Life without stress. How to live without tension and stress? Helpful Relaxation Techniques

All doctors recommend avoiding stress. They say that this will help you not get hypertension and stomach ulcers, not gain too much weight, and not get a heart attack. And this is completely reasonable advice, which, however, cannot be followed. Because no matter where you go, stress awaits you everywhere: at a parent-teacher meeting at school (your child is not up to the level of a genius), at work (deadlines, inadequate clients, sick bosses) and even in the store where you went to buy bread (the bread turned out to be callous, and even some old woman was rude).

What is stress for?

Life without stress is impossible. Moreover, stress is a great driving force that forces us to develop. Thanks to it, new neural connections are formed in the brain, valuable experience is formed and a person adapts to new conditions. Therefore, the idiot who cuts you off on the road or the perfectionist boss should be perceived as part of a brain-developing environment and treat what is happening with a reasonable amount of complacency. And a new job that promises professional and financial growth, although it makes you worry, should be perceived as a gift from heaven. This is “good” stress, which forces the brain to work hard, but does not carry the risk of burnout or failure of all body systems. Its result is the emergence of new skills, increased self-confidence, and expanded adaptive capabilities.

It's another matter when stress unsettles you. A loan that takes away more than half of your income. Death of a loved one. A serious illness that requires you to reconsider your usual way of life and imposes a lot of restrictions. Such events force the body to go into “emergency mode.” There is no question of adaptation here - just to survive. The body starts a chain of reactions that are not useful in the long term, but help to survive here and now. The level of the hormone cortisol in the blood increases. Appetite changes: either it intensifies, a craving for sweet and fatty foods appears; or it almost disappears, and the piece does not fit into the throat. Blood pressure rises. The mood changes. Anxiety appears. It is either constantly present or comes in waves of panic. Chronic diseases may worsen and new ones may appear.

It is important to understand that the division of stress into “good” and “bad” is conditional. For example, the birth of a child is clearly a positive event that should provide a unique experience. However, with high levels of anxiety, parenting can turn into hell for an eternity. And “good” stress becomes “bad”.

Many of us are forced to live in a state of extreme stress. And there is no way to change the situation, you can only change yourself. Good news: healthy people with stable self-esteem, low levels of anxiety and an active lifestyle are more likely to survive long-term stress without significant damage to the body and psyche

It is quite possible to achieve, if not complete zen, then at least a state of relative calm. Here are a few simple steps to help you stay healthy during long-term, high-stress situations.


In a state of stress, anxiety takes up a significant part of the mental resource. Therefore, doing usual things becomes more and more difficult. It's a real problem getting out of bed in the morning. Brushing your teeth is a Herculean effort. Getting dressed and going to work is a feat. The hardest thing to do in this state is decision making. Therefore, it is worth making your life simple and predictable. Following a daily routine helps with this.

It needs to be compiled wisely, ignoring the hysterical advice of sad-sack healthy lifestyle people. To do this, you will need to remember what time you have to wake up in order to plan an approximate time for going to bed. Breakfast, lunch, dinner - at approximately the same time, but without violence against yourself. It is important to set aside a certain time for work, physical activity and, of course, for your favorite activity. That is, the daily routine should not turn into a prison routine, where there are only obligations to family and society. Time for yourself should be as sacred as project deadlines at work. Even if it’s just 15 minutes of daily cross-stitching or watching a funny cartoon.


The hardest thing about meditation is to believe that there is nothing complicated about it and just start. Any quiet place where you will not be distracted for at least 5-10 minutes is suitable for this activity. You can meditate while sitting or lying down. To do this, relax all the muscles that are not needed to maintain a comfortable position, and try to stop thinking about anything, and just watch your breathing. At first, it helps to repeat “inhale” and “exhale” to yourself, fixing your own breathing cycle. Extraneous thoughts will still come. You just need to notice them, let them go and return to focusing on your breathing.

Walking meditation may help some. For example, in the morning, on the way to work, you can try to stop the flow of thoughts and listen to your own silence of the mind. At the same time, it helps to focus on the rhythm of steps and the sensations brought by cool air, birdsong, car noise, and various smells. The main thing is not to allow yourself to be distracted by extraneous thoughts, but to switch to the “here and now” mode.

