Vision according to the Norbekov method. The unique technique of Dr. Norbekov to increase growth

Not everyone is happy with their height. There is an opinion that people grow up to 20 years old, but Norbekov's technique for increasing growth completely refutes this statement. Gives everyone the opportunity to become taller, regardless of age and gender. The main thing is not to be lazy and do exercises regularly.

Biography of Norbekov

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich Norbekov is an academician, doctor of psychology and philosophy in medicine. Has membership in many Russian and foreign academies. He is also a writer, photographer, athlete, artist, traveler and black owner. The creator of many educational and recreational methods.

Mirzakarim Norbekov was born on November 17, 1957 in the village of Farhad (Uzbekistan). He grew up in a rural family, where, in addition to him, there were six more children. From childhood, his parents taught him to work. As a child, he worked tirelessly in the cotton field along with other children.

From childhood, Mirzakarim Norbekov read and drew a lot, preferring landscapes and national patterns. In 1975 he was drafted into the army. Once, when he was on duty, two colleagues approached him, with whom a fight later ensued. They failed to beat Norbekov. The next day, they called five more friends to help. The brawl made Norbekov disabled. This situation did not suit him, and Mirzakarim began to improve in order to restore himself. He studied the basic laws of nature, the possibilities of his body and established the relationship between the state of mind and physiology.

In 1982, the author entered the Andijan Institute of Cotton Growing, from which he graduated with an agronomist diploma. At the same time, he mastered karate, where he received a black belt, after which he began to train others. Here the author develops not only the body, but also grows spiritually. Soon he creates his own method of healing, which becomes popular first in Uzbekistan, and then in Russia.

In the 90s, M. S. Norbekov moved to Moscow. Brings its health complex closer to European standards. He actively conducts seminars, teaches in the capital and other regions of Russia.

In 1998, he opened the Institute for Human Self-Restoration, where about a thousand people study every day. Each teaching course is supervised by Mirzakarim Sanakulovich, who himself does not stop learning.

Mirzakarim Sanakulovich created his own center, which is the only organization officially working on behalf of Nobekov.

Features of the growth technique

Against the background of many techniques created by the author, the Norbekov technique for increasing growth stands out. These exercises are only part of a unique wellness complex. They allow practitioners to grow 2-10 cm. The result comes after a week of regular practice.

An increase in growth occurs due to an increase in the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, and also due to an increase in cartilage tissue in the space between the vertebrae and as a result of irritation of the tubular bones.

After performing a set of exercises on a certain section of the spine, you need to restore breathing. To do this, straight arms raise up - inhale one or two, lower - exhale (three or four). The movement is done five times.


The Norbekov technique for increasing growth is contraindicated for registered people with severe mental illnesses. Exercise is prohibited for pregnant women and people with oncology. You can not deal with people with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system and those who have had a stroke, heart attack and have a heart disease. These exercises are not recommended for patients with hypertension.

Gymnastics for the upper shoulder region of the back

Norbekov's technique for increasing height consists of a series of exercises on certain parts of the human body. Start with the technique for the upper spine.

In the first exercise, the shoulders are directed forward, and the chin is brought closer to the chest, and then pulled to the stomach. The back resembles a bow, and the shoulder joints remain motionless. Then they move on to back bends. The head is pulled to the back and pulled down, and the shoulders are directed towards each other. When moving forward - exhale, and when bending back - inhale. 15 sets forward and backward. You have 6 seconds for the exercise.

The next step is to raise and lower the shoulders. When performing the movement, the head is in a stationary state, and the spine is straightened. When the shoulders are lowered, the arms are directed downward with effort, and, conversely, when the shoulder joints are raised, the limbs are lifted up.

To continue the exercises, the hands are placed at the seams. One shoulder is directed upward, and the other in the opposite direction. Head slightly shoulder going down. With each lesson, the tilt of the head should increase. Similar actions should be done in the other direction. Breathing is arbitrary. 3-6 times in each direction.

The next exercise is circular rotational movements with the hands. The exercise begins to be done slowly, each time expanding the range of motion. Breathe freely without effort. Perform 15 times in each direction.

