The meaning of the name Lera. Name interpretation

Have you ever wondered why we often use diminutive names in our speech? Sergei, Maria, Anatoly, Alexei, Olga… That's how we call each other at work, at business meetings, that's how our names are written in our passports and other documents. But how do we address each other at school or at home? Serezhenka, Mashenka, Tolechka, Leshenka, Olechka.

Why do we use diminutive forms of names?

First of all, such a difference in the form of a name means the desire of people to distinguish between the situations in which these names sound. At work, this is an official atmosphere, business relations of subordination, and at home - an atmosphere of comfort and love, where, at any opportunity, you want to please your family. Therefore, we use diminutive names. It is on this basis that when choosing a name for a child, you need to stop at one that has a diminutive form to simplify communication at home or at school.

How are pet names formed?

If we consider this issue, then, from the point of view of numerous rules of the Russian language, diminutive forms of names are formed using various suffixes that are added to a short or full form name. Such suffixes are -enk-, -onk-, -ushk-, -ochk- and others. The diminutive form of the name shows, first of all, an emotional attitude towards a person. Calling a person affectionately, we want to show our good attitude towards him.

Meanings of diminutive names

Each person, calling his loved one with an affectionate name, puts a special meaning into it. For example, naming a girl Sashenka, Sashulya, a person puts into him all the tenderness and care for Alexander. Calling the same girl Sasha, Sanka, a person treats Alexandra with some disdain or even disgust. Therefore, in an effort to call a person a different name than the official one, determine for yourself what you want to show to your interlocutor: care and respect or neglect.

Diminutive names have become quite firmly established in our general life. It is very important to remember that the use of this form of the name is appropriate only in informal setting. Diminutive names, and you should pay attention to this, are allowed only with a fairly close acquaintance, and at the same time, their use is not even appropriate in all cases: you should not call diminutive names of your interlocutors on any business meeting or at work.

Diminutive forms

From almost every name, several diminutive names can be derived, which should express various shades of relationships with loved ones. They allow us to express the diversity of our feelings and emotions and can take on an affectionate, mocking and even derogatory form. So, the diminutive names Vanyusha, Tanyusha, Ksyusha have an affectionate connotation, and Vanka, Tanka, Ksyukha have a derogatory connotation. A huge variety of diminutive names is mostly formed due to various suffixes that are added to the root stem of the name. However, the formation of diminutive names is possible in a completely different way. All forms of diminutive names can be divided into four types.

First type diminutive names most closely matches the full name and is formed from its root stem with the preservation of the initial letters: Andrey - Andryusha, Sergey - Seryozha, Tatyana - Tanya, Natalya - Natasha. When such abbreviations are formed, only the second half of the full name changes, while the first remains unchanged. This type includes a very large number of names that differ only in suffixes that give the name different shades: Daria - Dasha, Dashenka, Dasha, Dashuta, Danya, Daria, etc.

When a pet name is obtained from a full name by changing only the second half, it is a continuation of the official name. And if a man chooses to call himself that type nickname, it exposes in him very serious attitude to the shadowy, intimate side of life. Alexanders, who call themselves Aleks, are more serious about the problems of personal relationships than Sasha, Sani and Shura.

Any full name can be represented as two halves, the first of which is light, active, bestowing, male, and the second is shadow, passive, receiving, female. Therefore, when the first half remains in the diminutive name, this indicates the preservation of the active beginning associated with this name. A person who calls himself such a diminutive name tends to manifest himself actively and independently, even among close people. If a man chooses such a diminutive name for himself, we can draw the following conclusion: in the intimate sphere, at worst, he manifests himself as an egoist, and at best, he takes this side of life very seriously and introduces a strong masculine principle into it. This type of abbreviation can create unnecessary problems for men in their personal lives. It will be more difficult for Antosha and Alyosha to open up to loved ones than Tosha and Lesha. And Sasha and Sani feel more free in personal relationships than Aliki.

For women, on the contrary, the preservation of the active half in the diminutive name makes it possible to remain more independent and independent in their personal lives. Such names help them build harmonious relationships with loved ones and not become dependent on their attachments, not lose their individuality. Therefore, this type of pet names is more suitable for women. For Alexandra, unlike Alexander, it is better to call herself Alya, not Sasha. It will be much easier for Lyudmila to find herself in her personal life if she calls herself Luda, and not Mila. The diminutive Sveta is more suitable for Svetlana than Veta or Lana, as they sometimes call themselves. Just like Margarita, it is better to call yourself Mara, not Rita.

