2 lines on the wrist value. Distinctive signs and symbols

The rosettes of Venus are called bracelets on the hand in palmistry, there are three of them, and they are usually located in the lower part of the hand. The triangle on the bracelet may mean that you will face many opportunities in the future that will lead you to prosperity. More than one triangle on the bracelet indicates a new business venture that will provide you with benefits. The bracelet worn by a palmist is sometimes referred to as a "hand girdle", a name derived from its rounded shape. There have been many names for bracelets in the past, including percussion and rosette. The bracelet is known as a sign that indicates at least about 30 years of healthy life.

In the past, Western palmists paid little attention to the bracelet, which cannot be said, for example, of their Indian counterparts, who attach special importance to it. One bracelet is a reflection of three decades of your life. Many interested people ask palmists what the bracelets on the hand mean. In order to understand this, you just need to read our article on this topic.

The location of the bracelets

The bracelet lines (also known as flare lines or wrist lines) are located where the palm and wrist meet. Most people have three bracelet lines, but only a few of them have three full bracelet lines with no messy lines or special marks.

Palmistry: the meaning of bracelets on the hand

The first line of bracelets shows your health and wealth, and is also responsible for your youth (up to 28 years old). If the line is thick and straight, it indicates good health in youth. If the line is thin, indistinct and short, this indicates subtle body when you are young, but you will not get sick often if you take good care of yourself. If the line is crooked and broken, it means that you start life late and had poor health in childhood, you should pay special attention to the lungs and kidneys. If you are a woman with such a line, it means that you may be at risk when giving birth to the first child, which may die.

The second line of bracelets shows your health or wealth in middle age (up to age 56). If the line is thick, long and straight, it indicates good health in middle age. If the line is crooked, thin and broken, it indicates poor health or an insidious disease in middle age.

According to palmistry, bracelets are as important as the lines on the palm. The third line of bracelets shows your health or wealth in old age (after age 56). If the line is thick, long and straight without a break, this indicates a healthy and youthful body in later years. If the line is thin, crooked and broken, it suggests a weaker body than before in later years or an inability to survive old age.

If you have a clear fourth line of bracelets, it means that you have a strong sense of social success, or you will have many children. Only a few lucky ones have the fourth line, which indicates good luck. If the line does not have a break, this indicates longevity and a pedigree that continues for many generations.

Palmistry: bracelets on the wrist and their interpretation

If you have two full lines of bracelets, that means you are likely to office worker whose life is fooled by fate, and you can not control it properly. The wealth and career bonuses you receive may not keep you happy for long.

Because three neat and full lines of bracelets without a break indicate wealth, health and happiness. You will become one of the lucky ones who enjoy happiness, social success and longevity if you have such bracelet lines.

The fourth line usually comes from the good deeds you or your ancestors did in past lives and is a symbol of happiness and good health.

If all the lines of the bracelets are broken, it means that you will be busy throughout your life and will feel lonely in old age.

Since you are getting the third and fourth lines of bracelets, you can motivate yourself in the right direction to improve the other two lines.

"Islands" on bracelets

The islands on the three lines of the bracelet show that you are amorous and tend to consume your energy and weaken because of it. Men with islands on the three lines of bracelets are prone to kidney disease, while women with these traits are prone to qi deficiency, risks or diseases of the heart and lungs. If there is an island on the first line and the other two are thick and transparent, that means you will enjoy good health and good luck in middle age and improve your career, marriage and health despite the poor conditions in your youth caused by your excessive lust. According to palmistry, the meaning of bracelets on the wrist can vary, but the general trend in their interpretation can still be traced.


If the first line is in chains, and the next two are solid, this indicates that you will have an unfavorable, overworked lifestyle in your youth, you will feel depressed and suffer both morally and physically. However, you can do something if you try hard and never give up halfway through. If the first line is in chains and the next two are not defined, this indicates that you are born to be weak, have problems with five internal organs and prone to diseases of the stomach, kidneys and lungs. Due to poor health, you are unlikely to enjoy longevity and lead a busy life. Women with such bracelet lines will suffer from menstrual irregularities or uterine disease, as well as risks in childbirth.


