Saunas, complemented by a relaxation room, a barbecue area, as well as a terrace. Projects, planning, photos

- functional area for complete relaxation. It can have a different size, be built of timber or brick. To your attention - various projects of such buildings with a photo.

When planning to equip their backyard with a place to relax, many owners dream of making it not only comfortable, but also versatile. After all, it should be to the liking of all family members. And after all, you also need to please the guests, fully providing them with both entertainment and complete relaxation in the fresh air. The project of a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue, as well as a relaxation room, is a good option for such a case. It allows you to embody various ideas and combine them into your own country mini-complex.

Bath plan with a terrace

The advantages of such a 4 in 1 project are many:

  1. Territory saving. No need to waste space not only for the buildings themselves, but also for the paths connecting one building to another.
  2. Reducing construction costs. For example, a bath wall can also be a terrace wall. In addition, one roof will cost much less than several.
  3. Organization of complex recreation. You can take a steam bath, and then cook dinner using a barbecue - everything is nearby.
  4. Single style. Often, when erecting individual buildings, the owners forget that all buildings should be in harmony with each other. In a combined project, this design issue is solved very simply.

Types of bath projects with a relaxation area

In many ways, the choice of the project is due to the size of the land. For example, the classic version of a bath with a terrace measuring 6 x 9 m is suitable for owners of a large area. It will accommodate not only the whole family, but also a large group of friends. In this case, a common foundation is provided for the bath and terrace. If you make the building two-story, then you can place a steam room and a barbecue at the bottom, and equip a guest lounge on the second floor.

If you want to attach a sauna to the house, use the 6 x 6 project. Due to its proportions, it will fit perfectly into the design of any site. Thus, you will significantly expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and get a cozy open place to relax. It is ideal for enjoying fresh air directly from the cottage in any weather.

Bath with a veranda

Compact on the outside, but roomy on the inside, this is a corner bath with a terrace. Often such a project is used in cases where it is necessary to locate a recreation area in the immediate vicinity of the house. The terrace adjacent to the cottage may be in the shape of a square or rectangle. However, photos of the finished baths confirm that it is the corner platform that allows you to give the entire structure a complete look, as well as effectively manage the territory of the backyard. Everything can be placed on the first floor.

Advice. Two-story buildings are optimal if you want to correctly plan the area of ​​​​your land and are going to continue construction. For example, add another guest room over time.

Entire bath cottages with various outbuildings are now popular - the same terrace. On it you can equip a gazebo, a playground for children, a place for barbecue or dancing. It is convenient to receive and accommodate guests, organize holidays and just live in the fresh air here. And so that mosquitoes do not annoy in the summer, hang nets or decorative curtains.

Construction planning: timber or brick. What is the best foundation

To implement the project of a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue that you like, you need to think carefully about what material to build from. Perhaps one of the best is a bar. Its advantages are obvious:

  • keeps heat well, so additional insulation is not required;
  • creates an inimitable "bathing" atmosphere, because people have been bathing in wooden buildings for a long time;
  • regulates the humidity in the room. This is possible due to the fact that the tree "breathes";
  • allows to implement non-standard architectural solutions;
  • environmental friendliness. It has been proven that the tree enhances the healing effect of the bath.


Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the susceptibility of the timber to mold, as well as its low reliability in terms of fire safety.

Attention! Glued beams and logs are different building materials. The first one is cheaper. Logs can be rounded, planed, etc.

Brick baths are less fire hazardous, but they warm up longer, consuming a large amount of fuel. In addition, in such buildings, quality is required. Without it, condensation collects inside, which can cause fungus and mold. Speaking about the advantages of brick, it should be noted its environmental friendliness, long service life and the ability to build a building of almost any shape, which is proved by photos of already erected buildings. It is important that the cost of brick baths is lower than wooden baths, and they do not require external finishing.

Advice. For the construction of a bath, you can take other materials, for example, gas silicate blocks. Frame houses are also popular, which are inexpensive and are built quickly.

