How to fill garage floors. Concrete floor in the garage: pouring according to the rules

The garage is the most practical option, because it has the necessary properties:

  1. Strength, ability to withstand quite serious mechanical loads. It follows from this durability such coverage.
  2. Resistance to flammable substances used during vehicle operation. This ensures its reliable fire safety.
  3. Resistance to insufficient and high humidity.
  4. Resistant to chemicals and the ability to maintain its cleanliness.

An additional advantage concreting the floor garage is the opportunity to subsequently transform the garage space by laying on concrete screed tiled covering. On concrete without preliminary preparation it will be possible to lay any types tiles.

At the same time, a do-it-yourself concrete garage floor has some minuses. The disadvantages include the following factors:

  1. Coverage is quite cold, so there may be problems heating the garage.
  2. The surface of the concrete highlights dust when rubbed, which can cause allergic reactions.
  3. All substances are reliably absorbed into the surface, as a result of which unpleasant odors can appear in the garage and linger for a long time.

These problems can be avoided by following technologies pouring the floor in the garage.

How to pour concrete on a garage floor:

When can such a coating not be done?

Some features of the landscape where your garage is located are an obstacle to installing a concrete floor. Concreting the garage floor with your own hands it is forbidden in the following cases:

  • there is a significant slope of the surface at the location of the garage;
  • the presence of a close location to the surface of groundwater;
  • The area is flooded in the spring.

How to pour concrete on a garage floor with your own hands: preparing the base

During any construction, an important event is the organization drainage layer for groundwater drainage. The garage is no exception, and to prevent the floor from being exposed to freezing and thawing processes, different times of the year.

How to properly concrete a garage floor? Preparing for concreting the floor in the garage with your own hands consists of next stages:

  1. The top fertile soil layer 30 cm high is removed and flat area. After compaction, the soil is lubricated with liquid clay.
  2. poured onto the ground gravel layer 30 cm high. To install a heated floor, instead of gravel, you need to pour expanded clay.
  3. The next layer is poured sand layer 10 cm.
  4. The sand and gravel layer is carefully compacted to fill the voids as much as possible. Remove too large pieces of crushed stone so that the layer is as smooth as possible tighter.
  5. Followed by waterproofing layer . In this capacity, you can use plastic film or roofing felt. At the joints, be sure to overlap the material and glue it with tape. The edges of the film should touch the walls, you will get a kind of polyethylene bathtub.

In this way it will be prepared the basis for filling subsequent layers. We'll talk further about how to fill a garage floor with your own hands.

Thickness concrete floor in the garage:

Technology of pouring the rough layer

How to concrete a garage floor correctly? Subfloorsolid foundation to secure the entire structure. To build it you will need reinforced mesh with cells 10x10 cm. The mesh is laid on the film.

Before laying the mesh it is necessary to do wooden formwork . For a small garage it is done around the perimeter, and for large area equal square compartments. A mesh is laid inside the compartments and beacons are installed to control the level. It is recommended to install 4 solid beacons at a distance of 30 cm from the walls and 2 in the center of the garage.

Convenient to use for these purposes metal profiles , secured to a bed of gravel and mortar. You can use reinforcement welded to stakes driven into the ground.

How to fill a garage floor cement? The solution is prepared and poured into the formwork cells. The solution should completely cover the metal base. Once the cement has set, the formwork slats are removed and the voids are filled with cement.

Which brand pour concrete for the garage floor? The quality of the subfloor depends on the correctly prepared solution. The brand of concrete for the floor in the garage should be taken 400 M or higher. The ratio of cement and sand in the mixture should be 1 to 3, or 2 to 3. Water is added gradually to create a solution with the consistency of thick sour cream.

pay attention to concrete grades garage floors:

How to level a concrete floor in a garage so it doesn't crack? For a high-quality result of pouring a subfloor, its technology is important. drying. To prevent cracks from forming in the cement and for the subfloor to dry evenly throughout its entire thickness, it is necessary to cover it with film a few hours after pouring.

The floor will dry 4-5 days. Every day you need to remove the film and wet the floor, then cover it with film again.

REFERENCE: When pouring concrete for your garage floor, periodically pierce the cement mixture with a shovel to prevent void formation.

How to make a concrete garage floor:

Production of insulation

This procedure can be excluded because insulation is optional. But if your garage is directly adjacent to the house and is heated in winter, you cannot do without insulation.

Experts recommend a special one for insulation expanded polystyrene. Rolled penofol is placed under it, foil side up. Insulation mats are laid on this layer and secured with special dowels. Placed on the insulating layer again net.

Final fill

Before finally pouring the floor in the garage with your own hands, you need to decide floor level. Typically, the thickness of the concrete garage floor is made level with the threshold or a centimeter lower. To control the filling level, control markings are made on the walls using laser level. If it is not available, a water one will do. It is also necessary to reinstall the level control beacons.

IMPORTANT! Experts recommend pouring the floor in the garage with your own hands with a slight slope towards the gate (2-3 degrees). If a car is washed in the garage, water will flow towards the gate and pour out. If this is not done, the water will stagnate.

How to concrete a garage floor? If the finishing pour is carried out directly onto the rough, without the use of insulation, the layers are bonded using concrete milk– a thinly diluted solution, which is used to cover the rough screed with a thin layer.