Second type diminutive names is obtained when the initial letters are discarded in the full name and its second part is used: Alexey - Lesha, Lech, Vadim - Dima, Elena - Lena, Elizabeth - Liza. This type of pet name retains the shady, passive half of the full name and is much better suited for men as it helps them be more relaxed in their personal lives. Such names give men the opportunity to get rid of the official form and show the innermost, shadowy sides of their nature. And when women call themselves diminutive names of this type, they become more dependent in their personal lives. Any Katya, Lena, Nastya, Liza cannot fully open up in relationships with loved ones, they feel more constrained than Natasha, Tanya, Lida.

It’s better for Tatyanas not to call themselves Yans, Irinam - Rinami, Galina - Linami, Natalia - Tashami. Anastasia feels better in her personal life if she is called Asya, and not Nastya, just like Alina - Alei, and not Lina. If possible, it is desirable to keep at least the first letter in the female diminutive name, and to renounce the first letter in the male diminutive name, humble yourself, muffle your "ego". It is important for men to take off their formal clothes in order to be normal people in personal relationships. In intimate life outerwear it is desirable to remove. However, part of the root base male name it is better to save: Anton - Tosha, Alexey - Lesha, Vladislav - Slava.

All owners of two-part names such as Vyacheslav, Rostislav, Svyatoslav, Mstislav, Yaroslav can call themselves Slavs. Then they will form a normal attitude towards the opposite sex. But if they are constantly called only Slaviks, this can lead to too much compliance and dependence in relationships with loved ones. Therefore, they sometimes need to use the full name in personal relationships.

These rules must be compared with the horoscope of a person in each specific case, since sometimes a very favorable indicator in his horoscope can be associated with the first letter of the name. If the refusal of the first letter of the name is fraught with the loss of something very valuable, then it is better to save it. For example, the first letter of a name can manifest through the Alphabetical Zodiac white moon, then it is better to keep it in a diminutive form. If the first letter does not indicate very important indicators horoscope, in the male diminutive name, it is better to discard it.

There are names for which it is very difficult to fulfill ideal rules formation of diminutive forms: Boris - Borya, Gennady - Gene, Grigory - Grisha, Konstantin - Kostya, Leonid - Lenya, Mikhail - Misha, Pavel - Pasha, Peter - Petya, Roman - Roma, Sergey - Seryozha, Yuri - Yura, etc. e. In the same way, for female names Catherine, Elena and Elizabeth, diminutive forms in which the first letter would be preserved are unusual and of little use. In rare cases, Elena and Elizabeth are called Elya, but Catherine is only Katya or Rina. Therefore, the owners of these names often have to make extra efforts to find harmonious relationships with loved ones and feel free and natural in their personal lives. However, they may also use other forms of nicknames.

Third type nicknames are names that are not directly derived from the full name: Shura, Zhora, Susha, Nyusha, Garik, Dodik, Lyalya, Gulya etc. Such names are obtained as a result of rather long manipulations with various diminutive forms, when the root stem of the original name is lost. Alexander - Sasha - Sashura - Shura, or Ksenia - Ksenyushka - Ksyushka - Syusha, or Anna - Anyusha - Nyusha. For example, the wife of Boris Yeltsin has the full name Anastasia, but everyone knows her under the diminutive name Naina.

There are quite a few such diminutive names, and they are the most unpredictable. It is completely incomprehensible how a person with such a diminutive name will behave with loved ones and manifest itself in the intimate sphere. As a rule, people with such names outwardly give one impression, but in fact they are completely different. For example, Garik, who is actually Igor, or Zhora, who goes by the full name Georgy, can outwardly give the impression of a strong and active person, but in the family circle behave completely differently: walk on tiptoe in front of his wife, be quiet and modest . Or Anna, who calls herself Nyura, may seem to others a sweet and calm woman and at the same time be a domestic tyrant, forcing the whole family to obey her.

All diminutive names that are not direct derivatives of the full name also indicate problems laid down in a person’s childhood. Such names, as a rule, take their origins from childhood, which leads to the rebirth of a person's essence. External and inner side his life may be completely different. Olga, who at home is called not Olya, but Lyalya or Leley, manifests herself in completely different ways in relations with unfamiliar and close people. Such a stereotype of behavior is laid in her from childhood and is fixed when she grows up. Diminutive names of this type form duality and unpredictability of behavior in a person.