Depending on the project and the building material for its implementation, the basis of the bath is planned - the foundation. He might be:

  1. Screw. For it, special piles are used, on which the structure will stand. Suitable for almost all types of soil. Does not require preparatory earthworks. It is built quickly (in 1-3 days) and at any time of the year.
  2. Columnar. This is the simplest of all types of foundation, and also the most economical. It can be used to build a small bath with a terrace.
  3. Tape. Work on its construction is considered quite laborious, so it is advisable to resort to this option in such cases:
  • if your site has difficult soil - for example, clay or sandy;
  • the construction of a two-story bath is planned.

Attention! Since the bath is heavier than the terrace, different foundations are usually laid under them.

Tips for designing a recreation area with a sauna, a barbecue and a terrace

  • When planning construction, consider the main direction of the winds. The bath should close the terrace from drafts. This is also necessary in order to properly position the barbecue - it is not very convenient when the smoke flies towards the vacationers.
  • Decide what you need a terrace for. If in order to hide from the sun's rays on a hot day, do not choose the south. If you are going to sunbathe - design the location of the terrace on the sunny side.

Bath with barbecue
  • The terrace in its classic view does not have a roof, however, for convenience and protection from bad weather, it can be covered, for example, with transparent polycarbonate.
  • Regardless of what area the finished bath will have, it is necessary to provide for the location of 3 separate rooms in it: locker rooms, showers and steam rooms.
  • For the construction of a barbecue, it is worth using refractory bricks. In addition, for better fire safety, you can lay out the area around it with ceramic or stone tiles. It is also necessary to make a separate chimney for barbecue.
  • If you plan to use a bath with a terrace throughout the year, take care of heating.

Bath with barbecue area: video

Modern barbecue baths are the embodiment of versatility and competent use of space in terms of its economy. The projects are premises with the functionality of a bath complex (steam room, washing room, dressing room, if desired, a relaxation room), combined with a spacious terrace. This is where the barbecue is located: a brazier or a summer version of the stove.

A bathhouse with a barbecue area provides an excellent opportunity to enjoy not only bathing procedures, but also being outdoors, enjoying delicious food and socializing. After all, we have a wonderful tradition - to relax in a large friendly company in nature, to treat ourselves to barbecue and good wine. Undoubtedly, a cozy terrace or gazebo will become "centers of attraction" for your loved ones and friends. Today, a barbecue at their summer cottage is a good tone.

Wooden saunas with barbecue: pleasure and versatility

The choice of one of these projects promises a double benefit: the developer receives a bathhouse and at the same time a well-equipped place to relax. There are quite a few options for summer hearths - numerous photo projects, which, if desired, are easy to find on the Internet on the relevant sites, speak for themselves.

Barbecue can be arranged in any style that is in harmony with the architectural appearance of the bath. Projects of free-standing baths with a barbecue terrace involve the placement of a large table, chairs, rocking chairs or benches, and, of course, a barbecue made of bricks. When constructing a stove or barbecue, all safety standards must be observed. By the way, it is not so difficult to make them with your own hands if you have at least a little building experience.

The resting place is well protected from the weather, which means that her whims do not place pre-planned friendly gatherings. While building a fire outdoors is difficult due to strong winds and rain, it is easy to manage in a gazebo.

Often baths with a barbecue area provide for a functional division of the zones of the terrace, veranda or gazebo. Cooking takes place in one half, guests rest in the other.

Construction of baths with a barbecue

Since the recreation area is located outdoors, the projects of wooden barbecue baths require the presence of a terrace, veranda, gazebo or just a canopy. It all depends on the area of ​​the land and its landscape. But even in the smallest area it is quite possible to place a bath with a barbecue - for example, a corner one.

The advantage of the design is that with a minimum area, the building saves precious square meters, but at the same time does not lose its versatility. The corner log house is compactly placed at the end of the site, and the courtyard that appears in front of it becomes an excellent aesthetic addition to a beautiful terrace with a barbecue area. Projects of this kind often involve two entrances: to the premises of the bath complex and to the relaxation room. A terrace or veranda with cooking and recreation areas is attached to one of the entrances.

