Evil statuses about life with meaning. Evil Quotes

Some people are simply evil, and only the strongest of them become so on their own. About this and not only - in the evil statuses of VK.

Any evil comes from a lack of love

  1. Statistics confirm that any piece of poop is sure to make Raffaello candy out of itself.
  2. Some people just want to ... cook herbal infusion on herbs. And some just want to be beaten with these herbs.
  3. If they try to trample you, think about whether you should be offended. Maybe there is no other way for a person to rise at all.
  4. It's so hard for a person to just do something for another. But if you intimidate with karma, then easily.
  5. Silence is gold. But how much does it cost...
  6. People who promised to write, and peacefully sitting online, go to hell out of turn.
  7. I never keep evil in my soul: I just give it to someone else.
  8. Here you can get up on the wrong foot, but you can be born. Do you catch the difference?!
  9. Do not swear if you do not know how to do it beautifully.

The most terrible person is a friend who has become a traitor

Justice can befall each of us. In no case should she be left unpunished: you need to use the evil VK statuses to the maximum.

  1. Thinking about what you did for me, I notice that a few years for murder is not so much.
  2. Traitors tend to appear when everything is bad and without them.
  3. Loneliness is when even a cat does not want to sleep at your feet.
  4. You will also thank me for my “rudeness”: after all, I am compiling a description for you for free.
  5. I would like to wake up every morning with my beloved, but so far I wake up only with the desire to die.
  6. I will not console myself with the thought that only limited ones discuss me. If I find out, I will limit them even more.
  7. Yes, I do not expect you to understand me. You can't do this without a brain...
  8. You can learn at least all the boxing techniques, but you must find the answer to the question “Why are you so impudent”.

To be able to spoil life is a talent

Evil statuses about life will tell about pain, bad luck and failure in completely different words. Perhaps then all of them will not be so significant ...

  1. My behavior may not be delightful, but it makes many people shut up.
  2. If I need to, I will definitely smile sweetly. But the scolding, which I swear at the same time in my mind, is unknown to very many.
  3. To your "I'm sorry" I can only say "It's okay." Or rather, write. More precisely, a nail on your door.
  4. Think about it, because each of us has spoiled the life of the other a little.
  5. I get offended very easily, I “move away” very easily, and I plan revenge for a very long time.
  6. Maybe good wins over evil, but it's definitely someone else's.
  7. People suffering at my will, know: at that moment I was just hungry.
  8. As soon as Elena realized that nothing other than her conscience was bothering her, she immediately got rid of it. And oh no regrets!

Evil does not sleep

Bad, as well as good, in our life enough. The main thing is to take what you need. And all the bad things - to leave in evil statuses about life with meaning.

  1. People are so relaxed at throwing words into the wind that someday I will relax too and throw something heavier at them.
  2. Be afraid of fat women on a diet - they are already evil and can still hit you in the head well.
  3. Anyone who makes a crooked schedule at the university goes to hell without a queue.
  4. You just expressed your opinion, which you have every right to. And I just bought a chainsaw and memorized your address.
  5. I don’t understand whether to go feed the pigeons, or shoot someone ...
  6. He wanted an open relationship, but was extremely surprised when he was sent with three letters. Conclusion: dreams do come true.
  7. In general, I am a quiet person, but one crooked word about my mother - and I am ready to kill.
  8. If I'm trying to make a good impression, then I won't necessarily continue to do so when I'm being bullied.

Paying attention to what you say is beneficial

Living life without meeting a single bad person is unrealistic. For each of them it is necessary to keep evil short statuses.

  1. Distinguishing marks: listens to music through the speaker.
  2. The snow melted and the former appeared.
  3. He freaked out, and instead of a pen, he really forgot his head.
  4. There is no wind of change on you.
  5. A nervous person definitely does not need an expensive phone.
  6. Shyness is worse than tactlessness.
  7. I'm not crying, I'm just imitating a fountain.
  8. It's your fault that I miss you.

Words that are usually answered no longer with words

In order for the conflict to be settled, it must be ended on time. And, of course, fix it with very evil statuses.

  1. You should not take everything so close, maybe the offender just has a meager sex life or even its absence.
  2. I look at you and feel like I have a complex of usefulness.
  3. In fact, guys are afraid to mess with nice girls. They understand, bastards, that one place will immediately stick together.
  4. I'm not at all sorry that you left: it's just that every rag needs its own mop.
  5. Don't teach me about life, and I won't teach you how to spell.
  6. What are you, I still have a long way to go before you ...
  7. I know that you are saying this purely because of complexes. But you know: I will forgive you tomorrow, but the complexes with you will remain.
  8. Remember, girls: every hen must cackle in her coop.