The next movements according to the Norbekov system are tilts to the left and right. You need to get up, hands at your sides. Lean to the right and try to touch the foot of the right leg with your right hand, similarly, tilt to the left side. In this exercise, it is difficult to reach the feet, but it is possible to increase the flexibility of the spine. Should be performed 10 times in each direction. While tilting down - exhale, while lifting the body up - inhale.

Exercises for the chest and lower back

Norbekov's technique for increasing growth in the thoracic and lumbar regions consists of two exercises, these are:

  • Leaning forward. Movements are performed while sitting on a chair. Hands grab the seat of the chair, and the head is pulled to the stomach. Exhale - lean forward, inhale - return to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions for 6 seconds each. They also perform backward bends, trying to reach the buttocks with the back of the head.
  • Spinal rotation. The back and head are straight. The shoulders simultaneously with the head turn to the right until they stop, and then make oscillatory movements, trying to turn a few more centimeters. Do 5 repetitions on each turn. Thus do the exercises to the left. Breathing is arbitrary, without delay. 20 seconds are allotted for a turn and a second for oscillations.

After this, exercises according to Norbekov are done on the lumbar region and sacrum. Do not forget to do a breathing warm-up.

Gymnastics Norbekov: exercises for the lumbosacral region

Continue the system of exercises to increase standing height. Legs - shoulder width apart, hands clenched into fists and rest against the kidney area. The elbows are laid back and close to each other. First, the head is tilted to the side, and then the entire back (in an arc to the limit). Without unbending, they do several oscillatory manipulations, where you should try to capture as much space as possible. Do 2 repetitions in one and the other direction, each should have 15 oscillations. Breathing is even. The knees are straight.

The next exercise is performed on the floor. Place your hands on your knees and lean forward until your spine allows you to lean lower. Next, you need to make an effort and try to grab some more space. Ideally, you need to touch your knees with your nose, and later on the rug.

Norbekov's technique for the spine continues with backward bends with arms extended upwards. The fingers are interlocked. The exercise is done while standing. The legs are shoulder-width apart, and the knees are straightened. Breathing is arbitrary. Here the load is on the entire spine.

The next exercise will be tilting to the sides with arms raised up. All actions are performed while standing. Legs and shoulders are on the same level. The exercise is performed as the previous one, but only on the right and left sides.

The complex continues to move with its hands up. At the expense of "seven" you need to turn to the right and stretch up, do the same to the left.

The next exercise will be tilting in one direction with a twist in the other. The left elbow here rises up, and the right one slides down. A circle is made with the elbows and twisted to the right side, bending when performed in the lower back. The gaze should rush to the ceiling and go behind the back. The exercise is repeated 6 times. Manipulations develop the flexibility of the spine.

The following movements are done while sitting on the floor. Legs are spread apart. The palms are placed on the chest and try to reach the right knee with the right shoulder. The same is done with the left side. Then bend to the floor with both shoulders. During the exercise, the shoulder muscles rotate as much as possible. In the future, the same movements should be made so that the shoulder tries to reach the toes. In each direction - 10 times.

Additional load

The Norbekov technique has proven its effectiveness more than once. Exercises should be performed in compliance with all the recommendations of the author, only in this case you can achieve the desired result.

In addition to the main movements, the complex includes additional ones, these are:

  • Outdoor games. They should be practiced twice a week for 1-2 hours.
  • Run. Four times a week and at least 3 km.
  • Rope jumping. Twice a day for 3 minutes.
  • Gymnastic stick behind the shoulders. Legs - the width of the shoulder muscles. Do 25-50 tilts in each direction.
  • U-turns with a gymnastic stick behind the shoulders. Exercise is done with maximum amplitude, 25-50 times to the left and right.
  • Tilts with a gymnastic stick behind the shoulders while sitting. The number of repetitions is 50 times.
  • Turns with a gymnastic stick behind the shoulders from a sitting position. The recommended number of movements in one direction is 25-50 times.
  • Sitting on a low chair. Clasp the hands behind the head, and spread the elbow joints to the sides. The right elbow should tend towards the left knee, and the left elbow towards the right. The number of repetitions is 25-50 times in each direction.

