Duck borscht - step by step recipe with photo on. Duck borscht Duck borscht

Recipe for real Ukrainian borscht with duck. Duck borscht: recipe with photo.

Time for preparing- 2-2.5 hours.

Calories per 100 g- 200 kcal.

The broth on duck meat turns out to be more rich and strong than on chicken meat. For this reason, it is perfect for borscht. You will have to tinker with its preparation longer, because duck meat is cooked for a relatively long time. But the result is worth it.

Duck fat, which turns into broth during cooking, is considered healing. No wonder the first dishes of duck meat are very fond of the Chinese.

For example, in the Chinese province of Funjian, duck broth is considered almost a national dish. True, it is prepared according to traditions - they languish all night on the stove and be sure to add various spicy seasonings and spices.

In Slavic cuisine, such a number of hot spices are rarely used, and not everyone loves them. But the whole family will surely appreciate the real Ukrainian borscht with duck.

To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • 400 g duck meat,
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • onion,
  • carrot,
  • 1 small beetroot
  • 3 ground tomatoes,
  • 1-2 bell peppers
  • hot pepper pod,
  • tablespoon of tomato paste
  • head of cabbage, weighing about 1 kg,
  • salt,
  • vegetable oil,
  • a little green
  • peppercorns,
  • Bay leaf.

Before, how to cook duck borscht, you need to prepare the duck meat. Chop the duck carcass into bite-sized pieces. For borscht, it is best to set aside offal, wings, neck. The rest of the parts are possible.

Put the prepared duck pieces in a saucepan. Pour cold water and send to cook in the oven. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook for about an hour and a half until the meat is soft.

You can also put a whole head of peeled onion into the broth along with the meat. This will make it more fragrant and beautiful (we eat and lose weight info). After cooking, the onion will need to be removed and thrown away.

While the broth is cooking, you can prepare the vegetables. Moreover, a lot of them will be needed for borscht. First, chop the peeled onion into cubes. Peel and grate the carrots and beets. Pepper cut into strips.

Fry all the vegetables in a frying pan in oil. This should be done in stages: first brown the onion, then add carrots, beets and peppers to it.

At the end, put a tablespoon of tomato paste and simmer everything for about 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the vegetables for now.

Peel and cut potatoes. When the meat is cooked, add it to the pot. Cut the cabbage.

After the potatoes have boiled for 5-7 minutes, add the cabbage to the broth. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. You can take them instead. Pour it into a saucepan.

Then add the vegetables from the pan. Salt to taste. Add bay leaf and peppercorns. Cook until vegetables are ready. Cabbage in borscht should be crunchy, so don't overcook it. Then turn off the fire and let the borscht brew for a bit.

Transfer to bowls. You can add sour cream to this dish according to your taste.

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Today I want to start my story about the best place in the world, the most beautiful, the richest, the most sincere place on Earth, about my beloved Crimea.

The mere mention of this word “Crimea” makes those who were with us smile from pleasant memories, and those who were not dreaming and saying “well, we’ll definitely go sometime!”

My story, not of a traveler, but of a local resident, and I will tell not only about those places in Crimea that thunder far beyond its borders, but about those places that tourists rarely visit, but it is there that the soul of Crimea is located, the best place in the world!

Today a few words about my native heart of Crimea. Belogorsky and Nizhegorsky districts, which are dear to me, are located almost in the center of our peninsula, we don’t have beaches, but there is an unreal, beautiful White Rock.

Who saw once, will not forget. In the spring, our places are fields shimmering with all shades of green without end and edge, and blooming gardens. In summer, these are fragrant meadows in bloom, yellow, red, purple and sweet cherries, the best in Crimea. In autumn, these are the most fragrant apples in the world, ruby ​​and golden leaves of trees. And winter is the time of winds and sleepy valleys promising a new spring new harvest! Our region is famous for its gardens and flower gardens. Just listen to the names of our villages: Fragrant, Malinovka, Cherry, Strawberry, Pasechnoe, Apple, Kizilovka, Flower, and, of course, the Crimean rose! Everyone will understand what-what, and we have something to feast on! For all this wealth, thanks to our Crimean sun, magical climate, fertile land.

Very hardworking people live here, thanks to whom every season millions of tourists in the Crimea, and many residents of Russia can feast on Crimean berries and fruits! They say that this year Crimean cherries and sweet cherries in season in Moscow were the most delicious and were in great demand. So, dear Muscovites, perhaps you have tasted cherries grown in my homeland.

Another fabulous gift of our fields is fragrant herbs. You can buy sage, thyme, rosemary in the store, or you can grow it yourself, or collect it in the meadows in the neighborhood. And pick up a magical fragrant lavender in an abandoned field. It is here that you can make your dream come true and see a field of blooming lavender! We very much hope that the abandoned fields will not remain long, and again the Crimean lavender will thunder all over the world!

