Energy boost for the whole day. How to recharge yourself with positive energy

Life energy nourishes our entire body. When there is a lot of it, you want to move mountains. But various aspects of modern life - lack of sleep, stress, long travel - can significantly reduce your tone and have a bad effect on your feeling of vigor. When strength runs out and fatigue sets in, even the simplest things become difficult. But there are a few tricks that will help you quickly recharge your batteries and feel full of strength.

    The right fuel

    It’s not for nothing that they say: you are what you eat. Food is fuel for our body. How much energy our body ultimately produces depends on what foods and at what time of the day we eat. Usually one meal lasts for a couple of hours, so nutritionists recommend eating regularly - every three hours. Portions should be small and balanced - proteins, fats, fiber and some sweets. At the same time, fats take longer to digest, so to feel more energetic, it is better to eat less fatty foods. Pure protein will best charge the body.

    Glucose for recharging

    Glucose is the main source of energy for humans. It nourishes the nerve cells of the brain and stimulates the heart. If glucose enters the body in insufficient quantities, a loss of strength is felt. To prevent this from happening, you can use supplements and special drinks with glucose to maintain strength, or include more sugary foods in your diet. Maintaining proper glucose levels is especially important for athletes.

    Mitochondrial Power

    Another energy generator in our body is mitochondria. You may not know anything about them, but it is these cellular particles that are responsible for the production of energy throughout the body. To stimulate their growth, you need to eat enough protein, minimize exposure to toxins in the body and exercise regularly. Swimming, cycling, brisk walking - if you spend only half an hour three times a week on such exercises, your mitochondria will make sure you feel alert and energetic.

    Posture like a rod

    Correct posture is the basis for increased vitality. A slouched back interferes with the flow of energy and can cause fatigue. If you straighten your back, the forces will be evenly distributed throughout the body and nourish the brain - a charge of vivacity is guaranteed.

    More light

    Darkness and insufficient lighting “lull” the body and cause a feeling of fatigue. To awaken your inner strength, spend more time in the light. Walking on a sunny day, as well as the right light indoors, will help recharge your energy.

    Ear massage

    It sounds strange, but ear massage can really add vitality. There are many biological points on the ears. By pressing on the ears and massaging the lobes, you can activate the work of the whole body. Just a couple of minutes of this massage is enough - and you will feel a surge of strength. For best results, you can do this several times a day.

    Contrast shower

    A contrast shower will help you recharge your batteries for the whole day. It improves blood circulation and metabolism, strengthens the nervous system and promotes rejuvenation of the body. Two minutes under hot water, then half a minute under cold water. There is no better way to feel energized in the morning.


    Constant fatigue may be a sign of a lack of vitamin B. Performance also decreases if insufficient iron enters the blood. So, in this case, it is better to enrich your diet with foods high in these nutrients or replace them with a multivitamin complex.

    Breathing according to the yogi method

    Different types of breathing exercises will help you restore strength and feel a surge of energy. Yogis breathe like this - a deep breath and twenty to thirty quick, abrupt exhalations. This exercise needs to be repeated several times - then the brain will be saturated with oxygen, which, in turn, will tone the body.

    Music will set the rhythm

    Good music can not only lift your mood, but also improve your performance. According to recent studies, listening to your favorite tunes activates brain activity and helps you cope with tasks faster. So, energetic music can give a good boost of energy.

Do you feel squeezed like lemon during the day? Are you tired from work, from friendly get-togethers, and you don’t have the energy to go out somewhere in the evening? If you answered yes to these questions, you need to recharge your batteries. To do this, you need to maintain a diet that will give you energy and also try a few tricks to energize your body and mind. If you need to recharge, follow the tips below.


Recharge through power

    Drink water. If you want to energize yourself, you should drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. Even if you don't feel thirsty, drink water; it will replenish lost energy. Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go. Always drink water. Drink a glass of water with every meal or snack to help stay hydrated.

    Don't get carried away with caffeine. Nobody forbids you to completely give up drinks rich in caffeine, just remember that they do not provide energy for a short period, but then fatigue and apathy come. Try not to drink coffee after noon. If you drink coffee, you don't need to drink it in 10 minutes, drink it slowly. The caffeine found in tea is not as dangerous as the caffeine found in coffee, so it's best to drink tea instead of coffee to avoid depleting your energy too quickly.