A good option is a bath with an attic. The movement "up" and not "in breadth" in the best way demonstrates the possibilities of competent development of space. You will get both a bathhouse and a beautiful garden or vegetable garden nearby, because you do not have to sacrifice square meters for the construction of a large log house.

Barbecue baths can be made from any building material, but we are deeply convinced that wood is the best option: a natural material that fully complies with all environmental standards and has outstanding consumer characteristics. Terraces made of smooth rounded logs, profiled or glued beams, which are quite decorative in themselves, will be attractive in their own way.

  • organization of a good rest - having taken a steam bath and relaxing after a bath, right on veranda, without leaving anywhere, you can cook barbecue or snacks on the fire
  • joint construction helps to accurately maintain the overall architectural style for all buildings on the site
  • if the bath in the country is planned to be used only during the season, then a spacious terrace with a barbecue can completely replace the rest room, which will help to significantly save on the construction of a bath
  • no need to link standalone objects paths, which allows you to further save usable space and reduce costs
  • grouping several objects under one roof will help to significantly reduce costs, because in this case, for example, the bath wall will act as a terrace wall

Material selection

The most popular and cost-effective material for building a bath with a terrace is wooden timber. On the one hand, it keeps heat well, so the bath does not require additional insulation. In addition, it is wood that is the traditional material of the Russian bath, it allows you to create a unique “bath” atmosphere. An additional plus is that wood, as a “breathing” material, independently regulates humidity, but at the same time it will require additional protection against mold and fire.

Brick baths are more reliable in terms of fire safety, but they warm up longer, requiring more fuel. In addition, brick baths will require the mandatory installation of a ventilation system, otherwise condensate will begin to accumulate inside the bath, provoking the development of mold and bacteria.

Foundation laying

Despite the often common roof, a different foundation is laid under the terrace and the bath. The bath, of course, is heavier than the terrace, therefore, for large and multi-storey buildings, a tape monolithic foundation will be required, and for small baths, you can get by with a pile foundation. If foam concrete or brick is used to build a bath, then a strip foundation is necessarily poured - the other simply cannot withstand the weight of the building.

For a wooden terrace, a pile foundation will be quite enough. In cases where the terrace will be located on difficult ground, prone to freezing or shedding, on slopes, it is better to lay screw piles to increase reliability. At the same time, for wooden buildings it is very important to properly organize waterproofing between the tree and the foundation in order to avoid wood decay.

Advice! Since the soil under a heavier bath will shrink faster than under a lighter terrace, the foundations of the terrace and bath must be separated by a layer of insulation.

Terrace and barbecue: we plan correctly

When planning a terrace, first of all, it is necessary to take into account which direction of the wind is the main one, so that the task of the bath covers the terrace. In addition, this will allow you to properly place the barbecue so that the wind carries the smoke and heat away from the vacationers. If the terrace will serve as a shelter from the sun's rays on a hot summer day, then you should not place it from the south. Or vice versa - a terrace with a sun lounger can be a great place for sunbathing - it all depends on the wishes and tastes of the owner. In addition, the choice of the location of the terrace is greatly influenced by the surrounding landscape - contemplation fence it is unlikely to add mood on vacation, where it is more pleasant to admire the forest, lake or landscaped landscape design.

The terrace can be placed frontally (i.e. along the facade of the bathhouse, Fig. 1), sideways (near one of the walls), it can be angular (along two adjoining walls) or encircling (along three camps, sometimes completely around the bathhouse, area permitting).

Rice. 1. The project of a bath with a frontal terrace

If you do not plan to invite a lot of people, then taking into account the installation of a barbecue (brazier), the minimum recommended terrace area is 7-8 m2. But it’s better to start with 9-10 m2, then in addition to tables and chairs on the terrace, you can put a deck chair, a couple of chairs, while the person standing at the barbecue will have enough free space to work, and vacationers will not be bothered by the heat from the stove and smoke .

Although the terrace in the classical sense is an open area, for greater comfort it has a roof to protect it from rain and sun. This can be a continuation of the roof of the bath and be made of a similar roofing material, or you can cover the terrace with a translucent polycarbonate. In addition, an opaque canopy will create twilight in the bath itself, so you will have to turn on the light earlier.