The solution for the finishing screed is prepared in the same way as for the subfloor. Concrete is poured and distributed over the surface. How to level a concrete floor in a garage? To level a concrete floor in a garage, use rule. Filling begins from the far wall with a gradual transition to the gate. The final thickness of the screed in the garage is 30-50 centimeters.

Now you know how to make a concrete garage floor with your own hands. But the whole process must be carried out continuously few hours. Only a floor poured in one step will ensure the solidity and strength of the coating.

What a homemade garage floor screed looks like:

For strength finishing coat treated with an additional layer. This technique will prepare the concrete for maximum loads and increase its service life. Special formulations are suitable for this:

  • polyurethane;
  • epoxy;
  • paint for concrete.

With the help of these compounds applied to the surface, the surface is preserved while maintaining the roughness of the concrete, which is very important for the adhesion of the wheels to the floor. This finishing coating of the concrete screed will also help protect against dust that forms on the surface.

For the same purpose, you can use special topling systems, which are added to the concrete solution when pouring it. They contain plasticizers and pigments that give the concrete coating some smoothness and at the same time resistance to external abrasion.

The dry mixture is diluted with water and two-thirds of the resulting amount is rubbed into the concrete floor through 40-50 minutes after the initial setting of the solution. Through 10-15 minutes Apply the remaining amount and grind using a special machine. Without this device, it will not be possible to rub the solution in properly.

IMPORTANT! A concrete floor treated with a topping system acquires not only special strength, but also aesthetic appeal.

The concrete coating will reach its final strength no earlier than after 28 days after filling. Garage Doors You need to close it tightly so that there is no influx of warm, dry air. This will allow the concrete layer to dry evenly to its entire depth. If pouring was carried out during the hot season, you need to periodically wet the floor water in the first 10 days. In not very hot, but dry periods, you can cover the floor with film in the same way as with rough pouring.

Principles for calculating pit depth

How to properly fill a garage floor concrete? To correctly calculate the height of the excavation before pouring the concrete floor, you need to add up the size of all layers of the cushion and add to it the thickness of the finishing pour. This will allow you to dig a pit in such a way as to result in zero level.

Standard thickness concrete screed in the garage - from 130 to 150 cm. This thickness of the floor screed in the garage will be resistant to loads and will last you a long time. Based on these dimensions and adding up all the sizes of the layers, you can easily calculate the required excavation depth.

Do not forget to include in the calculation the thickness of the insulating material if it is present in the pillow.

Concrete floor garage is considered a “classic of the genre”, since most car owners recognized it as the most suitable coating. It demonstrates good performance qualities: strength, abrasion resistance, and the ability to withstand increased loads. Of course, all this can be achieved only with strict adherence to pouring technologies.

Useful video

How to fill a garage floor with concrete correctly? Watch the video:

And also a video on how to make a screed in the garage with your own hands:

3 / 5 ( 2 voices)

Every owner's dream vehicle, living in multi-storey building or a private home, is the availability own garage, which you can buy or build yourself according to a special project. When thinking about building a room for your own car, ensure the necessary quality of the garage floor.

You can, of course, try to buy reinforced concrete slab and install it using a truck crane. This ready product Can be used for garage floor. However, this is a costly undertaking. We recommend pouring concrete on your garage floor yourself, following the recommendations given in the article.

Concrete floors are found in premises of various purposes: from garages to commercial and industrial facilities

Advantages of a concrete base

Concrete – best material for pouring the base of the garage. It is superior in many respects wood covering, compacted earth, compacted gravel and has the following positive characteristics:

  • significant strength;
  • resistance to aggressive compounds, gasoline, oil, chemicals;
  • extended operating period;
  • ease of maintaining cleanliness;
  • resistance to abrasive factors;
  • resistant to moisture.

Knowing what brand of concrete to fill the floor in the vehicle storage room, you can create a high-quality foundation in the building for parking your car.

Concrete selection

Concrete is a universal composition intended for... When deciding which brand of concrete is best suited for these purposes, focus on the strength indicator, which is decisive regardless of the brand and classification of concrete.

Concrete is considered the most versatile material in construction

The best option for pouring the floor is to use concrete marked M100, M150 or M200, which have the necessary strength.

Let's take a closer look at concrete compositions of various brands:

  • The M100 mixture has proven itself to be a good preliminary basis for installing a foundation and performing reinforcement work. It is also used for pouring insulated bases, forming the surface of sidewalks, and laying curbs.
  • Concrete M150 is suitable for pouring car parking and is used for the construction of fences. The solution is popular because it has a low price and allows you to make foundations in garages where cars are stored, which do not create significant loads on the floors.
  • M200 mortar, which has medium strength, is best option in order to fill the floor in the garage. This base has a long service life and can withstand the loads of most vehicles.
  • The composition of the M250 brand is highly resistant to atmospheric factors and is not affected by precipitation or nearby aquifers. It is used to form platforms for heavy vehicles and is capable of withstanding significant forces.
  • Elevated performance characteristics has a solution M300, which is not susceptible to temperature changes and high humidity. Abrasion resistance and the ability to withstand significant loads allow it to be used for road surfaces and, if financial opportunities are available, for the construction of heavy equipment parking lots.