    • In addition, caffeine keeps you awake when you should be asleep, that is, at night. You don't get enough sleep, so there is no talk of vigor. Try to break this cycle to feel energized.
    • If you want to stop consuming a lot of caffeine, you may want to stop drinking it gradually, otherwise you may feel drained or exhausted, especially if you are used to consuming large amounts of it.
  1. Don't overdo it with alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant that makes you drowsy. You might think that going to a bar and drinking five beers at a time with your friends gives you energy. We hasten to disappoint you - you are wrong. Alcohol makes you tired and irritable without you even realizing it.

    Get enough sleep. Good sleep is key if you want to stay energized. You may only be tired because you haven't slept enough. You might think that willpower and caffeine will cope with five hours of sleep the previous night, but nothing beats a good night's sleep. Sleep about 7-8 hours a day, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time. If you change your routine frequently, you risk getting a disruption in your body's circadian rhythm.

Energize your mind

    Listen to rhythmic music. Turn on the music and you will feel much better. If you feel like your energy is running low, turn on your favorite music. Call a friend to dance with you or dance yourself. Just move around and you will feel a surge of vigor and strength.

    • Try listening to classical music, even if it's not your style. It has been proven that classical music is good for awakening and energizing.
  1. Switch from one thing to another. Another way to recharge your energy is to switch to a new activity. Let's say you studied for a chemistry exam for three hours and now you feel tired. Well, try doing something else. Start writing an essay in English or write that dreaded paragraph in Spanish. Switching to another activity is something that always helps you feel energized.

    • Even if the task you switched to is not as interesting and important as the previous one, the very attempt to switch will make you feel more energetic.
    • Start your day off with a to-do list. This way, the list of things you can switch to will be ready, and you won't waste energy.
  2. Praise yourself for your achievements. Praise or reward does a wonderful job of motivating you to continue and energizing you. Tell yourself that you will eat ice cream after four hours of work. Tell yourself that you will finally go and watch that movie or show you've been wanting to watch with your friends after work. Just the thought that something pleasant is ahead of you can inspire you to do good work and give you the necessary boost of energy.

    • You can even reward yourself without leaving your desk. Tell yourself that after half an hour of work, you will read that article that your best friend sent you.
  3. There is no need to do several things at the same time. You may think that if you do several things at the same time, the process will go faster; however, research has shown that doing so will make you more tired, irritable, and less focused than doing just one thing. It is better to gradually get rid of the accumulated tasks. This way you will save your energy, and your tasks will not remain unfinished until the end.

  4. Try the "ten more minutes" trick. If in the middle of an activity you simply cannot continue doing what you are doing, tell yourself: “I will do this for ten more minutes.” Repeat this spell like a mantra every time. By setting such short time limits, you give yourself the opportunity to complete what you start with focus, rather than distractedly and losing all patience.

    • If these tricks work, you can set yourself longer time limits, say half an hour or an hour, if you want to properly manage your energy.
  5. Plan your day around your energy bursts. This is another way to stay energized throughout the day. Although many people are inexperienced in planning their day properly, small changes can have a big impact. If you know that you have the most energy in the morning, then run in the morning rather than after a working day. If you are slightly tired after lunch, then leave for this time work that does not require large amounts of energy on your part: do something simple.

    • Make a rough plan for your day and try to distribute your bursts of energy around this list. What part of your schedule can you change to make your life easier?
    • You cannot be one hundred percent sure of your energy surges and dips. Try to carefully monitor your actions and how you feel.
  6. Take a vacation. While you can't take a vacation every time you feel tired and need to recharge your batteries, you'll be surprised at how a long-awaited vacation can boost your energy levels when you're constantly having to return to the daily grind. Whether you're heading to Bermuda or just taking the day off to clean the house, try to find time to pamper yourself so that you'll feel happy and energized when you return to normal life.

    • If you can't afford a vacation, just one or two days off can help you relax and recharge.
  7. Rest every 60-90 minutes. Even the most focused and enthusiastic person should rest every hour or hour and a half. Any breaks, be it a 15-minute walk, calling home or just reading a few articles, will make you feel full of energy again and ready to move any mountains. A little rest for your mind will give you a new boost of energy and prevent you from getting burnt out at work. There is no need to sacrifice your lunch in order to get work done faster; have lunch and return to work with renewed vigor.

    • Short breaks are also good for your eyes. Turn away from the computer, read the newspaper, look out the window or go out into your garden. Your eyes will be tired if you sit at the computer for 8 hours straight.
  8. Communicate. If you feel that your brain can no longer withstand the load and is starting to malfunction, it's time to go for a walk with friends. When you're tired and want to sleep, a friendly get-together is the last thing you want, but it's what will recharge you with new energy. Talking with a close friend or sitting in a large group will give you a boost of energy because you will be communicating and having fun, instead of just sitting.