Advice! Polycarbonate coating is especially justified for large terraces - there is no need to build a massive base, a lightweight metal structure will not clutter up the space, remaining almost invisible.

Ideal for patio flooring wooden plank or decking. Of course, you can put paving or ceramic tiles, but the tree will look cozier. Natural stone is used as a covering on a large terrace

To install a barbecue, it is necessary to lay the foundation separately, and for construction use a special refractory brick, while the base is made about 70 cm high from the floor level.

Advice! To improve fire safety, it is better to put a stone (tile) tile around the barbecue instead of a wooden covering - even if a spark falls on it, it will not cause a fire.

A rectangular niche is made in the front wall, in which it will be possible to store a small supply of firewood. To remove smoke for a barbecue, a separate chimney is made, which in height should ensure effective removal of smoke from the bath.

Designing a bath with a terrace and a barbecue oven

The design of the bath, regardless of the type (Russian, Turkish, Finnish) should provide for the presence of at least three rooms:

  • dressing room - dressing room with a minimum size of 1.2 × 3 m, but it should be noted that according to the standards, 1.3 m2 should be per person
  • shower room - minimum size 2x2m
  • steam room - its size is a compromise between ease of placement and the need to maintain the required temperature at low fuel (electricity) costs. The minimum size of a steam room for 2-3 people will be 1.3 × 1.8 m.

If you have a spacious terrace for a seasonal bath, you can refuse a rest room. The planning of the rest of the premises, of course, depends on the desire and capabilities of the future owner.

Let's take a closer look at some projects.

A corner bath with a terrace and a barbecue (Fig. 2) allows you to effectively use the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site if you place it in one of the corners.

Rice. 2. Corner bath with terrace and barbecue

The space is used very functionally - a spacious shower room has a font with cold water. A fairly spacious steam room - it will be quite comfortable to heat the stove in it, while it is shifted closer to the corner, away from front door- it's safer, because after the bright lighting of the shower room, the eyes need to get used to the muffled light of the steam room. If brick is chosen as the material for the bath, then the stove can be cut into the walls. If you make the steam room a little smaller, then with this arrangement of the stove, you can heat it from the shower. There are two entrances to the common vestibule - one directly from the street, the second - from the terrace.

The project of a bath-guest house (Fig. 3) with a veranda and a barbecue, a fairly large area - 98 m2. Therefore, if it is intended to be used year-round, a heating system will be required. Inside there is a spacious lounge and a separate kitchen. The terrace is located on the side, in terms of area - it is actually half of the building. Entrance from two sides - from the street through the vestibule (winter entrance) and from the terrace.

Rice. 3 Banya - a guest house with a barbecue and a terrace

Figures 4 and 5 show two more projects of a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue, which can be used as a guest house.

Rice. 4. The project of a bath-guest house with a terrace and a barbecue

Rice. 5. Sauna with terrace and barbecue

On fig. 6 drawing of a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue, where you should pay attention to the front door to the relaxation room - it is located at the maximum distance from the barbecue in order to completely eliminate the possibility of smoke entering the room.

Rice. 6. Drawing of a bath with a terrace and a barbecue

Sauna from a bar with a veranda and a barbecue in the traditional Russian style - watch the video presentation:

Sauna with a terrace and a place for a barbecue is an indispensable addition for comfortable rest, health improvement and cooking delicious food in the open air at any time of the year. Projects can only consist of a furnished and equipped oven, an open-plan extension, or have weatherproof side panels. In the second case, the terrace can be used all year round.

The terrace is an extension of an open or closed type, which is built directly at one of the walls of the bath (usually at the entrance). It has a foundation and a roof structure in common with the bath. The undeniable advantages of having a terrace will be:

  • the possibility of complete relaxation without leaving the building and the simultaneous preparation of delicious food;
  • giving functionality to the bath - an additional room in warm weather can be used for sleeping outdoors;
  • a barbecue oven will become one of the spectacular elements of the bath, emphasize the status of the owners and provide additional heating of the adjacent room.