If, when performing 50 repetitions, fatigue is not observed, then 2 sets of 50 repetitions should be done.

Before you start practicing according to the Norbekov method to increase growth, you should carefully study all the recommendations of the author. There are not many of them, and they look like this:

  • Give a load to the body gradually and after 3-4 days of classes, try to assess your capabilities.
  • During the execution of the complex, do not communicate with whiners and bores.
  • When performing exercises, do not talk or be distracted.
  • All movements are best performed to light meditative music.
  • It is impossible to do exercises purely mechanically, the goal that a person wants to achieve should be spinning in his head.
  • Do not start exercising with heaviness in the head, you can not overexert yourself during the exercises.
  • Do not doze in the classroom, drowsiness is unacceptable here.
  • Absences from classes associated with laziness and passivity are unjustified.
  • You can not perform the complex in a state of fatigue and hunger.

In the first two weeks of training, salt should be removed from the diet. This is done so that the body compensates for its lack of salt deposits in the joints. During this period, meat, bread, milk and dairy products should be abandoned. In the diet, leave honey, nuts, vegetables and fruits, cereals.

You should stubbornly move towards the goal, setting yourself the time by which the body should “grow up”.

The most important thing in performing a set of exercises to increase growth is regularity. They must be performed at least once a day for one hour.

Not every man is happy with his height. There is an opinion that people grow up to 20 years old, but Norbekov's technique for increasing growth completely refutes this statement. Gives everyone the opportunity to become taller, regardless of age and gender. The main thing is not to be lazy and do exercises regularly.

Biography of Norbekov

Features of the growth technique

Against the background of many techniques created by the author, the Norbekov technique for increasing growth stands out in particular. These exercises are only part of a unique wellness complex. They allow practitioners to grow 2-10 cm. The result comes after a week of regular practice.
An increase in growth occurs due to an increase in the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, and also through an increase in cartilage tissue in the space between the vertebrae and as a result of irritation of the tubular bones. After performing a set of exercises on a certain section of the spine, you need to restore breathing. To do this, raise straight arms up - inhale one or two, lower - exhale (three or four). The movement is done five times.


Norbekov's technique for increasing growth is contraindicated for people with severe mental illness who are registered. Prohibited exercises for pregnant women and people with oncology. You can not deal with people with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system and those who have had a stroke, heart attack and have a heart disease. These exercises are not recommended for patients with hypertension.

Gymnastics for the upper shoulder region of the back

Norbekov's technique for increasing height consists of a series of exercises on certain parts of the human body. Start with the technique for the upper spine. In the first exercise, the shoulders are directed forward, and the chin is brought closer to the chest, and then pulled to the stomach. The back resembles a bow, and the shoulder joints remain motionless. Then move on to back bends. The head is pulled to the back and pulled down, and the shoulders are directed to each other. When moving forward - exhale, and when bending back - inhale. 15 sets forward and backward. You have 6 seconds for the exercise. The next step is to raise and lower the shoulders. When performing the movement, the head is in a stationary state, and the spine is straightened. When the shoulders are lowered, the arms rush down with effort, and, conversely, when the shoulder joints are raised, the limbs are lifted up. To continue the exercises, the hands are placed at the seams. One shoulder is directed upward, and the other in the opposite direction. The head is slightly tilted towards the shoulder going down. With each lesson, the tilt of the head should increase. Similar actions should be performed on the other side. Breathing is arbitrary. 3-6 times in each direction.
The next exercise is circular rotational movements with the hands. The exercise begins to be done slowly, each time increasing the range of motion. Breathe freely without effort. Perform 15 times in each direction. The next movements according to the Norbekov system are tilts to the left and right. You have to get up, hands at your sides. Lean to the right and try to touch the foot of the right leg with your right hand, similarly, tilt to the left side. In this exercise, it is difficult to reach the feet, but it is possible to increase the flexibility of the spine. Should be performed 10 times in each direction. While tilting down - exhale, while lifting the body up - inhale.