A concrete floor is a type of foundation that can withstand high loads and is ideal for arranging a garage

  • From an economic point of view, it is advisable to use concrete mixtures M350, M400 when forming a garage floor. They have excessive strength, which by a large margin exceeds the weight of the vehicle.

Decide what composition is needed to perform concrete works, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the vehicle and the weight of additional equipment that will be placed in the room.

Expert opinion: Concrete for garage floors

Most often, the M150 and M200 grades are used for pouring concrete in the garage. Concrete grade M200 has average strength indicators. If you need a floor for heavy vehicles, it is better to use concrete M250 and M300. Concrete of higher grades has better performance, but it makes no sense to spend more money on purchasing components for M350 and M400 concrete for the floor.

Dmitry Orlov

Pouring process

The technological process involves the following stages of work:

  • preparatory activities to form the basis for the screed;
  • assembly and installation reinforcement cage;
  • preparing the mixture used for the floor;
  • installation of beacons;
  • pouring concrete composition;
  • foundation planning;
  • surface care.

Let’s take a closer look at all the stages of work and figure out how to fill high-quality foundations for premises intended for storing vehicles.

Before pouring the floor in the garage with concrete, it is necessary to equip a high-quality foundation, for which a number of preparatory work is carried out

Foundation preparation work

A well-prepared base affects the final result of concrete work. Its preparation involves performing a number of soil preparation operations. Do them in the following sequence:

  • Remove any leftovers flooring.
  • Make a hole in the soil of 25-30 centimeters, corresponding to the size of the spade bayonet.
  • Fill the cavity with a sand-crushed stone composition or a gravel-based mixture up to 10 centimeters thick.
  • Compact and plan the array, which will prevent its shrinkage.
  • Install waterproofing coating using layers of roofing material, hydroglass insulation or polyethylene film having a thickness of 0.2 millimeters located with an overlap of 10 centimeters.
  • Insulate the base by placing it on waterproofing material tile-type insulation with a thickness of up to 10 centimeters. Expanded polystyrene obtained by extrusion is well suited for these purposes.

Manufacturing and installation of reinforcement cage

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Surface reinforcement is necessary to prevent cracking and strengthen the structure concrete base. To make the frame, weld a solid lattice using a steel rod with a diameter of up to 10 millimeters. Its dimensions must correspond to the area of ​​the base and not reach the walls at a distance of 10 centimeters. A cell measuring 150x150 or 200x200 millimeters will ensure the strength of the frame and will significantly extend the life of the garage floor. When installing the frame, ensure a distance from the ground surface to the metal mesh of about 5 centimeters by placing bricks under the mesh.

The floor covering will take constant loads from the vehicle. To make it as rigid as possible, it is recommended to carry out reinforcement

Preparation of the composition

We prepare the concrete solution using standard ingredients:

  • Portland cement grade M400;
  • sifted sand;
  • fine gravel or crushed stone;
  • technical water.

Observe the volume fraction of crushed stone, which should be twice as much in the mixture as sand. There is no strict recommendation on the proportion of ingredients. Cement mixing is carried out experimentally with the addition of the required amount of water to ensure the required consistency.

If there is a need to increase the strength of the concrete floor, increase the concentration of cement. It is allowed to use expanded clay, crushed granite or limestone instead of crushed stone.

The amount of cement can be from 3 to 5 times the volume fraction of sand, depending on the brand. When using cement grade M300, the sand-cement ratio is 1:3. It is allowed to use self-leveling compounds offered in the retail chain in the form of dry mixtures. They provide a high base plane and have a margin of safety. It is advisable to use self-leveling compounds as a finishing coating.

Before you pour concrete on your garage floor, you should properly prepare the solution.

It is convenient to prepare the concrete solution in the required volume using a concrete mixer. It can be purchased or rented. The mixer design provides convenient loading components, efficient mixing, quick emptying of the bowl. If financial capabilities allow, you can purchase ready-made concrete mix and unload it directly at the work site. By leveling and evenly distributing the finished purchased composition, you can significantly reduce the time it takes to complete the work.

Installation of beacons

Before pouring the floor in garage room it is necessary to install beacons to ensure the flatness of the base. The use of purchased beacons made of aluminum allows us to guarantee the quality of the formed surface. Install and fix the control strips as follows:

  • Mark the base of the room, observing a step of 0.5 m.
  • Lay dense cement mortar or alabaster in accordance with the markings.
  • Ensure horizontal profiles using building level, pressing the strips into the array.
  • Provide opportunity cement mortar or alabaster to acquire strength sufficient for pouring.

Placing beacons will allow you to create a flat surface

Concreting and maintenance

Carry out the floor pouring process following the following recommendations:

  • pour the minimum volume of concrete at the zero level;
  • carry out work at a positive temperature that ensures high-quality hydration of the concrete composition;
  • when carrying out concreting, ensure the thickness of the floor layer is at least 12 centimeters to prevent cracking of the surface from the weight of the car and the processes of natural displacement of the soil under the screed;
  • pull the concrete over the surface and level it using a vibrating rod or rule;
  • plan so that the edges of the planks are visible in the array;
  • lay and compact the concrete solution in layers until cement laitance appears. This will remove air pores and double the strength of the surface;
  • Use a trowel or trowel to level the areas where the floor comes into contact with the walls;
  • do the cutting expansion joints, preventing cracking of the massif under the influence of internal stresses;
  • apply a two-centimeter-high liquid cement mortar, ensuring a slope in the direction of drainage of 2%;
  • grout the floor using a trowel or, if the garage area is large, high-performance grouting equipment;
  • Moisten the surface during the hardening process by regularly moistening the sawdust or burlap placed on top with water.