If there is a cross in the first line of bracelets, it means that you will live hard, but everything will be fine in the middle and late years, and you will make a fortune and also get good health as soon as you make constant efforts to maintain it. If the lines of the bracelets are surrounded by crosses, this symbolizes that you are in hypoplasia, suffering from poor health and never taking care of yourself. Men with such lines will get kidney problems, they will have cold hands and feet, and women will suffer from menstrual irregularities and have difficulty in pregnancy.


If the lines of the bracelets are in squares, this indicates visceral damage for women and fatal diseases for men.

Tilt to the palm

If the first line of the bracelets leaned towards the palm, this suggests an insidious disease of the reproductive system and difficulty in getting pregnant, as well as pointing to abortions.

If the first line leans towards the palm, and the next two are crooked and broken, this means that you will bring misfortune to your children. If only one line is broken, this suggests the loss of the first child. If all three lines are tilted, this does not suggest any child.


Breaks in the lines of the bracelets suggest physical exhaustion and an inability to do what you hope to do. If all three lines are in waves and breaks, this indicates miscarriage, ovarian disease, anemia and qi deficiency for women, as well as a diseased spleen, asthenia of the kidneys, or other protracted diseases for men. If you have such lines, your life in love will be difficult, but if you have favorable lines in the palm of your hand, you can turn the supposed failure into a plus for yourself.


If the bracelet lines have stars and the first and second lines are clear, it means that you will face unexpected consequences of your actions.

Sharp corner

Sharp corner, located in the center of the line of bracelets, indicates that you will receive a large inheritance or high position in society.

right triangle

The right triangle on the line of bracelets says that you are smart, talented in something, or get happy wealth.

The two branches extending up to Mount Apollo from the bracelet lines indicate that you will be wealthy in the years to come.

Several straight lines on the lines of bracelets indicate fame and position. If the vertical lines are slanted and messy, it means that you will get fame and position in the wrong ways.

Intersection of bracelets with other lines on the arm

  1. If the life line is clear, long, light red, has no special marks, and crosses the line of bracelets, it means that you will enjoy longevity. According to palmistry, bracelets on the hand will contribute to this.
  2. If the line of fate begins with the lines of bracelets, this indicates a bitter life and disappointments. If the fate line is short and stops on the main line, this indicates career failure, even bankruptcy.
  3. If the line of health extends into the lines of bracelets, this indicates that you are weak, may become sick from prolonged overwork and should be moderate in your passion for drink and women.

If you pay attention to the base of the palm, you can see lines on the wrist. Usually there are 2 or 3, rarely 4 lines on the wrist. For palmists, their number, size and shape contain a lot of information. The lines on the wrist can have different meanings: each of them is responsible for its own sphere of influence.

The meaning of bracelets on the hand

The contours around the wrist are called bracelets. Their second name is rosettes. Sometimes there is such a designation as Venus bracelets.

These are horizontal lines that are located just below the base of the palm with inside hands are placed parallel to each other and do not connect. They can be different in size (wide or narrow), differ in structure (loops, with bends, even, intermittent). Each bracelet is a continuation of the line of life. The width of the rosettes includes 20-25 years, which means that the owners of 4 bracelets are destined to be long-livers.

Rosettes help to learn other details from life. On the left and right hands, the quantity and quality of bracelets may differ. If a person wants to know the future, one should pay attention to right hand. A clean and smooth space between the lines on the wrist means a calm and happy life of a person. Dim, uneven and broken rings say that trials, illnesses and failures, a hard life and stress await a person.

Each rosette can tell about certain nuances in a person's life. The first is about health. The second means a person's propensity for wealth and the accumulation of material wealth. The third is responsible for the love sphere and family ties. It is also important to observe the lines that depart from the bracelets and connect with the contours and hills in the palm of your hand.

First line

Rosette immediately at the base of the palm indicates the physical capabilities of a person, his state of health throughout his life. If this line is intermittent, has many bends, weaves, or is very thin, unclear, the owner will have a difficult life full of trials. If it is smooth, solid, even and clear, everything will work out easily, the person will be lucky, and he will be more likely to do it. mental labor than physical. Multiple chains intertwined in a rosette pattern mean efforts during physical labor throughout life.