Just a few minutes of meditation a day can help keep your psyche in a resourceful state. Modern research shows that even a short daily “silence of the mind” helps to establish the formation of new neural connections in the areas of the brain that are responsible for making volitional decisions, making plans, emotional reactions, memory and attention.

Full sleep

Sleeping at least 8 hours a day is another important component for the normal state of the body and psyche. When under stress, sleep is often disturbed: disturbing thoughts and negative emotions interfere. In this situation, you can and should fight for quality sleep in all available ways: ventilation, complete darkness of the room, the habit of going to bed at the same time, giving up gadgets 2-3 hours before bedtime.

If this doesn't work, you can try herbal sleep aids and melatonin-based medications. It is not recommended to resort to sleeping pills of the benzodiazepine group (diazepam, alprazolam, clonazepam) - they disrupt the structure of sleep and, although they increase the duration, make it unproductive. In any case, you should consult a specialist about medications to normalize sleep. In some cases, a cup of mint tea before bed helps. In other situations, a long course of antidepressants may be required.

"Doing Nothing"

Anxiety in a stressful situation forces you to constantly do something. And even though these actions are meaningless and unproductive, it seems that the person maintains an active life position and does not allow stress to take over. But that's not true. Imitating Brownian motion does not bring relief and increases the destructive effects of stress.

However, it is important to separate truly necessary things from vanity. This skill will help you make time for an important therapeutic technique for stress: doing nothing. It is especially useful for those who have never mastered meditation. A walk from work to home, half an hour in the kitchen with a cup of tea and an interesting book, or just lying on the couch helps you slow down and establish a dialogue with yourself, better understand your own emotions and needs in the current moment.

Drug support

A common mistake is to treat your body in a state of stress like an unloved horse that you don’t mind driving. On this wave, people usually pour liters of coffee into themselves, and if that doesn’t help, the search for drugs with a psychostimulating effect begins. The belief that you can “hack” your own brain with nootropics without consequences, to speed it up like a tired animal so that it can work for the benefit of the whole organism, is in fact a dangerous delusion.

Abuse of nootropics under stress can lead to sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, trembling hands, decreased concentration, mood instability, and tearfulness.

A stressful situation should be perceived as a reason to treat yourself even more carefully than usual. Drowsiness, decreased attention and memory for current events are a sign that the “internal fuses” have tripped and it’s time to rest, and not at all a signal “it’s time to drink coffee and eat 200 g of sugar in the form of a chocolate bar from the machine.”

The main problem in a stressful situation is the feeling of anxiety. The body spends an inadmissible amount of effort to produce this emotion and neutralize its consequences. Therefore, drug support for stress should be aimed at reducing anxiety. For this purpose, the doctor may prescribe “daytime” tranquilizers that do not cause drowsiness, reduce attention span and do not in any way affect mental activity, as well as antidepressants with anti-anxiety effects or other drugs.

Prolonged stress is a test of endurance. Therefore, to overcome it you will need to think strategically. Chronic stress can be compared to running a long distance race. A one-time effort will not play a special role here, but the ability to rationally manage your own strength will help you win.

Laura Horne is the program director at Active Minds, the first national nonprofit organization dedicated to educating students about mental health. Prior to joining Active Minds, she led community initiatives at the National Association of County and City Health Officials and Tulane University. She received her MPH from Tulane University. She is certified by the National Commission on Certification in Health Education as a Health Education Specialist.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Stress, which is also known as the “fight or flight response,” helps us avoid danger. However, excessive amounts of stress lead to health problems and can negatively affect other aspects of life. Learn to understand the causes of stress to improve your well-being.


Daily stress management

    Control your stress levels. It is important to assess your stress levels in order to make changes to reduce your overall stress levels and manage stress effectively. Monitor your stress levels over time and write down how often you feel stressed throughout the week. Of course, the amount of stress will change depending on life events, but this initial assessment will allow you to begin to solve the problem.