When building a garage Special attention must be given to the floor. It withstands heavy weight loads every day and protects the underbody of the car from corrosion, so it must be strong and dry. Concrete coating has these characteristics. To pour a concrete floor in a garage with your own hands, you must follow the rules and subtleties of installation, otherwise the coating will quickly deform and lose its properties.

Device requirements

Before you begin building a garage, you need to study the requirements for constructing a concrete floor:

  1. First of all, it must be durable and reliable, able to withstand weight not only passenger car, but also a heavy van. In addition to vehicles, shelving is installed in the garage, tools and spare parts are stored. That's why they make it durable. Its thickness should not be less than 20 mm.
  2. At mechanical damage the floor should not collapse, crumble, or deform.
  3. Solvents, fuel and lubricant mixtures, and paints that are fire hazards are often stored in the garage. If they get on the surface, they damage the material and can ignite, so the concrete screed must be resistant to chemical influences and be fireproof.
  4. When it’s freezing outside, it’s difficult to maintain the temperature at the same level inside the building even if there is heating system. Therefore, it must withstand significant temperature changes.
  5. The floor must be durable. Then holding repair work flooring will be needed no earlier than in 10-15 years.

Which brand of concrete is better to choose?

You can prepare concrete yourself using a concrete mixer or purchase ready-made concrete. At independent execution The concrete grade is selected according to the SNiP table:

Concrete grade Type of coverage Coating thickness, mm Hardening time
M200-M350 Screed with reinforcement 50-70 Day
Fiber concrete 40
M400-M500 Sand concrete reinforced 40 8 days
M500-M550 Concrete reinforced 40 8 days

For passenger vehicles, experts recommend using a reinforced screed 7 cm thick. The shock-absorbing cushion is not included in the calculation. Apply a primer on top - 2 layers. This coverage can be renewed every 6 months.

Pouring the concrete solution is carried out on the ground, but since such a base is unreliable, a sand-crushed stone cushion is required. The top fertile layer of soil contains organic matter and a large number of microorganisms, therefore, before laying the cushion, it must be removed to clean soil. This will help minimize soil subsidence. The result will be a shallow pit.

To determine how deep the pit should be, you first need to set the zero floor level. The floor can be located below the gate threshold or at the same level as it. If installation is carried out below the threshold level, then the base is equipped with drainage. Otherwise, during spring floods the garage will be flooded. Work order:

  • the zero level mark is made along the perimeter of the walls using a level or laser level;
  • lines are drawn along a beam set at the required height.

Instead of a laser device, you can use a hydraulic level. The mark is moved several times along all the walls, then the points are connected by a straight line. This device is not as convenient to work with as a laser one.

Calculation of the thickness of ASG layers

To reach the desired height, it is necessary to correctly calculate the thickness of the layer of sand and gravel cushion. To make a floor for light vehicles, the following dimensions are adhered to: the most acceptable concrete layer is 10 cm, sand - 50 mm, crushed stone - 10 cm.

Based on these calculations:

  1. The depth of the pit should be 25 cm or more. A few centimeters are added to these dimensions if additional covering is laid on the concrete floor.
  2. When treating the surface layer with impregnation or paint, adding centimeters is not required.
  3. Based on the obtained figures, the exact volume of sand and crushed stone is purchased.
  4. The thickness of the backfilled layer is controlled using marks on the walls. If the width of the building exceeds 2 m, additional stakes are placed in the center, on which marks are made. All marks are leveled.

At this stage of installation, a foundation pit is dug, if the garage project has one. The bottom of the pit is filled with concrete, creating a floor. The walls in the pit are laid with bricks after the mortar has hardened and the sand and gravel cushion has been backfilled in the garage.

Materials for backfill

To ensure a high-quality concrete garage floor, experts recommend using 70% medium crushed stone and 30% fine crushed stone. A layer of gravel cannot be used as it has rounded edges. Because of this, the base turns out to be shaky, which threatens the screed cracking. The sand must be clean without clay impurities. It is sifted before filling.

Making a pillow for a concrete floor

Before laying the cushion, the bottom of the pit is carefully leveled. There should be no depressions or bumps. The soil is compacted using a manual tamper or vibrating plate.

Step by step guide:

  1. The first layer of crushed stone is poured, which is also compacted. It will not be possible to properly compact a 10 cm layer of crushed stone, so it is covered in 4-5 cm sections.
  2. The first part is evenly distributed over the entire area, then compacted. In this case, half of the material will enter the soil, compacting it. Thanks to this, the possibility of drawdown is eliminated, load bearing capacity designs increases.
  3. The rest of the crushed stone is filled in using the same principle. If there are no traces of a person left on the surface, then the tamping is done efficiently.
  4. Sand is poured on top of the crushed stone, also divided into several parts. Before compacting it is moistened.

Then they begin to force out the walls of the pit. The walls are brought to one level or higher than the finished floor. This will allow you to wash the car inside the garage without fear that the hole will flood with water.

