disagreements, so as not to carry the accumulated problems with you further.

What not to do on Clean Thursday 2018

Never leave your house dirty. If you ignore cleaning on Maundy Thursday, then for the next year there will be no harmony and peace in the family.

From Maundy Thursday to Good Friday, in no case do not leave unwashed dishes and soaked, but not washed linen.

On Clean Thursday and until Easter itself, do not give away anything of value from home, and also do not lend money: along with values, you can “give away” well-being.

Clean Thursday 2018 when to swim after 12 or before

On Maundy Thursday, try to get up before sunrise and rinse your body. clean water. At this moment, you will wash away all the negativity that has accumulated over the past year. After bathing, try not to think about the bad all day.

Clean Thursday what you need to do on this day to get married

According to folk beliefs, a single girl should have a good idea of ​​​​the image of the desired man (perhaps this is a specific or imaginary person). Having tuned in and believing in the fulfillment of your dream, you can reinforce the desire and perform the following rites and rituals:

They take ordinary soap and, calling the name of a loved one, they say: "(Name) sticks to me like soap."

After cleaning the house is over, it is better to visit perfect order in your wardrobe. And be sure to leave room ... for menswear. This symbolic gesture allows you to imagine those days when your beloved will be nearby: the girl invites him into her life.

You can take the seed of any plant and plant it in flower pot. folk omen states that if planted in Maundy Thursday the flower will sprout pretty quickly, then it won’t be long before marriage.

But if a girl has been looking for her happiness for a long time, but has not yet met her betrothed, she must paint the eggs herself, bake pastries and distribute them to everyone who needs it.

When to count money on Clean Thursday

Many signs on Pure Thursday are related to the financial well-being of the house. It is believed that when starting cleaning, windows and doors should be washed with water, in which there is a handful of little things. This will bring money into the house. In addition, it was believed that general cleaning on

Clean Thursday will help you find once lost, but expensive things. The water left after general cleaning, it is worth pouring it away, imagining that all the troubles go with it.

If you count money on Clean Thursday, 2018 can be a year of financial prosperity. Money must be counted three times on this day, at dawn, at midday sun and at sunset. You need to count all the money that is in the house and make sure that nothing distracts during their recount. This process must be purposeful, with an understanding of the importance of tradition. Don't be distracted by telephone conversations, it will destroy the whole force of the tradition. And do not be late - the recount of money must be completed before sunset, so that the money does not begin to decrease.

Maundy Thursday is considered the most suitable day for baking Easter cakes and for dyeing. Easter eggs. This tradition was also observed in Rus'. On Thursday, housewives baked Easter cakes from pre-prepared dough, prepared curd Easter (as they say, paska or pasochki) and other holiday treats, including meat.

Also on Thursday, eggs were traditionally dyed, it was considered a matter to which the whole family, especially children, had to be involved.

Holy Week is a very strict time, but in folk tradition various rituals and beliefs associated with Maundy Thursday are still preserved.

So, on this day it is still customary to prepare the so-called Thursday salt. In Rus', the whole family participated in this ritual - household members took turns taking a pinch of salt and putting it in a common bag. Then the salt was poured onto a baking sheet and calcined, and then poured back. Thursday salt was considered a drug for all diseases, it was also added to the water when washing floors so that there was a healthy spirit in the home.

H clean Thursday signs customs prayer conspiracies

Also, many rituals are associated with Maundy Thursday, the purpose of which is to improve the well-being of the family and protect yourself and loved ones from unnecessary expenses. There is still a tradition on Maundy Thursday to count money three times so that they are always kept in pockets and in the house. You need to count money in the morning, afternoon and evening. After that, it is not customary to lend money until Easter, otherwise wealth will leave the house. It is also undesirable to give or throw something away at this time, for the same reasons - so that the house does not become impoverished.

To attract wealth, coins were sometimes thrown into the water intended for cleaning, saying: “Money, drive - don’t transfer!”.

Conspiracies on Maundy Thursday also concerned Easter cake: if the main dish turned out to be successful, then it was believed that the year would be satisfying and prosperous. Well, if the hostess blundered, then the spoiled Easter cake had to be thrown away as soon as possible, bake a new one and not tell anyone about the failure - this made it possible to avoid trouble. The same applies to other Easter dishes.

Everyone knows that Maundy Thursday is a holiday when you need to wash and bathe. But few people thought about WHAT EXACTLY needs to be done on this day, and why it is of such importance.

Maundy Thursday is also called Maundy Thursday, which, as it were, emphasizes its importance for all Christians on Earth. They say that if dirt is left in the house on this day, then the whole year will pass under the sign of disorder, quarrels and dirt.

But let's get down to specifics.

Starting from Thursday and until Easter itself, nothing can be taken out of the house, especially in debt.

Do not give, no matter how anyone asks: no money, no “use” of some things. This is a bad omen.

You can not even share kitchen utensils or products with relatives or neighbors.

Cannot be left overnight from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday soaked linen that did not have time to wash, and unwashed dishes.

As on the rest of the days of Holy Week, next Thursday you can’t guess, have fun, celebrate holidays, sing and dance.

You can’t eat fast food on this day (from obsolete soon, old glory scrum - fat, oil).

But what, on the contrary, to do VERY desirable:

It is critically important to start cleaning that day in the morning. So even if you have no time, and you leave for work that day, first clean up at least something at home! You can, for example, wash the dishes and take out the trash ...

The most daring can swim on Maundy Thursday. Our ancestors believed that this rite would help "wash away all diseases."

Maundy Thursday is the best day of the year to give your little ones their first haircut. Peasants "for good luck" on this day used to shear even livestock.

So that you have money for the future, count them all on this day, and three times!

If possible, you can also shoot a gun or at least rearrange the furniture ...

This is the best day to remove the damage induced by enemies. You just need to wash yourself early in the morning, before dawn. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce the words of an elementary prayer: “I wash off what was let loose on me, what my soul and body toils with, everything is removed on a clean Thursday. Amen".

If you are a single woman, then in order to find your happiness, on this day, when washing your body, you need to say a prayer: “As pure Thursday is bright and red, so I will be a beautiful slave (name) for everyone. Amen".