    Identify your stress triggers. After monitoring and assessing your stress levels, try to identify specific causes of stress. There are many sources of stress. What causes you stress? Job? Relationship? Financial condition? Children? Trying to determine the exact cause will be the first step towards solving the problem.

    Consider strategies for eliminating triggers. Once you know the sources of your stress, begin problem solving. Determine what aspects of the event or trigger are within your control so you can focus on the things that are within your control. A common cause of stress is the simple accumulation of responsibilities and tasks that take away time for rest and relaxation.

    Start planning your time wisely. Along with reducing the number of obligations, you should effectively plan your time and find intervals in which you do not have to go somewhere and do something. This will give you a clear understanding of how you are willing to spend your time, which will help you in all aspects of your life. Don't be afraid to delegate or put off tasks that don't require immediate attention.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you suffer from stress and anxiety, you shouldn't feel like you have to deal with the problems on your own. Reach out to a close friend or relative and talk about your feelings. Communication plays an important role and helps relieve tension. It is not necessary to have overly serious conversations and share your deep secrets.

    Understand that there is no easy solution. Monitoring your stress levels, identifying triggers, and developing strategies will help you gradually reduce your stress levels. It is important to understand that there is no instant miracle solution to a busy lifestyle. You need to use the suggested methods and perceive the problems and hardships of life in the modern world with a dose of humor. The ability to see the funny in everyday things will help you deal with inevitable difficulties more easily.

    Physical activity

    1. Exercise regularly. Scientists suggest that physical activity helps combat stress, mild depression and anxiety due to chemical changes in the brain that improve mood. Regular physical exercise also improves your overall health through self-control and increased self-esteem.

      Make time for activities that bring you pleasure. In addition to regular physical exercise, you also need to please yourself with other activities. For example, go to the cinema, meet friends in a cafe or play with the dog. Such activities will help you take your mind off stressful situations and relax.

      • Having the right balance in your life can significantly reduce your stress levels.
      • A happy medium between work and personal life reduces stress and increases productivity.
      • Forgetting about friends will only increase stress over time.


      Laura Horne is the program director at Active Minds, the first national nonprofit organization dedicated to educating students about mental health. Prior to joining Active Minds, she led community initiatives at the National Association of County and City Health Officials and Tulane University. She received her MPH from Tulane University. She is certified by the National Commission on Certification in Health Education as a Health Education Specialist.

      Health Education Specialist

      You should take care of yourself regularly. Health education specialist Laura Horne says, “Self-care increases our ability to live a fulfilling life. This behavior also reminds you and others that your needs are important.”

      Do yoga. In addition to the usual pleasant activities, strive to find new interests and hobbies. Yoga is a good option because it combines physical activity, relaxation techniques, and peace and quiet. Yoga has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety.

    Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle

      Start eating right. Just like regular exercise, proper balanced nutrition allows you to live a healthier lifestyle. Healthy and positive dietary changes will make you stronger physically and emotionally. Active self-care will increase self-esteem, recharge your energy and better control your body, and a healthy diet will ensure that your body functions effectively.

      Maintain a healthy sleep schedule. The average adult requires 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. Lack of sleep increases stress, and chronic sleep deprivation can impair judgment, logical thinking, appearance, libido, and performance at work and school. The following ways can help you get more sleep:

      • develop and maintain a constant sleep schedule;
      • Before going to bed, do relaxing activities (reading, breathing exercises);
      • turn off electronic devices;
      • go to bed in comfortable conditions;
      • Avoid caffeine and alcohol, which disrupt sleep.
    1. Drink less alcohol. Stay within recommended drinking limits to take care of your emotional health. Men are not recommended to frequently drink more than three to four servings per day. Women should limit themselves to two to three servings. This temptation often arises in tense situations, but in fact, alcohol enhances feelings and makes a person angry and aggressive.

      • One serving of alcohol corresponds to approximately 25 milliliters of a drink with an alcohol content of 40%, 150 milliliters of beer with an alcohol content of 5-6%, or half a standard (175 milliliters) glass of wine with an alcohol content of 12%.
      • There are special apps that help you monitor your alcohol consumption.
      • If drinking alcohol becomes a problem, you should consult a doctor.
    2. Quit smoking. If you smoke, try smoking less or quitting to relieve stress and anxiety and see life in a positive light. In addition to the obvious physical health benefits, quitting smoking will benefit your mental health. You shouldn't believe the myths that smoking helps you relax. In fact, smoking increases anxiety and tension.