There are also features of the interpretation of this bracelet for men and women:

  1. If on the first rosette there is an arch curved towards the palm in men, there may be problems with childbearing. You should reconsider your lifestyle, diet, psychological stress, this will help correct the situation.
  2. If the same arch is present in women, this is a warning about difficult childbirth and its consequences. When this sign is accompanied by islets, there may be problems with conception due to the physical condition of the woman. It is also recommended to devote more time to your health.
  3. The presence of islands on the first bracelet means the presence of problems in a person’s life that he created for himself. If the same sign is present on the second hand, then they talk about deeper troubles. We need to work on the problems, delving into the experience of previous generations.

Second line

The bracelet at this place is responsible for financial solvency. If it is intermittent, fuzzy, a person can expect lack of money, his attempts to get rich can fail, debts are possible. A bright chain indicates a certain adventurous nature of a person, which means a love of risk. He can quickly make a fortune, but also quickly waste it. The bifurcation of the lines of the second bracelet, which are then connected, indicates that its owner will be able to get rich, but already at an advanced age. When rings can be clearly seen on the rosette, for men and women they indicate a chance to become the heir to the state by the number of these rings.

The presence of contours directed to the line of the head indicates a good career growth. Their direction can also indicate the occupation:

  1. The desire for the hill of Venus suggests that progress along career ladder a representative of the opposite sex will help.
  2. The approach of the lines to the hill of Apollo means that a person will be successful in the field of art.
  3. If the lines are directed towards the Mount of Mercury, the owner of such a sign is happy to engage in science or finance.

The presence of circuits connecting the bracelet with the hill of the Moon has the meaning of many travels.

third line

This rosette is responsible for the spiritual harmony of a person and love relationship. A clear and even line, sometimes with a triangle, indicates a strong relationship with a loved one. If there are breaks on the rosette, then we can talk about quarrels, conflicts, sometimes partings, but after that the lovers will still be together. The presence of a dot, lattice or cross on a bracelet in palmistry means the loss of a partner in variations from a quarrel to death. The distance between the second and third rosettes is also important. The larger it is, the later the person will formalize their relationship.

Palmistry interprets the third bracelet on the hand as a line of influence of a person. If the rosette at number three stands out very strongly on the hand, then the person has leadership skills, respected and honored, success and power await him.

The presence of contours connecting the bracelet with the hill of Venus may indicate a marriage not built on love, but these relationships will last a long time.

fourth line

Such bracelets in palmistry are very rare and are called the line of power. main feature- longevity and rich life experience. Carriers of this rosette can become lucky pets with an interesting fate.

It is also important to consider the appearance of such a sign:

A straight and clear line indicates that any undertaking in the life of its owner is doomed to success. People with such signs are successful financiers and promising leaders.

The beveled line indicates that, despite the inner strength of will and the aspiration of the owner of such a sign, difficulties and tricks will await on the path to success.

Breaks in the line indicate that sharp falls are possible in the career of their owner. If a private entrepreneur has such marks, he should always play it safe in case of a crisis at work.

A small and fuzzy line warns that luck and success have a changeable nature, it is worth paying attention to even slight fluctuations in work and career.


The science of chirology (knowledge and practice of reading the future along the lines and shape of hands), which includes palmistry, helps a person to know himself and look into tomorrow, analyzing everything visible marks and symbols on the palms. Important are the bracelets placed on the wrist, their number (2, 3 or 4) and external differences determine life path person. It is important to work on changes in order to get the desired results in real life.

The lines on the wrist are scientifically called blooms. Scientists have found that blooms appear on a person’s wrist even in the womb. We can say that the lines on the wrists are the foundation of a person's destiny. As a rule, there are three bracelet lines on the wrist - the first line is responsible for the sphere of health, the second for material well-being, and the third for personal life.

However, even if the initial data is not particularly impressive prospects, everything is in your hands! Lines have a mysterious property to disappear, appear, change direction. So, by being attentive to the bracelets, you can easily take control of the priority areas of life and bring them to the desired level.

Wrist line - health bracelet

The lines on the wrist are counted from the palm, that is, the first bracelet is located closer to the thumb. The first bracelet carries information about a person's health and overall quality of life. Ideally, this line should be even, deep and clear. But in practice this is rarely the case. In this age of stress and chronic fatigue excellent health is royal luxury!

What to do if the first bracelet is weakly expressed, interrupted or reaches only the middle of the wrist? Stop being nervous over trifles, learn to look at the world philosophically, engage in the treatment and prevention of diseases. The straighter the line, the more likely it is that you will earn a living by mental labor. If the bracelet looks like a chain, then perhaps you create masterpieces with your own hands.