Damper gap

Sometimes walls and floors sag or rise. To prevent the screed from cracking at this moment and maintain its integrity, a damper tape is laid between the concrete and the wall. Thanks to this, a gap is created during installation, allowing the walls to shrink without pulling the entire structure along with it. Because of this, it received the second name “floating”. Instead of tape, you can use thin foam plastic 10 mm thick, having previously cut the sheets into strips 15 cm wide. If part of the tape protrudes above finishing, it is cut off.

Waterproofing a concrete floor in a garage

High humidity is not harmful for concrete, but it risks corrosion for vehicles and other things stored in the garage. The material for waterproofing is selected depending on the level of groundwater:

  1. In order for concrete to maintain its strength and not crumble, it requires moisture. When placed deep, it is absorbed into the sand. To prevent this from happening, a polyethylene film with a density of more than 250 microns is laid on top of the sand.
  2. If groundwater located high, during spring floods the garage can flood. Therefore, it is necessary to use a denser film. Hydroisol or any other analogue will do. To reduce the penetration of water inside to a minimum, the film sheets are laid overlapping, and the joints are sealed with double-sided tape. The material is carried out along the wall and temporarily secured above the damper tape. The excess part is cut off after the concrete has completely hardened.


Concrete floors need to be reinforced because they are constantly under heavy load. For installation you will need a ready-made mesh with a cage size of 15 cm and a wire diameter of 7-8 mm.

Installation method:

  1. The mesh is laid in pieces overlapping each other with a distance of 1 cell.
  2. The pieces are tied with wire or plastic clamps. This results in a single reinforcing system.
  3. The mesh cannot be laid directly on the film; it must be located in the middle of the concrete. If the depth is less than 3 cm, the mesh may corrode.
  4. Using bricks or special stands, it is raised 4-6 cm above the waterproofing layer. This arrangement will prevent cracking of the screed, extending its service life.

Installation of beacons

Using beacons and building regulations, the concrete screed is leveled. Beacons can be purchased in a store or made from pipes or bars. Installation rules:

  1. The beacons are placed parallel to the marks made on the walls for the concrete slab.
  2. Mix a thick solution from which the slides are laid out. Beacons are pressed into them. Work begins to be done along the wall opposite the doors, gradually moving towards the exit.
  3. The distance between the beacons should be less than 25 cm (the length of the rule). The installation of the first beacon is done at a distance of 30 cm from the wall.

So that water from the floor flows onto the street on its own, concrete covering should be with a slight slope. The beacons are removed 24 hours after pouring. The resulting recesses are filled concrete mixture and level with the floor.

Pouring a concrete floor in a garage

Given the large thickness of the slab and the slope, you will need a lot of mixture to concrete the floor in the garage. Concrete grade M250 has fairly durable characteristics and has frost-resistant properties:

  1. For a garage measuring 4x6 m you will need about 3 m³ of solution.
  2. Sand and cement (in proportions 1:3 or 1:4) are loaded into a concrete mixer, water is added and mixed thoroughly. Ready mix hardens in 2 hours, so concreting is carried out quickly.
  3. The base is filled with the mixture, and excess air is removed using a deep vibrator. He is lowered into different points screed until laitance appears on the surface.
  4. Then level it with a long wooden strip.
  5. If pits and other imperfections occur, additional filling of the solution is required. Then the surface is leveled again.

To make the base monolithic, all the work is done in 1 approach.

Insulated concrete floor in garage

A concrete floor in a garage can be insulated in 2 ways: lay the insulation under the slab or on top, filling it with screed. Installation under the slab is done as follows:

  1. Extruded polyester is able to withstand heavy loads and has good vapor and waterproofing properties, which is why it is chosen for work. The density of the material should not be less than 35 kg/m³.
  2. It is laid on a waterproofing layer, and a reinforcing mesh is mounted on top. You can lay a layer of geotextile under the mesh. It evenly distributes the load over the entire surface and does not allow the insulation to be pressed through.
  3. To more reliably isolate the floor from the ground, installation is carried out with offset seams. The material is folded in 2 layers. Minimum thickness should be 5 cm.

After installation, concrete is poured.


Concrete pavement will last longer if you follow the following care rules:

  1. The sun's rays should not fall on concrete, therefore, if there is a window in the garage, it must be covered.
  2. Concrete is covered with damp burlap in hot and dry weather. The burlap is moistened with water every day for 7 days. The moisture contained in it will saturate the concrete.
  3. If polyethylene is used as a covering material, then it is removed, watered on the surface, then covered again. For watering, use a nozzle with many small holes.

A dark gray tint to the surface means that the concrete is sufficiently saturated with moisture and watering can be stopped. Do not allow puddles to form.

The comfort of being in the garage largely depends on whether the floor is made correctly. It must be durable, reliable, and moisture resistant. Not many materials meet these requirements. One of the most common is concrete garage floors. For it to perform its functions, it must be done correctly. We will describe how in detail, step by step, in this article.

Preparing the base

The concrete floor in the garage is made on the ground. But more often than not, the soil itself is not a reliable and dense enough foundation, so a foundation is required - a cushion of crushed stone and sand. Preliminary and compulsory work— removal of the fertile layer, down to clean soil. The fertile layer removes organic matter and most of the microorganisms, while clean soil contains a minimal amount of them.