    Helpful Relaxation Techniques

    1. Take up meditation. In addition to making lifestyle changes and cutting out unnecessary responsibilities to free up time for yourself, try a variety of relaxation techniques to help you relieve stress. Meditation is an ancient practice that helps calm the mind and live at peace with oneself. Try sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing.

      • If thoughts arise in your head, return to focusing on your regular breathing.
      • You can also focus on an object in front of you or visualize a calm place like the seashore.
      • It may be difficult at first, but over time your mediation skills will improve.

Last month I worked ten times more than usual. During this time, I managed to get nervous, disrupt my sleep and proper nutrition. Well, at least I love my job. But what I am grateful for during this stressful period is that I especially fully realized how much a healthy lifestyle affects my well-being. That is, it is clear that I knew about it, but now I experienced it myself.

Previously, I understood that I needed to eat right, wake up early, do more yoga, blah blah blah. But if I didn’t have a cheerful mood, then no argument of reason could drag me onto the mat or refuse candy. All these rules seemed like some kind of obligation, a stupid duty, and I did the opposite to them, organizing a feast of destructive behavior. There were, of course, unpleasant consequences, but I didn’t really notice them, because I lived a relatively measured life and against its background all the rough edges were smoothed out.

But when you find yourself in extreme conditions, when every minute counts, when you must be full of strength and energy in order to work hard and effectively, then every harmful prank of yours immediately makes itself felt. All turned out to be connected! Late awakening, lack of physical activity, skipping breakfast, late going to bed provoke overeating, apathy, insomnia, bad mood, psychological exhaustion - conditions in which it is impossible to work or live. By the end of the day, you feel completely defeated and realize that this can’t go on anymore.

And I would give up all this work and send the deadlines to hell, but you understand that you can’t. And the only solution to the problem is to somehow change your lifestyle and reconsider your attitude towards stressful tasks. And lo and behold! It turns out that the banal truths of a healthy lifestyle are the only thing that can save your inflamed brain and help you meet deadlines!

So, what actions will help minimize stress, quickly replenish energy, and remain effective. And beautiful, which is important (because skin and hair react to life’s difficulties first of all).

  1. Diet. No matter how tired I am, I’m no longer going to cheer myself up with pastries and coffee, because I know: this will result in a loss of energy in an hour, and in a day - another need for something sweet, harmful and high-calorie. It's definitely not worth it. I just remove this option. If I want to support myself with food, I choose nuts, honey, and fruits as a snack. I make porridge for breakfast, even if I don’t really want it - it will help me feel full (when I skipped breakfast or replaced it with my favorite sweet - dates with coffee, I immediately noticed that I was eating three times more during the day, and not I'm always full). I have warm soup for lunch and more legumes for dinner. I eat a lot of buckwheat - a magic cereal!
  2. Water. Another platitude that will make your eyes roll. I always knew that I needed to drink water, but I didn’t take this commandment seriously. But when my appearance began to reflect the stress I was experiencing, I realized that I looked much fresher and felt better when I drank regularly. As a result, I practically gave up tea and coffee, because the treasured 8 glasses would not fit otherwise. I drink water, boiled and cooled, 30 minutes before meals and no earlier than an hour after meals. This makes you want to eat less.
  3. Yoga. Asanas are a serious physical activity, and loading yourself up at a time when you are already extremely busy seems illogical. Still, now I understand that yoga is not a load, but a reboot: after pranayamas, poses, especially Shavasana, you feel some kind of rebirth and readiness to take on tasks with renewed vigor.
  4. Facial skin and hair care. Again: no matter how tired I am, my skin and hair need care. Removing makeup, steam baths, scrubs, face and hair masks, regular cleansing - I do all this even when I’m very tired and don’t want anything at all. It takes discipline, but is worth the effort in the end.
  5. Dream. Last but not least is waking up and going to bed at the same time. Of course, in theory this all sounds very nice, but in practice - during times of stress it is quite difficult to relax and fall asleep; you want to watch a TV series instead of going to bed. That's why I do a few things before bed that help me calm down and fall asleep easier: aromatherapy, self-massage, walking, reading a book... Do something that relaxes you.
Well, and finally: let's plan our affairs in advance and procrastinate less.