Exercises for the chest and lower back

Norbekov's technique for increasing growth in the thoracic and lumbar regions consists of two exercises, these are:

  • Leaning forward. Movements are performed while sitting on a chair. Hands grab the seat of the chair, and the head is pulled to the stomach. Exhale - lean forward, inhale - return to the starting position. Do 10 reps for 6 seconds each. They also perform backward bends, trying to reach the buttocks with the back of the head.
  • Spinal rotation. The back and head are straight. The shoulders simultaneously with the head turn to the right until they stop, and then perform oscillatory movements, trying to return a few more centimeters. Do 5 repetitions on each turn. Thus do the exercises to the left. Breathing is arbitrary, without delay. 20 seconds are allotted for a turn and oscillations for a second.
  • After this, exercises according to Norbekov are done on the lumbar region and sacrum. Do not forget to do a breathing warm-up.

    Gymnastics Norbekov: exercises for the lumbosacral region

    Continue the system of exercises to increase standing height. Legs - shoulder width apart, hands clenched into fists and rest against the kidney area. The elbows are laid back and close to each other. First, tilt the head to the side, and then the entire back (in an arc to the limit). Without unbending, they do several oscillatory manipulations, where you should try to capture as much space as possible. Do 2 repetitions in one and the other direction, each should have 15 oscillations. Breathing is even. The knees are straight. The next exercise is performed on the floor. Place your hands on your knees and lean forward until your spine allows you to lean lower. Next, you need to make an effort and try to capture some more space. Ideally, you need to touch your knees with your nose, and later on the rug. Norbekov's technique for the spine continues with backward bends with arms extended upwards. The fingers are interlocked. The exercise is done while standing. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the knees are straightened. Breathing is arbitrary. Here the load is on the entire spine. The next exercise will be tilting to the sides with arms raised up. All actions are carried out standing. Legs and shoulders are on the same level. The exercise is performed as the previous one, but only on the right and left sides. The complex continues to move with its hands up. At the expense of "seven" you need to turn to the right and stretch up, do the same to the left. The next exercise will be tilting in one direction with a twist in the other. The left elbow then rises up, and the right slides down. A circle is made with the elbows and twisted to the right side, bending when performed in the lower back. The gaze should be directed to the ceiling and go behind the back. The exercise is repeated 6 times. Manipulations develop the flexibility of the spine. The following movements are done while sitting on the floor. Legs are spread apart. The palms are placed on the chest and try to reach the right knee with the right shoulder. The same is done with the left side. Then bend to the floor with both shoulders. During exercise, the shoulder muscles return as much as possible. In the future, the same movements should be made so that the shoulder tries to reach the toes. In each direction - 10 times.

    Additional load

    The Norbekov technique has proven its effectiveness more than once. Exercises should be performed in compliance with all the recommendations of the author, only in this case you can achieve the desired result. In addition to the main movements, the complex includes additional ones, these are:

  • Outdoor games. They should be practiced twice a week for 1-2 hours.
  • Run. Four times a week and not less than 3 km.
  • Rope jumping. Twice a day for 3 minutes.
  • Gymnastic stick behind the shoulders. Legs - the width of the shoulder muscles. Do 25-50 tilts in each direction.
  • U-turns with a gymnastic stick behind the shoulders. Exercise is done with maximum amplitude, 25-50 times to the left and right.
  • Tilts with a gymnastic stick behind the shoulders while sitting. The number of repetitions is 50 times.
  • Turns with a gymnastic stick behind the shoulders from a sitting position. The recommended number of movements in one direction is 25-50 times.
  • Sitting on a low chair. Clasp the hands behind the head, and spread the elbow joints to the sides. The right elbow should tend towards the left knee, and the left elbow towards the right. The number of repetitions is 25-50 times in each direction.
  • If, when performing 50 repetitions, fatigue is not observed, then 2 sets of 50 repetitions should be done.