Fill the status bar with interesting phrases.

  • It seems that some people were born only to harm others... Moreover, they do it skillfully... and much easier, faster and more pleasant than doing a good deed. (Rozbitskaya Natalya)
  • Actually, I am not a conflict person, but I will never remain in debt.
  • When I don't get enough sleep, the level of hatred in my blood rises.
  • The most evil quotes and phrases

    • If you kill an assassin, the number of assassins will not change.
    • Education makes a good person better and a bad person worse. (Fuller)
    • A short mind has a long tongue. (Aristophanes)
    • - I do not care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all. (Coco Chanel)
    • You are controlled by the one who makes you angry. (Lao Tzu)
  • Eagles soar high in the sky, but snakes never hit aircraft turbines.
  • Then be angry with yourself if you are so kind... (Vladimir Kotikov)
  • Evil people are prevented from being good all around. Therefore, they have no problems with finding the extreme. (Julian Wilson)
  • I almost always do what they do to me. And don't complain later.
  • People do not change. Scum will remain so scum.
  • There are far fewer people who are ready to die for an idea than those who are ready to kill for it.
  • The one who speaks equally well of everyone is bad. (Fuller)
  • Backbiting has a serpent's head. (O. Balzac)
  • I won't let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. (Mahatma Gandhi)
  • I'm not evil. I'm just not afraid to tell people the cruel and unpleasant truth. We live in a cruel and unpleasant world. (Chuck Palahniuk)
  • In the extinguished eyes of truth shone a holy lie...
  • Anger is the most useless of emotions. Destroys the brain and harms the heart. (Stephen King)
  • They say that you can’t eat from a knife - you will be angry ... I have a question for some people participating in the discussions ... Are you ... licking a chainsaw?
  • Every tactless brute with defects in education strives to seriously consider himself just a straightforward and honest person.
  • Hello, I'm Monday. Suffer.
  • Who naively thinks that it won't get any worse, he has a meager imagination!
  • I love respectable and highly respected acquaintances; nice to be the worst in the company. (Swift)
  • The first accusation is dropped, the second hurts, the third hurts, and the fourth kills. (F. Voltaire)
  • Evil quotes with meaning- Anger at oneself is always the strongest, so a person seeks to direct it to someone else as soon as possible. (Janusz Leon Wisniewski)
  • All bad deeds are born of good intentions.
  • Sometimes the status of “angry” and a frown emoticon can tell more about a person’s mood and life situation than all the words in the world. But sometimes you need to let people know what you are thinking about and what you are angry about: read the most evil statuses about life in this article.

    Evil statuses about life

    1. The most annoying type of people are those who always ask "What's new" even though they have no idea I had the old one.
    2. Remember please! When they tell you that you will go far, they mean that you should fail!
    3. I really love the people around me. But even more I like to lie about how I love the people around me.
    4. Men are divided into three types: those that break the heart, those that break the soul, and those that break the face.
    5. Do you want to offend me? It's time to spit. Just spitting blood.
    6. They call me vindictive, but it's not true. I'm just angry, with a good memory.
    7. Love is for a long time. But hate is forever
    8. I forgave all my enemies a long time ago and I wish that each of them had three cars: an ambulance, a police and a fire engine.
    9. Forgive me for all these pointless quarrels because you are a stupid fool.
    10. My mood is divided into two parts: “No one loves me!” and “I hate you all…”.
    11. My whole life in a nutshell: tearing up new jeans by reaching for a dropped coin.
    12. I'm never rude - just letting you know who you are.
    13. I can forgive, but never forget.
    14. Those who spit in the back philosophically note that they are ahead, they just never tried to turn around and break the creature's nose.
    15. I wonder why all the freaks in the world are so ganged up on me?

    Evil statuses about people and about life

    We often get angry at work, at the people around us, at our lives, and even at ourselves. Sometimes it turns out to be in the form of a short statement, sometimes not. Here we have brought the most evil statuses about life with meaning, which will 100% express your emotional state.