Whether we like it or not, our lives are often filled with tension and stress. We try to fight this and each look for our own ways to relax, relieve stress and tension. Are you familiar with the internal state of anxiety and worry “out of the blue”? That is, from scratch.

When everything seems to be going your way, you are coping with a lot of all sorts of questions and problems, but your feelings indicate that something remains unresolved? Is there anything else that urgently needs to be done and resolved? And for the hundredth time you again go through all your affairs in your head in search of a “weak spot”.

Feelings of emptiness and disappointment

I had a consultation with a man who had a built business behind him, a wonderful family, and many travels and achievements of various levels...

But inside, despite all this, he was completely empty, as if everything had burned out, nothing in life made him happy: so many opportunities and no internal strength or desires to realize them! Half my life was still ahead, but how to live if there is a “desert” inside...

This state of disappointment and depression occurs when we upset the balance of internal forces given to us by nature. We have been given enormous strength to realize our plans and dreams. But it is our responsibility to fill ourselves with energy from within, giving ourselves rest and time to recover after hard work.

It is important to sometimes step away from everything external, plunging into our inner space, where we can be alone with ourselves, free, relaxed and open to new fresh ideas.

No one ever raised us in this way: to be able to take care of ourselves, fill ourselves with new energy, free ourselves from stress... We were raised to be strong so that we could cope with any difficulties in life and pass any tests. "Life is a fight!" - a slogan that still controls many, many people.

Why is it so easy to identify a Russian person abroad...

How easy it is to identify a Russian person abroad by his tense face and behavior. My husband and I were vacationing in Prague, and we were easily identified by those who needed it: metro inspectors, knowing that foreigners (Russians) often get lost in new conditions and confuse something with tickets and the route.

Our tickets on public transport were checked several times and once we were fined a decent amount, which we were very offended by! It is impossible to agree in Russian!

The ability to relax in Russian is already a byword! We sailed on a beautiful cruise ship, where there were a group of 25 Russians for 1800 passengers.

And five Russian businessmen, for two wonderful weeks (and we visited 7 capitals of Europe), drank vodka every day and, screaming, threw themselves into all the pools of the liner (there were 4 or 5 of them) in turn. This is how they relieved stress. At the end of the trip they said: “Well, now we can get back to business!”

Of course, everyone chooses their own ways of relaxation, but it’s great if this also happens with respect for yourself and with respect for other people. We are learning this, and all possibilities are now open to this!!

The lack of respect that existed in our country quite recently is now decreasing and melting before our eyes! A person always unerringly chooses the correct and best option for himself if he begins to listen to himself at least a little and rely on his criterion “what do I like?”

Source of peace and joy

No matter what happens in your life, no matter what dangerous situations you experience, no matter what difficulties you encounter, your inner source of well-being and happiness is always open!! No one will ever block it except you yourself. It is open to everyone at any moment of their life!

They said that even in concentration camps there were always people who shone with love and compassion, helped others and treated everything that happened around them with deep inner peace.

They knew that their source of life and well-being was within them and this was unchanged! It was from him that they drew strength to live on, not just to live, but to take care of others - as much as was possible then.

How to be filled with energy and calm?

We can do this and live in a sense of deep inner well-being every day. Even sometimes turning off the path, return there, simply realizing your desire for happiness, peace and joy. For example, meditating every day for 15-20 minutes, we are filled with energy and calm for a long period.

Meditation is a way to live consciously: to see your problems and see ways to solve them, to see your values ​​and follow them, to give yourself the opportunity to show respect for your inner Personality!! Take care of yourself and constantly grow!