The extension is made of various materials: it can be wooden, block or brick. Everything will depend on the building materials of the main building. Accommodation also depends on the wishes of the customer. The terrace (veranda) fits perfectly into the projects of not only a rectangular, but also a corner bath and is placed along one of the walls, the facade or becomes a corner structure. How it looks in the photo below.

Bath terrace zoning projects

If you equip the terrace in the corner, the chimney is easily removed through the roof and eliminates the smoke in the room. A sliding removable woven, plastic or glass screen will ensure the use of the veranda, despite the change in weather. The main thing: the right heat - and waterproofing.

Budget buildings can be considered frame-panel. They can be either one- or two-story. The second option is already a multi-level extension, where you can not only cook food, but also relax comfortably at any time. Photo of the bath project with a terrace and a barbecue next.

The barbecue area, with proper placement, does not require special insulation, a chimney with good draft will perfectly ensure the complete discharge of combustion products without them entering the terrace space. In addition, for convenience, the veranda can have several entrances.

As an ergonomic option for placing a terrace with a barbecue - the area between the house and the bath, which is used as a gazebo and a transition from one building to another.

The barbecue oven is planned independently or with the involvement of specialists. The easiest option is a small brazier. But for a brick bath, a multifunctional stove is suitable, in which, in addition to barbecue, you can make smoked and hot dishes on an open fire.

For small terraces, or if you don’t want to be too sophisticated in cooking, a small brick oven-brazier is being built. If you have a very limited budget, a stationary stove can be replaced with an assembly brazier, simply by equipping a place for it (fire insulation and hood). This will be quite enough for the preparation of the lightest "after-bath food".

It is interesting and useful to use a place for a terrace if you make it multi-level. In this case, the porch gradually turns into a balcony and then into a gazebo with a stove or barbecue.

Building materials

The most expensive will cost a terrace made of timber. A bath without an attic, a terrace and a barbecue will cost 750-900 thousand rubles. A two-story building with the presence of all the indicated elements of the building already starts from 1.2 million rubles, if you order turnkey work. Economy offers for a small standard bath, complemented by a veranda with a barbecue - from 550 thousand rubles.

The minimum size of the terraces with a bath is 6-9 m 2, but if the family is large or a large number of guests are expected, it is better to immediately lay in the project at least 12 m 2 of area. When operating the bath only during the warm period, the size of the terrace can be significantly increased by saving on the rest room.

The extension must be designed at the stage of construction of the bath itself. Subsequently, such changes will require large expenditures (for the restructuring of the foundation and roof), so it is better to think through everything in advance.

It is also important to decide on the materials, if the bath is a log house, then it is better to build a terrace using wood, etc. The fact is that the difference in building materials can adversely affect the foundation, and, as a result, the entire structure. The interior design of the terrace does not need to be made in sharp contrast to the overall interior of the building. And not just for aesthetic reasons.

Each type of material requires a certain thermal and waterproofing, protection from damaging biological factors, has a different weight, heat capacity, and the ability to resist chemical and atmospheric influences from the outside.

As a recreation area fencing, wooden, brick or stone columns are used, on which the roof rests, and side elements of protection from wind, rain, sunlight, etc. are fixed. Today, the leading position in this is occupied by polycarbonate. It's easy to edit and shoot seasonally. It retains its original appearance for a long time, does not deform, it is easy to clean it.

Materials for a barbecue oven must be heat-resistant, moisture-resistant, inert to temperature changes, and the oven itself must operate on several types of fuel (coal, wood).

Projects of baths with a loggia and a barbecue are an excellent way to compensate for the lack of free space in a suburban area. This combination allows you to find a functional entertainment area, which can additionally be used as a summer kitchen.

In addition, this solution has other advantages:

  • organization of a full-fledged rest - having taken a steam bath and relaxing after the bath, you can immediately cook barbecue or snacks on the fire on the veranda;
  • joint erection can help to accurately transfer the general building style for all buildings on the site;
  • if the bathhouse in the country is planned to be used exclusively during the season, then a vast loggia with a barbecue can completely replace the entertainment room, which will help to significantly save on the construction of the bathhouse;
  • there is no need to connect separately standing objects with paths, thanks to which you can save the required area and reduce costs;
  • the combination of several objects under one roof will help to significantly reduce costs, since in such a situation, for example, the wall of the bath will play with the wall of the loggia.