    Before you start practicing according to the Norbekov method to increase growth, you should carefully study all the recommendations of the author. There are not many of them, and they look like this:

  • Give body loads and gradually, after 3-4 days of classes, try to assess your capabilities.
  • During the execution of the complex, do not communicate with whiners and bores.
  • When performing exercises, do not talk or be distracted.
  • All movements are best performed to light meditative music.
  • you can’t do exercises mechanically, the goal that a person wants to achieve should be spinning in his head.
  • Do not start exercising with heaviness in the head, you can not overexert yourself during the exercises.
  • Do not doze in the classroom, drowsiness is unacceptable here.
  • Absences from classes associated with laziness and passivity are unjustified.
  • You can not perform the complex in a state of fatigue and hunger.
  • In the first two weeks of training, salt should be removed from the diet. This is done so that the body compensates for its lack of salt deposits in the joints. During this period, meat, bread, milk and dairy products should be abandoned. In the diet, leave honey, nuts, vegetables and fruits, cereals. You should stubbornly move towards the goal, setting yourself the time until which the body should “grow up”. The most important thing in performing a set of exercises to increase growth is regularity. They must be performed at least once a day for one hour.

    What do you think about this? Who is tall? Are you satisfied with it? And how much do you want to grow?
    All the exercises described below are only part of the warm-up of Mirzakarim Norbekov's unique general health-improving technique. Here is what the author of the technique himself says: “After 7-8 days of classes, all patients note an increase in height from two to ten or more centimeters. Of course, a person does not grow from exercise. It’s just that a person acquires a natural shape and flexibility for him by restoring the elasticity of the intervertebral discs.”
    But I am sure that these few centimeters will improve your mood and give you an incentive to continue practicing using other methods. And now it's time to get acquainted with the complex of exercises. Exercises for the upper shoulder girdle. Only the upper part of the spine is involved.

    1. Shoulders forward. Pull the chin to the chest. Then we bend the shoulders and head 15 times forward, 15 times back. For each movement 6 seconds. The chin reaches the chest; without breaking away, we stretch in the direction of the abdomen; the upper part of the spine should bend like a bow, and at this moment we pull the shoulders forward and towards each other, tensing. Don't raise your shoulders. Without stopping, we move on to tilting back. At first, the head rests against the back, we pull it down, and the shoulders begin to pull back towards each other. Breathing: while moving forward - exhale, backward - inhale.

    2. Raise and lower the shoulders. The head is motionless, the spine is straight. Lowering the shoulders, pull the arms down with effort. Similarly, we do the exercise, raising the shoulders up.

    3. Circular movements of the hands 15 times. Imagine a steam locomotive. Let's mentally turn the shoulders into wheels and start moving gradually, slowly, expanding the circle of movements. Breathe evenly, without effort.

    4. Tilts left and right, hands at the seams. This exercise is performed while standing. With your right hand, try to reach the right foot, with the left - to the left. Of course, you will not reach the foot, but you will achieve the desired effect - the spine will become more flexible. The essence of the exercise is that when the arms do not come off the body, the upper part of the spine bends. Tilts are performed 10 times in each direction. Exhale while bending, inhale while lifting. Exercises for the middle part of the spine.

    Thoracic and lumbar regions.

    1. Tilts forward, as if trying to reach the stomach with the nose. This exercise is best done while sitting in a chair. We hold the seat with our hands and pull our head to the stomach. Exhale while bending and inhale when lifting the head. Straighten your back completely. For each movement for 5-6 seconds, only 10 movements. Then we bend back, as if trying to reach the buttocks with the back of the head.

    2. Spinal rotation. Back and head in one straight line. We turn our shoulders and head to the right until it stops. When the shoulders are turned all the way, we make oscillatory movements, with a slight effort we try to capture extra centimeters in each movement. 1-5 movements on one turn, then again. After that, we turn to the left and again do two times in 15 movements. Don't hold your breath. 20 seconds for one turn and 1 second for one oscillatory movement.

    Exercises for the lower spine. Lumbo-sacral region.