Some people make this the meaning of their life – meditation. He teaches this to others and constantly improves himself in this. And for me, this is a way of caring and respect for myself and my life, an opportunity to be filled with inner energy and confidence. It's the same as doing exercises in the morning. Exercise is taking care of your body, meditation is taking care of your mental state.

Both lead you to understanding yourself in life and to awareness. It is such simple things that can lead a person to such global questions as Purpose in life and finding one’s place in the world.

It is such simple things that give you a feeling of confidence that only you control your life. Make it a rule to devote time to this! It's about creating healthy habits that can easily and simply improve everyone's life in a matter of weeks!

Excessive tension and stress are ready to disappear from your life if you want it! Change your old habits of driving yourself, exhausting and stressing yourself out, without giving yourself the opportunity to rest and take a break.

Create new habits to take care of yourself: your body and soul. Get to know yourself better: “What do you really want in life?” And just start doing it!

Irina Udilova

Almost every day in our lives something happens that makes us experience negative emotions, worries or shocks, or simply put: experience stress. And it is absolutely not necessary that these are some serious or tragic events, no. Minor quarrels, conflicts in a store or public transport, various troubles at work, at home. All this leads to the fact that we do not even notice that we are constantly in a state of stress. This state of the nervous system cannot lead to anything good. I set a goal for myself: to learn to maneuver between all these negative events, to learn to pass them not through myself, but by myself.

How to learn to live without stress?

I have never considered myself an envious person. Moreover, I really never felt envy of anyone or anything. But after reading the recommendations of psychologists on how best to relieve tension and relax, I “experienced” this feeling in relation to those women who can afford to spend whole days doing nothing but themselves.

They are not stopped by the presence of household responsibilities and worries, children, and a husband. They live for themselves and for themselves. Perhaps their nervous system really is in a calm state, but, to be honest, I personally am not interested in calm at this cost and do not need it. If my husband finds attention and care on the side, and the children consider their mother an insensitive egoist who does not know how to give at least a little warmth and affection, then why do I need such peace? For what?

Perhaps someone will disagree with me - that is his right. But I believe that The purpose of a woman is the warmth and comfort of the family hearth . In every sense of this definition. I'm not saying that a woman should fall over the kitchen stove or walk around with dirty hair for a week. Of course not. A woman must take care of herself and be in shape, but not live in salons, solariums and shops while shopping. Everything should be in moderation.

And psychologists assure that it is precisely these women whose nervous system is in perfect order (why and where should they be nervous?!). To stay calm you need to work hard on yourself, spending a huge amount of mental strength. . I would even say that serenity and balance are an art. And I must admit, not everyone is given the opportunity to possess it. But it's still worth learning.

Main directions

Reassure yourself that you are in control of the situation. First you need to create, and then strictly follow, your own daily routine. Of course, no one is immune from unpleasant surprises, but, ultimately, only we ourselves influence our routine. People and circumstances naturally influence what happens in our lives, but not to the extent that we sometimes think. The final result and the decision on what to do should be ours alone. And this feeling of control over the situation is an important component of mental balance. .

