Replacing the front door lock cylinder with your own hands. How to replace a door lock cylinder - detailed instructions for simple steps How to change the core in a lock

The cylinder is the part of the cylinder lock mechanism into which the key is inserted when the door is unlocked. If the lock breaks down, there is no need to buy a whole new mechanism. It is enough to replace its cylinder, which can be bought along with the keys in a specialized store or on the market. In this case, there is no need to remove the lock from the door, and all manipulations with it will take 15-20 minutes. You will learn how to do this work from today's material.

To replace the mechanism you will need a tape measure and a screwdriver. First you need to remove the old cylinder and measure its length, width and diameter, so that later you can buy a new mechanism that is suitable in size. To dismantle the cylinder, you need to unscrew the bolt that secures it, which is located on the edge of the door. After this, use the key to move the lock to the open position. Now, by pressing the cylinder from the outside, you can easily remove it from the lock.

If the core mechanism is broken or the key is stuck in it, it will not be possible to remove the larva in the usual way. Then you need to use a drill with a 10 mm drill bit and drill out the core of the lock. After such an operation, the larva can be easily removed.

When choosing a new larva in the store, in addition to the size, you should pay attention to its color and design. It would be nice if the visible part of the new core matches the shade of the door hardware. As for the design of the cylinder, it can have two holes for keys, or one when the door is locked from the inside with a “turntable”. Decide which core device will be optimal for you.

The cheapest larva is not worth buying. They break easily because the material they are made of is too soft, like brass, and the linings are quite weak.

Installation of a new cylinder is carried out in the reverse order. It is inserted into the hole in the lock, the cam of the mechanism is turned with a new key to the closed position, and the mounting bolt is screwed into place.

The English cylinder is one of the most popular and at the same time vulnerable type of cylinder locks.

With the exception of such obvious situations as an absolute malfunction of the lock or the loss of a key, there are a number of other signs that suggest the need for an urgent replacement of the cylinder. It is very important to be able to correctly assess the condition of the core based on indirect signs, otherwise the front door may be blocked at one moment and, as a rule, this moment is always the most inopportune.

The mechanics of cylinder locks are quite delicate and wear of small parts leads to the fact that the pins (pins) do not rise to the required height, and accordingly the cylinder does not unlock. Much can be said by the condition of the key: the material from which it is made is approximately comparable in hardness to the parts of the cylinder. However, since one lock is opened with several keys, appropriate allowances must be made for the degree of wear.

It is optimal to compare the “working” keys from the keychain with the spare ones: lack of sharpness of edges, loss of height on the protrusions, changes in their shape and abrasion of the chrome plating - this is what you should pay primary attention to. On average, the larva of Turkish and Chinese production lasts from 3 to 5 years, European cores - from 7 to 10 years.

Fortunately, the English cylinder very rarely stops working suddenly, and there are a number of indirect signs that the lock will soon refuse to open. For example, when the cylinder jams halfway through a turn and turns all the way only if the key is wiggled in the hole. Other alarm bells may include extraneous sounds - crunching, clanging, creaking - both when inserting the key and when turning the lock. Often it is not the secret itself that fails, but the rotary cam of the larva - in terms of transmitting mechanical force, this is the most vulnerable part.

Going to the market: how to choose the right replacement

Since you cannot leave the apartment unlocked while you go to the store for a new lock, the lock will have to be disassembled several times. The first time the larva is removed for measurements, the second time - directly during replacement.

A diameter of 17 mm and a height of 33 mm are standard for most lock manufacturers: Apecs, KALE and the like have cylinders with exactly this cross-section, and even such advanced manufacturers as Abloy and Mul-T-Lock try to adhere to the general DIN standard for the greatest compatibility of their products. Therefore, if you decide to increase the security of your lock along with the replacement by installing a more sophisticated cylinder, there should be no problems. Rare exceptions include very old Soviet and Finnish-made locks, as well as fire doors, the locks of which have a unique teardrop-shaped cylinder shape.