The first stage of installing a concrete floor in a garage is removing the fertile layer

Zero level mark

As a result, you get a pit of some depth. Crushed stone and sand will be poured into it, but in order to understand whether its depth is sufficient or excessive, you need to decide on the “zero” level of the floor. It is convenient if the floor is level with the gate threshold. Often they do it just below the threshold, but then they will have to somehow drain the water, and it will definitely be there, if not in spring-autumn, in winter, from melted snow, for sure.

Mark the zero floor level along the perimeter of the walls. The most convenient way to do this is with . Turn on the device to display the horizontal plane, set it at the desired level and draw along the beam.

If you don't have a laser level, use a water level. It’s not so convenient: you have to move the mark many times across all four walls. These marks are connected by a straight line; instead of a ruler, you can use bubble level, at the same time you can check whether all the marks have been set correctly.

Calculation of the thickness of ASG layers

As a result of this work, we have a foundation pit and a zero floor level. Now you can calculate how thick the layers are needed to reach the desired height. You need to start from the following dimensions:

  • the optimal thickness of the concrete floor in the garage (if there is a passenger car or lighter vehicle) is 10 cm;
  • the thickness of the crushed stone layer is at least 10 cm;
  • sand - at least 5 cm;

In total, it turns out that the pit should be no shallower than 25 cm deep. And this does not take into account the floor covering. If you simply treat the concrete floor with impregnation or paint, then no additional centimeters are required; for any other coating, add the required thickness.

Having received a specific figure, you can plan the amount of sand and crushed stone. If the layers turn out to be very large, you can add soil to the bottom and compact it (but not the fertile layer). If the depth of the pit is not enough, we remove some more rock.

You can put marks on the walls of the garage, which will help you control the thickness of the layers. If the width of the garage is small - 2 meters or so - these marks are enough. If the garage is wider, you need to put a few more stakes in the middle and mark them too. It is clear that all marks must lie in the same plane. This is again convenient to do using a level. Another way is to take a flat plank or board and apply it to the marked marks. Place a level on top of the bar/board. If everything is set correctly, the bubble will be in the middle.

If you are planning to make a hole in the garage, now is the time to dig a pit for it. If the pit has brick walls, you can immediately pour a concrete floor in it. While you are pouring concrete under the garage, it will gain the required strength and you can lay out the walls. They can be driven out after filling the floor with a cushion of crushed stone and sand.

Materials for backfill

For a normal concrete floor in a garage, it is better to use crushed stone rather than gravel. Gravel, with its rounded edges, you will never compact to the required degree. And if the foundation under the concrete is unstable, even a thick reinforced slab will burst. That’s why we import crushed stone, medium and fine fraction. Average 60-70%, the rest - small.

There are no special requirements for the quality of sand for pillows. It is important that it is free of clay inclusions, but it can (and should) be sifted before laying.

Making a pillow for a concrete floor

The first step is to level the bottom of the pit. We remove uneven surfaces, fill in depressions, and raise the level to the horizon. Do not think that the concrete floor in the garage can be damaged. It can be done, but then the slab will crack and you will have to redo it.

Now we take a vibration platform (you can rent it) or manual tamper and compact the soil. Along the way, once again leveling the plane. When the soil is compacted, crushed stone can be poured. They don’t fill the entire volume at once - it’s normal not to compact 10 cm. The maximum layer is 5 cm, but 3-4 is better. We fill in the required part, distribute it, level it (with a rake) until it reaches approximately the same thickness. We take a tamper or vibrating plate and tamp it.

This compaction of crushed stone when installing a concrete floor in a garage is very important - a certain amount of crushed stone is driven into the ground. As a result, it becomes even more dense, the load-bearing capacity increases, and the possibility of subsidence is eliminated. Tamping is considered sufficient if you step on the surface and leave no traces. In the same way, all portions of crushed stone are compacted, bringing them to the required thickness.

Sand is poured onto the compacted crushed stone. It is also divided into parts of 2-3 cm. The peculiarity of compacting sand: it must be moistened, they also say - spilled. The wet sand is compacted, again focusing on the layers.

Now you can start forcing out the walls of the pit, if there is one. They are brought to the level with the finished floor or even slightly higher - so that you can wash the car right in the garage without fear of water getting into it.

Damper gap

A concrete floor on the ground is often called “floating”. This is because it is made incoherent with the walls of the building. In this case, the walls and floor can sink or rise independently of each other, maintaining integrity.

To prevent the floor in a concrete garage from being connected to the walls, a damper tape (sold in hardware stores) is laid around the perimeter or thin sheets of foam plastic (10 mm thick) are cut into strips. The width of the strips is 12-15 cm - they should protrude slightly above the finish of the floor. The excess height of the damper is then cut off flush with the floor.

Waterproofing a concrete floor in a garage

Concrete itself is not afraid of moisture; high humidity is harmful to the car body, as well as to things and equipment, of which there is a lot of accumulation in the garage. The choice of materials for waterproofing depends on how close the The groundwater and how high they can rise in a season.

If the groundwater is high, no special measures for waterproofing can be taken, but a dense polyethylene film (with a density of 250 microns, maybe reinforced, maybe not) is laid on the sand. in this case, the film is more needed to prevent moisture from the concrete from escaping into the sand, which cannot be allowed. If there is a lack of moisture, concrete will not gain the required strength and will crumble.