Most people have three bracelets (lines) on their wrists, each of which has its own meaning in palmistry. The first bracelet can tell a lot about the state of health, the second - about the financial situation, and the third - about personal life. There are people with four lines on the wrist, and, as a rule, they are distinguished by special endurance and longevity.

The meaning of each bracelet

If all three bracelets are even and do not have breaks, a prosperous life and good health await the person.

First bracelet

The first bracelet is the one closest to the base of the palm. If it goes in an arch and in the middle curves towards the wrist, this indicates difficult childbirth for women, and problems with childbearing in men. If this sign is repeated on the second bracelet, this indicates a threat to the life of a woman during childbirth, and for men it is a sign of infertility, or the possibility of having children, but only after prolonged treatment.

Chain shape the first bracelet speaks of great difficulties and a difficult fate.

Fuzzy, an intermittent first bracelet indicates serious health problems.

Clear and even the bracelet speaks of strength of character and the ability to achieve one's own. Such a person will easily achieve success in work associated, as a rule, with mental activity.

Second bracelet

Smooth and clear the bracelet speaks of a stable financial situation, the ability to provide for oneself and portends good luck in business.

Intermittent the bracelet speaks of constant financial difficulties.

If the second bracelet in the form of a chain, this characterizes a person as inclined to take risks and get involved in dubious adventures. Sometimes it speaks of craving for gambling.

Forked the bracelet portends wealth and respect in old age.

Third bracelet

Clear and even the bracelet portends mutual love and happiness in family life.

If the third bracelet is at a considerable distance from the second, marriage will be late. The greater the distance, the longer a person will be waiting for his happiness.

If bracelet breaks but continues, this indicates a long quarrel, after which the couple will again decide to be together.

big gap on the third bracelet portends the loss of a loved one and suffering on this occasion.

Signs and symbols on bracelets

Islands bracelets speak of various difficulties in life.

Circles symbolize the inheritance.

Square symbolizes protection. A person miraculously manages to avoid serious difficulties, or even tragic events in life.

breaks talk about obstacles and worldly hardships.

Cross or lattice symbolize loss and suffering.

Lines extending from bracelets

The line running along the upper hill of Mars and Apollo portends honors, wealth and fame, thanks to the help of reliable patrons.

The line extending from the bracelets to the line of the head speaks of career success. Pay attention to its direction. If she goes with a bias towards the hill of Venus, a representative of the opposite sex will help a person achieve success. If the line is directed towards the hill of Apollo, the person is destined to become a famous artist. The line going towards the hill of Mercury portends success in the mental sphere of activity.

When talking about palmistry, it is often identified with the study of arcs that are located on the inside of a person's palm. But it is not so. The value of the lines on the wrist when making a prediction is also great. Appearance and the distance between them can tell a lot about the state of health, financial situation and personal relationships.

The role of lines on the wrists in palmistry

The lines on the wrist in palmistry are called bracelets of Venus or rosettes. Usually there are 2-3 such bands on the hand, but there are times when there may be 4 of them. Many believe that these arcs are a continuation of the Life line - one of the most important bands in palmistry. Each of them is responsible for a particular stage in the life of the owner, so the more such bracelets, the longer the time allotted to a person on earth will last.

Same great importance has what these 4 lines look like on the wrist and whether they connect with each other. By appearance rosettes determine not only the approximate duration of a person's life, but also what it will be like, what difficulties a person will have to face on his way. If all the rings are long and clear, a long life filled with happy moments awaits a person.

Each Venus bracelet is able to tell about any of the areas of human life:

  1. The first rosette is responsible for physical condition and health.
  2. The second tells about material well-being and standard of living.
  3. On the third line, fortune-telling for love.

The distance between the rosettes is also of great importance, and the lines and stripes on them indicate that their owner will have to face many difficulties.

First bracelet

The appearance of this rosette can tell a lot about the health of its owner. She also played big historical role for women. They say that in Ancient Greece be sure to pay attention to how the first line on the bride's wrist looks. So they determined how strong and hardy a girl is, whether she can have offspring. During divination along this line, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. A straight and even bracelet means that its owner has high intellectual abilities and good health. This person will be able to independently choose between physical and mental labor, to do what he likes.
  2. If the line is bent, interrupted, or is an interlacing of small lines, then you should pay attention to the health of the owner. He expects a lot of difficulties associated with the physical condition.
  3. If there is a protrusion on the line that resembles an arch, it may be a sign of infertility. For women, it can also be a warning of a difficult pregnancy or childbirth.