    1. Performed standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, fists on the kidney area, elbows behind as close as possible to each other. After the fists rest on the lower back, we begin to gradually lean back. First we tilt our head, then gradually our back. Imagine scales. Your fists play the role of the central axis: ready and the back is one bowl, the lower body and legs are the second. We pull them to each other in an arc. When you feel that it is impossible to bend further, start the main exercise. Without unbending, we make oscillatory movements with the intention of capturing extra centimeters - 2 times in 15 movements. Do not hold your breath while turning, do not bend your knees while bending. Now let's move on to a simpler exercise.

    2. Performed sitting on the floor. Hands on knees, leaning forward. We put our hands on the sides of the hips and begin to bend forward. When the spine does not let go further, we add force and grab a few more centimeters. Norma - you need to get your knees with your nose, then we'll try to touch the rug. Don't be alarmed if your nose stops a long way from your knees in the early days.

    3. Tilts back with raised arms. This movement is performed while standing. Legs shoulder width apart. Breathing is free. The load is calculated on the entire spine. We raise our hands up. Fingers in the castle and, without bending the knees, we begin to move. When the spine no longer bends, we again add force.

    4. Tilts to the sides with raised arms. Performed standing. Legs and shoulders on the same line, do as exercise 3, but to the right and left.

    5. Feet shoulder width apart. Try to see the lateral surface of the foot from the opposite side. Turns back - to the right, then to the left.

    6. Now imagine that you are trying to look back and see your heels. For a better view, you can bend back a little. Here we come to the beginning of the necessary movements. That is, when you turn back, start oscillating movements to see the right leg from the outside and behind. Now try to see her, turning back from your left shoulder and without moving your legs. Purpose: to increase the flexibility of the movement of the spine around its axis. Attention - on the spine.

    7. Exercise is performed while sitting on the mat. Legs are spread apart. Maximum inclinations to the left, right leg, in the middle, during exhalation. Put your palms on your chest and with your right shoulder try to reach your right knee 10 times, then with your left shoulder - your left knee. Then forward, to the floor - with two shoulders. The meaning of these movements is that during their execution, the shoulders must be rotated as much as possible.

    8. And now this is the same exercise, just try to reach your toes with your shoulder.

    1. Don't get ahead of things. In the first three or four days, do not draw final conclusions about yourself, your capabilities and this technique.

    2. Avoid the influence of whiners.

    3. Do not talk or be distracted during class.

    4. Mechanical performance of classes is unacceptable, without meaning and purpose.

    5. Don't overexert yourself. A sign of improper operation is a feeling of heaviness in the head.

    6. During the performance of work, do not doze, drowsiness is unacceptable.

    7. You can not do tired and hungry.

    8. Any excuses for your laziness and passivity are unacceptable.

    The main prohibition is an unlimited stretching of the recovery time. A set of exercises to increase growth by building cartilage between the vertebrae of the spine and by irritating the tubular bones of the legs.

    The complex is taken from the site Carlos Home Page. According to the author of the site, these exercises were taken from a person who, by systematically performing them, has grown by 20 cm in 1.5 years! The only rule when performing is regularity (minimum - 1 time per day, normally - in the morning and evening, if there is no other indication).

    Leg exercises.

    1. Outdoor games (1-2 times a week for 2 hours, at least 1 hour).

    2. Variable running (4 times a week, at least 3 km).

    3. Jumps with a rope (4 times a week for 1-3 minutes). To avoid injury, it is advised to carefully increase the load. Spinal exercises. The frequency of classes is 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening every day. All exercises are performed with maximum amplitude and maximum speed.

    4. Gymnastic stick behind the shoulders, legs wider than shoulders (1.5 shoulder width). Tilts to the sides 25-50 times in each direction.

    5. Starting position as in paragraph 1. Maximum amplitude turns of the shoulder girdle (with a stick) 25-50 times in each direction.