At high level groundwater, it is better to take a denser and more reliable waterproofing - hydroisol or its analogues. In any case, the film panels are spread overlapping - they overlap each other by 10-15 cm. To minimize the possibility of water penetration, the joints are taped with double-sided tape, maybe twice (at the beginning of the joint and at the end).

Waterproofing is applied to the walls, above the damper tape. She is temporarily detained there. Once the concrete is poured and it has set, it can be trimmed.


Since the loads are expected to be serious, the concrete floor in the garage is reinforced. Under Cars can be used ready mesh made of wire 7-8 mm in diameter, cage size - 15 cm. To obtain a single reinforcing system, pieces of mesh are laid overlapping each other by one cage. The two meshes are connected to each other with plastic clamps or special knitting wire.

One more point - the mesh should be located in the thickness of the concrete, approximately in the middle. Simply laying it on a film would be wrong - the metal does not corrode inside the concrete only if it is located at a depth of at least 3 cm. To ensure that the concrete floor in the garage lasts a long time and does not crack, the mesh is raised above the waterproofing by 3-6 cm. There are special stands for this, but more often half bricks are used. They are just 6 cm thick. Place them under the reinforcing mesh so that it does not sag too much.

Installation of beacons

In order for the garage floor to be level, it must be leveled. It is more convenient to do this with the help of a special long bar, which is called the “rule” (emphasis on the letter “I” - from the word edit). This plank is supported on even planks set at the required level. They are called lighthouses.

Any flat and long objects can be used as beacons. These can be pipes, bars, special beacons, which are sold in construction stores. They must be placed at the same level as the concrete slab level mark on the walls.

Beacons are placed from the far wall, towards the one in which the doors are located (most often it turns out that along long wall). The installation step is 25-30 cm narrower than the length of the rule. If the rule is 150 cm long, the distance between the beacons should be 120-125 cm. They retreat about 30 cm from the wall, place the first beacon, then others with a given distance.

They are usually installed on islands of a thickly mixed solution. They lay out the slide a little higher than necessary, and press the beacon into it so that it is at the desired level.

When installing beacons, you can make a slight slope of the concrete floor towards the doors (0.5-1 cm per meter). In this case, the water will flow by gravity from the floor to the street. Just note that in this case more concrete is required - you have to lift up the edge of the floor farthest from the entrance, but this is compensated by ease of use.

On next day After pouring, the beacons are removed, the voids are filled with mortar and leveled to the same level as the previously filled floor.

Pouring a concrete floor in a garage

The grade of concrete for the garage floor is M250. Its characteristics are more than sufficient in terms of strength and frost resistance. Due to the large thickness of the slab, even a small garage requires a large volume of mortar. Let's estimate: for a small garage measuring 4 * 6 m with a concrete floor thickness, you will need 4 m * 6 m * 0.1 m = 2.4 cubic meters. Taking into account the fact that a slope is needed, this will be all 3 cubes. If you do it yourself in one day, you need to use two - one won’t do the job. It will take a decent team to do the job.

There should be one person on each concrete mixer. This is provided that all the components are right there and they will also load them into the pear. If components need to be transported, it’s two more people. Plus, two must transport concrete to the place where it is laid and one must level it. It turns out to be quite a brigade. You will have to work with this composition all day. Even if the helpers are free, they need to be fed and watered. It is unlikely that this arrangement will help save a significant amount of money compared to ordering ready-mixed concrete from a factory. Unless you work with one hand, filling the floor in parts. This is also possible, but it can lead to cracks at the joints of floor sections poured on the same day. You can reduce the chance of such cracks if you remove the cement laitance that forms on the surface with a metal brush.

If you decide to order concrete in a mixer, it is worth installing a receiving tray that will direct the flow of concrete to the center of the garage. From the center it is already easy to distribute it to all corners, and then stretch it using the rule. To facilitate leveling of concrete and increase its grade, immediately after preliminary spreading, the concrete is treated with a submersible concrete vibrator. In this case, air bubbles immediately come out, the concrete becomes more fluid and fills all the cavities. Beacons will be needed only for orientation, and perhaps partial alignment.


After pouring the concrete, if it is not very hot outside, you can simply close the garage doors. If there is a window, it must be covered so that Sun rays did not fall on concrete. If it is too dry and hot outside, the concrete is covered with plastic film or damp burlap.

During the week, the stove must be watered daily. It’s more convenient to do this over burlap - without much pain, you can water the burlap in relatively small streams, and it will transfer moisture to the concrete. If the concrete floor in the garage is covered with film, it is removed before watering and then stretched again. When watering in this case, you need to make sure that the drops are small - you need a nozzle with big amount holes. In any case, the degree of watering is to a uniformly moist state (determined by the dark gray color of the surface), but without large puddles.

Insulated concrete floor in garage

There are two options - insulate an already poured slab by pouring a screed on top (the structure in the figure below) or do the insulation immediately by laying it under the main slab.

When choosing the second option, the insulation is laid on top of the waterproofing layer, and a reinforcing mesh is placed on it. The rest of the process of pouring a concrete floor in a garage is similar, only it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the insulation when calculating the depth of the pit.

For this case, it is recommended to use extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) with a density of at least 35 kg/m 3 as insulation. He has a very good characteristics, can withstand heavy loads, does not absorb or allow water or steam to pass through. So this is also an additional vapor and waterproofing.