    1. I have a question for all those who drill walls on weekend mornings - do you hate all the people who live in the same house with you, or personally me?
    2. When a good person does a good deed, it is taken for granted and not encouraged in any way. When a bad person does a good deed, it is taken as a miracle and showered with gold. Then it’s interesting: why, when a good person does a bad deed, does he get hit harder than a bad one?
    3. Times are changing, days, years and entire epochs are changing, bringing us closer to a brighter future. And my life, as it was shit, it remains, and will be shit too.
    4. When I receive a salary for a month, one oligarch laughs somewhere.
    5. It seems to me that the prices for housing and communal services are specially set in such a way that after paying for them, a person does not have money left to buy a Kalashnikov assault rifle.
    6. People are divided into two types - those who have time, but no brains, and those who do not even have time.
    7. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you. No, no, thanks - you can not return!
    8. You are wrong about me as usual. So please close your mistake!
    9. Work is fucked up, mood is fucked up, in personal life it's fucked up, the weather outside is also fucked up. One good thing is stability.
    10. Try not to write for a while and personally not impose yourself on people, and you will be surprised to find that, in general, no one really needs you.
    11. I could close my eyes, pretend everything is fine. But unfortunately I can't live with my eyes closed.
    12. When there are a lot of people around, I hate them. When I'm alone, I hate myself. Therefore, it would be better if there were people around so that I could hate them.
    13. It happens that you offend a person, and at first it seems ashamed, sad. And after a couple of hours, don't care.
    14. I would like everyone who says that parting with a person hurts, would try to hit their elbow on the door frame. This is pain!
    15. Sometimes I read the news and my fists clench in anger by themselves ... and then unclench, it doesn’t concern me!
    16. When I see all these masters of life in expensive cars passing through the red light, only one question is spinning in my head - did 1917 really teach you nothing at all?
    17. It infuriates when you correspond with someone and the answer comes only after fifteen minutes. In such cases, out of spite, I answer only after half an hour.
    18. You are talking about a decline in the birth rate, a fall in demographics... Would you yourself like to be born in a country where there are people like you?
    19. Some people, even in response to a smiley, still want to say: “well, why are you smiling?”
    20. Our officials love to relax and buy real estate in Europe, because this is one of the few places where our officials are not in power.
    21. My parents used to tell me that I walked too much and studied too little. Now they say that I work too hard and have too little rest.
    22. If my colleagues knew what I think of them, they would tell me what they think of me. Therefore, I am silent.
    23. Nothing lowers self-esteem like a walk in the evening park filled with couples in love.
    24. - And then I will lightly hug you, lean a little towards your ear and gently whisper: "Fuck you" ...
    25. To be honest, the only thing that saves me from rash actions is the understanding that if I go to jail for murder, there will be no one to feed my cat.

    Short, angry statuses

    Read the best statuses - angry, short and toxic. This is the best compilation of short poignant sayings, quotes, and aphorisms that the internet has to offer.

    1. I hope that somewhere in the parallel world, cats drown people. And they do it right.
    2. What is the most valuable thing in people? Internal organs, for them at least you can get something out.
    3. When will people understand that the main synonym for the word “in love” is the word “idiot”?
    4. In this world, all people are divided into two types - those who do not care about you, and those who do not know you.
    5. Life is when you strive for the light all your life, and then you hit your head against a lantern.
    6. People with bad breath always have a lot of stories they would like to share in confidence.
    7. Why is there still no law against breathing my air without my knowledge?
    8. I always wanted to see a person who, after the phrase “listen, calm down!” really calms down.
    9. If you can't get the person out of your head, try a window.
    10. People who are constantly smiling are the most annoying. It feels like they would have put a bullet in the forehead with a smile.
    11. Sometimes I forget that I hate these people, but then we meet again.
    12. Of course, I'm not a shaman, but if you f*ck in a tambourine, it won't seem enough!
    13. Of course, a man can break a girl's heart, but a woman can break his balls in response.
    14. Today you help a person, and tomorrow he does not help you.
    15. I promise that after your death I will not cry ... except from laughter.
    16. I never tell people about my problems. I don't want to cheer them up and make them happy.
    17. Please don't break my nerve cells! Otherwise, you will free my nervous tigers.
    18. Every night, before falling asleep, I think about you, scum.
    19. I'm not paranoid, I just know too well what to expect from you.
    20. Only juice is good, all normal people are evil.
    21. Tell me who your enemy is and I'll tell you where to find the gun.
    22. Call an ambulance? hmm.. have you already learned your lesson?
    23. Experience tells us that the most arrogant people are those who pretend to be modest.
    24. The mood is such that you want to go somewhere. Like in the face!
    25. - You know, I've seen you somewhere before. Isn't that your face on the can of stew?