We also raise ducks, chickens, geese, which, thanks to our magical climate and organic farming, are of exceptional quality. So far, you can try them only in the Crimea, so my advice to you is, come to us and you will see for yourself, Crimea is the best place on earth!

Thanks to the best products, the cuisine of Crimean housewives is very diverse and tasty. Such an abundance of wonderful products inspires me to culinary creativity. I would like to show everyone how good and tasty we have in the Crimea. Which is what I'm trying to do!

Today I will treat you to the most delicious Crimean borsch, from our best fresh products and the most delicious real duck! By the way, they say that duck meat is the healthiest meat, especially for men!

All borscht products are grown in the Crimea, except for Mistral products. She is of excellent quality. I use only her.

Help yourself to borscht, cook it at home. And I'll cook something else and tell you about the best place in the world!

Wash the duck legs under water, put in a saucepan and fill with water. In my case it was about 3 liters. Then we salt, and for additional aroma and taste we put a chicken cube, for example, Galina Blanca. Cook the meat for about 40 minutes.

At the same time, we are roasting. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, rub the beets and carrots on a coarse grater. Onions can be finely chopped and added to the pan, or half of the onion can be simply thrown into the pan to add flavor to the dish. Don't forget to add greens, there was parsley in my fridge. For 5 minutes, fry the vegetables in a pan and pour everything into the pan, into the already cooked broth.

Next, take a small head of cabbage. Depending on how thick you like borscht, you can cut either the whole cabbage or 3/4 of a head of cabbage. After the cabbage has boiled, it is necessary to add tomato paste for the taste and aroma of borscht. We take a small bowl and put our tomato paste there. Then you need to add a few tablespoons of broth to stir the pasta and give a more liquid look to this additive. If this is not done, then it will be quite difficult to stir it by simply adding it to the borscht. Cook for another 5 minutes and turn off our borscht. Enjoy your meal!

1. The duck does not have to be used as a whole. On the contrary, it is rational to cut the bird carcass, leaving the tender fillet for baking, and put the legs and wings into the borscht. In addition, for the broth, it is enough to determine the duck skeleton from scraps of pulp, neck, heart or stomach. If the duck is not particularly oily, then also send the skin to the broth. If there is a lot of fat, like mine, then in places where it accumulates, separate it from the carcass when cutting the duck.
Dip the prepared duck pieces into the cooking pot and add the peeled onion, bay leaf and peppercorns.

2. Fill the meat with drinking water and put it on the stove to boil. After boiling, reduce the temperature to the minimum and continue to cook the broth for about 1 hour.

3. In the meantime, peel the beets with carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Put the pan on the stove, pour in vegetable oil and heat. Send carrots and beets to the pan, pour in vinegar, a few ladles of broth in which duck is boiled and simmer under a lid over low heat for 20 minutes.

4. Stir the beetroot several times and add more broth as needed.

5. By this time, you will have the broth ready, so put the peeled and medium-sized potatoes in it.

6. Boil the potatoes for 15 minutes and send the stewed beets with carrots to the pan.

7. Next put the chopped white cabbage.

8. Add tomato paste to the pan. Season the borscht with salt and ground pepper.

9. Boil the borscht for another 7-10 minutes and remove the boiled onion from the pan. She gave the dish its taste, aroma and benefits. Then put finely chopped greens, which can be used fresh or frozen. Boil the borscht for 5 minutes and remove it from the stove. Wrap with a warm blanket and leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes. Serve it to the table with garlic donuts, black bread with mustard, lard and garlic.

See also the video recipe on how to cook duck borscht.

Duck borscht

“Borscht with duck is the same as ordinary borscht, but only in duck broth”,- so many people think when they are going to cook it for the first time.

It wasn't there! Recipe duck borscht pretty different from the classic borscht recipe: it does not contain any potatoes or tomatoes. Used instead of tomatoes red wine vinegar. The borscht is excellent.



1 duck (about 1.7 kg)
800 ml duck stock
Celery root
1 medium carrot
3 onions
300 g cabbage
1 small beetroot
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 bunch dill

BY THE WAY: chop cabbage, cut vegetables (except 1 onion and beets) into large cubes.


1. Cut the duck into quarters and, together with vegetables (except beets and cabbage) and 1 onion, put in a deep saucepan or duck dish.

2. Add 1 tsp. salt, pour the broth and cook for about half an hour. Be sure to remove the foam.

3. At this time, peel the rest of the onion and chop finely, cut the beets into thin sticks.

4. Take out the duck, remove the boiled onion, remove the fat from the surface of the broth and fry the onion and beets on it. Send to broth.

5. Add cabbage and cook for another 10 minutes.

6. At this time, remove the skin from the duck, remove the bones and cut the meat into large pieces. Salt the soup to taste, pepper and add vinegar.

7. Put the meat in the soup and hold the pan on the fire for another 5 minutes to warm it up. Put the dill and sour cream on the plate when serving.

BY THE WAY: in the Czech Republic, this borsch is supposed to be served with a glass of beer or a glass of vodka.