To be sure that the insulation will not be pressed under the wheels, it makes sense to lay a layer on top of it. This is a non-woven membrane that is used in the construction of roads. Its function is load distribution, which is exactly what we need.

The minimum thickness of EPS is at least 5 cm, preferably 8 cm. It is better to lay in two layers, shifting the seams when laying - in order to isolate the floor from the ground as best as possible.

The most common flooring in a garage is a concrete floor. A garage is a special room in which a car is not only stored, but also repaired and repaired. Maintenance. Car enthusiasts strive to equip the garage with special shelves for storing tools and materials, which ensures convenience when working. What does it take to make this room comfortable, practical and usable? Initially, you need to make sure that the garage has a concrete floor, the pouring of which will allow all subsequent improvements and work to be carried out.

Stages of pouring concrete for a garage floor

Filling the floor with concrete is strictly prohibited if the groundwater is high and the floor is on a large slope. In general, doing the installation yourself is not troublesome, and for this you need to follow the stages of work. Experts do not recommend pouring concrete if you lack even the minimum skill base.

Pouring a concrete floor in a garage involves several steps that must be followed exactly.

Stages include:

  • Preparation of the base;
  • Removing loose soil;
  • Creating a recess;
  • Laying a gravel bed;
  • Installation of a layer of river sand;
  • Laying waterproofing;
  • Laying reinforcement with concrete;
  • Installation of insulation and subsequent screed.

If you plan to use the garage all year round and provide heating, then you need to install thermal insulation. Polystyrene or any other porous materials are suitable for this. The concrete screed is poured only after all preliminary work, and beacons are displayed. It is imperative to take into account the features of the garage and, if the car is subsequently washed, then you need to arrange a steeper slope to the gate. Often, special grooves are installed right in the garage to drain water into the street and into specially designated hatches.

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Recommendations from specialists for organizing floor screed in the garage

The best option for filling the floor is spring or autumn. IN winter time It is strictly forbidden to carry out any work with concrete, since it does not harden, but freezes. IN summer time is also not the most suitable, since if evaporation is too strong, cracks may appear, which, naturally, will spoil the appearance of the coating and its quality. Concreting the floor in a garage correctly is not easy, but it is possible, and for this it is not enough that the screed is simply poured, since special nuances must be taken into account.


  • Permissible floor slope;
  • Temperature at which work can be carried out;
  • It is necessary to correctly calculate the materials.

To concrete the floor in the garage, you need a special grade of concrete - M400 or M500. To mix the solution, you need to take dry sand and water. If imported concrete is used, it is better to deliver it after the preparatory work has been carried out.

Concreting must be done with compaction, which will prevent the formation of bubbles.

Only if the floor is laid as competently as possible can you not worry about the service life of the coating and its performance properties for a long time. Some are in a hurry to exclude such a moment as laying a thermal insulation layer in the garage, however, it is necessary in any case, and especially if the room is used in winter and it is heated. Extruded polystyrene is perfect as the most suitable insulation. It is not able to absorb moisture and does not mold.

By reinforcing the screed, its strength is increased, since under mechanical stress, the reinforcement will take the load on itself. As for the slope, we will allow a slight slope towards the doors so that water or snow stuck on the wheels (during thawing) does not accumulate indoors. As soon as the concrete has completely hardened, it is necessary to treat the top layer by rubbing in additives to increase hardness and strength. This mixture can be purchased at any hardware store. finishing materials. They are called topping systems, and they contain a plasticizer, pigment and filler.

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How to make a quality concrete floor in a garage

On preparatory stage it is necessary to remove the top fill soil to a level that is dense and cannot be pushed down bayonet shovel. It must be thoroughly compacted and sprinkled with clay so that the surface is smooth and even.

If you follow the instructions correctly, you can pour the concrete floor in the garage yourself.

Pouring the floor with concrete:

  • You must follow the instructions;
  • It is strictly forbidden to deviate from the technology;
  • The drying time must be maintained to prevent swelling of the canvas and the formation of cracks.

Next, a gravel cushion is laid, the thickness of which should be 30-80 cm, it is also compacted and rolled. Then sand is poured 10 cm thick. In order not to deviate from the permissible thickness of each layer, special marks should be made on the dug hole. This will make it much easier to navigate. To prevent moisture from penetrating from the ground into the room during subsequent operation, you need to lay a layer of waterproofing, for which you can use polyethylene film or hydroglass insulation.

The device is carried out with an overlap of 10-15 cm on the walls. The insulation is fixed using a stapler or nails.

Mesh reinforcement is very important; this will allow you to place the machine and at the same time maintain the integrity of the coating without pushing through. You can mix the concrete yourself or pour a ready-made, specially ordered mixture. Finishing the floor concrete composition should be carried out exclusively using technology so that the beacons level the floor level. The top layer should be poured 40 cm thick if the total height of the base in the room is 150 cm. Then it is dried and the strengthening compound is applied again. It will be the cladding and decoration of the coating.

What brand of concrete is needed for a garage floor?

Before pouring concrete, you need right choice mixtures and its proper preparation. The calculations are not too difficult. As a rule, a working mixture is used, which includes cement and sand in certain proportions. Before deciding what proportions to choose, you need to know what kind of cement the floor will be filled with.