Fourth type diminutive names includes all arbitrary names that a person can think of for himself. Each of us is given the right to be a little different in the intimate sphere, and a new diminutive name helps to realize this right. You can come up with such a diminutive name for yourself, but it is desirable that at least one or two letters of the full name be preserved in it. Then this diminutive name will allow developing those forces and potentialities that were originally laid down in the full name.

Often a new diminutive name is invented for some reason. distinctive features human behavior in the intimate sphere. But at the same time, the person himself must also identify himself with the new name. Ideally, everyone should have their own special diminutive name, which he will come up with for himself and open it only to the closest person. This name will allow him to naturally and harmoniously manifest himself in the intimate sphere.

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A characteristic feature of the Russian language is the presence a large number diminutive words. The diminutive form in Russian is most often formed with the help of special suffixes. As you probably already know, the suffix system is extremely well developed in the Russian language, like in no other. With the help of various suffixes, we can express emotions and assessments. With the help of them, we can convey affection, tenderness, admiration, tenderness, neglect, hatred, and so on. But in this article, we will be mainly interested in ways to convey affection, tenderness and tenderness.

When we speak with children or close relatives, we constantly use a diminutive form: instead of the neutral word “son”, we prefer to use “son” or “son”, instead of the dry word “daughter”, we will say “daughter”, “daughter ”, for “mother” we say “mommy” or “mommy”, for “grandmother” - “grandmother” or “grandmother”.
The transmission of kindness, beauty and affection in speech is as necessary as good good deeds carried out in life.

The diminutive form is associated with the diminutive form, that is, a word or form of words that convey the subjective-evaluative meaning of small size, volume, and so on. However, the diminutive has both a diminutive and affectionate form (cat, house, key), and a diminutive and derogatory form or a pejorative form (little people, kings, folks), but in this article we will only disclose the diminutive and affectionate form of words.
The formation of diminutive forms with the help of suffixes serves for a subjective assessment and is typical for colloquial, expressively colored speech. Diminutive forms, as we mentioned above, are often used to convey close relationships, in particular when communicating with young children.

So, what are the diminutive suffixes that help us politely and affectionately address others or describe something or someone.

Suffix - ek
It is used when, when changing a word by case, a vowel sound falls out of it.
For example: nut ek- nut (check word). In the test word, we see the dropping of the vowel e.
Sonny ek- son (test word). Again, we observe the dropping of the vowel e in the test word.
Other examples: piece ek- piece, wreath ek- wreath, man ek- man, flower ek- flower.

Suffix - ik
It is used when, when changing a word by case, a vowel does not drop out of it.
For example: table ik- table ik a (check word), hippopotamus ik- hippo ik a, nol ik- nol ik ah, bummer ik- ramble ik uh, soldier ik- soldier ik a, house ik- house ik a.

Suffixes - echk, -enk
These suffixes are used after soft consonants and after sibilants, as well as after vowels.
For example: bowl echk a, daughter enk a, ruch enk a, ma echk a, for echk ah, new enk uh, book echk a.
These suffixes are often used to form diminutive forms of personal names.
For example: Yul echk a, Tan echk a, Sen echk a, Ol echk a, Sasha echk a, sleep echk a.

Suffixes - points, -onc
These suffixes are used in all other cases.
For example: tale points a, eye onc i, tetrad points a, steam points ah, apple onc a.
These suffixes are also used to form diminutive forms of personal names.
For example: Dim points ah, rum points a, Tim points a.

Suffix - st
This suffix is ​​often used to form a diminutive form of personal names and kinship names.
For example: lapat st I am Dim st me son st me mom st me, grandma st me grandfather st me, Mash st I, Sasha st I.

It should be remembered and paid attention to the fact that diminutive suffixes are never stressed. They are always unbeatable.
For example: eye onc i, dom ik, table ik, bowl echk a. The capital letter in the examples shows the stressed vowel.
As we have noticed, diminutives are often used in the speech of the Russian language. This helps us to express our kindness, care, love and affection for the world around us and people. From almost any word in Russian, you can form a diminutive form with the help of the desired suffix.

And Kaleria. It was not previously used as an independent name, but this situation is changing. Increasingly, the name Lera is used as an independent name, although it is still inferior in popularity to its original versions.

The meaning of the name Lera for a girl

In childhood, Lera stands out for her joyful character and high mobility. If over time the girl's mobility gradually becomes less, then a positive attitude towards life will be characteristic of her in the future. It is also worth noting Lera's meek disposition, which is quite a rarity for such active children. She is an obedient child who is easy to raise. It is also interesting that the girl from childhood is very feminine. Despite the craving for games with boys and men's games, Lera is equally attracted to more feminine types of leisure. Already at a young age, Lera is in every possible way drawn to household "female" affairs.