Much more important than the cross-section of the larva is its length and the location of the mounting hole. The best option is to put the larva on a sheet of paper and trace the outline, not forgetting to also mark this very hole. No one forbids simply measuring the main dimensions and selecting a replacement based on them. There is, however, an important caveat: if the cylinder protrudes too much from the door, then opening such a lock will take five seconds. Therefore, it is better if the larva is slightly recessed into the door, and even better - completely hidden under the armor plate.

In the store you will be faced with a huge selection of larvae; without known sizes, it will be an attempt to find the right component at random

Please also note that the larvae may have a flywheel on one side, and it will no longer be possible to turn them to any side by adjusting the body protrusion. The presence of a flywheel is more convenient for interior doors, but on entrance doors this addition does not have the best effect on burglary resistance: the most popular method of opening is to drill the door with a crown and open it by hand from the inside. In addition, only the cylinder without a knob can be blocked from opening with a key.

Removing the old lock core

The process of removing the larvae is extremely simple and consists of three steps:

  1. We unscrew the bolt from the end of the door; it is usually located above the crossbars, exactly opposite the protrusion at the bottom of the cylinder. The bolt must be pulled out completely.
  2. Having inserted the key into the cylinder bore, turn it 10–15º so that the tongue is aligned with the body and does not interfere with removal.
  3. Since in this position the key will not come out of the lock, by pulling it we remove the cylinder.

Usually, it is most convenient to pull out the cylinder from the inside of the door; the armor plate gets in the way from the outside. The designs of doors and locks may differ, and sometimes the cylinder can only be pulled out to the “street” side, after first unscrewing the locking screw of the internal flywheel. This usually happens when the decorative lining of the lock on the inside has a hidden fastening and it is easier to dismantle the outer one.

The main thing when removing the cylinder is to remember that it is always removed without unnecessary effort and any locking indicates that the door or lock has not been sufficiently disassembled: the lining has not been removed, the bolt has not been fully pulled out, the cam is in the way.

Installation of a new larva

When installing the cylinder, you need to proceed in the reverse order. It is recommended to first compare the old and new cylinders for matching dimensions, position of the mounting hole and tongue.

We insert a new cylinder into the profile hole, having first turned the movable tongue using the key or flywheel. Moving the cylinder inside the lock a little, we try to get the bolt into the hole and bait it. If successful, the cylinder will immediately stop moving inside the door. It’s not difficult to get a bolt in; fortunately, a threaded hole almost always has a countersink.

After installing the new cylinder, we check the functionality first in the open state, then by closing the door from the inside, then we try to lock it from the outside. There should be no extraneous sounds when locking or unlocking; the stroke of the cylinder when turning the lock is free and absolutely vibration-free. The same is true when inserting a key - the new cylinder is always characterized by an absolutely smooth ride and a complete absence of play.

Emergency situations and common errors

For the entrance doors of private houses and summer cottages, the following incident is common: due to corrosion, the fastening screw boils strongly, and after licking the slots, it cannot be removed. In this case, the larva will have to be broken, and it will be very good if the door is open at the time of replacement. Having removed the armor plate from the outside (if there is one), you need to grab the protruding edge of the cylinder with adjustable pliers or a pipe wrench and turn it sharply. The weak point of any cylinder is in the narrow neck in the place where the hole is made for the bolt. If a crack appears here, the fastening will loosen and the screw can be removed.

Another unpleasant situation is when the key breaks in the lock. It is almost impossible to remove the debris, but often this is not required. Since the cylinder remains unlocked, it can be turned with considerable force, for example, by inserting a flat-head screwdriver into the well. It is only important not to push the fragment further than it should be; otherwise, you can also resort to breaking the core by its protruding part.

The surest way to open a lock with a faulty cylinder is to simply drill out the pins. You need to use a drill to mark the protruding part of the larva, where the manufacturer usually places the mark. The thickness of this part is 10 mm, so to break it you will need a drill of at least 6 mm. The core parts are usually not particularly hard (hence the low burglary resistance), but you need to make sure that the drill does not go to the side. The passage of the drill through the pins can be felt with your hands; it will be enough to drill out the secret from only one side.