Impairment signs on rosette

The problem of infertility is one of the most urgent today. The reasons why a man or woman is not able to conceive a child can be very different. In order to determine the source of the problem, you need to pay attention to the signs that are present on the first rosette on the wrist.

If there is a circle or an island on the line, then by the appearance of this sign you can find out how deeply rooted the cause of misfortune is:

  1. The sign appeared on the left wrist, which means that a person should pay attention to the state of his health, consult a doctor with a request for treatment. Infertility in this case can be both congenital and acquired as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.
  2. The sign of a circle on the left wrist indicates to the owner that, due to neglect of his diet, the state of physical health, a person cannot have children. In this case, it is also worth contacting a professional for help.
  3. The most difficult situation is when similar sign appears on both the right and left hand at the same time. Won't help here health care, the cause of infertility is rooted in the karmic memory of the human race. In order to get rid of the problem and start a full-fledged, happy family, a person should pay attention to his spiritual development.

Second bracelet

The second line on the wrist determines the financial situation of a person and his social status. In order to form a complete picture, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. A break in the line means that a person is in for constant problems with material well-being. The owner of such a trait does not know how to distribute his expenses, often borrows and cannot return.
  2. The chain on the line says about the owner that he has a special passion for risk and adventure. He is not attached to money and things, he easily receives and gives.
  3. The strip bifurcates at the end - this is a sign that in the declining years of his life a person will receive material wealth and fame.

Third bracelet

This rosette is inextricably linked with the line of the heart in the palm of your hand. With its help, they tell fortunes about love, determine when a girl or a guy will get engaged, what will be family life. To do this, pay attention to the following modifications and signs on the line:

  1. A solid, long and bright strip predicts its owner long and happy relationship full of love and understanding.
  2. There are breaks on the line or it is short, which means that the couple will have frequent conflicts and quarrels. But, despite these problems, people will still be together.
  3. On the bracelet of Venus there are signs such as a cross, a lattice or a dot, then this is a warning that the relationship for the owner of the sign will end in a heavy loss. The cause of separation can be a large-scale conflict or even the death of a lover.
  4. The distance between the second and third rosette is also of particular importance. It can be used to determine how soon a person will meet his soul mate. The greater this distance, the later the union will be.

Fourth bracelet

The appearance of the fourth line on the wrist has long been considered a very rare and important sign. If the three main bracelets on a person’s hand are complemented by another one, then we can safely say that this person is waiting for a long and happy life. The owner of this rare sign will be lucky everywhere and in everything.

Additional signs and features of rosettes

In addition to the main rosettes on the wrist, which tell about the state of health, position in society and the personal life of the owner, there are many secondary lines. They depart from the main bands and have a great influence on their meaning:

  1. The line that goes from the ring on the wrist and stretches to the hill of Mercury, and they are connected to each other - one of the most unpleasant signs. She is a harbinger difficult period In human life, big losses and deprivation. This feature has a special influence on the material well-being of the owner. Ruin and want await him.
  2. The line goes to the base of the hill of Mars or the Sun, wealth, prosperity in everything, a high position in society and even fame await a person.
  3. Lines directed to the lunar hillock predict their owner a large number of travel and relocation. You can determine how many people in life are waiting for trips by the number of small dashes.
  4. The strip directed to the hill of Venus is a prediction of a marriage of convenience. The owner of such a line will not be able to find his soul mate, but even so the family will be strong and the union will be long.

Branches from the bracelets of Venus

Special attention should be paid to where the branches from the rosettes are directed, how they look, etc. The upward lines are a good sign- they predict their master a brilliant career and a high position in society, success in their endeavors.

A feature directed towards the hillock of the Moon indicates that a person will be able to achieve heights in the field of art. If the strip stretches to the hill of Mercury, then the best choice will work with applied sciences.

If the line is directed to the hillock of Venus, then others around him will accompany his career advancement.


Chirology makes it possible to determine what the main areas of human life will be. To do this, people look at the "rings" covering the wrists. Usually there are 2 or 3 such bracelets on a hand, but in special cases there can even be 4. They mean a lot during fortune-telling by hand.