Lera most often studies averagely, which is due to her attitude to learning. Most often, Lera has good inclinations for learning, but she does not have a particular craving for knowledge. However, even very low marks are not typical for her, since she considers it unworthy. And so it turns out that Lera has middle level knowledge, and shows his talents only in a hobby. She often finds herself favourite hobby outside the school curriculum, and that's where the girl's possibilities are truly revealed. It is by doing what she loves that Lera shows extraordinary diligence and true passion.

If we talk about Lera's health, we can say that she is noticeably above average. The girl rarely gets sick and has a high vitality. This trend usually continues into later life. But weak point Lera's health can be called her inclination and overweight. Most often, this feature of her body becomes noticeable in adolescence. Proper Diet and physical activity will help to completely solve this problem. It is important to approach this issue in a timely manner and seek professional help.

Abbreviated name Lera

Lerka, Leri.

Diminutive names

Lerochka, Leronka, Lerushka, Lerunchik, Lerusha, Lerunya, Lerusya, Lerulya, Lerulka, Lerchik.

Lera's name in English

AT English language Lera's name is spelled Lera.

Lera's name for a passport- LERA.

Translation of the name Lera into other languages

in Belarusian - Lera
in Portuguese - Léria
in Ukrainian - Lera
in Czech - Lera

Church name Lera(in the Orthodox faith) - Valeria. Of course, this is true if we consider this name Lera as a short form on behalf of Valery. If you use the name Lera as an independent one, then church name it will be different from the worldly, because the name Lera is not in the calendar.

Characteristics of the name Lera

Adult Lera is distinguished by special emotionality and sincerity. She is a very open person and rarely holds back her emotions. Moreover, Lera can experience a very strong emotional outburst, although from the outside it may seem that there are no reasons for this at all. Little things can make her happy or upset. Not surprisingly, in addition to this, Lera is also an idealist. She tries to do everything in life to the maximum. Have fun, make friends, and of course love.

Lera's sincerity and empathy often become the basis for choosing a profession. Lera feels people very subtly, and her sincere desire to help rarely goes unnoticed. She can be an excellent doctor, teacher, beautician, etc. Lera is especially good at working with children, although not all owners of the name have a craving for this.

Family relationships for Lera are one of the most important components in life. She is very kind to the family and tries her best to make it perfect. She is a very faithful and reliable wife who knows how to be a truly reliable companion. With all Lera's ability to support her husband, she usually does not strive for leadership in the family. Rather, Lera's desire to be "behind a stone wall" can be noted.

The secret of the name Lera

Lera's secret can be called her intransigence with traitors. Lera is very kind and open, but if someone takes advantage of her kindness and betrays her, then he may not expect forgiveness. Moreover, she will not only be offended by a person, but will do everything to make him pay for it. Lera is in no hurry to answer and knows how to wait for an opportunity. Usually, no one expects such behavior from Lera, which is one of the keys to the success of her plans.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

totem animal- Varan.

Name color- Purple.

Tree- Figs.

Plant- Lily.

A rock- Garnet.

Friends and "partners" of the opposite sex often call each other not by real names, but by nicknames and affectionate nicknames. Most often, people do not think about the sound of these nicknames. Here is a complete analogy with the name of a person - sounds and words carry a certain energy, in addition to the meaning of the names themselves.

Often in affectionate nicknames ah for girls and boys, the sound “K” is used (for example, as a suffix “-ka”). In terms of emotional state, "to" expresses the idea of ​​closeness, simplicity and lightness.

The sound "Sh", according to statistics, is generally found 3 times more often than in ordinary dictionary words. The “sh” sound distracts the partner from everything around, allowing you to focus on your person. Similarly, this sound is used in simple communication to demand silence: “shhhhh...”

The sound “L” is also very popular in affectionate nicknames, giving the word an emotional coloring.

The sounds "X" and "F", on the contrary, are used in affectionate nicknames much less often than in ordinary conversation, because most often they express dissatisfaction.

Using certain nicknames, a person does not particularly think about emotional coloring sounds included in this word - everything happens unconsciously. Words are chosen subconsciously, reflecting deep feelings and experiences.

How to find out what your loved one really thinks, calling this or that nickname? Below we present you a list of the most common affectionate nicknames, as well as the true meaning of the feelings of the person who uses these nicknames in communication. By using given interpretation you will be able to understand the true feelings of your loved one towards you.