Finally, do not forget that the safety of the larva largely depends on operating conditions. The internal mechanism cannot be lubricated at all; a small amount of lubricant is allowed only in the cam transmission. You should also always ensure that the keys are clean and before opening the door, check to see if a foreign object, such as a match or nail, has been inserted into the hole.

There are small things that surround us every day in everyday life. We only notice them when we purchase them in stores or send them in for repairs. And then you can understand how important these little things are in our lives and without them it would be much more problematic to maintain a comfortable existence. Among such things, one of the important little things is an ordinary lock.

In our age of nano- and digital technologies, this invention with a thousand-year history still remains in use almost unchanged. Every person, regardless of status or any other differences, uses locks every day. At home, at work, in the car, on bags or briefcases - wherever there is a need to close or lock something. Like everything a person uses, a lock is subject to wear and tear. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to replace the cylinder in the lock yourself.

Let's start by understanding the structure of the lock.

At first glance, there is nothing difficult here, since the cylinder is the very mechanism thanks to which the lock can only work with the key that is specially made for it. In other words, it is a cylinder into the core of which a key is inserted and interfaced with the secret mechanism of the cylinder. The secret mechanism is a set of pins that are designed in such a special way that only this key can open the lock. The second working part of the lock is the locking mechanism itself, which is controlled by the cylinder. That’s why it’s much easier to change just one cylinder, while the locking mechanism itself remains and, accordingly, the entire lock.

How is the face attached to the lock?

As a rule, the cylinder in the lock is attached to the end of the body in the area of ​​the door edge, secured with a special reliable screw, but suitable for unscrewing with a Phillips or slotted screwdriver. This bolt is very useful when changing the cylinder, so you should never lose it! If you try to disassemble the cylinder, due to which the entire lock mechanism malfunctioned, you will see special “claws” that secure the so-called cylinder plate. Most often, problems occur in this part, and they can be fixed. You just need to put the pins in place exactly as they were. Then you won’t even have to change the cylinder itself, but this is only if the case is simply related to a breakdown, and not to the need to change the locks due to, for example, the loss of a key.


If there is a malfunction in the lock or the cylinder is not dismountable, it is not possible to adjust the operation of the lock. Or there is a need to change the locks for one reason or another, then we begin to properly disassemble the lock. For this procedure you will need only a few tools:

  • screwdriver
  • drill with drill bit about 10 mm
  • roulette

Removing the faulty larva

So, to do this, unscrew the screw completely, insert the key into the hole, turning the lock into open mode so that the cam does not interfere or protrude. Now we take out the larva from the lock body. Then we proceed to extract the larva itself from either side of the door (from the outside or from the inside). If the mask has a special rotating lamb on one side, then you need to pull it only towards it (the lamb).

If the larva cannot be removed, then it may be that the decorative lining at the lock is an obstacle. In this case, they will have to be removed and installed after replacing the larva.

How to choose a new larva?

After the old larva is removed, it must be measured in order to select a new one based on these parameters. Experts who know how to perform this procedure on their own recommend removing the following parameters:

  • length
  • width
  • larva diameter
  • manufacturer desirable

Now, to purchase a new larva in the store, you can go with these sizes, but, if possible, it would be better to come straight with the old larva. Then the seller will select the desired larva for you, focusing on the sample.

Installing a new larva

A new larva has been purchased. It fits in size, as you confirmed with the seller, and it also has a similar color to the visible part. Now there is nothing easier to install it in place of the faulty cylinder. The principle is the same as when parsing only in the reverse order. We insert the cylinder into the lock, check the correct operation of the lock by turning the key. When we are convinced that the lock is working correctly, tighten the same screw. When finished, it is advisable to rinse the lock with white spirit.

The question of replacing a lock sooner or later arises for almost any owner of an apartment or office. This happens when it fails due to a breakdown or loss of the key, due to the end of its service life, or when the tenant changes. In most cases, the door lock cylinder is replaced, which is much easier than installing a new locking mechanism.