    6. It is performed similarly to the 1st exercise, but sitting on a stool.

    7. It is performed similarly to the 2nd exercise, but sitting on a stool.

    8. Starting position: sitting on a low stool (0.5 height of an ordinary stool). The hands are clasped behind the head, the elbows are spread along the shoulders. Touch the left knee with the right elbow, return to the starting position. Then touch your right knee with your left elbow. Perform 25-50 times in each direction.
    Note: If at 50 repetitions there will be an average degree of fatigue, then move on to 2 sets. Additional recommendations. So, you have familiarized yourself with two sets of exercises. They certainly have the right to life. But... Nothing surprised you? These complexes do not include exercises on the crossbar.

    Therefore, I will add a few more useful exercises.
    1. Starting position: hanging on the bar, grip straight, hands moved together, legs should not reach the floor. Perform rotational movements, deviating from the vertical axis, clockwise, then counterclockwise. In this exercise, the hands and feet seem to remain in place, and the pelvis moves in a circle. Start moving carefully. At first, the spine may crackle a little. Gradually increase the range of motion and speed of the exercise.

    2. A rather difficult exercise (especially for beginners and weak people). Starting position: hanging on the bar upside down, legs straight. In this exercise, you can not do without special equipment. I don't know if you can buy it anywhere, but - a little resourcefulness, and you will do everything yourself. I will only say that this device (it is said loudly) should not be attached to the foot, but to the bottom of the lower leg. And the exercise itself is performed similarly to the previous one, only upside down.

    3. One more exercise. Move your legs. Grab something strong and reliable with your left hand, and with your right foot swing back and forth with maximum amplitude and with maximum acceleration so that you feel a rush of blood to the foot. Then switch legs and start all over again. The supporting leg must be very stable.
    Note. The crossbar must be high so that you need to jump to it.

    The spine is the most important part of the human body. But in connection with the modern lifestyle, people are increasingly faced with problems in the spine. Excessive loads lead to the development of such diseases as: osteochondrosis, sciatica, intervertebral hernia, displacement of the vertebrae and many others.

    If you experience pain in the spine, you should contact a medical facility as soon as possible. Any treatment of the musculoskeletal system, in the absence of contraindications, is necessarily accompanied by regular therapeutic exercises.

    News line ✆

    There are a huge number of complexes of physiotherapy exercises. Most exercise therapy affects only the warming up of the muscles, returning freedom of movement only partially. Norbekov's technique, unlike many sets of exercises, restores joint mobility and metabolic processes in them. Thus, exercises for the spine contribute to the complete restoration of motor activity and the elimination of pain.

    Academician Norbekov has developed a unique method to combat diseases of the spine. According to the academician, gymnastics does not play the biggest role in treatment. Much more important is the patient's ability to self-hypnosis. Because without an emotional attitude to recovery, no exercise will lead to the desired result. That is why, when performing exercises for the spine according to the Norbekov complex, it is necessary to strictly observe all the rules established by the author:

    • you can not exercise in a bad mood;
    • exercises should be done daily;
    • cannot be charged automatically;
    • every movement should be felt, not only physically, but also mentally.

    The entire gymnastic program of Norbekov involves three types of action techniques.

    1. Articular - training of the joints of the spine.
    2. Systemic - normalization of the circulatory and nervous system.
    3. Psychological - education of willpower.

    A set of exercises according to the Norbekov method

    In order to achieve an ideal result of treatment and fight against disorders in the spine, it is necessary to influence each section of the spine. When developing his method of treatment, Norbekov took this factor into account. Therefore, charging according to his program consists of four groups of exercises.


    Charging for the cervical region consists in turning the head. With each exercise, it is worth pulling the selections to the sides, to the chest, or up. The muscles of the neck tighten when pulling the chin.

    • the head should be lowered down and pressed to the chest, and the chin stretches to the floor;
    • the back of the head is slightly thrown back, while the chin stretches up;
    • twisting of the neck (turns).


    This Norbekov complex is designed for a group of muscles of the arms, shoulders, and chest. When performing exercises, the upper spine is developed. All actions consist of flexion, extension, rotation and rotation of the arms and upper body. Relaxation and tension constantly alternate.

    • shoulders rise and fall in turn;
    • rotational actions are performed with the shoulders extended forward;
    • the arm is bent behind the shoulders, the elbow is pointing up, the eyes are looking at the elbow.