Material selection

Complex including swimming pools, sauna and extensive entertainment area

A very well-known and economically justified material for building a bath with a loggia is a wooden beam. On the one hand, it keeps heat well, so the bath does not require auxiliary insulation. In addition, wood itself is a common material for a Russian bath; it allows you to create an exclusive "bath" atmosphere. An additional plus is that wood, as a "breathing" material, personally regulates humidity, although at the same time it requires additional safety from mold and fire.
Brick baths are more reliable in a fire protection project, although they take longer to heat up, requiring the greatest amount of fuel. In addition, brick baths will require the indispensable installation of a ventilation system, otherwise condensate will begin to accumulate from inside the bath, provoking the formation of mold and microbes.

More famous modifications - baths from a bar

Standard Russian bath from a bar

Foundation laying

Despite the often joint roof, a different foundation is laid under the loggia and the bath. The bath, of course, is heavier than the loggia, therefore, for the largest and highest buildings, a strip solid foundation is required, and for small baths it is possible to get by with a pile foundation. If foam concrete or brick is used for the construction of a bath, then a strip foundation will certainly be poured - another elementary one will not withstand the weight of the construction.

For a wooden loggia, a pile foundation will be quite enough. In those episodes when the loggia is placed on difficult ground, prone to freezing or shedding, on slopes, it is more original to lay helical piles to increase stability. Along with this, for wooden buildings it is too fundamentally right to create a waterproofing between the tree and the foundation in order to avoid rotting of the wood.

A significant period of construction of the bath - laying the foundation

Loggia and barbecue: we calculate correctly

When planning a loggia, first of all, you need to consider which purpose of the wind is considered the main one, so that the task of the bath covers the loggia. In addition, this will allow you to correctly position the barbecue so that the wind carries the smoke and heat away from the visitors. If the loggia begins to work for a shelter from the sun's rays on a hot summer day, then it is unnecessary to locate it from the south direction. Or vice versa - a loggia with a deck chair will most likely become a wonderful space for sunbathing - here it entirely depends on the desires and tastes of the owner. In addition, the choice of the location of the loggia is greatly influenced by the view around - the contemplation of the fence is unlikely to add a mood on vacation, where it is more pleasant to enjoy the forest, lake or landscaped appearance.

The loggia can be placed frontally (i.e. along the facade of the bath, Fig. 1), on the side (near one of the walls), it has the ability to have an angular location (along the 2 adjoining walls) or encircling (along the 3rd walls, sometimes entirely around the bath, if the territory permits).

Rice. 1. The plan of the bath with the frontal location of the loggia

Frontal arrangement of the terrace

The plan of an elegant and laconic bath with a loggia and a barbecue

If you do not expect to invite a large number of people, then considering the implementation of a barbecue (brazier), the smallest proposed loggia area is 7-8 m². Although it is best to start with 9-10 m², then in addition to tables and chairs on the loggia, it will be possible to install a deck chair, a couple of chairs, while the person standing at the barbecue will have enough free space for activities, and vacationers will not get bored with the heat from the stove and smoke.

Although the loggia in the traditional sense is an open area, for the greatest convenience it contains a roof to protect it from rain and sun. This may well be a continuation of the roof of the bath and be made of a similar roofing material, or you can serve the loggia with translucent polycarbonate. In addition, an opaque canopy will make twilight in the bath itself, so you will need to turn on the light earlier.

Recommendation! Polycarbonate coating is especially justified for large loggias - there is no need to build a powerful base, a lightweight iron system will not clutter up the place, remaining virtually invisible.

For the floor on the loggia, it is preferable to have a wooden board or decking. Naturally, you can put paving or ceramic tiles, although the tree will look more comfortable. Natural stone is used in the form of spraying on a large loggia.