What is a lock cylinder?

The mechanism responsible for the secrecy of the lock is called the cylinder, core or secret. It is she who is responsible for security, the possibility of unauthorized opening and penetration of uninvited guests into the premises. A key is inserted into the cylinder and turned. At the same time, the pins inside it line up in a certain combination, and the lock opens. Incorrectly aligned pins, or pins, will not allow the locking bolt to move, and the door, in this case, will remain closed.

In modern cylinder designs, pins are replaced with washers, rotating blocks or movable probes. But regardless of the filling, the secrecy of the lock cylinder will depend on the number of components and the accuracy of their manufacture.

Not all existing locking mechanisms installed on entrance doors have the ability to be partially replaced; some locks have to be removed entirely. For example, code (lever) mechanisms are integrated directly into the lock body, so replacing the door lock cylinder in this case is impossible; you will have to remove it and insert a new one.

There are several types of the most popular locks for entrance doors:

  • cylinder;
  • disk;
  • cruciform;
  • pin;
  • especially complex.

Locks for entrance doors can be overhead or more reliable - mortise, with a locking system with a key on both sides or having a turntable on the inside instead of a key. They are also divided into upper and lower, only with a locking function and with additional fixation using a latch. The material and number of combinations of the secret depends on:

  • reliability and ability to resist mechanical stress;
  • wear resistance;
  • inadmissibility of key matching.

The door lock cylinder is manufactured in three security levels:

  • low – from 100 to 10 thousand combinations. Made from low-strength materials with a simple key profile;
  • average – from 5 to 50 thousand combinations. It has a complex opening mechanism, but the quality of workmanship is not always the best;
  • the highest - from 100 thousand combinations to infinity. The manufacturing materials are of high quality, and the assembly accuracy is high.

Each of the locking mechanisms has its own design features, which determine the process and the possibility of replacing its cylinder.

Cylinder locks

A similar design of locks appeared in the mid-19th century. Due to their simplicity and ease of use, cylinder mechanisms quickly became widespread and are still the most popular today.

Cylinder locking mechanisms are manufactured to the European DIN standard or the RIM standard, which is now produced in small quantities. DIN cylinders from different manufacturers are practically interchangeable. Their choice depends on the thickness of the door leaf and the location of the fastening screw in relation to the inner and outer plane of the door.

Cylinders can be divided:

  • to the "key-turn" system. From the inside, the door opens using a rotary handle (turntable), which can be easily felt in the dark in case of an emergency or if the room is filled with smoke during a fire. This type of door lock cylinder has a movable cam that transmits movement to the bolts. As a rule, its position requires adjustment to the site;
  • to the key-key system. The door leaf opens on both sides using a key. Such a secret is convenient when it is necessary to lock the door so that children or sick elderly people do not open it from the inside. In addition, the internal key inserted into the keyhole can be used as additional protection. It will be impossible to open the door from the outside;
  • per half cylinder. The door can only be opened from the outside. A half-cylinder is installed on doors in rooms where there is no likelihood of people being present. These could be small utility rooms or special buildings, for example, a weapons room;
  • to a mechanism with a gear. The transmission of movement from the key to the bolt occurs more smoothly through a gear, the number of teeth of which depends on the model and manufacturer.

It should be noted that the process of replacing such a cylinder with a gear is complex, and only a specialist can help in this matter. To install a new cylinder, it is necessary to dismantle the entire lock with a similar mechanism.

RIM standard cylinders are not found on sale as often as in Soviet times, and modern mechanisms from European manufacturers are not particularly popular. In this regard, secrets for them are quite difficult to find. Their design resembles a half-cylinder of the DIN standard, with a difference in the method of fastening - the models in question are overhead.

DIY cylinder replacement

You can remove the unnecessary door lock cylinder and then put a new one in its place yourself. The process itself will take 15-20 minutes, no more. And the tools you will need:

  • construction tape;
  • crosshead screwdriver.