  • . There is a joke that a pessimist's glass is half empty, and an optimist's glass is half full. Hence the conclusion: you need to learn to look at things positively. Some people look at the world positively from birth, due to their character, while others need to make an effort to learn this. Often people experience stress if they cannot get or do what they want and, on the contrary, they enjoy it when everything turns out the way they planned. The fear of failure is so great that it can cause not only stress, but also panic and even depression. So maybe we shouldn't let our fears of a potential fiasco override our hope? After all, all our fears and concerns are exclusively in our heads. Therefore, only a positive attitude and faith in the implementation of our plans will help keep our nerves in order.
  • Let's not forget about reality . Of course, it is important and necessary to believe in the positive outcome of any undertaking, but you should not do this with rose-colored glasses. You need to be able to look at things realistically, because believing in the best while heading into a sewer with your eyes closed is, to say the least, stupid. It happens that it is better to accept the situation as it is and just wait it out.
  • This does not mean that people who know how to keep their emotions and feelings under control do not dream . They just dream more rationally: they make plans, but they can also laugh at their fantasies if they fail. And the main thing is that they always have several options for solving the problem in their heads. And this is important.
  • We don't pay attention to the little things . One of the most important rules for a calm life: don’t worry about the little things! If the problem is minor and you will forget about it in a couple of months, it is not worth your nerves at all. You need to learn to set your priorities correctly, including emotional ones. For example, if in the middle of a working day a friend calls you and talks about some unimportant things, feel free to reschedule the conversation until after working hours, and if a loved one calls and he urgently needs your help, or something happened, then you should not postpone the conversation for later. Make it a habit to ask yourself, “Am I spending my time wisely?” at moments when you doubt the need for this or that action, if you answer yourself “No!” - feel free to put it off for later. Naturally, this does not apply to the performance of your job duties.
  • We don't promise too much . It happens that the cause of stress is our desire to please others. Sometimes we say what they want to hear from us, and not what corresponds to our real capabilities. As a result of the fact that you cannot fulfill your promises and let people down, you get stressed. Plus, a gnawing feeling of guilt. And the solution is very simple: make fulfilling promises, or promise less than your capabilities.
  • Keep calm and give in . Sometimes you even need to change your behavior to avoid stress. For example, your work colleague is proving something to you, and you know for sure that he is wrong, but you cannot prove it. Keep silent, give in, listen to his arguments. This will make it easier for you to understand where he made a mistake and try to explain the situation to him. In this way, you will help the person and show yourself as a reasonable, calm person.
  • We take care of our health . The main enemy of stress, as well as other problems of the nervous system, is a complex of vitamins (which must include B vitamins), as well as antioxidants (as prescribed by a doctor). The basis of a healthy nervous system is sleep and proper nutrition.

Five secrets to a peaceful life

Secret #1: Rest breaks

Whatever you do, rest should be an obligatory element of your activity. Well, with the exception, perhaps, of doctors, or rather surgeons.

Take time throughout the day to relax and relax your muscles. The fact is that stress leads to muscle tension: we can clench our jaws or lift and tense our shoulders. Being in such a tense state for our body is the first step towards other, more serious diseases.

Secret No. 2. Reduce your consumption of coffee and strong tea

Coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks, such as tea and cola, stimulate the nervous system and lead to increased irritability.

A person can drink no more than three cups of coffee a day, with a minimum interval of two hours. But for some, even one cup will be enough to become agitated and irritable. Therefore, you must decide for yourself whether you can take coffee or not. Observe the body’s reaction after drinking a cup, and if it has a negative effect on the body, refuse it.

Secret No. 3. Exercise

It is quite possible to relieve tension, including stress, with the help of physical or aerobic exercise.

The processes occurring in the body during physical activity fill the cells with useful substances and actively fight against overexertion. It is quite enough to exercise three times a week for half an hour. But one lesson is enough. As they say, it's better than nothing at all.

Secret No. 4. Proper breathing

To calm down, you should breathe evenly, deeply and slowly.

When we are excited and tense, our breathing will be faster and shallower. By slowing down our breathing, we will become more relaxed, calm our minds, emotions and, as it were, reduce the speed of our body.

Secret No. 5. Make friends with your problems

When you are constantly surrounded by problems, you are also constantly under stress. But sooner or later you will need to stop to understand what is wrong. What prevents you from relaxing and living a stress-free life? Is it possible to solve these problems?

If, after considering all the options, you have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to change the situation either on your own or with the help of loved ones, then you need to change your attitude towards it. It will become much easier for you when you accept your problem as a given and do not torture yourself every day.


These five secrets need to be taken as a rule and put into practice every day. At first it will be difficult and unfamiliar, but when you learn to follow them and use them regularly, you will like the result.

And remember: our stresses feed and grow thanks to our excessive attention to them. That is, the more we fear or worry, the stronger they grow. And vice versa, the less attention, the weaker they are.

Learn to let go of negativity, do not keep unpleasant memories, petty quarrels, depressing thoughts in your soul and memory. Positive people are much less likely to experience stress due to minor problems because they are confident that they have everything under control. And if the first option does not help, then the second will definitely help. To be more calm and balanced, you need to learn to do the same: remember the good, believe in your own strength and rest more . And then there is simply no place for stress in your life!