Natural stone will be a catchy treatment for a loggia

To introduce a barbecue, you need to lay the foundation separately, and for the construction they use a special refractory brick, along with this, the base is made about 70 centimeters high from the floor value.

Recommendation! To improve fire safety, it is more original to put stone (tile) tiles near the barbecue instead of wood spraying - even if a spark falls on it, it will not cause a fire.

A rectangular niche is made in the front wall, in which it will be possible to keep a small supply of firewood. To remove smoke from a barbecue, a chimney is made, which in height must guarantee effective removal of smoke from the bath.

On the loggia it is necessary to allocate space for firewood

An extensive relaxation complex, including entertainment rooms, a sauna, a loggia with a barbecue

Planning a bath with a loggia and a barbecue oven

The plan of the bath, regardless of the type (Russian, Turkish, Finnish) must provide for the presence of at least 3 rooms:

  • a dressing room - a dressing room with the smallest volume of 1.2-3 m, although along with this it must be taken into account that, according to the standards, 1.3 m² should be brought per person;
  • shower room - the smallest volume is 2x2 m;
  • steam room - its volume is a compromise between the comfort of placement and the need to maintain the required temperature at low fuel (electricity) costs. The smallest size of the steam room for 2-3 persons will be 1.3-1.8 m.

With the predominance of a spacious loggia for a seasonal bath, you can abandon the entertainment room. The planning of the remaining premises, of course, depending on the aspirations and probabilities of the future owner.

Longitudinal plan of a bath with a loggia connected from each other by a polycarbonate roof

In this plan, everything you need for entertainment in the bath fits under one roof.

Let's take a closer look at individual plans.

A corner bath with a loggia and a barbecue (Fig. 2) allows you to perfectly use the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site if you place it in one of the corners.

Rice. 2. Corner bath with loggia and barbecue

The place is used too constructively - a font with cool water is installed in the spacious shower room. Quite an extensive steam room - it will become quite comfortable to heat the stove in it, along with this, it is shifted closer to the corner, away from the front door - it’s safer, because the eyes, after the catchy lighting of the shower room, would like to get used to the muffled light of the steam room. If a brick is chosen as the material for the bath, then the stove can be cut into the walls. If you arrange a steam room a little less, then with this location of the stove, you can heat it from the shower room. There are 2 entrances to the common vestibule - one from the street, the second - from the loggia.

The plan of the bath-guest house (Fig. 3) with a veranda and a barbecue, a fairly large area - 98 m2. Therefore, if its year-round implementation is expected, the installation of a heating system is required. Inside is an extensive entertainment room and some kitchen. The loggia is located on the side, in terms of area - it is almost half of the building. Entrance from two sides - this is from the street through the vestibule (winter entrance) and from the loggia.

Rice. 3 Banya - a guest house with a barbecue and a loggia

On fig. 4 and 5 show 2 more plans for a bath with a loggia and a barbecue, which can be used as a guest house.

Rice. 4. Plan of a bath-guest house with a terrace and a barbecue

Rice. 5. Sauna with a loggia and barbecue

On fig. 6 drawing of a bathhouse with a loggia and a barbecue, in which it is necessary to pay attention to the front door to the entertainment room - it is placed at the highest distance from the barbecue in order to completely eliminate the possibility of smoke entering the building.

Rice. 6. Drawing of a bath with a loggia and a barbecue

It is worth noting such an important fact that brick buildings can be finished with porcelain stoneware or tiles. This will give them a certain originality in appearance. In addition, the exterior wall decoration can be very interesting to combine with one or another type of roofing material.

The bath is usually covered with pliable roofing materials, and tiles, slate or metal profiles will probably be used. Along with this, you can build both an ordinary gable roof and an attic. The attic is good because it allows you to combine buildings for visitors to stay with the bathhouse, in addition, you can equip an office or a room for summer holidays there.

The final touch of choosing a project for the construction of a bath is to develop it either in three-dimensional form or in paper. Just so you will have the opportunity to see the bath with your own eyes long before it is built. This will allow you to make the necessary corrections during construction, and it will become much easier to build a room according to a plan created in advance.