    • So next time you need a new boost of energy, call a friend and make an appointment. You will feel much better.

Sorry, we promised new and unconventional methods, but first we have to remind you of something banal. You already know that you need to sleep well, eat well and exercise. We won’t decipher it, few people follow it anyway. Let's say a few words about introducing a healthy lifestyle into your daily routine.

How to recharge your energy through exercise

Work out during your lunch break or at least go for a walk. In 2004, researchers from Leeds City University discovered John J. Ratey "Spark!: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain" that workers who visit a corporate gym show better results and cope with stress more easily. In addition, they enjoy their work more, experience less stress, and do not feel tired in the afternoon, despite the energy expenditure during training.

How to sleep more

4. Be optimistic

The soldiers need to make a forced march of 40 km in full armor. But some were told that the distance was 30 km. Others say that they will have to walk 60 km.

After completing the forced march, the researchers measured the levels of stress hormones in the blood of both groups. What happened? It turned out that stress corresponds not to reality, but to expectations.

What conclusion do we draw? Everyone gets what they expect.

The brain does not like to force the body to waste resources until it sees a real chance to win. Physical strength is inaccessible as long as there is no faith in success, because for the human body there is no worse situation than wasting all resources and failing. The moment confidence appears, a gate opens through which a flow of energy flows. Hope or despair is what we program ourselves for, say the authors of the book “Maximum Brain Power”.

Optimists have more energy. Pessimists have more stress. Everything depends not on objective circumstances, but on the point of view on them.

Right morning. Let's take it in order. First, let's decide what time you need to get up in the morning. Next, we’ll figure out how to get up in the morning and, in fact, what to do after waking up on time and correctly. How to recharge your energy for the whole day.

What time should you get up in the morning?

Rising time is very important for the day as a whole. I would even say key.

In this complex, the process of dynamics and movement is coordinated with the process of breathing. Therefore, Surya Namaskar is a logical continuation of breathing techniques. It will take no more than 5 minutes.


By clearing and warming your brain, saturating it with oxygen, and praying, you have ideally prepared yourself for meditation.

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If at the end of the day you feel overwhelmed, “squeezed like a lemon,” this means that you have used up all your vitality and have become energetically “bankrupt.”

In this case, a night's sleep does not bring relief; you have difficulty waking up in the morning and force yourself to begin your daily duties.

Do you want to get rid of fatigue and lack of energy? Do you want to be full of strength and greet the new day with joy?

Then you should reconsider your habits! It's actually very easy to do:

1. Train yourself to rise with the sun

Successful people get up early. Not in order to have time to do as much as possible. But because it allows you to tune in to nature, feel invigorated, full of ideas and more productive.

2. Learn to wake up CORRECTLY

The first 12 minutes after waking up are the basis of the whole day. HOW you spend this time will determine how your day will go.

Instead of going over what you didn't get done yesterday or making plans for today, engage in a gratitude practice. Thanksgiving for everything that IS in your life. And only after that get up.

What to do when your mood is at zero, and you wake up inexplicably anxious and even more tired than before going to bed?

3. Drink a glass of water at room temperature as soon as you get out of bed.

After 6-8 hours of sleep, your body becomes dehydrated. But water is a natural conductor of energy in the human body.

One glass of water restores energy circulation and also promotes digestion and elimination of toxins.

4. Start your morning with a short meditation

After you've had a glass of water and visited the ladies' room, find a comfortable position and relax.

Observe your breathing, heartbeat. Take several deep breaths with your heart, filling yourself with energy from the space around you. 5-7 minutes of short meditation will be enough to clear your mind of worries and worries.

During meditation, the brain changes the frequency of electrical impulses from everyday fast beta waves to deeper, calmer alpha waves. They induce a state of peace and relaxation in a person.

5. Take a contrast shower after a massage with aromatic oil

Massage is the best way to improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system and calm the mind. The aromatic oil will moisturize and soften your skin. Well, a contrast shower in the morning will help you get into active mode.

6. Do energy exercises

For those who are not a fan of morning exercises or yoga, there is a simple tool that will help you be energetic and full of strength. This is energy gymnastics.

It is performed in a standing position and consists of a series of deep inhalations and exhalations, with the help of which you direct the flow of energy from the heart up through the crown and from the heart down through the feet.

This practice takes 3-5 minutes, and energizes you for the whole day!

7. Be positive

Negative thoughts and emotions drain your energy. Moreover, they attract troubles and obstacles to you.

Before you start work or daily activities, have a positive mindset. Remember pleasant events from your life, plunge into a feeling of joy and pleasure, give thanks for what the coming day brings you and open up to new opportunities.