The meaning of affectionate nicknames

Baby - Your partner actively calls you to contact (most often with sexual intentions), but your real feelings are of little interest to him. Hippo - Your partner's feelings are absorbed by you, he is attentive, respects your independence, but is not averse to playing.
Baby - Your partner is specific and not inclined to complicate things. Perhaps he lacks a sense of humor. Dear, dear - Your partner in a relationship appreciates confidence and certainty. Feelings for him are in second place.
Durynda - Your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake. He is energetic and ready to take control of the situation. Hedgehog, hedgehog - Your partner gives your relationship a special significance. Sometimes he is unrestrained, but deep down he is afraid of losing you.
Toad - Your partner is energetic and playfully assertive, but deep down he values ​​​​your relationship very much. My life - Paphos betrays your partner's tendency to bust. Just in case, it’s better to check if he has another “life” attachment somewhere on the side.
Hare, hare, hare, hare - your partner is prone to excitement and is not averse to playing with you. Don't be fooled by his appearance - deep down he is jealous and watches you closely. Gold, gold, gold - Your partner emphasizes the importance of your relationship, although his mind greatly prevails over his feelings.
Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty - your partner is set up for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation. Goat, goat, goat - your partner feels complete closeness with you. you are very good for him native person, although he is not averse to teasing you.
Candy - Be careful, your partner is overreacting to your behavior and seems to consider you his property. Kitten, cat, cat, kitten - The partner feels closeness and inextricable connection with you. He wants you to believe him, or tries to convince you of his loyalty.
Crocodile - Your partner is emphasized energetic. He is not in the mood to beat around the bush and is not inclined to hold back emotions for a long time. Krokozyabra - Your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake. Often his behavior seems unrestrained and picky, but resentment does not last long.
Doll, doll - Your partner is passionate about you, but does not attach too much importance to the relationship. Paw, paw, lapusik - Your partner is very active and ready to work and live for you.
Swallow - Your partner is very attentive and absolutely confident in you. Fox, fox, fox - All the attention of your partner is absorbed by you and he expects the same from you.
Beloved, beloved, love - your partner is prone to sensual overkill and is ready to act decisively and assertively. Lyalya, lyalik - your partner is not at all inclined to restrain his feelings.
Small, small, masik, masya - Your partner's feelings are very deep, he is ready to be caring and attentive. Baby, baby - the feelings that you evoke in a partner are immeasurable. You absorb all his attention, and he expects the same from you.
Teddy bear - Your partner is a very sensual person, but is not in a hurry. He is cautious and does not want to lose you. Sweetheart, sweetheart - Your partner promises you a strong relationship. His feelings are in balance with reason.
Mulya, musya, musipusechka - the feelings that you evoke in your partner are very strong. He tends to get carried away and often does not know when to stop. Mouse, mouse - Your partner's feelings go beyond, even if it is not visible from his behavior. Occasionally he is unrestrained, but he is very attached to you.
Pampushka - Your partner expects complete intimacy and interaction. Donut - Your partner wants to get your attention with all his might. Subconsciously, he seeks to protect himself from possible rivals.
Belly, belly, telepuzzle - your partner is clearly set on creating and arranging a family hearth, and this thought captivates him. Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll - your partner is looking for full contact with you, but most likely, this is not so much a feeling as a practical interest.
Rybka - Your partner looks at your relationship rather in a businesslike way. In the first place, he puts not romance, but practical interest. Pig, pig, pig - Your partner energetically calls you to contact and is ready to take the situation into his own hands.
Sweet, sweet - your partner consciously emphasizes his emotionality. At the same time, in his soul he is balanced and calm. Baby elephant, elephant - Your partner attaches great importance to your relationship. His emotions are focused on you, and he expects complete reciprocity.
Sun, sun, sun - your partner feels genuine tenderness and keen interest in you. Tiger, tiger cub - Your partner respects your independence. He is not averse to making fun of you, but in fact he offers you an equal union.
Hamster - Your partner is prone to impulsive actions and can easily succumb to momentary impulses. Chick, chicken - Your partner offers you active contact, but perhaps deep down he is afraid of something.
Miracle, monster - Your partner literally demands your attention, emphasizing the importance of your relationship. Chocolate - Your partner offers you a simple, easy relationship, but in fact you absorb all his attention and he deep down expects the same from you.
Berry - Your partner is energetic, self-confident and appreciates his independence. Feelings for him are in second place.

The most affectionate nicknames

The most affectionate, in our opinion, are the following nicknames.