    When performing this part of the exercise, the lower body plays the main role. In action come: hands, feet, pelvis, legs, lower back. All muscle groups are most actively involved. When doing gymnastics, you should be extremely careful, since the lumbar vertebrae are most susceptible to displacement. Do not make sudden movements. If you experience pain, you need to interrupt the exercise and rest for about ten minutes.

    • when tilted back, the lower back bends, the tailbone stretches to the back of the head;
    • circular movements are performed with the hips in different directions, alternately;
    • deflection of the spine.


    The exercises of this group of the Norbekov complex are designed to affect the entire spine. The main action is to twist the spine in different directions. As with the previous exercise, sharp turns and strong tension in the back muscles should be avoided.

    • hands are placed on the forearms, the body turns and bends.
    • a straight back leans back, hands are placed on the forearms - turns are performed;
    • legs apart, hands on shoulders, torso turns in different directions.

    Faith in one's own strength gives a person immense possibilities. We pump only a part of our true skills and remain in the comfort zone, which in a few years only brings destruction. Norbekov's technique lies in the ability to adjust your future reality through peace of mind.

    Who is Norbekov?

    If you were able to independently accept yourself as an absolutely healthy person, then you are familiar with the Norbekov method. He is the author of numerous works on human psychology, in which he gives practical recommendations for improving health. Mirzakarim Doctor of Psychology and Philosophy, academician, he managed to attract millions of adherents to his methods around the world. Author of the book "The Fool's Experience, or the Path to Enlightenment." A scandalous personality in the field of medicine, a dervish and just a wealthy and successful person.

    The most popular methods

    It’s just worth going through life with a positive attitude, keeping your back straight and doing a set of exercises to increase your height. The intervertebral discs will come in order, the pinched nerves will become active, the vital activity of the body will come in order and the spine will straighten, which will allow you to become taller.

    Do breathing exercises every morning when you wake up. You can grow your teeth a third time if you focus on renewing the diseased tooth. Before this, you need to take ten breaths from light to deep, and then vice versa. Before going to bed, we focus on the area where the tooth grows, and mentally connect the molecules, expect a tingling sensation. The respiratory set of exercises activates the cellular growth program

    Listen to the audio recording, the so-called octave, depicting the image of youth and perfection. The issue of imagination and peace of mind allows you to achieve a huge energy surge, which helps in work and normal life.

    Norbekov also considers issues of oncology as an insult to specific people or a situation and how to get rid of cancer if doctors do not help. Norbekov recommends removing resentment with a certain set of exercises and clearing the subcortex of the brain from any debris. He considers any disease as an energy that has been driven into a dead end and festered there. If you release it, then you will instantly feel better.

    Cancer treatment is also possible using the “favorite organ” method. We visualize and set up the highest love for the organ that hurts, it just asks for attention and affection. Therefore, meditation “beloved organ” is a visual process of showing care and sincere warmth towards it. Ask for his forgiveness and promise to love and care for him in the future.

    The Restoration of Hearing technique is one of Mirzakarim’s well-known practices, he teaches you to pick up noise gradually, tingle in the ear and nasopharynx, visually clear energy stagnation in this area and perform a set of specialized exercises depending on the complexity of the disease. Treatment of the stomach goes through the procedure of crowning yourself, you must recognize yourself as the king of nature and allow yourself to have a healthy digestive tract, pancreas and other organs of this system.

    What do experts say about his methods?

    Not everything in the world lends itself to a logical explanation, but doctors strictly criticize Norbekov's methods, since they have no scientific justification. They recognize the danger of their implementation for a person, because he is wasting time and, in fact, is counting on a miracle. Therefore, these methods should be used when doctors are powerless, or at the stage of disease prevention.

    People should definitely remember that such techniques are not the main method of treatment, but only complement traditional medicine, focusing a person's attention on their energy to achieve goals. Success can only be achieved through the interaction of traditional treatment, carried out by professional, certified doctors, and such methods that complement the main course of treatment.

    Your doctor must be aware of your additional treatments and give you consent to use them.