First you need to find a screw that serves as a fastener for the cylinder in the overall lock mechanism. As a rule, it is located on the lock plate at the end of the door leaf. Its location can be symmetrical or asymmetrical relative to the thickness of the door, which depends on the model and manufacturer of the locking mechanism. By rotating the screwdriver counterclockwise, the screw is completely unscrewed and the cylinder is removed.

If the cylinder begins to move, but continues to “sit” in the socket, you need to insert the key into the cylinder and turn it a few degrees in a clockwise direction.

Now you should pull the mechanism towards you or press on it from the opposite side. The cylinder will easily come out of its socket. The fact is that a movable cam or a flag present in its design can interfere with the release of the cylinder, and turning the key will hide the cam in the cylinder body.

It is necessary to measure the total thickness of the door leaf along with the upholstery or insulation, if additional door cladding was performed. In the absence of any changes, you can focus on the dimensions of the removed cylinder, which, of course, is easier. In order to determine which door lock cylinder you need to purchase, you also need to measure the diameter of the removed cylinder.

Don't forget about the location of the fixing screw! It can be located either in the middle of the end or located closer to one of its sides. Moreover, in an asymmetrical position, you should remember which of the distances is smaller - to the outer or to the inner surface of the door.

It would be more correct to take the removed cylinder with you when purchasing a lock cylinder. But if this is not possible, you should focus on accurate measurements. The color of the new mechanism will also play an important role in the choice, otherwise it will not look aesthetically pleasing on the door leaf.

The purchased cylinder is installed in place of the previous cylinder and secured with a screw. The main thing here is to clearly get into the hole intended for fastening it. Slightly moving the lock in the plane of the lock and simultaneously attaching it to the fastening element will help you cope with this task. The key must be locked in the closed position. After this, the lock is checked for functionality, first with the door open, and then with the door closed.

The opening and closing of the lock should be smooth and silent.

Disc locks

The main difference between these mechanisms and other cylinder locks is their design: instead of pins or pins, there are movable disks that align when the locking mechanism is opened at a certain angle. The key has a semicircular cross-section with cuts located on it corresponding to the position of the disks.

A design feature of the disc lock cylinder is the possibility of replacing it only with a “related” cylinder. But purchasing it, at present, is difficult due to the fact that finding a cylinder for a disc lock is quite difficult. Therefore, the best option would be to completely replace the locking mechanism.

Cross locks

These lock designs use pins that align along four edges inside the cylinder when the key is turned. Phillips cylinders have many combinations, but the lock can be easily opened using a Phillips screwdriver.

Pin locks

Pin cylinder lock cylinders are produced for two types of keys:

  • English;
  • perforated.

In the first case, the lock is not particularly reliable, and the second can only be opened by drilling the cylinder or knocking it out, which is quite difficult and time-consuming. The lock core is replaced using the technology described above.

Particularly complex locks

Manufacturers are constantly working to improve locks, primarily their secrets. Modern technologies make it possible to make unique mechanisms that are quite reliable and durable. By purchasing high-quality products from world-famous brands, you can avoid the procedure of replacing the door lock cylinder. But this need may arise if one of the household or office workers loses the key.

Particularly complex locking mechanisms use:

  • armor inserts;
  • titanium case;
  • more than a million combinations;
  • pins made of refractory metal;
  • floating elements on the key.

It is impossible to find a key for such a lock, but replacing the cylinder is quite possible. True, it will be quite expensive.

If the front door of your home or office is broken, try changing its internal part - the cylinder. You can do this yourself. How to remove a faulty mechanism and in what ways you can open a door that is jammed - read on.

How to remove a larva to find a replacement for it

As a rule, the mechanism does not fail unexpectedly. Having noticed the first signs of a malfunctioning lock, hurry to replace it as soon as possible, otherwise at the most inopportune moment you simply will not be able to get into your home or work. A fairly common reason that a door stops opening is a broken cylinder. This is a part of a lock with a secret mechanism where the key is inserted. It looks like a cylinder connected to a mechanism - a set of pins, which can only be opened by a key specially made for it. The cylinder controls the locking mechanism and is easier to change than the entire lock.

Before purchasing a new part, remove the broken one:

  1. Unscrew the mounting bolt at the end of the door that holds the lock mechanism in place.
  2. After inserting the key into the hole, turn it 10-15 °.
  3. Noticing that the special flag of the mechanism no longer protrudes, pull out the cylinder. This can be done from any side: from the outside, by pulling the key towards you, or from the inside, by pressing on the mechanism. If the larva is equipped with a rotating wing, pull only in its direction.

Attention! If the cylinder cannot be reached, it is likely that the decorative trims for the lock are preventing this from happening. They need to be removed and returned to their place only after replacing the part.

How to select and replace the cylinder in a door lock. Instructions

Once you receive a part that has become unusable, take measurements to buy an identical one. Pay attention to the following parameters of the larva:

  • length;
  • width;
  • diameter.

These specifications vary as doors vary in thickness. In addition, the indicators depend on the manufacturer. It is better to give preference to the company whose larva has already been in your castle before. Pay attention to the location of the hole for the mounting bolt. It should be at the same distance.

Keep in mind that the larvae differ in the shape of the keys, as well as the number of grooves for them: sometimes there are 2, sometimes there is 1 plus a special wing, thanks to which the door can be opened from the inside without a key. The color of the larva is also important - it must be in harmony with the entire castle. If possible, take the removed part with you to select the same one. Otherwise, rewrite the parameters and select according to measurements.

Advice. The cylinder may contain a different number of keys. Decide how much you need so as not to leave any family member without a personal copy.

To install, follow the same steps as when removing the mechanism, but in reverse order:

  1. Insert the cylinder into the lock.
  2. Secure everything with a bolt at the end of the door. If it does not fit into the desired hole, move the cylinder and at the same time screw in the part.
  3. Check the quality of the installation by opening and closing the door with a key on both sides. It should turn freely, and the lock should not creak.

Attention! First check the operation of the mechanism with the door open. If everything went smoothly, you can test the lock by closing the door.

It is also possible to replace the cylinder without a key - for example, if it is broken and a part remains inside the lock. To remove the fragment, you need to turn the locking mechanism. There are 3 ways to do this:

  • remove the pins from the cylinder;
  • make a hole with a 3 mm drill under the cylinder;
  • Having removed the lining from the door, look through the gap where the flag is turned. Drill out the lock body completely and remove the cylinder.

Which option is better to use? This needs to be decided on a case-by-case basis.

If the lock did not receive timely repairs and failed you, leaving you in front of a locked door, there are several ways out of the unpleasant situation.

  1. Try to get into the house through the window. Not suitable for apartments located in high-rise buildings.
  2. Dismantle the entire structure, including the frame. To do this, you need to remove the linings and frozen pieces of polyurethane foam around the entire perimeter of the opening and saw through the places connected by welding using a grinder. To apply this method, you need to have the appropriate tool at hand.
  3. You can also use a grinder, but only for cutting out the lock. This is quick, but in the future it requires replacing the entire entrance structure.
  4. Call the rescue service or the company that installed the door. It will take time to call and work with specialists, and sometimes you may need documentation confirming your ownership of the house.

There are ways that allow you to open a broken lock with the least loss:

  1. Using a pin, paper clip or wire. Break the improvised master key into 2 parts. Insert one into the lock and try to turn it, while simultaneously moving the pins away with the other part. Does not work with all types of mechanisms.
  2. A screwdriver. Effective for cross lock. After unscrewing the top, drill a hole above the keyhole, insert a screwdriver and turn it.
  3. Drilling out the lock cylinder. Not suitable for those structures that are equipped with powerful armor protection linings.

Advice. To ensure that the lock functions properly, lubricate it regularly and do not insert foreign objects into it. Do not slam the door to avoid the possibility of it becoming deformed or warped. By following these rules, you will significantly extend the life of the locking mechanism.

How to replace a lock cylinder: video

How to change the lock cylinder with your own hands: photo